In Belgrade October 28, 2002

The Belgrade Forum for the World of Equals, whose design is to
promote and advance the ideas of peace, understanding, equality in
international relations, democratic standards and human rights of
people, is expressing tremendous concern for the increase of
direct and unjustified threats of war against Iraq by the United
States of America. By this Appeal to the domestic and
international community, the Belgrade Forum would like to expose
the motives and far reaching consequences of such a potential
Threats of attack on Iraq are justified by the American
Administration, as Iraq ostensibly either produces or possesses
weapons of mass destruction which represent a threat to its
security. Reacting to these threats, the Iraqi Government has
recently decided to accept the unconditional return of United
Nations inspectors, who have been permitted, without any
limitations in the discharge of their duties, to personally
convince themselves on the justification or iniquity of such
American assertions. This, however, has not dissuaded the American
Administration, which is thriving forward with ever greater
pressures and preparations for an armed aggression against Iraq,
the same being devoid of consent by the Security Council of the
United Nations whose member states, for the most part, are
endeavouring for a peaceful settlement of the dispute with Iraq in
the spirit of the Charter of the UN.
Such behaviour factually proves that the American Administration
is not interested in the ascertainment of truth in allegations of
manufacture or possession of weapons for mass destruction, since
the same is not the prime aim of its foreign policy and overall
strategy. It is, in fact, only searching for an excuse for an
armed aggression against Iraq, led entirely by wider interests and
aims of America as the sole global power. We are speaking of
Americas desire to apply force in the liquidation of the current
Iraqi regime, which is judged to be "disobedient". She is, as in
the former aggression against Yugoslavia, in the want to
demonstrate that an identical or similar fate awaits every country
which, by her standards, is placed in the category of "renegade"
states, ones who do not accept the American concept of the New
World Order, ie, her domination of the same.
In fact, behind such warlike policies of America towards Iraq,
stand her interests and aspirations in the attestation of her
status as the sole remaining superpower, to distinctly and ever
more solidify her position in this strategically important region
of the Near and Middle East, and more important still, to place
under control the enormous reserves of Iraqi oil. By such actions
America is aspiring to secure the further strengthening of her
position in all strategically important regions of the world, to
impose marionette regimes in the same, and to place under control
the most important sources of raw materials and energy, as well as
strategic lines of communication. All this represents the basis of
a new, recently completed, American security doctrine, with
aspirations towards hegemony and domination.
Encouragement is to be found that in certain countries, including
the United States, a rise in voices can be heard against American
war plans and threats against Iraq. These plans, objectively,
expose a policy which today represents one of the greatest dangers
against peace, security and stability of the international
community. Comprehension is daily transcending that aggression
against Iraq would, besides large numbers of human casualties,
destruction and enormous sufferings of the Iraqi people,
undoubtably represent a severe setback in international relations,
peace and stability in the world. It would severely inflame the
already complex relations between the West and the Muslim world,
additionally destabilize the conditions in the Middle East,
worsening the already tragic position of the Palestinian people.
The aggression would also pave the way for further acts of
lawlessness and despotism of world powers in the broad
international arena, with a real risk of provoking wider
international conflicts with unforeseeable consequences on
humanity. Such a war would further provoke deep disarrangement and
instability in international economic and financial relations,
whose negative consequences would additionally worsen the
position, above all, of developing countries, as well as other
less developed ones.
We, however, wish to believe that common sense is at last
prevailing, and that the aggression against Iraq will be averted.
On the basis of the above said, the Belgrade Forum is herewith
inviting the domestic and international community, in the spirit
of anti-war actions organized in certain parts of Europe and
America, to firmly raise its voice against American war plans
against Iraq and against the policy of force in international
relations. It would analogously necessitate the engagement of all
peaceful and democratic forces of the world in the rehabilitation
and full affirmation of an independent and impartial role of the
United Nations as guardian of world peace and security. That would
be an important supposition for the curtailment of any attempts in
the application of force in international relations, contrary to
the letter and spirit of the Charter of the United Nations, for
the strict respect of the basic principles of international law,
especially principles of sovereignty, independence and non
interference in the domestic policies of countries. The removal of
threats of war against Iraq and peace in the world would make a
tremendous contribution to Iraq its self and its consistent
respect of relevant resolutions of the Security Council pertaining
to the discharge of the mandate of international inspectors for
control of weapons of mass destruction.
Taking into consideration the tragic consequences which the people
of Yugoslavia experienced in unjustified sanctions and brutal
aggression, the Belgrade Forum is expressing its support and
solidarity with the Iraqi people who have also been exposed to
long term sanctions, whose victims have been civilians, especially
children and elderly people. For these reasons the Belgrade Forum
is calling upon the domestic and international community to
consistently engage themselves towards the Security Council and
for the imminent termination of unjustified sanctions against the
Iraqi people, as well as for the termination of the illegal and
completely unjustified permanent bombing of Iraq. From the
international community, and especially the United Nations, we
expect provisions for the Iraqi people in the strict application
of its right to solely decide its fate and to live in peace and
freedom, like any other people.