1. La RF di Jugoslavia presa in trappola.

Fintantoche' non passa la nuova Costituzione - che sancisce la
cancellazione della "Jugoslavia" dalle cartine geografiche e prevede una
transitoria "Unione di Serbia e Montenegro" - il Consiglio d'Europa e le
altre istituzioni euro-atlantiche continueranno ad emarginare il paese.
Se viceversa la nuova Costituzione viene approvata, il Kosovo secede.
Il "governatore coloniale" UNMIK per il Kosovo, Michael Steiner, rincara
ambiguamente: "Lo status del Kosovo e' questione aperta" ("open
ed ancora: "Confido nel fatto che I'Unione Europea condivida il punto di
vista per cui quello che e' scritto nel progetto [costituzionale - che
prevede che il Kosovo resti provincia della Serbia e dunque parte
integrante dello Stato -] non possa in alcun modo determinare il futuro
del Kosovo, che alla fine sara' deciso dal Consiglio di Sicurezza

2. UN Security Council: Progress in Kosovo 'slow-going' / Cutileiro

Notizie e prese di posizione di fonte ONU sulla vergognosa situazione
nel Kosmet.

3. CILIEGINA: Ma intanto i debiti del Kosovo li paga sempre la

=== 1 ===

Selezione di articoli


(ANSA) - PRISTINA, 7 NOV - Il Parlamento del Kosovo si e' opposto oggi
apertamente al progetto costituzionale dell'Unione serbo-montenegrina
secondo il quale la provincia a maggioranza albanese resta parte della
Repubblica serba. ''L'assemblea dichiara che la definizione
costituzionale legata al Kosovo e' inaccettabile e non valida'', si
legge in una risoluzione approvata da tutti i deputati albanesi e delle
altre minoranze, tranne i rappresentanti serbi, che hanno abbandonato
l'aula. Nella stessa risoluzione si afferma che ''lo status finale del
Kosovo sara' determinato in un altro momento dalle istituzioni
democratiche e dal popolo del Kosovo, in collaborazione con il fattore
internazionale'' [sic]. Il Parlamento del Kosovo si e' rivolto al
Consiglio di Sicurezza dell'Onu e all'Unione europea perche' si
oppongano ''ai tentativi della Serbia e del Montenegro di condizionare
il futuro del Kosovo e la sua annessione, rischiando di compromettere la
pace e la stabilita' nella regione''.
Attualmente lo status del Kosovo viene regolato dalla risoluzione 1244
del Consiglio di Sicurezza dell'Onu, che prevede la presenza di
un'amministrazione civile internazionale e le unita' della Kfor (Forza
di pace a guida Nato) che garantiscono l'ordine e la sicurezza. La
stessa risoluzione continua a considerare il Kosovo come parte della
Federazione jugoslava che si trasformera' nell'unione
L'amministratore Onu del Kosovo Michael Steiner aveva dichiarato ieri
che ''il progetto costituzionale tra Serbia e Montenegro non puo' essere
applicato in Kosovo, qualora dovesse essere approvata''. (ANSA). BLL
07/11/2002 18:16



Kosovo PM warns of independence drive if Serb constitution plan wins
international backing
Tue Nov 5, 5:18 PM ET
By PAUL AMES, Associated Press Writer

BRUSSELS, Belgium - Kosovo's prime minister warned the province could
declare independence if the international community backs proposals to
include it as part of Serbia under the constitution of a new union of
Serbia and Montenegro.
Bajram Rexhepi was responding Tuesday to lawmakers and legal experts in
Serbia and Montenegro who are drawing up a draft constitution for the
new union and want to include a preamble stating that Kosovo remains
part of Serbia.
"We do believe the (European Union) will not accept this kind of
preamble," Rexhepi told a news conference. "If accepted ... probably we
will go to parliament to make a declaration about independence."
Kosovo's international administrators fear a sudden declaration of
independence by Kosovo could re-ignite tensions in the Balkans.
They have advised the EU and other international players not to accept
any clause in the constitution of the new Serbia-Montenegro entity that
includes Kosovo as part of Serbia.
"I'm confident the EU shares the view that whatever is written in the
draft (constitution) does not affect the future of Kosovo, which in the
end will be decided by the Security Council of the United Nations," said
Michael Steiner, the U.N. special representative.
Rexhepi and Steiner were at EU headquarters in Brussels for an
international donors conference where participants were told that Kosovo
needs another 500 million euro (dlrs 499 million) to help public
investment and budget shortfalls up to 2005.
The EU is supporting a plan to form a new country that turns Serbia and
its junior partner in Yugoslavia, the republic of Montenegro, into a
loose union.
Serbia and Montenegro would share a common defense and foreign policy.
They would also have a joint seat at the United Nations, but each would
maintain a separate economy, currency and customs service.
After three years, each republic could vote to secede.
Kosovo has effectively been run as an international protectorate since
NATO intervened to stop a 1999 war between Yugoslav forces and ethnic
Albanian rebels seeking to cut ties with Serbia. NATO-led peacekeeping
troops and U.N. administrators back an interim government formed largely
from the ethnic Albanians who make up some 90 percent of the population.
Under the U.N. resolution that governs Kosovo, Yugoslavia retains
territorial integrity over the province but the issue of its permanent
status remains to be resolved.
The U.N. administration has sought to delay a decision on the
territory's final status while efforts continue to stabilize the region
and build up its moribund economy.



PRISTINA,Nov5 (Beta)-Kosovo Premier Bajram Rexhepi said on Nov. 5 that
if the international community should recognize the Constitutional
Charter of Serbia and Montenegro with a preamble stating that Kosovo and
Vojvodina are parts of Serbia, the Kosovo Assembly will declare
independence of Kosovo.
At the final news conference in Brussels following the end of a
coordinating donors' conference, Rexhepi said he is certain the clause
of U.N. Security Council resolution 1244, which says that the status of
Kosovo is to be discussed in two or three years, will be respected.
The head of the UNMIK administration, Michael Steiner, told reporters
that he has received assurances from European Union officials that
Resolution 1244 has greater internationallegal weight than any national
The three leading Kosovo Albanian parties submitted a proposal to the
Kosovo Assembly on Nov. 5 that the draft of a resolution declaring the
preamble invalid should be discussed under urgent procedure at the
Assembly's session on Nov. 7.



PRISTINA,Nov7 (Beta)The Kosovo Assembly on Nov. 7 adopted a resolution
declaring the provision in the draft Constitutional Charter of Serbia
and Montenegro that describes Kosovo as a part of Serbia, as
"unacceptable and invalid."
Sixtyfour deputies voted in favor of the resolution and one abstained.
There are 110 deputies in the Kosovo Assembly.
Twentytwo deputies of the Serbian Return coalition left the session
during the agenda debate because their proposal that the parliament
declare its stand on observing and implementing UN Security Council
Resolution 1244 had been rejected.
The resolution, adopted at the request of the deputies of the three
strongest Kosovo Albanian parties, emphasizes that the final status of
Kosovo will be determined later "by democratic institutions and the
people of Kosovo in cooperation with international factors."



PRISTINA,Nov7 (Beta)UNMIK chief Michael Steiner on Nov. 7 declared the
Resolution the Albanian Kosovo Assembly deputies had adopted null and
The Resolution declares the preamble of the Constitutional Charter of
Serbia and Montenegro invalid in the part which refers to Kosovo as a
constituent part of Serbia.
In the press release submitted to BETA, Steiner said that "Kosovo is
under the jurisdiction of the U.N. Security Council Resolution 1244.
Accordingly, neither Belgrade nor Pristina have the right to anticipate
or decide on the future status of Kosovo."
"The future status of Kosovo is an open issue to be decided upon in the
U.N. Security Council, and thus any unilateral declaration which does
not have the UN SC approval has no legal effect on the future status of
Kosovo," said Steiner.




ERP KIM Info - Service
Dr. Rada Trajkovic: We will not return to the Parliament as long as
institutional discrimination by Albanian deputies remains in effect

November 7, 2002

The Serb delegation in the Kosovo and Metohija parliament
demonstratively walked out of a parliamentary session today after the
Albanian majority refused to accept a vote on UN Security Council
Resolution 1244. At the beginning of the session a majority of Albanian
deputies adopted the proposal to discuss the Preamble to the
Constitutional Charter of Serbia and Montenegro in which Kosovo and
Metohija is mentioned as an integral part of the Republic of Serbia.
This proposal
by Albanian deputies appeared after a series of blunt public statements
by leading Albanian politicians, especially prime minister Rexhepi, who
warned the public that the parliament would proclaim the independence of
Kosovo if the name of the Province was included in the Preamble to the
Dr. Rada Trajkovic attempted to explain from the parliamentary podium
that according to Resolution 1244 Kosovo and Metohija is an integral
part of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia and therefore of the future
joint state of Serbia and Montenegro, and that according to the
Constitution it represents a constitutive part of the Republic of
Serbia. "Resolution 1244 clearly upholds the sovereignty of FRY although
many of its provisions with regard to sovereignty have not yet been
implemented in
practice," said Dr. Trajkovic. In the ensuing heated debate, Dr.
Trajkovic, who is the head of the Povratak (Return) Coalition caucus,
demanded that the Kosovo and Metohija parliament urgently vote on
whether it upheld Resolution 1244 or not in order to determine whether
there was any point in continuing the discussion.
However, the Albanian deputies not only refused to support this proposal
but what is more, according to Trajkovic, the parliamentary speaker
launched an avalanche of insults after which the Serb deputies
demonstratively walked out of the parliament building and subsequently
left Pristina with a police escort.
"We have firmly resolved that under these conditions we cannot continue
to work in the parliament and as long as institutional discrimination is
in effect Serb deputies will not attend parliamentary sessions," Dr.
Trajkovic announced for the ERP KIM Info Service. "Serb deputies can
work in Kosovo and Metohija institutions only if these institutions
respect the mandate of UN Security Council Resolution 1244; otherwise,
these institutions are working against the mandate of the
international community and as such have no legitimacy," said Dr.
The ERP KIM Info Service has learned that UNMIK head Michael Steiner has
called for an urgent meeting with the Serb parliamentary deputies in
order to resolve existing problems.



STRASSBURG. Das ausführende Komitee des Europarates lehnte
gestern die Aufnahme Jugoslawiens in den Europarat zum
gegebenen Zeitpunkt ab, und appellierte an die Regierungen der BR
Jugoslawien und der Republiken Serbien und Montenegro die unter
Javier Solana´s Vermittlung ausgearbeitete Verfassungsvorlage
umzusetzen. Dies wurde ausdrücklich als Bedingung für eine
Aufnahme in den Europarat genannt. TANJUG+++
Balkan-Telegramm, 8. November 2002 - http://www.amselfeld.com


PRISTINA. Das Regionalparlament von Kosovo und Metochien stimmte
gestern mit 64 Stimmen dafür und einer Enthaltung für eine
Deklaration mit welcher die neue Bundesverfassung Jugoslawiens vorab
als für das Territorium Kosovo und Metochiens ungültig erklärt wird.
In der neuen Verfassung Jugoslawiens bzw. Serbien-Montenegros wird
präzisiert sein, daß Kosovo und Metochien ein integraler Teil Serbiens
Der Text der Deklaration wurde von einer Kommission erstellt, in der
sich ausschließlich Abgeordnete der drei größten albanischen Parteien
Die serbischen Abgeordneten im Regionalparlament verließen bereits vor
der Sitzung den Parlamentssaal - aus Protest gegenüber der ständigen
albanischen Majorisierung und Intoleranz und der Mißachtung der
Menschenrechte anderer Volksgruppen im Regionalparlament und in Kosovo
und Metochien an sich. TANJUG+++
Balkan-Telegramm, 8. November 2002 - http://www.amselfeld.com

=== 2 ===

UN Security Council



Source: UN News Service
Date: 6 Nov 2002

Progress in Kosovo 'slow-going,' Security Council told




Source: UN Security Council
Date: 6 Nov 2002

Security Council focuses on Kosovo municipal elections, security of

4643rd Meeting (PM)




Source: European Union
Date: 6 Nov 2002

Security Council: The situation in Kosovo

Statement by
H.E. Ambassador Ellen Margrethe Løj
Permanent Representative of Denmark to the UN
on behalf of the European Union at the open meeting of the Security

November 6, 2002
Check against delivery


Politika, Belgrade
UN envoy in Kosmet (Kosovo and Metohija)
UN official emphasizes poor return of Serbs and endangerment of their

November 4, 2002

Kosovska Mitrovica, November 3 (Tanjug) - The UN special representative
for human rights Jose Cutiliero stated today that the human rights
situation in Kosovo and Metohija has not improved in the past year and
that he is especially dissatisfied with the poor return of Serbs.
"Since February of last year when I last visited Kosovo, nothing has
changed with regard to an improvement of the status of human rights,"
Cutiliero told reporters in Kosovska Mitrovica after talking with
Kosovo parliamentary presidency member Oliver Ivanovic.
He emphasized that he was especially dissatisfied with the fact that the
process of Serb returns to Kosovo and Metohija is poor and as yet
During talks with Cutliero, Oliver Ivanovic emphasized dissatisfaction
with the fact that the fate of 1,300 kidnapped and missing Serbs
remains unknown, as well as because none of the Albanian terrorists who
were members of the terrorist Kosovo Liberation Army during the war
have been indicted by The Hague.
"I expect that Mr. Cutiliero upon returning to New York will write a
report regarding the real situation in Kosovo and Metohija, like the
Council of Europe or Kosovo ombudsman Marek Antony Nowitzky," said
Ivanovic. He added that some reports from Kosovo are outright
fabrications and do not accurately reflect the situation on the ground,
especially the unenviable position of the Serbs.


Human rights situation in Kosovo "far from good": UN representative

BELGRADE, Nov 7 (AFP) - The human rights situation in Kosovo,
particularly of Serbs and other non-Albanians, is "far from good," UN
Commission for Human Rights' special representative Jose Cutileiro said
"The situation in most parts of Kosovo is far from good," Cutileiro, the
commission's special representative for Bosnia and Federal Republic of
Yugoslavia, told reporters at the end of his visit to Serbia and its
mainly ethnic Albanian-populated province of Kosovo.
"The return of the bulk of internally displaced people is still poor.
There is restricted movement for non-Albanians," he added.
More than 200,000 Serbs have fled Kosovo since the end of war in 1999,
taking shelter in the rest of Serbia and Montenegro, its smaller partner
in the Yugoslav federation.
Some 80,000 Kosovo Serbs remain in the province, living in enclaves
protected by NATO-led peacekeeping troops (KFOR).
"Everything possible should be done to help internally displaced people
go back to their homes and all efforts should be made to ensure that
they have a decent life before going home," Cutileiro said.
However, the UN representative noticed an improvement in the situation
in Kosovo,
particularly after Serbs there had taken part in last year's general
elections and local polls last month.
He also praised progress regarding human rights in central Serbia, but
warned of a difficult economic climate and "perilous situation for
internally displaced persons and Romas" in the region.
Cutileiro was to travel to Sarajevo for a one-week visit to Bosnia.



BELGRADE,Nov7 (Beta)The U.N. Human Rights Special Envoy in the former
Yugoslavia, Jose Cutiliero, said on Nov. 7, that despite progress,
there are still numerous problems regarding respect for human rights in
"Certain aspects are not even close to being settled. A general
evaluation of all the places I have toured is the poor economic
situation, and progress in the human rights field requires a
satisfactory economic situation," Cutiliero told the press in Belgrade.
He also said it was necessary to "do everything to enable those who
wish to return to Kosovo to do so, but also to create the appropriate
conditions for them in their current places of residence."
During his third tour of the region, Cutiliero visited Belgrade, Novi
Sad, Pristina, Novi Pazar, and Podgorica, and will depart for
BosniaHerzegovina on Nov. 7.
Cutiliero is to submit a report on the human rights situation in the
former Yugoslavia at the session of the U.N. Human Rights Commission,
to be held in Geneva next spring.

=== 3 ===


(ANSA) - BELGRADO, 8 NOV - La Jugoslavia ha accettato di ripagare parte
dei crediti concessi dalla Banca mondiale al Kosovo, ha detto il
vicedirettore dell'istituto finanziario internazionale Christian
Portman. La Banca mondiale, ha aggiunto Portman, ha garantito a Belgrado
crediti per 550 milioni di dollari anche per questa disponibilita',
oltre che per la ''buona impressione suscitata dalla velocita' e dalla
profondita' delle riforme portate avanti nel paese''. (ANSA). OT
08/11/2002 11:12


PRISTINA,Nov7 (Beta)The vice president of the World Bank (WB)
department for southeastern Europe, Christian Poortmann, said on Nov.
7, that Yugoslavia has agreed to repay the bank loan that had been used
in Kosovo.
"Yugoslavia has decided to repay a part of the WB loan used in Kosovo
at the time of the country's reintegration into the bank, and then
Yugoslavia took on the obligation to repay a part of the loan allocated
to Kosovo," Poortmann told the press.
He added that the WB has approved Yugoslavia loans worth $US550
million, with a 0.75 interest rate, which, as he put it, is almost a
Poortmann underlined that the WB has already indicated its stand that
it is impressed with the swiftness and quality of the reforms in