1. URGENT: Go publicly! Address the tribunal now! (SLOBODA / ICDSM)
2. German Physicians and Therapists Slam 'Tribunal' Abuse of Milosevic
3. The Hand That Feeds Milosevic's Defense (NYT, 10/11/2002)

=== 1 ===

Subject: Go publicly! Address the tribunal now!
Date: Sun, 10 Nov 2002 22:03:51 +0100
From: "Vladimir Krsljanin"


The "tribunal" at The Hague has received an outrageous "motion" from
Carla del Ponte, demanding that President Milosevic should be silenced
by imposing to him defense counsels against his will.
So the message of NATO justice is that President Milosevic should
either die or shut up!
The "tribunal" is hiding from media dozens of your appeals, motions,
petitions! Only Carla can be heard!
And the final "decision" of the "tribunal" can be made already
So please, continue sending them your thoughts. And, as much as
possible, address the public and media.


Belgrade, November 10, 2002


=== Here is how to address them... ===

Dear friends,

The political trial at The Hague is adjourned for whole
this week since deterioration of President Milosevic's
President Milosevic is treated as war prisoner in Nazi
concentration camp.
Please read carefully the appeals bellow.
It is ESSENTIAL that you act NOW!
Please send your demands to the "tribunal". Ask your
lawyers and medical doctors to do the same.
Address the UN Security Council!
Writte to your parliamentarians.
Perform any other public action.

On behalf of SLOBODA
Vladimir Krsljanin
tel. +381 63 8862 301 fax +381 11 3282 491

On Thursday, October 31, evening, President Slobodan Milosevic
suffered one of the sudden high increases of blood pressure,
characteristic for his illness (malignant hypertension + angina
pectoris). After that he felt so sick, that he couldn't attend
the "trial" next morning.
President Slobodan Milosevic, national leader of Serbia and
Yugoslavia and hero of resistance to USA/NATO murderous war
machinery is being killed at The Hague by dungeon prison
conditions, already nine months of a pervert political trial,
mountains of papers, lack of fresh air, food, rest, physical
activity, meetings with family and friends, any facilities to
prepare his extraordinary court room battle. He is being killed
also by total absence of medical care!
Here are the comments of the executioner "judge" May, according
to Reuters:

``He has complained of exhaustion and is being seen by a
doctor this morning and a report will be obtained,''
presiding judge Richard May told the U.N. court in
Milosevic's absence.

``In the light of the state of the accused's health and
the length and complexity of the case, the trial chamber
is concerned about completion of the trial,'' said May,
one of three judges hearing the case.

``Therefore we wish to have submission from the parties
on the future conduct of the case in order to ensure its
expeditious conclusion. We wish to have those submissions
within seven days,'' he told prosecutors and court
Let these seven days be days of public fight for life
of President Milosevic!

President Milosevic has to be allowed to get
specialized medical treatment in Belgrade, until full
recovery, by doctors who took care about his health for

Perform every possible action!

Write to NATO puppet court ("International Criminal
Tribunal for Former Yugoslavia", "ICTY", fax +3170 512
8637) and tell them what you mean!

UN Security Council is responsible for the works (and
even for the crimes) of the "tribunal". Here is how you
can reach them:
Permanent Mission of the Peoples' Republic of China
(UN SC President for November 2002)

Address: 350 East 35th Street, New York, NY 10016

Telephone: 212-655-6100

Fax: 212-634-7626

E-mail: chinamission_un@...

and Ambassador
Wang Yingfan

Lawyers are invited to write to the "ICTY President"
Claude Jorda and "President of Trial Chamber III"
Richard May, as well as to their friends "Amici Curiae"
Steven Kay and Branislav Tapuskovic (using the same
fax) and to tell them how they see "the future conduct
of the case"!

SLOBODA (Freedom) - Yugoslav Committee for the defense
of Slobodan Milosevic wrote to "ICTY" the following:

Mr. Claude Jorda, President

Mr. Richard May, President

of the Trial Chamber III
The Hague
The Netherlands

The actual deterioration of the health of Mr.
Slobodan Milosevic, long time President of the Republic
of Serbia and of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia is
a direct and dramatic consequence of the way the
process has been conducted and of the fact that you
have neglected the recommendations of the physicians
appointed by ICTY in order to determine the state of
Mr. President's health.

Even after of numerous warnings that,
considering the state of health of President
Milosevic, detention conditions and rhythm and conduct
of the process can cause his death, you still continue
to conduct your political process in the same way. We
remain you and warn you once again that eminent
Yugoslav cardiologists have concluded in their
objective and impartial expertise, which got consent
of the physicians appointed by you, that the way this
political process has been conducted represent a
threat to the life of President Milosevic.

In spite the claim that ICTY is an
international court of UN, you in severest way violate
the Resolutions and documents of the UN General
Assembly, related to health of persons in custody.

The first principle of the Resolution 3794
on the principles of medical ethics, adopted by the UN
General Assembly on December 18, 1982, establishes an
obligation to protect prisoners or detainees from
torture and other cruel, inhumane or humiliating
sanctions or behavior. The same Resolution obliges you
to secure the medical treatment of the same quality
and based on same standards as for the persons who are
not in prison or in detention. But in violation to
that, you have not provided President Milosevic with
medical therapy nor even with medical care of the same
quality and based on same standards as for persons who
are not in detention. This way you also violate the
Article 6 of the Codex of behavior of persons
responsible for application of the Law, adopted by UN
General Assembly on December 17, 1979.

In addition to violation of the mentioned
Resolutions, you also violate your own Statute, namely
its Article 21, point 4b, which obliges you to provide
every defendant with appropriate time and facilities
for preparation of his defense.

The astonishing rhythm of this political
process, purpose of which is not determination of the
truth, but total endangering of the health of
President Milosevic, leads us to a conclusion that the
fatal outcome is your intention.

Experience with other persons in detention
who faced dramatic deterioration of heath or even loss
of life, is also obliging you to decide to allow
Slobodan Milosevic to obtain medical therapy and
recovery in Belgrade by medical specialists who
followed his health condition for years, due to
existence of special circumstances and to resume the
process after the improvement of his health.

We warn you that it is your obligation to
harmonize your Rules and practices with all UN
documents on human rights protection, as well as with
the International Covenant on Civil and Political

Belgrade, November 02, 2002

President of the Freedom Association -
Yugoslav Committee for the Defense of Slobodan Milosevic

Bogoljub Bjelica

And here is an information about the
President Milosevic's treatment at The

ICTY Responsible for life and health of
President Milosevic

The International Criminal Tribunal
for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) in The
Hague is directly endangering the life and
basic human rights of President Slobodan

The long-term president of
Serbia and the Federal Republic of
Yugoslavia, founder and chairman of the
Socialist Party of Serbia, Slobodan
Milosevic is held in the ICTY's detention
unit under conditions that could rightly
be considered torture. President
Milosevic' cell is small, without access
to natural air, and has a low level of
overall sanitation. He can only use the
public telephone, and pays for all his
calls. He has been forced to attend the
trial every weekday for the past nine
months (though with a recess in August).
His workday begins around 7 AM. He endures
humiliating procedures during transport
from the detention unit to ICTY chambers
and back. The trial takes place between 9
AM and 4:30 PM. During the lunch break, he
is confined to the ICTY basement, and can
only eat a sandwich. He is back at the
detention unit by 6 PM, and then he must
choose between dinner and a short walk in
fresh air. Thereafter, till late at night,
he prepares for the next day of the trial.

For the remainder of prosecution's
case, which is scheduled to end in May
2003, he has to review over 100.000 pages
of text and over 600 videotapes submitted
by the prosecution. The length of the
trial and the amount of materials he has
received are irrelevant to the indictment,
and their primary purpose is to wear out
President Milosevic. His legal assistant
cannot visit him on weekends. Unlike other
prisoners, who are allowed to see their
families every day, and even unsupervised,
Mr. Milosevic can see his family only once
a month, for 2-3 days, and always in under
supervision. All other visits to
President Milosevic are subject to
exceptional restrictions as well.

President Milosevic suffers
from malignant hypertension and ischemical
myocardiopathy (angina pectoris).
Psychological and physical exertions to
which he is subjected, combined with poor
living conditions, can easily lead to a
heart attack, stroke, even sudden death.
Even so, the President not only lack
specialised medical care, he lacks any
medical care at all. After numerous
appeals and requests from Belgrade, and
after his full medical files have been
sent to the ICTY, the trial chamber
approved a medical check-up. This happened
only once, on July 11, 2002, and was
performed by Dutch general practitioners
approved by the ICTY. The physicians
nonetheless confirmed that the President's
living and working conditions represent a
risk to his life and health, and that it
would be necessary to reduce the exertions
to which he was subjected, and provide a
check-up and care by a cardiologist. The
trial chamber considered their report and
recommendations on July 25 and August 26,
2002, and concluded that they should not
be implemented to the letter, but "in

However, to the present day, no
cardiologist has been allowed to examine
President Milosevic, while the trial -
previously adjourned by 2PM - has again
been extended to 4:30 PM every day.

All of this indicates that the
trial is but an organized attempt to
murder President Milosevic. Only his
release, followed by medical care and
recuperation in Belgrade under supervision
of specialists who have treated and
monitored his health for years, as well as
his ability to defend himself as a free
man in the later on continued process,
could remove further risks to President
Milosevic's life and secure the elementary
equality of the trial.

Beograd, 31 October 2002.


To join or help this struggle, visit:
http://www.sps.org.yu/ (official SPS website)
http://www.belgrade-forum.org/ (forum for the world of equals)
http://www.icdsm.org/ (the international committee to defend Slobodan
icdsm temporary address:
for your donations:

=== 2 ===

International Committee to Defend Slobodan Milosevic

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Dear friends,
At the moment the Website of the ICDSM
Website is shut down because we owe $900
in back fees. We have setup a temporarily
a Website at emperor.vwh.net/icdsm
Please consider making a donation. There's
a fund-raising appeal near the end of this

Thank you!

Jared Israel, ICDSM, USA
Vladimir Krsljanin, Freedom Foundation,

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'In Concern for the Life and Health of
Slobodan Milosevic'
German Physicians and Therapists Slam
'Tribunal' Abuse of Milosevic
11 November 2002

To Mr. Claude Jorda
Mr. Richard May
Mr. Steven Kay
Mr. Branislav Tapuskovic
ICTY, The Hague

In concern for the life and health of
Slobodan Milosevic

Dear Sirs,

Reports from news agencies show that the
trial in the "case Milosevic" has
repeatedly been halted due to the health
situation of Mr. Milosevic. According to
these reports, the court brought up the
question of whether the trial can be

According to our information, the state of
health of Mr. Slobodan Milosevic led to a
detailed medical examination last summer.
The reports and suggestions that resulted
from that examination were discussed in
Trial Chamber III on July 25 and August
26, 2002. (1)

It is most disturbing that the measures
proposed by physicians have not been
applied or have been applied only in part.
Instead, the recommended time for rest was
greatly shortened, the trial has increased
to full-day procedures - in contradiction
to the advice of the physicians. The
ongoing deterioration of Mr. Milosevic'
state of health seems to be a direct
consequence of the violation of the
measures suggested by the physicians.

Further, it is not only incomprehensible,
but outrageous, that Mr. Milosevic is not
under constant medical observation and
check-ups and does not get adequate
medical treatment.

This way of dealing with a person whose
life is - with all consequences - in your
responsibility, can only be called
irresponsible and leads to the question of
motives. It is in total contradiction to
various documents and resolutions of the
United Nations concerning the treatment of
imprisoned persons. Those regulations
should be fully recognized by
representatives of UN institutions. (2)

In the ongoing situation for which the
ICTY is fully responsible, the only
possible solution is to free Mr. Milosevic
from that health-and life-threatening
situation and to release him in order that
he may receive the necessary medical
treatment in Belgrade from physicians who
have treated him for several years.


Matthias Jochheim, Frankfurt am Main
Physician and psychoanalyst
Member of the leadership of the German
section of International Physicians for
the prevention of Nuclear War (IPPNW -
Nobel Peace Prize 1985)

Dr. med. Uta Mader, Koeln
Member of the German section of
International Physicians for the
Prevention of Nuclear War (IPPNW) Member
of Democratic Physicians (VDAA)

Prof. Dr. med. habil. Ilse Eisen-Hagemann,

Dr. phil. Hans-Peter Brenner, Bonn
Member of the board of directors of
Kassenaerztliche Vereinigung Koblenz
member of Kassenaerztliche
Bundesvereinigung (KBV)

Prof. Dr. med. habil. Ingeborg Rapoport,

Prof. Dr. med. Dr. phil. Dr. hc. mult.
Samuel Mitja Rapoport, Berlin

Dr. med. Christa Anders, Berlin

Dr. med. Ernst Bellmer, Erzhausen

Dr. med. Iris Jonkanski, Brinckheim

Footnotes & Further Reading Follow the
Please Make a Donation to Defend the Truth

It's David vs. Goliath, isn't it? NATO has
The Hague, the mass media and unlimited
money. Slobodan Milosevic has a pay phone,
two legal assistants, his supporters
around the world, and the truth.

To support the truth, we need money. If
you have not made a donation recently, or
ever, please consider doing so now. We
have very dedicated people. With your help
we can get lawyers to and from The Hague,
send faxes, make phone calls, hold press
conferences and publish literature.

Any amount - $20, $50, $100, $1000 - will

** Here's How to Make a Donation **

* Make a donation at our secure server. Go
You can use VISA, MasterCard or Discover

Donate by credit card over the phone. Call
us at:
ICDSM, USA 1 617 916-1705
Freedom Association, Belgrade 381 11
3282491 or 381 638 862 301

Donate using PayPal. Go to
PayPal accepts VISA and MasterCard

Send us a check at:
831 Beacon St., #295
Newton Centre, MA 02459 (USA)

Make a donation by wire. For instructions,
go to

Thank you!


Footnotes and Further Reading

1) On 15 July 2002 ICTY 'Judge' Richard
May summarized the findings of the
*non-specialist* physicians who were,
finally, permitted to examine Slobodan
Milosevic. Note that the ICDSM and others,
including Yugoslav physicians, had many
times requested that *cardiologists* be
permitted to examine the former Yugoslav
President, but this urgent request had
been denied without explanation.

Here are 'Judge' May's own words during
the session of the so-called trail on the

??We have received a report, a medical
report, which in its conclusion describes
the accused as a man with severe
cardiovascular risk which demands careful
future monitoring. The authors recommend
that his workload be reduced??

As the German physicians note above,
subsequent to this statement, the ICTY has
done exactly the opposite.

2) What can be the motivation of The Hague
'tribunal' in doing exactly the opposite
of what their own doctors have recommended
regarding Mr. Milosevic's health? It does
not take a brain surgeon to figure out
this one.

Originally, the "trial" was to be
broadcast on TV worldwide, but when the
'tribunal' realized that Milosevic was
winning (he had the unfair advantage of
truth) the broadcasting was drastically
curtailed in February and then virtually

His statements and arguments are seldom if
ever quoted in the press. Thus, there has
been an obvious effort to silence him.

Now this health crisis, caused by
practices that contradict 'Judge" May's
July 25th report of the findings of
doctors who examined Mr. Milosevic. (1)

Claiming she wishes to resolve the lethal
crisis provoked by increasing the work
load and decreasing the rest of a man at
risk of heart attack - to 'resolve' this
induced crisis, 'tribunal' prosecutor
Carla del Ponte has introduced a motion to
force unwanted counsel, chosen by the
'tribunal,' on Mr. Milosevic. And this is
justified because - look at the danger to
his health!

So: Silence him; replace him with a
lawyer; and/or, kill him.

--- Jared Israel for the ICDSM

=== 3 ===


THE NEW YORK TIMES, Sunday, November 10, 2002

The Hand That Feeds Milosevic's Defense


THE HAGUE, Nov. 3 - Every morning and evening, Zdenko Tomanovic wades
through an emporium of documents that overflows his dining table,
packs the
wall-to-wall shelving, and piles up on his living room floor. When he
is not
tracking pages in his apartment here, he is dashing off to court or to
high security prison across town.

Mr. Tomanovic is a lawyer for Slobodan Milosevic, or rather his

His client, the former president of Yugoslavia, has not wanted to
appoint a
counsel in his war crimes trial because he is conducting his own
defense. In
court parlance, Mr. Tomanovic is called "a legal associate."

As he sees it, it is an uneven fight. Probing through a mound of
sent by the court, as many as 600 of them, he said, "This is amazing.
Milosevic has a video player, but how could he or I find time to see

He continued the tour, past binders and unsorted boxes. "This is what
150,000 documents look like," Mr. Tomanovic said. "I have calculated
that if
Mr. Milosevic or I read every page just once, at two minutes per page,
will take more than a year." Besides, he added, their classification
immensely complicated. "We have not managed to figure out the system."

The system is the evidence prepared by prosecutors of the war crimes
tribunal, the thousands of statements, maps, photographs and other
copies of which must be provided to the accused. Mr. Milosevic' copies
stored at first in a specially reserved jail cell, but overwhelmed by
avalanche of material, he sent it to Mr. Tomanovic's home.

The volume of papers is one measure of the largest war crimes trial in
modern times, covering a decade of conflicts in Bosnia, Croatia and
Prosecutors say the wars for which they hold Mr. Milosevic accountable
replete with crimes against humanity and even genocide, because the
campaigns were directed largely against civilians. Prosecutors opened
case in February and are to conclude in May. Then Mr. Milosevic may
his defense, and if his current tactics are a guide, he may ask for
time, if not more.

But Mr. Milosevic's health overshadows the trial. Hearings have been
suspended four times already because of his heart and blood pressure
problems, and the prosecution has repeatedly asked to impose a defense
lawyer to allow the trial to move ahead when Mr. Milosevic is sick. He
continues to refuse, insisting on using his court time to give his
views of history and politics. "The only reason I agreed to
participate in
this case of yours is because I want to be able to address the
public," he
told the judges just before collapsing on Nov. 1, of exhaustion,

With Mr. Milosevic piloting the defense, Mr. Tomanovic remains
backstage. A
polite and thoughtful Serb, Mr. Tomanovic, 45, has served as chief
judge of
a trial court in Belgrade. He now spends hours in the public gallery,
following the moves and moods of a man who is arguably one of the
most difficult clients. During breaks he slips away to see Mr.
Milosevic in
a small windowless waiting room.

"I give him documents, legal advice and lists of questions for
cross-examination," he said. After sessions, Mr. Tomanovic goes across
to the United Nations cellblock in a Dutch jail, where he and Mr.
hold longer meetings. He is one of two lawyers who may meet with him
the other is Dragoslav Ognjanovic, a Belgrade lawyer.

Does Mr. Milosevic take his advice? "Sometimes," Mr. Tomanovic said,
with a
faint smile. He has talked to friends about the obstinacy of his
client. He
said they had met only briefly before, when Mr. Milosevic was first
imprisoned in Belgrade last year. Once Mr. Milosevic arrived in The
Mr. Tomanovic said, "he called me and asked me to come here." Why did
accept he job? "I am an attorney, and this is a big challenge," he

For now, Mr. Tomanovic wants to talk about his frustrations with the

It calls many witnesses, but there is little time to prepare, he said.
Complicating this is the prosecution's habit of changing the order of
witnesses at short notice, he said. Prosecutors have said they are
forced to do this because of changes in the trial schedule, Mr.
illness or by witnesses' travel complications.

Based on the prosecution's list, Mr. Tomanovic said, he mobilizes his
10-person law office in Belgrade, which studies the statements and
investigates witnesses. "Then the order suddenly changes, and we have
less time to prepare," he complained. "It often happens on a Friday,
is worse, because I am not allowed to visit Mr. Milosevic on the

More than 130 witnesses have testified for the prosecution. But Mr.
Milosevic does not seem unprepared when cross-examining; indeed, he
regularly referred to close personal details of witnesses. In Belgrade
newspapers, this has been cited as evidence that Mr. Milosevic's
have access to police files.

Mr. Tomanovic denied such access and said his team does the best
research. But the sheer volume of evidence dismays him. In his 22
years as a
lawyer, he said, "I have never seen a case of more than 1,000 pages."

Lawyers at the tribunal cite the magnitude of the charges, over so
years and three wars. Also, they say, Mr. Tomanovic and his colleagues
from a Communist-era judicial system where trials were much

Mr. Tomanovic, however, points to what he calls a fundamental
at The Hague. "The tribunal grants the accused the right to conduct
his own
defense," he said, "but it does not enable him to implement this right
because the case is unmanageable for the accused." Even with lawyers'
someone defending himself must still go through much material to be
able to
cross-examine. In many countries, including Yugoslavia, he said,
people are
not allowed to conduct their own defenses in war crimes cases.

A former tribunal judge agreed that tribunal cases have been too long
too voluminous. "The management is a big burden, you need teams of
paralegals," the judge said. But then, the former judge added, "as a
prosecutor, you cannot tailor your presentation because the accused
wants to
defend himself."


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