1. Il G.A.MA.DI. sulla detenzione di Milosevic
2. Piotr Bein and C.A.N.A.: Appeals for Milosevic

=== 1 ===

All'attenzione del Tribunale dell'AJA
All'attenzione del Consiglio di Sicurezza dell'ONU

Questa organizzazione, fondata e composta da illustri personalità del
mondo culturale italiano ed estero, esprime seria preoccupazione e
notevole inquietudine per il trattamento riservato al già Presidente
della Serbia Slobodan Milosevic.

Non è né umanamente né civilmente accettabile che si tolga ad una
persona il diritto all'autodifesa, previsto da tutte le costituzioni e
da tutti i codici dei Paesi Europei. Ed altresì non è accettabile che
una persona malata non abbia il diritto di curarsi con il medico e nel
modo più consono alla propria persona.

Sono tuttora incomprensibili le ragioni per le quali il presidente
Milosevic sia stato trascinato all'Aja, considerando che egli non è
mai uscito dai confini del suo Stato per andare, in armi, ad aggredire
altri popoli.

Questo orribile fatto, l'aver trascinato Milosevic all'Aja, è stato
compiuto e se ne dovrà rispondere dinanzi alla Storia.


Noi cittadini della nuova Europa, una Europa nata dopo gli orrori
della seconda guerra mondiale, orrori che avevamo giurato non si
dovessero ripetere mai più, siamo offesi ed indignati perché verso la
persona del presidente Milosevic, questo Tribunale viola ogni premessa
di democrazia e di rispetto per la dignità umana, ogni impegno dalla
nuova Europa assunto.

Chiediamo che al Presidente Milosevic sia consentito di esprimere le
ragioni della sua difesa, chiediamo che gli sia consentito di curarsi
nel modo e nei tempi ritenuti idonei dal suo medico curante.


Ci rivolgiamo in modo particolare alla Sua persona. Ella non ignora
certamente che la partecipazione femminile, nelle istituzioni del
mondo è stato motivo di illuminismo, di sentimenti umani che,
certamente sono indispensabili per l'umanità tutta, in quanto figlia
preziosa della Natura. Noi, Donne, dobbiamo dare all'Europa
quell'input umano negato ove le Donne mancassero. La preghiamo di non
sciupare questo nostro continente europeo, lasciando ombre terribili
sull'operato che proprio in Europa, all'Aja, è in via di compimento.

Nel ringraziare per l'attenzione e certi che questa nostra istanza non
rimarrà inevasa, in attesa, porgiamo distinti saluti.

Miriam Pellegrini Ferri

13 novembre 2002

Gruppo Atei Materialisti Dialettici
Via di Casal Bruciato, 15 Roma
Telefono 0339 3873909
a mail: gamadilavoce@...
Tutti i Martedì dalle ore 15.30-17.30
Mensile del G.A.MA.DI.
P.zza Leonardo da Vinci, 27
00043 Ciampino (Roma)
Telefax o6 / 7915200
Presidente: Miriam Pellegrini Ferri

=== 2 ===

Subject: fax to ICTFY
Date: Mon, 11 Nov 2002 22:42:38 -0800
From: "Piotr Bein"

Vancouver, Canada
November 11, 2002

The Hague
The Netherlands
fax + 31 70 512 8637

Re: Conditional release of Mr. Slobodan Miloseviæ

I am respectfully demanding that the accused be conditionally
released for treatment of his health problem.

A sick and exhausted defendant is an impediment to a timely conduct
of a trial that the world is watching with expectation of justice
being done.

A defendant deceased because of maltreatment at the ICTFY would be
a shame for the justice system of the international community.

Informed observers are hoping that a shameful case like that of
General Ðorðe Ðukiæ in 1996 will not happen again.


Piotr Bein, PhD, PEng


Subject: appeal to china re Hague & US-UK banditry
Date: Tue, 12 Nov 2002 09:59:06 -0000
From: "cana.london" <cana.london@...>
To: "United Nations Information" <info@...>,
"UN Secretary General Kofi Annan" <perry-carpenter@...>,
"Royal Norwegian Embassy" <bmi@...>,
"French Embassy" <presse.londres-embas@...>,
"Embassy of Mexico" <mexuk@...>,
"Chinese Embassy" <press@...>,
"afif safieh" <palestiniianuk@...>,
"Royal NetherlandsEmbassy" <LONDON@...>
CC: "Director Justice" <aowers@...>

Appeal to Chinese Government re President Milosevic

An appeal has been addressed to the Chinese delegate @
the United Nations Security Council, its President
H.E. Wang Yingfan, asking the Council to intervene in
respect of the trial of former Yugoslav President
Milosevic " to stop this grisly farce".

William Spring Director of an ecumenical peace group
CANA UK says President Milosevic is held in "Gestapo
conditions" & is denied proper food, exercise, fresh
air, family contacts, access to legal advisors, &
logistical support in terms of his attempts to respond
to The Tribunal.

He accuses the presiding judge of torturing the
prisoner, contrary to UK law, & the Netherlands
Government & the Security Council of running an

"There has not been an Inquisition in The Netherlands
since the sixteenth century, but the current
Netherlands Government is indifferent to the profound
human rights abuses being perpetrated upon Mr
Milosevic & other political prisoners detained in The

He accuses prosecutor Carla del Ponte of seeking to
deny to Milosevic "a basic right in natural justice,
i.e. the freedom to prepare his own defence. This
right is enshrined in all human rights documents,
emanating both from the UN & the Council of Europe.
Article Six of the European Convention of Human Rights
specifically says that one can represent oneself in
any criminal or civil proceeding."

He calls on the Court to grant Mr Milosevic immediate
bail & to rule on "the crime which has been committed
over his person". (He emphasises the criminal nature
of the process by which Mr Milosevic was transferred
to The Hague, a conspiracy to abduct in which Geoff
Hoon MP was "a prime mover").

A further appeal is made to the Chinese Government
that ".... the Peoples Republic of China fulfil its
role in terms of protecting against the banditry of
the British & American Governments international
socialism, justice, the legal order, & world peace."

Documentation attached first sent to the Chinese
Embassy in London relating to last week's UN Security
Council resolution over Iraq accuses the French of
conceding world hegemony to the Anglo-Saxons, & Russia
& China of running away from their international
obligations by failing to veto the US - UK war plan.

"The failure to cast a veto has destroyed the United
Nations" comments William Spring. "The UN should
respect the national sovereignty of its members & not
conduct negotiations under the threat of force. This
is illegal in international law. Tony Blair is
fanning the flames of terrorism. The UK-US response to
terrorism is to make more terrorists.The planned
attack on Iraq is a criminal enterprise which will do
nothing to reduce international tension."

Text of appeal to the Chinese delegate @ the Security
Council is pasted below.


information telephone 0044208 376 1454

By e mail, also by fax & post

To the President of The United Nations Security

Permanent Representative and Ambassador of The Peoples
Republic of China

The Honourable Comrade His Excellency Wang Yingfan

UN Security Council
New York


November 12th 2002

Your Excellency

This e mail is to express to Your Excellency & to your
Government our profound concern that the Peoples
Republic of China fulfil its role in terms of
protecting against the banditry of the British &
American Governments international socialism, justice,
the legal order, & world peace.

We refer to two items:

1. The role of the Security Council in maintaining &
sustaining the International Criminal Tribunal for the
Former Yugoslavia.

2. The unanimous vote of the Security Council this
week regarding Iraq.

Re (1) we are particularly concerned about the
conditions in which the UN is holding one of its high
profile political prisoners, Mr Slobodan Milosevic,
who the Tribunal, i.e. the prosecutor & presiding
judge, appear anxious to murder, by virtue of denying
him adequate medical attention, proper meals, respite
care, exercise etc, or any facilities to assist him in
conducting his defence.

I paste below this communication a letter I have e
mailed & faxed & posted to presiding Judge May.

I have had no acknowledgement from The Court so far.

Although on assignment to The Hague Judge May remains
as one of Her Majesty's judges & consequently as an
official of the United Kingdom Government can be
indicted ( subject to the approval of the Attorney
General) for the crime of torture in the English
Courts & my application is precisely this.

The Security Council has set up what is an

There has not been an Inquisition in The Netherlands
since the sixteenth century, but the current
Netherlands Government is indifferent to the profound
human rights abuses being perpetrated upon Mr
Milosevic & other political prisoners detained in The

Therefore it is for The Security Council to intervene
to stop this grisly farce.

Carla del Ponte must be prevailed upon to withdraw her
motion that the prisoner be denied a basic right in
natural justice, i.e. the freedom to prepare his own

This right is enshrined in all human rights
documents, emanating both from the UN & the Council of

Article Six of the European Convention of Human Rights
specifically says that one can represent oneself in
any criminal or civil proceeding.

It is not Mr Milosevic's decision to represent himself
which is aggravating his illness, but the inhumane &
Gestapo conditions in which he is held.

One solution is to grant him immediate bail.

The prisoner has no wish to abscond. He simply wishes
to answer his accusers - to press The Tribunal to rule
on the crime which has been committed over his person.

(You are aware how he was abducted illegally,
kidnapped, from Yugoslavia, by criminal elements, a
conspiracy against Yugoslav & international law in
which a prime mover & accomplice was a Mr Geoff Hoon,
UK Defence Secretary).

I attach as appendices in reference to point (1) a
copy of the letter I have sent to Judge May

I attach as appendices in reference to point (2) a
copy of an appeal sent to your Embassy here in London
on November 8th + a copy of the statement issued to
the press later that day following the adoption of the
Security Council resolution on Iraq.

Yours truly

William Spring

Director CANA Christians Against Nato Aggression UK.

Tel 0044 208 376 1454

1 Scales Road London N17 9HB England


Re point 1 -

To the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former

for the attention of Judge May

From William Spring 1 Scales Road London N17 9HB

6th November 2002

also by fax & post

Dear Judge May,

As you probably don't know, as your officials haven't
told you, I have sent various e mails to you in the
past relating to your role in the trial of Mr

I am concerned not only @ the indignities you & your
fellow judges routinely inflict upon the accused, but
at indications you consistently interfere with his
defence, limiting his time, while seeking to protect
dubious witnesses, (as for example when the well known
war manufacturer /CIA agent/ & Jesuit massacre
defender William Walker appeared before you).

I have looked @ the transcripts, although I was not in
Court myself.

But you should have known & did know how important the
evidence of Walker was, & in fact you gave him two
days to present his evidence.

But Mr Milosevic you only allowed him 3 hours to cross
examine & in the middle of that cross examination you
cut Mr Milosevic off, as you have done so many times
in the past, @ the very point when Mr Milosevic was
asking questions relating to Walker's role in his
cover up of the murder of six Jesuit priests in El
Salvador in the 1980's.

At that time Walker was employed as a CIA agent (using
US diplomatic cover), running the contras, useful
experience for him prior to taking over a similar role
in Kosovo.

Walker told your tribunal "I made an inaccurate
statement, in hindsight".

Mr Milosevic then pointed out how, when the KLA was
blamed for the killing of the Serb teenagers in Pec,
he had said, " when you don't know what has happened,
it's a lot more difficult to sort of pronounce
yourself ... to this day we do not know who committed
that act."

But Walker did not exercise the same degree of caution
regarding Racak.

At that point you intervened to stop the cross
examination by saying: "your attempt to discredit
this witness with events so long ago the Trial Chamber
has ruled as irrelevant. "

And later:

"This is an absurd question, absolutely absurd. Now
you're wasting everybody's time."

But the time spent cross examining the initiator of
the Kosovo War was not wasted.

It is vital to get to the truth about the 1999 NATO
war on Yugoslavia.

It may be that as a lawyer you don't have any regard
for the truth, by which I mean you don't regard its
pursuit as a priority.

But as a contemporary historian, & as a concerned
citizen, worried @ the waste of UK taxpayers' money
spent funding your illicit judicial forum, I do.

My point is you have disqualified yourself by
prejudice & bias from any further conduct of this

I have made a formal complaint to the Lord Chancellor
about your conduct of the trial

I refer as well to the failure of The Tribunal to
provide medical facilities for the prisoner, nor
access to family, nor access to lawyers, nor access to
potential witnesses, such as myself, nor access to
advisers, nor access to telephones & fax machines, nor
access to the Internet, nor even access to a computer.

You give him inedible meals & you deny him exercise.

You are engaged in torture.

You sneer @ the prisoner - you generally seek to
demean him, you inflict indignities & gratuitous
humiliation upon him.

I believe you & the other UK officials @ the Court,
including Steven Kay, the MI6 agent drafted in so the
prosecution can also take over the defence, all of
you have systematically conspired to deny the prisoner
a fair trial, both on account of the numerous rulings
you have made against him, & those you have not,
particularly in respect to the conditions of his
unlawful detention.

You are aware how he is being unlawfully detained,
having been kidnapped, i.e. illegally abducted,
(through the complicity of agents of the British
Government, & the RAF) from the sovereign territory of

These agents & the RAF personnel were acting upon the
instructions of Geoff Hoon MP.

Yet the crime committed over his person you refuse to
rule on.

You have refused to consider the circumstances by
which Mr Milosevic arrived @ your Court.

You & Stephen Kay are no better than the Japs,
(who were probably quite humane gaolers of our men on
the Burma Road, compared to the insidious protracted
long term psychological torture you inflict on Mr

Nothing is worse than the turning of the planetary
moral & legal order upside down, the bringing of
international law into disrepute, so that those who
are actually criminals, (such as Walker, & NATO satrap
Paddy Ashdown, + the German NATO air commander, I
think his name is Nauman or something like that, but
all of whom were responsible for the aggression
against Yugoslavia), they are allowed accuse
Milosevic, but they are not held responsible for their
own crimes.

This is absurd.

Now we hear the Americans are planning another set of
show trials, this time for Iraq.

Corrupt Courts, staffed by corrupt judges, & corrupt
prosecutors, travel in the baggage of the Allies, as
the Bourbons travelled in their baggage in 1815.

Section 134 of the Criminal Justice Act 1988 prevents
any official of the UK Govt engaging in torture in
any capacity, for which reason I am sending a copy to
this letter to the Lord Chancellor & to the A-G.

Yours sincerely

William Spring

Re point 2

To the Ambassador of the Republic of China in London

His Excellency Mr Zha Peixin

From the Director of Christians Against Nato
Aggression CANA UK

1 Scales Road London N17 9HB

Tel: 0208 376 1454



Your Excellency,

CANA UK is an ecumenical peace group established in
1999 @ the time of the NATO aggression against the
Republic of Yugoslavia.

CANA UK engages in an ongoing programme of research,
press releases & political lobbying, + organising
seminars & conferences on international relations.

This is a request that your Government vote against
the joint US-UK war plan now tabled @ the UN Security
Council in New York.

The demands that the so called 'inspectors' be allowed
to abduct Iraqi citizens from Iraqi territory, + many
other requirements concerning the immunity of these so
called inspectors from Iraqi law, + the vesting in
them of colonial privileges & immunities, all these &
many other aspects of the resolution make it
unacceptable, either to Iraq or to any state valuing
its national sovereignty.

If Iraq is forced to agree to any aspect of such a
resolution, (assuming it is passed, which we hope it
isn't) it will only be under the threat of massive

Any negotiation conducted under the threat of force,
as you well know, is outlawed in international law.
We specifically ask the Chinese Government (as it
currently occupies the Presidency of the Security
Council) to rule as inadmissible the UK & US tabling
the resolution in the first place.

Neither the US nor the UK should be allowed either to
table or to vote on any resolution relating to Iraq as
both states are already in a state of war with Iraq,
as neither have accepted the terms of the Gulf War
cease fire, which they themselves negotiated.

While saying Iraq threatens them, both the UK & USA
have, already, & over a number of years, engaged in
hostile acts contrary to international law against the
Republic of Iraq.

The no fly zones & the continued US-UK bombing raids
on Iraq are entirely illegal.

Article 27 of the UN Charter says 'a party to a
dispute shall abstain from voting.'

The US-UK draft resolution, if endorsed by the
Security Council today will represent the final
triumph of US militarism over considerations of
international law: the final subversion the UN Charter
by one heavily armed rogue state, perhaps even the
final collapse of civilisation on this planet.

We have addressed similar appeals in recent days to
the Governments of Norway, France, Mauritius, Mexico &

For your information I paste below a copy of the
statement sent to the French Embassy on October 18th &
a copy of the similar statement sent to the Norwegian

With best wishes

William J Spring

Statement from CANA Christians Against Nato Aggression
UK re the Security Council decision in respect to Iraq

Today's decision by the Security Council November 8th
2002 marks the end of the UN organisation as a body
committed to the peaceful resolution of
disputes formally predicated upon respect for state
sovereignty, including respect for the territorial
integrity of member states.

As the old League of Nations was destroyed by the
fascist regimes walking out of it, so its successor is
now defunct on the basis of the US & UK staying in it.

The diktat now inflicted upon Iraq will probably not
be resisted.

Iraq has no choice other than to accept what is a new
form of colonialism.

But acceptance of the diktat is very unlikely to save
Iraq from massive bombing.

Bombing is what the Americans like to do.

The Amerians have become the enemies of world peace.

In a unipolar world their notion of diplomacy is
merely to bully & bribe.

America now has no friends & consists of a public
ignorant of foreign affairs & kept in ignorance by a
US media which consciously & consistently
misrepresents the facts in respect to international

Curses against America are not loud, but deep, & they
are also universal.

There is a long list of countries which have been
forced to capitulate before US power, including Haiti
& Yugoslavia.

Today's decision of the Security Council will not add
to US security.

During the past few days various appeals have been
addressed by NGO's, including CANA UK, to the
Governments of the members of the UN Security Council,
asking them to resist US pressure.

We regret these appeals have been ignored - that
countries like Norway & Ireland have chosen to vote
against the rights of small countries & for the
destruction of the ideals of the UN.

We regret that France has chosen to concede world
hegemony to the Anglo-Saxons, & that Russia & China
have once again run away from their international

Today marks the formal end of the United Nations & of
the system of international law enshrined in its now
defunct Charter.


Intellectual property rights asserted. The above may
be reproduced on the Internet, or in any other media,
subject to acknowledgement as to source. CANA UK
engages in an ongoing programme of research, press
releases & political lobbying, organising seminars +
conferences on international relations, the next
scheduled for Spring 2003 (in Islington). Copies of
videos & a text version of proceedings of previous
Conferences are obtainable from CANA UK 1 Scales Road
London N17 9HB Telephone 0044(0)208 376 1454.
Donations/gifts/legacies, & voluntary help, are
welcome. The CANA UK account is held @ Lloyds Bank,
539 High Rd, London N17 6SD (account number 0094920
sort code 30 98 70)