For more information about the anti-NATO Summit in Prague, November
19-20 2002, please refer to:

Per informazioni in lingua italiana sull'incontro internazionale
anti-NATO, che si terra' a Praga nei giorni 19 e 20 novembre, si veda:

For the following document in Word format:

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, November 03, 2002 12:44 PM
Subject: Anti-Nato Resistance in Slovenia

Dear Friends,
please find attached some information on the resistance against an
eventual Nato-membership of Slovenia. You are welcome to use the
attached material for further dissemination, as an intellectual
stimulant, as a debate-topic etc.
With friendly regards,
Rastko Mocnik

=== * ===

Resistance against NATO in Slovenia

On November 21 and 22, the NATO-summit will take place in Prague. As
the preparation and mobilisation for the protests and actions in
Prague are in full swing, active resistance is growing also in
Slovenia, one of the candidate states for NATO membership. From 7th to
10th November demonstrations and actions against NATO and for peace
will take place in Ljubljana. Some background information, description
of resistance activities, and a call for support.

The main topics of the Prague NATO-summit will be the so-called "war
on terorrism" and expansion of NATO. Seven Central and East European
states, including Slovenia, are expected (and expecting) to be invited
to become members of NATO. NATO membership is a favoured project of
Slovenia's political elite who have invested much energy and money
into its accomplishment. Almost the entire class of contemporary
Slovene politicians, regardless of their various positions in the
ruling coalition or its opposition, has joined forces to accomplish
the "mission" of NATO accession. NATO membership is presented as an
integral part of the "democratisation" and (re)integration with
"Western civilisation".
For a year or so the pro-NATO propaganda machine has been working full
blast, abundantly backed by government financing. It has produced
piles of lies, it has manipulated and concealed data, and it has tried
to silence and discredit critical voices by accusing them of nostalgia
for communism and Yugoslavia, or of right-wing extremism. Two
especially infamous moves were the newsletter Natopis and the
blacklist of NATO critics. The propaganda newsleter was sent by the
government to every household enlightening citizens about the
unquestionably magnificent advantages of NATO membership. The
blacklist, drawn up by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, contained the
names of journalists and other people (mostly dissident intellectuals)
who had written critically of NATO and Slovenia's plans to join it.
Pro-NATO propaganda has increasingly been invading the autonomy of the
university as well: various faculties have hosted lectures by NATO
representatives and domestic NATO advocates with a clearly
propagandistic purpose. Recently we were shocked to see how low NATO
propaganda can go - in some primary schools we discovered an
invitation for an art competition for children aged 6-15 on the theme
of "a safer world". In the little story accompanying this invitation
the children are talking about NATO as of a hero which would act
against any one that would dare to throw a bomb on any one of the
states joined in it and as we (Slovenia) will become its friends it
will build a safer world for all of us.
Along with this aggressive propaganda campaign, the ruling class also
made some legislative changes which removed the "obstacles" to NATO
membership. For example, the Defence Law was changed so that it now
makes possible the involvement of the Slovene Army in military
operations outside of Slovenia. This corresponds to the duty of NATO
members to contribute to all its activities, including military
operations out-of-area, which lately seem to have become NATO's main
purpose. In addition, the Maritime Code was changed as to abolish a
ban on nuclear-powered ships and ships carrying nuclear weapons in the
territorial waters of Slovenia. This is perceived by many as a first
step towards the establishment of military bases and the siting of
nuclear weapons in Slovenia, which the public vehemently opposes.
However, the (not very sophisticated) government propaganda has not
succeeded in convincing the public to support NATO membership. On the
contrary, public support has been falling steadily while resistance is
growing. The latest opinion poll (September 27) showed only 38.5% of
the population is in favour and 39.4% against, with 22% undecided. The
most important reasons for this reluctance are probably the lack of
clear answers from the government on what exactly the responsibilities
of Slovenia as a NATO member will be (costs, co-operation in military
actions around the world, military bases, nuclear weapons stationing),
as well as increasing disagreement with the foreign policy of NATO's
dominant member, the USA. Recently an article on the lack of public
support for the government NATO project with views of government
representatives and critical intellectuals was published in the
Washington Times, available at
Some journalists and prominent intellectuals have also expressed their
wariness of NATO in critical articles published in the mainstream
media. They publicly voice their doubts or openly oppose the
government's NATO project, and highlight the totalitarian character of
the government's pro-NATO campaign. Two important books also marked
the public debates: Ne NATO - mir nam dajte ("Not NATO - give us peace
/ give us a break"), a collection of essays and analyses by twelve
well-known Slovene intellectuals critical of NATO, and the civic
handbook NATO - pro and con, an exhaustive presentation of supporting
and opposing arguments.

This is an outline of the situation in which the topic of NATO and
militarisation was taken on by some existing activist networks, and in
which new groups and networks were formed. The common starting point
is the rejection of NATO on an ethical basis: we see existence,
functioning and expansion of NATO as a part of the logic of war that
underlies the system of globalised capitalism and ensures the
maintenance of a gravely unjust world order. We regard NATO as one of
the instruments of the global neoliberal politics of coercion and
exploitation of human beings and the natural environment in the
interests of the global ruling class. We believe that this kind of
globalisation and the world order it is producing are extemely unjust
and destructive and we try to contribute to the global resistance to
this process, and to creating alternatives. Our struggles are at this
moment centred around the topic of NATO and militarism in general.
Among many other things we find it especially appaling that in its new
strategic concept (1999) NATO ascribed to itself the "right" to
intervene militarily in conflicts outside the territories of its
members, according to its own judgement as to which crisis could
"affect the security" of its members, even without a UN mandate. In
practice this means arbitrary military interventions throughout the
whole world where NATO members, and especially the USA as the dominant
power in NATO, want to protect or assert their interests. Furthermore,
NATO's new military doctrine approved in 2000 allowes for the possible
use of nuclear weapons in attacks. We believe that such an
organisation is a permanent obstacle to peace and a permanent threat
to the environment and the existence of the planet as a whole. It
should be dissolved and not expanded!
To express our opposition to NATO and to further encourage the evident
growth of critical stance to the NATO membership in the population, we
have carried out many actions and we are planning some more. Here is
an outline of some actions:
Organised resistance began in October 2001 with placard posting and
letter and e-mail sending actions expressing the opposition to war in
Afganistan and to NATO, and specifically Slovenia's membership in
NATO. As the placards were available on an internet page, many people
around Slovenia posted them on their own initiative in their home
towns. These actions found some resonance in the mainstream media and
also at the top of the political class: Minister of Foreign Affairs
Rupel expressed his indignation over the anti-NATO campaign at several
press conferences, especially stressing he "has never polished Bush's
shoes", referring to one of the slogans saying: Slovene politicians
are ecstatic over polishing Bush's bloody cowboy boots.
In March 2002, an action was carried out at the Faculty of Social
Sciences (Ljubljana) on the night before the visit of Cristopher
Bennett, the editor of NATO Review, who was to hold a lecture about
the NATO to the students. Activists wrote graffiti on the walls all
around the faculty and hung three banners with strong anti-NATO
messages on the glass tower of the faculty (pictures at The action
was accompanied by a public statement and a letter to Bennett which
can be read at
On the evening of the celebration of the people's uprising against
Nazi occupation (April 27, 1941), 40 people with a banner indicating a
parallel between an infamous Slovene Nazi collabolator and the present
minister of foreign affairs, managed to get inside the hall of the
cultural centre where the observance was held and protested against
the way Minister of Foreign Affairs Rupel imposed himself as the
official speaker and abused the celebration by propagandising for
NATO, stating among other things that NATO had grown out of the
antifascist struggle.
An anarchist group organised the first Maydays in Slovenia which had
its height on May 1 with demonstrations in front of American Embassy
and the Governmental building where NATO and domestic political
oligarchy were strongly condemned.
In May a pamphlet called Let's recycle Natopiss - parodying Natopis
("Natopaper"), a newsletter sent by the government to every household
- was published and distributed. It exposed government's lies about
the costs of Slovenia's membership in NATO and other disputable
In June about 140 banners with anti-NATO slogans were displayed on all
major road bridges over the highways. Some banners with local content
(for example: Maribor won't join NATO!) were hung over local roads.
Shortly after the Slovenia's Independence Day in June a huge banner
(15,5m x 4,5m) was hung out from the tower of the Ljubljana castle, a
very visible central point in the city. For some three hours the
message Ne NATO - mir nam dajte (double meaning: Not NATO - give us
peace / Not NATO - give us a break) could be seen from the city in a
delightful summer day (pictures and an e-postcard at Recently this
banner has been hung in two other towns, Koper and Velenje.
In July a group of young anarhists living and creating their political
resistance in the squat Molotov, which also offered a space for many
other activists and groups, experienced a violent repression. Thanks
to determined resistance by the squaters and the mobilisation of a
solidarity network the squat still exists today. Most probably the
reason for this repression action was the central role of the squat in
the resistance against NATO (more at
The hot and active summer was concluded with the NoBorderCamp in the
last days of August. The main topics were migration, ecology, civil
disobedience, but there was also an anti-NATO component including
planning of further resistance and carrying out some actions
(materials distribution, anti-NATO concert).

In autumn the materials presenting the arguments against NATO and
Slovenia's membership (the English version of one leaflet with these
arguments can be read at are being
distributed in major towns with the accompainment of street theatre,
drummers and jugglers. A recent visit of NATO lecturers at the Faculty
of Social Sciences was interrupted by singing, drumming and a speech
denouncing this kind of misuse of the university facilities for
purposes that have nothing to do with higher education and the
development of knowledge. Several protest letters were sent out,
condemning breaches of university autonomy by military propaganda,
expressing opposition to militarisation of the university in general,
and protesting against the militarisation of the Port of Koper
("visits" of NATO military ships - also nuclear-powered ones - in the
port are getting more and more frequent). When the state president
hosted a NATO delegation in the beginning of October, the Network of
Associations, Groups and Individuals for Peace sent him a public
letter asking for a meeting with the NATO delegation in order to
present views opposed to NATO - held by a significant segment of the
Slovene population - and the alternative of neutrality. There was no
reaction to this request, but later a letter from the president's
office suggested that the claims of the Network for Peace about the
prevalence of support for neutrality of Slovenia were misleading and
that the President has always pleaded for a discussion on the basis of
The activism has also an internet component: numerous webpages have
been created. The central information point about activities against
NATO, and including many political analyses and commentaries is
Other important pages (unfortunately most of them are only in
At present the energies of active and critical people are concentrated
in the preparation and mobilisation for demonstrations against NATO
and for peace that will take place in Ljubljana between the 7th and
10th of November. They will be created and carried out by many groups
and individuals from different spheres of society so that they will be
a very colourful and widely dispersed event. They will include street
parties, political-artistic spectacles, concerts, street theatre and
performances, direct actions and a march for peace on November 9.
A clear NO! from the people of Slovenia to the invitation to join NATO
would demonstrate to NATO and its dominant member the USA that they
are not irresistible, that there actually exist people who do not want
their country to be incorporated into their global military machine
and do not want to bend to their economic, political and military
dominance. Additionally, this NO! would show people in other countries
endangered by NATO's expansion plans that it is possible to say NO and
that there do exist alternatives outside of NATO. This could encourage
them to refuse the invitation themselves as well.

We believe that our struggle against the NATO is a small but
nevertheless important contribution to the struggles against the
militarisation of world politics and the logic of war.
We are asking you, resistant people all around the world, to support
our struggle! You can do this by
· sending us a statement of support and expressing your comments and
opinions at
· spreading our message into your activist network and if possible to
local and alternative media.
· joining us November 7-10 in Ljubljana at the demonstrations against
NATO and for peace.
Thank you for your solidarity!
Acitivist network of resistance against NATO and militarism
Letter of support

The existence, functioning and expansion of NATO are a constituent
part of the logic of war and efforts to fortify an extremely unjust
world order based on domination, coercion, exploitation, and a
division into servants and enemies of the powerful. NATO's
self-assignment of the right to carry out military interventions all
around the world according to its own arbitrary judgement and its
nuclear weapons policy which foresees the use of nuclear weapons in
military attacs against the non-compliant, make NATO an obstacle to
establishing peace in the world and a permanent threat to human beings
and natural environment.
In Slovenia a struggle against the NATO and against NATO's annexation
of the country is going on. There is a resistance to the looming
possibility of the country becoming a part of the global military
machine and thus taking part in the destruction of human lives and
environment for the interests of the masters of the globalised
capitalism. There is a resistance to the existence of NATO calling for
its dissolution.

Here are some of the most important arguments against joining the NATO
that we think the people in Slovenia should have the knowledge of. We
are spreading them among the people in a form of a leaflet. So far the
people to whom the leaflet has been handed out have for the greatest
part accepted it with interest and supportive attitude.


· NATO is a military alliance of USA, Canada and 17 European
states. It was founded in 1949 with the purpose of defence of the
capitalist West against the socialist East.
· As the socialist regimes crumbled in 1989 the NATO lost its
adversary and the sense of its further existence. Instead of
dissolving it assigned itself new competences and tasks.
· In the new Strategic concept approved in 1999 the NATO assigned
itself the "right" to intervene militarilly in conflicts outside of
the teritorries of its members, according to its own judgement as to
which crisis could "affect the security" of its members and also
without the mandate of the UN. This means arbitrary military
interventions in the whole world where the NATO members want to
protect or enforce their interests.
· In the NATO's new doctrine, approved in 2000, the possibility
of the use of nuclear weapons in attacks and not only as a means of
deterrence as in the Cold War period is writen down. NATO has already
used radioactive depleted uranium in the Kosovo war. Now the USA are
planning the prodution of mini atomic bombs.
· Today the security problem cannot be solved by military means.
Its roots are namely in the unjust distribution of the world's wealth,
exploitation, dominance of the powerful countries of the West over the
majority of the world's inhabitants, environment destruction and
excessive exploitation of the natural resources.
· NATO's existence and activities aggravate these reasons for
insecurity and represent a major obstacle to the peace in the world,
for it has become a military organisation with the purpose of ensuring
the dominance of the West, especially the USA, over the world.
· USA are increasingly undermining the international law and on
the basis of their power, especially military, usurping the right to
judge and decide about the whole world. Among other things they are
trying by all means to weaken the International Crime Court for the
crimes against humanity and achieve superiority of its citizens in
regard of the law.
· NATO's goal is not the ensurance of the values such as
democracy, human rights a freedom but brutal enforcement of its member
states' interests, with the predominance of the far most powerful
member, the USA.
· The purpose of NATO expansion, thus the incorporation of the
transition countries, is above all to expand the political and
economic influence of the USA over these countries. The USA are namely
losing influence over the Western Europe.
· The binding of the transition countries on the USA through NATO
is increasingly in contradiction with their efforts to join the EU,
because the disagreements betwen the Usa and EU are rising (trade
wars, steel wars, disagreements on the genetically modified food...).
· NATO expansion is a very profitable business for its members -
their military industry produces 80% of the world's military products.
The demand to fulfil "NATO's standards" regarding the weapons and
military equipment means nothing else but securing the sales of the
military products to the new members.


· NATO is supossed to guarantee security to Slovenia. But there
exists almost no military threat to Slovenia. Even if Slovenia would
in some time in the future experience military threat, the membership
in the NATO does not provide firm guarantees: if a member state is
attacked, the NATO does not authomatically respond with military means
- the states decide if they will offer help and what kind of help this
will be - it can be only economic or humanitarian help.
· It is not very likely that NATO would defend small states such
as Slovenia by military means. In the case of the attack from a
neighbouring country the NATO would most probably react only by
offering observers and advisors. If the attack would come from Italy,
Slovenia as a NATO member could not count on the help of NATO at all,
because NATO does not take actions in cases of conflicts between
member countries.
· NATO would not contribute to resolution of conflicts between
Slovenia and Croatia. Conflicts such as the one about the border
between those two countries are of no importance from the viewpoint of
the NATO. Not long ago the armed forces of Marocco occupied a part of
Spanish teritorry. Spain is a NATO member, but NATO did not care at
all. Slovenia and Croatia cannot afford to resolve conflicts by
military means because that would show them as incapable of resolving
problems by diplomatic means and would discredit their efforts to join
the EU.

· NATO membership is very expensive. Due to the pressures from
the USA the government plans a 50-percent increase of funds for
military purposes - from 1,46% GDP in the year 2001 to 2,3% for the
year 2010.
· Costs of NATO membership do not include only membership fee as
the government propaganda claims, but comprise a lot more: costs of
army reorganisation, purchase of weapons and military equipment
according to the "NATO-standards", costs of participation of
Slovenia's military forces in interventions abroad, costs of adapting
communication systems, roads, railways, airports and ports to the
demands of the NATO. These huge investments for military purposes
would reduce investment into social welfare, health, education,
culture, environment... This would impede and not enhance Slovenia's

· Military bases which NATO sets in its member countries
represent a huge burden. These military bases are strictly protected
and are not subjected to the law of the host country. NATO's soldiers
are untouchable; if they commit a criminal offence they are processed
in their home country.
· In the military bases different dangerous weapons and poisons
are deposited, including nuclear weapons, therefore the bases are a
permanent threat to the environment and health of the people.
· It is true that the member states themselves decide about
placement of military bases and nuclear weapons on their teritorry,
but considering the servileness of Slovenian politicians towards the
NATO and the USA it cannot be expected that they would reject such a
demand of the NATO. An example of this servileness is the change of
the Maritime code in February 2002 with which it is now allowed that
nuclear ships and ships with nuclaer weapons enter Slovenian sea.

The armed forces?
· One of the NATO's demands is the profesionalisation of the
Slovenian Army which actually means a transformation from defensive
forces to forces for interventions abroad, according to the needs of
the NATO.
· NATO membership requires the participation of soldiers in
interventions in crises abroad. Recently the Defense Law has been
changed so that it is now possible to use the Slovenian Army for
military operations outside of Slovenia.
· Entering NATO means a commitment to participation in military
attacks against other countries on the demand and under the leadership
of the most powerful countries (above all USA). Slovenia would also
have to bear all the costs of participating in such operations.

Good reputation and influence???
· Claims about the rise of international reputation and influence
of Slovenia due to the admission into the NATO are despicable lies!
Slovenian politicians are already acting shamefully fawning which
causes Slovenia to lose any reputation and influence that it ever had.
In November 1998 Slovenia withdrew ist signature to the Initiative of
the UNO for a world without nuclear weapons, because it was in direct
contrast to the nuclear policies of the NATO. With this contemptible
act Slovenia diplomatically discredited itself.

· It is not true that there is no other alternative for Slovenia
than joining the NATO. There is another possibility: active
neutrality. Europe's neutral countries are Austria, Switzerland,
Finnland, Sweden and Ireland. All are very successful without any
"help" from the NATO.
· Joining the NATO would mean giving away a part of the
sovereignty because Slovenia's politics would become dependent on the
politics of NATO and USA. With active neutrality a state can act more
· Neutrality does not mean selfish isolation but taking
responsibility for the world peace by striving for non-military
conflict resolution and political mediation between the conflicting
parties. Neutrality does not hinder taking part in peace-keeping
· Neutrality is cheaper than NATO membership: NATO members'
budget for military purposes is on average 2,5% GDP, that of the
European neutral countries 1% GDP.

· Joining the NATO is a project of the ruling elite, a handful
of politicians that impose on the inhabitants of Slovenia a huge
burden which would not be possible to get rid of by means of lying,
concealing information and propaganda of the primitivest kind. The
success of their intentions depends on the inhabitants of Slovenia.
· It is not true that joining the NATO is inevitable! It is not
true that everything has already been decided!
· Such an important decision about the future of all people
living in Slovenia cannot be left to the self-interested servile
handful of the rulers that are increasingly resigning the protection
of the rights of the inhabitants of Slovenia in order to be admitted
to NATO. It is the right and responsibility of the inhabitants to
decide by themselves.
· The finding that joining the NATO is unacceptable and harmful
should be told loudly. It should not happen any more that this
statement is overheard or silenced.
· Because of the loudness and persistence of the critical
voices the government will not succeed to avoid a referendum.
· If the people will decide against joining the NATO at the
referendum, the government will be compelled to refuse an eventual
invitation from the NATO in Prague in November 2002.

Internet pages and books critical of the NATO and Slovenia's joining
the NATO:
Ne NATO - mir nam dajte! (Not NATO - give us peace! / Give us a
break!), Ljubljana, Mirovni institut, 2002.
Nato - za in proti: dr?avljanski prirocnik, (NATO - for and against: a
civic handbook), Ljubljana, Mirovni institut, 2002.

Slovenians wary of joining NATO
Nicholas Kralev
Published 10/22/2002

This is the third in an occasional series of reports from seven NATO
aspirants in Central and Eastern Europe before the alliance's summit
in Prague next month, where they are expected to receive membersip
LJUBLJANA, Slovenia - Just when it seemed they had convinced NATO that
their 11-year-old state of 2 million deserves a membership invitation
next month, the Slovenian authorities discovered that they have some
more convincing to do, this time among their own people. For several
years, NATO officials have done little to hide their assessment that,
when it comes to taking in new members, Slovenia is the easiest case.
It is politically stable, and its economy is the envy of the former
communist bloc.
But an unusually vocal outcry against joining the Western alliance has
come as a slap in the face for the country's government, prompting
NATO to make an addition to its list of accession requirements -
public support for membership.
"We want to see public support of well over 50 percent," one senior
NATO official said. "As a member, a country incurs serious
common-defense responsibilities under Article 5, and the government
should have the full backing of its people." The alliance invoked
Article 5, which says that an attack on one member is an attack on
all, for the first time a day after the September 11 attacks last
Although the official said that he and his colleagues "have been
pleased" by the Slovenian government's campaign to raise public
support for membership, recent polls reveal that a slow and painful
effort to boost support ratings, which fell to their lowest level - 39
percent - in early summer, has failed.
"We are cautious of a full-blown campaign and concerned about negative
reactions," said Foreign Minister Dimitrij Rupel, referring to charges
that the government is wasting taxpayers' money.
Anton Bebler, president of the Atlantic Council of Slovenia, a group
of intellectuals advocating NATO membership, said there is a
perception among Slovenians that if the authorities need to wage a
campaign on a certain policy issue, arguments based solely on its
merits are not enough.
The government of Prime Minister Janez Drnovsek has published various
materials, such as books and manuals with facts and frequently asked
questions about NATO, and a newsletter, which it sent to 683,000
households. It is also operating a toll-free phone service where
anyone can address inquiries and concerns, said Nada Serajnik Sraka,
state undersecretary for public relations.
But Ali Zerdin, a reporter for Mladina (Youth), a weekly newsmagazine,
said that most people think the newsletter is a "joke" and instead are
seeking "clear answers from the government what exactly our
responsibilities as a NATO member will be."
According to a survey by the University of Ljubljana's faculty of
social sciences, used by the government and considered by many the
most accurate polling data available, public support for membership
has been lingering below 50 percent for the past two years.
It reached its highest level - 62 percent - in the spring of 1997,
just before the first round of expansion at the alliance's Madrid
summit, where Slovenia's bid failed. It fluctuated between 50 percent
and 60 percent the next four years but dropped to 48 percent late last
year, falling further to 39 percent this summer.
The latest results showed that things remained unchanged in September,
even though all major political parties, except the National Party,
support membership. More significantly, opposition to joining NATO
also was at 39 percent. About 22 percent were undecided.
"As reasons for their support, the respondents state that NATO
provides the best form of collective security, that they consider
collective security cheaper and that membership would have positive
economic implications for Slovenia," the team that conducted the
survey said in an analysis accompanying the results.
"The reasons against entry given by the respondents are high expenses,
disagreement with the participation of Slovenian soldiers in military
operations abroad and the fact that the state is not under threat," it
said. The survey also found that of those participants who said they
would take part in a referendum on NATO membership, 55 percent would
vote for and 45 percent against it.
Unlike in any other aspirant country, a referendum seems all but
certain in Slovenia, most probably in the period after the Prague
invitation and before ratification of enlargement begins in the
parliaments of NATO's 19 member states.
"Some want a referendum before Prague, but you can't decline a dinner
invitation before you receive it," Mr. Rupel said.
Officials blame the skeptical public opinion on what it calls an
"anti-campaign" in the press that, it says, has been undermining the
government's effort for more than a year. The foreign minister was the
only Cabinet member to respond to the negative press and, according to
some officials, was reprimanded in private by his boss, Mr. Drnovsek.
Defense Minister Anton Grizold attributes the strong opposition to
NATO membership to a practice reminiscent of the Yugoslav era,
although Slovenia has been independent since 1991. "Journalists were
considered political workers in former Yugoslavia, and some still
are," he said. "We are still discovering our statehood
Blaz Zgaga, a national security reporter for Vecer (Evening) daily,
disagreed, but he acknowledged that "many journalists don't have
college education."
He also dismissed the government's contention that the media are
conducting a "systematic campaign or conspiracy." But he conceded that
his editor "refused to publish an opinion piece I had written
advocating NATO membership because she didn't want to go against
public opinion."
In Slovenia, unlike in the United States, news reporters also write
editorials and other opinion articles, which can be published on both
the op-ed and news pages.
Some political observers credit the press with opening a debate that
otherwise would never have been initiated.
"The government didn't feel that discussion was necessary, and it
didn't listen to those against membership," said Vlado Miheljak, a
professor of social sciences and columnist for the daily Delo. "The
debate was more about
democratic procedure, and it was forced by the media."
The military, which is the most trusted Slovenian institution and has
an approval rating of more than 70 percent, has not been affected by
the public debate, said Lt. Col. Dobran Bozic, commander of the army's
10th Motorized Battalion.
"We are preparing to work in an international environment," he said.
"We have troops in Bosnia and Kosovo, and we'd like to send special
forces to Afghanistan, but the politicians don't want to risk public
In nearly two dozen interviews, political and military leaders, civil
servants, analysts and journalists said that the public outcry was in
large part a result of disapproval of the Bush administration's
foreign policy.
"People here have a weird way of connecting things," Mr. Bebler said.
"There is a correlation in their minds between NATO and the United
States. They think the Bush administration will force NATO to march in
places like Iraq, so why be tricked into far-away wars by reckless
Mr. Grizold and Janez Jansa, president of the Social Democratic Party,
said that people do not understand U.S. policy because no one explains
it to them.
"Every event linked to the United States and NATO is shown negatively
in the media," Mr. Jansa said. "The Washington correspondent of the
national TV reports as if from an enemy country."
Mr. Rupel expressed some frustration with a few of the
administration's policies that are often at odds with those of
Washington's European allies.
"I've met Bush, and he is a good and straightforward man," Mr. Rupel
said. "Slovenia would love to stay in the group of American friends,
but some statements from Washington are not helpful in making our
policies popular."
Mr. Grizold, however, said that "as a true partner," Slovenia will
support the United States. "Otherwise, how can we be a credible
partner? We have to stick together and express solidarity."
He also said his country would fulfill NATO's requirement that 2
percent of the gross domestic product (GDP) be spent on defense by
2008, in spite of strong objections by some.
But Mr. Miheljak said that many people doubt the government's
assertion that building a defense system outside NATO would be much
more expensive and that they feel that "we can defend ourselves with
less than 2 percent of GDP."
"We are economically stable, and we don't need NATO like some other
candidates," he said, referring to Bulgaria and Romania, whose
economies have not done as well. "We can survive without NATO."
Article was originally published in Washington times.

spectacle in the city

en la próxima estación: entrada liberta(d)

7 November 2002 at 12.30 at Bavarski dvor

spectacle with the moving caravan
street performance, free style, juggling, singing shelters, League of
improvisers, pressing theatre, jackson's Elvises, graffiti, c3, young
and happy, food without bombs, masters of fire, DJs, banners of great
sizes, masks and dancing, abstract films, lighting contours, United
drums, pupetteers, interpretation of feelings and improvisation ...

spectacle in the city

bring drums, pot-lids, laddles, colourful strips and everything with
which you can
enter for free and freely at the next station - en la próxima
estación: entrada liberta(d)

- - - - - - - -

On 7 November 2002
there will be a spectacle in the city
en la próxima estación: entrada liberta(d)

The main roads of the city will be overflown by manifold groups that
will be drawn in a colourful caravan by a spaceship on four wheels.
The spaceship will begin to gather the caravan around 12.30 at
Bavarski dvor and will take it towards the sun. New stations, new
ships, flying and multi-storied will join. The space will be permeated
by the spectacle of the moving caravan

street performance, free style, juggling, singing shelters, League of
improvisers, pressing theatre, jackson's Elvises, graffiti, c3, young
and happy, food without bombs, masters of fire, DJs, banners of great
sizes, masks and dancing, abstract films, lighting contours, United
drums, pupetteers, interpretation of feelings and improvisation ...

Even though the spectacle will be an artistic, cultural, estetical
one, it will be damned political...

It will be created in an unorganised way - everybody will be able to
enter for free and freely at the next station en la próxima estación:
entrada liberta(d) ... The spectacle will narrate about a station that
is not NATO, that is free, movable and open, that has no aim but still
is flowing in a positive way into a certain direction, that can freely
and flexibly choose further stations, that breathes and permeates with
feelings, that is accessible to children and adults, that is common,
that is being built by imagination and bodies, outside of
institutions, accompanied by the sounds of drums and guitars...

The spectacle will be now and then interrupted for three minutes by
the intellectuals who won't be collecting cultural-political points
but sharing the feeling of the day - en la próxima estación entrada

The spectacle will be eyed by television cameras, radios will be
sending the sounds into the world, photographs will be trying to steel
a moment of the entrada liberta(d) and enthusiasm will flow into the
microphones: en la próxima estación: entrada liberta(d)!


speakers corner
at Preseren square

Every citizen can PUBLICLY express their opinions and demands in
regard to Slovenia's memberhip in NATO, war against Iraq, violence of

On November 8 the Preseren's speakers corner will give you the
opportunity to appeal to Slovenia and the world for solidarity,
tolerance, justice, peace and nonviolence. Individuals, (in)formal
organisations, associations, groups etc. are invited to participate

The speakers' Friday afternoon will be accompanied by numerous DJs,
drummers and other performers.