Da: Predrag Tosic
Data: Dom 20 Lug 2003 06:08:11 Europe/Rome
A: yugoslaviainfo <Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo.>
Oggetto: [yugoslaviainfo] Congressman Weldon: Clinton lied about Kosovo
to make war with Yugoslavia (fwd)

[ Received from Petar Makara. For more details on this and other
stories related to various aspects of the 1991-1999 dismemberment of
Yugoslavia and rape of Serbia, we refer the readers to Mr Makara's
website, http://www.srpska-mreza.com/.
The integral text of Congressmen C. Weldon's (Republican from
Pennsylvania) speech can be found at
We second Petar Makara's call to read and forward this URL to friends,
colleagues, and everyone interested in learning the ugly truth about
Bill Clinton's and Tony Blair's "humanism" in Kosovo and beyond. --
PT ]

Please forward:

Dear friends,

Last night (July 16) round midnight I stumbled at life C-Span
broadcast of Congressman Curt Weldon's (R-Pen.) attack
on hypocrisy of Democrats who now yell at top of their lungs
blaming President Bush for "lying to Congress in order to
make war with Iraq."

The Congressman said (paraphrase):
"Where were these same Democrats to criticize President
Clinton for his appalling lies about Kosovo Albanians
which made US go to war with Yugoslavia? Only round
thousand people have died [on all sides] in Kosovo in
the year that preceded NATO attack on Yugoslavia. This
was painted by President Clinton as no less than GENOCIDE
that has to be stopped at any cost. Clinton's Administration
then went on to claim that tens of thousand even hundreds
of thousand Albanians were killed by the Serbs during
NATO's attack. Only when the war was over and we invaded
Kosovo; only when we dug all so called "mass graves" did
we found that only some two thousand people were killed -
on all sides - and mostly by our bombs!

Our bombs killed more people in first two weeks of bombing
then entire Kosovo conflict did in a year!

So, Clinton purposely lied to us about Kosovo in order
to make us go to war to Yugoslavia and then lied to boost
and justify that war while it was lasting."
(End paraphrase).

I was shocked. Did the time finally came for us to hear just
what gruesome lies Clinton and his "democratic" ilk used
during eight long years of his administration. I could not
believe my ears and I grabbed the first tape I found at hand
and recorded what Congressman said. (I actually recorder
over some other programming - does not even matter which one).
I only started recording after first few minutes when I realized
what he was talking about so I do not have his full speech.
The words I wrote above are not a transcript (we should
obtain one if possible). I paraphrased.

Congressman Weldon documented his claim by quoting
some old articles (mostly published in small, unimportant
American newspapers) which - well after the fact - admitted:
"We were suckers for KLA [Kosovo Albanian separatist

The time (again) was almost midnight and the live
program showed the empty Congress the Congressman
was addressing. The time for Truth was ripe as most of
Americans were sound asleep and few who were not
were probably watching some mindless movies on other

The Congressman threatened that he will expose
Democrat's hypocrisy to the full. He said he will come
to the Congress every night - with facts - proving open
and purposeful Clinton's lies - lies about anything of importance.
He talked about Kosovo at length and he listed a few more
major lies of Clinton Administration including the one claiming
that Russia does not point nuclear missiles at USA any more,
the lies about Korea etc.

We Serbs can help in this project. There are more than
two million of us Serbian Americans who are angry as
hell at Clinton and his ilk. For too long we were voiceless,
raped, abused and called Nazis while the Serbian people
was subject to a gigantic holocaust and exodus almost
unknown in otherwise sore Serb history. For too long
we were treated as third rate citizens while our tax
dollars went to bomb our families out of their ancient
lands and property. In Bosnia where the Serbs settled
more than THOUSAND years ago (in seventh century)
and where the Serbs were (by far) the largest ethnic
group our tax dollars went to bomb Christian Serbs
out of their houses and out of everything they ever owned
- so we make room for Islam fundamentalists of one
Alija Izetbegovic.

(See articles at:
http://srpska-mreza.com/library/facts/again_turkey.html )

In Bosnia Clinton Administration not only secretly
armed Islam fundamentalists - it was even involved

(See: http://emperors-clothes.com/articles/nico/diabolic.htm
See also the list of Clinton's lies at:
http://emperors-clothes.com/articles/jared/nocrime.htm )

Clinton's Administration was involved in organizing
Islam fundamentalists who were chopping off
Christian heads.

http://srpska-mreza.com/library/facts/jihad-in-Europe.html )

Countless crimes were done to Yugoslavia which will
shame the name of America to the end of time.
In Croatia, Clinton established replica of Nazi entity
of Hitler's time. No-one was as blood-thirsty, no-one
was as gruesome as Nazi Croats known as Ustashas.
Their leader Dr. Pavelic was a person who had a
basket filled with dug-out human eyes on his desk.
His monstrous troops literally enjoyed murdering children
in front of their parents and did other deeds that are hard
to put in words.

http://srpska-mreza.com/library/facts/ww2.html#ustashi )

Today's Croatia is a carbon copy of Hitler's Croatia.
It has the same name, flag, anthem, emblem, uniforms,...
They resurrected the same unbelievable horror of WWII
while calling the resisting Serbs aggressors and even
conquerors! At the end Clinton's Administration cleansed
*ALL* Serbs from the lands they were invited to settle
at the times before Pilgrims landed on these shores!
This even Hitler did not achieve!

http://srpska-mreza.com/library/facts/krajina.html )

If that was not enough Clinton Administration bombed
the Serbs out of their ancestral lands and the very
cradle of the Christian Serb civilization - from Kosovo.
Once that was achieved in an act that eclipses even
hordes of infamous Vandals Clinton Administration
helped Albanians dynamite more than hundred ancient
Serb churches and monasteries - some of them declared
Unesco Level Zero - meaning world treasure!

(See: http://srpska-mreza.com/library/facts/eradication.html )

One can as well use the name of America instead of
Vandals from now on to denote primitive, mindless
destruction. Congratulations Mr. Clinton!

No-one is as shameless as Mr. Clinton's ex Secretary
of State Mrs. Albright whose very life was saved two times
by the Serbs as her Jewish family found refuge in Belgrade
first to escape Hitler and then Stalin. This beast in human
skin then repaid the kindness of the Serbian heart by
passionately hating them. She was instrumental in
demanding that Serbs should be bombed and expelled
from Krajina, Bosnia and Kosovo. She then organized a
"tribunal" in the Hague that has a sole purpose to blame
all the Serbs who dared resist the planned cleansing
of the Christian Serb people from their ancestral land.
The tribunal is nothing but a train of appalling scandals
that dwarf Hitler's as well as infamous Moscow trials

http://srpska-mreza.com/library/facts/hague.html )

Oh yes, we have wealth of information to support
Congressman Weldon's claims - if anyone is ready
to listen.

For http://srpska-mreza.com
Petar Makara
New York

Thank you for your interest in http://www.srpska-mreza.com

Please, take a look at our new pages concerning the
illegal NATO attack on sovereign Yugoslavia. The pages
are at address: