From: Vladimir Krsljanin (SLOBODA Belgrade)
Date: Fri, 1 Aug 2003

1. Adopted Conclusions of the ICDSM

2. Zyuganov: Freedom for Slobodan Milosevic!

=== 1: Adopted Conclusions of the ICDSM ===

Dear friends,
President Slobodan Milosevic is winning the historical battle for the
truth and against US/NATO/ICTY aggression. He is winning with the true
support of his people. He is winning in spite he is the first and most
important prisoner of the "New World Order", which means the suffering
of millions, new colonization and global tyranny. He is winning in
spite his life is under threat, he is separated from his family, his
wife, son, closest associates are being hunted. In spite his country is
occupied and the puppet regime threatens everyone who supports his
struggle or works for his defense. In spite all those who now try to
use his victory, his honesty and glory, in spite the calculants,
opportunists and alleged friends.
In his victory, like in whole his life and struggle, President
Milosevic is sincere and generous. His main thought is how to reach the
broadest peoples' unity in the struggle for freedom. Like always, he is
ready to accept everyone who is sincerely wishing to contribute to that
After the successful Vidovdan demonstration at The Hague, the ICDSM
agreed on important conclusions. All the leading personalities of
ICDSM were free to comment the draft of the conclusions or to send
their remarks about its content until yesterday, July 31, 2003. Many
endorsements and useful comments have reached us, including 
full support of the Founder and Co-Chairman of ICDSM professor Velko
Valkanov, and of the Russian Committee led by Alexander Zinoviev.
President Milosevic himself has made several specific remarks and gave
his endorsement to the conclusions, stressing the importance of the
leading role of "Sloboda". All his remarks have been incorporated in
the final text of the conclusions, posted below.
Following, we summarize the main ICDSM Hague meeting conclusions:
1. Main and unifying goal of ICDSM is the release of Slobodan Milosevic
and public promotion of his internationally important struggle
for truth, justice, freedom and national dignity;
2. Agreed concrete public, political and legal actions to fight for a
one-year break of the Hague process;
3. Joint actions to raise urgently needed necessary funds for the
defense (ongoing efforts show first promising results);
4. Coordinated actions with the Serb/Yugoslav Diaspora;
5. Leading and coordinating role of Sloboda in all activities;
6. Support for progress in setting up new national committees in
France, USA, The Netherlands, Canada.
7. The ICDSM has two co-chairmen, Velko Valkanov and Ramsey Clark, a
multitude of vice-chairmen and a Board of members who are mainly
leaders of national branches and of important task forces.
It is obligatory that all ICDSM members work in accordance with these
conclusions. All actions contravening these conclusions can not be made
on behalf or in the function of ICDSM.
Vladimir Krsljanin,
Co-ordinator of the Board of ICDSM,
General Secretary of "Sloboda",
Foreign Relations Assistant to President Slobodan Milosevic
Klaus Hartmann,
Vice-Chairman of ICDSM,
Speaker of the German Section of ICDSM,
Vice-Chairman of the World Union of Freethinkers

Following we present the full text of the adopted ICDSM conclusions:


This paper contains theResults, Conclusions and Proposalsof a meeting
which was held in Scheveningen, June 28, 2003, beginning at 18:00 hrs,
after the demonstration march and rallies organized in front of the
Hague “Tribunal” and the Scheveningen prison by Serbian organisations
and ICDSM.

Prof. Dr. Velko Valkanov and Klaus Hartmann introduced the meeting,
giving reports about their visit toPresidentSlobodan Milosevic,
providing a basis for the discussion and making proposals for the
future work of ICDSM. These proposals were supplemented by Vladimir
Krsljanin. A discussion paper was submitted by the German Section of

It was decided that the main results of the meeting should be
summarized and sent to all officials of ICDSM who would be requested to
give their comments. Such comments should reach the sender by July 31,
2003, at latest.

A.                The events of the last months have revealed that
there is a need to define some basic principles of co-operation in

1.     Officials of ICDSM work together on the basis of complete
equality and equal rights.

2.     Each official of ICDSM has the right to decide on the function
he may be asked to exercise for ICDSM, either to accept it or to refuse
it. He has no right to nominate other officials or to depose them.

3.     Public attacks on officials or members of ICDSM are not
permissible and incompatible with a function in ICDSM. Any criticism or
argument may be expressed only internally and directly.

4.     Co-operation within ICDSM is based in substance on the following

-         Release of Slobodan Milosevic and public promotion of his
internationally important struggle for truth, justice, freedom and
national dignity

-         Abolishment of the illegal ICTY and release of all its

-         Opposition to NATO aggression against Yugoslavia and Serbian
people, demand for compensation for damage and for criminal
accountability of NATO leaders

-     Defence of international law, equality and independence, national
sovereignty and dignity of all countries.

-         Opposition to neo-colonialism of the „New World Order“.

Agreement on other issues, such as developments in other countries and
regions or political concepts of society is neither a condition nor a
subject matter of work within ICDSM.

B.                The most important future activities:

5.     A matter of highest priority is the mobilisation of funds for
the defence. This regards the presently incurred costs as well as the
considerably higher funds, which will be required during the
“half-time” of the defence. The funds shall be collected on a national
basis and shall be put at the immediate disposal of SLOBODA. Different
concrete methods have been proposed and discussed. In order to
co-ordinate these activities it is suggested to form a “financial
committee” or working group. The German Section has offered the
co-operation of its “financial manager” Peter Betscher. Other members
and national branches are requested to make their own proposals of
persons to co-operate in this body.

6.     Having in mind the highest importance of the actions against the
worst forms of violation of the human rights of President Milosevic –
in the first place against the threats to his life and health, against
the attacks on his family, need to fight his illegal detention, and as
the most actual: the strongest possible demand for at least one year
long provisional release for recovery and appropriate preparation of
his defense case, – public, political and legal activity of all
national branches is required. At the same time, ICDSM will form a task
force headed by Professor Bernardini to propose and organize legal
actions before the international bodies for human rights protection.
All the lawyers within the ICDSM should give concrete contributions to
the further strengthening of the defense. ICDSM should create
conditions for providing President Milosevic with more permanent legal
assistance in his struggle. As a first step in this direction, the
proposal for
the permanent engagement of Ms.Tiphaine Dickson, attorney from Canada,
has been supported.

7.     Each of the national branches should organize appropriate
concrete activities to support the preparation of the defense case such
as: collection of evidence, proposing the appropriate international
witnesses of defense, aiding the works of Sloboda and the future Hague
defense team. Special attention should be paid to the media work and
the public promotion of the results of President Milosevic’s struggle
for the truth and justice at The Hague.

8.     The Vidovdan protest events at The Hague have been considered as
successful. Broad participation of Serbs from the Western European
countries has been very important. The content of the speeches and the
high rank of Serbian and international speakers and other participants
have secured the seriousness and strength of the events. The local
organization has been good, accurate and reliable.

The key role of the broad activities of the German branch of ICDSM has
been emphasized and their successful interaction with Serbian groups in
Germany in particular. This experience should be used as a positive
example for the future activities of ICDSM.

Established cooperation of ICDSM with prominent Serbian representatives
and groups from Germany, Great Britain, France, Austria, The
Netherlands and other European countries will continue and further

Since the whole event produced a positive public and mobilizing effect,
similar actions should be repeated periodically. It has been proposed
that the next protest at The Hague takes place by the end of October

C. Organizational matters

9.     The enhancement of the efficiency of work, being an unquestioned
necessity, should include a reappraisal of the leadership structures,
taking into account the views expressed by president Milosevic about
the efficiency and equality necessary for the successful work if the
ICDSM. The question of the most adequate leadership structures should
not be decided hastily, as this is a matter reserved for discussion by
officials and national branches of the International Committee.

10. The two co-chairmen at the top of the International Committee have
been symbolizing the fact that it originated from the movements in
Europe and the US, which created public tribunals condemning NATO
aggression on Yugoslavia. Besides, the reputation of both co-chairmen
gave positive impact to the prestige of ICDSM. The multitude
vice-chairmen, as originally intended, should be either leaders of
national branches of ICDSM or persons who, by the amount and quality of
their activities give the most important impact in serving our cause in
their respective countries.

11. SLOBODA/Freedom Association, the Yugoslav Section of ICDSM, has to
have the leading function in the Board of the International Committee
as organizer of the immediate defence work and as crucial factor in the
peoples’ struggle for freedom and against the colonial regime in

-      The tasks of a working committee of ICDSM will be given to
SLOBODA. Vladimir Krsljanin, the secretary of SLOBODA, will have the
function of the co-ordinator of the Board of ICDSM

12. Besides the existing co-chairmen and vice-chairmen, the members of
the Board of the International Committee should be chosen mainly among
the spokespersons and co-ordinators of the most active national
branches or sections of ICDSM. The main criteria should be their
capacity to promote the cause of ICDSM in the framework of an
organizational structure at the national level, which should be capable
to make alliances based on the global importance of the struggle of
President Milosevic, including with the Serbian/Yugoslav community.

- The forthcoming establishment of national branches in Great Britain,
France, The Netherlands, Canada and the US is applauded, as well as
planned broadening of the activity of the committee in Italy and the
reported activity of the Irish branch of ICDSM. Vladimir Krsljanin is
charged with the task of co-opting in the Board of ICDSM, after
consultations, a representative of each of the national branches which
are not represented in the Board.

- The request for membership in ICDSM made by the Russian Social
Committee for thedefense of Slobodan Milosevic is granted with
appreciation for their extremely important activities and as a proof of
a wide recognition of the global importance of the struggle of Slobodan
Milosevic, which requires coordination of all organizations and groups
struggling for his release. Vladimir Krsljanin is charged with the
task, to consult with the Russian committee on its adequate
representation and to take care of the follow up.

13. Statements on behalf of ICDSM, if not adopted after consultation of
all Board members, will be made only by the two co-chairmen and the
co-ordinator, while the representatives of the national sections and
branches and other members of the Board will speak only in their own
name. Any change in the composition of the Board can be made only on
the basis of a broad agreement among its members. For this purpose the
co-ordinator consults with the other members of the Board in order to
reach an agreed decision.



The work for the defense of Slobodan Milosevic totally depends on your
For more details, see:

Send a check to our address:
Rajiceva 16, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia and Montenegro, Yugoslavia
or transfer your donation to our account using the instructions at:

SLOBODA urgently needs your donation.
Please find the detailed instructions at:
To join or help this struggle, visit: (Sloboda/Freedom association) (the international committee to defend Slobodan
Milosevic) (German section of ICDSM) (world peace council) (Balkan antiNATO center)

=== 2: Zyuganov: Freedom for Slobodan Milosevic! ===


Statement of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation and of the
Peoples’ Patriotic Union of Russia

The state of health of the most known political prisoner in the world –
former President of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia Slobodan
Milosevic - has again been sharply deteriorated. The illness of
president Milosevic has so much worsened, so that even the unjust
NATO-court has been forced to have a break in its proceedings.

Many times the world public demanded that doctors from Yugoslavia and
other countries would be allowed to see the former head of the Yugoslav
state in prison in order to carry out regular check-ups of his health
and to determine the specialized therapy. The judges of the
NATO-tribunal and Dutch authorities avoid fulfilling their elementary
duties in the most shameful way in relation to the political prisoner
Slobodan Milosevic.

The Communist Party of the Russian Federation and the Peoples’
Patriotic Union of Russia demand the immediate release of Slobodan
Milosevic from prison.

He has to have the possibility to fully recuperate his health in
Belgrade with the aid of doctors who were treating him for many years.

Slobodan Milosevic also has to have the possibility to prepare for the
second phase of the process, when he will present his evidence against
the false accusations of the NATO “tribunal” at The Hague.

President of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the
Russian Federation
President of the of the Peoples’ Patriotic Union of Russia
Gennadi Zyuganov

Moscow, August 1st, 2003