Yugoslavia and the Jews
3: Are some genocides more equal than others?

A. Jewish Educational Multimedia still fiercely attacking the Serbs on
B. Guenther Lewy´s racist book on the Nazi persecution of the Gypsies

=== A ===

Da: Boba
Data: Sab 5 Lug 2003 20:34:45 Europe/Rome
Oggetto: My letter // to the Jewish Educational Multimedia

To : Jewish Educational Multimedia


Re: Your Movie: "From Kosovo, Good Cheer and Charisma Intact"


I am shocked that you would produce movie of this kind and contest. It
is pure anti-Serbian propaganda and misinterpretation of facts.
Hollywood and you alike have done monstrous injustice to the suffering
of Serbian people in Kosovo and elsewhere. You are justifying genocide
committed by Albanians in Kosovo against the Serbs, by producing this
kind of films. Would dirty Albanian money make you happy? Before the
war against Serbia, Albanians joined by Osama bin Laden, had NATO to
reach their goal of ethnically pure, albanized (Serbian province of)
Kosovo. In the "time of peace" they have Jewish Educational Multimedia
to cover up lies they used to reach their goal.
The only good thing you could do is to prevent these lies to be

To educate yourself, please read the below articles.

After all, truth liberates.

Boba Borojevic



Srdja Trifkovic "Kosovo: Invented Massacres"


From Kosovo to Baghdad
The Past And Coming War

=== 2 ===

Subj: [Samudaripen_Holocaust] Comment on article "The Nazi War on the
Date: 7/4/03 2:58:47 PM Eastern Daylight Time
From: irka.cederberg
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I strongly object to Gad Nashron´s praising of Guenther Lewy´s book on
the Nazi persecution of the Gypsies.
This book has been strongly criticised among Roma and almost everybody
has been dismayed by Lewy´s conclusions.  One woman for example
expresses what many Roma seem to feel: 
"This book frightens me, many will believe it and use it against us."
The British scholar Donald Kenrick, - who has written the so far ONLY
standard book on the subject,  in fact the "most comprehensive and
compelling account available of the fate of the Gypsies under the Nazi
inferno" (to quote Gad Nahshon)  in his review of the book says:
"The author's position is clearly aligned with that of Yehuda Bauer and
Eli Wiesel. For him, too, the genocide of the Jews is unique. He will
not accept that the Nazi policy towards the Gypsies was also one of
genocide, albeit evolving in a different way.
In his review the Romani scholar doctor Ian Hancock wrote: "The
statement that Nazi policy towards Romanies was not race-based is
patently absurd.  The belief that Romani "criminality" was a genetic
defect which caused "hereditarily diseased offspring" is racist in
itself, and was justification for terminating Romani "lives unworthy of
life." "The Nazi Persecution of the Gypsies is a dangerous book.  It is
another title in the antiquated tradition of an expert treatise on a
people whom the author has never met nor has made any effort to meet".