(english / italiano)

Esaurimento nervoso:
si dimette il governatore della colonia del Kosovo

1. Si dimette il capo dell'UNMIK (dispacci ANSA)
2. Anche il capo della KFOR - il tedesco Kammerhof - se ne va con un
mese di anticipo (articoli in inglese)
3. Sara' francese il prossimo comandante delle forze di occupazione

Sui precedenti capi dell'UNMIK, vedi tra l'altro:

Nominato il nuovo governatore straniero della colonia
L'unico successo della missione di Michael Steiner
Le avventure amorose di Michael S.
Governatore numero due: Michael Steiner
UNMIK Chief Michael Steiner has clearly said that Kosovo is not a
Serbian province
Steiner: esportare in Iraq la ricetta Kosovo
Le menteur de la semaine: Bernard Kouchner
The Trepca mining complex: How Kosovo's spoils were distributed

=== 1 ===



(ANSA-AFP) - HELSINKI, 25 MAG - Il capo della missione dell'Onu in
Kosovo, il finlandese Harri Holkeri, ha annunciato oggi di aver
presentato le sue dimissioni al segretario generale delle Nazioni Unite
Kofi Annan per motivi di salute.
In precedenza fonti politiche avevano preannunciato le sue dimissioni
motivandole con le critiche ricevute dopo i violenti scontri tra serbi
e albanesi avvenuti a marzo. (ANSA-AFP). MAO 25/05/2004


(ANSA) - HELSINKI, 25 MAG - Holkeri, 67 anni, era stato ricoverato
recentemente in un ospedale francese, a Strasburgo, per controlli
medici in seguito ad affaticamento. Dopo aver assunto l'anno scorso
l'incarico al vertice dell'Unmik , la missione dell'Onu nel Kosovo,
Holkeri avrebbe concluso il suo mandato nell'agosto prossimo. In
seguito agli scontri tra albanesi e serbi nel marzo scorso, era stato
oggetto di critiche e di pressioni perche' lasciasse l'incarico.
(ANSA). BV 25/05/2004 12:53


(ANSA) - BRUXELLES, 25 MAG - La Nato ha reso omaggio al capo della
missione dell'Onu in Kosovo, il finlandese Harri Holkeri, che si e'
dimesso per motivi di salute. In un comunicato, il segretario
generale dell'Alleanza atlantica, Jaap de Hoop Scheffer, ha
sottolineato la ''forte dedizione'' di Holkeri ''alla pace,
stabilita' e riconciliazione etnica in Kosovo''. Il numero Uno
dell'Alleanza atlantica, impegnata nel protettorato Onu attraverso i
circa 20 mila uomini della Kfor, ha esaltato il ruolo di Holkeri nel
dialogo fra Pristina e Belgrado ''iniziato col suo incoraggiamento e
la sua guida''. De Hoop Scheffer, peraltro, sara' per tre giorni
proprio nei Balcani: domani in Croazia, per incontrare fra gli altri
il presidente croato Stjepan Mesic ed il premier Ivo Sanader,
mentre giovedi' e venerdi' (27 e 28 maggio) si rechera' il Macedonia
per colloqui con il presidente macedone Branko Crvenkovski e il primo
ministro designato Hari Kostov.(ANSA). CAL
25/05/2004 19:09

=== 2 ===


2004-05-19 13:07:24

Kosovo's United Nations administrator Harri Holkeri returned to the
protectorate yesterday following a brief illness, but hinted he might
not be much longer in the post, Reuters reported.
"It remains to be seen," the 67-year-old former Finnish prime minister
told reporters when pressed on his future in the role of Kosovo
Holkeri was due to meet the commander of the NATO-led peacekeeping
mission, KFOR, in the evening and would see Kosovo's ethnic Albanian
prime minister, Bajram Rexhepi, on Tuesday, officials said.
He was due to fly to Finland on Tuesday, they added.
Holkeri's grasp on the Kosovo problem was faulted by Western experts in
mid-March following the worst ethnic violence in nearly five years. In
two days of widespread unrest, 19 people died as rioting Albanians
attacked minority Serb enclaves and clashed with NATO and UN police.
Western powers admitted the violence came as a surprise and caught both
the UN and NATO unaware. The March clashes focussed fresh attention on
Kosovo by the European Union, the United States and Russia.
Holkeri was admitted to hospital in France last week, following a
diplomatic function, suffering from what doctors said was fatigue or
possibly heart problems. "I'm feeling quite better now. I'm here to
exercise my powers," he told Reuters at Pristina airport yesterday.
Asked to confirm he was leaving for Helsinki on Tuesday, he said: "I
don't know yet". But he added that he planned to go to Helsinki for a
medical examination. "I want to see my own doctor. My French is not so
good," the chief administrator said.
Holkeri is the fourth UN chief Kosovo has had since it became an
international protectorate. Critics including former US Balkans
troubleshooter Richard Holbrooke say the question of Kosovo's final
status has been swept under the carpet.
Holkeri's one-year, renewable mandate would normally expire in August.
Possible successors, according to the local rumour mill, include former
Irish foreign minister Dick Spring.


From: "Apis Group office" <office @ apisgroup.org>

Belgrade Media Highlihts, May 21-22, 2004 

Kammerhoff to Step Down a Month Earlier

KFOR commander, German general Holger Kammerhof will step down from
duty a month prior to the expiry of his mandate in order to join German
armed forces, announced the KFOR headquarters in Prishtina on Thursday.
NATO has decided to replace him with French general Yves de Kermabon.
The replacement will take place on September 4.
General Kammerhof’s early departure has been explained with his
transfer to a new assignment at the German army headquarters.
The new KFOR commander, French general Yves de Kermabon has already
served a mandate in Kosovo as commander of the northern sector of the
international military mission.

Holkeri isn’t returning to Kosovo (Balkan)

UNMIK Head Harri Holkeri is not returning to Kosovo, Balkan learned
from well-informed sources. This Finnish diplomat, who is at the moment
in one Helsinki hospital where he is recovering from a serious heart
attack (and not a light one as the western media reported) that he
suffered in Strasbourg seven days ago, as the same source asserts, is
afraid of returning to the southern Serbian province over threats by
Albanian terrorists that they will kill him. Although all west European
agencies have reported that Holkeri was admitted in Strasbourg last
Wednesday due to exhaustion and some other medical check-ups, stories
that the UNMIK head will not return anymore have been going around
Kosovo for days, as well as that his duty until the arrival of
Holkeri’s successor will be taken over by American Brayshaw, Holkeri’s
deputy. “I’ve heard that Holkeri will not be returning because he
suffered a serious heart attack in Strasbourg,” the vice-president of
the Lipljan municipality Borivoje Vignjevic confirmed. Regional SNC
leader Milan Ivanovic says that he had also heard that Holkeri will not
be probably returning to Kosovo, but that he doesn’t know whether he
will not be returning because of the heart attack or something else,
referring to the stories that Albanians had threatened the UNMIK head,
i.e. that they will kill him for not advocating independence of Kosovo.

Holkeri again in hospital over exhaustion (Glas)

UNMIK Head Harri Holkeri will not be dismissed, but the UN SG will
appoint another SRSG if Holkeri is not able to return to Pristina for
health reasons. From New York comes the news that Irish diplomat
Richard Spring will arrive at the helm of UNMIK instead of Holkeri, but
no one in UNMIK has been able to confirm this to us. According to Glas,
Holkeri himself
considers he will, nevertheless, be able to continue to perform his
duty in Kosovo and Metohija, where he came in August last year. At the
moment, Holkeri is in Finland, where he went for consultations with the
Some time ago he started complaining that he was tired, because of
which he had already been in Finland. Upon return to Pristina he was
treated by French doctors, but he decided to go to Finland for
consultations with the local doctor since, as he said, he couldn’t
understand the French.



Agence France-Presse
May 25, 2004

Top UN envoy in Kosovo resigns amid spate of ethnic
violence in province

The top UN official in Kosovo, Harri Holkeri of
Finland, who has been widely criticized for playing
down recent ethnic violence in the province, said he
had submitted his resignation after just nine months
on the job.
"Last night I called Secretary General Kofi Annan and
asked to resign as his special representative and as
head of UNMIK (the UN mission in Kosovo), due to my
health," Holkeri told reporters in the Finnish
Holkeri, 67, a former Finnish prime minister, was
hospitalized in France earlier this month when he
collapsed after briefing European foreign ministers in
Strasbourg on the situation in the troubled Serb
The former Finnish conservative head of government
took over last year as the fourth leader of the UNMIK,
and was originally scheduled to be replaced in August.
Holkeri is seen by many of Kosovo's leaders as having
failed in his task to reconcile the ethnic groups in
the province and oversee a gradual handover of
responsibilities to local authorities.
His mission was dealt a final blow in March, when
ethnic Albanians went on a rampage against Serbs
living in NATO-protected enclaves, reversing the
international communities' efforts to bring the two
groups closer together.
The riots left 19 people dead and more than 900
injured, with Holkeri coming under fire from local
officials for not having done enough to prevent the
violence, and later also playing down the unrest's
"I think that the departure of Holkeri was something
expected" after the anti-Serb riots in March, said
Nebojsa Covic, the Belgrade representative in charge
of Kosovo.
"Whether (the resignation) was really due to health
reasons it does not matter any more," Covic told AFP,
adding that he believed it was directly linked to the
March unrest.
On Tuesday Holkeri brushed off the allegations that he
could have done more to curb the unrest in the
"I have read this criticism, and have been surprised
by it. It was UNMIK that condemned these riots and
tried to get the local government to do its utmost.
And when the local government was hesitant, we got
charged with not doing enough?" Holkeri asked

"This is a bit difficult to understand."

Speaking about the situation in the province, Holkeri
said "it has become considerably better, but the
events in March were of course a huge setback".
As a consequence the UN time frame for the
reconciliation and gradual handover of authority in
the area should be revised, he pointed out.



May 25, 2004

Serbian premier not surprised by UNMIK chief's

BELGRADE/SALONIKA - Serbian Premier Vojislav Kostunica
said Tuesday in Salonika that the resignation of UNMIK
chief Harri Holkeri, though justified by health
reasons, was not surprising. It is obvious that the
serious situation in Kosovo-Metohija has deteriorated
further after the outbreak of violence last March, and
that Holkeri was unprepared for it, which is why his
departure comes as no surprise, Kostunica told Tanjug
over the telephone from Salonika where he is attending
the Salonika Forum.
According to Kostunica, it is far more important now
to see who will be Holkeri's successor and whether the
international community will this time appoint a
person better acquainted with the situation in Kosovo.



May 25, 2004

Political representatives of Serbs welcomed departure
of Holkeri

KOSOVSKA MITROVICA - Political representatives of
Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija welcomed on Tuesday the
departure of Harri Holkeri from the post of UNMIK
head, assessing that was the result of pressure of the
international commujity on him because of the March
violence in the Province. The only Serbian minister in
the Kosovo government Goran Bogdanovic told Tanjug
that Holkeri was the most to blame for the March
violence, because he could have prevented it, so that
his departure did not come as a surprise.
"The actions of Holkeri were pro-Albanian and as such
not in line with his mandate," said Coalition "Return"
deputy Rada Trajkovic, voicing fear that a vacuum
could be created before a successor was appointed.

=== 3 ===


(ANSA) - PARIGI, 13 MAG - Un generale francese, Yves de Kermabon,
prendera' a settembre il comando della forza della Nato in Kosovo
(Kfor) in sostituzione del tedesco Holger Kammerhoff. Lo ha annunciato
oggi a Parigi lo stato maggiore francese. De Kermabon e' nato nel 1948
ed e' gia' stato in Kosovo dal marzo al settembre 2003, come
vicecomandante della Kfor. (ANSA) LQ
13/05/2004 19:15