Tra le ultime grida levatesi contro la dirigenza jugoslava - colpevole
di far passare in Parlamento, anziche' in TV e a colpi di referendum
come in Italia, le proprie riforme populiste - ci giungono quelle del
premier tedesco Schroeder: "Milosevic e' il nuovo Hitler - lasciatecelo
dire a noi, che ce ne intendiamo!"
Infatti Schroeder, che e' tra i responsabili dei bombardamenti della
NATO contro la RF di Jugoslavia e delle relative violazioni del diritto
tedesco ed internazionale, da circa due anni guida il suo paese alla
riconquista coloniale dei Balcani e dell'Europa orientale in continuita'
con Bismarck ed Hitler. In particolare, soldati tedeschi dopo 50 anni
nuovamente occupano il territorio kosovaro ed assistono alle operazioni
di pulizia etnica compiute dai loro alleati nazionalisti pan-albanesi.

> Milosevic copies Hitler's power grab - Schroeder
> By Gernot Heller
> OKINAWA, Japan, July 23 (Reuters) - Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder accused
> Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic on Sunday of grabbing power in Belgrade
> in the same way Adolf Hitler established the Nazi dictatorship in Germany in
> 1933.
> In the toughest foreign criticism to date, Schroeder said constitutional
> amendments Milosevic pushed through the Serb-dominated Yugoslav parliament
> this month were like the Enabling Act that gave Hitler sweeping powers.
> Schroeder's criticism came a day after he and Italian Prime Minister Giuliano
> Amato told the Group of Eight summit on this southerly Japanese island that
> the international community must not recognise any Yugoslav elections based
> on the new laws.
> A G8 statement on the Balkans voiced concern about the amendments, which
> opened the door for Milosevic to serve another eight years as president, and
> expressed support for the Western-leaning government in Montenegro.
> ``I don't want to beat around the bush,'' Schroeder told journalists at the
> summit. ``The constitutional amendments Milosevic has pushed through amount
> to an Enabling Act.
> ``We've already experienced that once before,'' he said in an ominous
> reference to the 1933-1945 Nazi period in Germany.
> Democratically elected in January 1933, Hitler soon pushed his Enabling Act
> through the Reichstag to establish his Nazi dictatorship. He promptly shut
> down the parliament, banned political parties and trade unions and sent about
> 200 deputies to concentration camps where 88 died.
> Milosevic, an international pariah indicted for war crimes by a U.N.
> tribunal, had the constitution amended to let him win reelection when his
> present term expires in mid-2001.
> The amendments also introduced direct voting for the upper house of the
> federal parliament, thereby bypassing the assembly in the much smaller
> republic of Montenegro.
> The West worries that Milosevic is pushing Montenegro to hold a referendum on
> independence, a move that could spark off another Balkan conflict like the
> struggle for Kosovo last year and prompt Kosovo Albanians to seek their own
> state as well.
> Montenegran President Milo Djukanovic has said his republic, with only
> 650,000 inhabitants, would boycott federal elections held under the new rules
> because they denied it equality with 10-million-strong Serbia in the rump
> Yugoslav federation.
> Briefing journalists on Saturday, Schroeder's diplomatic adviser Michael
> Steiner said: ``The chancellor and Italian Prime Minister Amato stressed
> there could be no international recognition of any electoral results achieved
> on the basis of the recent constitutional changes that Milosevic has
> staged.''
> Steiner said both Schroeder and French President Jacques Chirac stressed that
> ``the reestablishment of democracy in Yugoslavia was in the interests of both
> the G8 and Europe.''
> The G8 includes the United States, Japan, Germany, France, Italy, Canada and
> Russia. At Chirac's request, the European Union plans to hold a conference in
> Croatia in November on security issues in the western Balkans.
> During a lively discussion on the Balkans, Steiner added, Russian President
> Vladimir Putin made clear he would join G8 efforts to pressure Milosevic
> towards more democracy but not try to press for sympathy for Belgrade as
> Moscow did during the Kosovo crisis.
> In that crisis, Moscow openly played the ``Slavic card'' by stressing the
> common heritage of Slavic languages and Orthodox Christian faith that Russia
> and Serbia shared.
> ``Putin wanted to say he is in the G8 boat and...is not ready to play a part
> on the other side,'' Steiner said. ``There will not be the G7 and a
> 'G-Eighth' who tries to win
> 01:32 07-23-00

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