Con insano godimento, giornalisti, politici e militari dei paesi NATO
durante i bombardamenti della primavera 1999 hanno scatenato le loro
piu' turpi fantasie criminologiche per gonfiare l'entita' dei presunti
crimini di parte jugoslava.

Ma adesso che piu' di un anno e' passato, la NATO ammette ufficialmente
che il numero delle vittime della "repressione di Milosevic" in Kosmet
non e' 100mila, come raccontato all'epoca dai funzionari statunitensi,
ne' dell'ordine delle decine di migliaia, come fatto credere dai nostri
scribacchini, bensi' "tra due e tremila", delle quali peraltro non si sa
chi sarebbe stato ucciso da chi, chi e' slavo e chi albanese, ne' come
sarebbe stato ucciso (scontri tra esercito ed UCK? Liquidazioni
sommarie? Morte naturale?).

Anziche' mostrarsi imbarazzati per l'uso sfacciato della menzogna come
arma di guerra, i portavoce della NATO sono soddisfatti e con la solita
faccia tosta esclamano: "E' anche questa una nostra vittoria, perche'
vuol dire che siamo entrati in Kosovo presto, impedendo ai sub-umani
serbi di compiere altri massacri!"

> Figures put on Serb killings too high
> Special report: Kosovo
> Jonathan Steele
> Friday August 18, 2000
> The Guardian
> Nato officials conceded last night that their wartime
> estimates of the number of Kosovo Albanian civilians
> massacred by Serb forces might have been too high.
> They were reacting to findings by forensic experts for
> the International Criminal Tribunal in the Hague who
> are preparing to complete their work in Kosovo after
> exhuming about 3,000 bodies.
> Not all of the dead can be proved to be victims of
> murder or execution.
> The war crimes teams have dug up 680 corpses this year
> at 150 sites. Added to the 2,108 found last year, the
> total is well below the murder estimates, ranging from
> 10,000 to 100,000, made during the war. Paul Risley,
> the Hague tribunal's press spokesman, said yesterday:
> "The final number of bodies uncovered will be less
> than 10,000 and probably more accurately determined as
> between two and three thousand."
> Nato's intervention against Yugoslavia was prompted by
> massive Serb offensives against Albanian villages in
> Kosovo, which caused hundreds of thousands of
> civilians to hide in forests or flee across the
> border. There were frequent killings of unarmed
> civilians.
> During the Nato airstrikes, when the Serbs restricted
> access to Kosovo, there was no way to verify atrocity
> reports. But Nato officials talked of 100,000 missing
> men and said at least 10,000 had been killed. Mark
> Laity, the acting Nato spokesman, said last night:
> "Nato never said the missing were all dead. The figure
> we stood by was 10,000. If it's wrong, I'm prepared to
> put up with a little bit of egg on our face if
> thousands are alive who were thought to be killed.
> He added: "Nato is always going to lose. If there were
> 100,000 dead we would be criticised for entering
> Kosovo late. If it's a few thousand, we're criticised
> because people say there wasn't a crisis."

e-mail: crj@... - URL: http://marx2001.org/crj