La nuova Croazia "per bene" ha premiato uno dei suoi sponsor principali,
Madeleine Albright, con una onoreficenza. Il premio, consegnatole dal
presidente Mesic in persona - ultranazionalista co-fondatore dell'HDZ
oggi spacciato per esempio fulgido di democrazia - e' dedicato ad una
regina del decimo secolo, definita "la mamma del regno croato e delle
povere mamme vedove". Niente di piu' azzeccato per la Albright, che con
le sue iniziative diplomatiche ha reso vedove e disperate piu' mamme di
chiunque altro.

(Per il passato familiare della Albright, criminale di guerra che a sua
volta viene da una famiglia di ladri di opere d'arte, si veda anche: )

> Albright sash fantasy becomes reality with presentation of
> Croatian award
> WASHINGTON, Aug 9 (AFP) - A childhood fantasy of US Secretary of
> State Madeleine Albright came true Wednesday when Croatia bestowed
> upon her a prestigious award replete with a traditional diplomatic
> sash.
> Albright, whose diplomat father was a senior official in the
> Czech Foreign Ministry, said receiving the "Badge of the Order of
> Queen Jelena with Sash and Star," Croatia's second highest honor,
> fulfilled one of her youthful dreams.
> "I can honestly tell you that as the daughter of a diplomat I
> used to pretend that I could wear sashes," Albright said after being
> presented with the award by visiting Croatian President Stipe Mesic,
> who draped the red, blue and white fabric over the secretary's
> shoulder.
> "But I never dreamed that I could have a real one with stars and
> one of this magnitude," she said, after striking a defiant pose to
> laughter from US and Croat officials gathered at the State
> Department for the presentation.
> Mesic said the award, named in honor of the 10th century queen
> known as "The Mother of the Croatian Kingdom and Poor, Widowed
> Mothers," had been given to Albright for her support of Croatia and
> democracy and rule of law there and in the Balkans.
> In addition to presenting the badge with sash and star to
> Albright, Mesic also awarded junior rank badges to Leon Fuerth,
> Vice-President Al Gore's national security adviser and Capricia
> Panavic Marshall, a White House social secretary of Croatian
> descent, for their contributions to improving relations between
> Washington and Zagreb.

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