Da: ICDSM Italia
Data: Sab 1 ott 2005 08:38:03 Europe/Rome
A: icdsm-italia @yahoogroups.com, aa-info @yahoogroups.com
Oggetto: [icdsm-italia] Milosevic trial biased - former Russian premier

[Secondo l'ex premier russo Primakov, il processo a Milosevic e'
"sbilanciato"; e la lezione che si puo' trarre da quanto sta succedendo
nell'aula dell'Aia vale anche e soprattutto per le repubblihe
ex-sovietiche, che devono difendersi dalla destabilizzazione e dalla
aggressione dei paesi imperialisti, interessati alla ricolonizzazione
del blocco ex-socialista. Riportiamo di seguito il dispaccio
dell'agenzia Novosti.]

Da: Vladimir Krsljanin
Data: Mer 28 set 2005 23:40:55 Europe/Rome
Oggetto: Milosevic trial biased - former Russian premier

VIEWPOINT: Milosevic trial biased - former Russian premier

27/09/2005 16:54

MOSCOW, September 27 (RIA Novosti) - Former Russian Prime Minister
Yevgeny Primakov said Tuesday the Hague trial of former Yugoslav
President Slobodan Milosevic, indicted for war crimes in the Kosovo
War, was biased.

Primakov, who also served as head of intelligence and currently is
president of the Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, said at the
presentation of his new book, which comprises transcripts of Russian
defense evidence at the Hague Tribunal: "It is hard to speak about the
court's objectivity. The Tribunal is targeting a guilty verdict for
Slobodan Milosevic."

Primakov appeared as a defense witness at Milosevic's trial, along with
former President of the Council of Ministers of the U.S.S.R. Nikolai
Ryzhkov, and Vice President of Russia's Academy of Geopolitical
Problems General Colonel Leonid Ivashov.

Primakov said the trial of the former head of state might set precedent
for bringing such trials against other national leaders.

"Milosevic took action to defend his country, and he probably made some
mistakes, but they are not subject to international legal proceedings
since he did not commit crimes against humanity," Primakov said.

He said it was necessary to draw lessons from past developments in
former Yugoslavia that led to the splitting of the republic into
several smaller states.

"It is necessary to step up integration within the boundaries of the
former Soviet Union. For example, establishing a common economic space
might contribute to stabilizing the situation," he said.

Primakov said another lesson was that former Soviet states should unite
forces against possible aggression.

"If a country is a member of an [international] agreement, such as the
SCO [Shanghai Cooperation Organization, comprising Russia, China,
Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan], it will never be a
victim of such aggression," he said.

Ryzhkov said Milosevic was being charged with 63 crimes. "If he was
convicted even on a single one of the charges, he might be sentenced to
any term - 5, 10, 25 years - except the death sentence," he said.





(with all necessary details for bank transfers)


President Milosevic has the truth and law on his side. In order to use
that advantage to achieve his freedom, we must fight this totally
discredited tribunal and its patrons through professionally conducted
actions which would involve the Bar Associations, the European Court,
the UN organs in charge and the media.

Our practice has shown that ad hoc voluntary work is not enough to deal
properly with these tasks. The funds secured in Serbia are still enough
only to cover the expenses of the stay and work of President
Milosevic's legal associates at The Hague (one at the time). The funds
secured by the German section of the ICDSM (still the only one with
regular contributions) are enough only to cover minimal additional work
at The Hague connected with contacts and preparations of foreign
witnesses. Everything else is lacking.

These days, the fundraising activity of the German section was a target
of a groundless attack of the customs police in Germany. This makes the
need for your extraordinary effort dramaticaly urgent! Even the basic
defence activities at The Hague are at stake!

As a most practical way to send your donations, we are able to offer
now the account of a friendly organization in Austria (see below).
Please send your donations to that account now, to fill the gap made
after the German account was frozen. Have in mind that all bank
transfers within the EU are now at the same price like within any of
its countries.


3000-5000 EUR per month is our imminent need.

Our history and our people oblige us to go on with this necessary
But without these funds it will not be possible.

Please organize urgently the fundraising activity
and send the donations to the following account:

Solidaritäts-Bewegung. (JÖSB)
Bank Austria
IBAN AT49 1200 0503 8030 5200

All of your donations will be used for legal and other necessary
accompanying activities, on instruction or with the consent of
President Milosevic. To obtain additional information on the use of
your donations or to obtain additional advice on the most efficient way
to submit your donations or to make bank transfers, please do not
hesitate to contact us:

Peter Betscher (ICDSM Treasurer) E-mail: peter_betscher@freenet. de
Phone: +49 172 7566 014

Vladimir Krsljanin (ICDSM Secretary) E-mail: slobodavk@yubc. net
Phone: +381 63 8862 301


For truth and human rights against aggression!
Freedom for Slobodan Milosevic!
Freedom and equality for people!

On behalf of Sloboda and ICDSM,

Vladimir Krsljanin,
Foreign Relations Assistant to President Milosevic


SLOBODA urgently needs your donation.
Please find the detailed instructions at:

To join or help this struggle, visit:
http://www.sloboda.org.yu/ (Sloboda/Freedom association)
http://www.icdsm.org/ (the international committee to defend Slobodan
http://www.free-slobo.de/ (German section of ICDSM)
http://www.free-slobo-uk.org/ (CDSM UK)
http://www.icdsm-us.org/ (US section of ICDSM)
http://www.icdsmireland.org/ (ICDSM Ireland)
http://www.pasti.org/milodif.htm (ICDSM Italy)
http://www.wpc-in.org/ (world peace council)
http://www.geocities.com/b_antinato/ (Balkan antiNATO center)

...Il libro del fascismo ancora non è completato. Le "migliori" pagine
devono essere ancora scritte sul genocidio totale dei Serbi. A suo
tempo l'Olocausto di ebrei, comunisti, slavi, rom, sottintendeva un
largo spazio di rappresaglia, dalle Isole Britanniche fino ad Ulan
Bator... Nel 1999 il nuovo fascismo si è scagliato sulla piccola
Serbia, concentrandosi su alcune vie dove si trovano gli ospedali.
C'è in qualche parte del mondo - bianco, giallo o nero - c'è qualcuno
ancora al quale non è chiaro il messaggio? Non credo, perciò credo
nella rivolta, nella resistenza, nella protesta; perché il loro
messaggio non è indirizzato soltanto ad un popolo da estirpare se non
si piegherà... Il messaggio è universale, ed è indirizzato contro tutti
quelli che hanno il coraggio di ribellarsi, di essere come vogliono
essere, che credono che ogni popolo nel mondo è ugualmente importante e
che tutti hanno lo stesso diritto alla libertà e allo sviluppo...
(Slobodan Milosevic, nel 1999, al IV Congresso del PSS)
ICDSM - Sezione Italiana
c/o GAMADI, Via L. Da Vinci 27 -- 00043 Ciampino (Roma)
tel/fax +39-06-4828957 -- email: icdsm-italia @ libero.it
*** Conto Corrente Postale numero 86557006, intestato ad
Adolfo Amoroso, ROMA, causale: DIFESA MILOSEVIC ***
http://www.un.org/icty/transe54/transe54.htm (IN ENGLISH)
http://www.un.org/icty/transf54/transf54.htm (EN FRANCAIS)