From: goran vlajkovic

Subject: League of Yugoslav Communist Youth statement about situation
in Serbia and Montenegro

For four and a half decades, we have lived in socialism which has had
hundreds of faults and thousands of virtues.
Now we were forced into wild capitalism with thousands of faults and
no virtues whatsoever.

Socialism in our country was a nascent social order. It has had to
overcome burden some consequences of the first and second World Wars,
countless inherited problems and capitalist blockade. It has had to
set aside great resources for the defense. Consequently, and
naturally, there was no abundance. Nevertheless, there always was
money forall the necessities, for every individual in the society.
Now, an overwhelming majority of the population has no employment and
will not have it while the vassal bourgeoisie is in power, installed
by NATO bayonets and dollars.
By this vassal regime and NATO countries, Yugoslavia has ceased to
exist. As a result of NATO aggression, Kosovo and Metohija are
occupied and transformed into the largest military base of the NATO
Pact in Europe. With the adoption of the unconstitutional law of
co-operation with the Hague Tribunal, the vassal regime has in fact
legalized NATO aggression against the FR Yugoslavia.
In nearly six years of DOS regime and the current triumvirate,
DSS/SPO/NS, more people have lost their lives than in all the
misfortunes of the 45 years of socialism. Under the rule of the vassal
regime, our country has become the most impoverished country in
Europe. Foreign debt has reached nearly 16 billion dollars. An average
Yugoslav four member family, now owes more than $8,500. Imports are
covered by only 20% (of exports) and foreign trade deficit amounts to
over 6 billion dollars. More than 60% of industrial capacity is not
utilized, partially utilized or is shut down. Close to 40.000
companies are in receivership or close to it. All large companies (or
practically all) were sold for pittance to foreign capital or the
emerging domestic bourgeoisie and during this whole time, not a single
large industrial object had been built.
All that we have was built during socialism.
The number of unemployed exceeds 2 million people. The average wage of
those employed, amounts to considerably less than $2 per day. The
working class is deprived of rights and converted to day labourers of
foreign capitalists and the domestic mafia. With the support of
corrupted union leaders, Europe's most reactionary labour laws were
enacted. By the privatization of state, societal and co-operative
property, foreign and newly emerged domestic capitalists, have stolen
from our people that what was created over decades by the sweat and
blood of our ancestors, our fathers and mothers and us ourselves.
Previous regime has adopted the law, by which participation in the
election is being paid by several tens of thousands of euros.

CC League of Yugoslav Communist Youth-SKOJ
March 2006