From: Tim Fenton
Subject: [yugoslaviainfo] Excellent interview with Joe Bissett by
George Kenney
Date: May 9, 2006 8:07:24 AM GMT+02:00

Good to hear two of the "good guys" discussing things intelligently
and in an informed manner. This should be heard by as many people as
May 05, 2006

Peace Practitioner
Nobody got a better, close-up view of the collapse of the former
Yugoslavia than the last Canadian Ambassador there, Joe Bissett - . So when Ambassador Bissett
talks about Yugoslavia, Milosevic, and the mistakes western
governments made it is worth a careful listen, perhaps especially
because international intervention in Yugoslavia became a template
and point of departure for later adventures in Afghanistan and Iraq.
If you haven't got the fundamentals on the Yugoslav mess in roughly
the right perspective it becomes orders of magnitude more difficult
to understand the context of these later wars. It's the nitty-gritty
of the world today. In his retirement Joe Bissett has very
courageously taken unpopular positions, and I salute him for that. He
personifies the truest aspirations of Canadian humanitarian thinking—
it's fair to say, moreover, that in the best of all diplomatic
traditions he's an officer and a gentleman. Runtime for this podcast
- - is
about fifty-eight minutes. Enjoy!