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Deutsche Welle
May 25, 2006

Disputed Author Handke Awarded German Literary Prize Austrian writer Peter
Handke is controversial because of his stance on Serbia

Controversial Austrian playwright and novelist Peter Handke was awarded the
city of Düsseldorf's Heine Prize for literature.

The Heine Prize, endowed for 50,000 euros ($64,000), is one of the three
highest-paying literature prizes in Germany. The jury said Handke - like
Heinrich Heine, the German poet after whom the prize is named - obstinately
follows the way to an "open truth." He puts forth his own poetic world view,
in contrast to broader public opinion, they said. The prize will be awared
on Dec. 13.

Handke wrote the groundbreaking experimental play "Offending the Audience"
and the novel "The Goalie's Anxiety at the Penalty Kick", but may be best
know for writing the novel "Wings of Desire", which was turned into a film
by Wim Wenders.

Pro-Serbian stance

He is controversial because of his pro-Serbian stance during the Balkan
wars, and his support for the Serbian regime.

Recently, French national theatre Comédie-Française removed the play "Voyage
to the Sonorous Land or the Art of Asking" from its 2007 season lineup,
after Handke spoke at the burial of former Serbian [president] Slobodan
Milosevic in March.

Handke, who lives in France, said in an essay in the French newspaper
Libération: "Let's stop laying the massacre . on the backs of the Serbian
military and paramilitary. And listen - at last - to the survivors of the
Muslim massacres in numerous Serbian villages around Srebrenica."

'Glad' acceptance

Last year, Handke's publisher, Suhrkamp Verlag, said the author would
categorically refuse any more literature prizes; in Paris, however, Handke
said he would "gladly" accept the Heine Prize.

Up to now, winners of the Heine Prize have included Walter Jens, Günter
Kunert, Max Frisch, Wolf Biermann, Hans Magnus Enzensberger, Elfriede
Jelinek und Robert Gernhardt.