Journal from Belgrade - Saturday 14 October
"Who's is fucking with us, who's the liar?"

* Kostunica, Djindjic, Persici, V. Ilic
* SPS new strategy
* CIA's visit to Belgrade
* Feelings of ordinary people: "Who's fucking with us here, who is the liar?"
Kostunica seems now to be taking a firmer attitude, and trying to get a tighter grip on the rest of his DOS allies... He's also
accusing Djindjic & Co. for undermining his authority (in connection with illegal take-over of enterprises and institutions)
There's rumor that fights in DOS are well on the way, that Kostunica asked from Vuk Obradovic (to whom he trust the most, as
well as to Perisic) to stop the illegal take-over, and Obradovic refused, saying that this is necessary. About all this
Obradovic supposedly informed the rest of leaders in a DOS meeting where Kostunica wasn't present...
Velja Ilic (this guy from Cacak) was supposedly angry at Kostunica, saying " Has he no shame?! We did all the work, managed his
campaign, put him on presidential seat, and now he still wants to deal with them (SPS I suppose) in gloves!"
Perisic and Djindjic are making a pressure on Kostunica to oust general Pavkovic, and Djindjic even asked Djukanovic to make a
pressure on Kostunica to change all the generals (because Kostunica wouldn't listen to him, Djindjic)
Tonight SPS and DOS will have a meeting at 22h to continue the discussion about transitional government. But it has been
arranged that SPS, DOS, SPO and SRS will be in it. At midnight they will meet Milutinovic.
The session of Republic Skupstina is possibly at Saturday or Sunday....The problem is, radicals are still more-less refusing to
G17 is understandably very much against this kind of transitional government, they want expert government (and they will be
the EXPERTS I suppose!)

SPS new strategy
On SPS side, the 'Operation Renewal' tries to start. A new leadership was formed, combining the 'old' Milutinovic who whas
president of Serbia, and the 'young' Zoran Andjelkovic. I met this man personally when I made a report in Kosovo, last
February. As an animator for the Center of Peace and Tolerance, he was taking care of the interests of the Serbs victims of
present ethnic cleansing in Kosovo. He wrote a very well documented book about that, called "Days of Terror".
He is giving the impression of someone very concerned with human approach and contacts with the ordinary people. Something the
SPS undoubtedly lacked very much the last years, provoking his decline as it is explained in my interview with Jivadin
The discussion continues about the future role of Milosevic in the party.

CIA's visit to Belgrade
To my paper "Qui viendra � Belgrade?" writen last Tuesday about the visit of Hubert V�drine (and others) in Belgrade, you may
add the "key man". US ambassador in Budapest visited also Belgrade. Key man because he organised the all CIA-coup from Hungary.
Now coming to visit his subordinates.

Feelings of ordinary people
Ordinary people mostly feel like this: "I support Kostunica, he's honest, and the rest of DOS are all thieves and bastards,
especially Djindjic."
After the first wave of euphoria passed, people where actually shocked to see how DOS leaders (excluding Kostunica!) are not
exactly doing it by the book, and are using force instead of law...
So now DOS supporters are asking "Is this what we fought for? And what's the difference between former thieves (SPS, JUL) and
present thieves?"
People are also confused because they hear very conflicting statements of Kostunica, G17 plus and Djindjic on one side, then of
Djukanovic and Montenegrin socialists on the other, not to mention statements of NATO and EU officials which are getting to be
more careful and restricted...
In the meanwhile, people see sanctions are not all lifted (just flights and oil, but the oil never came from the West, and
JAT, the Yugoslavian airlines, already had many flights from Belgrade, so it does not make a big difference)
G17 is promising entrance in IMF, and entrance in EU eventually (which is such a blatant, monstrous lie, and most of the Serbs
know it!) Djindjic is promising the return of army and police to Kosovo, Kouchner is refusing, prices of things in the stores
have gone sky-high in the last couple of days....
So people see all that, and ask "who the hell is fucking with us here? who's the liar?"

Eternal fire
Djindjic denies to use paramilitary forces. But...

Yugoslav capital Belgrade hadn't been visited by such an astounding number of Western officials in a long time. Ministers,
politicians, diplomats, special representatives of the West are standing in a line for 7 days already, to congratulate newly
elected Yugoslav president Vojislav Kostunica on his "democratic victory" and give him a friendly pat on a shoulder.

"Democratic opposition of Serbia" (DOS) rallied people of Serbia to Belgrade on October 5th, for mass protest against ex
Yugoslav president Slobodan Milosevic. Escalation of this "peaceful protest" into street violence and take-over of power on the
streets was well-planed and well-coordinated, according to the latter admission of DOS leaders themselves. There was no
spontaneity about it. Desperately trying to avoid thus imposed "Bucharest scenario", Yugoslav army and police didn't react to
stop the masses.

Many euphemisms have been said since, to describe this counter-revolution. "Democratic revolution" says Zoran Djindjic, DOS
manager, trying to gild the lily.
"Velvet revolution", say people on the street, making a parallel with Prague. Perhaps they have already forgotten that their
"velvet" in Belgrade got soaked with some blood, and scorched with some flames too.

"What happened on October 5th was just a show for CNN, this was nothing. Real power-fight is yet to come. A counter-revolution
must be followed through to the end", says Srdjan Lukic (25), DOS supporter. True. And in Serbia these days, real
counter-revolution is going on indeed. Behind the scenes, behind closed doors, and far away from cameras and spot-lights.

Even with Slobodan Milosevic out of the way, DOS leaders are aware that they must keep their street-gained advantage, if they
want to win crucial state-power, Federal and Republical Parliament.
In Federal parliament, majority is held by left coalition; battle for Republical parliament is in full swing, where majority is
held by socialists and radicals.

In the meanwhile, "non-institutional" pressure is well on the way. "Groups of citizens" are entering state enterprises,
factories, institutions, even universities, demanding leadership to leave. Peacefully or by force.
DOS immediately denied accusations of Serbian government that it established "crisis headquarters" and temporary leaderships in
enterprises and institutions in the country, saying that employees themselves are toppling their leadership.
Still, letters of resignation are showering from ministers, directors, hospital wardens, university deans...some admit they
were pressured into it. Empty places are being filled by DOS members or sympathizers. DOS has put its hands also on Service of
payment, dealing with financial transactions.

All state-media are already controlled by Serbian "democrats", and one-sidedness in media-reports is horrifying.
"Crisis headquarters DOS will form in media are just temporary. This is just necessary until new government is constituted"
says Vladeta Jankovic, one of DOS leaders, in his statement for Tanjug state agency.

Blaming uncontrolled violence of the last days on "those who wouldn't accept obvious election-defeat", and underlining that
"justified people's revolt couldn't be controlled" Jankovic repeated once again there will be no revanchism, as president
Kostunica has promised.
But president Kostunica is a legalist, and a man of principles. Most of the people who are his present allies, however, are

Even in "democracy", headquarters of Serbian socialist party (SPS) and Yugoslav Left (JUL) are being demolished, and their
functionaries threatened on daily basis.
"I am not and never was a member of any party, but I got beaten also, as an executive of state-enterprise. They must have
thought I am SPS too" states Ivica Indjic, director of supplies. "Maybe I should put letter "Dj" at the beginning of my last
name from now on" says Indjic with a bitter smile.

Maybe there's no need. As Beta agency reports, Zoran Djindjic denied on Tuesday the rumors that paramilitary forces, whose core
is made by members of his Democratic party, are operating in the country.

Nevertheless, in a vacuum until legal government is formed, it seems DOS is using "iron broom" to clean SPS and JUL out of
their positions, and out of its way.

And while NATO functionaries keep flocking to Belgrade to admire their own success perhaps, the "Eternal fire" on the obelisk
to victims of NATO bombing last year has been put out. As daily Novosti writes, "it has been done by someone, during the
establishing of democracy in the country". Perhaps not to bother high guests.

Velimir Ilic, mayor of Cacak,
explains the strategy for the insurrection
" Our preparation was very conspiracy. Even some people of DOS had no ideas what we were preparing"

Velimir Ilic, president of Cacak, interwiev VREME (12.
october), page 12 and 13
His people from Cacak come firs in front of Federal
parlament. They come in a line long 25 km aand they
brought with them: 200 tracks, 40 buses, cister with
woter, train with cars, buger etc.
Ilic explained that DOS was preparing all this for a
long time. Especialy with the inspektors and offisers
from the polie..

Did you had problems to convince them?
Ilic: No. Preparaation was very conspirativ. Even the
people from police never new for eachother until the
end. I wanted to hide them from problems. Among us we
had policemans in civilian, even from the most elite
forces from Belgrade. They helped us to get
informations what the police thinks, wheree are they
going and what can we expect on the road. We had with
us paraashouters, policemans with war expirianc,
bodybilders, trucckdrivers...
To Belgrade we went with 20-30 truck full with rocks
and 30 people who wore trowing roks on the police.
They run away. We had simple organization. We stole
motorolas (toky waky) from policemanss and we start
to talk andd confuse them. listening to the orders.
The police was specialy shoked when they saw
policemans with us. Those uniforms we bought long time
Ofcoursee, we had policemans in Belgrade who wworre
prepareed to give us informations. They give us
advices to bring a lot of mehanization. Even some
people from DOS had no idea what we worre planing to
So many people in front of the federal parlament
helped us a lot, but without ooure conections in
police we wouldnt csucsided. They told us that they
have no orders to fire and that we have to stay until
15.30 because then they will let us in the Parlament
if we have enough people.
How long you worre planing all this?
Ilic: I was thinking a lot. Specialy last year wille a
was in the forest during the NATO bombing (hidding
from thee police). When I saw that police cant finde
me for 43 days I reaalised that they arre not well
orgaanized. Had of the police is stupid. Then I
reaalised why ourre demonstrations never sucsided - we
never atacked them!

Next page, VREME:
Police raddioconection was destroyed in wednesday
(untill friday morning)and they couldnt ask for
help.Days before that, during the blocade of towns,
demonstrators made atackes everywheree around the
city. Thee police had to go there and than they madee
barikades and stoped the conection between polise so
they couldt help eachother.
"Facts are: SDB (special police) withh their sourses
could stop and prevent everything that happend, but
they obviesly didnt want to do that".


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