
- You spoke of transition scenario. We all know the consequences of
"transition" in East European countries, as well as its outcome. If we
that these elections were a choice between "freedom and slavery," is it
possible that Serbian people voted consciously and willingly for its own

Of course it didn't! It just couldn't cope with the pressure anymore,
here's the reason why. As I said, Serbian people had put up a 10 year
and very persistent resistance, and I said why. And according to me it
would have kept on resisting - if each and everyone suffered the
consequences equally...But ordinary people couldn't take the misery and
suffering anymore, watching a certain number of others growing richer
richer, and enjoying the luxury. The discrepancy between left parties'
program and practice was too big. This is why we were defeated in the
by DOS.

And this is not the matter of "Serbian nationalism" or DOS "being

But people who engaged themselves in "the change," and voted for it
the supposition "it can't be worse than it is already" will soon see
it certainly can. And when Serbian people make sure it can be worse and
will be, when they see the layoffs and selling out of people's wealth,
they feel the pressure of debts and when they finally see how we become
half-colony of foreign capital and the New World Order, of the USA first
all, then here again the conditions will be created for socialists and
left forces.

- At this moment, situation in the country is far away from being clear
yet. On one side we have leftist forces, with all their past weaknesses
advantages. On the other side we have DOS, executing counter-revolution,
even if it's mostly done behind the stage. When the dust is settled, how
will this situation unravel?

Let's take a look first at DOS, this coalition which presently won "on
streets"...On one hand we have here our new President Vojislav
and on the other, one very colorful grouping of politicians who do not
agree on anything else except in their goal to topple Milosevic. This
achieved, the fight among them is imminent, about everything. We all
and saw DOS leaders already, they unified somehow under U.S. pressure,
managed to find one single man, the only man among them all for whom it
be said that he's honest and non-compromised.

One thing should be clear: there's a big difference between Kostunica
the rest of his allies. Kostunica is a man who was always what he is -
anti-Communist, patriot, critical towards American foreign policies. He
vehemently against bombing of Yugoslavia last year, and he publicly said
won't cooperate with Hague Tribunal for war crimes in ex-Yugoslavia,
he considers it not a legal, but a political institution. He publicly
he won't give Slobodan Milosevic to the Hague.

These are all the reasons why America is already criticizing Kostunica,
says it'll accept him as someone who believes in legal state and
procedures. But out of these statements clearly follows that USA will
accept him only for a while and he won't stay in his position for long.
Unless Kostunica manages to defend himself and his position, considering
has a wide support of his citizens. And Kostunica is not a new [Czech
President Vaclav] Havel, no matter what USA might think.

Kostunica is also a legalist, trying to use existing legal forms.

The problem is, the rest of DOS, people around him, are not. They're
already forming some "crisis groups" which are illegal institutions, and
which are for example already pressuring certain politicians, certain
directors of enterprises to submit their resignations, so some other
chosen arbitrarily by the DOS can take their places. This is completely
anti-constitutional of course.

According to the constitution, the first thing to be done is to
the Federal parliament. This process is not finished yet, because the
is arguing 19 mandates of socialists from Kosovo and Metohija. But when
this is settled, and all mandates verified, by my opinion the situation
will be clear that left is in majority there.

At this point we will see how much president Kostunica is indeed a
legalist, because government should be formed by parliament majority.

Kostunica already accepted giving the place of prime minister to someone
from the Montenegro Socialist party, constitutional again. But we
have Zoran Djindjic, saying something which is not true - he's in favor
a "government of experts." This is hardly for Djindjic to decide, and
parliament will chose what kind of government it wants.

Now, speaking about Serbian republic government, the situation is still
unraveling and we have to wait for the outcome.

Altogether, considering present "double rule" in the country, it is
that, as in any counter-revolution, the DOS will use their present
advantage, triumph on the streets and support of masses, to win crucial
power. By illegal means if must be. But even so, the DOS leaders will
to live with great resistance because of those methods precisely.

- The chances of Yugoslavia and its people for resistance to the
of USA, its centers of might and globalization are far from being spent
yet...and leftist forces will certainly play a role in this fight in
to come. What role will that be, and how significant? What is the
task of socialist now?

As for the leftist forces themselves, it is obvious that now they must
partly start anew, and a new period must begin for them. A period in
socialists will have to organize without Milosevic's leading role. Hope
that socialists of Serbia will regroup after recent defeat, renew and be
political force, lies first of all in a fact that inner erosion in SPS
be stopped. New people will come, avoiding the mistakes done in the past
and now. And again by East European model, socialists will come to power
once again. Real and true ideas never die.

As for the globalization process, this is not a real and true idea. This
precisely why it won't last forever. The power-and-money hungry American
empire will crumble down as a tower of cards, as every empire does in
end, cause its foundations are rotten to the core.

The resistance block is already building up - and dreadful experience
Yugoslav bombing last year contributed to this significantly. American
politics, until the aggression on Yugoslavia, seemed to have much
with its "stick and carrot" policy, and to be able to manage fulfilling
goals just fine without wars.

But NATO bombing of Yugoslavia scared the world, showing that NWO in a
of things has the same characteristics as fascism.

Russia, China, India, South American and African countries - they're all
sobered up now, wiser, awakened.

- How much did those countries, and the whole anti-imperialist world
now, with change of power in Yugoslavia?

They lost a lot, this is true. For U.S. and NATO it was imperative to
full control over Balkans, so that they would have unhindered
approach to Middle Asia, to Caspian basin, to territories rich with oil
other precious natural resources. Yugoslavia and Serbia were undoubtedly
bastion of resistance there, and on their way. NATO lost 10 years with
Serbia. Now, Slobodan Milosevic is out of their way. Vojislav Kostunica
would wish to continue this kind of resistance, but unfortunately will
have the support of his collaborators. This is of course an immense
first of all for Russia.

Nevertheless, forces of resistance to globalization are getting stronger
front of our eyes, from minute to minute, and will keep on getting
stronger. And maybe Yugoslavia will still have its place among them in

In view of this, the forces of the New World Order have no chance for

Tanja Djurovic is a Junge Welt correspondent from Belgrade.


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