From: global reflexion <office@...>

Tuesday, October 17, we have send you the interview 'A counter-revolution,
and not all that velvety', of Junge Welt with Prof. Markovic. We send you
the critic of Jared Israel of Emperors Cloths.

Is Prof. Markovic Applying for a Job?

Prof. Markovic, whose interview was recently posted, is a man with a
mission. He has a grudge against the Yugoslav government in general and the
socialist party leaders in particular. (They expelled him a few years back;
he hasn't forgotten.)

Right now, the most important goal of the West is: turn the huge Socialist
Party into an acceptably loyal opposition, like the Bulgarian socialists,
who share with the (Bulgarian) United Democrats the role of quislings for
NATO: Socialists who administer for the IMF and World Bank, Socialists who
provide the necessary cover while Yugoslavia gets stripped of all its
valuables. A smiling decoy for the big thieves.

To achieve this wall street needs leaders. Now consider this statement
from the interview with Prof. Markovic:

"<< One of those reasons is that in Serbia already certain necessary
reforms had been carried out. In year 1989 we had reforms of both the
political and economic system. Therefore, what was later chan-
ged in East European countries, in Yugoslavia had been reformed and
changed already, but of course the government was firmly in the hands of
socialist forces. >>

This quiet reference to "necessary reforms" both "political and economic"
in 1989 is most important. Markovic is in fact talking about the
devastating World Bank program which liquidated over a thousand Yugoslav
companies and left Yugoslavia with 2 million people out of work and/or not
getting paid.
With the IMF and World Bank rushing to regain control, this former
Socialist Party leader's strong endorsement of such "necessary reforms"
amounts to a job application.

If the forced liquidation of over a thousand Yugoslav businesses was
necessary, why not continue the process? This makes him an acceptable
candidate for Wall Street and his other talk about how Oct. 5 was really a
counter revolution amounts to window dressing, necessary for someone who
aspires to lead a (tamed) Socialist Party. In the same way, it is necessary
for Kostunica, picked by Fisher and Albright to be the frontman for the
destruction of Yugoslav sovereignty (this happened at a meeting back in
January, according to Der Spiegel) - it is necessary for Kostunica to use a
few nationalist phrases while he tells CBS: "The Serbian forces were guilty
for Srebrenica."

This is what the New World Order offers those who resist: Socialists who
support wall street's deadly economic medicine and nationalists who agree
with David Rohde and Amb. Holbrooke.

Brave New World Order.

Jared Israel

PS. This matter of 1989 is not abstract. It is a real issue in
Yugoslavia. An article by Michel Chossudovsky and me was distributed by all
the pro-Government mass media in Yugoslavia for several days before the
coup. It dealt specifically with of the 1989 forced liquidations (sorry
-"reforms") It showed that contrary to what many on the left might believe,
the IMF/World bank are NOT focused on privatizing, they are focused on
destroying local economies (of whatever type) for the benefit of financial

Prof. Markovic is making clear where he stands on these issues, which as I
said were raised in a massive way in Yugoslavia, before Western agents took
control of all the government media on Oct. 5.

To read this article see: "The International Monetary Fund and the
Yugoslav Elections" at

Another article also published in all the Yugoslav papers and read aloud
with photographic illustrations repeatedly on TV is "US Arrogance and
Yugoslav Elections" at


Bollettino di controinformazione del
Coordinamento Nazionale "La Jugoslavia Vivra'"


I documenti distribuiti non rispecchiano necessariamente le
opinioni delle realta' che compongono il Coordinamento, ma vengono
fatti circolare per il loro contenuto informativo al solo scopo di
segnalazione e commento ("for fair use only")

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