Tetova after Kosova (3)

(Source: R. Rozoff via stopnato @ yahoogroups.com 

The previous parts can be read here:



Il dossier in lingua italiana può essere letto qui:


Vedi anche / see also: Pan-Albanian intellectuals call for Greater Albania

http://it.groups.yahoo.com/group/crj-mailinglist/message/5567 )



ADN Kronos International (Italy)
August 17, 2007

Macedonia: Ethnic Albanians urge Federal state

Skopje – An ethnic Albanian movement in Macedonia,
known as Ilyrida, has called for the country to be
federalised and has appealed to all ethnic Albanian
deputies to quit the Macedonian parliament and to form
their own.

Ethnic Albanians make about one-quarter of Macedonia’s
two million population and have 29 MPs in the 120-seat
parliament. But in a statement carried by Macedonian
media on Thursday, Ilyrida demanded that the country
be divided into two equal federal entities – one
Macedonian and the other Albanian.

Ilyrida recalled that 99 percent of ethnic Albanians
in Macedonia voted at a referendum in 1992 for the
creation of an autonomous Ilyrida in the western part
of the country.

The movement's statement called on ethnic Albanian MPs
to proclaim the Republic of Ilyrida in the western
city of Tetovo and to quit Macedonian institutions.
But Ilyrida president Nevzat Halili told the media he
saw nothing new in the statement “which has been sent
in our name,” and distanced himself from it.

Commenting on the controversy, government spokesman
Ivica Bocevski said tersely that “the state
institutions keenly follow the situation in

Meanwhile, police refused to comment on Ilyrida’s
claim that its “armed members” controlled a part of
Macedonian territory.

Ethnic Albanians rebelled in 2001 [and] the dispute
was ended by the Ohrid peace accord, which met most of
ethnic Albanian demands.

Ohrid granted more rights and local self-rule to the
Albanians, providing for the redrawing of electoral
boundaries in some municipalities to give ethnic
Albanians a majority in these areas.

The accord also made Albanian the second official
language in several cities, including the capital,
Skopje. Acknowledgement of ethnic-Albanian rights was
formalised in amendments to the Macedonian
constitution approved by parliament in late 2001.

While historians differ on the origin and historic
role of Ilyrians, it is generally believed they
inhabited the western Balkans around 1,000 B.C.

Present day Albanians claim to be their

With the breakup of the former of Yugoslavia during
the 1990s Balkan wars, the Ilyrian movement continued
to symbolise the striving for unification of ethnic
Albanians in several Balkan countries.

It has gained strength since Serbia’s breakaway Kosovo
province - with a 90 percent ethnic Albanian majority
- started to drift towards independence in 1999.

Belgrade, which opposes independence, has repeatedly
warned it would have a domino effect on Macedonia,
Montenegro and northern Greece, which have sizeable
ethnic Albanian populations. 


MakFax (Macedonia)
September 12, 2007

Police raise charges against three involved in
Vaksince incident

Skopje - Macedonian Police raised formal accusations
against three persons suspected of having killed the
Matejce police commander and injured two police
officers in Vaksince.

The accused are the brothers Zaim and Sqender Alili
from Kumanovo's nearby village of Vaksince and
Xheljadin Hiseni from the village of Lojane.

Right after the armed attack, Zaim managed to escape
to Kosovo with a gunshot wound and Macedonia has
requested his extradition.

As to Sqender, there are indications suggesting that
he was killed in the shootout; however, the
investigative authorities have not confirmed his death
as yet.

The three are suspected of having killed the commander
Fatmir Alili and injuring the police officers Jance
Kitanov and Slagjan Kostovski at the entrance of the
Vaksince village early on Monday.

The charge sheet counts include murder, two murder
attempts and attack on an official during conducting
duties of security nature.


MakFax (Macedonia)
September 13, 2007

Macedonia requests extradition of Alili

Skopje - Macedonian authorities formally requested
that the UN Mission in Kosovo (UNMIK) extradite Zaim
Alili in connection with the Vaksince shooting that
left one police officer dead and two others injured.

The Ministry of Justice said it has submitted a formal
extradition request to UNMIK on Wednesday. The request
contains the necessary documents in accordance with
provisions of Macedonia's criminal law.

Legal proceedings against Zaim Alili are underway in
the Kumanovo District Court in connection with
felonies committed beforehand. Alili has been charged
with murder, assault on a police officer, and

Fatmir Alili, the commander of the police station in
Matejce, was killed and two police officers Jance
Kitanov and Slagjan Kostovski were severely injured
when a group of gunmen led by Alili opened fire on a
police vehicle last Monday just outside Kumanovo's
village of Vaksince.

On Wednesday, the Interior Ministry filed charges
against Xheladin Hiseni of the village of Lojane and
Zaim's brother Skender Alili, who probably died in the
shooting. Nonetheless, the authorities have no
official information on his death.


Focus News Agency (Bulgaria)
September 12, 2007

Macedonia: Tanusevci Village still under Commander
Hoxha people’s control

Skopje - The Tanusevci Village, situated close to the
Kosovo border and north from the Macedonian capital of
Skopje is still under the control of the brigades of
Commander Hoxha, a correspondent of FOCUS News Agency
to the Macedonian capital reported.

Border checkpoints are checking all entrants.

Tanisevci was visited by some the members of the
Democratic Union for Integration of Ali Ahmeti. The
brigades of Commander Hoxha demand administrative
attachment of four villages around Tanusevci to Kosovo
and are ready to conduct a referendum with the local

FOCUS News Agency reminds:

The villages close to Tanusevci on the Kosovo border
have been the bone of contention between the federal
authorities in Skopje and the ethnic Albanians since


Focus News Agency (Bulgaria)
September 20, 2007

Commander Hoxha’s fighters: offensive against
Tanusevci is invention of Serbian services

Tanusevci - The Macedonian offensive against Tanusevci
Village is a myth of the Serbian services [sic], one
of the fighters of Commander Hoxha announced to FOCUS
News Agency as a comment on the statements in
Macedonian newspapers that Macedonians attacked the
village Monday.

Tanusevci Village, which is close to the Kosovo
border, is still under the control of Commander
Hoxha’s brigades.

Statements of Skopje media about an attack and
two-hour defense are untrue, Albanians from Commander
Hoxha’s group say.

The target is independent Kosovo, one of the Albanians
in Tanusevci says to FOCUS News Agency. 


ADN Kronos International