(auf deutsch: Europa der Völker

Ethnic Europe 


FRANKFURT/BARCELONA/STRASBOURG (Own Report) - Separatists from several regions of Spain used the Book Fair in Frankfurt to make strategic arrangements. As official representatives of Catalonia and the Balearic Islands announced in front of the international press in Frankfurt, the two provinces will institutionally consolidate their cooperation ("Culture Policy Cooperation"). Another Spanish region, the coastal strip around the city of Valencia, shall also participate in this cooperation, declared the Vice President of Catalonia. He seeks the secession of this territory from Spain. His party is a member of the "European Free Alliance" (EFA), that is campaigning for border revisions throughout the EU - in accordance with the ethnicist German "Volksgruppen" ideology. The EFA and the Greens of Germany, the party of the former foreign minister, Joseph Fischer, are partners within the same parliamentary group in the European Parliament. According to an EFA map published on the internet, Spain is to be broken up into six and France into five sectors, and Belgium is to disappear completely. Regions of Switzerland and Italy as well as the whole of Austria, will become German. The common goal of the Greens and the EFA is a "European Union of Free Peoples."


At the Book Fair in Frankfurt, Francesc Antich, president of the regional government of the Balearic Islands, announced that he intends to intensify the "Cultural Political Cooperation" with the Catalonian Region.[1] The instrument for this will be the Ramon Llull Institute in Barcelona, an official establishment of the Catalonian regional government. That institute is controversial in Barcelona, because at the Frankfurt Book Fair, it represented solely writers who publish their works in the Catalonian idiom. All authors of this Northeastern Spanish administrative circumscription, who publish their works in Spanish are being excluded. In the future this Hispanophobic institution would like to represent artists from other regions and thereby lay claim to their affinity to "Catalonian culture." This is particularly the case of the Balearics and the region of Valencia, where a Catalonian dialect is spoken. The sovereign state of Andorra also seeks to cash in on the autonomy movement. "Greater Catalonia," that was offered an international platform at the Frankfurt Book Fair, under the banner of a "Catalonian language area" encompasses nearly half of the Spanish Mediterranean coast and reaches up into French territory (Perpignan).

European Party

The Catalonian secessionists were represented in Frankfurt, above all, by Josep Lluis Carod-Rovira, the vice president of the Catalonian region, and chairman of the Party Esquerra Republicana de Catalunya (ERC). The ERC explicitly pleads for the withdrawal from Spanish territorial sovereignty and is organized within an EU-wide alliance of separatist associations, the "European Free Alliance" (EFA). Parties from 13 EU nations are members of the EFA, among them the Scottish National Party (UK), the Partit Occitan (France) and the Union for South Tyrol (Italy). Also represented in this alliance, founded in 1981, and since 2004 registered in the EU as the "European Political Party," are parties from three other European countries with observer status.

German Dominated

EFA is represented in the European Parliament with several parliamentarians and forms, with the Green Parties of the EU, a parliamentary group. The German Greens play an accentuated role in this group. 13 of the 42 members of the caucus come from Germany. One of the group's co-chairpersons is a former political companion of ex-foreign minister Fisher. One of the six vice-chairpersons, as well as one of the two vice general secretaries are members of the German party. The German parliamentarians have all of the important posts for the parliamentary committees, (among them the interior market, foreign affairs, security and defense policy). "The parliamentary group, 'The Greens/European Free Alliance' represents a coming together of common principles" proclaims the German dominated alliance. The intention of "building a European Union of free peoples" is one of the parliamentary group's basic principles.[2]

"Free Peoples"

The EFA's concept of a Europe of "free peoples" can be gleaned from the map published on the organization's internet site.
It resembles the concept drawn up several years ago (german-foreign-policy.com reported [3]), but shows enhancements, signifying a continuous discussion process. Poland falls victim to this effort to dismember the nations of the EU into "peoples" residential territories, losing its region, known before World War II as Silesia, designated to be re-established and given a special status. Spain loses its south to a new political entity, "Andalusia". Within the EFA, the basic consensus remains: Spain must relinquish Galicia, Aragon and the Basque Country, France, nearly half of its territory (to Occitania, Brittany, Alsace). Even Great Britain would be dismembered, and Belgium would disappear completely. On Spanish and French territory a "Greater Catalonia" (including the Balearic and Andorras) would be created.[4] The homepage for the web site, displaying the secessionist map, was "financed with the support of the European Parliament."[5] (This segment of the EFA map shows among other things Catalonia.)

For the Second Time

The border changes envisaged by the EFA are very similar to plans projected by the Nazi "Volksgruppen" experts and to an extent implemented. All major EU nations would fall victim to these plans (Great Britain, France, Italy, Spain, Poland) - with one exception: Germany, would have a territorial expansion, the second since 1989. But this time it would include Austria, as well as parts of Switzerland, Belgium and Italy. If these plans are implemented, the EU's internal struggle for hegemony would be decisively determined - in Berlin's favor.


Current activities are not only threatening Spain, France (the Basque Country) and Great Britain,[6] but also
Italy. Recently leading personalities of the EFA member party, the Union for South Tyrol, quit that party and founded a new organization: "South Tyrol Freedom - Free Alliance for Tyrol." According to this alliance's claims, an opinion poll has shown that 55 percent of the population of the Northern Italian Bolzano-Alto Adige province are in favor of secession from Italy - mainly those under 30.[7] Besides, 54 percent of the population in the adjacent Austrian North Tyrol and East Tyrol, wish a "reunited Tyrol." The "South Tyrolian Freedom" has announced that it will extend its activities "also to North and East Tyrol, to become a pan-Tyrolian political movement and promote the growing together of the various Tyrolian territorial segments."[8] (The segment shown here on the map is of the expanded Germany - including "South Tyrol".)


The Spanish secessionist movements are being closely observed with satisfaction by the Northern Italian Separatists. "South Tyrol can learn a lot" from Catalonia, it is said in Bolzano. The development in Spain's second prominent autonomous region is also being observed with open-mindedness. "The South Tyrolian Freedom will be carefully following the Basque Country's independence struggle," announced the still young organization. "The route being taken by the Basque Country to attain its national independence from Spain is greatly appreciated and desirable for South Tyrol."[9] The European "Volksgruppen" are on the move - with German support and in the direction of a German dominated Europe.

[1] Carod-Rovira y Antich apoyan en Fráncfort integrar la cultura valenciana en la catalana; lasprovincias.es 11.10.2007. See also Language Struggle
[2] Wer wir sind; www.greens-efa.org
[4] www.e-f-a.org. Die vollständige Landkarte erhält man durch Klick auf den Kartenausschnitt auf der Eingangsseite.
[5] "Financed with the support of the European Parliament"; www.e-f-a.org
[6] Dort werden vor allem in den schottischen Landesteilen Sezessionsforderungen laut.
[7], [8] Gesamttiroler Bewegung: SÜD-TIROLER FREIHEIT nun auch in Nord- und Ost-Tirol aktiv; www.suedtiroler-freiheit.com/content/view/191/1/
[9] Basken auf dem Weg in die Unabhängigkeit! Und Süd-Tirol?; www.suedtiroler-freiheit.com/content/view/174/38/