(Nell'anniversario del Giorno della Vittoria sul Nazifascismo: le immagini delle celebrazioni in Russia e il discorso del presidente bielorusso Lukashenko.

May 8th 1945-2009

Minute of silence and presentation of the Victory Flag (that was flown over the Reichstag in Berlin) (Red Square, May 9, 2009)

Defense Minister Congratulates the Troops (Red Square, May 9, 2009)

Russian Military Marches on Red Square on (Red Square, May 9, 2009)

Russia Today Video Analysis & Presentation of the Victory Flag

Russia Today Video Analysis of Russian Military Preparedness (Red Square, May 9, 2009)


Alexander Lukashenko: Speech at the Ceremony of the laying of wreaths at the Monument of Victory, May 9, 2009


Respected veterans of the Great Patriotic War!

Dear fellow countryment!

Respected foreign guests!

Today the Byelorussian people, like hundreds of millions of people on the whole planet, mark the holy holiday that is dear to our heart – The Day of Victory.  We meet the sixty fourth peaceful spring, full of the songs of birds, with the laughter of children, and with the happiness of constructive labor in our Motherland.

With the years it becomes more obvious the worldwide-historical meaning of the feat of liberation accomplished by the Byelorussian and the entire Soviet people.

Of course, we recognize the role in the destruction of the brown plague by the United States of America, Great Britain, France, Poland, China, and other nations that resisted fascism. 

But, it cannot be forgotten that the main weight of the most fierce, most bloody war in the history of humanity was carried on the shoulders of the Soviet Union.  In particular, the Soviet Union became the main obstacle on the road to world conquest taken by the Hitlerites.

In the feat of the Great Victory the heroic Byelorussian people made a priceless contribution. 

All of our land became one border of defense.  It was first here that Hitler's war machine had its first bump in the road when meeting the resolute resistance of the border guards of the Brest Fortress, experiencing the resistance and counter-strikes of units of the Red Army, and the People's Guard in Bobruisk, Borisov, Vitebsk, Gomel, Zhlobin, Lepel, Minsk, Mogilev, and Rogachyov. 

In the ranks of the Red Army on the fronts of the Great Patriotic War fought one and a half million sons of Byelorussia.  In the Soviet rear 60 of our evacuated factories and plants worked for the defense.
In the occupied territory hundreds of thousand of citizens rose to the defense of the Fatherland.   They swore to die in battle, but never to give up themselves, their families, and the Byelorussian people to the slavery of hated fascism.

In truth, the battle for liberation became a people's battle.  The world had never known a resistance of such proportions.  In Byelorussia 370,000 people fought in 1,255 partisan units.  4,000 underground organizations united 70,000 patriots.

The defense of the Ushachskaya partisan zone became a symbol of undying determination and bravery.  17,000 people's avengers stood against 60,000 fascist executioners. The legendary Rudobelskaya partisan republic, Surazhskeyeh gates won legendary glory, the feats of the heroes of Minsk, Vitebsk, Orshansky underground.

Byelorussia should itself a unique example of friendship of people of various nationalities.  In the partisan units, side by side with Byelorussians, Russians, Ukrainians, Jews, and representatives of other nations of the Soviet Union fought 4,000 European anti-fascists.  Many of the people of our country, risking their lives, saved the prisoners of the concentration camps and ghettos.  Over 500 of them received the award of "Justifier of Peoples' Peace."  

On the Byelorussian earth unfolded on the greatest attacks of the Red Army in the history of the Great Patriotic War – Operation "Bagration."  It played a decisive role in driving the occupiers from the territory of the Soviet Union and opened the road to the liberation of all of Europe.  In the "Minsk kettle" over a hundred thousand troops of the enemy were destroyed. 

But, the freedom and independence of the Motherland was won at an unimaginable price.  In this war Byelorussia lost every third citizen.  The civilian population constituted the largest part of those that perished at the hands of the fascist barbarians.
As a sign of international recognition of the great service and suffering of the Byelorussian people, Byelorussia was included in the number of the founders of the United Nations. 

Dear friends!  I ask you to honor the memory of all those who perished in the war with the invaders, who fell as victims of the fascist genocide with a minute of silence.


Respected comrades!

In two months we will celebrate the 65th anniversary of the Liberation of Byelorussia from fascism

Over the past decades our nation has been reborn from the ruins of post war rubble, applied its economic potential, obtained independence.  It has transformed into a modern European state whose opinion is listened to by the world.

Our nation, notwithstanding difficulties, shows its ability to guarantee stability of development under various conditions.  And, the Byelorussian people show the best lines of the national character: the ability in difficult times to unite, fight back, and be victorious.

Today we have good friends everywhere: in Europe, Latin America, Asia, and in the Middle East.  This is because Belarus conducts many vectored, peaceful external politics.

Special relations historically tie us to our brother Russia and the Russian people.  With mutual strength we are strengthening the military capability of our two Union States. 

We actively work together with the nations of the CIS for collective security.  In the years of the Great Patriotic War our peoples fought shoulder to shoulder against the aggressor.  And, today we stand together on guard for the peace and good fortune of our peoples.

Dear Veterans!

We are eternally grateful to you for that great feat, the feat of Liberation.  We are doing everything, in order that the memory of all the living and the fallen heroes remain forever in the hearts of Byelorussians. 

The best expression of respect and gratitude to the generation of the victors will be the daily care of our veterans, the giving to them of all possible assistance in the decisions of their life and daily problems.

Let continue the work of searching out and identifying the remains of those who fell on the field of battle, the building of monuments of military glory, the care of military cemeteries and communal graves.
And the most important thing – let the state do everything to educate the worthy heirs of the heroes of the Great Patriotic War, in order that the country, freedom and independence that you defended be passed on to worthy and work loving hands. 

To you, dear veterans, I want to wish only one thing:  as long as possible remain in the ranks. Serve the younger generation as an example of bravery,  perseverance, and loftiness of spirit.  A still for many years, in the circle of family and comrades in arms, celebrate the holiday that was won by you – the Great Victory.     

I wish you all, citizens and guests of our country, our excellent Byelorussian strong health, success in labor, family good fortune, peace, happiness, and blossoming.

With the Day of Victory, dear friends!

Alexander Lukashenko,
President of the Republic of Belarus