(srpskohrvatski / english / deutsch.
Dopo la notizia della recente pubblicazione del testo di Germinal Civikov - https://www.cnj.it/documentazione/srebrenica.htm#civikov - ci è arrivata questa segnalazione di un nuovo libro di contro-informazione sui fatti di Srebrenica, appena uscito in lingua tedesca, dello svizzero Alex Dorin. Il titolo: "Srebrenica. Storia di un razzismo da salotto". Sulla stessa questione si vedano anche i testi e le pubblicazioni indicate alla nostra pagina: https://www.cnj.it/documentazione/srebrenica.htm )

Alexander Dorin
Srebrenica. Die Geschichte eines salonfähigen Rassismus
300 Seiten, Hardcover mit Schutzumschlag, 2009
Zeit- und Militärgeschichte Band 45, 24.80 €

BEOGRAD, 5. MAJA /SRNA/ - Na Zapadu je i dalje prisutna manipulacija da je u Srebrenici 1995. godine ubijeno sedam do osam hiljada muslimana muškaraca, ali nezavisna istraživanja pokazuju da je najmanje 2 000 muslimanskih vojnika poginulo u borbama oko Srebrenice i da je otprilike to broj leševa koji su haški istražitelji mogli da pronađu - tvrdi Švajcarac Aleksander Dorin, koji se već 14 godina bavi istraživanjem događaja u Srebrenici u maju 1995. godine.

Dorin se u svojoj najnovijoj knjizi, pod naslovom "Srebrenica - istorija jednog salonskog rasizma" /Srebrenica - die Geschichte eines salonfahigen Rassismus /, koju će na njemačkom jeziku objaviti u maju, u Berlinu, izdavačka kuća "Kai Homilius", bavi, kako navodi, "manipulacijom brojem poginulih muslimana u Srebrenici". 

"U vezi sa događajem u Srebrenici 1995. godine i dalje vlada medijska manipulacija na Zapadu da je poslije pada tog gradića u srpske ruke ubijeno između sedam i osam hiljada muslimanskih vojnika i civila muškaraca, ali istraživanja ljudi širom svijeta pokazuju da to nema nikakve veze sa istinom", kaže Dorin za Srnu. 

On navodi da je, prema podacima do kojih je došao, najmanje 2 000 muslimanskih vojnika poginulo u toku borbi oko Srebrenice, te dodaje da činjenice pokazuju da ni civilni ni vojni vrh Republike Srpske /RS/ nikada nije naredio strijeljanje muslimanskih vojnika i zarobljenika. 

"To je otprilike broj leševa koji su haški istražitelji do danas mogli da pronađu. Međutim, muslimanska strana je uz tu cifru dodala i nekoliko stotina muslimanskih boraca, od kojih je većina iz stranih zemalja, koji su nekoliko godina prije pada Srebrenice poginuli u Han Pijesku i u Konjević Polju", tvrdi Dorin. 

On navodi da to dokazuju čak i muslimanski dokumenti koje je srpska armija mogla da nađe. 

"Vojska Nasera Orića se prije pada Srebrenice povukla iz ovog gradića i ostavila za sobom oko 25 000 civila, ali zajedno sa Orićevim borcima povlačio se i jedan broj civila, od kojih su neki imali oružje", kaže Dorin.

Srpska vojska, kako navodi, "nije ubila nijednog muslimanskog civila koji su ostali u Srebrenici ili Potočarima, dok su sa Orićevom kolonom, koja se u nekoliko grupa probijala ka Tuzli, vođene žestoke borbe.

"Nema ni govora o tome da je srpska vojska mogla da uhapsi sedam ili osam hiljada muslimanskih vojnika i muškaraca civila i da ih negdje strijelja, jer to tehnički nije bilo izvodljivo“, smatra Dorin, navodeći da za izvođene takvog zločina nije nikada bilo dovoljno srpskih boraca na raspolaganju. 

Dorin je za svoje tvrdnje koristio razne izvore, kao što su izjave muslimanskih vojnika i komandira, ali i izjave holandskih pripadnika UNPROFOR-a, koji su bili tada u Srebrenici. 

On navodi da je vrlo interesantnu istragu proveo bugarski novinar Germinal Civikov, koji je napisao cijelu knjigu o slučaju Hrvata Dražena Erdemovića, bivšeg pripadnika Vojske RS, koji tvrdi da mu je njegov komandir Milorad Pelemiš naredio da on i nekoliko drugih vojnika strijeljaju između 1000 i 1 200 muslimanskih zarobljenika.

Ali, analiza tog slučaja, navodi Dorin, dokazuje da je Erdemović najveći dio svoje priče izmislio, a možda čak i cijelu priču.

Dorin napominje da je direktor beogradskog Centra za istraživanje ratnih zločina nad Srbima Milivoje Ivanišević analizirao spiskove srebreničkih žrtava, te da je došao do saznanja da se na biračkim spiskovima godinu do dvije nakon pada Srebrenice pojavilo oko 3 000 imena muslimanskih muškaraca koji su, navodno, ubijeni 1995. godine. 

On dodaje da, osim toga, postoje i mnoge navodne žrtve 1995. godine koje su već dugo prije ili poslije pada Srebrenice umrle, a kojih, prema njegovim podacima, ima najmanje oko hiljadu. 

"Sasvim je jasno da su muslimanske organizacije na spisak žrtava stavile i sve one muslimanske borce koji su poginuli u borbama poslije pada Srebrenice" - tvrdi švajcarski istraživač. 

Prema njegovim riječima, pojedini zapadni novinari su još 1995. godine pisali da je jedan dio stanovnika Srebrenice, poslije njenog pada, otišao u neke druge zemlje, pa je tako jedan američki reporter pisao da je oko 800 njih preko Srbije otišlo u inostranstvo. 

"Ali veće istrage nije moguće voditi zato što niko ne može širom svijeta da traga za svim imenima. No, činjenice pokazuju već sada da su vršene ogromne manipulacije" , kaže Dorin. 

Navodeći da posjeduje veliki broj fotografija muslimanskih boraca, sačinjenih prilikom proboja iz Srebrenice ka Tuzli, koje je dobio od muslimanskih izvora, Dorin navodi da se na tim fotografijama vide muslimanski borci u uniformama, među kojima je dosta ranjenih. 

"Na tim fotografijama može da se vidi dosta povrijeđenih boraca, koji su preživjeli borbe protiv srpske vojske. Muslimanska strana svoje borce koji nisu preživjeli ranjavanja sada prezentuje kao žrtve strijeljanja" , kaže Dorin. 

Prema izvorima ovog istraživača, nekoliko muslimana priznalo je da je u toku borbi poginulo najmanje 2 000 vojnika. 

Dorin podsjeća i na izjave muslimanskih političara u medijima da je Aliji Izetbegoviću tadašnji američki predsjednik Bil Klinton još aprila 1993. godine nudio "masakr u Srebrenici", odnosno da "četničke snage uđu u Srebrenicu i izvrše pokolj pet hiljada muslimana i da će tada biti organizovana vojna intervencija" . 

On navodi da su holandski pripadnici UNPROFOR-a izjavljivali i svjedočili da je srpska armija sasvim korektno postupala prema muslimanskim civilima, ali i da je vođa muslimana u Srebrenici Naser Orić sa svojim borcima u okolini Srebrenice godinama na najgrozniji nacin ubijao srpske civile i uništavao njihovu imovinu. 

Dorin ne vjeruje da dokazi o tome šta se zaista desilo u Srebrenici, i o tome da nije riječ o masakru, mogu da ospore haške presude za Srebrenicu, navodeći da je taj "takozvani tribunal do sada bez ikakvih dokaza osudio razne ljude zbog navodnog masakra u Srebrenici".

On kaže da je Srbin Vidoje Blagojević osuđen na dugogodišnju zatvorsku kaznu iako nema nikakve veze sa događajima u Srebrenici, dok je "masovni ubica Naser Orić oslobođen odgovornosti za ubistva Srba". 

"Taj sud redovno odbacuje sve ono što dokazuje da Srbi nisu monstrumi - kako ih predstavljaju. Taj tribunal ima jednu čistu političku funkciju. Sa pravdom i istinom to sve nema nikakve veze"“, ocjenjuje Dorin u intervjuu Srni. 

Dorin ne očekuje da će svojom knjigom o Srebrenici moći da razbije stereotipe, navodeći da je knjiga pisana za one ljude koji žele da saznaju istinu o tome šta su zapadni mediji "prodali" kao "masakr u Srebrenici" da bi pravdali rat protiv Srba.

On dodaje da su zapadni, uglavnom lijevo orijentisani listovi i organizacije, pokazali interes za njegovu knjigu o Srebrenici i da nude saradnju. 

Dorin zaključuje da je planirano da njegova najnovija knjiga o Srebrenici bude prevedena i na srpski i na engleski jezik. 


von Dorin Alexander
Die Geschichte eines salonfähigen Rassismus
300 Seiten, Hardcover mit Schutzumschlag, 2009
Zeit- und Militärgeschichte Band 45, 24.80 €

Als der ehemalige deutsche Außenminister, Joseph ("Joschka") Fischer den Begriff von der "Rampe von Srebrenica" prägte, ward ein Phantom in die Welt gesetzt worden, das bis heute durch die Medien geistert. Mal abgesehen davon, dass die beabsichtigte Gleichstellung der Ereignisse in Srebrenica in den 90er Jahren des letzten Jahrhunderts mit denen der Menschenvernichtung unter den Nazis rd. 50 Jahre zuvor einer Leugnung des Holocaust gleichkommt, was in Deutschland unter Strafe gestellt ist, so verlangen gerade die Ereignisse von Srebrenica endlich einer wirklichen Aufhellung, da nicht zuletzt damit Politik gemacht wurde, Menschen in den westeuropäischen Staaten und den USA systematisch auf den Krieg gegen Serbien/Jugoslawien eingestimmt wurden.

Hat Jürgen Elsässer mit seinem Buch Kriegslügen ein Standardwerk zu jenem Krieg vorgelegt, geht hier der Autor, Alexander Dorin, tiefer und beschäftigt sich intensiv mit Srebrenica, recherchierte jahrelang vor Ort, er spricht serbo-kroatisch fließend, wuchs zweisprachig auf, und legt jetzt sein Gesamtwerk zum Thema nach mehr als 15 Jahren vor.

Es ist weltweit das erste Buch zu Srebrenica.


http://de-construct .net/e-zine/ ?p=6082

Alexander Dorin: “Srebrenica Massacre” is a Western Myth

May 23rd, 2009 | By De-Construct. net

Srebrenica — The History of Salon Racism

“In the West, the popular mythology about 7,000-8,000 Muslim men being executed in Srebrenica in 1995 is still alive and well, but independent research shows some 2,000 Bosnian Muslim fighters were killed in battle for Srebrenica and that is the number of bodies Hague investigators were able to find”, said Swiss researcher Alexander Dorin, who has been investigating Srebrenica events for the past 14 years.

In his latest book titled “Srebrenica — The History of Salon Racism” (Srebrenica — die Geschichte eines salonfahigen Rassismus) published this month in Berlin, Dorin focuses on manipulations with the number of Muslims who lost their lives in Srebrenica.

“Regarding the events in Srebrenica in 1995, the media manipulations still reign in the West, claiming that after the town fell to Serbian hands some 7,000 to 8,000 of Muslim fighters and male civilians were killed. However, the researchers around the world have shown this bears no relation to the truth,” Dorin told Srna News Agency.

According to data he had gathered, Dorin discovered that at least 2,000 Muslim fighters were killed in battle for Srebrenica. He added the facts are showing that neither civilian nor military leadership of Republic of Srpska (Serb Republic in Bosnia-Herzegovina) ever ordered execution of the Muslim fighters and POWs.

“2,000 is approximately the number of bodies Hague investigators were able to find up to this day. To that number the Muslim side added several hundred Muslim fighters, most of whom came from abroad, who were killed in battle few years before the fall of Srebrenica, in Han Pijesak and Konjević Polje,” Dorin said, adding that this is evidenced even by the Muslim documents captured by the Bosnian Serb Army.

Bosnian Serb Army Fought Against Orić’s Cutthroats, Not Against Muslim Civilians

“Prior to the fall of Srebrenica, Naser Orić’s troops withdrew from this small town, leaving 25,000 civilians behind, although a certain number of civilians, some of whom were armed, was withdrawing together with Orić’s fighters,” Dorin said.

He said that Bosnian Serb Army “did not kill a single Muslim civilian of those who remained in Srebrenica or Potocari, while it did engage Orić’s column, which was breaking through to Tuzla in several groups, in fierce fighting.”

“There is no way the Serb Army could have captured seven or eight thousand Muslim fighters and male civilians and execute them somewhere, partly because that was technically impossible,” Dorin said. He explained that, among else, there was never enough Serb soldiers who could carry out a crime on such scale.

In his research, Dorin was using various sources, including statements by the Muslim fighters and commanders, as well as testimonies given by Dutch UNPROFOR troops who were stationed in Srebrenica at the time.

He pointed to a very interesting investigation carried out by the Bulgarian reporter and author Germinal Civikov, who wrote a book about the case of Croat Dražen Erdemović, former member of the Bosnian Serb Army, whose testimony represents the key Hague “evidence” of “Srebrenica massacre”, who claimed that his commander Milorad Pelemiš “ordered him and few other soldiers to execute some 1,000-1,200 Muslim POWs”.

But the analysis of that case, said Dorin, proves Erdemović invented most, if not all of that story.

Dorin explained that director of the Belgrade Center for Investigation of War Crimes Milivoje Ivanišević analyzed the lists of alleged Srebrenica victims. Ivanišević discovered that, a year after the fall of Srebrenica, some 3,000 Muslim men who were supposedly killed in 1995, were voting in the Bosnian Muslim elections.

In addition, at least 1,000 of the alleged 1995 “Srebrenica massacre victims” have been dead long before or after Bosnian Serb Army took the town over.

“It is perfectly clear that Muslim organizations listed as Srebrenica victims all the Muslim fighters who were killed in the fights after the fall of Srebrenica,” the Swiss researcher said.

According to Dorin, some Western reporters wrote back in 1995 that part of Srebrenica Muslim population, after the town’s takeover, migrated to other countries. This includes an American journalist who wrote that around 800 Srebrenica Muslims went abroad — from Serbia.

“It was not possible to conduct an in-depth investigation, since no one can search the entire world to pinpoint each and every name [from the lists of alleged Srebrenica victims]. Still, the available evidence already shows there were immense manipulations at play,” Dorin said.

A number of photos of Muslim fighters taken during their breakthrough to Tuzla, which Dorin obtained from the Muslim sources, show Izetbegović’s fighters in uniforms, with many of them wounded.

“On these photos one can see a number of wounded fighters who survived the battle against the Serb Army. Muslim side is now presenting its fighters who did not recover from their wounds as the victims of an execution”, said Dorin.

He pointed out that some Muslims have admitted at least 2,000 of their Srebrenica-based fighters were killed in the battle.

Dorin also reminded of the statements by the Muslim politicians given to media about an “offer” American president Bill Clinton made to Bosnian Muslim war leader Alija Izetbegović back in April 1993, to have “the Chetnik [Serb] forces enter Srebrenica and massacre 5,000 Muslims, which would result in the [US-led NATO] military intervention” against Bosnian Serbs.

At the same time, Dutch UNPROFOR troops testified that Serb Army treated Muslim civilians in an entirely correct manner, while Srebrenica Muslim warlord Naser Orić with his fighters was massacring Serb civilians in the most monstrous fashion for years in Srebrenica municipality, and pillaging and destroying their property all the while.

… For Those who Want to Know the Truth About Srebrenica

Despite all the evidence about what really took place in Srebrenica and the fact there was no ‘massacre’, Dorin doubts the Hague verdicts in regards to Srebrenica events can be contested or overturned, being that this “so-called tribunal has convicted a number of people for the alleged Srebrenica massacre without any evidence whatsoever”.

He cited a case of the Serb Vidoje Blagojević, convicted to a long prison term even though he had no connection to Srebrenica events, while “the mass murderer Naser Orić was acquitted of all responsibility for killing the Serbs”.

“That court routinely discards everything that proves Serbs are not the monsters they have been made out to be. That tribunal has a purely political function. It has no relation to the justice and truth”, Dorin told Srna.

The Swiss researcher does not expect his book about Srebrenica events will be able to break down the stereotypes. He said the book was written for those who wish to learn the truth about the events Western mainstream media sold as “Srebrenica massacre” and even “genocide”, in order to justify their war against the Serbs.

Dorin added that mostly left-oriented Western newspapers and organizations have shown an interest in his latest book and have offered cooperation.

Alexander Dorin’s book about Srebrenica events is expected to be translated both into Serbian and English language.