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Forming Opinions (I)

(Own report) - The German WAZ media company's efforts to expand to Serbia have been accompanied by dubious business deals. The company, headquartered in the western German city of Essen, which nearly nine years ago bought a 50% share in one of the two most prominent Serbian dailies, has, for some time, been seeking to also acquire shares in the other. The attempt, which had to be carried out through an intermediary because of legal difficulties, is likely to fail when the Serbian Cartel Office reaches its verdict. The WAZ's efforts to expand within the Serbian press market through political and economic pressure have been so far just as unsuccessful. The German company is now threatening to withdraw completely from Serbia - with negative consequences for Serbia in its relationship to powerful Germany. For its business deals in Belgrade, which were only possible after the overthrow of Slobodan Milosevic, the WAZ had the former Yugoslav Prime Minister, Zoran Djindjic, mediate contacts to dubious business circles. One businessman, who today claims to have discussed shady deals with WAZ manager Bodo Hombach (SPD), was described in the German media, at the time of his contacts to the WAZ, as one "of the kingpins of the Balkans mafia."

Door Opener

The WAZ media group has been present on the Serbian media market since October 2001. At the time, more than two years after the war over Kosovo and about a year after the overthrow of Slobodan Milosevic, the WAZ media group bought 50 percent of the shares in the Politika AD publishing house based in Belgrade, one of the most venerable newspaper publishers in all of Southeast Europe. Politika AD publishes the "Politika" daily newspaper, which, even today, remains one of the dailies that sells the most copies in Serbia, with a reputation of being the public opinion maker for the Serbian upper echelon. The circumstances in 2001, under which it was possible for the WAZ to buy into Politika, remain essential for understanding the conflict around the company's activities in Serbia. According to media reports, the Yugoslav Prime Minister at the time, Zoran Djindjic, used the WAZ as his door opener in Serbia.[1] Djindjic was elected to office in January 2001, immediately after Slobodan Milosevic was overthrown. Djindjic and the German SPD politician, Bodo Hombach were friends. In February 2002 - just a few months after WAZ had bought into Politika - Hombach was hired as the manager of that German media company. Hombach's previous activities remain unforgotten in Serbia. In the spring of 1999, during the war over Kosovo, he was Chancellery Director under Gerhard Schröder, coordinating the German aggressors' policy and in the summer of the same year, took on the job as EU Special Coordinator for the so-called Southeast European Stability Pact.


Under Hombach's aegis, the WAZ was by no means satisfied with its Politika shares. In 2003 WAZ bought a 55 percent share of the Novi Sad daily Dnevnik, which is incomparable to Politika, having neither its influence nor its circulation. The WAZ subsidiary, Mediaprint, is also publishing under license the Serbian edition of the German "AUTO BILD" magazine. With its takeover of the "Stampa" chain of newsstands, in 2008, the German company assured itself considerable control over press sales. From the beginning, WAZ had had its eye on acquiring the second most important daily paper in the country, the Vecernje Novosti (Evening News). Politika and Vecernje Novosti are the Serbian journals with the highest circulation and the greatest amount of influence. They are dominant in the formation of public opinion.

Dubious Business Deals

WAZ's attempts to buy into the Novosti AD publishing company, which published the daily Vecernje Novosti, has, from the beginning, been associated with dubious business deals. For example, according to news reports, through the mediation of Hombach's friend, Zoran Djindjic, back in 2001, contact had been made to Djindjic's close associate, the businessman, Stanko Subotic, whose services could be used, as long as the WAZ was prohibited by law from obtaining direct access to Novosti AD.[2] At the time, even WAZ functionaries could read in the German press that Subotic was considered one of the kingpins in Southeast European cigarette smuggling. A spokesperson for the Croat interior ministry even called him the "head of the Balkans' mafia."[3] Today, Subotic remembers that the WAZ has been seeking to buy shares in Novosti AD "since it has been present in Serbia."[4] Subotic recounts also how the company in Essen - and its manager, Hombach - had been engaged in dubious business deals to try to enter Novosti AD using a front man.[5] Hombach denies this. Fact is that today, an intermediary by the name of Milan Beko owns a substantial amount of Novosti AD shares - and is unwilling to sell them to the WAZ.


The reason given in Serbia: the Cartel Office has refused its approval of the sale. This is quite comprehensible, considering the leverage that would be obtained through the appropriation of the two leading dailies Politika and Večernje Novosti. According to reports, WAZ manager Hombach tried "everything" to buy into Novosti AD. But since the approval of the Cartel Office has yet to be given, he wonders "if the government in Belgrade is really ruling the country."[6] It has been reported that in his efforts to acquire Novosti AD for the WAZ group, Hombach sent "half a football team of supporters" onto the field: former German Chancellor Gerhard Schroder, the Austrian, Alfred Gusenbauer (currently a WAZ-advisor), the German ambassador to Serbia, EU commissioner Günther Oettinger and Klaus Mangold, Chairman of the German Committee on Eastern European Economic Relations. All these "supporters" have intervened with Serbian President, Boris Tadić - to no avail.

An Alarm Signal

At the beginning of June, the WAZ media group launched a final offensive. In a letter to President Tadić, WAZ manager Hombach wrote that "the reception has been quite positive" in "other Southeast European countries."[7] Only in Serbia, has the group had to put up with "financial losses and public calumny." This is why it will withdraw from that country. Soon afterwards, the Chairman of the German Committee on Eastern European Economic Relations, Klaus Mangold, expressed his hope "that the announced withdrawal is understood as an alarm signal" and that the WAZ group will be able to continue its activities in Serbia.[8] Mangold also emphasized that Germany is Serbia's most important trading partner and has expanded its direct investments from 278 Million Euros in 2004 to currently 1.2 Billion. German businesses are "prepared to significantly increase their engagement" [in Serbia]. But the Chairman of the Committee on Eastern European Economic Relations left no doubt that it is very important for German businesses that Belgrade heed their demands, including WAZ's demand to buy into Novosti AD. Mangold's remarks carry weight because impoverished Serbia is dependant on business with powerful Germany. WAZ manager Bodo Hombach is a member of the presidium of Mangold's Committee on Eastern European Economic Relations.

Legal Action

The future development remains uncertain. The WAZ group has announced its takeover of the Salzburg-based Ardos Holding GmbH owned by intermediary, Milan Beko. Even though this provides the WAZ group with 23 Percent of Novosti's shares, held by Ardos, WAZ maintains its intentions to withdraw from Serbia.[9] But according to Večernje Novosti, in its alleged takeover of Ardos in Austria, the WAZ had been incorrect in the form and operated "fraudulently". Večernje Novosti considers the transaction to be invalid, undermining Serbia's legal system and reserves itself the right to take legal action.[10]

Only one Part

In its expansion drive toward East and Southeast Europe, the WAZ group has not only waged these power struggles in Serbia. Since its expansion into that region began in 1990, the German company has succeeded in acquiring - partially or completely - 26 daily newspapers and numerous magazines in Southeast Europe alone, sometimes under questionable circumstances. german-foreign-policy.com will report on the WAZ expansion in other South East European countries tomorrow.

[1], [2] Hombach, Hitler und die Oligarchen; Süddeutsche Zeitung 19.06.2010
[3] Die Belgrad-Connection; Financial Times Deutschland 13.08.2001
[4] Subotić expands on recent remarks; www.b92.net 23.03.2010
[5] "'I spoke with WAZ, with Mr. (Bodo) Hombah, about the information I received and he said it was alright, if they can get that done, as far as they are concerned, it was acceptable. I met with Mišković and Beko, we spoke about the details and they asked me for EUR 26mn, adding that with that money they could buy 60-65 percent of the Novosti shares, which would then naturally be given to WAZ,' Subotić said. 'I gave Mr. Hombah the details of the conversation, and he accepted that. I made a contract, I received a mandate from WAZ that gave precise details for the contract. I made the same agreement with Beko and Mišković through several of their companies, I can give you the names later so that you can get the documents from them. I paid them EUR 26mn and they bought the shares. They paid EUR 8-9mn for the shares, which means that EUR 26mn minus eight or nine was their profit, the profit they took as people organizing a sale outside of the stock exchange, as mediators and practically sellers of state goods,' Subotić said. When B92 asked WAZ for a reaction, the company said in a written statement that all money for the purchase of Novosti was given directly by the company and that all other claims are false." Subotić expands on recent remarks; www.b92.net 23.03.2010
[6], [7] Hitler und die Oligarchen; Süddeutsche Zeitung 19.06.2010
[8] Ost-Ausschuss bedauert Rückzug der WAZ-Gruppe aus Serbien; www.ost-ausschuss.de 18.06.2010
[9] WAZ hält an Ausstieg aus Serbien fest; derstandard.at 22.06.2010
[10] Hombah pokušava da ukrade "Novosti"; www.novosti.rs 22.06.2010


Forming Opinions (II)

(Own report) - The Serbian Minister of the Economy, Mladan Dinkic is calling on the WAZ media group from Germany to leave Serbia because of its dubious intrigues. After a deal was revealed that was aimed at making the Essen-based company a leader on the Serbian market, Dinkic said that the WAZ cannot be allowed to take control of one of the country's most important daily newspapers, with "backroom business deals". The WAZ and its manager Bodo Hombach, (SPD), attempted, with the help of a front man, to buy, step by step, majority shares in the Vecernje Novosti, the country's largest selling daily newspaper. But the front man, a Serbian oligarch, does not want to turn over the shares in his temporary possession. A front man was needed for the deal because antitrust regulations did not allow the WAZ to buy the Serbian public opinion forming daily, Vecernje Novosti. The German media group, headquartered in Essen, is the strongest West European company on the Southeast European press market owning up to 70 percent in several countries - padded by excellent relations to the political and business establishment.

Backroom Business Deals

In a comprehensive statement yesterday,[1] the WAZ media group admitted to having engaged in dubious business deals. According to the statement, an unnamed "contractual partner" - Bodo Hombach referred to him as a "Serbian oligarch" - committed himself in December 2008 to sell 3 businesses to WAZ: "Ardos" (Austria), "Trimax" (Austria) and "Karamat" (Cyprus). These three companies together possess two-thirds of the Novosti AD shares, the publisher that puts out the Serbian Vecernje Novosti (Evening News). A few years ago, when Novosti AD was privatized and antitrust restrictions prevented WAZ from taking it over - WAZ already owned 50 percent of Politika, the second most significant opinion making journal in the country - the "oligarch" bought the shares, thereby prohibiting another Serbian investor from buying the publishing house. When the deal became public it caused serious anger in Belgrade. The WAZ cannot be permitted to acquire a "trademark" like Vecernje Novosti with "backroom business deals", declared Serbia's Minister of the Economy, Mladan Dinkic.[2]

Austria, Hungary

The WAZ, which has recently raised so much ire with its intrigues in the Serbian capital, has for years been the mightiest foreign company on the press market in Southeast Europe. Already at the end of the 1980s, the "WAZ media group" began exploring possible expansion into eastern and southeastern Europe. In 1987 the Essen-based company bought into two important publishers in Austria. It acquired 50 percent of the Kronen Zeitung, which has a unique standing in the country's media landscape with its 3 million readers in a country with a total population of 8.4 million, and 49.4 percent of the Vienna-based daily, Kurier newspaper (distribution: 200,000). "With this we opened the door to Southeast Europe," said the WAZ employee, charged with relations to Southeast Europe, Andreas Ferling in 2007.[3] With the take over of the Hungarian publishing group, Pannon Lapok Tarsasaga, in 1990, the German company was able to accomplish its first penetration onto the market of a previously socialist country in the immediate aftermath of the radical transformation. The five regional journals of Pannon Lapok Tarsasaga were sold, according to the WAZ, "in four counties stretching from the Austrian border to the gates of Budapest" [4] - total distribution 225,000.

Big Headlines, Scant Language

The first serious resentment over the WAZ's southeastward expansion arose in Bulgaria, where the company was engaged in 1996. Following the takeover of the second largest daily newspaper of the country (24 Tschassa), WAZ bought also the largest (Dneven Trud). The WAZ was not only accused of having used dumping methods to obtain a monopoly position.[5] The company, which had won an antitrust lawsuit brought against it in Sofia, holds today a market share of around 70 percent. In January 2007, the former WAZ employee Ferling explained that "one of our strategies is to go into countries where antitrust laws are not very developed" - and try buying the shares of the market before the antitrust laws become more restrictive.[6] Criticism about the qualitative development of the newspapers taken over by the WAZ can still be heard today. "The potential" for bringing "higher standards" to Bulgarian readers at the time, was "not used" by the WAZ, says a media specialist in Sofia. On the contrary, complains a journalist, "they introduced a new graphic design: big headlines, scant language, large front page photos."[7]

Exclusive Contacts

After the WAZ group had already acquired access to the Croatian (December 1998), Rumanian (March 2001) and Serbian (October 2001 [8]) markets, the media group took on a new manager, Bodo Hombach (SPD), in February 2002, who had exceptional contacts to Southeast Europe. Hombach had been head of the Federal Chancellery (1998 to 2001) during the preparations for the war over Kosovo and NATO's bombing of Yugoslavia and subsequently (from mid 1999) he became the EU's Special Coordinator for its so called "Stability Pact for South Eastern Europe". The "Stability Pact," designed to stimulate cooperation and economic reconstruction in southeastern Europe, gave the EU's Special Coordinator the possibility to develop direct contacts to leading personalities in business and politics throughout southeastern Europe. Already with his activities in Germany, Hombach had occasionally provoked much anger. A regional politician in North-Rhine Westphalia, where Hombach was active until the fall of 1998, was quoted as having said that, with Hombach's departure to the Federal Chancellery "the amount of intrigues in North-Rhine Westphalia" has "significantly decreased."[9] Hombach's activities in southeastern Europe for the WAZ group have also not been without conflicts.

Positive Reporting

In the second half of 2004, a dispute with the editorial staff of the Rumanian daily România Liberă over WAZ directives made the headlines, but has been given various public interpretations. The WAZ group owned 70 percent of the România Liberă shares. This conservative daily's editorial staff complained that the WAZ was trying to prevent critical reporting on Rumania's social democratic government, making reference to Hombach's SPD past and the close ties between the German and Rumanian social democrats. But the WAZ countered that it was insisting merely on standards of quality and "positive reporting."[10] This dispute over the German media group's interference in editorial policies attracted European public attention for several weeks. This would hardly be the case today. "Previously, the WAZ gave itself an image of pursuing purely commercial interests and maintaining strict political neutrality," stated a knowledgeable observer in the spring of 2006, "but now the WAZ-owned Balkan newspapers have become liberal, pro-western," thereby "the company is assuming it's growing political role in the Balkans."[11] This no longer attracts attention.

From Foreign Minister to Newspaper Man

The media group's activities in Macedonia are a good example of the close ties between the WAZ and the political elite in Southeast European countries. In Mai 2003, the WAZ bought the country's three daily newspapers with the largest distribution (Dnevnik, Utrinski Vestnik, Vest). Soon thereafter, the WAZ consolidated its activities in the company Media Print Macedonia (MPM) - insisting "with the Cartel Office's permission."[12] This must be underlined, because with the three newspapers, MPM not only centralizes the complete value added chain from printing to distribution, it even controls more than 70 percent of Macedonia's print market.[13] The excellent relations with the political establishment are of great benefit to the company's activities in Macedonia. When the WAZ made its entry in Skopje, it employed Srgjan Kerim as MPM manager. Kerim knows Germany, because he also served as his country's ambassador to the Federal Republic of Germany (1994 to 2000), then in 2000 briefly as "Special Envoy for Regional Questions" of the Stability Pact for South-Eastern Europe under the Coordinator Bodo Hombach and as Macedonian Ambassador (2000 to 2001) before becoming President of the Macedonian-German Association of Commerce - and beginning work for the WAZ.


The Essen-based WAZ media group considers that "no other western European publishing house is more present in Southeast Europe than the WAZ."[14] Given the fact that this German company has 40 percent of its sales and 70 percent of its revenue abroad, critics in Southeast Europe come to a different conclusion. One being Manojlo Vukotić, editor in chief of the fiercely contested daily, Večernje Novosti, who recently explained in reference to the WAZ group's back room business deals with dubious oligarchs: "they set out to conquer the media scene of the impoverished Balkans and they are succeeding in impoverishing the Balkans even more."[15]

[1] "Serbiens Bürger haben ein Recht auf Wahrheit"; www.derwesten.de 23.06.2010
[2] Probe ordered into newspaper privatization; www.b92.net 23.06.2010
[3] "Wir grasen den Markt ab"; www.medien-monitor.com 30.01.2007
[4] Ungarn; www.waz-mediengruppe.de
[5] European Federation of Journalists: Media Power in Europe: The Big Picture of Ownership, Brussels, August 2005
[6] "Wir grasen den Markt ab"; www.medien-monitor.com 30.01.2007
[7] Staatsfeind Nummer eins; Berliner Zeitung 03.08.2009
[8] see also Forming Opinions (I)
[9] Schröders play-back; Der Freitag 25.06.1999
[10] Lebenslauf Dr. Srgjan Kerim; www.dgvn.de
[11] Flaggschiffe im Visier; Berliner Zeitung 04.05.2006
[12] Mazedonien; www.waz-mediengruppe.de
[13] Vladimir Zlatarsky, Dirk Förger: Die Medien in Mazedonien; www.kas.de 31.08.2009
[14] Das internationale Engagement der WAZ Mediengruppe; www.waz-mediengruppe.de
[15] Serbischer Chefredakteur beschimpft WAZ-Boss; Spiegel Online 24.03.2010