In the G-17 program, prepared for the electoral coalition DOS, it was
said that Yugoslavia should take example from the modern and democratic
Western media.
Now, yesterday, president Kostunica made an interesting statement,
saying he's �surprised that his country's image abroad has changed so
quickly for the better, after the change of government in October. He
told the Tanyug news agency he'd expected the ugly picture of Yugoslavia
which, he said, had been created by the western media, to last for some
Mr Kostunica suggested that the change in the way other countries
Yugoslavia showed that the media in the democratic countries was to a
extent controlled by their governments. (1)

Mr Kostunica is completely right. But this raises interesting questions:
1. Does Mr Kostunica, and DOS, still want to copy the Western media
2. If those media manipulated the opinion, by demonising Serbs since
1991, is it possible that the Western policy against Yugoslavia was
based on a false image?
3. So, maybe the war against Yugoslavia was unjust and illegal and the
Western powers should be judged for that and condemned to pay damages?
4. If those Western media manipulated until now, have they just
suddenly stopped? Do they say, for example, that the situation in
Kosovo is terrible for the Serbs, the Roms and all other minorities,
ethnically cleansed, and that the terrorism of the KLA forces they
supported means now maffia and murders also against many Albanians? So
that Nato occupation brought a terrible situation, while the real aim
was to put Yugoslavia on his knees and justify the installation of the
huge US military base 'Camp Bondsteel'.
5. The West seems to be the model for DOS. Is the West a wonder, with
controlled and manipulating media?
6. And maybe, it's not only about media? President Kostunica often
speaks about �our Western friends�. But may we believe that there exist
two Madeleine Albright, two Clinton, two Chirac, two Schr�der? One who
is now �the friend of the Serbs�, and one who has been lying against
those same Serbes since ten years, through controlled media?

(1) Friday, 22 December, 2000, 09:10 GMT BBC World Service.

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translations if you publish this.


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