

Oggetto: Dutch actions against Bush/Cheney/military industrial complex
Data: Sat, 20 Jan 2001 13:57:09 +0100
Da: Herman de Tollenaere

In many countries, on Saturday 20 January, there were actions against
the inauguration of George W. Bush and Dick Cheney, both with links to
the military-industrial complex, as new president and vice-president of
the USA. This included The Netherlands; especially The Hague, the
government city, and the village of Leiderdorp, Dutch seat of Dick
Cheney's Halliburton corporation, saw actions.

The Dutch Halliburton branches are in Ijmuiden, and at Weversbaan 1-3,
in Leiderdorp. In Leiderdorp, activists informed hundreds of people
living around the Weversbaan, and also the mayor and aldermen of the
village, about Cheney's/Halliburton's links to war and human rights

In Turkey, a Halliburton branch trains armed forces, infamous for
torture of political prisoners and anti-Kurdish violence.

In 1999, in Kosovo, Halliburton built Camp Bondsteel, biggest foreign US
military base since the Vietnam war; built on "free" ground, as the Serb
farmers-owners, had been driven away violently, like hundreds of
thousands of others of all nationalities, after NATO and its allies
entered Kosovo.

Halliburton also faces accusations of links to drug traffic, in Colombia
and elsewhere.

In The Hague, at the US embassy, the demonstrators centered on
opposition to the death penalty, which threatens for e.g. ex-Black
Panter Party member Mumia Abu-Jamal.

Met vriendelijke groet/Best wishes,

Herman de Tollenaere



>Friday, December 15, 2000
>Srdja Trifkovic
>Had Al Gore won the Presidency there is no doubt that he would have
>perpetuated, or even amplified, the fundamental flaws of the outgoing
>Administration's foreign policy. Suffice to say that his chief policy
>advisor was Leon Fuerth, and his favorite for Secretary of State
>Holbrooke. With such team in charge, military interventions not
>to any clear and imminent threat to U.S. security would have continued.
>Gore's own dictum was clear: "Our national security interests can be
>defined by our values." He accordingly attacked George W. Bush for his
>"lukewarm" support of last year's bombing of Serbia: "No wonder it took
>six weeks to say anything about our action against the ethnic cleansing
>Kosovo. Is that the right message for America to send to people around
>globe struggling for freedom?"
>Bush responded in the second debate with Gore last October, when he
>the Vice President that it is not America's role to patrol the planet
>arrange other peoples' lives in its own image:
>"One way for us to end up being viewed as the ugly American is for us
to go
>around the world saying, we do it this way, so should you. . . The
>States must be humble and must be proud and confident of our values,
>humble in how we treat nations that are figuring out how to chart their
>This was positively a breath of fresh air after Mrs. Albright's
>triumphalist ravings about the "Indispensable Nation." Another ray of
>was Bush's pledge, made shortly after he was nominated, to order a
>of America's foreign commitments, and his promise to "scrutinize
>deployments, reassess U.S. goals, and ascertain whether they can be
>Subsequent statements by his national security advisor-designate
>Condoleezza Rice and others, indicating that Bush would gradually
>U.S. forces from the Balkans, have further encouraged expectations that
>new president will usher in a new era of pragmatic foreign policy
>based on rationally defined interests rather than ideological
>Optimism may be premature: the battle for Bush's ear is far from over,
>some whisperers speak with a forked tongue. So far the President-elect
>displayed a healthy middle-American disinterest in foreign affairs. His

>attitude has an encouraging side and a worrying side. Whereas
>sophisticates may gasp in patronizing disbelief at Bush's famous
>of Slovakia with Slovenia, or his reference to Greeks as 'Grecians,' it
>possible to take comfort in the new President's evident focus on
>issues. His lack of global grasp may be a reflection of that "humility"
>advocates, his lack of interest in knowing the world in order to change
>in America's own image.
>There is a problem, however. Bush's guiding principles, insofar as they

>exist, appear contradictory, and it is far from certain whether they
>be strong enough armor against pressures from hegemonists. He relies on
>Wall Street Journal to form his thoughts about current affairs, and
>admits that he defers to his advisers on foreign issues: "I may not be
>to tell you exactly the nuances of the East Timorian [sic] situation,"
>told The New York Times last year, but this was no problem as he would
>the people who've had experience" to guide him.
>That would be just fine with a man imbued with strong core values. Bush
>not an instinctive defender of national sovereignty, alas, and his
>tendencies to trans-nationalism are demonstrated by his flat refusal to

>defend U.S. borders from migratory invasion that is irreversibly
>America's character (and helping the Democrats to boot). He does not
>concerned with the effect this will have on America's ability to
>the traditional moral fabric, social structure and economic interests
>its own people - what most Americans still mean by 'national interests'

>Presidential advisors will have enormous influence on the form and
>substance of the U.S. foreign policy over the next four years. Bush's
>victory will provide a welcome discontinuity in the institutional
>of the Department of State, the National Security Council, and the
>House itself. There are people on Bush's team, however - notably Paul
>Wolfowitz and Richard Perle - whose hegemonist malevolence is
comparable to
>Mrs. Albright's, but who are also more competent and "rational" within
>their ideological terms of reference than the outgoing Secretary of
>Ms. Rice is a hardworking professional who has not, so far, articulated
>strategic vision. This could make her vulnerable to the ideologues. She
>be out of her depth in this shark tank. The irony is that the only
>counterweight to the "vulcans" may be provided by Vice-President Dick
>Cheney, who is a veritable moderate compared to the Wolfowitz-Perle
>Cheney is a corporate globalist rather than neoconservative
>interventionists: where they see menaces, he sees markets.
>Other members of Bush's foreign policy team are Richard Armitage,
>Assistant Secretary of Defense under Reagan; Robert Blackwill, a former

>member of President Bush's National Security Council; Stephen Hadley,
>former Assistant Secretary of Defense under Cheney; Dov Zakheim, former

>Under Secretary of Defense in the Reagan administration; and Robert
>Zoellick, former Under Secretary of State in the Bush administration.
>Interestingly, all but one of these key Bush advisors (Armitage) belong
>the Council on Foreign Relations that has traditionally provided the
>internationalist cadre of U.S. foreign policy elite regardless of which

>party occupies the White House.
>The leading light in Bush's foreign policy team, Paul Wolfowitz, heads
>Paul Nitze Center for International Studies. He epitomizes the
>"neoconservative" wing of the Republican Party. The neocons, many of
>former leftists, are inveterate Cold Warriors in search of a new enemy.

>They are latently Russophobic, but currently also fixated on the
>threat from China.
>Wolfowitz came to national prominence in early 1992 as the author a
>Pentagon memorandum that was leaked to the New York Times. That
>unreservedly named Yeltsin's post-communist Russia as the gravest
>threat to American vital interests. It advocated an all-out, U.S.-led
>war against Russia if Moscow threatened the security of
>Baltic republics. Wolfowitz called for 24 NATO divisions, 70 fighter
>squadrons, and six aircraft carrier battle groups to be prepared to
>the Russian Navy "bottled up in the eastern Baltic," to bomb supply
>in Russia, and to use armored formations to expel Russian forces if
>entered Lithuania. He boldly stated that Russia would be unlikely to
>respond with nuclear weapons, but he provided no basis for that
>In addition the Wolfowitz memorandum envisioned provision of American
>security guarantees to Eastern Europe and permanent global involvement
>order to deter "potential competitors from even aspiring to a larger
>regional or global role."
>Instead of being taken to a safe, quiet place where he can do no harm
>himself or to others, Wolfowitz became the neoconservative hero. His
>proposals on Eastern Europe were accepted by the Clinton Administration
>resulted in the expansion of NATO in 1997. What is best for America and
>world - his disciples have been telling us ever since - is that America

>should remain the only cop in town, possessed of the sole right to
>posses, or go it alone to discipline evil-doers, wherever American
>or "security interests" are threatened. The bipartisan hegemonists also

>accept Wolfowitz's key tenet that America should never permit any
>and especially Russia or China, to rise to the status of regional
>superpower. As Pat Buchanan says,
>"Containment, a defensive strategy, had given way to a breathtakingly
>ambitious offensive strategy-to 'establish and protect a new order.' .
. .
>By the end of the 1990s, crucial elements had been adopted by Congress
>President Clinton, and passively accepted by the American people. By
>the administration. . . had indeed extended NATO to Poland, Hungary,
>the Czech Republic and had offered membership to the Baltic states.
>NATO expansion is the first site at which to explore the new fault line
>American foreign policy."
>Eight years later Wolfowitz remains an advocate of further NATO
>as a means of encircling Russia and expelling it out of Central Asia.
>ideas, wrapped in the jargon of the value-neutral academic analyst
>examining the unfolding of historical trends, impress Bush and
>detractors. It is believed that Bush's support for the bombing of
>after some initial reluctance on the Governor's part, was primarily due
>Wolfowitz's influence.
>Wolfowitz looks on Serbia as Russia's potential asset that can and
>be brutalized and fragmented. In addition he likes the idea of scoring
>few points in the Muslim world at Serbs' expense, and thus offsetting
>legacy of unreserved U.S. support for Israel. Finally, he saw in the
>interventionist course in the Balkans an opportunity for Washington to
>disabuse its European partners of any misguided notion that they can
>resolve a crisis without America - let alone in spite of it. In the
>mid-1990s Wolfowitz worked with Morton Abramowitz in setting up the
>Action Council, an anti-Serb "think tank" bankrolled by George Soros.
>criticized the outgoing administration for not being belligerent
>for not arming the Muslims and striking the Serbs in Bosnia, for not
>bombing Serbia in 1998 (which he demanded, with others, in a full-page
>in the New York Times), and for not pursuing a clear military victory
>Kosovo once the bombing had started.
>The ascent of Wolfowitz on Bush's team and his probable elevation to
>head of the Central Intelligence Agency, or else to No. 2 post at the
>Department of State, bodes ill for the new administration. It means
>the new President will be exposed to a world outlook and specific
>proposals that are at odds with the majority of congressional
>to say nothing of the nation at large. Wolfowitz personifies the
>danger that the 'bipartisan' foreign policy of global interventionism
>continue to dominate inside the Beltway.
>Wolfowitz brought his close personal friend and political ally Richard
>Perle into Bush's team. A proud hardliner, Perle was the Reagan
>administration's "Prince of Darkness" as assistant secretary of
defense. He
>often accused Secretary of State Shultz and others at the State
>of being too soft - on Soviets, North Koreans, Chinese, Arabs, Cubans,
>especially on anyone the Israelis disapproved of. Perle brought to the
>Pentagon several amen-corner activists who dramatically increased
>sales to Israel. He advocates using U.S. power to topple "rogue"
>As an avid supporter of American intervention against the Serbs, Perle
>drawn to Bob Dole - the "Senator from Tirana" - and advised him on
>affairs. His start in politics was in 1969, when as an aide to 'Scoop'
>Jackson he drafted the Jackson-Vannik Amendment, which linked Soviet
>concessions to emigration of Soviet Jews. Ever the believer that there
>no difference between Israeli and American interests, in 1996 Perle
>the distinction of simultaneously advising both Dole's presidential
>campaign in the United States and Netanyahu's election campaign in
>As an advocate of uncompromising Israeli policies against the
>in 1997 he contributed to "A Clean Break," an influential study
produced by
>the Institute for Advanced Strategic and Political Studies in
Jerusalem. It
>advised premier Netanyahu to cancel the Oslo accords with the
>and to reject any notion of Palestinian independence. In addition, last

>summer Perle advised the Israelis to walk out of Camp David
>Robert Zoellick, who is likely to be Bush's Trade Representative, was
>House deputy chief of staff to Bush-senior. Before that he was
>undersecretary of state for economic affairs and counselor to the State

>Department. Zoellick is Director of the Aspen Institute's Strategy
Group on
>Foreign Policy, a board member of the Council of Foreign Relations and
>Executive Committee of the Trilateral Commission. His views mirror
those of
>Wolfowitz and Perle. On America's commitment to Israel he declared that
>is moral, it's philosophical, it's democratic as well as security. . .
>been true for the Clinton administration, and I think it would be true
>any of them that follow - Israel's security is first and foremost." On
>Russia Zoellick allows that "there are some areas where there is
>cooperation," but he regards it as an inherent adversary, not to be
>or treated as a friend. In 1997 he was duly enthusiastic about NATO
>"Frankly we don't know what direction Russia will still go. The
>killed thousands of people in Chechnya. They're still trying to shake
>the Estonians. They tried to put a couple of divisions in Georgia. And
>you're sitting in Poland or in Prague or in Hungary these days, you
>some reassurance. And frankly, it's not very believable to me that NATO
>a serious threat to Russia."
>To Wolfowitz and friends the enemy is still in the East. The Serbs were

>merely collateral damage in the project. Not content with the moral,
>spiritual and demographic wasteland of the Western world, they are
>the final showdown with Russia, and possibly another one with China.
>Bush would be well advised to ask himself what else is the meaning of
>merely preserving NATO - now that the threat which created it is gone -
>extending it eastwards? It is seen as a hostile act in Moscow, and it
IS a
>hostile act, a logical follow-up to the ongoing plunder of Russia's
>resources, in conjunction with the recycled apparatchiks in Moscow.
>Compared to this tandem Vice-President-elect Richard Cheney looks and
>sounds like an epitome of reason, moderation and statesman-like
>responsibility. He is no peacenik, however: As defense secretary Cheney

>directed the U.S. invasion of Panama and Operation Desert Storm. His
>industry background and connections have naturally focused him on the
>forthcoming Caspian oil bonanza. Cheney is opposed to sanctions against

>unsavory regimes - notably the neo-Stalinists who run Azerbaijan - if
>measures run counter to American business interests. As CEO of
>the world's largest oil services provider, Cheney denounced sanctions
>against Iran because of all the missed business opportunities. On the
>he is a traditional Wall Street imperialist, less ideological in his
>outlook and certainly more even-handed on Middle Eastern issues than
any of
>the above.
>Another voice of reason may be Richard Armitage, the new president's
>advisor on defense, who served his father as an Assistant Secretary of
>Defense. He is a pragmatic military affairs specialist who warned
>Wesley Clarke that "the ultimate mission of our armed forces and our
>is to fight and win the nation's wars when our survival is threatened.
>was not the case in Kosovo or Bosnia."
>But what will Colin Powell do, one may well ask, in view of his pending

>elevation to Albright's job? Perhaps it would be more appropriate to
>what is a supporter of "affirmative action" and advocate of abortion on

>demand doing in a Republican cabinet in the first place. But Powell, a
>self-styled "Rockefeller Republican," shares with the rest of the Bush
>an internationalist outlook. When Bush-père declared that the war
>Iraq was not an action in defense of American strategic and economic
>interests but the struggle to create a "New World Order," the notion
>captured Powell's imagination. In 1993 he urged Naval cadets to carry
>culture and the spirit and the lifeblood of America" to "help a new
>order get under way." Powell's commitment to global interventionism is
>tempered by his image of a "reluctant warrior," in contrast with
>or Perle's in-your-face triumphalism.
>"I believe peacekeeping and humanitarian operations are a given,"
>wrote in Foreign Affairs in 1992. Just as worryingly, in his subsequent

>book Powell declared that he does not want any clearly defined criteria
>the deployment of U.S. troops abroad because "it destroys the ambiguity
>might want to exist in our enemy's mind regarding our intentions." He
>stresses the importance of clear political objectives of military
>intervention, but completely avoids the question how those objectives
>should be defined. There is no mention of vital national interests in
>Powell's "doctrine."
>Powell was opposed to Clinton's intervention in the Balkans at first,
>his support of the Kosovo intervention may be interpreted as a
>reflex reaction that once you are in you have to get the job done, but
>volte-face also reflected Powell's fundamental lack of intellectual and

>moral rigor, his confusion of ends and means in foreign policy making.
>It is to be feared that Colin Powell will be a weak Secretary of State,

>whose lack of strong principles and firm convictions will be used by
>colleagues with very strong views, albeit wrong ones - Wolfowitz and
>friends - to tailor a straightjacket for Powell and set the agenda.
>At present President-elect Bush probably lacks the confidence a leader
>have in his ability to judge what actions to take, and the intellectual

>apparatus to counter the phraseology of Wolfowitz, Perle and company.
>the other hand, Bush's closest mentor (and tutor) will be Dick Cheney.
>is also encouraging that the former Secretary of State James Baker has
>back on the scene in the aftermath of the election. These two country
>squires share the same outlook and assumptions. If Baker is given a
>significant role as White House "advisor" they may provide a formidable

>buffer against the neocons' trigger-happy ravings.
>The Bush family has never felt comfortable with ideologues,
>the New York intellectual globalists. In addition, President George W.
>is a short-tempered man with a streak of haughtiness, which will be a
>asset when Perle starts lecturing him. In the end, the Texas Oil Mafia
>well prove to be the best faction of the new administration. They may
>greedy and amoral, but at least we can hope that they'll resist the
>temptation to invent new missions, lay down new embargoes, and
>new courts. Unlike the "Vulcans," Bush, Cheney and Baker are



Oggetto: Il prossimo presidente USA potrebbere essere un
Data: 8 Aug 00 05:16:24 MET DST
Da: Danica <razlag@...>

Il prossimo presidente USA potrebbere essere
un... nazista: Bush (7 agosto 2000)

Se cercate sul motore di ricerca,
inserendo le parole: Bush e Nazi, troverete più di un
milione di documenti. Eccone alcuni.

[Search engine: AltaVista found 1,079,590
The query string sent was Bush Nazi ]

George Herbert Walker Bush e il nazismo:

Biografia non autorizzata:
"...These and other actions taken by the U.S. government in
wartime were, tragically, too little and too late. President Bush's
family had already played a central role in financing and arming
Adolf Hitler for his takeover of Germany; in financing and
managing the buildup of Nazi war industries for the conquest of
Europe and war against the U.S.A.; and in the development of
Nazi genocide theories and racial propaganda, with their
well-known results.

The facts presented here must be known, and their implications
reflected upon, for a proper understanding of President George
Herbert Walker Bush and of the danger to mankind that he
represents. The President's family fortune was largely a result of
the Hitler project. The powerful Anglo-American family
associations, which later boosted him into the Central Intelligence
Agency and up to the White House, were his father's partners in
the Hitler project.

President Franklin Roosevelt's Alien Property Custodian, Leo T.
Crowley, signed Vesting Order Number 248 seizing the property of
Prescott Bush under the Trading with Enemy Act. The order,
published in obscure government record books and kept out of the
news, Note #4 explained nothing about the Nazis involved; only
that the Union Banking Corporation was run for the "Thyssen
family" of "Germany and/or Hungary" -- "nationals ... of a
designated enemy country."

By deciding that Prescott Bush and the other directors of the
Union Banking Corp. were legally "front men for the Nazis", the
government avoided the more important historical issue: In what
way "were Hitler's Nazis themselves hired, armed, and instructed
by" the New York and London clique of which Prescott Bush was
an executive manager?..."

"...Also, the German born SKULL & BONES SOCIETY of which
both George Bush and his father Prescott were members. Bush Sr.
assisted in the financing of the Third Reich in collaboration with
the Rockefellers, and George Bush himself had stated at one
point "Isn't it about time we forgive the Nazi War Criminals?".
Bush's constant reference to a "New World Order" and his former
position as CIA and later MJ-12 director (although the latter
position was not a 'public' office) is suggestive..."

Some of Rupp's best work was done for the CIA, after he was
imported in Operation Paperclip. Rupp has been convicted of
bank fraud. He was an operative for the CIA and is deeply
involved in the Savings and Loan scandals. A federal jury has
indicated they believe testimony that Rupp, the late CIA Director
William Casey - then Reagan's campaign manager, and Donald
Gregg, now U.S. Ambassador to South Korea, flew with George
Bush to Paris in 1980, during the election in which Bush was on
the ticket with Ronald Reagan. The testimony states that three
meetings were held on October 19 and 20 at the Hotel Florida
and Hotel Crillion. The subject? According to the court testimony,
the meetings were to sabotage President Jimmy Carter's
reelection campaign by delaying the release of American
hostages in Iran. The hostages were released on January 20,
1981, right after Reagan and Bush were sworn into office. Iran was
promised return of its frozen assets in the United States and the
foundation for the Iran- Contra deal was set into motion.

Licio Gelli is also reported to have had some financial dealings
with the George Bush for President campaign.

THE BUSH NAZI CONNECTION by Richard N. Draheim, Jr.
" comes from grandfather Prescott Bush's financial
alliance with the Nazis.

On October 20, 1942, the US Alien Property Custodian, under the
"Trading With the Enemy Act," seized the shares of the Union
Banking Corporation (UBC), of which Prescott Bush was a director
and shareholder. The largest shareholder was E. Roland
Harriman. (Bush was also the managing partner of Brown Brothers
Harriman, a leading Wall Street investment firm.)

The UBC was established to send American capital to Germany to
finance the reorganization of its industry under the Nazis. Their
leading German partner was the notorious Nazi industrialist Fritz
Thyssen, who wrote a book admitting much of this called "I Paid

Among the companies financed was the Silesian-American
Corporation, which was also managed by Prescott Bush, and by
his father-in-law George Herbert Walker, who supplied Dub-a-Ya
with his name. The company was vital in supplying coal to the
Nazi war industry. It too was seized as a Nazi-front on November
17, 1942. The largest company Bush's UBC helped finance was
the German Steel Trust, responsible for between one-third and
one-half of Nazi iron and explosives.

Prescott Bush was also a director of the Harriman Fifteen
Corporation, (this one owned largely by Roland's brother, Averell
Harriman), which owned about a third of the Consolidated
Silesian Steel Corporation, the rest owned by Friedrich Flick, (a
member of Himmler's "Circle of Friends" who donated to the S.S.).

Republican Presidential candidate Bush's great-grandfather, Bert
Walker, helped organize the Harriman investment in the
Hamburg-America Line of ships, of which grandfather Prescott
became a director. It was seized on August 28, 1942 because it
was used to give free passage to Nazi propaganda and
propagandists, and had earlier shipped guns to the Nazi's private
armies to assist their takeover of Germany.

Further examples would be more tedious than shocking. But,
given these evil financial dealings, how did Prescott later become
a Republican Senator, and George H.W. become President?
Well,the two leading attorneys for these Bush-Harriman-Nazi deals
were John Foster Dulles, later Secretary of State under
Eisenhower, and Allen Dulles, future head of the CIA.

Prescott's father, Samuel P. Bush, owned Buckeye Steel Castings
Co. which made parts for the Harriman brothers' father's (E.H.
Harriman) railroads. Harriman's financing for the railroads came
largely from William Rockefeller. These shipped the oil of his
brother John D. Rockefeller, the founder of Standard Oil. (This
was the origin of the two Georges' involvement in the oil

Samuel Bush became a leader in President Woodrow Wilson's
"War Socialism" as director of small armaments and ammunition
on the War Industries Board (which set up coercive price-fixing
cartels over American industry during World War I). There, Bush
assisted Percy Rockefeller (son of William) in his takeover of small
arms manufacturers..."

A Dramatic Shift to the Conservative Right in America
Since the end of WWII, but especially over the last 35 years or so,
the political landscape in the U.S. --as well as other parts of the
world--has shifted dramatically to the Conservative Right. That
shift has largely gone unnoticed by those not old enough or not
historically sensitive enough to place the Conservative Right
political ideology and agenda in historical perspective. Many do
not realize that the inherently racist, homophobic, and misogynist
ideology now passed off by some Conservative Right politicians
such as George W. Bush as acceptable and even respectable, was
part of the reason the U.S. entered WW II. Millions of American
soldiers died fighting against that hateful ideology that many on
the Conservative Right‹in varying degrees-- are now trumpeting as
a kind of "final solution" to socioeconomic and other problems
they claim have been created by the U.S. Government and by the
"Liberals" of the 1960's.

Certainly, American G.I.s returning from the ravages left by Hitler's
Third Reich at the end of WWII probably could not have
conceived the possibility that the United States might one day
have its own Nazi Party. But in the 1950's, while the world was still
coming to terms with the Holocaust and fighting Cold War
Communism, George Lincoln Rockwell, born March 9, 1918 in
Bloomington, Illinois, was engendering the idea of the American
Nazi Party (ANP).

>>From the late 1950's until his death in 1967, Rockwell became
the seminal force of post-World War II National Socialism (Nazism)
in America and the originator of the "Holocaust Denial"

In 1988 the George Bush presidential campaign was presented
with the opportunity to repudiate the anti-Semites, Nazi
apologists, and fascists who had been recruited into the
campaign's ethnic outreach arm through Republican party
contacts. Instead of repudiating antidemocratic tendencies and
bigotry, the Bush campaign chose to sidestep the charges and
moved instead to minimize damage to the political campaign.

There is also an interesting parallel between the Manhattan
Institute and statements Giuliani has made associating his
critics-including community gardeners, City Council members,
reporters and both the Clintons-with Communism and with Fidel
Castro. The CIA, which started the Manhattan Institute, was
allegedly founded in order to fight Communism at the end of
WWII. William Casey the Institute's founder, helped bring many
former Nazi intelligence officers into the U.S. in order to place
them in government agencies, universities and think tanks as part
of the cold war intelligence effort. While seemingly aimed at
fighting Communism the real agenda appears to have been to
use their expertise in propaganda, infiltration of political groups,
mind-control and drugs to create a repressive corporate Police
State here in the U.S. It's interesting to note that recent issues of
City Journal, the Manhattan Institute's influential quarterly
magazine, have only two advertisers-Pfizer drugs and Chase Bank.

The Institute's main financial sponsor, the Rockefeller's Chase
Bank, was intimately connected to Hitler before and during WWII
and were major sponsors of the most discredited ideas of
Nazism-namely the Eugenics policy of forced sterilization and
euthanasia that culminated in the Holocaust. Those policies were
championed in the U.S. by the nations' top industrialists including
the Rockefellers and the Harrimans-who were the leading sponsors
of the American Eugenics movement.

A top level business associate of the Harriman family and deeply
involved in helping fund the Third Reich via shipping and
banking firms that acted as fronts for German companies was GW
Bush's grandfather, Prescott Bush. When the U.S. entered WWII in
1942 the Federal government-the same people Giuliani is now
denouncing as Storm Troopers-seized a large part of the Bush
families' banking assets to prevent them from funding our enemy.

For the order seizing the banking assets see: Office of Alien
Property Custodian, vesting order # 248. The order was signed by
Leo T. Crowley, Alien Property Custodian, executed October
20,1942; Fed Reg Doc 42-11568, Filed Nov. 6, 1942 11:31 AM; 7
Fed Reg. 9097November 7, 1942

Bush family dealings before and during the early years of the
Second World War show an overwhelming pattern of financial
support for Nazi Germany! And guess who else was involved ...
Standard Oil of New Jersey -- of course, Standard Oil has now
become -- guess who -- Exxon-Mobil Corporation!



The profound reflexions of Gov. George Bush jr.

> >
> > > "The vast majority of our imports come from outside
> > > the country."
> > >
> > > ....George W. Bush, Jr.
> > >
> > > "If we don't succeed, we run the risk of failure."
> > >
> > > ....George W. Bush, Jr.
> > >
> > > "Republicans understand the importance of bondage
> > > between a mother and
> > > child."
> > >
> > > ....Governor George W. Bush, Jr.
> > >
> > > "Welcome to Mrs. Bush, and my fellow astronauts."
> > >
> > > ....Governor George W. Bush, Jr.
> > >
> > > "Mars is essentially in the same orbit...Mars is
> > > somewhat the same
> > > distance from the Sun, which is very important. We
> > > have seen pictures
> > > where there are canals, we believe, and water. If
> > > there is water, that
> > > means there is oxygen. If oxygen, that means we can
> > > breathe."
> > >
> > > ....Governor George W. Bush, Jr., 8/11/94
> > >
> > > "The Holocaust was an obscene period in our nation's
> > > history. I mean in
> > > this
> > > century's history. But we all lived in this century.
> > > I didn't live in
> > > this
> > > century."
> > >
> > > ....Governor George W. Bush, Jr., 9/15/95
> > >
> > > "I believe we are on an irreversible trend toward
> > > more freedom and
> > > democracy- but that could change."
> > >
> > > ....Governor George W. Bush, Jr., 5/22/98
> > >
> > > "One word sums up probably the responsibility of any
> > > Governor, and that
> > > one
> > > word is 'to be prepared'."
> > >
> > > ....Governor George W. Bush, Jr., 12/6/93
> > >
> > > "Verbosity leads to unclear, inarticulate things."
> > >
> > > ....Governor George W. Bush, Jr., 11/30/96
> > >
> > > "I have made good judgments in the past. I have made
> > > good judgments in
> > > the future."
> > >
> > > ....Governor George W. Bush, Jr.
> > >
> > > "The future will be better tomorrow."
> > >
> > > ....Governor George W. Bush, Jr.
> > >
> > > "We're going to have the best educated American
> > > people in the world."
> > >
> > > ....Governor George W. Bush, Jr., 9/21/97
> > >
> > > "People that are really very weird can get into
> > > sensitive positions and
> > > have
> > > a tremendous impact on history."
> > >
> > > ....Governor George W. Bush, Jr.
> > >
> > > "I stand by all the misstatements that I've made."
> > >
> > > ....Governor George W. Bush, Jr. to Sam Donaldson,
> > > 8/17/93
> > >
> > > "We have a firm commitment to NATO, we are a part of
> > > NATO. We have a
> > > firm commitment to Europe. We are a part of Europe."
> > >
> > > ....Governor George W. Bush, Jr.
> > >
> > > "Public speaking is very easy."
> > >
> > > ....Governor George W. Bush, Jr. to reporters in
> > > 10/9
> > >
> > > "I am not part of the problem. I am a Republican"
> > >
> > > ....Governor George W. Bush, Jr.
> > >
> > > "A low voter turnout is an indication of fewer
> > > people going to the
> > > polls."
> > >
> > > ....Governor George W. Bush, Jr
> > >
> > > "When I have been asked who caused the riots and the
> > > killing in LA,my
> > > answer has been direct & simple: Who is to blame for
> > > the riots? The
> > > rioters are to blame. Who is to blame for the
> > > killings? The killers are
> > > to
> > > blame.
> > >
> > > ....George W. Bush, Jr.
> > >
> > > "Illegitimacy is something we should talk about in
> > > terms of not having
> > > it."
> > >
> > > ....Governor George W. Bush, Jr., 5/20/96
> > >
> > > "We are ready for any unforeseen event that may or
> > > may not occur."
> > >
> > > ....Governor George W. Bush, Jr., 9/22/97
> > >
> > > "For NASA, space is still a high priority."
> > >
> > > ....Governor George W. Bush, Jr., 9/5/93
> > >
> > > "Quite frankly, teachers are the only profession
> > > that teach our
> > > children."
> > >
> > > ....Governor George W. Bush, Jr., 9/18/95
> > >
> > > "The American people would not want to know of any
> > > misquotes that
> > > George Bush may or may not make."
> > >
> > > ....Governor George W. Bush, Jr.
> > >
> > > "We're all capable of mistakes, but I do not care to
> > > enlighten you on
> > > the mistakes we may or may not have made."
> > >
> > > ....Governor George W. Bush, Jr.
> > >
> > > "It isn't pollution that's harming the environment.
> > > It's the impurities
> > > in
> > > our air and water that are doing it."
> > >
> > > ....Governor George W. Bush, Jr.
> > >
> > > "[It's] time for the human race to enter the solar
> > > system."
> > >
> > > ....Governor George W. Bush, Jr.


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