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MARTEDI 9 dicembre ’03, ORE 21
Libreria TIKKUN - via Montevideo 9 - MILANO

Soprano Olivera Mercurio
Pianoforte Natalija Gasi

· UKOR - Josif Marinkovi´c

· TAMO, ZA TOM GOROM - Stanislav Binicki
(La, dietro quel monte)

· NIMFA - Petar Krsti´c

· SICILIJANSKA PESMA - Stanislav Binicki
(Canzone siciliana)

· STOJANKE - Josif Marinkovi´c


· RIBARCETA SAN - Stanojlo Rajici´c
(Sogno di un piccolo pescatore)

· KOGA DA LJUBIM - Djura Jakši´c
(Chi devo baciare)

· NANE, KAZI TAJKU - Petar Konjovi´c
(Mamma, dillo a papà)

· MOLITVA - Josif Marinkovi´c

· CEMPRES VITI - Stanislav Binicki
(Cipresso snello)



Via Conservatorio, 12 – Milano
“Sala “Puccini”

V Vincitrice Del Concorso Internazionale


FULCHER pianista

G. Donizetti, V. Bellini, G. Verdi
W. A. Mozart, C. Gounod
J. Massenet, P. I. Tchaikovsky


Giovedì 11 Dicembre 2003, ore 21.00
Ingresso euro 15.00

Prenotazioni: tel. 02 36 555 968




Cari compagni,


Probabilmente già sapete che, l’11 dicembre 2003, il vicepresidente del
Partito dei Lavoratori Ungherese, il compagno Attila Vajnai verrà
processato, perché durante una conferenza stampa ha messo all’occhiello
un distintivo con la stella rossa: come sapete, in Ungheria l’uso di
simboli del movimento operaio e comunista non viene consentito e viene
punito penalmente.


In questa occasione, intendiamo attirare la vostra attenzione su alcuni
sviluppi negativi che si sono registrati in materia di diritti
democratici e anticomunismo nell’Unione Europea.


Il 30 ottobre, il Presidente della Commissione Europea, Sig. Romano
Prodi, rispondendo all’europarlamentare del Partito Comunista di Grecia
Stratis Korakas ha affermato che “la messa al bando del Partito
Comunista in un paese che sta per entrare nell’UE, in nessun caso può
rappresentare causa di particolare dibattito o critiche nell’ambito dei
criteri politici prima menzionati” (il riferimento è ai criteri di


La risposta del Sig. Prodi è da riferirsi alla lettera che il
parlamentare europeo gli ha indirizzato, protestando per la presa di
posizione del Commissario dell’UE Sig. Verheugen, nella discussione
avvenuta il 30 settembre 2003 nel corso della seduta del Comitato per
gli affari esteri del Parlamento Europeo. Rispondendo a una domanda
circa le clausole che mettono fuori legge i partiti comunisti e i loro
simboli, ha detto: “Se mi è consentito esprimere un commento politico,
posso affermare che se personalmente avessi sperimentato ciò che i
popoli hanno sperimentato in Europa Orientale, sarei il primo a
chiedere che il Partito Comunista sia messo al bando in quei paesi”.


Tali posizioni anticomuniste, assunte da personalità ufficiali dell’UE,
costituiscono entrambe una provocazione verso i sentimenti democratici
dei popoli dell’Europa e una minaccia per i diritti democratici
nell’Unione Europea e nei suoi stati membri.


Pensiamo che queste dichiarazioni non solo legittimano le clausole non
democratiche, anticomuniste, le interdizioni e le persecuzioni in una
serie di stati membri dell’UE, ma creano le condizioni per una
potenziale estensione di tali misure agli altri stati membri, dal
momento che introducono l’idea che la democrazia e la messa al bando
dei partiti comunisti sono compatibili.


E’ interessante notare che questi sviluppi hanno luogo nel momento in
cui l’UE sta elaborando la cosiddetta “Costituzione Europea”, alla
vigilia delle elezioni per il Parlamento Europeo.


La Sezione Internazionale del Partito Comunista di Grecia


Traduzione di Mauro Gemma       

> Da: Marco Trotta
> Data: Gio 4 Dic 2003 19:48:58 Europe/Rome
> A: balcani@...
> Oggetto: Kossovo: Le verità nascoste dall'occidente
> Le verità nascoste dall'occidente

> Molti vecchi dirigenti dell'era Milosevic sono dietro le sbarre, ma
> l'occidente continua a rifiutarsi di riconoscere i crimini commessi
> dagli estremisti albanesi appartenenti alle milizie kosovare e
> considerano ancora «riuscita» la missione internazionale nell'ex
> provincia della Repubblica jugoslava. Ci sono voluminose
> documentazioni sui crimini commessi
> dall'esercito serbo sulla popolazione albanese in Kosovo, ma nessuno
> sembra voler indagare sulle persecuzioni etniche perpetrate dagli
> albanesi dopo la partenza dell'esercito serbo. Il Tribunale
> internazionale dell'Aia sostiene di non avere prove al riguardo, ma è
> difficile credere che le varie missioni internazionali presenti sul
> territorio non siano a conoscenza dell'oscuro passato degli attuali
> leader di Pristina.
> Le Courrier des Balkans, Francia [in francese]
> --
> Mailing list Balcani dell'associazione PeaceLink.
> Archivio messaggi:
> Si sottintende l'accettazione della Policy Generale:


Kosovo : les vérités inavouées de l’ONU

Publié dans la presse : 29 novembre 2003
Mise en ligne : mercredi 3 décembre 2003

Alors que les dirigeants de l’époque de Milosevic sont aujourd’hui
presque tous derrière les barreaux, l’Occident s’entête à « pactiser
avec le diable » au Kosovo, en refusant de reconnaître les exactions
commises par les extrémistes albanais et en considérant toujours la
mission internationale au Kosovo comme étant « réussie ». Le point de
vue du Père Sava Janjic, publié par le quotidien Danas.

Par le père Sava Janjic

Finalement, après quatre ans, la MINUK et les représentants du
ministère de l’Intérieur (MUP) de Serbie commencent à enquêter sur les
crimes commis au Kosovo pendant et après les conflits armés. Après le
renversement du régime de Slobodan Mislosevic, le ministère de la
Justice, avec Vladan Batic à sa tête, a adressé aux représentants de la
MINUK et du Tribunal de La Haye (TPI) une documentation volumineuse
concernant les crimes perpétrés sur les Serbes et les autres
populations non-albanaises.

Le MUP de Serbie, grâce à l’intervention du général Sreten Lucic, s’est
engagé activement dans la recherche de crimes commis par certains
membres de la police et de l’armée de Yougoslavie, ce qui a grandement
contribué à élucider la disparition d’Albanais. Or, les mois passent et
les représentants de la MINUK et du TPI affirment qu’ils ne possèdent
pas de preuves réelles des crimes commis par les extrémistes albanais,
dont la compagne de terreur ethnique se poursuit avec une violence
accrue en prenant son tribut sanglant, « payé » par les enfants de
Gorazdevac et le massacre des membres de la famille Stolic de la région

Cette collaboration de la MINUK et de Belgrade fait probablement suite
au texte récemment publié dans Vecernje Novosti, avec les photographies
des représentants de l’UCK (Armée de libération du Kosovo) tenant dans
leurs mains les têtes coupées des prisonniers serbes. L’enquête de
cette affaire a commencé au mois d’août dernier, après que ces
photographies aient été trouvées dans une maison albanaise abandonnée
du village de Prilep, près de Decani.

Certains représentants de la MINUK pensent qu’il est plus facile de
tenir les Albanais sous contrôle dans la mesure où leurs chefs savent
que les actes d’accusation contre eux peuvent être lancés dès qu’ils
arrêtent de coopérer. Cependant, les événements sur le terrain montrent
que ces leaders ont compris la stratégie de la MINUK comme un signe de
faiblesse et comme une garantie de leur propre immunité, de sorte
qu’ils ont continué à coordonner les attaques extrémistes en n’hésitant
pas à menacer ouvertement les plus hauts représentants de la mission,
en profitant de la situation à leur avantage. C’est précisément sous la
menace des anciennes structures de l’UCK que Hans Haeckerup, un des
chefs de la MINUK, a brusquement quitté le Kosovo ; les milieux
albanais lui reprochaient son étroite collaboration avec Belgrade et la
disparition du « courant pro-albanais » que prônait Bernard Kouchner.

« Pacte avec le diable »

Il est difficile de croire que les services secrets de la MINUK et de
la KFOR ne soient pas informés du passé douteux et obscur des actuels
leaders albanais, alors que de nombreux analystes estiment que la
tolérance internationale exagérée est, entre autres, la conséquence de
leur collaboration active avec les forces du Traité de l’Alliance Nord
Atlantique (OTAN) pendant les bombardements de la Yougoslavie en 1999.

Nous ne pouvons oublier qu’un semblable « pacte avec le diable » avait
été autrefois conclu avec Ousama ben Laden au cours de la guerre en
Afghanistan, dans les années ‘80, lorsque les instructeurs militaires
occidentaux entraînaient Ben Laden et ses moudjahidines sur la manière
de lutter contre les forces russes. On peut également ajouter à cela
l’aveu involontaire de Richard Holbrooke qui, dans ses mémoires, écrit
qu’un tel « pacte avec le diable » avait été fait pendant la guerre en
Bosnie lorsque les services secrets occidentaux avaient organisé ou
permis la venue de moudjahidines en Bosnie afin de consolider les
forces d’Alija Izetbegovic.

Depuis, cette situation a changé radicalement. Les Russes ne sont plus
les ennemis de l’Occident, tandis que Ben Laden et ses « combattants
pour la liberté » sont devenus l’ennemi numéro 1 des USA et du monde
occidental, surtout après les attentats du 11 septembre 2001. Milosevic
n’est plus la terreur des Balkans et la Serbie s’approche de plus en
plus de l’intégration euro-atlantique, tout comme les autres anciennes
républiques yougoslaves. Ce ne sont peut-être que les dinosaures de
cette époque qui sont restés au Kosovo, où les leaders albanais ne
peuvent comprendre qu’ils sont captifs de leurs propres idées
anachroniques et nationalistes dont l’Europe n’a plus besoin.

Mais le problème au Kosovo réside dans le fait que l’Occident n’a pas
vraiment le choix. Une nouvelle élite politique n’a pas été créée à
temps, ce qui aurait pu donner au Kosovo une apparence européenne. A
vrai dire, les anciens chefs de l’UCK qui, après la guerre ont pris le
pouvoir, ne semblent pas du tout prêts à le laisser aux autres et
perdre ainsi le contrôle des transactions illégales et du trafic de la
drogue qui leur rapportent des millions d’euros. Le Kosovo se trouve de
nouveau dans une impasse et l’Europe préférerait plutôt cacher le
problème sous le tapis, s’il n’était pas si proche des pays européens
occidentaux dans lesquels la mafia albanaise tient le monopole de la
prostitution et du trafic des stupéfiants.

Fin de la « Lune de miel »

Quatre ans ont passé sans qu’un seul représentant de la MINUK ou de la
KFOR n’ait reconnu publiquement les erreurs commises dans les premiers
mois de la mission, lorsqu’un grand nombre d’innocents ont péri ou
disparu. Bien qu’ils soient nombreux à l’OTAN à reconnaître dans des
discussions d’ordre privé que « la lune de miel avec les Albanais est
terminée », le Kosovo est toujours officiellement une « histoire
réussie ». Pour justifier leurs échecs et d’assurer le soutien de
l’opinion publique pour que la mission se poursuive, quelques films ont
même été tournés qui tendent à représenter les membres de la MINUK et
de la KFOR comme de courageux combattants qui séparent les forces
paramilitaires serbes et albanaises. La vérité est qu’à l’arrivée de la
KFOR au Kosovo il y avait d’une part les membres de l’UCK et divers
clans de la mafia, et d’autre part des civils serbes et d’autres
populations non-albanaises sans protection, enfermés dans leurs
enclaves. C’est cette vérité qu’on dissimule avec tant d’insistance.

C’est pourquoi il fallait équilibrer les crimes, de sorte que la partie
serbe de [Kosovska] Mitrovica était montrée dans la presse et les
rapports de la MINUK comme le foyer « des extrémistes serbes les plus
dangereux ». Alors qu’en fait, tout leur « extrémisme » se bornait à ne
pas subir le même sort que les autres villes kosovares ayant fait
l’objet d’un nettoyage ethnique ; ils ont donc spontanément organisé
une résistance contre la percée albanaise au nord de la province, en
majorité peuplée de Serbes

Quoique personne ne peut nier l’existence d’éléments radicaux restés
dans les enclaves kosovares, le nord de Mitrovica, paradoxalement, est
une ville multiethnique plus que toute autre ville de la province où
les Albanais kosovars sont en majorité. Or, la mission aurait dû
trouver une justification à tout prix non seulement à cause de la
présence militaire continue au Kosovo mais aussi à cause des besoins de
plus en grand d’engager les forces armées occidentales dans les
missions pacifiques en Afghanistan et en Irak. L’échec des missions
pacifiques en Bosnie et au Kosovo mettrait en danger d’autres missions
ainsi que toute idée « d’intervention humanitaire » qui, au
Proche-Orient, s’est transformée en prétexte pour un nouvel
« impérialisme pétrolier ». A cause de tout cela, il faut que la vérité
sur la situation véritable au Kosovo soit tenue suffisamment loin des
yeux de l’opinion publique.

Actuellement, quasiment tous les dirigeants de l’ancien régime de
Milosevic sont à La Haye, alors que les initiateurs et les principaux
acteurs de la campagne kosovare de terreur ethnique jouissent des
lauriers du vainqueur. Il n’est pas rare d’entendre certains diplomates
occidentaux les flatter en disant que ce sont eux qui doivent emmener
le Kosovo vers l’Europe. Il ne nous reste qu’à espérer que cette
injustice et le manque d’une approche objective au problème kosovar ne
durera pas longtemps et que tous les criminels, quelle que soit leur
appartenance ethnique, comparaîtront devant la justice. C’est le moins
qu’on puisse faire pour les milliers d’innocents qui ont perdu la vie
pendant et après le conflit kosovar uniquement parce qu’ils ne
voulaient pas que le chauvinisme et la haine soient leur raison de

© Tous droits réservés Danas
© Le Courrier des Balkans pour la traduction

Milosevic "trial" synopsis, Nov. 21 -- Dec. 4, 2003:



2, 2003


=== 1 ===

MILOSEVIC "TRIAL" SYNOPSIS: NOVEMBER 24, 2003 - November 24, 2003

Three witnesses testified at the so-called “trial” of Slobodan
Milosevic today. The first witness was Mr. Ibro Osmanovic, a Muslim
from the northeastern Bosnian town of Vlasenica.

Mr. Osmanovic testified that on April 23-24, 1992 members the Novi Sad
Corps of the JNA came to Vlasenica. He said that the JNA troops who
were there were commanded by an Albanian lieutenant.

According to Osmanovic the JNA was in Vlasenica for approximately
three weeks. While the JNA was in town it collected weapons. According
to Osmanovic, the JNA didn’t mistreat people, it didn’t shoot at
anybody, and it didn’t hold any prisoners. In mid-May the JNA left
Bosnia-Herzegovina, and so it left Vlasnica too.

After the JNA left, Osmanovic was arrested and sent to prison.
Eventually he was shipped to the Susica camp and then to the Batkovic
camp, and while he was there he was mistreated by, among others, a trio
of Muslim soldiers.

According to Osmanovic this trio of Muslims doled out the most severe
beatings. It was unclear why this trio of Muslims was beating
prisoners at what he said was a Serb-run detention facility, but that
was Osmanovic’s story. They were Muslims. They wore uniforms. They had
their own car that they would come to the camp in, and they severely
beat the detainees.

Osmanovic was released from captivity when he was exchanged. What his
evidence, or any of the other evidence they heard today, has to do
with President Milosevic, I have no idea. I guess the prosecutor is
just trying to run out the clock.

The next witness was a secret witness codenamed “B-1746.” B-1746 was a
Muslim from the municipality of Doboj in Bosnia-Herzgovina.

B-1746 didn’t see any killings take place, but B-1746 had heard about
killings from other people. B-1746 had also heard from other people
that Russian and Romanian volunteer units were in town and fighting on
the Serb side.

According to B-1746’s witness statement “Arkan’s White Eagles” had
attacked Doboj. Unfortunately for the witness, there is has never been
any such thing as “Arkan’s White Eagles.” Arkan was the commander of
the Serbian Volunteer Guard, also known as the Tigers. Arkan never
commanded the White Eagles.

When President Milosevic confronted B-1746 with these facts, the
witness responded by saying that they couldn’t be expected to keep the
identities of all those paramilitaries straight. So in other words
B-1746 had no idea who had attacked Doboj.

The prosecutor went into damage control mode. She explained that the
witness had not had the opportunity to see the witness statement. Well
then that puts it in a neat package; the witness isn’t responsible for
what is contained in their statement for the simple reason that
they’ve never seen it!

Regardless of the prosecutor’s efforts, the fact still remains that
the witness said that they couldn’t keep the identities straight.

The term “red berets” was thrown around a lot. The idea was to imply
that the JSO from Serbia had been involved. Because White Eagles wore
red berets, President Milosevic asked the witness to describe the
differences in the red berets that the JSO wore and the red berets
that the White Eagles wore. The witness couldn’t. The simple fact of
the matter is that this witness had no idea what they were talking

Seeing that things weren’t going well B-1746 began to get hysterical
and say all sorts of dumb things. B-1746 claimed that the Army of
Bosnia-Herzegovina was totally unarmed. President Milosevic, in
apparent disbelief that anybody could say something so stupid, asked
the question again. He asked, “Are you claiming that the Army of
Bosnia-Herzegovina had no weapons?” The witness answered, “Yes that is
what I claim.”

B-1746 also claimed that Serbs in Doboj had been forced to fight
against their will. According to B-1746 Serb military commanders took
Serb men to the front lines and forced them to fight in the trenches,
and to keep them from running away they were tied up.

An astonished Milosevic asked the witness, how they could fight if
they were tied up? The witness answered him that they were not actually
tied up, but that they were tied together. That’s much better! I’m
sure that all of these men being tied to one another were an effective
fighting force. I would also like to know when the witness had access
to the Serbian trenches to see such a spectacle. Oh well, maybe this
is another one of those things that the witness heard from someone.

B-1746 explained a couple of things. B-1746 knew that Croats and
Muslims didn’t respond to JNA call-ups and B-1746 knew that the JNA
took over weapons from the T.O. throughout Yugoslavia. Although, B-1746
was convinced that the take over of weapons was some sort of JNA plot
against Croats and Muslims, and so President Milosevic asked if B-1746
was aware that the JNA took over the T.O.’s weapons in Serbia as well.
B-1746 was aware of that fact but it didn’t change their mind.

B-1746 eventually escaped the war in Bosnia, and where do you think
B-1746 went? B-1746 went to Milosevic’s Serbia and guess what
happened. B-1746 was able to live freely, and B-1746 received
assistance from the FRY authorities. B-1746 was issued proper
documents and a passport. One would think that B-1746 would be
grateful for the help, but one would be wrong.

The next witness was Esed Belic, a member of the SDA from Bosanska
Krupa. He was at the “tribunal” to testify about the activities of the
SDS. He testified under his own name, but the “tribunal” put the facial
distortion on the video anyway. Maybe the “tribunal” did this because
the witness is so hideously ugly that they didn’t want anybody to see
his face, or maybe they did this because this guy isn’t really who
they say he is. I don’t know, but it doesn’t make any sense to hide
the face and still use his name.

Belic is a 92-bis witness and so President Milosevic only gets 1 hour
to cross-examine him. He got 20 minutes today, and will get the
remaining 40 minutes on Wednesday. The “tribunal” won’t be in session
tomorrow because it is a UN holiday.

=== 2 ===


Esed Belic finished his testimony at the “tribunal” today. He was the
president of the SDA in Bosanska Krupa from September 1991 onwards.

Belic testified that the SDA wanted to increase the number of Muslims
in the reserve police force in Bosanska Krupa so that they could
acquire more weapons.

Belic explained that the fighting started in Bosanska Krupa when two
young Serb men were shot by this same police at a checkpoint.

Belic considered that the killing of these two Serbs, by the Muslim
police officers, was a provocation that had been staged by the SDS.
President Milosevic didn’t buy that version of events, he mocked the
notion that the SDS told those Muslim police to shoot those two young

Belic’s statement had some inaccuracies in it, which highlight the
fact that admitting entire witness statements as evidence is a flawed
practice. Belic swore that his statement was truthful and accurate, and
the statement was admitted as evidence under Rule 89(F).

The only problem is that Belic’s statement was not truthful and
accurate. Belic attributed the inaccuracies to the fact that he didn’t
write his witness statement. At The Hague “tribunal” none of the
witnesses write their own witness statement. The prosecution
interviews the witness before they testify, and on the basis of the
interview the prosecutor writes the statement for the witness.

So what we have is the prosecutor writing a document and then having
their own document that they wrote themselves treated as evidence
against an accused.

With Belic his statement said one thing, but his live testimony said
something different. In his statement he spoke of the front lines in
Bosanska Krupa and talked about how the Muslim forces managed to hold
the frontlines. In his live testimony he said no front lines existed
in Bosanska Krupa at all. He recited the same old story that the
Muslims had no armed forces (which makes it all the more amazing that
they managed to fight a war for three years).

In his statement he said that he went to Zagreb to work in the war
presidency, but in his live testimony his story was different. He said
that he was sent to Zagreb by the war presidency, not that the war
presidency was located in Zagreb, and that he went there so that he
could work for them. He had been working for them all along.

This illustrates the fact that witnesses, either by accident or
intentionally, are not pointing-out inaccuracies in their 89(F)
statements. If the tribunal wanted to have even the appearance of a
real court of law they would abandon this practice of admitting
statements written by the prosecutor as evidence. Moreover, this
illustrates that evidence admitted under Rule 89(F) is suspect.

After Belic withdrew, Miroslav Deronjic took the witness stand.
Deronjic is involved in a plea bargain with the prosecution. He has
agreed to plead guilty to crimes in Glogova in exchange for a light
sentence, but he has not been sentenced as of yet.

In point 11(A) of Deronjic’s plea agreement it says “based on Miroslav
Deronjic’s full and substantial co-operation with the Office of the
Prosecutor, the Prosecutor will recommend to the Trial Chamber that it
impose a term of 10 years imprisonment.”

So the prosecutor needs to consider that Deronjic is fully and
substantially cooperating in order to recommend the 10 year
imprisonment. If they don’t consider that there is adequate
cooperation from Deronjic they are not bound to recommend anything.

In point 11(B) of the plea agreement it says, “the Prosecutor will
take necessary and reasonable steps to ensure the safety and
protection of Miroslav Deronjic and members of his family;”

In exchange for a light prison sentence, the protection of his family,
and immunity from further prosecution for the crimes that he plead
guilty to. Deronjic agrees in point 12 of his plea agreement “to meet
as often as necessary with members of the Office of the Prosecutor and
to co-operate with and provide them with truthful and complete
information that is known to him regarding individuals and events in
the former Yugoslavia. He agrees to be truthful and candid and to
freely answer all questions put to him by members of the Office of the
Prosecutor. Miroslav Deronjic agrees to testify truthfully in any
trials, hearings, and proceedings before the Tribunal where the
Prosecutor deems his evidence may be relevant, whether those matters
are presently before the Tribunal or may be in the future.”

So Deronjic only gets his sweet deal if he testifies against others.
He hasn’t been sentenced yet and if he fails to impress the prosecutor
he loses his deal. The last part of point 11(A) of his plea agreement
says “Miroslav Deronjic understands that the Trial Chamber is not bound
to accept the Prosecutor’s recommendation and may impose a sentence
above or below the Prosecutor’s recommended sentence. The imposition
of such a sentence will not vitiate the plea of guilty;”

In other words, the plea agreement doesn’t mean that they can’t still
screw him anyway, so he’d better play ball if he ever wants to be a
free man again. In looking at the plea agreement one can really see
that Deronjic’s testimony is the result of extortion by the prosecutor.

Deronjc testified under the now infamous Rule 89(F). His 232 paragraph
statement was admitted into evidence, and Slobodan Milosevic was only
allotted 2½ hours to cross-examine him.

The cross-examination started with the transcript of an allegedly
intercepted conversation between Radovan Karadzic and the witness. It
is interesting to note that the source of this transcript is unknown
and that no tape recording exists of this so-called intercept.
Deronjic nonetheless, confirmed that the transcript was of an
authentic telephone conversation.

Deronjic, who was the President of the Bratunac Municipal Board of the
SDS claimed that he frequently spoke with Radovan Karadzic. He claimed
that Karadzic told him at a meeting in Zvornik that he should prepare
Bratunac for VRS operations around Srebrenica.

Deronjic, whose memory was so precise about the alleged telephone
conversation, found that his memory failed him when he was asked to
say when the military operations actually began.

Deronjic said that he met with Gen. Krstic, but he didn’t know how
long he spoke with Krstic, what he spoke to Krstic about, or even what
day he met Krstic. Deronjic thought that he might have had some coffee
with Krstic, but he didn’t remember.

Deronjic, in spite of the fact that he claimed to have spoken with the
VRS commanders in the area, said that he didn’t know what objective
the VRS was trying to achieve in the area of Srebrenica. Deronjic said
that he didn’t know because he didn't ask.

In spite of the fact that Deronjic says he didn’t know what the VRS
was up to, he contacted Radovan Karadzic and advised him to send a
special unit of the R.S. MUP to assist with the situation in Srebrenica.

Deronjic said that because he didn’t know what was going on with
regard to Srebrenica that he traveled to Pale to meet with Radovan
Karadzic so that he could ask him.

Deronjic said that he went to Pale unannounced. He didn’t tell anybody
in Pale or Bratunac that he was going off to meet with President

Deronjic had no idea when he left Bratunac to go to Pale, and he had
no idea when he got there. In his statement he got there on July 9,
1995, but when he was on the witness stand he didn’t know with any
certainty what day it was that he was there.

Deronjic claimed that when he got to Pale he just by luck happened
upon Radovan Karadzic, Momcilo Krajisnik, and Jovica Stanisic while
they were out taking a nice leisurely stroll.

Then Deronjic said that Karadzic introduced him to Krajisnik and
Stanisic as “our man in the field” and on the basis of that Deronjic
concluded that the three of them had been speaking about Srebrenica. He
didn’t hear them saying anything about it, but he none the less
concluded based on Karadzic’s reference to him as the “man in the
field” that the subject of this meeting was in Srebrenica.

Deronjic excluded the possibility that he had been referred to as “man
in the field” because he was the president of a local board of the
SDS. But that isn’t as important as Deronjic’s next ludicrous claim.

Deronjic claimed that Karadzic took him off to the side and told him
to kill as many Srebrenica Muslims as he could manage to kill.

President Milosevic ripped Deronjic’s lies to pieces. President
Milosevic produced the VRS orders regarding Srebrenica. The orders had
been issued by Maj. Gen. Jovanovic on July 2, 1995 – one week before
Deronjic went to Pale to ask Karadzic what the military’s objective

The orders explicitly stated the objective and it was to sever links
between Srebrenica and Gorazde and reduce the enclaves to just the
urban areas. The orders also explicitly stated that the Geneva
conventions had to be observed.

Apparently our witness, who was the leading political figure in the
area, was the only one who didn’t know what the plan was.

President Milosevic asked Deronjic if he was part of the military
chain of command. Deronjic of course said that he wasn’t, and so
President Milosevic asked him why Karadzic would tell him that the
Muslims should be killed? If Deronjic couldn’t have them killed so why
would Karadzic even bring up the topic? The witness had no real answer
to speak of.

President Milosevic then produced orders issued to the VRS by Radovan
Karadzic himself. These orders were issued on July 9th, the same day
as Deronjic claims that Karadzic told him to kill all the Muslims. The
orders explicitly said that civilians, POWs and UNPROFOR soldiers
should be protected.

The witness got flustered and explained that he didn’t think that
accuracy was so critical in his statement. He admitted that the dates
were wrong and that the quotation marks were misplaced in his
statement. So what if quotes are being attributed to people who never
said something, this is the Hague Tribunal! Here we have a 232
paragraph witness statement that isn’t even written by the witness and
the witness says that the dates are wrong and the quotes aren’t that
exact, but he swears that the statement is true and it is admitted as
some sort of so-called “evidence” nonetheless.

Deronjic, in addition to being the SDS president in Bratunac, had been
appointed as the Civilian Commissioner for Srebrenica. He said that
Karadzic told him to meet with Muslim representatives and offer them 3
options. The first option was for them to remain in Srebrenica, the
second option was for them to go to an area that was under control of
the ABiH, and the third option was for them to go to a third country.
Deronjic said that the result was that the Muslims decided that they
wanted to leave Srebrenica.

According to Deronjic, Karadzic also ordered that war criminals be
apprehended and dealt with in accordance with the laws and customs of
war. Specifically the orders from Karadzic were that the POW’s should
be sent to the military prison, not that they should be killed or
anything of that sort.

At this point President Milosevic asked Deronjic if he thought that
these orders coming from Karadzic conflicted with his earlier
assertion that Karadzic wanted those people killed. Deronjic had no
choice but to admit that his testimony was contradictory here.

Deronjic said that the POWs weren’t properly guarded, and that he had
heard second-hand that some of them were being killed at the
cooperative farm in Bratunac but that he didn’t know, even to this day,
who was killing them; although, Deronjic did testify that civilians
had been carrying out revenge killings in the area.

Deronjic also testified that 15,000 – 20,000 Muslims soldiers in
Srebrenica were carrying out an operation to break-out towards Tuzla,
and he confirmed that they took large casualties in the process.

Deronjic, since he claimed prisoners were being killed, was asked how
many people were killed in combat and how many were killed while
imprisoned. Deronjic didn’t know, or else he didn’t want to answer
because he didn’t answer.

Deronjic claimed that Radovan Karadzic called him and asked him how
the evacuations were progressing and how the fighting was going. When
Karadzic called him, Deronjic had already heard about killings taking
place, but he says he didn’t tell Karadzic about them, because he
thought that Karadzic knew about it.

Then Deronjic says that a drunk man called “Beara” came to his office.
Of course nobody but Deronjic saw this, he had already sent his
assistant away.

Deronjic said that this drunk “Beara” person wanted to take over the
prisoners and kill them. President Milosevic asked Deronjic who sent
this “Beara” and Deronjic didn’t know for sure because he didn’t ask,
but he just assumed that Karadzic must have sent this drunk man to him.

Deronjic says he told “Beara” that he couldn’t kill the prisoners
because Karadzic had issued orders that the POWs should be sent to the
military prison, so that it could be established if they were war
criminals or not.

The morning after this “Beara” allegedly came staggering drunk into
Deronjic’s office, Deronjic says that he was woken up by news that
“Beara” was taking a group of POWs to the brick factory to kill them.
Deronjic says that he caught-up with “Beara” on the road to the brick
factory, but that he didn’t see any POWs with him.

By this time it is July 14th and Deronjic, who says he already thought
that Karadzic knew about the alleged killings, went to Pale to see
Radovan Karadzic so that he could tell him about the killings.

Deronjic says that he met with Karadzic alone, and that Karadzic was
concerned about what to do with the bodies. What Deronjic didn’t know
was that President Milosevic had acquired a copy of President
Karadzic’s daily agenda book, and in the book it can be seen that
Deronjic never met with Karadzic alone on July 14th. Deronjic saw
Karadzic, but as part of a whole delegation from Srebrenica. Deronjic
didn’t see Karadzic alone. He was caught in a lie, and there are
witnesses from that delegation who can bear this out.

The “trial’s” broadcast feed abruptly ended today. Video technicians
put-up the slate for Milan Babic’s initial appearance before the
Milosevic “trial” had adjourned.

All I have to say to Deronjic is that he should take a good look at
Milan Babic. Babic prostituted himself for the OTP and look what it got
him. Deronjic should also take a harder look at his plea agreement
since it only refers to Glogova. The OTP could still indict him for
something else; perhaps they would indict him for Srebrenica since he
talks like he was up to his elbows in that mess.

At any rate, being a whore never pays. I don’t know what sort of
pathetic excuse of a man would betray his people in such a shameful
fashion as Mr. Deronjic is doing. If the “tribunal” doesn’t get
Deronjic then God will.

=== 3 ===


Two witnesses testified at the so-called “trial” of Slobodan Milosevic
today. The first witness was a secret witness codenamed “C-57.” He
concluded his testimony after testifying last Thursday.

C-57 was an officer in the JNA. Apparently he or his unit was serving
in Borovo Selo, Dalj, and Erdut in Croatia.

C-57 testified that the JNA’s orders were to separate the warring
factions in Croatia. C-57 defined the warring factions as the Croatian
MUP and the Serbian population and T.O. Units.

According to C-57 members of the JNA swore an oath to defend
Yugoslavia’s territorial integrity and its constitutional order from
internal and external attack. On Thursday the prosecution made a big
deal about the term “internal enemy” appearing in orders issued to the
JNA. Today under cross-examination C-57 defined an “internal enemy” as
anybody who was attempting to overthrow the constitutional order or
damage the territorial integrity of Yugoslavia.  

C-57 said that looting was prohibited by the JNA, but that it occurred
in spite of efforts to stop it. C-57 also said that the JNA had orders
to respect the Geneva Conventions, and that nobody issued the JNA
orders not to respect them.  

C-57 described one incident when a member of the JNA cut the ears off
of a Croatian POW. The problem here is that C-57 never reported the
incident and so the JNA leadership never had a chance to punish the
perpetrator, because quite simply they didn’t know about the incident.

C-57 also said a couple of words about volunteers. C-57 said that the
Serbian Radical Party sent volunteers to Croatia and that those
volunteers were suborned to the local T.O., and that they had nothing
to do with the Government of Serbia.

After C-57 withdrew, B-H Presidency member Sulejman Tihic testified.
Tihic claimed that he had been captured and beaten by paramilitaries,
after which he was turned over to the JNA and allegedly beaten by them
in a JNA prison facility in Serbia.

The drama was high when Mr. Groome played a video tape of President
Milosevic shaking hands with a JNA soldier named Jovanovic, since
according to Tihic one of the men who beat him was named Jovanovic.
Amazing! The man who allegedly beat Tihic and the man on the tape both
had one of the most common Serbian surnames that there is. What
amazing proof!

Mr. Groome’s next question proved to be rather anti-climactic. Groome
asked Tihic if this was the same Jovanovic who had beaten him, and
Tihic couldn’t tell if it was him or not.

Tihic has a gift for denying the obvious. For example, Tihic says that
he supports the cantonization of Bosnia-Herzegovina and the abolition
of the entities, which he says is in accordance with Annex 4 of the
Dayton Accords. The only problem is that Annex 4 of the Dayton Accords
says “Bosnia and Herzegovina shall consist of the two Entities, the
Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Republika Srpska.” No
mention is made of cantonization, and the entities that Tihic wants to
abolish are the whole basis behind the Dayton Accords.

Tihic says that that he supports the Dayton Accords, but in reality he
wants to do away with them in order to abolish the Republika Srpska.
Tihic is not a truthful person. He even denies concrete facts that
anybody can verify in order to advance his own agenda, but then again
he is a politician.

Tihic claimed that he was forced to make false statements to the media
by the JNA. He says that they forced him to say that nobody was
beating him, that there was proper food, medical care, that he was
allowed to take walks, and that he wanted to stay in Serbia so as to
escape the war.

Transcripts of Tihic’s interviews were produced and he made no mention
about any of those things. He said nothing about the food, the medical
care, the beatings, or wanting to remain in Serbia. On the contrary,
in the interview he said that he wanted to go back to Bosnia.

Shortly after the JNA withdrew from Bosnia, Tihic got his wish and was
sent back to Bosnia. It should be noted here that previous prosecution
witnesses have testified that the JNA was under the command of the
SFRY presidency and not under the control of Slobodan Milosevic.

The fact that the JNA had a facility in Serbia is nothing unusual
since Serbia, like Bosnia, was part of Yugoslavia. Tihic could just
have easily been in a JNA prison in Bosnia as Serbia.

Because of the untruthful nature of Tihic’s testimony President
Milosevic expressed doubt that the JNA had beaten Tihic at all.

Tihic was at a loss for proof, he was a lawyer before the war, but
when he showed-up in “court” today he had no proof that his ribs were
broken or that his teeth were knocked out. He said that X-rays were
made and that the OTP might have them, but that he didn’t have them
with him, and indeed the prosecutor never produced them. I don’t know
about you, but I wouldn’t want this clown for my lawyer.

Tihic was given to making outlandish claims. He claimed that the JNA
would bus prisoners through villages in Serbia, and stop the busses in
the villages so that the local Serbs could get onto the busses and
beat the prisoners. Tihic had the claimed that this was all done in
front of UNPROFOR, the Red Cross, and the media. Apparently, nobody
made any reports about this therefore the so-called "joint criminal
enterprise" must be bigger than we thought.

Before the war Tihic was the president of the SDA in Bosanski Samac.
Under cross-examination from President Milosevic Tihic admitted that
Muslims there were arming themselves for months before the war ever
started, he also admitted that Muslims who joined the JNA were branded
as traitors by other Muslims.

Of course the fact that Muslims didn’t join the JNA lest they be
branded as traitors by other Muslims didn’t stop Tihic from being
critical of the JNA’s ethnic composition.

It turns out that the prosecution had a copy of a diary that Tihic
kept. The prosecution claims that it provided this diary to President
Milosevic back in March, but that they just didn’t put Tihic’s name on
it. At any rate, President Milosevic might recall Tihic tomorrow to
cross-examine him on questions that arise from this diary that he just
today, during the witness’s testimony, learned had come from the Tihic.

The proceedings ended today with some interesting administrative
matters. The U.S. Government wants to know what questions Wesley Clark
will be asked before he testifies. It appears as though they are
busily primping the perfumed prince for his big debut.

Wesley Clark will testify behind closed doors, the U.S. Government has
been given the right to redact the transcripts and edit the video
tapes, and now they want to know the questions in advance. This
so-called “trial” is a pathetic joke; the ICTY is a travesty of
justice. It is a worthless puppet court whose sole objective is to
provide retroactive justification for NATO and the U.S. Government’s
criminal aggression against Yugoslavia.



Bosnian Presidency's Muslim member to testify against Milosevic

SRNA - November 30, 2003
Sarajevo - Sulejman Tihic, a member of the Presidency of
Bosnia-Hercegovina, will leave for The Hague today where he is due to
testify against former Serbian and Yugoslav President Slobodan
Milosevic on 2 December, Sarajevo papers report today.
Citing Tihic's office, Dnevni avaz Sarajevo-based Muslim daily said
that Tihic was expected to meet the chief prosecutor of the Hague
tribunal, Carla Del Ponte, and her deputy Graham Blewitt.
Tihic also plans to visit Naser Oric, Srebrenica wartime commander
indicted for war crimes, in the detention unit of the Hague tribunal.

SOURCE: SRNA news agency, Bijeljina, in Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian 0951
gmt 30 Nov 03
Copyright 2003 British Broadcasting Corporation  
BBC Monitoring Europe - Political
Supplied by BBC Worldwide Monitoring
Posted for Fair Use only.



Three witnesses testified at the so-called “trial” of Slobodan
Milosevic today. Sulejman Tihic was recalled today. Tihic was recalled
because President Milosevic had questions about his diary, which was
not properly disclosed to him until after the witness was already
giving his testimony yesterday. President Milosevic was given only 20
minutes to go over the 65 page diary, and he made good use of the 20
minutes he had.

From Tihic’s diary it emerged that Tihic himself was engaged in the
developing war plans and arming the Muslims before the war. According
to Tihic’s diary the SDA formed a crisis command and developed war
plans before the war ever started. It also emerged that Tihic himself
was sending Muslims for sabotage training. Tihic’s diary described 6
separate instances of arms smuggling by the Muslims before the war.

The SDA’s plans to destroy the multiethnic structure of the JNA also
emerged from Tihic’s diary. According to Tihic’s diary, the SDA spread
rumors and distributed leaflets with the goal of identifying Muslim JNA
members and branding them as traitors. This scheme worked in tandem
with appeals from Alija Izetbegovic that Muslims should not join the
JNA either as reservists or to perform their military service.

Tihic described Muslim members of the 4th detachment of the T.O. in
derogatory terms. He called them “traitors”, “criminals”, and “people
from mixed marriages”.

It also turns out that Tihic was not with the SDA from the beginning
as he had previously stated. Apparently he had reservations about
joining the party because he felt that the membership were illiterate

I’m sure that more interesting tidbits could be found in Tihic’s
diary, but President Milosevic only got 20 minutes.

The next witness to testify was Ahmet Zulic, a Muslim from Sanski
Most. Mr. Zulic is a self-confessed liar. He gave one statement to the
B-H authorities in 1994 and another statement to the ICTY in June of
2001. President Milosevic asked him if the statements were both true
and Zulic said that neither one of the statements was true.

Matters concerning the untruthful nature of the statements were dealt
with by the so-called “tribunal” in private session. At one point Mr.
Kwon indicated that the witness had admitted to lying to ICTY
investigators in one of the private sessions.

The fact that the witness clearly admitted to lying in the statements
did not stop the prosecutor from trying to assert that the ICTY
witness statement was true. And after the prosecutor claimed that the
ICTY statement was true; this self-confessed liar who was occupying
the witness stand agreed with the prosecutor that the statement was
true, even though on two previous occasions he clearly said that it
was not true.

Zulic’s explanation to Mr. Kwon was that he had made a mistake, when
earlier on the same day, he clearly said on two separate occasions
that he was not telling the truth in either of his witness statements.

Zulic claimed to be the victim of some mistreatment. But he had 3
different versions of the same mistreatment. In one version people’s
throats were being slashed and then a pistol was put into his mouth, in
another version the pistol was placed in his mouth and then people’s
throats were slashed, and in a third version the pistol was in his
mouth while the throats were being slashed. The sequence of events
changes in each instance. His diary had one version, his statement
another, and there was another version still in his testimony in the
Brdjanin and Talic case.

Another interesting point that came up was that Seselj’s men and the
White Eagles were not one in the same unit. This is a common
misconception. Seselj’s men joined the Army and the T.O. as volunteers;
they did not have their own units. The White Eagles were a totally
separate group. President Milosevic brought up this point, but the
Zulic couldn’t differentiate between any groups he said that they were
all the same to him. Therefore who mistreated him?

In the Talic case he said the following about the people who allegedly
mistreated him “They wore olive-grey uniforms” and when asked what
unit they belonged to he said “I really am unable to tell which unit
they belonged to, whether they were Chetniks or the regular army,
regular troops, because they were behind some willow trees, so that we
just saw some soldiers. I couldn't see them properly.”

All of this happened in Bosnia, so what is this testimony about some
unidentified unit, accused of this alleged massacre, supposed to prove
against Milosevic? Apparently nothing.

After Zulic left, a secret witness codenamed “B-1021” took the stand.
B-1021’s testimony was a big secret since it all took place in closed

=== 4 ===


The so-called “trial” of Slobodan Milosevic was held in secret today.
A secret witness testified about God only knows what. None of the
testimony was public it’s all a big secret.

The so-called “tribunal” dealt with some administrative matters and
then it announced that it would go into a so-called “private session”
for the rest of the day. 

President Milosevic strongly objected to the “private session.”
President Milosevic has nothing to hide, because he is totally
innocent, and therefore he considers that his so-called “trial” should
be held out in the open for the whole world to see. 

One wonders how come the tribunal is so anxious to hide its brand of
so-called “justice” from the world. What are they ashamed of? Why
can’t the public see all of this “damning evidence” that they
supposedly have against President Milosevic? I know that justice is
supposed to be blind, but at the Hague Tribunal she is being bound and

Secret witnesses, private sessions, limited cross-examination for some
witnesses, and no cross-examination of others, testimony written by
the prosecutor on behalf of the witness admitted as evidence under
Rule 89(F), and rumors and hearsay treated as evidence. These are only
some of the things that go on at that so-called “tribunal.” 

Then we have the special treatment for the perfumed prince, Wesley
Clark. He gets to know the questions ahead of time. He gets to have
two U.S. Government lawyers with him on the witness stand. Of course
he will testify in private session, God forbid that the public should
be able to see what he said before the U.S. Government redacts the
transcript of his testimony.  

The secrecy of this so-called “trial” is obscene. When President
Milosevic objected to the so-called “private session” today, the
so-called “judge” May responded that there would be no debate. The
so-called “evidence” would be heard in secret, and that was that, and
with his decree the broadcast was terminated and the public was locked

(english / srpskohrvatski / italiano)

Messaggio telefonico di Milosevic alla nazione: La Serbia deve essere

Slobodan Milosevic: Srbija mora da bude slobodna!

Serbia has to be free! - Slobodan Milosevic phone address to SPS on the



(ANSA) - BELGRADO, 3 DIC - Per la prima volta dalla sua estradizione
all'Aja nelle carceri del Tribunale penale internazionale, il 28
giugno del 2000, l'ex presidente jugoslavo Slobodan Milosevic si e'
rivolto a voce ai suoi sostenitori, in un messaggio registrato e
ritrasmesso dal quartier generale del suo Partito socialista serbo
(Sps). Il comizio telefonico, che verteva sulla campagna in atto
per le elezioni politiche serbe del 28 dicembre, alle quali
Milosevic ha deciso di presentare la sua candidatura, e' stato
trasmesso dalla 'Radio S', l'emittente del Sps. ''Il partito
socialista - ha detto Milosevic - ha la capacita' e il dovere di
mobilitare le forze per rivoluzionare la triste realta' del paese. La
vittoria del Sps e' nell'interesse dei contadini, degli operai, degli
intellettuali e dei martiri del Kosovo'', la comunita' serba rimasta
nella provincia. L'ex uomo forte di Belgrado ha designato come
premier, in caso di vittoria del partito, Milutin Mrkonic, che fu il
responsabile del programma di ricostruzione seguito ai bombardamenti
della Nato della primavera 1999. Quanto al processo di integrazione
con le istituzioni europee, ''La Serbia - ha detto Milosevic - e' gia'
in Europa e non ha motivo di sostare come una mendicante
nell'anticamera di nessuno''. (ANSA). OT 03/12/2003 19:18

NOTA: L'ANSA riporta anche le dichiarazioni "preoccupate" del
presidente dell'assemblea parlamentare del Consiglio d'Europa Peter
Schieder (
), e spiega che verra' impedito ad ogni costo il rispetto delle libere
scelte degli elettori serbi se queste ultime non piaceranno alla NATO
ed alla UE: "A seggi chiusi ... tutti i candidati eletti dovranno
superare il vaglio di una commissione di verifica [SIC], che
provvedera' a eliminare quelli piu' compromessi con il passato
regime. Milosevic sicuramente figura in questa categoria..." ( )


 (Telefonsko obracanje clanovima Glavnog odbora Socijalisticke partije
Srbije na sednici odrzanoj 3. decembra 2003. godine, na kojoj je
MILOSEVIC, za vanredne parlamentarne izbore zakazane za 28. decembar

Dragi drugovi,

Zelim da vas pozdravim i da vam porucim da svi mi zajedno imamo obavezu
da se borimo za pobedu i da pobedimo.U interesu celog naroda, svake
porodice i svakog pojedinca. I iz perspektive i pojedinca i porodice i
celog naroda, svako zeli da zivi u bogatoj i razvijenoj, bezbednoj i
srecnoj zemlji. A da bi Srbija sve to bila mora da bude slobodna. Zato
je sloboda cilj koji mora biti ispred svih drugih ciljeva.Taj cilj je
ostvariv i tezak. Ostvariv jer je istina najmocnije oruzje.Tezak jer je
potreban ogroman trud, ogroman rad i cvrsto jedinstvo da ta istina
dopre i do glave i do srca svakog gradjanina.

Na ovim izborima srpski narod ima istorijsku obavezu da se opredeli za
istinu. Pre tri godine upozorio sam gradjane Srbije sta ce se dogoditi
ako na vlast dodju eksponenti stranih sila, odnosno njihovih vlada.Sve
se tacno tako dogodilo i to danas ne moze niko da porekne.

Socijalisticka partija Srbije ima obavezu i ima sposobnost da okupi i
mobilise snage koje ce da preokrenu tok koji predstavlja zalosnu
realnost Srbije, u interesu seljaka, u interesu radnika,
intelektualaca, u interesu kosovskih mucenika, u interesu svih koji
zive od svog rada i u interesu srpskog naroda i nacionalnog
dostojanstva i dostojanstva svakog gradjanina.

Predlozio sam Milutina Mrkonjica za predsednika Vlade zato sto je
graditelj koji se potvrdio u najteze vreme. Srbiji treba milion novih
radnih mesta, stanovi, bolnice, skole, putevi, pruge, mostovi, ubrzani
rast i opsteg i pojedinacnog standarda, od beba u porodilistima do

Srbija je u Evropi, ona nema razloga da ponizno stoji u bilo kom
predsoblju. Ne postoji srecan prosjak ni bogata kolonija. Ubrzana
integracija u savremeni svet moze da se ostvari samo uspesnim razvojem,
a ne ni miloscu ni dekretom stranih faktora.

Zato Srbija treba da glasa za istinu, da glasa za Srbiju.

U to ime zelim bar jos jednom da porucim da svi mi zajedno imamo
obavezu da se borimo za pobedu.

Do pobede!


Belgrade, 3 December 2003

President Slobodan Milosevic has addressed today by phone the session
of the Head Committee, the highest organ of his party, the Socialist
Party of Serbia. According to the Party Statute, the Head Committee has
adopted today the party ticket for the forthcoming early parliamentary
elections, scheduled for 28 December 2003, with the names of candidates
for 250 seats in the Serbian parliament.

It has been also decided that according to the electoral law
provisions, the SPS party ticket will have the name: SOCIALIST PARTY OF

Candidate with number one on the party ticket will be President
Milosevic himself. The composition of the list of candidates,
containing the most prominent names of both “reformists” and
“consequent socialists” is considered to be a manifestation of unity of
Serbian socialists, reached in the crucial moment and achieved in
accordance with the expectation of the people, around the principal
goal – to offer a socialist and patriotic alternative to the colonial
regime that brought the country and the people into misery, humiliation
and desperation. At the same time, the way the socialists appear in the
elections proves that Slobodan Milosevic is still, and even more than
in the last years – a politician with the highest personal rating in
Serbia. It is, without any doubt, a result of his successful struggle
against the NATO puppet court at The Hague, which became a paradigm of
the colonial domination over Serbia.

The socialists with Slobodan Milosevic will fight for at least 20% of
seats in the Serbian parliament, which, if achieved, will make them
unavoidable factor in the future political life of Serbia.

Below we give the full text of President Milosevic’s today’s address to
the Head Committee of the Socialist Party of Serbia.

Dear comrades,

I wish to greet you and to tell you that we all together have a duty to
struggle for victory and to win. It is the interest of the whole
people, of every family and each individual. And looking from the
prospective of individuals, of families and of the people – everyone
wishes to live in prosperous and developed, safe and happy country. In
order to be all that, Serbia has to be free. That is why freedom is a
goal that has to be above all other goals. That goal is reachable
although it is hard to reach it. It is reachable since truth is the
most powerful weapon. It is hard since great efforts, lot of work and
firm unity are needed for that truth to access brain and heart of every

In these elections Serbian people has historical duty to choose the
truth. Three years ago I warned citizens of Serbia what was going to
happen if the exponents of foreign powers, i.e. of their governments,
come to power. Everything happened exactly as I said – nobody can deny
it today.

The Socialist Party of Serbia has duty and ability to gather and
mobilize forces that will reverse the processes which are the sad
reality of Serbia – in the interest of peasants, in the interest of
workers, intellectuals, in the interest of Kosovo martyrs, in the
interest of everyone who lives of his own work – as well as in the
interest of Serbian people, national dignity and dignity of every

I have proposed Milutin Mrkonjic for Prime Minister because he is a
builder who proved himself in the hardest time. Serbia needs a million
of new employments, it needs apartments, hospitals, schools, roads,
railways, bridges, it needs accelerated improvement of living
standards, both social and individual, for all – from babies in
nurseries until pensioners.

Serbia is in Europe; it has no reason to stand submissively in
anybody’s waiting room. There is no happy beggar or wealthy colony.
Fast integration into contemporary World can be achieved only through
our own successful development – not by mercy or decree of the outside

That is why Serbia should vote for truth, should vote for Serbia.

In that name I wish to send you at least one more time a message that
we all together have a duty to struggle for victory.

Until victory!

TESTE MOZZATE (english / italiano)

Le foto dei serbi decapitati dall'UCK di D'Alema e Clinton /

Vedi anche / SEE ALSO:



(ANSA) - BELGRADO, 3 NOV - La fotografia di due ex combattenti
dell'Uck, l'esercito di liberazione albanese kosovaro, che mostrano
ridendo le teste mozzate di due soldati serbi, e' stata pubblicata
oggi dal quotidiano Vecernje Novosti con tanto di nomi e cognomi dei
protagonisti. Scusandosi per la crudezza delle immagini - ottenute
probabilmente tramite i servizi segreti serbi - il quotidiano
riporta il nome di una delle due vittime, Bojan Svetkovic, la cui
testa e' in primo piano e riconoscibile, e quelli dei presunti
assassini, padre e figlio: si tratta di Sadik e Valon Quflai,
fotografati in divisa dell'Uck mentre mostrano ridendo i macabri
trofei. Stando al quotidiano, i due non sono mai stati imputati di
crimini di guerra, e addirittura Valon Quflai e' tenente del Corpo
di protezione creato col beneplacito dell'Unmik, l'amministrazione
delle Nazioni unite in Kosovo. Il primo ministro serbo Zoran
Zivkovic ha commentato le immagini affermando che ''l'opinione
pubblica internazionale non puo' lasciarle senza risposta e non
reagire''. Zivkovic ha promesso di adoperarsi con tutti i mezzi
presso il responsabile dell'Unmik Harry Holkeri e la Kfor (la forza
internazionale in Kosovo) perche' venga aperta una indagine e vengano
arrestati i due ex combattenti. Il premier ha mandato un
messaggio anche al Tribunale penale internazionale dell'Aja,
chiedendo ai magistrati ''un pronunciamento immediato'' sulla
vicenda. Zivkovic ha sottolineato che in quattro anni dal ritiro
delle forze serbe nella provincia ''1.300 serbi sono stati uccisi,
1.000 sono scomparsi, alcune decine di migliaia di case sono state
incendiate e centinaia di chiese e monasteri sono stati distrutti o
danneggiati, senza che ci fosse una sola incriminazione''. La
sequenza fotografica pubblicata da Vecernje Novosti mostra Sadik
Quflai con le due teste in mano, e alle spalle il figlio Valon, poi
lo stesso Sadik che mette quei resti in un sacco di plastica bianca,
infine una istantanea dei due assieme ad altri membri in divisa
dell'Uck, probabilmente appartenenti allo stesso gruppo di
combattimento. (ANSA). OT 03/11/2003 18:50


Vecernje Novosti daily, Belgrade
November 2, 2003

KLA Cut Off People's Heads

Searching for sources and examples of this evil, the reporters of
"Novosti" recently discovered a horrific photograph, the best
illustration of the bloody feasts of the members of the KLA. On the
large photograph, we see three members of the KLA in uniform. The
oldest, the one in the middle with the toothy grin, is holding a cut
off human head in his right hand and carrying the larger head of a
younger man more visibly in his left arm.

Despite the passing years, crimes never expire. Nor are they forgotten.

Members of the notorious so-called Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA), who
waged a campaign of terror in Kosovo and Metohija for many years,
especially against the Serbian population (in 1999 the KLA had
approximately 20,000 armed men) continue to roam the southern province
today wearing different badges and under different names, doing
everything possible to achieve their grand dream - an independent,
Albanian Kosovo.

Searching for sources and examples of this evil, the reporters of
"Novosti" recently discovered a horrific photograph, the best
illustration of the bloody feasts of the members of the KLA.

On the large photograph, we see three members of the KLA in uniform.
The oldest, the one in the middle with the toothy grin, is holding a
cut off human head in his right hand and carrying the larger head of a
younger man more visibly in his left arm.

Two cut off human heads in two hands seeped in blood!

Murderers' Bloody Feast

Is it possible to reconstruct this crime?

Exposing themselves to the possible risks that investigations of this
sort entail, the journalists of "Novosti", after some days of searching
and cross-referencing facts from multiple sources, arrived at
information they could "revisit" this case with relative reliability
and "revive" this photograph of a horrible scene.

THE PLAYERS: The Albanian in the middle of the victory celebration is
Sadik Chuflaj, a member of the KLA from the Decani area.

The young man to his left is his son Valon Chuflaj, born in April 1981
in the village of Prilep, municipality of Decani. He has an UNMIK
identity card and is now a member of the Kosovo Protection Corps with
the rank of lieutenant. He works in the inspector's office in Pec.
UNMIK has taken disciplinary measures against him on two occasions.

It is assumed that these murderers belonged to one of the units
commanded by Ramush and Daut Haradinaj, which operated in the zone of
Decani - Pec.

With great caution and piety, after cross-checking, our reporters were
led to the assumption that the visible human head on the right is the
head of Bojan Cvetkovic, born in Nis in 1972. A comparison with a
photograph published in the book "Junaci otadzbine" /Heroes of the
Fatherland/ also leads us to the same assumption.

Still in Uniform

THE LOCATION: Bojan Cvetkovic, a sales clerk from Nis, volunteered for
duty /in the Yugoslav Army/ after the aggression of NATO forces against
our country. At the beginning of April 1999 he was mobilized in the
Pristina Corps in the 549th Motorized Unit.

His days as a soldier were few. On April 11 he was abducted by members
of the vicious KLA on the Prizren - Pristina road near Suva Reka.

Four other soldiers were captured at the same time: Zarko Filipovic,
Dragoljub Tanaskovic, Dragan Vucetic and Zivota Topalovic.

Traces of all five men disappeared on that day.

THE CRIME: The dreadful question presents itself whether all five
Serbian soldiers were killed on the same day, and in the same fashion.

The second photograph reveals a horrific spectacle: Sadik Chuflaj is
placing one of the cut off heads in a large bag!

Is the bag full of the heads of young Serbian men?

This story and these photographs are just a small part of the crimes by
ethnic Albanians committed by members of the so-called Liberation Army.

Today these same men wear the uniforms of the Protection Corps
(approximately 5,000 members of the former KLA are in the Corps),
establishing "multiethnic order" in devastated Kosovo.

Thus, they are protected by the international community. Thus, all
their crimes have been forgiven. Thus, their wartime leaders and their
commanders, now dressed in elegant uniforms, can travel to the capitals
of the world and participate in roundtable discussions where they
supposedly discuss peace.

Will anyone, the people in UNMIK, for example, recognize if not the
severed head of young Bojan Cvetkovic, then the bloody hands of Sadik
Chuflaj and his son, and bring them in for an informational talk or for
questioning? Will they hold them accountable or bring them into a
courtroom to face justice? There is little chance of it - but we will


In publishing these difficult, tragic and authentically crude
photographs, the editors of "Novosti" seek only to demonstrate the full
brutality of the violence and crimes committed by ethnic Albanian
terrorists in Kosovo and that both the criminals and the victims can be
recognized in the photographs. Perhaps this will bring further new
truths to light.

We wish to extend our apologies to the Cvetkovic family for publication
of assumptions and these comparisons, as well as to our readers whose
sensibilities cannot endure this degree of authenticity.



il premier zivkovic attende che il capo della missione onu in kosovo,
harri holkeri, la kfor e la comunità internazionale facciano tutto il
possibile per identificare quanto prima gli assassini, appartenenti
all’uck, ritratti nelle scioccanti fotografie pubblicate dal quotidiano
belgradese vecernje novosti. nelle immagini si vedono appartenenti al
disciolto uck, supportato dalla nato e ribattezzato ‘esercito di
liberazione, che tengono in mano teste di persone decapitate. adesso
abbiamo il documento, e con un po’ di sforzo si potrà eseguire
l’identificazione delle persone ritratte, ha detto zivkovic chiamando
il tribunale dell’aia ad esprimere subito un’opinione in merito.
zivkovic ha rammentato che in quattro anni e mezzo dall’arrivo della
comunità internazionale in kosovo 1300 serbi e non albanesi sono stati
uccisi, e circa mille persone risultano scomparse e nessuna inchiesta
in merito è stata aperta.
nota importante: le immagini di vecernje novosti non sono adatte a
persone sensibili. sono visibili on line in formato .pdf
[ hostate da, che
ripubblica anche l’articolo [,
ma anche sullo stesso vecernje novosti

Tanjug - November 3, 2003

Men from photograph should be arrested, Zivkovic

16:56 BELGRADE , Nov 3 (Tanjug) - Serbian Premier
Zoran Zivkovic said on Monday that he expected from
UNMIK chief Harri Holkeri, KFOR and the entire
international public, to do everything possible to
find out as soon as possible who are the executioners
from the photograph published on Monday in the
newspaper Vecernje Novosti.
He was talking about a text published by the Belgrade
daily, where photographs were also shown on which KLA
members are holding severed human heads.

Beta - November 3, 2003

PM calls for action on KLA photo

BELGRADE -- Monday – Serbia’s prime minister has
called on the international community to react to a
photo published in a Belgrade newspaper today showing
a group of people dressed in uniforms of the outlawed
Kosovo Liberation Army holding a number of severed
Zoran Zivkovic used the continuation of a no
confidence debate in his government today to appeal to
the United Nations mission in Kosovo, the
multinational peacekeeping force and the international
community as a whole to identify the people in the
photo in Vecernje Novosti, arrest and convict them.
“We kept being told in The Hague [war crimes tribunal]
that there’s no evidence of war crimes committed in
Kosovo by the Albanian side”, said Zivkovic. “Now we
have a document and it takes just a little effort to
identify the people in the photo and convict them”.

Tanjug - November 4, 2003

Holkeri promises Covic to look into photographs case

17:18 BELGRADE , Nov 4 (Tanjug) - State Coordinating
Center for Kosovo and Metohija President Nebojsa Covic
said on Tuesday he had been assured by UNMIK chief
Harri Holkeri that he would investigate the entire
case and identity of the persons in the photographs
published by the Belgrade daily Vecernje novosti.
Vecernje novosti yesterday published photographs of
three members of the Kosovo Liberation Army, and one
of them is holding two severed heads of Serb soldiers
in his hands.



(ANSA) - BELGRADO, 5 NOV - La procura speciale di Belgrado per i
crimini di guerra e la lotta contro la criminalita' organizzata ha
aperto un'inchiesta sui leader kosovari albanesi Hasim Taqi, Agim Ceku
e Ramus Haradinai, tutti comandanti del disciolto Esercito di
liberazione kosovaro (Uck). Lo ha annunciato il ministero della
giustizia serbo precisando che l'inchiesta e' stata affidata al
procuratore capo Vladimir Vukcevic. Il reato ipotizzato per i tre e'
quello di crimini di guerra e terrorismo. L'annuncio segue la
pubblicazione, ieri sul quotidiano 'Vecernje Novosti' di scioccanti
fotografie che ritraevano combattenti dell'Uck con in mano le teste
tagliate di militari serbi. quelle immagini hanno avuto un forte
impatto sull'opinione pubblica, tanto piu' che i genitori di una delle
vittime, Aleksander Ozegovic, hanno scoperto da quelle istantanee la
fine del loro figlio dato per disperso in azione nell'aprile del 1999.
Ieri il governo serbo ha pubblicato un libro bianco sui
presunti crimini dei kosovari albanesi contro la popolazione serba,
che contiene un elenco di 156 nomi di persone accusate di vari delitti
contro civili non albanesi. (ANSA). OT 05/11/2003



SRNA - November 7, 2003

Belgrade, 7 November: The secretary general of the Serbian Radical
Party (SRS), Aleksandar Vucic, confirmed today that one of the two
young men whose heads were severed by OVK (Kosovo Liberation Army)
members, and whose photo was published in Vecernje novosti, is
Aleksandar Njegovic, a Yugoslav Army volunteer and SRS member.
"We demand that state and republican bodies urgently launch an
investigation into persons who committed crimes against Serbs in
Kosovo-Metohija and demand that the criminals are extradited to the
relevant bodies," Vucic told a news conference.
Vucic said that the SRS deputies forwarded a proposal to the assembly
of the Serbia-Montenegro state union that the assembly discuss a
Serbia-Montenegro strategy towards Kosovo-Metohija.

Tanjug - November 11, 2003

UNMIK police opens investigation

16:57 PRISTINA , Nov 11 (Tanjug) - UNMIK police has
opened an investigation following the recent
publishing of photographs in Vecernje Novosti
newspaper, on which are seen members of the Kosovo
Liberation Army holding the severed heads of Serbs, an
UNMIK spokesman said.
At the same time he denied information in some media
according to which UNMIK investigators were in

Beta - November 12, 2003

UNMIK police meet Belgrade Kosovo officials

BELGRADE -- Tuesday – UNMIK police representatives
visited Belgrade today to meet officials of the Kosovo
Coordination Centre, to discuss photographs published
recently in daily Vecernje novosti.
The photographs showed an unidentified person in a
Kosovo Liberation Army uniform holding two severed
human heads.
The Coordination Centre, in a statement, described the
meeting as extremely significant, successful and
constructive, adding that ongoing police cooperation
was also discussed.
Attending the meeting were the deputy chief of the
UNMIK police Central Investigative Criminal Unit. The
Coordination Centre delegation included the heads of
the police, security, judiciary and human rights
divisions, together with representatives of the Bureau
for the Missing and Abducted.

BEOGRADSKI FORUM: Poziv na javnu tribinu o lustraciji

Beograd, 02. decembar 2003. godine


Beogradski forum za svet ravnopravnih organizuje javnu tribinu o
lustraciji koja će se održati u subotu, 6. decembra 2003. na Pravnom
fakultetu Univerziteta u Beogradu (amfiteatar V), sa početkom u 10
časova. Govoriće istaknuti naučnici iz oblasti domaćeg i medjunarodnog
prava, javni i kulturni poslenici, medju kojima su: dopisni član SANU
Kosta Čavoški, Ljubiša Lazarević, profesor Pravnog fakulteta, prof. dr.
Radovan Radinović, Oskar Kovač, član Naučnog društva Srbije i drugi.
Očekuje se učešće i stručnjaka iz advokature, sudstva, vojske,
diplomatije, kao i gostiju iz inostranstva.
Beogradski forum poziva sve zainteresovane da prisustvuju ovoj tribini.

Beograd, Upravni odbor Beogradskog foruma
02. decembra, 2003.

11000 Beograd, Mišarska 6/II, Srbija i Crna Gora
tel/Fax: (++381 11) 3245601
E-Mail: beoforum@...
IWPR'S BALKAN CRISIS REPORT, No. 470, November 27, 2003

Nazi- and NATO-„Justice“: how the images resemble


Alcune FOTOGRAFIE della manifestazione dell'8 Novembre all'Aia sono
visionabili ai siti / PHOTOS of the 8. November Demonstration in Den
Haag can be viewed at

Rally at The Plein

Protest march

Rally in front of the prison


The people


Nazi- and NATO-„Justice“: how the images resemble

Speech by Klaus Hartmann, Vice-Chairman of ICDSM,

on November 8, 2003 on the Plein in Den Haag (English translation)
Read this and other speeches from the Hague International
Demonstrations of 8 November 2003 at:
or at  


Friends and Citizens!

We are demonstrating here today for the second time this year demanding
the dissolution of the Hague “Tribunal“ on Yugoslavia. We are
demonstrating for the immediate release of Slobodan Milosevic. We are
demonstrating for the release of all political prisoners of NATO! We
are not demanding that criminals be released. On the contrary, we are
demanding the conviction and imprisonment of war criminals, the war
criminals who destroyed Yugoslavia:

•          The leaders of the NATO-states belong behind bars!

•          The release and reparations for their victims!

We are not protesting against the fact that the government of the
Netherlands and The Hague are accommodating international courts of the
United Nations. To host the International Court of Justice and the
International Criminal Court honors this city and this country. But the
good reputation is damaged through this so-called ad-hoc-Tribunal on
Yugoslavia. This is not an institution of law, but an instrument of
political blackmail. It serves the United States and other NATO states
as an instrument for their continued aggression against the peoples of
the Balkans. With the so-called “tribunal” this city is left holding
the illegitimate baby of Madeleine Albright, who is called “the mother
of the tribunal”.

This so-called „tribunal“ is illegal: it was founded by an unauthorized
body on a non-exiting legal basis. It is illegally financed and it is
the symbol of a permanent breach of international law. This is
illegality from one end to the other; it is an illegality that cannot
be redeemed. And it will lead nowhere. This is why we demand:

•          The immediate dissolution of this „tribunal“

•          The annulment of all its so called sentences

•          The release of and compensation for those illegally

Our protest is taking place at a time, when all over the world
antifascists are commemorating the Day of Remembrance and Admonition. 

The night of November 9 is such an occasion, because in 1938, 65 years
ago, the racist, anti-Jewish campaign that had been in process over the
years became an orgy of violence in the nationwide pogrom known by the
Nazis as the “Reichskristallnacht”. The Nazis held their Jewish victims
responsible, demanding that they pay for the violence and destruction!
This is similar to the recent developments in the Balkans.

The fascists coined the image of „Slavic sub humans“ and the western
media did not hesitate to draw on this image in their
anti-Serb-hate-campaigns in the early 1990s. This campaign was racist
and escalated into a violent orgy: the NATO-aggression against
Yugoslavia in 1999.

The history books of the aggressors propagate the image of Serbs being
the aggressors, for example against the Croats. Long before
international attention was drawn to the war already in progress, the
Croat separatists had imitated a “Kristallnacht”. During the Dalmatian
Kristallnacht on Mai 2, 1991, Croats, while chanting their WW II
fascist Ustacha-songs and waving their checkerboard flags with the
Croatian swastikas, hunted down and slaughtered Serbs. Who knows about
this Kristallnacht here in the West, with its brainwashing mass media?
Of course, this crime plays no role in DelPonte’s circus.

From September to December 1933, exactly 70 years ago, the so called
Reichstag Fire trial was taking place in Leipzig with Georgi Dimitrov
and his Comrades Blagoj Popov and Vassil Tanev as the defendants. The
German fascists attempted to use this farce in the Leipzig Reich's
Court to criminalize all their opponents, to win legitimacy for and
consolidate their dictatorship. The German fascists themselves had set
the Reichstag on fire in order to accuse the communists of arson. How
the images resemble! NATO broke up Yugoslavia, but accuses those who
defended it, of destruction.

How the images resemble: in Leipzig the arsonists presumed to set in
judgment over the victims of fascist terror. In The Hague, the
NATO-aggressors presume to set in judgment over the victims of their

How the images resemble: in Leipzig the German Reich's Court tried to
refuse Georgi Dimitrov the right to speak, allowing him to only answer
questions. In The Hague, Judge May attempts to declare the embarrassing
questions posed by Slobodan Milosevic “irrelevant,” at times even
cutting off his microphone.

How the images resemble: the fascists tried to completely isolate
Georgi Dimitrov in prison, to cut him off from all contacts with the
outside, especially contacts with his comrades. The Hague “tribunal” is
trying not only to refuse Slobodan Milosevic visits from his family but
also from his comrades.

How the images resemble: the Nazis had planned the trial in Leipzig as
an exemplary show trial to promote their dictatorship. They installed a
special post office adjacent to the courthouse; the trial was
transmitted live from the courtroom…. But, just as in The Hague, this
functioned only at the beginning of the trial.

How the images resemble: 70 years ago today, on November 8, 1933, the
Nazi Minister of Propaganda, Joseph Goebbels, took the stand in the
“trial” against Georgi Dimitrov. He suffered a total defeat. The chiefs
of propaganda, Rudolf Scharping, Tony Blair, Madeleine Albright and
Jamie Shea are afraid, still today, to take the witness stand against
Slobodan Milosevic. The third rank – Holbrooke, Petritch, Ashdown and
Mesic are allowed to portray miniature Goebbels - also without success.

How the images resemble: In Leipzig the Nazis called on police spies,
criminals and agents to witness against Georgi Dimitrov. In The Hague,
UCK-terrorists, CIA-agent William Walker and NATO-General Naumann took
the stand.

How the images resemble: The German fascists brought antifascists,
incarcerated in prisons and concentration camps, before the court in
Leipzig – promising them liberty, if they gave false testimony against
Georgi Dimitrov. The same pattern in The Hague: by offering “deals”,
the court is pushing other defendants to give false testimony. The
court’s collaborators in Belgrade promised not only to release Rade
Markovic, but to also furnish him with a new identity and wealth. But
because of Rade Markovic' steadfastness, he was immediately returned to
prison in Belgrade.

How the images resemble: The Leipzig court was surprised and horrified,
when Georgi Dimitrov succeeded in politicizing the trial. Today Del
Ponte, Nice and May and their subservient media are terrified that
Slobodan Milosevic contradicts the falsified and racist media
manipulation with historical facts in their proper contexts.

How the images resemble: Georgi Dimitrov thwarted the fascists’ plans
for an anti-communist show trial by turning the trial into an
indictment of fascism. Slobodan Milosevic is thwarting the plans of his
NATO accusers by putting them in the dock and even the tribunal's
sympathizing media is dumbfounded and has had to admit this.

How the images resemble: Georgi Dimitrov exposed that the arson in the
Reichstag and the trial were two parts of the same fascist provocation,
and sarcastically referred to those behind the scenes doing stage
management of both the arson and the indictment as the “Holy Ghost”.
Today Slobodan Milosevic is showing, that the aggressors and indicters
come from the same stable and that this tribunal is part of NATO’s
arsenal for enslaving peoples.

How the images resemble: In the early 90s, the United States and their
accomplices put the “New World Order” on their agenda. Who remembers,
who knows that 60 years earlier there was talk of the Nuovo Ordine
Europeo, - The "New Order of Europe" was on the agenda of the fascist
axis powers!

Many images are similar, but some differ: in 1933, the fascists made no
secret of their objectives: they wanted to finish off with communism
and install their limitless dictatorship. Today the aggressors complain
of violations of human rights and war crimes, to cover up their
crusades of subjugation. Hypocrisy is triumphant. They rarely let the
cat out of the bag:

The coup against Milosevic in October 2000, though originally
colporteured in NATO capitals as a victory over “Serbian nationalism”,
it very soon became billed as the victory over the “last communist
state in Europe”.

When Alija Izetbegovic was buried a few weeks ago, those holding
obituary speeches at the graveside regretted that he had not been able
to accomplish “the most important goal in his life”: “the political
supremacy of the Muslims in Bosnia”! Not a word about the
multi-cultural idyll, he was rumored to have promoted during the war.

Imagine, a corner of the truth is exposed – and even though it exposes
the lie of a so-called “Serb aggression” – it goes practically

How will the show in the Del Ponte circus continue?

Professor Paul de Waart, the well known Dutch expert in international
law, recently stated on the Netherlands' television, that the trial
against Milosevic should have been suspended a month after it had
started on the grounds of lack of evidence. The fact that this did not
happen speaks volumes and proves that we are not dealing with a court
but with political agents of NATO.

The half-time of Slobodan Milosevic's defense will follow the half-time
of the „prosecution“. The “prosecution” had up to 8 years to prepare
its case. Slobodan Milosevic asked for two years for his preparation –
two years in liberty, with access to archives, witnesses and means of
communication. The “court's” answer is known: Milosevic has 3 months –
in his prison cell. This, in reality, will mean only 6 weeks, at which
time he is supposed to submit the complete list of defense witnesses
and the main themes of their testimony. Equal protection before the law
is a basic, internationally recognized principle. But this “tribunal”
doesn’t care about internationally recognized principles. Here is a
man, denied his rights, having to face alone this enormous apparatus,
the NATO hemisphere. It simply shows, that this “court” has nothing to
do with law. It tramples on the principles of rule of law.

We are proud that the founder of our international Committee is the
president of the anti-fascists of Bulgaria, the land of Georgi
Dimitrov. Prof. Velko Valkanov was right in his assessment: “It is not
at all surprising that the judges have granted Milosevic so little time
to prepare his defense. These are not really judges. If the tribunal is
not a legitimate court, how can these people be true judges? They have
a political mission to accomplish. They are the executive organs of
political vengeance – a vengeance carried out against all those who
dared to contradict the rulers of the world. The "judges" in The Hague
are really accomplices to NATO’s crimes. Their behavior at the tribunal
is evidence of their anti-juridical nature.”

How the tribunal deals with the health problems of its victims speaks
also volumes and makes a mockery of UN conventions. Subsequent to a
Dutch cardiologist's diagnosis that Slobodan Milosevic has such high
blood pressure that he is in danger of organic defects, heart attack,
brain stroke and death, Del Ponte sneered in the Neue Züricher Zeitung
on July 18, 2003 that “he is in very good health. Many people 60 years
old and older have high blood pressure.” One could not expect more
sensitivity from this creature, but she added: “We don’t spare him. – I
hope you do not get this impression!” What should one call this – an
attempt at judicial murder? What an abyss of cynicism, of pure contempt
for humanity! It is for just this depth of cynicism that made fascist
torturers infamous.

In my speech, June 28, at the Vidovdan, in front of the former
Nazi-prison in Scheveningen – now serving as NATO-prison, I said: “They
will not get away with it! Slaveholders were never victorious in

We are demonstrating today under the motto: „We will not allow NATO to
write our history!”

The NATO-powers need the revenge “justice” of Del Ponte's circus in
order to establish their version of history, their interpretation of
reality, as the only and eternal truth. They will not succeed, just as
German fascists did not succeed in building their "1000 year Reich",
which ended in 12 years.

In 1933, communists and anti-fascists wrote the „Brown Book on the
Reichstag Arson and the Terror of Hitler”. It is an excellent document
of international anti-fascist solidarity. It was the central and
strongest weapon against fascist lies. It was history written by the
masses, the real history helping the population to learn the truth
about fascist barbarism. Letus continue this tradition of antifascism
and internationalism: let us use this example and write the black book
on the destruction of Yugoslavia and NATO-terror. Let us contribute to
the exposure of the truth about NATO’s shady characters behind the
tribunal. Let us propagate the truth about the just struggle of the
Serbian people, about their heroic resistance against NATO-aggression –
as an incentive for the necessary resistance to the "new world order".

In the article "Let’s distribute Original-Ton of Slobodan Milosevic",
SLOBODA made a classical formulation: Slobodan Milosevic will help us
in our struggle, if we help him now! Let us make known, what Slobodan
Milosevic is saying in courtroom. He is a feared weapon against
imperialism, as is shown through May’s behavior in the “tribunal” and
the silence of the media. Our struggle for the release of Slobodan
Milosevic stands in the tradition of the struggle against fascism and

The central lesson, the oath given after the liberation from fascist
barbarism ended with the following promise: “Never again fascism, never
again war!” This promise was broken on March 24, 1999. Never again
fascism, never again war! This is and will remain our commitment. This
connects us to the anti- fascists, the anti-militarists of all

Anti-fascism is not simply a commemoration of the past. Anti-fascism is
not looking towards the past. Anti-fascism still means, what Georgi
Dimitrov said at the time: the struggle against the most aggressive
forces of international finance capital and its world hegemonic designs.

By defending those resisting the new hegemonic forces, we honor the
memory of Georgi Dimitrov.

We repeat the promise we gave on June 28. We will come again!

Freedom for Slobodan! Liberty for Yugoslavia!

Freedom and Equality for all peoples!

Never again fascism, never again war!


URGENT CALL: Make the full victory of truth and justice possible!
SLOBODA urgently needs your donation.
Please find the detailed instructions at:
To join or help this struggle, visit: (Sloboda/Freedom association) (the international committee to defend Slobodan
Milosevic) (German section of ICDSM) (US section of ICDSM) (ICDSM Ireland) (world peace council) (Balkan antiNATO center)

Dobro dosli na J U G O I N F O !

e' il bollettino sulla Jugoslavia ed i Balcani curato dal
(vedi archivio:
Per contattarci: <jugocoord@...>

La nostra attivita' di informazione via internet, che continua
ininterrottamente (seppur con diverse denominazioni) dal 1997
grazie allo sforzo individuale di pochissimi volontari, puo'
continuare solo con il vostro sostegno. Vi chiediamo pertanto di
altre attivita' del Coordinamento Nazionale per la Jugoslavia
usando il:
Conto Bancoposta n. 47595665
intestato ad Anita Krstic, Milano.
Causale: sostegno per Jugoinfo

is a bulletin on Yugoslavia and the Balkans edited by
(see archive:
For contacts: <jugocoord@...>

Our effort to keep you informed through the net is continuing
without interruption (even if under different denominations)
since 1997 thanks to the voluntary engagement of very few people.
This has a chance to go on only if you support us, by
activities of the Coordinamento Nazionale per la Jugoslavia
by giving your contribution through the Italian account:
Conto Bancoposta n. 47595665
intestato ad Anita Krstic, Milano.
Causale: sostegno per Jugoinfo


[ Juergen Elsaesser - autore di "MENZOGNE DI GUERRA. Le bugie della NATO
e le loro vittime nel conflitto per il Kosovo" ( Napoli, La città del sole,
2002, 190 p., 21 cm., ISBN 8882921832 ) - segnala la prossima uscita di
una edizione completamente riveduta del suo libro.
Essa sara' in distribuzione a partire da marzo prossimo, in coincidenza
con il quinto anniversario della criminale aggressione contro la RF di
Il nuovo volume consistera' di un numero di pagine quasi doppio rispetto
al precedente, con aggiornamenti sulla situazione in Kosovo, il "processo"
Milosevic, le menzogne su Srebrenica, la causa intentata contro la NATO,
la disinformazione strategica, ed un allegato con il
discorso di Milosevic a Campo dei Merli...
Ulteriori informazioni su: ]

Da: Jürgen Elsässer
Data: Dom 30 Nov 2003 23:00:30 Europe/Rome
Oggetto: Neuerscheinung zum 5. Jahrestag des Jugoslawienkrieges

Absenderr: Jürgen Elsässer

Im März 2004 jährt sich der Beginn des NATO-Krieges gegen Jugoslawien zum
fünften Mal. Oh wie schön befreit ist Kosovo, wird man dann wieder aus dem
Volksempfänger hören. Die verantwortlichen Politiker wünschen keine Nestbeschmutzung.

Damit werden sie freilich nicht durchkommen. Die albanischen Terroristen
haben angekündigt, das Frühjahr zu Angriffen auf Südserbien, Mazedonien
und ? erstmals ? Griechenland zu nutzen. In Den Haag geht der Prozeß gegen
Milosevic in seine Endphase ? nun wird der Angeklagte seine Entlastungszeugen
aufrufen. In den USA tritt Wesley Clark gegen George W. Bush bei den Präsidentschaftswahlen
an ? der Killer von Belgrad als vermeintliche Alternative. All dies sind
gute Anlässe, um die Kritik an der damaligen Aggression und der bis heute
dauernden Okkupation des Balkan durch die NATO und durch deutsches Militär
zu wiederholen.

Aus diesem Grund erscheint Anfang März 2004 eine IM UMFANG FAST VERDOPPELTE
und VOLLSTÄNDIG AKTUALISIERTE NEUAUFLAGE meines seit knapp zwei Jahren vergriffenen

?Kriegsverbrechen. Die tödlichen Lügen der Bundesregierung und ihre Opfer
im Kosovo-Konflikt?.

Gerne bin ich im März/April zu Lesungen, Podiumsdiskussion und anderen Veranstaltungen
bereit ? bitte sichern Sie sich schon jetzt einen Termin.

Etwa zeitgleich zur deutschen Neuauflage erscheint auch eine griechische
Lizenzausgabe - schon 2002 erschienen bekanntlich Ausgaben auf Italienisch,
Französisch und Serbisch.


Die Erweiterung des Buchumfanges von 192 auf 350 Seiten ist vor allem einem
neuen Schwerpunktkapitel zum Haager Prozeß gegen Milosevic geschuldet.

*Pleiten, Pech und Pannen
Die Anklage gegen Slobodan Milosevic in Den Haag ist gescheitert

Das Kapitel ist die ? zumindest im deutschen Sprachraum ? bisher ausführlichste
Aufarbeitung des ?Jahrhundertprozesses? gegen den jugoslawischen Präsidenten.
Alle Lügen über das Kosovo und den Krieg sind in Den Haag wieder aufgetaucht
? von Racak über den Hufeisenplan bis zu den Massengräbern und Killing Fields
-, und neu fantasievolle Lügen wie etwa die von den Gefrier- und Wanderleichen
kamen hinzu.

Ebenfalls zentral sind drei weitere Kapitel, die eigens für die Neuausgabe
geschrieben wurden:

*Neue UCK, neue Opfer
Die Situation im Kosovo nach fünf Jahren Nato-Besatzung

*?Die albanische Frage ist offen? (J. Fischer)
Das Übergreifen des Terrorismus auf Mazedonien und Griechenland

*Die Brücke von Varvarin
Was ein serbisches Mädchen über den Krieg erzählen würde

Alle übrigen Kapitel ? am spannendsten vielleicht jenes zu Srebrenica ?
wurden auf den wissenschaftlich und politisch letzten Stand gebracht.

Auch der Dokumentenanhang wurde wesentlich erweitert. Neu enthalten sind
die vollständige Amselfeld-Rede von Milosevic aus dem Jahre 1989, eine Expertise
des tschechischen Medienkritikers Rajko Dolecek über die Lügen des Bosnienkrieges
und Wortlaut-Auszüge aus wichtigen Kreuzverhören des Milosevic-Prozesses.
Sach- und Personenregister, Glossar, Zweittafel und Internet-Tips erhöhen
den Gebrauchswert des Ganzen.

Kurz und gut: Sie sollten sich die Neuauflage dieses Buch anschaffen oder
an Freunde weiterverschenken, auch wenn Sie schon ein ?altes? Exemplar haben.
Der neue Verlag, der Kai Homilius Verlag in Berlin, hat versprochen, trotz
der Verdoppelung des Umfanges den Preis deutlich unter 20 Euro zu halten.

Sie können direkt bei mir bestellen (durch Remail) oder beim Verlag

Wichtiger Veranstaltungshinweis:
Am Vorabend der Urteilsverkündung des Varvarin-Prozesses (LG Bonn, 10.12.,
11.00 Uhr) spreche ich auf Einladung Bonner Friedensfreunde in der Universität
9. Dezember, 19 Uhr, Hörsaal 8.

Weitere Veranstaltungen:

08.12., Luxemburg (Diskussion zu meinem letzten Buch: ?Der deutsche
20.00 Uhr, Casino Syndical, Luxemburg-Bonneweg

11.12., Berlin (Diskussion zu meinem letzten Buch: ?Der deutsche Sonderweg?)
19.00 Uhr, Helle Panke, Kopenhagener Straße 9, 10437 Berlin

13.12., Berlin (Podiumsdiskussion zu Krieg, Terror und Medienlügen)
15.30 Uhr, Backfabrik, Prenzlauer Allee

10.01., Berlin (Podiumsdiskussion zur Globalisierungskritik)
ca. 18.00 Uhr, im Rahmen der Rosa-Luxemburg-Konferenz der "jungen Welt",
noch offen

Vidimo se, srdacno
Jürgen Elsässer

Tiscali ADSL SENZA CANONE, paghi solo quando navighi!
E in più il modem e' GRATIS! Abbonati subito.

Rugova - the Clown

=== === ===

[si veda alla URL qui sopra riportata per le fotografie e l'originale in
lingua italiana della intervista di Rugova al Corriere della Sera, gia'
diffusa da JUGOINFO]

From:  "decani3"
Date:  Mon Dec 1, 2003  4:16 am
Subject:  ERP KIM Ibrahim Rugova - Deceiving the world community (a commentary),
Dec. 01, 2003

December 01, 2003

ERP KIM 01-12-03

Commentary on the interview of Mr. Ibrahim Rugova to Corriere della Sera

Deceiving the world community - Ibrahim Rugova for Corriere della Sera

Despite his four months of specialization at the Sorbonne and the photograph
of the Pope in his salon, Mr. Ibrahim Rugova has very little understanding
of the authentic values of Christianity in the region where he has been
elected as president. Moreover, he does not even mention the existence of
the Serbian Orthodox Christian monuments that comprise more than 90 percent
of the entire cultural and historical wealth of Kosovo and Metohija. He
does not even mention the more than 100 Serbian churches and monasteries
destroyed by Albanian extremists after the end of the armed conflict in
1999 (not in the time of war), which, by the way, he has never publicly
condemned. More sensitive questions of the Corriere journalist Mr. Rugova
gently evaded, hiding behind Pope JP II.

pdf version of this text (with imbedded photos) may be downloaded at: (1.9 Mb)

html version is available at: (70 Kb)

[PHOTO:] Ibrahim, Abraham, "Balkan Gandhi" or Kosovo version of Mother Theresa: a
man with many faces but one clear nationalist goal. Ibrahim Rugova - Albanian
nationalism in pacifist wrapping (photo: Paris, March 1999)

ERP KIM Info Service
Gracanica, December 01, 2003

In his most recent interview with the respected Italian daily Corriere della
Sera published on November 27, 2003 President of Kosovo Province Mr. Ibrahim
Rugova once again attempted to deceive the world community by misrepresenting
himself as a great peacemaker and protector of Christianity in Kosovo and

"The Balkan Gandhi", as the Italian daily calls Mr. Rugova, speaks with
warmth about Christianity, the Albanians as a people of Western orientation
(sic), and mentions with pride the Albanian Roman Catholics who fought against
the Ottomans (although the ethnic Albanians, generally speaking, were the
strongest Ottoman allies in the Balkans), announcing the consecration of
the foundation of a large Roman Catholic cathedral dedicated to Mother Theresa
that is expected to be consecrated by none other than Pope John Paul II.
The first impression readers of the article could get is that of a man and
a society that affirms Christian values, tolerance, and Western and European
culture - music to the ears.

However, reality is completely different. Despite his four months of specialization
at the Sorbonne (he studied and later earned his Ph.D in Pristina, not in
Paris) and the photograph of the Pope in his salon, Mr. Ibrahim Rugova has
very little understanding of the authentic values of Christianity in the
region where he has been elected as president. Moreover, he does not even
mention the existence of the Serbian Orthodox Christian monuments that comprise
more than 90 percent of the entire cultural and historical wealth of Kosovo
and Metohija. Although one cannot call him a typical Moslem believer, Mr.
Rugova is far from being "defensor christianitatis".

In his interview he does not even mention the more than 100 Serbian churches
and monasteries destroyed by Albanian extremists after the end of the armed
conflict in 1999, which he has never publicly condemned. Moreover, during
the visit of U.S. president Bill Clinton in November 1999 to Pristina and
in the presence of Bishop Artemije of Raska-Prizren and Kosovo-Metohija
and representatives of the Serbian Orthodox Church, Ibrahim Rugova publicly
rationalized the destruction of Serbian holy shrines as alleged "political
churches". That was quite a shock for the president and others, especially
after Bishop Artemije showed photos of 14th century churches destroyed after
the end of the conflict. The theory of so-called "Serbian political churches"
is not an invention of the "Balkan Gandhi" nor of the Kosovo Albanian Roman
Catholic Bishop Marko Sopi, who is also fond of it. As early as August 1995,
Mr. Rugova publicly stated "that the monasteries and churches in Kosovo
were Albanian and that the Serbs occupied them, destroying in the process
a large number of Albanian churches"
- a theory not based on a single piece of historical proof, which he could
not have learned during his sojourn at the Sorbonne. In fact, this quasi-historical
theory has been launched and repeated in parrot-like fashion by a number
of Albanian revisionist historians whose goal is equivocate the existence
of Christianity in the region exclusively with Albanian Roman Catholicism
in order to prove that Serbs actually never lived in Kosovo as the indigenous
population. This is also a way to find at least some "plausible" excuse
as to how, in an "ethnic Albanian Kosovo", the most important cultural monuments
belong to the Serbian Orthodox people and their history.

[PHOTO:] Is this "a liking for Christianity" in Kosovo, Mr. Rugova? UNESCO
delegation (Feb, 2003) visiting the ruins of the 14th century church of
the Holy Virgin Odigitria, near Suva Reka. Only a 20th century bell tower
survived the attack of Albanian extremists (even the surrounding trees were
(more about the church: )

Rugova's paramilitary organization - FARK

Mr. Rugova, considered to be "a great peacemaker", directly blessed and
supported the paramilitary organization known as FARK (Armed Forces of the
Republic of Kosovo), funded from abroad by his émigré premier Bujar Bukoshi
and commanded by former Yugoslav People's Army officer Tahir Zemaj, who
was murdered earlier this year by members of the rival paramilitary (KLA)
group close to KLA clans. Together with the KLA, FARK participated in operations
against the Serbian military, police and civilian population; the only difference
between the two organizations, as is now the case among Rugova's LDK, Thaci's
PDK and Haradinaj's AAK, is that each of them was fighting to get the biggest
piece of the pie from illegal trafficking and political power behind the
smoke screen of building "democratic and a multiethnic Kosovo". The treatment
of the Serbs by these political parties and paramilitary organizations was
more or less the same, although it is true that the KLA managed to take
the lead in its crimes and aggression against Serbs and some FARK "officers"
appeared as witnesses on trials against Mustafa Remi and Daut Haradinaj.
When the first operations conducted by the KLA against Serbian authorities
and the civil population began in 1996, Rugova consciously deceived the
world community by saying that these were secret operations by the "Serbian
intelligence service" - the same justification that some of today's K/Albanian
politicians use to try to explain when Serbs are attacked or killed.

[PHOTO:] Mr. Rugova's version of KLA - FARK (Armed Forces of "Kosovo Republic")
The first photo shows the FARK commander Tahir Zemaj with Rugova's émigré
premier Bukoshi displaying a new anti-aircraft "stinger". On the other photo,
Zemaj poses with a few of his comrades. Bukoshi was in charge of funding,
which came mostly from diaspora and drug smuggling. While Mr. Rugova was
publicly acting the role of the "Gandhi of the Balkans", at the same time
he was supporting his paramilitary organization also responsible for crimes
against civilians. His sudden "interest" in Christianity is just another
way to improve the declining image of Albanian nationalism, the goal of
which remains the territorial unification of all Albanians... of course,
under the Kosovo political and military elite (photo source:

Later, when he himself was threatened by the KLA, Rugova and his family
managed to flee to Italy with the help of Yugoslav president Slobodan Milosevic,
who "generously" arranged his transport to Belgrade and his escape to Rome.
KLA leaders had many reasons to suspect that some of Rugova's leading men
were in fact working secretly for Milosevic's intelligence. Immediately
after arriving in Italy, where he was welcomed as a great martyr, Rugova
resumed his role, satanizing all Serbs and claiming that more or less the
entire province of Kosovo had been transformed into a wasteland. His entire
political activity was and remains a façade of supposed pacifism hiding
a lack of a clear vision of modern democratic society and respect for the
basic rights of all citizens, regardless of their ethnicity. Ibrahim Rugova
was and remains more or less a politically impotent symbol created by the
Western media as a counter to Slobodan Milosevic. However, more cautious
analysts will quickly conclude that Ibrahim Rugova practically exists and
acts today only as a figurehead without any real political initiative and
power. Perhaps the entire secret of his political success lies in the inability
of his rivals from the former KLA to whitewash their wartime biographies
and affirm themselves as true democratic leaders.

(More about relations between UCK/KLA, FARK, Western Intelligence Services
and NATO on )

[PHOTO: ]A photo which may cost Rugova his life. Rugova claims that he was
forced to make this photo in spring 1999. However, no one can deny that
it was thanks to Milosevic and the Italian Foreign Ministry that Rugova
and his family safely left Kosovo. The true danger for him in Pristina apparently
was never from Serb police who, according to Milosevic, were even guarding
his villa from Thaci's  gunmen, but from the KLA, which saw Rugova as a
Milosevic's political puppet. Even today in his "free Kosovo", Mr. Rugova
is heavily guarded by UNMIK police

Political impotence and a lack of responsibility

For Mr. Rugova the Serbs and other non-Albanians represent a single amorphous
mass of "national minorities" that are supposed to serve as a decoration
to the supposed multiethnicity of Kosovo. Attacks in which Serbian children
and elderly are murdered represent incidents that merely "spoil Kosovo's
image". When Bishop Artemije requested a minute of silence for the slain
Serb children in Gorazdevac, neither the Kosovo Parliament nor Mr. Rugova
supported his idea. He has never visited an Orthodox church or a Serb-inhabited
enclave, unlike his colleagues from the PDK and AAK who, considering their
KLA past, can even allow themselves a display of sympathy toward the Serbs.
Of course, in the interview for the Italian daily, Mr. Rugova mentions security
considerations but it is a well-known fact that the major threat to Rugova
is not the Serbs but rival Albanian organizations with whose leaders he
will agree to meet only in the presence of internationals and in the presence
of strong police security of UNMIK special forces. However, Thaci and Haradinaj
apparently would hardly wish to remove Rugova from the scene because his
image, created during the 1990s, presently represents one of their aces
for gaining independence. The real confrontation between adherents of rival
political parties would ensue only after the proclamation of an independent
state, if and when this ever occurs, and expulsion of the remaining Serbs.

Ultimately, we can conclude that this interview is yet another in a series
of Rugova's collection of lies whose goal at any price is to cover up the
tragedy of Kosovo reality and hide the existence of open ethnic discrimination
and violence against non-Albanians and Orthodox Christian monuments. If
the Vatican shows readiness to give its blessing to the new Kosovo Albanian
regime trying to whitewash its biography by using the noble name of Mother
Theresa without insisting on the rebuilding of destroyed Serb churches and
better treatment of Orthodox Christians in Kosovo and Metohija today, this
would seriously damage improving Orthodox-Roman Catholic relations.

To what extent tolerating the destruction of churches, the desecration of
Serbian Christian cemeteries and silent acquiescence to the expulsion of
the Serb population from Kosovo and Metohija has even the remotest connection
with the ideals of Mother Theresa every reader can judge for himself. Again,
in addition to his photos of the Pope and Mother Theresa and his rhetoric
Mr. Rugova must show concrete political action and responsibility for the
population he is supposed to represent.

Father Sava Janjic
ERP KIM Info Service, Gracanica


Attached is a complete translation of the interview appearing in Corriere
della Sera. For our readers who understand Italian we are enclosing at the
bottom the original transcript from the newspapers

Thursday, 27 November 2003
RELIGION, Page 015

"The Gandhi of the Balkans" emphasizes his priority is true tolerance between
the different confessions in the Serbian province with an Albanian majority

Kosovo: Rugova "converts" - "A liking for Christianity''

''The first faith practiced by the Albanian people. The mosques came later''

PRISTINA (Kosovo) - President Rugova, is it true that you have converted
to Christianity?

A smile, a long silence. Ibrahim Rugova is, after all, the head of a "multiethnic"
state, with 90 percent Muslims, supported by monies also coming from many
Islamic countries. The one-time student of Roland Barthes knows to weigh
his words: "Let's say this. Today I have a liking for Christian and Western

Can you call what you are now doing a spiritual growth?

"Our education is of Western orientation. And even historically, the first
faith practiced by the Albanian people has been Christianity. The mosques
and the rest came later. As early as the Illyrians, the Romans in this region
there were already the buds of Christianity. Under the Osmanlis [Ottoman
Turks], a part of this population was forcibly converted to Islam. This
occurred after Skanderbeg and his resistance to the invasion of the Turks."

A return to the roots...

"There was a very deep penetration by Islam and it can be discerned to this
day in the names and the customs of our people. Christians and Muslims have
been integrated into one harmonious whole. The only one premise of our existence
is mutual tolerance. Without it, we would vanish: we Kosovars, but also
the Albanians and the Macedonians. Therefore, today, in this climate, everyone
can choose the religion, the tradition that better represents him."

But you are the president of the Kosovo...

"My cultural and spiritual interests are completely personal. Do you see
this picture? (he points to an oil painting, a portrait on a green background,
the work of a Kosovo painter) It's a portrait of Peter Bogdani. He was a
great bishop in Kosovo in the 16th century who fought against the Islamic
conquest of this region. An extraordinary figure, very relevant for anyone
who wants to understand this age of confrontation between civilizations."

When will you be christened?

Another smile: "We'll see... Now my goal is first and foremost political:
I want to achieve true tolerance between Christians and Muslims."

Rugova stopped on the streets of Pristina. For a year already there have
been rumors regarding the conversion of the "Gandhi of the Balkans", the
disputed historical head of the Kosovar leadership, but he still remains
strong with a political majority. An Italian priest has followed this spiritual
journey since 1999, the time of Rugova's Roman exile, when the country was
"Serbicized" by Milosevic's troops and bombed by NATO. 'Did he convert?'
The priest tried to evade the question we asked of his a few months ago.
'I don't know if it is expedient to say. In any case, you should ask him.'
And that is what we did: On a November morning, the president of the Kosovo,
instead of evading the question, rose from his luxurious seat on the first
floor of a building in the hills of Pristina and accompanied us to the nearby
room to the model of a cathedral the color of alabaster. "This is my dream:
a mausoleum for Mother Theresa of Calcutta, a great Christian and a great
Albanian. It was designed by two Italian architects, Bruno Valente and Giuseppe
Durastanti. I have been to the Vatican. I have also shown the plan to your
minister Buttiglione."

But couldn't the money be used for more urgent things?

"The project will be financed by individual donations. In any case, we need
these symbols. And the sum of money earmarked for the church will not make
such a difference in the economy of the country."

What country? You are talking of independence, the Americans have fixed
a date (2005) but Kosovo still depends on Belgrade, at least formally...

"We will be independent before 2005. It is a realistic hypothesis."

But the war in 1999 was waged, it is said, for an multiethnic Kosovo: Muslim
Albanians next to Christian Serbs. And instead everything here is Albanized.
Do you think that Europe can accept a Kosovo without Serbs?

"This will become a multiethnic society, like Europe. It is true that the
first impression is that the signs, the monuments, the language are Albanian
but that is only because the majority of the population is already Albanian.
After the war, the size of the Serbian, Turkish, Bosnian and Roman minorities
have been reduced. That does not mean that there will be no room for them."

A minimum of room: The Serbs are being shot at. And how many times have
you personally visited the minorities?

"I have done so a number of times. But I am limited in my official trips
by security considerations."

"But you favor the return of Serbs to areas such as Pec, controlled by Italian
soldiers, where cohabitation appears to be impossible?

"Yes. They are already seven thousand returnees. But it depends on individual
choice, not on the propaganda of Belgrade that only creates destabilization."

You were the only one who attended the first talks between the Albanians
and Serbs in Vienna in 1999. The leaders of the former KLA refused.

"I was there as the president of Kosovo. I ascertained that the others were
hesitant. But this is part of the normal dialectics in a democracy."

It is true that Belgrade is ready to surrender Kosovo in exchange for two
billion dollars and rapid ascension to the EU?

"Speculation. I don't know anything about it. For us, the price we paid
was the war. If the Serbs want to join the European Union, that's their

The Hague tribunal is investigating not only crimes committed by Milosevic
but also by current Kosovo leader, starting with Thaci and Cheku. Will you
hand them over?

"The mandate of Carla del Ponte includes all of the Balkans, and also the
West. Like all countries, we intend to cooperate.However, if there are arrests
to be made, that's not our job; it fall under the jurisdiction of the UN,
which is presently administering this region.

This part of the Balkans (Kosovo, Albania, Macedonian, Montenegro) is a
quadrilateral of the crime. Europe is concerned about trafficking of drugs,
weapons, human beings. How do you plan to reassure it?

"The problem is the freedom of movement in the area. Now it is limited if
you are a normal person; if you are a criminal it is unlimited. Something
does not work in the controls. The UN and European organizations must understand
that borders must be protected in a different way, without blocking those
who want to acquire wealth legally. For example, I would like to see a big
highway from Pristina to Drac so that goods can get to the Adriatic without
having to go through the mountains, which are ruled by criminals. But it
is a difficult project to push through."

How long should the international presence in Kosovo last?

"The UN mission is already transferring many powers to our institutions.
As far as NATO is concerned, the bases will stay. The future of independent
Kosovo is connected to its joining NATO."

(photo: Rugova smiling with his version of "Kosovo's new flag")

But what will this independent Kosovo be like? Which flag will have? And
will its borders be the same as today? The Albanians from southern Serbia
would want to annex themselves to you, in the public square of Pristina
there was a demand to annex Kosovo to Albania...

"The flag is already ready (Rugova shows one in the room, next to the Albanian
one). The Albanian eagle in a red circle on a blue background, the color
of our sky, of European tolerance. There is also an inscription of "Dardania",
the ancient name of the Kosovo, and a six-pointed star, that of Skanderbeg.
The borders? Not, they are inviolable. If we touched them, conflicts throughout
the Balkans would be resumed."

And the flag will wave on the cathedral of Mother Teresa?

"It is too early to say. The land is ready, the cornerstone has already
been laid. In 2004 the work should begin. We are hurrying to complete it."


"I have asked the Pope to come to inaugurate it".

Francesco Battistini

=== === ===

The News International, Pakistan
Monday December 01,
2003-- Shawwal 06, 1424 A.H.

Al-Qaeda attack in Kosovo ruled out

ATHENS: The president of Kosovo, an Albanian province of Serbia, has
ruled out that alleged al-Qaeda militants could prepare attacks in the
UN-administered region, in an interview published on Sunday.

"The Kosovo Albanians and I condemn al-Qaeda?s actions but I do not believe
that this organisation could be active in Kosovo in any way," Ibrahim
Rugova told the Greek newspaper Kathimerini.

He insisted there were no people linked to extremists in Kosovo, adding
that he was aware of reports that such a threat could exist in the volatile
region. "But this is unfounded," he added. "It could be that some people
spread such allegations to destabilize Kosovo," he said.

Rugova said that Kosovo was standing by the United States and European
countries in the fight against extremist violence. The United Nations
mission in Kosovo and NATO-led peacekeepers have increased security in
the province after receiving a warning about an unspecified threat on

Peacekeepers with the NATO-led force known as KFOR set-up extra checkpoints
and stationed armoured vehicles on roads leading to most diplomatic offices,
including those of the United States and Britain.

Some 20,000 KFOR troops are stationed in Kosovo and are in charge of
security in the province. Another 3,500 UN police and 6,000 local officers
are responsible for law and order. "We now know that a specific threat
has been made towards international organisations in Kosovo," KFOR spokesman
Chris Thompson said.

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