
Indice di questo messaggio:

* Dopo il danno, la beffa: USA ed Italia donano attrezzature
diagnostiche al Centro Oncologico di Belgrado (Tanjug)
* Ancora nell'atmosfera le polveri radioattive delle nostre
bombe (Tanjug)
* Urgente la decontaminazione nel Sud della Serbia (Tanjug)
* Segnalazione NUOVI ARTICOLI sugli effetti del DU
* Almeno sette figli di militari italiani impiegati nei Balcani
hanno malformazioni genetiche (da Resto del Carlino e ANSA)


Dopo il danno, la beffa

Serviranno a seguire "in vivo" il decorso clinico
delle nostre cavie umane: i bombardati del 1999

US Embassy, Italian govt donation to Belgrade Institute of Oncology

BELGRADE, April 29 (Tanjug) - The United States Embassy in Yugoslavia,
through the Office of the Transition Initiative (OTI) and USAID,
presented the necessary medical equipment to the Belgrade
Institute of Oncology and Radiology of Serbia, where a new
Department of Pediatric Oncology will begin work tomorrow.
US Ambassador William Montgomery and Italian Ambassador to
Yugoslavia Giovanni Caracciolo will attend the inauguration
ceremony which will be officiated by Institute Director Nenad
Borojevic, a statement by the US Embassy in Belgrade said.
The embassy donation is a part of an international project,
which includes donors from the government and private sectors.
The project was initiated by the Institute itself and the
Italian government in an effort to create favorable conditions
for the treatment and recovery of children with cancer.
The ceremony will also be attended by the wife of the US
ambassador, Lynn Montgomery, who will represent the Dream
Team and other private donors.



Radioactive particles from NATO's bombing still in atmosphere

BELGRADE, April 29 (Tanjug) - The removal of radioactive
contamination in Bratosavci and Plackovci, in southern Serbia,
will start in May, the Yugoslav health secretariat announced
Monday. Presenting the report of the UN Environment Program
(UNEP) about areas where NATO in 1999 in bombing Yugoslavia
used deplete uranium munitions, Yugoslav deputy health secretary
Miroslav Nikcevic, at a press conference, explained that
decontamination was planned of four locations in southern
Serbia and of cape Arza in Montenegro.
He warned of "the astounding fact that after two years and
six months radioactive particles are still in the air," which
means that they are still carried over great distances through
the air.
Nikcevic said there was a possibility that the particles
reach underground waters, and then get into food, and that
is the reason why decontamination must be speeded up.
"For us that is a huge financial burden, but we will have
to ensure the funding," Nikcevic said.
At a press conference, attention was drawn to the fact that
munitions with depleted uranium were used mostly in Kosovo
and Metohija, where as many as 112 locations are contaminated
and are not even cordoned off or marked in any way.



+++ Dekontaminierung von verstrahlten Böden geplant +++

BELGRAD, 30. April 2002. Die Beseitigung der "radioaktiven
Verunreinigung" in den Orten Bratosavci und Plackovic werde
im Mai beginnen, kündigte am Montag ein Sprecher des
jugoslawischen Bundesgesundheitsministeriums an. Auf einer
Pressekonferenz sagte der stellvertretende Sekretär im
Bundesgesundheitsministerium, Miroslav Nikcevic, man plane
die Dekontamination von vier radioaktiv verseuchten
Landstrichen im Süden Serbiens, sowie von Arza in Montenegro.
Das Ministerium stellte gestern eine Studie des UNO-Umwelt-
Programms UNEP vor, in der alle Gebiete aufgelistet sind,
die durch den Einsatz von Uran-Geschossen während der NATO-
Aggression gegen Jugoslawien 1999 radioaktiv verseucht worden
Unterdessen beichteten italienische Medien erneut über
Erkrankungen von NATO-Soldaten, die auf dem Balkan eingesetzt
waren. Der staatliche Fernsehsender RAI berichtete dabei auch
über mindestens sieben Missgeburten in italienischen Familien,
deren Väter in den vergangenen Jahren auf Einsätzen in Kosovo
und Metochien waren.
Die Kinder litten an Missbildungen des Gehirns und der Knochen,
hieß es. Der Leukämie-Tod mehrerer italienischer Militärs wurde
auf Kontakt mit uranhaltiger Munition zurückgeführt.




Subject: [S&P] ...ancora sull'Uranio Impoverito...
Date: Sat, 27 Apr 2002 07:44:07 +0200
From: Mauro Cristaldi <Mauro.Cristaldi@...>
To: <scienzaepace@...>

rendo noto che è in distribuzione l'articolo:

Cristaldi M., Angeloni P., Degrassi F., Iannuzzelli F., Martocchia A.,
Nencini L., Pona C., Salerno S. & Zucchetti M. - Conseguenze ambientali
effetti patogeni dell'uso di Uranio Impoverito nei dispositivi bellici.
Tribuna Biologica e Medica, 9 (1-2), Gennaio-Giugno 2001: 29-41.

Se si aggiunge l'allegato tecnico di Luca Boschetti il riferimento è:
Tribuna Biologica e Medica, 9 (1-2), Gennaio-Giugno 2001: 42-65
cui costituisce il corpo centrale, nel quale è compresa una premessa di
ANA-VAFAF (F. Accame) e LIDU (P. Angeloni) e il "Documento: conseguenze
bombardamenti in Jugoslavia": Tribuna Biologica e Medica, 9 (1-2),
Gennaio-Giugno 2001: 27-69

A parte alcuni inopportuni riferimenti al terrorismo contenuti in queste
ultima parti, che c'entrerebbero ben poco in riferimento alla vicenda
Jugoslava, se non in quanto nazione aggredita dalla NATO, con
terroristici NATO sul suo territorio sovrano e con l'intervento delle
milizie terroristiche dell'UCK finanziate dai paesi NATO, per il resto
realizzazione dell'articolo mi sembra di buon livello. Mi sembra del
strumentale il pretesto della lotta al terrorismo (solo Fidel Castro fa
finta ancora di crederci!), in quanto le notizie non manipolate sul
terrorismo D.O.C. ci riportano sempre alla CIA americana e al Mossad
israeliano e servono soltanto a portare la guerra imperiale per il
nei paesi "target" (Palestina, Iraq, Jugoslavia, Afghanistan).
Vi ricordo che il nostro articolo era già contenuto nei siti Peacelink:
(formato PDF 79 Kb)
(formato RTF 129 Kb)
(formato HTML 130 Kb)


Sette figli di militari italiani impiegati nei Balcani hanno
malformazioni genetiche

I bambini nati da questi soldati soffrono di malformazioni simili a
quelle dei bambini iracheni e dei figli dei militari in missione nel
Golfo: palato molle, malformazioni scheletriche ed in particolare agli

Accame: "Riparta da zero l'indagine"

Dal sito internet


Sette figli di militari italiani impiegati nei Balcani hanno
malformazioni genetiche

I bambini nati da questi soldati soffrono di malformazioni simili a
quelle dei bambini iracheni e dei figli dei militari in missione nel
Golfo: palato molle, malformazioni scheletriche ed in particolare agli

ROMA, 26 APRILE 2002 - Sette bambini con malformazioni genetiche
sarebbero nati da militari italiani impegnati in Somalia e nei Balcani.
Tutti i militari, secondo quanto è emerso da un'inchiesta di Rai-News 24
in onda domani alle 18,30, hanno partecipato a operazioni di bonifica
delle armi all'uranio impoverito o hanno stazionato in zone bombardate
con i proiettili contenenti il materiale radioattivo.
Secondo testimonianze raccolte fra i militari che hanno voluto mantenere
l'anonimato, i bambini nati da questi soldati soffrono di malformazioni
simili a quelle dei bambini iracheni e dei figli dei militari in
nel Golfo: palato molle, malformazioni scheletriche ed in particolare
agli arti.
I militari avevano stazionato nei luoghi per alcuni mesi. Da
testimonianze e documenti raccolti nella trasmissione si dimostra che
l'Italia era in possesso di munizioni di uranio impoverito già dal 1985,
che questi proiettili erano in dotazione alle nostre forze armate in
Somalia e che sarebbero stati utilizzati fino al 2001 anche in alcuni
poligoni sul territorio nazionale.
In un filmato che sarà trasmesso all'interno dell'inchiesta si vedono i
soldati dei contingenti italiani che operavano assieme ai colleghi
francesi e spagnoli, lavorare alla bonifica senza alcuna protezione.


Accame: "Riparta da zero l'indagine sull'uranio impoverito"

Il presidente dell'Anavafaf, l'associazione assistenza vittime arruolate
nelle forze armate, avanza tale richiesta nel giorno in cui è stata resa
nota l'inchiesta di Rai news 24, che parla di 7 bambini con
genetiche nati da militari italiani impegnati in Somalia e nei Balcani

ROMA, 26 APRILE 2002 - Far ripartire da zero l'indagine sull'uranio
impoverito, perchè quella condotta dalla commissione guidata
dall'ematologo Franco Mandelli si basa su presupposti "errati" e "privi
di senso". È quanto chiede Falco Accame, presidente dell'Anavafaf,
l'associazione assistenza vittime arruolate nelle forze armate, proprio
nel giorno in cui è stata resa nota l'inchiesta di Rai news 24, che
di 7 bambini con malformazioni genetiche nati da militari italiani
impegnati in Somalia e nei Balcani.
Secondo Accame, l'indagine dovrebbe "prendere in considerazione anche i
militari che sono stati in Kuwait, in Somalia e nei poligoni italiani
perchè lì sono stati utilizzati proiettili all'uranio". Allo stesso
bisognerebbe escludere il personale "che ha operato in Kosovo, in quanto
protetto, e quello che è stato in Albania e in Macedonia in quanto non
interessato alla questione", visto che quelle munizioni non furono
Secondo Accame, "prendere come cifra di riferimento per l'indagine sui
Balcani il numero di 40 mila persone", come ha fatto l'indagine condotta
da Mandelli "è una cosa priva di senso comune. In quelle zone il
personale potenzialmente esposto perchè privo di misure di protezione è
esclusivamente quello della Bosnia: e tra questo solo una parte,
prevedibilmente non più di mille persone, si è trovata in vicinanza di
zone colpite da proiettili all'uranio". Per questo, secondo il
dell'Anavafaf, "occorre individuare quei militari che si sono trovati
davvero esposti" e "basare lo studio solo su di loro".

URANIO: Accame, 12 neonati malformati

ROMA - Sono 12 i bambini nati con malformazioni genetiche da militari
italiani che erano stati in missione all'estero. E a questi se ne
aggiungono altri 11, figli di civili che vivono vicino ai poligoni
militari italiani dove sono stati sperimentati i proiettili
all'uranio impoverito. Lo afferma Falco Accame, presidente
dell'Anavafaf, l'associazione assistenza vittime arruolate nelle
forze armate che chiede un'inchiesta anche sui civili. (ANSA).
2002-04-27 - 16:22:0

Il senatore Biden invitato d'onore alla cena
della lobby americana di sostegno all'UCK!

Date: Fri, 26 Apr 2002 11:39:08 -0700 (PDT)
To: senator@...

Mr Biden, thank you for taking the time to read this
short note before attending to other obligations. Your
name has come to my attention regarding a 12th
anniversary dinner at the Sheraton Hotel sponsored by
the Albanian American Civic League this coming April
28, 2002, in which you are scheduled to be the
'keynote speaker'. This anniversary, apparently, marks
the twelfth year since a handful of people, sponsored
by the League, testified before Congress in 1990
concerning the Serbian province of Kosovo in

My first question to you, Mr Biden, is this: when US
Customs in 1990 allowed that handful of people to
enter your country, what 'point of origin/departure'
or 'country of citizenship' do you suppose was listed
on their respective passports? (I'm presuming up to
this point, of course, that those handful of people
were carrying authentic documents, left their own
country legally and entered the US legally, and were
in fact registered citizens of an actual country, with
verified borders, under relevant and applicable
international statutes and treaties, when they left to
make this trip. If I have erred in my assumption, Mr
Biden. please feel free to correct me)

Since the current advertisement from the Albanian
American Civic League lists those handful of people
from 1990 as credible eye-witness testifiers on actual
circumstances in Kosovo at that time (and since your
Congress thought similarly in 1990 by making time to
hear them), the only logical conclusion is to infer
that for many of these 'witnesses', their 'point of
origin/departure' and/or their 'country of
citizenship' would have to have been Yugoslavia. And
as you know, Mr Biden, the corroborated historical
record is quite clear and unambiguous- the actual
circumstance of Kosovo in 1990 was that it was a
province of Serbia in the country of Yugoslavia.

As this is in fact the case, Mr Biden, I am wondering
how the Albanian American Civic League in 1990, and
those handful of people who testified then before
Congress, yourself, Joe DioGuardi, and others (all
then and now) refer to 'Kosova' rather than Kosovo.
You see, Mr Biden, that handful of travellers must
ALSO have recognized the territorial sovereignty and
integrity of Yugoslav borders in 1990. (if not, why
were these people carrying documentation issued from a
country that they do not accept or recognize?) I'm
sure Mr Biden that you realize that one cannot
willingly accept or recognize documentation from a
country while at the same time refusing to accept or
recognize what that country is composed of, especially
in terms of latitudinal and longitudinal borders.
Since it is universally recognized and corroborated by
all persons of sound mind that the province of Kosovo
was an integral part of both Serbia and Yugoslavia in
1990 (verified by many atlases, encyclopaedias and
international treaties), I'm wondering why no one in
Congress, the League, nor yourself and Mr DioGuardi,
have questioned the usage of the term 'Kosova'. No one
in the world in 1990 (nor now) can travel on
documentation registered with 'Kosova' any more than
someone could travel with documentation registered
with "Canado' or "The United States of Americo'- or
"The Third Reich' for that matter....

It is puzzling to see a reference to a fictitious
political entity ("Kosova') being accepted as an
actual existing place with defined borders. It is
equally puzzling to believe that the US Congress in
1990 would not have asked the same questions being
asked here. Perhaps you can provide an answer for me,
Mr Biden. How is accepting and using documentation
from a country consistent with not recognizing the
exact and corroborated borders of that country??

Equally puzzling is the fact that Congressmen/women
would hear testimony from people who literally 'don't
know where they are coming from- or going to'.
('kosova' being listed in encyclopediae as an African
tribe in Kenya, rather than an imaginary, nonexistent
political or geographical entity. See here, Mr Biden,
for a brief analysis by one of the world's leading
linguists and historians in this regard:

Many people of similar mind have been locked up in
institutions for their own, and the general public's,
safety. Apparently, many more are somehow left
uninstitutionalized, finding their way into the
highest levels of your government, as well as finding
their way into Congressional meetings and keynote
speakers' lists...

My second question is this: Mr Ibrahim Rugova is
listed by the League as an invited guest to listen to
your 'keynote speech' this coming April 28/2002. Mr
Ibrahim Rugova, "....a few days before his March 31/99
Press Conference...had been reported by the KLA... to
have been killed by the Serbs." (quote from The US
State Department also in March/99 assured us that Mr.
Rugova had been 'killed by the Serbs'....

Since neither anyone in the KLA in 1999 (many of them
now invited to attend your 'keynote speech' this
month) nor the US State Department have ever
apologized for and/or retracted these statements
concerning Rugova, and since Rugova's name is listed
as being 'invited' to listen to your speech, Mr Biden,
I'm wondering: which of the following are liars in
this regard:

(a) The former members of the KLA (many of whom are
also on the League list of 'invited') whom yourself
and Mr DioGuardi have supported for many years

(b) The US State Department whom yourself and Mr
DioGuardi have supported for many years

(c) The Albanian American Civic League, whom yourself
and Mr DioGuardi have supported for many years

(d) all of the above- again, whom yourself and Mr
DioGuardi have supported for many years

Are there any other possible choices, Mr Biden? Have I
inadvertently left any other possibilities out? Is
there another word I should use rather than
'liar'?Surely, it is not even conceivable that you
have freely chosen to align yourself with and actively
lobby for one or more groups who are both
geographically-challenged with regards to 'Kosova' AND
who report murders that never happened.....

This leads me to my third question, Mr Biden: The
Albanian American Civic League has lauded what they
call recent 'elections' under terms of an agreement
signed by President Milosevic and NATO. You will be
giving the keynote speech soon at a dinner which no
doubt will refer to these 'elections'. What would you
think of a name being listed as missing by the
International Committee of the Red Cross at the update
of their last 'Persons unaccounted for in connection
with the crisis in Kosovo' and the SAME NAME being
listed as a member of the Municipal Assembly of Kosovo
under UN administration? I am speaking of one Mr Fadil
Shara; according to the OSCE website, Mr Shala is a
member of the AAK party in Kosovo- the AAK being
administered by Mr Ramush Haradinaj, also on the
Albanian American Civic League list of those scheduled
to attend your NYC speech this month. (more on him

Is the name of Fadil Shara listed with the Red Cross
under 'missing' the same person listed with the
temporary government of temporary UN administration
located within the permanent province of Serbia??

Obviously, Mr Biden, if your name turns up freely
associated with a fradulent 'election' (more on the
legality of this 'election' in Kosovo later) result,
this would damage your credibility beyond repair. Have
you checked out this apparent coincidence of names to
be certain that they are not one and the same person??

I ask this question, Mr Biden, because there is
another 'coincidence' of names I would like you to
comment on: the name is Agron Kryeziu. A Mr Agron
Kryeziu is listed with Mr Haradinaj's AAK as a
candidate in the same election that the name Fadil
Shala turns up in.

Interpol has a Mr Agron Kryeziu listed as wanted for
questioning in a case of murder- and so do Austrian
police websites.

Again, the International Red Cross also has the name
of Agron Kryeziu listed as 'missing' in the last
update to their website on this issue.

Same person all 3? Do you know, Mr Biden? Have you
checked? Do you care? Just from a brief Internet
search I have found 2 names associated with just one
of the names on the 4/28/02 Albanian American Civic
League's 'invite' list- Mr Haradinaj and his AAK-
where you are scheduled to give the 'keynote speech'.

You can see where people might get the wrong
impression, can't you Mr Biden?? When I keep checking,
I keep finding: Mr. Ramush Haradinaj, who you will
have a connection (if you don't already) with as of
4/28/02, has a brother named Duat Haradinaj- and that
name is on President Bush's list of 22 suspected
terrorists in and around Kosovo.

On this AACL invite list to hear your speech is one Mr
Ali Ahmeti, listed as 'from Macedonia'. Online news
agencies list Mr Ahmeti in more detail: he is also on
the list of 22 drawn up by President Bush, as you can
see here: (a sample of many on this from online news)

(start quote) "One of the texts signed by Bush
features a blacklist of 22 people, including the
rebels' political representative Ali Ahmeti, his chief
of staff Gezim Ostreni -- an ex-KPC officer -- former
chiefs of an Albanian rebel force which fought in
southern Serbia, certain Kosovo politicians and the
five KPC members.

The United States believes these men 'to have
committed, or to pose a significant risk of
committing, acts of violence that have the purpose or
effect of threatening the peace in or diminishing the
stability or security of any area or state in the
Western Balkans region.'......" (end quote)

the above quote from:

Will you be speaking at a dinner honouring 'a salute
to Albanian freedom' with people on your President's
black list?? Mr Biden, will you be lending your name
to the 'legitimacy' of so-called 'elections' in

Others have a different opinion on these masquerades
of democracy, Mr Liden- such as objective people on
the scene......

Here are just some of the comments of a monitor to
these Kosovo 'free and fair elections' that you and
others will be 'celebrating' in New York City:

(start quote) "I was monitoring the Kosovo elections
on behalf of the British Helsinki Human Rights Group
with the official international observation mission of
the Council of Europe. It did not take long to see why
the extravagant hype had taken over from the mundane
reality of the elections. At the start of the Council
of Europe observer training, Lord Russell Johnstone,
the President of the Council of Europe Parliamentary
Assembly, put the elections in the broader context of
international intervention today. 'The international
community needs to prove that intervention was benign
[in Kosovo and East Timor] and will create better
conditions. These elections are a proving exercise.'
Lord Johnstone is probably correct to see the November
elections as little more than a roving exercise for
the international institutions involved in the
violation of Yugoslav sovereignty and the promotion of
military humanitarianism in Afghanistan and elsewhere.
This would seem to be confirmed in the stated concern
of the OSCE organisers to achieve an election that
made the international mission appear legitimate and

It is highly doubtful that these elections would have
been passed as free and fair had they taken place
outside the international supervision of the OSCE. The
election conditions, in which there was a complete
absence of freedom of movement for minority
communities, and many of the OSCE election regulations
covering the media and political parties, failed to
meet basic internationally accepted standards, such as
those laid out in the OSCE 1990 Copenhagen Declaration
on Democracy and Political Pluralism." (end quote)

Mr Biden, yourself, Mr DioGuardi, Mr Tom Lantos, Mr
Ben Gillman ( this last name is spelled with one 'l'
on the copy of the AACL advertisement I have- does it
refer to the former chairman of the Committee on
International Relations? ) and others seem to be the
relevant parties to this quote from PBS attributed to

"...but the fact of the matter is we have trouble
walking and chewing gum as a nation, it seems to me,
in terms of policy..."

How can you be fighting a war on terrorism while
simultaneously supporting it, Mr Biden?? "Walking and
chewing gum" would seem to be a hell of a lot harder
than figuring out with whom you and other prominent
Americans have aligned yourselves with.

Who am I and millions of others to believe: a man who
ranted for "a German-Japanese style occupation" of
Serbia on Sunday morning televison just before the
1999 NATO murders, perpetrated with the help of and on
behalf of many of those who will be in NYC to listen
to your speech, OR am I to believe an international
monitor with no agenda other than honest appraisals??

Mr Biden, you have made much of the fact that you
called President Milosevic a "war criminal to his
face" (quotations your words) in 1993. It's not
surprising to me that you have no evidence to back up
this claim- no approximate dates of occurence, no
approximate times of occurence, no locations- no
specifications of any sort to justify such defamations
against one of the few real heroes to be found amongst
heads of state.

I challenge you here and now, Mr Biden, to put up or
shut up: show the proof- show what information and
evidence you used in 1993 to draw those conclusions
concerning President Milosevic.

Needless to say, in the US you would be sued for
slander for uttering such unsubstantiated nonsense
against a fellow American; I can see why you stole
Neil Kinnock's words- you don't have any ability
otherwise to speak rationally.

Fortunately for you and your ilk, most Americans don't
have the ability to reason rationally- if they did,
one of the questions they might be asking is this:

Why did Mr Joseph Biden, just weeks prior to the 1999
NATO atrocities, say that ¡°Any resolute military and
political force used by the U.S. in Kosovo must
reinforce our commitment to the Dayton peace
settlement." (your words, Mr Biden, taken from records
of the US Senate online: )

Why did you call President Milosevic a war criminal in
1993, and yet in 1999 publicly call for support of his
1995 peace initiative? Time magazine voted him Man of
the Year for his peace efforts two years after you
once again displayed a "Kosova"-like appreciation of
the facts, Mr Biden; no doubt Time, Canada's own House
of Commons, and many other watchers and participants
in that Balkans peace process apparently ignored what
lesser men have toiled to mis-speak....and
mis-achieve. Their lauding of President Milosevic's
efforts re Dayton and the honour of his character are
a matter of public record- thereby proving their own
treachery years later....

I'm not alone- not by a long shot- in my summations:

"As recently as last October the British Foreign
Secretary, Robin Cook, and other European Union
Ministers were arguing Milosevic's case - that his
actions in Kosovo were in response to the Kosovo
Liberation Army's "terrorism" and its violations of
United Nations Security Council resolution 1199. A
senior United slates official described Milosevic as
"NATO¡¯s indispensable partner in the effort to
stabilise Kosovo".
Pilger John; "Moral Sightseeing by the West"; Guardian
Weekly; June 20th; 1999; p.3"

While you are pondering the answers to these
questions, Mr Biden, here is one more to add to my
list: Bajram Rexhepi is listed as being invited by the
Albanian American Civic League to NYC on 4/28/02 as
well. Mr Rexhepi is also listed as 'Prime Minister of
Kosova'. Let's forget for a moment that there is no
such place as the Land of Oz or 'Kosova'. What would
you think of a man who murdered an innocent teenager?

If you haven't thought about this, Mr Biden, you might
want to do so- quickly. Mr Bajram Rexhepi has been
publicly cited as a party to murder 'to his face'- not
in 1993, but in 1999, and none other than the former
head of UNMIK, Mr.Hans Haekkerup, signed a joint
communique along with the Prime Minister of Serbia,
Nebosja Covic, to this effect. Take a look:

Quite a following it appears you might you have here,
Mr Mr. Rexhepi guilty? I don't know, but
why would you associate yourself and your country with
someone who might be guilty of this? Don't you think
getting to the bottom of this and other 'anomalies' is
something you should do before you start addressing
these people in a public forum??

Joseph Biden has spoken that 'transforming' (the
proper word is 'disguising', sir) the KLA into the KPC
was a 'face-saving' gesture; I am suggesting to you
that your sponsorship of anti-drug usage bills in the
US is appearing more and more on the surface to be a
'face-saving' measure to 'disguise' your efforts to
support drug traffickers in Kosovo. I base my
suppositions on the corroborated lawlessness of Kosovo
both before and after UN Resolution 1244- a matter or
the public record, and so is the involvement of many
of those who will be in attendance in NYC this month.
This might surprise you, Mr Biden, but changing the
uniform of criminals does not change their
criminality. I believe these typical quotes will

"The Liberation Army of Kosovo (UCK) of the 1990s was
created with $163 million in voluntary and involuntary
contributions from the huge Albanian diaspora and $250
million from the profits of the Albanian heroin cartel
that dominates Europe?s drug traffic, according to
Ralf Mutschke, assistant intelligence director of
Interpol." ( from:

"France's Geopolitical Observatory of Drugs said that
the KLA was a key player in the rapidly expanding
drugs-for-arms business and helped transport $2
billion worth of drugs annually into Western Europe.
German drug agents have estimated that $1.5 billion in
drug profits is laundered annually by Kosovo
smugglers, through as many as 200 private banks or
currency-exchange offices." (from: The Progressive
Review )

And this report, Mr Biden, a year after some of your
fellow attendees this weekend switched the patches
from UCK to KPC:

"Whatever the outcome of the polls, senior UN
officials are concerned about [Mr. Ramush] Haradinaj's
long-term impact on the province. One aide claims
Haradinaj is now financed by two men, Naser Kelmendi
and Ekrem Lluka, both of whom are suspected to be
involved in smuggling. UN police reports, seen by The
Observer, go further and describe Lluka as trafficking
drugs and cigarettes in Greece, Kosovo, Albania and
Italy." (from,3858,4061661,00.html)

Mr Biden, I beleive that the Mr Ramush Haradinaj
referred to here is the same Mr Ramush Haradinaj on
the AACL list of invitees this wekend- you can check
to make sure....this might help........:

"In 1999, the KLA unit under Ramush Haradinaj's
command killed 40 civilians from the Kosovo village of
Glodjani and threw the bodies into the Radonjichko
Lake canal." (from

There are many online reports also concerning Mr
Ramush Haradinaj and obstructions of justice in Kosovo
since UN Resolution 1244. Are any of these allegations
founded in fact? Do you know, Mr Biden?

And we have this: (even pathological Serb-hater
Richard Holbrooke- who once said Serbs were 'murderous
assholes'- spoke out against what you will read in the
next paragraph. You might remember that 'asshole'
comment, Mr Biden, because on that same show- where
else but CNN?- and in the same year you called
President Milosevic a 'war criminal', YOU also called
Serbs, "...illiterates, degenerates, baby killers,
rapists and cowards..." )

"His [ Mr. Ramush Haradinaj] men already are suspected
of carrying out the Panda Cafe murders, when masked
rebels opened fire in December on a restaurant the
city of Pec, killing six Serbian youths. His men also
are suspected of shooting at U.S. diplomatic
( ANNE THOMPSON, The Associated Press, 3-08-99 posted
from: )

Mr Biden, I challenge you again to display what
information you had in 1993 that led you to make THOSE
comments above about 'Serbs' on CNN. Let's take those
words and give them a closer inspection- here and now,
Mr Biden:

On 'Rape':

"Since the entry of the NATO-led Kosovo Force (KFOR),
rapes of Serbian, Albanian, and Roma women by ethnic
Albanians, sometimes by members of the Kosovo
Liberation Army (KLA), have also been documented."
(See Kosovo Human Rights Flash #50, "Violent Abuses by
KLA Members," June/00)

True? (one typical quote from many similar used here)
Certainly it requires investigation, Mr Biden. Have
you followed up on that report? What are your
conclusions if you have??

On 'Degenerates':

" This is a partial list of the people [in Kosovo] who
were killed, mutilated, raped, seriously wounded,
severely beaten or tortured, or disappeared. The list
was made by comparing all data published by
governments and NGO's, supplemented by communications
from families, friends, and neighbors. At the end of
each entry we give the initials of the sources used.
This list includes people of all nationalities,
including Serbs and Montenegrins (Orthodox Slavs),
Roma (Gypsies, including Ashkaelia and Egyptians),
Moslems (Moslem Slavs), Gorani (Moslem Slavs from
Southern Kosovo), Croats ( Catholic Slavs), Turks, and
MacedoniansWe will publish the complete list of
Albanian victims when it becomes available....
Albanians on this list were most probably killed
because of their lack of full cooperation with
Albanians engaged in the armed struggle against
Belgrade. That could mean that one had refused to be
taxed or drafted or refused to give up his
weapon--many Albanians in the countryside had rifle or
pistol permits. An Albanian risked getting killed if
he refused to resign his job as mailman or electric
lineman, or if s/he maintained a friendship or a
relationship with a Serb. An Albanian could get shot
while riding a bus or riding in a Serb's car or even
in his own, as some guerrillas used any passing
vehicles, including buses, tractors, and horse-drawn
carts, for target practice. In time of civil war,
personal and patriotic motives often intermingle, and
an Albanian could be killed because of personal
disagreements with a relative of a guerrilla fighter.
According to the Pristina daily Koha Ditore,
guerrillas of the KLA tortured and killed guerrillas
of a rival group, the FARK..." from:
( )

"22 Serb civilians were massacred by the KLA who
dismembered the bodies and burned them in ovens."

On baby killers

(Mr Biden, please note: the following directly
concerns another so-called 'guest of honour' scheduled
to attend you 'keynote speech' this weekend,
specifically, one Tom Lantos....)

"Bogus events which are staged are used as pretexts
for war.....[such as].... the Iraqi incubator hoax
alleging that Iraqi troops murdered Kuwaiti infants by
taking them out of incubators. (factually, US
Government with aid of Hill & Knowlton PR firm in
conjunction with Tom Lantos staged and manufactured
this 'propaganda event')" from:

" Yesterday, [April 22/99] a 3-year-old child was
killed in the bathroom of her home on the outskirts of
Belgrade. A fragment of a cluster bomb ripped through
two walls, missed her parents sitting in the living
room, and killed the child." (one of hundreds of such
reports regarding the usage of cluster bombs and/or
the murder of children by Americans in Yugoslavia
three years ago, Mr Biden. You asked this question
once in front of the US Senate- 'Are we a nation of
our word or not? Do we keep our treaties or don't
we?'-and the usage of cluster bombs, KLA terrorists,
along with the verified abrogations of international
treaties by your friends in and out of the US
Government, have given you an answer.....accidents?
The planned usage and deployment of banned weapons is
not accidental, Mr Biden, and neither is the targeting
of cities where hundreds of thousands of innocent
people live....) from:

On cowards:

"The 'crusade for civilisation' [1999 US-led NATO
assault] was the cowards' war. From heights of 15,000
feet, heroic pilots hurled hi-tech nail bombs. The
unpublished list of targets hit shows a clear pattern
of a deliberate campaign of terror." from:

"Who has murdered thousands of Yugoslavs with bombs
dropped from a coward's height? Who has driven over a
million people of all nationalities into homelessness
in Serbia? Who has unleashed fascist secessionists
throughout the Balkans, supporting them with arms and
training, and lauding them as democrats, forcing
victims to 'negotiate' with their murderers? Who has
waged low-level nuclear war, turning Kosovo, focus of
one 'humanitarian crusade,' into a radioactive dump?"

Since you are apparently fond of admitting and
supporting what many learned minds consider to be US
culpability in crimes against humanity (specifically
1999 NATO murders in Yugoslavia) Mr Biden, such as
this quote from you,

"The overwhelming majority of airstrikes [1999 in
Yugoslavia] when ordinance was dropped was carried out
by our forces...By the way, I encourage my colleagues
to read the Genocide Convention..."

I would advise you to take your own advice offered

"By the way, I encourage my colleagues to read the
Genocide Convention."

because learned minds and people of character have
spoken thusly in reference to your state-sponsored

"But shouting "war criminal" only emphasizes that
those who live in glass houses should be careful about
throwing stones.We have engaged in a flagrant military
aggression, ceaselessly attacking a small country
primarily to demonstrate that we run the world. The
rationale that we are simply enforcing international
morality, even if it were true, would not excuse the
military aggression and widespread killing that it
entails. It also does not lessen the culpability of
the authors of this aggression. As a primary source of
international law, the judgment of the Nuremberg
Tribunal in the 1945-1946 case of the major Nazi war
criminals is plain and clear. Our leaders often invoke
and praise that judgment, but obviously have not read
(the late Mr Walter Rockler, former prosecutor at the
Nuremberg War Crimes Trial, from: )

And finally, on illiterate:

"The press there also ridiculed the Alliance's 'media
war', claiming that NATO 'propaganda leaflets'
reportedly dropped over Yugoslavia are useless and
'illiterate'..." (from the United States Information
Agency website)

"Just like the bombings these are carried out in a
cowardly way from a height and distance, breaking into
television and radio frequencies and throwing
illiterate leaflets from aircraft. So, too, to the
Serbian people, the speech of the American political
infant Madeleine Albright is ridiculous and miserable
when she tries to explain to the Serbs in grotesque
Serbian why she has to kill them in the name of
humanity, regardless of the fact that these same
inhumane Serbs once saved that same Madeleine
Albright, as a child, from certain death." (B92 radio
online- you know them, right Mr Biden? Radio Free
Europe, which your Congress funds with taxpayers'
money, used to re-broadcast the B92 signal... from: )

Good day, Mr Biden. Questions, comments??

Chris Soda

Subject: 25 aprile d'occupazione a trieste
Date: Thu, 25 Apr 2002 19:31:47 +0200
From: "Gian Che Dice?"

l'assessore Menia: «Qui la storia è stata diversa: chi
combatteva nella X Mas, difendeva i confini orientali»

*** 25 aprile d'occupazione a Trieste ***

Da cosa iniziare? Probabilmente dai 39.620 (13) triestini
che hanno scelto Roberto Menia come loro parlamentare.
L'uomo politico girava per la città in camper, incontrava
italiani, incoraggiava l'irredentismo, difendeva l'identità
di una città di frontiera e lo hanno votato. Roberto Menia ha
molti incarichi. E' parlamentare, è responsabile nazionale per
l'organizzazione di AN, è assessore alla cultura di Trieste,
è il responsabile della gestione del patrimonio storico della
risiera di San Sabba, l'unico campo di sterminio in Italia.
In questi giorni si è spinto a chiedere la soppressione
della cerimonia della liberazione, che vorrebbe sostituire
con una cerimonia "per i caduti della libertà". Ma chi sono
questi caduti per l'assessore?
Per capirlo serve una ricostruzione storico politica del
personaggio e dell'ambiente della destra radicale triestina.

Buona lettura

*** Menia e company ***

Menia è un assessore dalle idee chiare, fin dal 2000 chiede
l'abrogazione della festa della liberazione (1) ora nel nome
dell'onestà storiografica, ora nel nome della riconciliazione,
ora nel nome dell'irredentismo triestino. Ma Menia non è uno
che si scopre facilmente, non è un estremista di destra col
gagliardetto o almeno non lo dà a vedere. Ogni tanto si lascia
un pò andare, come all'ultimo congresso di alleanza nazionale
durante il quale afferma "Ormai si è al punto che per essere
politicamente corretti, bisogna essere gay, culo" (2), oppure
nel lontano 1997 quando si fa denunciare dall'ex fidanzata per
averla inseguita e molestata (3), ma il maschio assessore
spesso mette una maschera più ambigua, bipartisan,

Ma di quale conciliazionismo si fa portavoce la giunta comunale
di Trieste? Valgano le parole del presidente della Provincia
Fabio Scoccimarro, anch'egli in linea coi provvedimenti comunali
del 5 aprile "che non si cantino più canzoni di parte (l'anno
scorso "Bella ciao" fu intonata dal Coro partigiano assieme ai
ragazzi del Collegio del Mondo unito, ndr) ma l'Inno nazionale",
che "«si dovrà dare lettura delle testimonianze lasciateci da un
martire della Risiera, da un martire della Foiba di Basovizza
e da un combattente a San Giusto, tralasciando interventi di
rappresentanti politici in luoghi di preghiera e di memoria»",
infine che "l'intervento in lingua slovena di un amministratore
dei Comuni minori, dovrebbe essere cancellato a
favore di un solo saluto del sindaco di Trieste" (4)
Proposte nell'orbita della pacificazione Violantiana, inaugurata
proprio a Trieste? Proposte del tutto simili a quelle del sindaco
di centro sinistra Illy (4.1)? Sembra. Ma anche questa antistorica
pacificazione (tantopiù poichè avviene in un momento di sviluppo
impetuoso di forze reazionare di connotazione fascista) è solo una
mascherata. Davanti alle resistenze del Comitato per la Resistenza
di Trieste, Menia taglia corto e ne esce un altra verità
"[il comitato] è nato dalla logica degli anni Settanta e che
oggi, a mio avviso, si può anche chiudere" (5). Ad avviso del
camerata Menia, il comitato per la resistenza si può chiudere...

Ma torniamo a Trieste.
La giunta di destra si caratterizza da subito per le sue posizioni
estreme, il ritratto del podestà Cesare Pagnini viene recuperato ed
esposto (5.01).
Nel novembre 2001, il comune finanzia un convegno "Atmosfere in nero"
promosso dall'associazione "1900" finanziata dal comune l'anno
precedente con 50 milioni. Il convegno dal nome infausto invita in
qualità di relatore Jean Mabire, ex volontario delle SS francesi
insieme a tanti altri nomi della destra estrema europea. Davanti
allo scandalo l'assessore Menia che fa? Dichiara:
"«L'associazione 1900 ci ha chiesto il patrocinio, noi l'abbiamo
dato. Ma sapevamo solo che si trattava di un convegno letterario,
e che i relatori erano tre, tutti italiani. Di appendici con Ss non
ci avevano detto nulla. Se l'avessimo saputo, non avremmo certo
legittimato l'evento» [anche] il nuovo sindaco, Roberto Dipiazza,
pure di An: «Questa storia è una puttanata. Qua mi arrivano ogni
settimana venti, trenta richieste di patrocinio, e io firmo.
Chi vuole che immaginasse che questi mi portavano le Ss!
Non abbiamo proprio bisogno di questi casini. Siamo tutti rimasti
spiazzati». " (5.01). Spiazzati. Ok.
Negli ultimi mesi si susseguono altre iniziative revisionistiche, una
tra tutte la "mozione presentata dal consigliere circoscrizionale di
Alleanza nazionale Giuseppe Portale, nella quale si chiedeva al
sindaco Roberto Dipiazza di erigere in una piazza rionale, nello
spirito della riconciliazione, un monumento ai caduti della
Repubblica sociale italiana".(5.1)
Per finire un convegno dall'impronta revisionista <<"Il futuro di
Dio. Le religioni nell'era della globalizzazione", organizzato dal
20 al 22 settembre, a Trieste, all'Auditorium Revoltella, dalla
Fondazione Liberal e promosso dal Comune di Trieste, dalla Regione
Autonoma del Friuli-Venezia Giulia in collaborazione con la
Fondazione CRT.">> (5.2) Nel quale è relatore d'eccellenza Ernst
Nolte, noto storico revisionista del quale vale la pena di
citare un pensiero sul nazismo "Il nazismo avrebbe voluto essere la
"terza via" tra capitalismo e comunismo. Una "terza via" capace "di
bilanciare un alto grado di movimento e differenziazione economici
con l'esistenza di uno spirito comune guidato dall'alto. Il progetto
restò irrealizzato, poiché Hitler credeva che esso potesse essere
realizzato solo dopo l'annientamento della potenza bolscevica e
dopo la conquista dello spazio vitale dell'Est, ma è nondimeno
ammissibile attribuire al nazionalsocialismo non solo una
resistenza disperata contro uno sviluppo mondiale preponderante, ma
anche l'anticipazione di possibilità positive del futuro" (5.3)
Eravate Spiazzati. ok.

Nell'ultimo mese a Trieste si sono susseguiti episodi teppistici.
Aggressioni, minacce, devastazioni notturne dell'iconografia
antifascista. Un episodio di rilievo è stata senz'altro la
distruzione del monumento a Srecko Kosovel avvenuto l'8 aprile.
Kosovel era un poeta sloveno che cantava la dignità e la fratellanza
tra i popoli, morto a 22 anni nel 1926, in suo nome venne creata
una brigata partigiana italo-slovena nel 1944. Questa la
terribile colpa attribuita al busto dello sloveno colpito dai
soliti ignoti martellatori notturni. Il commento dell'assessore
alla cultura è salomonico "«Condanno il gesto vandalico compiuto
perchè atti simili sono gravi, indipendentemente dai monumenti
presi di mira. Non nego, peraltro, di essere stato tra i
principali oppositori all'iniziativa della giunta Illy di
collocare un'erma di Kosovel accanto ai padri triestini della
patria. Era più opportuno sistemarlo alla casa dello studente
sloveno»." (7) Il cuor di leone del maschio assessore batte
ancora sotto il doppiopetto parlamentare ed il suo
spiazzamento in questo caso sembra assai rarefatto... egli
infatti è reduce da una lotta quadriennale contro il bilinguismo
sloveno (8) non poteva sopportarlo di suo quel busto d'uno
sloveno in un parco cittadino, e qualche scagnozzo di sicura
provenienza ha provveduto a rimuoverlo nottetempo.
Ma il progetto di questa piccola giunta è ben più ambizioso, e
vale la pena di leggere integralmente un articolo del Piccolo
di Trieste inerente la nomina di un manager di indiscussa fede,
militanza e spirito coloniale al vertice della società a gestione
mista, l'Acegas di Trieste (9), l'autonominatosi "il più
destro tra gli esuli", Guido Cace.

Ma una parvenza di legalità bisogna pur darsela. Ma non regge.
Durante i febbrili tentativi di conciliazione tra la cerimonia
comunale e quella degli eredi dei resistenti, si raggiungono
vette di razzismo incredibili contro la minoranza slovena
"Tra i motivi che hanno portato alla rottura, la proposta
avanzata dal vicesindaco di Duino Aurisina Marisa Skerk d'accordo
con gli esponenti degli altri Comuni minori: se il 25 Aprile
si deve andare anche alla Foiba di Basovizza e a San Giusto,
l'omaggio della riconciliazione - ha detto Skerk - si allarghi
allora pure al monumento eretto ai quattro antifascisti sloveni
fucilati a Basovizza nel 1930. «Menia ha risposto che il
presidente Casini non può recarsi a un monumento innalzato a
dei terroristi», annota Skerk." (10)
Dato il clima, lo stesso sindaco ritira il 14 aprile l'invito
alla partecipazione al presidente Casini e annuncia una cerimonia
separata, ammettendo nella stessa sede che contrariamente a
quanto affermato dalla stampa nei giorni precedenti il 25 aprile
la cerimonia principale sarà alla Foiba di Basovizza
e non alla risiera di San Sabba.
Il 15 aprile emerge nella stampa la dissociazione del comune
di Muggia dalla programmazione Triestina del 25 aprile (11)
La notte del 16 aprile si ripetono le scritte fasciste sui ceppi
partigiani, interessato specialmente il cippo ad Alma Vivoda, la
prima caduta della Resistenza nella provincia di Trieste e una
delle prime in Italia. Particolarmente attiva nei contatti con
gli sloveni. La brigata partigiana di Muggia prendeva il suo nome.
Anche la digos è spiazzata...

Il 25 aprile di quest'anno doveva essere scoperta una targa
nell'atrio della stazione di Trieste a ricordo di "«Uomini, donne,
bambini deportati iniziarono da qui il viaggio verso i campi nazisti
(settembre 1943 - febbraio 1945)". Il progetto voluto e finanziato
da una associazione di reduci e autorizzato dalle ferrovie dello
stato è stato bloccato il 23 aprile dal comune per "superare i
«problemi» - come li definisce Dipiazza [sindaco] - evidentemente
sorti nel frattempo, si è reso necessario un leggero slittamento
dei tempi". Il 25 aprile i deportati non avranno la loro targa.

Il 23 aprile escono le locandine del comune. La rappresentanza comunale
andrà alle 10 a Basoviza, alle 11 a San Sabba, alle 13 San Giusto (prima
guerra mondiale). Il comitato per la difesa dei valori della resistenza
"ha ufficializzato il programma della «propria» cerimonia che alla
Risiera avrà inizio alle 12 (dopo i riti religiosi ai quali sarà
presente) con la deposizione di una corona d'alloro. Oratori ufficiali
Giovanni Miccoli, direttore del Dipartimento di Storia e di Storia
dell'arte all'Università cittadina, e il sindaco di Monrupino Alessio
Krizman che parlerà in lingua slovena. Presente il Coro partigiano
Pinko Tomazic, il duo composto da Alfredo Lacosegliaz e Edy Meola
interpreterà «Fuma el camin» di Carolus Cergoly; a Maurizio
Zacchigna, Matejka Grgic e Esma Beslagic sarà affidata la lettura di
testi- Il Comitato «invita la cittadinanza a partecipare massicciamente
a questa iniziativa e a portare un fiore che sulle note della canzone
partigiana "Bella ciao" alla fine della celebrazione verrà deposto
nel luogo dove sorgeva il forno crematorio»."

A Trieste, oggi, "Il Fronte Sociale Nazionale, plaudendo «alla
strepitosa vittoria elettorale» del leader della destra xenofoba
francese Jean-Marie Le Pen, manifesterà giovedì «a ricordo dei
propri caduti e contro le falsificazioni della Storia, che i
vincitori hanno da sempre effettuato per perpetrare la
schiavitù dei nostri popoli ai potentati economici di qua e di là

- Conclude Menia che «poteva essere un 25 Aprile di riconciliazione.
Sarà diverso». Ma le responsabilità» sono «di una parte sola», cioè di
quella «sinistra miope, retrograda, ideologizzata e incapace di
guardare avanti» -

(1) Il 25 aprile a Trieste non ha più nessun significato - sottolinea il
deputato triestino di An Roberto Menia - semmai per la città la vera
festa della liberazione è il 12 giugno, quando se ne andarono le
truppe titine. Una ricostruzione storica faziosa e di parte, invece,
ci voleva addirittura insegnare che il 1° maggio, giornata d'ingresso
in città dei titini era una ricorrenza da onorare, tanto che c'è una
scuola a Trieste intitolata proprio al 1° maggio - aprile 2000

(2) mercoledì 10 aprile 2002












Ha difeso l'unità linguistica, i diritti degli italiani di Trieste e
l'identità nazionale della città, conducendo una lunga e fruttuosa
opposizione - durata quattro anni e fatta di migliaia di emendamenti -
ad una legge che rischiava di balcanizzare Trieste: il testo approvato
è ancora ingiusto, perché concede una serie di privilegi ai cittadini
di lingua slovena, ma non prevede più né la toponomastica né i documenti
bilingui. Anzi, grazie ad un suo emendamento, finalmente gli italiani
dei comuni dell'altipiano potranno ricevere la carta d'identità nella
sola lingua italiana, cosa fino ad oggi loro negata.

(9) Il nuovo presidente ha sessant'anni, viene da Sebenico ma vive a
Roma «Sono il più a destra degli esuli»

Sessantenne, uomo di Alleanza nazionale, esule da Sebenico ma residente
sin dall'infanzia a Roma, presidente dell'Associazione nazionale
Questo il biglietto da visita di Guido Cace, il nuovo presidente
dell'Acegas nominato ieri pomeriggio. Gradito al vicepremier Gianfranco
Fini, Cace non ha mai nascosto la sua militanza politica, tanto che
in un'occasione pubblica disse : «Sono il più a destra degli esuli».
Nel suo curriculum Cace ci tiene a evidenziare di essere laureato in
legge, nonché di avere lavorato come vicedirettore commerciale della
«Dalmine», azienda che produce tubi in acciaio, dove si è occupato
del settore metano. Il neopresidente è inoltre consigliere delegato
di Sogesid, una società per azioni che opera direttamente per conto
del governo e che controlla in sostanza tutti gli acquedotti dismessi
del Sud Italia. Da questa e altre cariche (meno quella di Federgasacqua)
Cace ha annunciato di volersi dimettere.
Sul fronte politico, nel 1997, Cace è stato nominato dal centrodestra
quale rappresentante delle Regioni del Polo meridionali nel cda della
Un'ultima annotazione: Cace è ufficiale in congedo dell'esercito, nonché
consulente della Rai sulle foibe. «Sono stato io - spiega - a scoprire
delle pellicole inedite su quella tragedia».
Tra i progetti del nuovo presidente dell'Acegas c'è lo «sbarco» in
Dalmazia delle ex municipalizzate, per la fornitura di acqua e energia
«Sbloccherò immediatamente anche il rapporto tra l'Acegas e Slovenia e
Croazia. Basti pensare che Capodistria viene gestita dall'Amga di
Genova: come mai non c'è Trieste?».




(13) Vittoria!
Grazie ai 40.000 Triestini che mi hanno votato.
Il mio impegno per Trieste, con la Destra al governo della nazione,
prosegue al Parlamento, nel segno della coerenza, della libertà,
Roberto Menia

Collegio Trieste 1 - Camera Uninominale

Candidati Lista Votanti Percentuale
Roberto Menia Casa delle Libertà 39.620 49,44 %
Roberto Damiani L'Ulivo - Lista Illy 33.790 42,16 %
Renato Manara Lista Bonino 2.811 3,51 %
Enrico Conte L'Italia dei Valori 2.372 2,96 %
Silvana Mergiani Terzo Polo per l'Aut. 1.546 1,93 %


Colonialismo e crimini italiani nei Balcani

Il tentativo che si sta perpetrando di riportare indietro tutta la
societa' italiana deriva anche da una atmosfera culturale, che da anni
ormai privilegia i luoghi comuni e le banalita' mediatiche ad una
seria analisi di cio' che sta avvenendo nel mondo. E' per questo che
di fronte alle neo-guerre spesso si e' reagito in modo inadeguato.
Collegato a tale mancanza di analisi e studio e' la rimozione del
passato, secondo i canoni del revisionismo storico.
Le regioni colpite dalle guerre sono quelle in cui il desiderio di
controllo delle fonti di energia e del loro trasporto da parte di
grandi potenze si intreccia con le situazioni drammatiche lasciate dal
passato coloniale.
Esiste una strana rimozione nella coscienza degli Italiani per quanto
riguarda il proprio passato: non solo si misconoscono i crimini contro
l'umanita' perpetrati dall'esercito italiano nel corso delle
aggressioni ad altri Paesi e delle imprese coloniali, ma spesso si
minimizza anche la portata di tali eventi, secondo il solito luogo
comune: Italiani brava gente. E' opportuno in questo momento, in cui
l'Italia ha la tentazione di diventare protagonista di imprese
belliche, ricordare il passato.
Pertanto sara' proiettato il film- documentario, prodotto a suo tempo
dalla BBC: 'Fascist legacy', che ha per argomento i crimini italiani
nel corso della II Guerra Mondiale nei Balcani, e i vani tentativi
operati dal governo jugoslavo per ottenere l'estradizione dei
criminali di guerra. Il film- documentario e' in inglese, in quanto la
copia in italiano, acquisita dalla RAI, giace inutilizzata, censurata,
ma in sala sara' presente un traduttore simultaneo.
Angelo del Boca, l'illustre storico del colonialismo italiano, Massimo
Sani, il regista curatore dell'edizione italiana del film-
documentario della BBC, e il filosofo Costanzo Preve commenteranno il

Proiezione del filmato:
Fascist Legacy

Angelo del Boca - storico
Massimo Sani - regista
Costanzo Preve - filosofo

Massimo Zucchetti - Politecnico di Torino

4 maggio 2002, ore 9.30
Politecnico, Aula Magna
Corso Duca degli Abruzzi, 24 Torino

Prime adesioni:
Comitato degli iscritti SNUR - CGIL del Politecnico di Torino
Coordinamento Nazionale per la Jugoslavia
SNUR- CGIL Piemonte
RSU Politecnico di Torino
Torino Social Forum
Lavoro e società- Cambiare rotta Piemonte
Partito della Rifondazione Comunista- Federazione di Torino
Assemblea Antimperialista

Info: <rsu@...>, tel 0115647910; <jugocoord@...>

Rai Televideo 28/04 03:33

Slovenia:oltre il 50% è contario a Nato

La maggioranza del popolo sloveno è contraria
all'ingresso del Paese nella Nato. Lo rivela un
sondaggio commissionato dallo stesso governo di
Lubiana secondo il quale l'adesione popolare
all'ingresso della Slovenia nell'Alleanza Atlantica
è scesa sotto il 50%. "E' un soprendente
paradosso" ha detto il ministro degli Esteri
Dimitrij Rupel Tuttavia il ministro ha assicurato
che il governo proseguirà verso il pieno ingresso
nella Nato,pur ammettendo che il fronte
contrario fa molto "rumore".


...Nel frattempo gli italiani, nel loro ruolo tradizionale di "servi



(ANSA) - ROMA, 24 APR - ''L'ingresso della Slovenia nella Nato
potra' rappresentare un importante ed ulteriore elemento di
stabilita' nella regione balcanica. Anche per questo l'Italia
ne sostiene il percorso''. Lo ha detto il sottosegretario alla Difesa
Salvatore Cicu, in visita ufficiale in Slovenia. ''La Slovenia -
ha dichiarato Cicu - sta mostrando una forte volonta' politica per il
raggiungimento di questo traguardo. A tal fine ha posto in atto
un'importante riforma del proprio strumento militare che prevede
una forza di 26.000 militari e il conseguimento degli standard
di capacita' operative e funzionali richiesti per l'adesione alla
''La Slovenia - ha proseguito il sottosegretario - rappresenta
per la sicurezza dell'Italia un rilevante interesse geopolitico,
considerata la sua prossimita' geografica e la propria
caratteristica di anello di congiunzione con l'area balcanica.
La Slovenia nella Nato potra' rappresentare un importante ed
ulteriore elemento di stabilita' in questa regione, soprattutto
attraverso la cooperazione con gli altri Paesi europei per la
ricostruzione politica ed economica dell'area, cosi' come
dimostrato con la partecipazione dei propri militari alle
missioni in Bosnia e Macedonia''. ''Per questa ragione e per
i notevoli progressi compiuti in campo economico e militare
in questi anni, ho confermato - ha detto Cicu - al viceministro
della Difesa slovena il pieno sostegno e supporto dell'Italia
a includere la Slovenia nell'elenco dei Paesi di cui sara'
valutato il prossimo autunno a Praga l'ingresso nella Nato''.
(ANSA). SV 24/04/2002 16:01

---------- Initial Header -----------

From : Nemanja
To : ML-YU <Ova adresa el. pošte je zaštićena od spambotova. Omogućite JavaScript da biste je videli.>
Date : Mon, 29 Apr 2002 20:35:11 +0200
Subject : [ML-YU] PROTIV PARTNERSTVA ZA MIR (fwd) Translation

> Translation:
> Against the partnership for peace
> Federal government of FR Yugoslavia brought decision on entering of
> Yugoslavia in partnership for peace. By this decision, proimperialist
> bourgeois regime of DOS-SNP wants to make Yugoslavia an outpost of
> NATO. By entering the partnership for peace, our country would
> lose it's sovereignity completely.
> NATO and Western imperialists want to install
> their occupational forces on territory of Yugoslavia and to counter
> antiimperialist resistence to globalism and to the regime of DOS-SNP.
> The program of the partnership for peace is headed against the vital
> interests of yugoslav peoples and it's working class. By trying to
> join this pact, Yugoslav bourgeois regime of DOS-SNP is just
> showing it's true puppet role and proimperialist, antiyugoslav and
> antiworkers politics.
> Yugoslav marxists-leninist will never accept Yugoslavia in that
> pact, and
> it will lead the struggle against this NATO's outpost by all means.
> ---------- Forwarded Message ----------
> Savezna vlada SR Jugoslavije je donela odluku o
> odpocinjanju procesa za prijem SRJ u program
> Partnerstvo za mir.Ovom odlukom proimperijalisticki
> burzujski rezim DOS-SNP zeli da Jugoslaviju uvede u
> organizaciju koja je filijala NATO pakta.Ulaskom SRJ u
> Partnerstvo za mir,nasa zemlja bi potpuno izgubila
> svoj suverenitet.NATO pakt i zapadni imperijalisti
> zele da na teritoriji SRJ instaliraju svoje
> okupatorske trupe i da sprece antiimperijalisticki
> otpor globalizmu i izdajnickom burzujskom rezimu
> DOS-SNP.Program Partnerstvo za mir je uperen protiv
> vitalnih interesa jugoslovenskih naroda i interesa
> jugoslovenske radnicke klase.Teznjom da stupi u ovaj
> pakt koji je filijala NATO-a,jugoslovenski burzujski
> rezim DOS-SNP samo pokazuje svoju pravu
> marionetsku,proimperijalisticku,antijugoslovensku i
> antiradnicku politiku.
> Jugoslovenski marksisti-lenjinisti nikada nece
> prihvatiti ulazak u Partnerstvo za mir,i vodice borbu
> protiv ove NATO filijale svim politickim sredstvima.
> MIR!
> Proleteri svih zemalja, ujedinite se!
> ---------- End Forwarded Message ----------


"...finora ha corrisposto ai principi-base delle istituzioni
internazionali", vale a dire:
"Abbiamo introdotto ordine e disciplina nelle finanze pubbliche"
svendendo agli stranieri le attivita' piu' competitive e redditizie e
liquidando in toto il sistema creditizio nazionale. "Il deficit di
bilancio e' minore di quello di tutti i paesi economicamente piu'
sviluppati", come gli USA, dove il deficit effettivamente ammonta ormai
a piu' di 100 miliardi di dollari, ma tanto che gliene frega, se gli
chiedi di pagarlo ti bombardano. "Abbiamo liberalizzato la maggior parte
dei prezzi e la sola ragione della inflazione e' la cancellazione delle
disparita' nei prezzi" in confronto ai prezzi in Occidente, mentre i
salari sono rimasti belli congelati.
Per questo capolavoro macroeconomico il premier serbo Djindjic, forte
del sostegno di FMI e BM, chiede adesso l'appoggio dei cittadini, "senza
i quali non si puo' realizzare alcuna seria riforma".
E poi gli italiani si lagnano di Berlusconi...


BELGRADE, April 29 (Beta) - Serbian Premier Zoran Djindjic called on
citizens of Serbia to support reforms, saying that no serious reforms in
any country had succeeded without sincere support from citizens.
In the paper's holiday issue, Djindjic says that the Serbian
government's policy has gained credibility which gives it the right to
negotiate with the international financial institutions on a specific
Serbian model of transition on a partnership basis.
"So far our macro-economic strategy has matched the basis principles of
international institutions. We have introduced order and discipline into
public finances, the budget deficit is less than that of the most
economically developed countries, we have liberalized most prices and
the only reason for inflation is removing price disparity. All important
expert groups have found the results of our strong economic policy
impressive," says Djindjic.
"The task of the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank is to
support these efforts," said Djindjic in his text published by Glas

From: Milan Tepavac
To: president@...
Sent: Sunday, April 28, 2002 10:05 PM
Subject: Letter to the US President.


Dear Mr. President:

The reason I decided to write you this letter is your
message sent to Mr. Vojislav Kostunica, President of
the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, on the occasion of
the tenth anniversary of the adoption of its
constitution. In your message there are at least two
assertions that call for comment.

Mr. President, I am sure that you will agree that
every honest and rational human endeavor must be based
on the right premise. The simple logic tells us that
if the basic premise is wrong then everything else is
wrong. I am afraid that many premises in your message
are wrong and, thus, your conclusions are inevitably

First, your premise that until recently (I suppose
that you mean before the 5th of October, 2000, that is
before the so-called "Serbian October Revolution") the
Belgrade leadership was the main cause of sufferings,
agonies and anguish and wars in the Balkans. Here you
are absolutely wrong. The wars in former Yugoslavia
were masterminded, planned, fomented, initiated,
financed and waged elsewhere, not in Serbia.
Secessionist-terrorist wars which bloodily dismembered
former Yugoslavia were executed by Slovenia, Croatia
and Bosnia-Herzegovina (Macedonia achieved secession
"peacefully", but nevertheless unconstitutionally)
when foreign powers gave them financial and material
help, including arms, and when they promised them
diplomatic recognition as independent states. Without
that help and promises there would not had been wars
on the Yugoslav soil. It was the duty of foreign
powers - under the provisions of the Charter of the
United Nations, the Helsinki Final Act of the OSCE and
other international legal and political instruments -
not to help violent secessions but to help, to
contribute to the peaceful solution of Yugoslav
political problems. If foreign powers said: "OK,
you've got problems, you have to discuss all your
problems as long as it is needed - even for 30 years -
but you mustn't resort to violence. The international
community will never diplomatically recognize
secessionist entities as independent states" - there
would be no wars. Instead of acting in that way,
Germany, the USA and other foreign countries under
their control acted as they did. To be more specific
about this, Germany played the decisive role
concerning Croatia and Slovenia, while the USA sealed
Bosnia-Herzegovina's fate. Altogether, foreign powers
and secessionist criminals sealed Serbs' fate.
Although all Yugoslav peoples became the Biblical
victims of such a policy, the Serbs were the greatest.
There are no Serbs any more in Krajina (please find
enclosed an article from the yesterday's Washington
Times written by an US Air Force officer about the US
role in the genocide of Krajina Serbs) and western
Bosnia who lived there from the time long before
America was discovered. The first genocide during
World War II occurred there against Serbs; then, after
the meeting between Hitler and Ante Pavelic of Croatia
(which at that time included Bosnia-Herzegovina) on
June 6, 1941 the Holocaust started...

Secondly, you insist on full cooperation with the
so-called International Criminal Tribunal for Former
Yugoslavia (ICTY), which includes extradition of
Yugoslav citizens to that institution and handing over
all state's document which the Tribunal would demand.
You even welcomed the kidnapping and arrest of Mr.
Slobodan Milosevic, former freely elected President of
Yugoslavia, by the officials of the Tribunal in
cooperation with the present regime in Belgrade,
installed by you in the "Serbian October Revolution".

First of all, Mr. President, that so-called tribunal
is an illegal and illegitimate institution. Security
Council of the United Nations had no power to
establish it, you know that. Security Council is a
political body of the UN, not a legislative one; it
had no right whatsoever to formulate substantive rules
of international law in "tribunal" statute (articles
2-5) and to determine penalties. You who are against
even regular - that is legal and legitimate -
international criminal court have no right, neither
legal nor moral, to demand complete submission to the
ICTY a sovereign and independent state. So, the
so-called trial in The Hague of Mr. Milosevic is a
mockery of justice, great shame of our civilization
and deathblow to international law. I assure you that
my intention is not to defend Milosevic; I am just
trying to defend the truth.

These are only some of the remarks that must be made
in connection with your above-mentioned message to the
president of Yugoslavia "and Yugoslav people", as you
put it. Since you sent the message also on behalf of
the American people, you must agree that your people
have the right to know of these remarks.

Mr. President, I assure you that I always considered
United States of America as a beacon of freedom and
liberty, as the statue in New York symbolizes it. I
started my studying the law and politics with the text
of the Declaration of Independence. But, from November
30, 1990 when your father - then the president of the
United States - first signed so-called Public Law
101-513 which meant direct incitement to breaking up
of Yugoslavia I consider America, with its frightening
power, the main treat for the destiny of the whole
world if it does not change fundamentally its policy
and return to the tenants of the Declaration of
Independence and other great values of a great country
and a great people. You and your Democrat predecessor
ruined my country, my people, my relatives, me
personally, with your arrogant, immoral and
irresponsible policy. Still, I don't believe that you
personally are such a person. I believe that you are
the victim of wicked lobbies, of your advisers and
officials who lie to you, who deceive you. I am
willing and prepared to meet you or a person of your
trust who possesses honesty and objective knowledge of
the matters touched upon in this letter at any time
and at any place, in order to substantiate what I said
in this letter. I am sure that I would convince you
that I was telling the truth, nothing but the truth,
but not whole truth.

With highest consideration,

Sincerely yours,

Dr. Milan Tepavac, Belgrade, Yugoslavia


Attachment: Forwarded Message

From: "Miroslav Antic"
Date: Sun, 28 Apr 2002 10:12:17 -0400
Subject: [sorabia] What about the U.S. role in
Croatian atrocities?
Reply-to: sorabia@...

The Washington Times

Sunday, April 28, 2002/page B2

Your April 22 article, "Indicted general accuses U.S.,
Clinton of war atrocities," brings to light two
problems that should be of concern to all Americans:
The duplicity and injustice of the International
Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) and
shortsighted and unprincipled aspects of U.S. foreign

In the article, you report that a Croatian general
indicted by the war crimes tribunal in The Hague for
being responsible for atrocities committed against
Krajina Serbs during "Operation Storm" in 1995 claimed
that leading members of the Clinton administration
authorized and oversaw the operation. The article
states that 150,000 Serbs were ethnically cleansed
from the region. The Croatian general is accused of
"command responsibility" for the killing of 150
Serbian civilians. Other reliable sources put the
figure of those ethnically cleansed at 250,000 and the
number of civilians killed at over 5000.

A spokeswoman for chief prosecutor Carla del Ponte is
quoted as saying, "It's not Operation Storm that is
being indicted, but the crimes that were committed
during and afterward" -- in this case, by Croatian
soldiers whose actions fell under the responsibility
of the accused general.

However, the whole object of "Operation Sotrm" was to
"ethnically cleanse" all Serbs from the Krajina region
of Croatia, the same kind of war crimes for which
Slobodan Milosevic and other defendants have been
charged by the tribunal. The main difference is that
without U.S. military aid and technology, "Operation
Storm" may not have been successful.

In another example of the deceptions that are common
from The Hague tribunal, Mrs. del Ponte?s spokeswoman
stated that U.S. support for the operation "has yet to
be established. I don?t know that the [Clinton]
administration was involved." Such bald-face lies from
a representative of the ICTY should be a warning to
anyone who supports the forming of a permanent
International Criminal Court. The facts of U.S.
involvement have been widely reported, albeit ignored.

A headline in the Aug. 25, 1995 Navy Times read: "4
Navy jets bomb Serb missile sites." The accompanying
article reported that the air strike took place on
Aug. 4, 1995, at the beginning of the Croatian

The air strike reportedly was in response to a request
for air support by a contingent of Pakistani U.N.
peacekeepers who reported Croatian artillery rounds
striking near their outpost. When the Navy jets
entered the region they were picked up by Serbian air
defense radar. Upon being "targeted" by the Serbian
radar, the jets bombed two Serbian surface-to-air
missile sites.

It seems more than a coincident that the air strike
eliminated a Serbian missile site in the very area
which was under attack by the Croatians. The Navy
Times gave the name of the ship from which two of the
planes launched, the name of the flight leader and the
name of the Italian air base from which the other two
planes took off. Both the Chicago Tribune and the
International Tribune carried similar articles.

After reading the articles, I called the office of
Sen. John W. Warner, Virginia Republican, to ask why,
when we claimed to be neutral, U.S. aircraft had put
in an air strike against Serb facilities in support of
the Croatian offensive in Krajina. After all, the
request from the Pakistani peacekeepers was because
they were endangered by Croatian artillery and any
aircraft entering Serbian air space should expect to
be picked up by air defense radar.

In response to inquiries to the Pentagon, Sen.
Warner?s staff assistant was told that no air strike
was made. The response was the same even after the
Pentagon official was told of the Navy Times, Chicago
Tribune and the International Tribune articles. I
pursued the issue by calling NATO?s AIRSOUTH
headquarters in Naples where I was handed from one
person to another but never received a satisfactory
answer - a classic example of stonewalling.

Further proof of U.S. involvement which seems to have
eluded Ms. del Ponte?s staff was in aNov. 25, 1995
story in the Washington Times, "Retired U.S. brass
sell military expertise," which described the
operation of Military Professional Resources Inc.
(MPRI), which described the operations of Military
Professional Resources Inc. (MPRI), a group of retired
senior military officers and NCOs based in Alexandria,
VA, that sells its expertise to a number of foreign

The Croatian Defense Ministry was a customer of the
company. Even though the officers claim, presumably
with straight faces, to have taught the Croats "only
mundane aspects of leadership and the military?s role
in a democracy," as you reported, the timing of the
training program just prior to Operation Storm and the
similarity of the Croatian tactics to American
doctrine raises questions as to how mundane the
training was.

Another article in The Washington Times, "Pentagon
played role in US help for Croatia," which appeared
Oct. 30, 1995, cited a source who described a visit to
Croatia by MPRI vice-president and general manager,
retired General Carl Vuono, former Army Chief of
Staff, which included ten meetings "with senior
Croatian officers in the five days before the Krajina
offensive, during which time they worked out computer
simulations that turned out to be remarkably similar
to what actually took place."

A statement by MPRI's spokesman, retired Lt. Gen. Ed
Soyster, reveals perhaps more than intended regarding
official U.S. government involvement in MPRI?s
activities in Croatia and elsewhere: "These are guys
[MPRI?s members] who devoted 35 years of their lives
supporting government policy. We?re not going to turn
our back on that." I guess that explains why MPRI is
willing to train Kosovo Liberation Army and National
Liberation Army narco-terrorists who are also trained
and financed by Osama bin Laden and may one day be
shooting at American GIs.

In his July 2001 syndicated column, "Wanted -- Guns
for Hire," Col. David Hackworth refers to MPRI as "the
same outfit that in the early 1990s trained Croatian
soldiers for Operation Storm."

Regarding MPRI?s ethics, Hackworth continues, "But
others have had the moral decency to say, ?Take your
high-paying mercenary job and stick it in your ear.? "

It?s time for Americans to wake up to the fact that we
are on the verge of losing our sovereignty to U.N.
kangaroo courts. It is also time that MPRI and similar
organizations realize that duty, honor, country come
before "supporting government policy."

Air Force (retired)
Sterling, Va







IL FONDO MONETARIO INTERNAZIONALE, dai primi anni ’80, ha condotto una
strategia di sistematico strangolamento dell’economia juogoslava

L’ONU, dopo aver legittimato le spinte egoistiche alle secessioni, ha
approvato l’aggressione militare e ha favorito il colpo di stato con
il ricatto delle sanzioni

La NATO, dopo i bombardamenti del ‘95 sulla Bosnia, ha scatenato la
guerra all’uranio che ha provocato migliaia di vittime, centinaia di
migliaia di senzatetto e milioni di disoccupati

I SERVIZI SEGRETI AMERICANI hanno addestrato i provocatori che hanno
manovrato la piazza per il colpo di stato del 5 ottobre 2000


5 maggio 2002, ore 15

Presso la
Largo dei Bersaglieri angolo Europa a Milano

In caso di pioggia o "imprevisti", l’incontro si svolgerà presso il
Centro Sociale LA FUCINA di Sesto S.G., via Falck 44


a Opcine-Opicina (Trieste/Trst)
Sotto il tendone - Pod sotorom
(27 aprile - 1 maggio 2002)
organizzata da Rifondazione Comunista di Trieste
PRC-SKP Circolo Krozek - Altipiano Kras

Mercoledì 1 Maggio - Sreda 1.maj
alle ore 17 - ob 17.h



Thursday, April 25, 2002

U.S.-led forces desecrate Serbian church?
Letter to Bush protests alleged violence by
peacekeeping troops

Posted: April 25, 2002
1:00 a.m. Eastern
By Aleksandar Pavic

The Serbian Orthodox Church is charging the
peacekeeping force in Bosnia with violently
desecrating church property in its search for suspects
wanted by the War Crimes Tribunal in The Hague.

In an April 11 letter addressed to U.S. President
Bush, Gen. John B. Sylvester, commander of the SFOR
peacekeeping force in Bosnia, and Bosnian High
Commissioner Wolfgang Petritsch, the Serbian Church
protested the behavior of U.S.-led troops.

Written by Serb Patriarch Pavle in the name of the
Holy Synod of Bishops, the letter refers to
"enormously unpleasant situations which the faithful
of the Serbian Orthodox Church experienced on Feb. 28
and March 1, 2002, when the soldiers of the SFOR
peacekeeping forces violently burst into these
villages claiming to search for [former Bosnian
political and military leader] Radovan Karadzic. They
used explosive and other objects to smash doors and
barge into houses, ambulances and even schools."

Even though U.S. officials have express opposition to
the newly ratified International Criminal Court, there
is an urgency to round up people in Bosnia wanted for
alleged war crimes to stand trial in another
international court, the Hague Tribunal. U.S. War
Crimes Ambassador Pierre-Richard Prosper, on April 18,
traveled to Bosnia to inform the Serb leadership that
"there would be no economic or political progress in
Republika Srpska (the Serb part of Bosnia)" until
Karadzic and Ratko Mladic stood trial at The Hague. He
went on to say that "Republika Srpska risked falling
behind other countries for not cooperating with the
Hague Tribunal" and that its "citizens would continue
suffering while Radovan Karadzic was free."

In addition, the U.S. administration has continued
applying economic and political pressure against
neighboring Yugoslavia, compelling it to pass an
unconstitutional law that sets the rules for
"cooperation with The Hague" and to issue arrest
warrants against alleged Hague suspects.

The intensified search for suspects in Bosnia has
caused Karadzic to resurface from his seven-year exile
to protest the methods used in the hunt.

The letter goes on to say that the Serbian Orthodox
Church is "shocked and appalled by the behavior of the
SFOR soldiers to innocent civilians, especially by
their violent entering the Church of the Dormition of
the Most Holy Mother of God at Celebici, with weapons,
where they scattered sacral objects in the altar and
smashed the glass within the chalice [used] for giving
the Holy Communion to priests and people. ... The
Church in which our faithful pray to God, receive the
Holy Communion, are christened and married has been
desecrated. Religious feelings of our faithful, their
human dignity and safety have been violated." The
letter concludes with an appeal that "measures be
taken so that nothing similar should ever happen

This is not the first time that the Serbian Church has
appealed to Western leaders to stop the threat to its
churches. Since the NATO-led KFOR troops came to the
Serbian province of Kosovo after the bombing of
Yugoslavia in June 1999, more than 100 Orthodox
churches have been damaged or destroyed by Albanian
Islamicists in the presence of the 50,000-plus-strong
Western military forces.

In the April 24 edition of the Belgrade weekly
Nedeljni Telegraf, ran a letter written by Karadzic to
Kosta Cavoski, a close friend and leading Yugoslav
legal authority and Hague opponent, in which he says
that he has been "earnestly trying to avoid an
encounter with the SFOR troops for the past seven
years ... and that it would be better if Gen.
Sylvester did the same, [for] in that encounter I may
not pass very well and would probably pass very badly
in the technical sense, but I would certainly be the
winner in the moral sense."

Sylvester, continues Karadzic, "could come out the
winner only if we don't meet, that is, if he refuses
the role of policeman and bounty hunter."

Karadzic also expresses his wonder as to "why Gen.
Sylvester wants to equate his soldiers with cruel
bounty hunters" and whether his soldiers' parents know
that "their children break into houses of our innocent
civilians in the middle of the night and frighten our
children, who fall unconscious" from shock.

Referring to the "tribunal" that is hunting him,
Karadzic goes on to ask "what kind of court and
prosecution is it that first arrests and only then
compiles evidence ... which has held our speaker of
the House, who has had no role in the executive
branch, in detention without trial for two years,"
further wondering whether "such things are allowed in
Gen. Sylvester's country."

Finally, Karadzic wonders whether "President Bush,
Gen. Sylvester's supreme commander, knows that his
general writes letters of blackmail in which he
threatens innocent civilians."

The last is in reference to an April 8 letter written
by Sylvester to another Bosnian Serb, Zvonko Bajagic,
in which he urges him to "appeal to your friend
Radovan Karadzic to give himself up" to the Hague
Tribunal or be faced with the possibility of "legal
complications resulting in a thorough and expensive
investigation that might cause you financial and
emotional hardship and suffering."

Karadzic is being sought by the Tribunal for allegedly
taking part in the organization of a "massacre" of
Bosnian Muslims in the "U.N. demilitarized zone" in
Srebrenica in July 1995. This is also one of the main
charges facing former Yugoslav leader Slobodan
Milosevic, who is currently standing trial in The

Last week, the publication of the results of a
five-year long official Dutch inquiry into the events
taking place in Srebrenica caused the resignation of
the entire Dutch government. In a section dealing with
the work of various foreign intelligence agencies
during the Bosnian conflict, the report implicates the
Pentagon with, among other things, supporting the
airlift of Iranian and Turkish armaments financed with
Saudi Arabian money into the "demilitarized" Muslim
enclave of Srebrenica just before its fall to Bosnian
Serb forces.

As quoted by the London Guardian, the report also
states that the CIA was opposed to the Pentagon policy
of allying with "radical Islamist groups from the
Middle East, some of the same groups that the Pentagon
is now fighting in 'the war against terrorism,'
[including] Afghan mujahedin and Hezbollah."

Back in June 1998, in an interview given to the
Bosnian weekly "Dani," the former police chief of
Srebrenica went so far as to implicate former
President Clinton in offering to stage the fall of
Srebrenica in order to ensure a NATO intervention.
Apparently, former Muslim Islamic leader Alija
Izetbegovic, told him at a 1993 meeting that "[y]ou
know, I was offered by Clinton in April 1993 ... that
the Chetnik [Serb] forces enter Srebrenica, carry out
a slaughter of 5,000 Muslims, and then there will be a
military intervention."

Aleksandar Pavic in Belgrade covers Yugoslavia for


+++ Karadzic veröffentlicht Brief

BELGRAD, 24. April 2002. Der ehemalige Präsident
von Republika Srpska, Radovan Karadzic, hat es,
sich dem UNO-Tribunal zu stellen. In einem
Schreiben an den Belgrader Juraprofessor Kosta
Cavoski, weist Karadzic die diesbezüglich
wiederholt an ihn gerichteten Appelle des
Kommandanten der NATO-Truppen in Bosnien, John
Sylvester, zurück.
"Ich kann seine Appelle, mich selbst zu stellen,
nicht akzeptieren. Dieses Tribunal wurde nicht
nur gesetzwidrig gegründet, sondern wird auch
der Grund für die Beschämung des anständigen
Teils des Westens sein, der dahinter steht",
heißt es im ersten öffentlichen Schreiben
Karadzics seit sechs Jahren. Der frühere
serbische Oppositionsführer Cavoski ist Leiter
eines in Belgrad gründeten "Ausschusses für
Wahrheit über Karadzic". ( )

Der Ex-Präsident der Republika Srpska hat
gleichzeitig an den amerikanischen General
Sylvester gewandt. Sylvester hat in den letzten
Wochen die Familie Karadzic sowie einige Freunde
stark unter Druck gesetzt und zum Teil auch
bedroht. "Der Familie und den Freunden des
El-Kaida-Führers Osama bin Laden wird nicht
gedroht, was schön ist, während meinen Freunden
und meiner Familie gedroht wird, wenngleich ich
in keiner Hinsicht je ein Feind der Heimat von
General Sylvester war. Ganz im Gegenteil, ich
war Stipendiat dieses Landes und verbrachte dort
ein Studienjahr", präzisierte Karadzic.

Karadzic kommentiert in seinem Brief auch das
Untersuchungsergebnis einer niederländischen
Kommission, die sich mit dem Fall Srebrenica
befasst hatte. Die Feststellung des Institutes,
dass die Rolle von Radovan Karadzic bei den
Kämpfen um Srebrenica ungeklärt geblieben sei,
bedeute, dass es eine solche Rolle gar nicht
gegeben habe, so Karadzic. Karadzic hat dem
französischen Außenministerium vorgeworfen, den
Fall von Srebrenica bereits im Frühjahr 1993
geplant zu haben. Das angebliche Massaker sei im
Westen vereinbart und geplant worden, um als
Anlass für ein militärisches Eingreifen zu
dienen, welches Ende August und Anfang September
1995 erfolgte, erklärte Karadzic weiter.

In Belgrad war am Montag ein von Karadzic
verfasstes Buch der Öffentlichkeit präsentiert


--- In Ova adresa el. pošte je zaštićena od spambotova. Omogućite JavaScript da biste je videli. , "Miroslav Antic" wrote:

SFOR odgovara na pismo Radovana Karadzica

Pismo nije mudar potez

Ako Radovan Karadzic smatra da nije kriv porucujem mu da se preda
lokalnim vlastima i svoj slucaj brani pred Haskim tribunalom. Dok se
to ne desi SFOR ce nastaviti sa svojim aktivnostima sve dok ga ne
uhapsi i izvede pred lice pravde, izjavio je za banjalucke "Nezavisne
novine" portparol SFOR Skot Landi odgovarajuci na pismo koje je bivsi
predsjednik RS Radovan Karadzic uputio Kosti Cavoskom.

Po Landiju za Karadzica nije mudar izbor to sto ne pomislja na
predaju, kako je porucio u pismu. To je njegov izbor, iako nije mudar.
Istina je da SFOR trenutno ne zna gdje se nalazi Karadzic, ali je
sigurno da ce on prvi saznati da smo ga otkrili, rekao je Landi i
ponovo pozvao bivseg predsjednika RS da se preda ako smatra da nije
uradio nista pogresno i da pred Tribunalom dokaze, da li je ili nije
kriv, rekao je portparol SFOR.

Za poruku koju je Karadzic uputio generalu Dzonu Silvesteru da ce iz
susreta s njim izaci kao moralni pobjednik, Landi kaze: Svako moze
pobijediti, ali za Karadzica je moralna pobjeda izlazak pred sud i
prilika da predstavi svoj slucaj. Sve dok se to ne desi SFOR ce
nastojati da pritvori Karadzica, kaze on.

On je odbacio optuzbe koje je Karadzic uputio u pismu na racun
generala Dzona Silvestera da SFOR uznemirava njegove prijatelje i
Koristimo razna metode i pristupe da sve optuzene za ratne zlocine
privedemo pred lice pravde, pa i Karadzica. Pismo koje je general
Silvester nedavno isporucio bliskom prijatelju Radovana Karadzica je
samo jedna od tih metoda, rekao je Landi. On je rekao da SFOR niti
ucjenjuje Karadzica, niti prijeti njegovim prijeteljima. Landi je
izrazio nadu da ce se Radovan Karadzic i drugi optuzeni za ratne
zlocine do oktobra naci u Hagu.

NEZAVISNE NOVINE, 25. april 2002.

Karadzic se oglasio pismom, ne pomislja na predaju

Bivsi predsednik Republike Srpske Radovan Karadzic, optuzen za ratne
zlocine tokom rata u Bosni, porucio je da ne prihvata apele za predaju
Haskom tribunalu, ocenjujuci da je on "nelegalno osnovan" i da ce ga
se Zapad "stideti".

Karadzic se oglasio pismom koje je 17. aprila uputio profesoru
beogradskog Pravnog fakulteta i predsedniku Medjunarodnog komiteta za
istinu o Radovanu Karadzicu, Kosti Cavoskom, a koje objavljuje
beogradski "Nedeljni telegraf" u najnovijem broju.

U pismu, Karadzic protestuje zbog, kako navodi, pretnji i ucena, koje
clanovima njegove porodice i prijateljima upucuje komandant Sfora
americki general DZon Silvester.

"Porodici i prijateljima vodje Al Kaide se ne preti, i to je lepo, a
preti se mojim prijateljima i mojoj porodici, iako na nikad ni u kom
pogledu nisam bio neprijatelj domovine generala Silvestera", naveo je

O Haskom tribunalu, koji ga tereti za ratne zlocine u BiH, bivsi
predsednik RS navodi da se u tom sudu "moze naci svaki Srbin, bez
obzira na odgovornost i krivicu".

"Taj Tribunal ne samo sto je nelegalno osnovan, nego ce biti razlog za
stid pristojnog dela Zapada, koji sada stoji iza njega. Pitao bih
generala Silvestera kakav je to sud, a pre svega tuzilastvo, koje prvo
hapsi, pa onda prikuplja dokaze? I koje hapsi i potrazuje civilni i
vojni vrh svih srpskih drzavnih entiteta i izjednacava ga sa obicnim
kriminalcima iz drugih nacionalnih zajednica i entiteta", pita se

U pismu Karadzic optuzuje Sfor, odnosno njegovog komandanta, za
krsenje mandata i porucuje mu da je bolje da se njih dvojica nikada ne

"Po tom mandatu, gospodin general bi mogao da me uhapsi samo ako bi me
njegovi vojnici slucajno sreli tokom svojih uobicajenih aktivnosti.
Vec sedmu godinu ja se svojski trudim da do tog susreta ne dodje, a
bilo bi bolje da tako radi i general Silvester. Naime, u tom susretu
ja bih mogao proci i ovako i onako, u tehnickom pogledu verovatno bih
prosao vrlo lose, ali u moralnom bih sigurno bio pobednik", naveo je

On je istakao da je "vojska generala Silvestera" u RS i BiH pre svega
zbog njegovog (Karadzicevog) parafa na Dejtonskom sporazumu i podvukao
da "na srpskim teritorijama nijedan regularan vojnik generala
Silvestera i vojne alijanse ciji je on oficir, nije nastradao ni za
vreme rata, ni nakon njega".

"Mi smo zbog toga srecni, a to je moguce samo zbog neizmerne dobrote i
trpeljivosti ovoga naroda ovde koji razlikuje prave vojnike, koji su
necija deca, od okrutnih lovaca na ucene, koje ne cenimo vise nego sto
je uobicajeno", naveo je Karadzic u pismu Kosti Cavoskom.

Bivsi predsednik RS posebno je kritikivao neke politicke snage u

"I medju Srbima nema trpeljivijih Srba od 'bosanskih' Srba, koje je
samo krajnja nevolja mogla naterati da se brane, pa im sada tesko pada
kada u matici, cak i marginalne politicke snage drze da smo mi ovde
krvozedni i nesmireni divljaci. A kad bi htele, i te marginalne
politicke snage, mogle bi znati istinu i odgovorno se odnositi prema
njoj", pise Karadzic.

Na kraju pisma Karadzic porucuje komandantu Sfora da ostavi na miru i
da "ne terorise" njegove stare prijatelje.

"U medjuvremenu sam stekao hiljade novih prijatelja, za koje moji
progonitelji ne znaju. I svakim danom imam ih sve vise. Nije neophodno
da sam u dva-tri sela u RS, jer smo ostali u Bosni kao celini, pa
zasto bih se ja odricao cele Bosne? Mozda su nas i ostavili u Bosni da
bi ona jednog dana cela bila nasa", porucio je Karadzic u pismu.


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[Posted 22 April 2002]

The media is using the upcoming release of the Dutch
government's report on Srebrenica and the resignation of
the Dutch government to "atone" for the Dutch role in
"letting Srebrenica happen," to broadcast massive
amounts of sheer misinformation about what did in fact
happen in the town of Srebrenica 7 years ago this July.

EMPEROR'S CLOTHES editor Nico Varkevisser in
Amsterdam reports that Dutch Prime Minister Wim Kok
had stated his intention to move out of national politics
and into the International arena before the report was
issued, that the resignation comes shortly before
previously-scheduled national elections and that Kok
staged this pseudo-resignation as a gift to NATO and the
War Crimes Tribunal, in exchange for which Kok hopes
to become a new star (like Javier Solana) on the
International scene.

According to media descriptions of the report, which has
not yet been published on the Internet but is available for
around $200 (USD) - it is interesting that according to
these media accounts, the report a) says a massacre
happened, but b) apparently finds no leader responsible.
(We say "apparently" because we have not been able,
yet, to read the actual report.

On the one hand, this makes a mockery of The Hague
"tribunal" charges against Milosevic. On the other hand,
this conclusion is an absurdity. How can an army commit
a massacre, and no leader is guilty? It would appear that
the people who prepared the report may have
compromised in a way, accepting the official NATO
position that there was a monstrous massacre (without
which NATO's entire stance in Yugoslavia is discredited)
but avoiding the sticky question of attributing
responsibility, which would require coming up with proof,
which does not exist.

What really happened in July 1995 in
Srebrenica? Here follow some articles critical
of the official view, with brief descriptions.

1 - Jared Israel's "Five Years On & the Lies Continue"
appeared two years ago as a full page ad in the Sydney
Herald and the New York Post. The article, which can be
read at
argues that it wasn't the Islamists but ordinary Serbian
villagers who were slaughtered by the terrorists under
Nasir Oric at Srebrenica. The Australian newspaper ad
led to an intense debate on Australian Public Radio
between Israel and the NY Times Srebrenica "expert"
David Rohde.

2- David Rohde versus. Max Sinclair, Jared Israel and
Prof. Drasko Jovanovic

David Rohde wrote the first Srebrenica (supposed)
massacre story as a Christian Science Monitor reporter in
1995. By making loud (though unsubstantiated)
accusations against the Bosnian Serbs he landed a spot
at the NY Times from which perch he has been issuing
fanciful Srebrenica updates at ever since.

The debate between EMPEROR'S CLOTHES and
Rohde began with the publication of "Why has the War
Crimes Tribunal suppressed testimony about
Srebrenica?" by Max Sinclair and Jared Israel at

David Rohde replied to Sinclair and Israel in an email
which he sent to the distinguished physicist, Professor
Drasko Jovanovic, with whom Rohde had been
corresponding concerning Srebrenica. Go to

Jovanovic forwarded Rohde's comments to Sinclair and
Israel who responded by email at

Prof. Jovanovic also sent EMPEROR'S CLOTHES a
short memoir concerning his experience as a boy in Nazi
occupied Yugoslavia. which can be read at
Here Prof. Jovanovic dealt with real genocide, as
opposed to the Rohde's unsubstantiated claims.

Rohde then took his dispute with Emperor's Clothes to
the pages of the NY Times, writing an article in which he
omitted nothing other than Israel and Sinclair's actual
arguments. Jared Israel replied to Rohde's Times piece

Prof. Jovanovic also replied, at

3 - In the article, "The Construction of a Trauma," René
Grémaux and Abe de Vries are noncommittal about
whether there was in fact a massacre, but their extensive
documentation argues against.

Here you will find the statement of the Dutch-UN
commander who says there was no massacre. He was
immediately attacked in the Dutch press and silenced by
the Army command. The article also contains some of
the self-contradictory testimony from supposed
witnesses. (We have uncovered much more, soon to be
published.) This article can be read at

4 - Sarah Standefer has written a sharp rebuttal to the
Srebrenica argument which has been revived, as she
points out, to suit NATO's current propaganda needs.
See "Thoughts On Srebrenica " at

5 - Sinister Suggestion from a Surprising Source

Take a look at "Refuting the Srebrenica Myth: An Islamist
Perspective," By Konstantin Kilibarda
The author quotes statements from embittered leaders
of the Islamist forces in Srebrenica and from United
Nations sources suggesting that Washington and Alijah
Izetbegovic's Islamic fundamentalist government in
Sarajevo conspired to fabricate a massacre story to
foster international outrage at the Bosnian Serbs. Can be
read at


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We need your help. EMPEROR'S CLOTHES is under
attack for telling the truth.

A few days ago our Website hosting service received an
email from Charles Russell, the law firm for ITN. ITN is
the British TV news station responsible for distributing
supposed news photos which falsely portrayed a Serbian
refugee center in Bosnia as a death camp. EMPEROR'S
Clothes exposed this lie in the video JUDGMENT.

In the email, ITN's law firm demanded that all mention of
the video, JUDGMENT, be removed from the
EMPEROR'S Clothes Website or ITN would sue our
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bravely, refused to cave in.

Another Website was not so lucky. is a vast storehouse of
information about Yugoslavia. Its editors have contributed
articles and shared their knowledge with EMPEROR'S
Clothes. Srpska-mreza had posted several articles
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