
"Now the Taliban will pay a price" vowed President George
W. Bush, as American and British fighter planes unleashed
missile attacks against major cities in Afghanistan. The
US Administration claims that Osama bin Laden is behind
the tragic events of the 11th of September. A major war
supposedly "against international terrorism" has been
launched, yet the evidence amply confirms that agencies
of the US government have since the Cold War harbored the
"Islamic Militant Network" as part of Washington's
foreign policy agenda. In a bitter irony, the US Air
Force is targeting the training camps established in the
1980s by the CIA.

The main justification for waging this war has been
totally fabricated. The American people have been
deliberately and consciously misled by their government
into supporting a major military adventure which affects
our collective future.


by Michel Chossudovsky

Professor of Economics, University of Ottawa

Centre for Research on Globalisation (CRG), Montr�al

Posted at 9 October 2001


Confronted with mounting evidence, the US Administration
can no longer deny its links to Osama. While the CIA
admits that Osama bin Laden was an "intelligence asset"
during the Cold War, the relationship is said to "go way
back". Most news reports consider that these Osama-CIA
links belong to the "bygone era" of the Soviet-Afghan
war. They are invariably viewed as "irrelevant" to an
understanding of present events. Lost in the barrage of
recent history, the role of the CIA in supporting and
developing international terrorist organisations during
the Cold war and its aftermath is casually ignored or
downplayed by the Western media.

Yes, We did support Him, but "He Went Against Us"

A blatant example of media distortion is the so-called
"blowback" thesis: "intelligence assets" are said to
"have gone against their sponsors"; "what we've created
blows back in our face."1 In a twisted logic, the US
government and the CIA are portrayed as the ill-fated

The sophisticated methods taught to the Mujahideen, and
the thousands of tons of arms supplied to them by the US
- and Britain - are now tormenting the West in the
phenomenon known as `blowback', whereby a policy strategy
rebounds on its own devisers. 2

The US media, nonetheless, concedes that "the Taliban's
coming to power [in 1995] is partly the outcome of the
U.S. support of the Mujahideen, the radical Islamic
group, in the 1980s in the war against the Soviet
Union".3 But it also readily dismisses its own factual
statements and concludes in chorus, that the CIA had been
tricked by a deceitful Osama. It's like "a son going
against his father".

The "blowback" thesis is a fabrication. The evidence
amply confirms that the CIA never severed its ties to the
"Islamic Militant Network". Since the end of the Cold
War, these covert intelligence links have not only been
maintained, they have in become increasingly

New undercover initiatives financed by the Golden
Crescent drug trade were set in motion in Central Asia,
the Caucasus and the Balkans. Pakistan's military and
intelligence apparatus (controlled by the CIA)
essentially "served as a catalyst for the disintegration
of the Soviet Union and the emergence of six new Muslim
republics in Central Asia." 4

Replicating the Iran Contragate Pattern

Remember Ollie North and the Nicaraguan Contras under the
Reagan Administration when weapons financed by the drug
trade were channeled to "freedom fighters" in
Washington's covert war against the Sandinista
government. The same pattern was used in the Balkans to
arm and equip the Mujahideen fighting in the ranks of the
Bosnian Muslim army against the Armed Forces of the
Yugoslav Federation.

Throughout the 1990s, the Pakistan Inter Services
Intelligence (ISI) was used by the CIA as a go-between --
to channel weapons and Mujahideen mercenaries to the
Bosnian Muslim Army in the civil war in Yugoslavia.
According to a report of the London based International
Media Corporation:

"Reliable sources report that the United States is now
[1994] actively participating in the arming and training
of the Muslim forces of Bosnia-Herzegovina in direct
contravention of the United Nations accords. US agencies
have been providing weapons made in ... China (PRC),
North Korea (DPRK) and Iran. The sources indicated that
... Iran, with the knowledge and agreement of the US
Government, supplied the Bosnian forces with a large
number of multiple rocket launchers and a large quantity
of ammunition. These included 107mm and 122mm rockets
from the PRC, and VBR-230 multiple rocket launchers ...
made in Iran. ... It was [also] reported that 400 members
of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard (Pasdaran) arrived in
Bosnia with a large supply of arms and ammunition. It was
alleged that the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) had
full knowledge of the operation and that the CIA believed
that some of the 400 had been detached for future
terrorist operations in Western Europe.

During September and October [1994], there has been a
stream of "Afghan" Mujahedin ... covertly landed in
Ploce, Croatia (South-West of Mostar) from where they
have traveled with false papers ... before deploying with
the Bosnian Muslim forces in the Kupres, Zenica and Banja
Luka areas. These forces have recently [late 1994]
experienced a significant degree of military success.
They have, according to sources in Sarajevo, been aided
by the UNPROFOR Bangladesh battalion, which took over
from a French battalion early in September [1994].

The Mujahedin landing at Ploce are reported to have been
accompanied by US Special Forces equipped with high-tech
communications equipment, ... The sources said that the
mission of the US troops was to establish a command,
control, communications and intelligence network to
coordinate and support Bosnian Muslim offensives -- in
concert with Mujahideen and Bosnian Croat forces -- in
Kupres, Zenica and Banja Luka. Some offensives have
recently been conducted from within the UN-established
safe-havens in the Zenica and Banja Luka regions.


The US Administration has not restricted its involvement
to the clandestine contravention of the UN arms embargo
on the region ... It [also] committed three high-ranking
delegations over the past two years [prior to 1994] in
failed attempts to bring the Yugoslav Government into
line with US policy. Yugoslavia is the only state in the
region to have failed to acquiesce to US pressure.5

"From the Horse's Mouth"

Ironically, the US Administration's undercover
military-intelligence operations in Bosnia have been
fully documented by the Republican Party. A lengthy
Congressional report by the Republican Party Committee
(RPC) published in 1997, largely confirms the
International Media Corporation report quoted above. The
RPC Congressional report accuses the Clinton
administration of having "helped turn Bosnia into a
militant Islamic base" leading to the recruitment through
the so-called "Militant Islamic Network," of thousands of
Mujahideen from the Muslim world:

Perhaps most threatening to the SFOR mission - and more
importantly, to the safety of the American personnel
serving in Bosnia - is the unwillingness of the Clinton
Administration to come clean with the Congress and with
the American people about its complicity in the delivery
of weapons from Iran to the Muslim government in
Sarajevo. That policy, personally approved by Bill
Clinton in April 1994 at the urging of CIA
Director-designate (and then-NSC chief) Anthony Lake and
the U.S. ambassador to Croatia Peter Galbraith, has,
according to the Los Angeles Times (citing classified
intelligence community sources), "played a central role
in the dramatic increase in Iranian influence in Bosnia.


Along with the weapons, Iranian Revolutionary Guards and
VEVAK intelligence operatives entered Bosnia in large
numbers, along with thousands of mujahedin ("holy
warriors") from across the Muslim world. Also engaged in
the effort were several other Muslim countries (including
Brunei, Malaysia, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, and
Turkey) and a number of radical Muslim organizations. For
example, the role of one Sudan-based "humanitarian
organization," called the Third World Relief Agency, has
been well documented. The Clinton Administration's
"hands-on" involvement with the Islamic network's arms
pipeline included inspections of missiles from Iran by
U.S. government officials... the Third World Relief
Agency (TWRA), a Sudan-based, phoney humanitarian
organization ... has been a major link in the arms
pipeline to Bosnia. ... TWRA is believed to be connected
with such fixtures of the Islamic terror network as Sheik
Omar Abdel Rahman (the convicted mastermind behind the
1993 World Trade Center bombing) and Osama Bin Laden, a
wealthy Saudi �migr� believed to bankroll numerous
militant groups. [Washington Post, 9/22/96] 6

Complicity of the Clinton Administration

In other words, the Republican Party Committee report
confirms unequivocally the complicity of the Clinton
Administration with several Islamic fundamentalist
organisations including Osama bin Laden's al Qaeda.

The Republicans wanted at the time to undermine the
Clinton Administration. However, at a time when the
entire country had its eyes riveted on the Monica
Lewinsky scandal, the Republicans no doubt chose not to
trigger an untimely "Iran-Bosniagate" affair, which might
have unduly diverted public attention away from the
Lewinsky scandal. The Republicans wanted to impeach Bill
Clinton "for having lied to the American People"
regarding his affair with White House intern Monica
Lewinsky. On the more substantive "foreign policy lies"
regarding drug running and covert operations in the
Balkans, Democrats and Republicans agreed in unison, no
doubt pressured by the Pentagon and the CIA not to "spill
the beans".

>From Bosnia to Kosovo

The "Bosnian pattern" described in the 1997 Congressional
RPC report was replicated in Kosovo. With the complicity
of NATO and the US State Department. Mujahideen
mercenaries from the Middle East and Central Asia were
recruited to fight in the ranks of the Kosovo Liberation
Army (KLA) in 1998-99, largely supporting NATO's war

Confirmed by British military sources, the task of arming
and training of the KLA had been entrusted in 1998 to the
US Defence Intelligence Agency (DIA) and Britain's Secret
Intelligence Services MI6, together with "former and
serving members of 22 SAS [Britain's 22nd Special Air
Services Regiment], as well as three British and American
private security companies".7

The US DIA approached MI6 to arrange a training programme
for the KLA, said a senior British military source. `MI6
then sub-contracted the operation to two British security
companies, who in turn approached a number of former
members of the (22 SAS) regiment. Lists were then drawn
up of weapons and equipment needed by the KLA.' While
these covert operations were continuing, serving members
of 22 SAS Regiment, mostly from the unit's D Squadron,
were first deployed in Kosovo before the beginning of the
bombing campaign in March. 8

While British SAS Special Forces in bases in Northern
Albania were training the KLA, military instructors from
Turkey and Afghanistan financed by the "Islamic jihad"
were collaborating in training the KLA in guerilla and
diversion tactics.9:

Bin Laden had visited Albania himself. He was one of
several fundamentalist groups that had sent units to
fight in Kosovo, ... Bin Laden is believed to have
established an operation in Albania in 1994 ... Albanian
sources say Sali Berisha, who was then president, had
links with some groups that later proved to be extreme
fundamentalists. 10

Congressional Testimonies on KLA-Osama links

According to Frank Ciluffo of the Globalized Organised
Crime Program, in a testimony presented to the House of
Representatives Judicial Committee:

What was largely hidden from public view was the fact
that the KLA raise part of their funds from the sale of
narcotics. Albania and Kosovo lie at the heart of the
"Balkan Route" that links the "Golden Crescent" of
Afghanistan and Pakistan to the drug markets of Europe.
This route is worth an estimated $400 billion a year and
handles 80 percent of heroin destined for Europe. 11

According to Ralf Mutschke of Interpol's Criminal
Intelligence division also in a testimony to the House
Judicial Committee:

The U.S. State Department listed the KLA as a terrorist
organization, indicating that it was financing its
operations with money from the international heroin trade
and loans from Islamic countries and individuals, among
them allegedly Usama bin Laden" . Another link to bin
Laden is the fact that the brother of a leader in an
Egyptian Jihad organization and also a military commander
of Usama bin Laden, was leading an elite KLA unit during
the Kosovo conflict. 12



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"OSAMAGATE" - second part
by Michel Chossudovsky
Posted at 9 October 2001


Madeleine Albright Covets the KLA

These KLA links to international terrorism and organised
crime documented by the US Congress were totally ignored
by the Clinton Administration. In fact, in the months
preceding the bombing of Yugoslavia, Secretary of State
Madeleine Albright was busy building a "political
legitimacy" for the KLA. The paramilitary army had --from
one day to the next-- been elevated to the status of a
bona fide "democratic" force in Kosovo. In turn,
Madeleine Albright has forced the pace of international
diplomacy: the KLA had been spearheaded into playing a
central role in the failed "peace negotiations" at
Rambouiillet in early 1999.

The Senate and the House tacitly endorse State Terrorism

While the various Congressional reports confirmed that
the US government had been working hand in glove with
Osama bin Laden's Al Qaeda, this did not prevent the
Clinton and later the Bush Administration from arming and
equipping the KLA. The Congressional documents also
confirm that members of the Senate and the House knew the
relationship of the Administration to international
terrorism. To quote the statement of Rep. John Kasich of
the House Armed Services Committee: "We connected
ourselves [in 1998-99] with the KLA, which was the
staging point for bin Laden..." 13

In the wake of the tragic events of September 11,
Republicans and Democrats in unison have given their full
support to the President to "wage war on Osama".

In 1999, Senator Jo Lieberman had stated authoritatively
that "Fighting for the KLA is fighting for human rights
and American values." In the hours following the October
7 missile attacks on Afghanistan, the same Jo Lieberman
called for punitive air strikes against Iraq: "We're in a
war against terrorism... We can't stop with bin Laden and
the Taliban." Yet Senator Jo Lieberman, as member of the
Armed Services Committee of the Senate had access to all
the Congressional documents pertaining to "KLA-Osama"
links. In making this statement, he was fully aware that
that agencies of the US government as well as NATO were
supporting international terrorism.

The War in Macedonia

In the wake of the 1999 war in Yugoslavia, the terrorist
activities of the KLA were extended into Southern Serbia
and Macedonia. Meanwhile, the KLA --renamed the Kosovo
Protection Corps (KPC)-- was elevated to United Nations
status, implying the granting of "legitimate" sources of
funding through United Nations as well as through
bilateral channels, including direct US military aid.

And barely two months after the official inauguration of
the KPC under UN auspices (September 1999), KPC-KLA
commanders - using UN resources and equipment - were
already preparing the assaults into Macedonia, as a
logical follow-up to their terrorist activities in
Kosovo. According to the Skopje daily Dnevnik, the KPC
had established a "sixth operation zone" in Southern
Serbia and Macedonia:

Sources, who insist on anonymity, claim that the
headquarters of the Kosovo protection brigades [i.e.
linked to the UN sponsored KPC] have [March 2000] already
been formed in Tetovo, Gostivar and Skopje. They are
being prepared in Debar and Struga [on the border with
Albania] as well, and their members have defined codes.

According to the BBC, "Western special forces were still
training the guerrillas" meaning that they were assisting
the KLA in opening up "a sixth operation zone" in
Southern Serbia and Macedonia.17

"The Islamic Militant Network" and NATO join hands in

Among the foreign mercenaries now fighting in Macedonia
(October 2001) in the ranks of self-proclaimed National
Liberation Army (NLA), are Mujahideen from the Middle
East and the Central Asian republics of the former Soviet
Union. Also within the KLA's proxy force in Macedonia are
senior US military advisers from a private mercenary
outfit on contract to the Pentagon as well as "soldiers
of fortune" from Britain, Holland and Germany. Some of
these Western mercenaries had previously fought with the
KLA and the Bosnian Muslim Army.18

Extensively documented by the Macedonian press and
statements of the Macedonian authorities, the US
government and the "Islamic Militant Network" are working
hand in glove in supporting and financing the
self-proclaimed National Liberation Army (NLA), involved
in the terrorist attacks in Macedonia. The NLA is a proxy
of the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA). In turn the KLA and
the UN sponsored Kosovo Protection Corps (KPC) are
identical institutions with the same commanders and
military personnel. KPC Commanders on UN salaries are
fighting in the NLA together with the Mujahideen.

In a bitter twist, while supported and financed by Osama
bin Laden's Al Qaeda, the KLA-NLA is also supported by
NATO and the United Nations mission to Kosovo (UNMIK). In
fact, the "Islamic Militant Network" --also using
Pakistan's Inter Service Intelligence (ISI) as the CIA's
go-between-- still constitutes an integral part of
Washington's covert military-intelligence operations in
Macedonia and Southern Serbia.

The KLA-NLA terrorists are funded from US military aid,
the United Nations peace-keeping budget as well as by
several Islamic organisations including Osama bin Laden's
Al Qaeda. Drug money is also being used to finance the
terrorists with the complicity of the US government. The
recruitment of Mujahideen to fight in the ranks of the
NLA in Macedonia is implemented through various Islamic

US military advisers mingle with Mujahideen within the
same paramilitary force, Western mercenaries from NATO
countries fight alongside Mujahideen recruited in the
Middle East and Central Asia. And the US media calls this
a "blowback" where so-called "intelligence assets" have
gone against their sponsors!

But this did not happen during the Cold war! It is
happening right now in Macedonia. And it is confirmed by
numerous press reports, eyewitness accounts, photographic
evidence as well as official statements by the Macedonian
Prime Minister, who has accused the Western military
alliance of supporting the terrorists. Moreover, the
official Macedonian New Agency (MIA) has pointed to the
complicity between Washington's envoy Ambassador James
Pardew and the NLA terrorists.19 In other words, the
so-called "intelligence assets" are still serving the
interests of their US sponsors.

Pardew's background is revealing in this regard. He
started his Balkans career in 1993 as a senior
intelligence officer for the Joint Chiefs of Staff
responsible for channeling US aid to the Bosnian Muslim
Army. Coronel Pardew had been put in charge of arranging
the "air-drops" of supplies to Bosnian forces. At the
time, these "air drops" were tagged as "civilian aid". It
later transpired --confirmed by the RPC Congressional
report-- that the US had violated the arms embargo. And
James Pardew played an important role as part of the team
of intelligence officials working closely with the
Chairman of the National Security Council Anthony Lake.

Pardew was later involved in the Dayton negotiations
(1995) on behalf of the US Defence Department. In 1999,
prior to the bombing of Yugoslavia, he was appointed
"Special Representative for Military Stabilisation and
Kosovo Implementation" by President Clinton. One of his
tasks was to channel support to the Kosovo Liberation
Army (KLA), which at the time was also being supported by
Osama bin Laden. Pardew was in this regard instrumental
in replicating the "Bosnian pattern" in Kosovo and
subsequently in Macedonia...

Justification for Waging War

The Bush Administration has stated that it has proof that
Osama bin Laden is behind the attacks on the WTC and the
Pentagon. In the words of British Prime Minister Tony
Blair: "I have seen absolutely powerful and
incontrovertible evidence of his [Osama] link to the
events of the 11th of September."20 What Tony Blair fails
to mention is that agencies of the US government
including the CIA continue to "harbor" Osama bin Laden's
Al Qaeda.

A major war supposedly "against international terrorism"
has been launched by a government which is harboring
international terrorism as part of its foreign policy
agenda. In other words, the main justification for waging
war has been totally fabricated. The American people have
been deliberately and consciously misled by their
government into supporting a major military adventure
which affects our collective future.

This decision to mislead the American people was taken
barely a few hours after the terrorist attacks on the
World Trade Centre. Without supporting evidence, Osama
had already been tagged as the "prime suspect." Two days
later on Thursday the 13th of September --while the FBI
investigations had barely commenced-- President Bush
pledged to "lead the world to victory". The
Administration confirmed its intention to embark on "a
sustained military campaign rather than a single dramatic
action" directed against Osama bin Laden. 21 In addition
to Afghanistan, a number of countries in the Middle East
were mentioned as possible targets including Iraq, Iran,
Libya and the Sudan. And several prominent US political
figures and media pundits have demanded that the air
strikes be extended to other countries "which harbour
international terrorism." According to intelligence
sources, Osama bin Laden's al Qaeda has operations in
some 50 to 60 countries providing ample pretext to
intervene in several "rogue states" in the Middle East
and Central Asia.

Moreover, the entire US Legislature --with only one
honest and courageous dissenting voice in the House of
Representatives-- has tacitly endorsed the
Administration's decision to go war. Members of the House
and the Senate have access through the various committees
to official confidential reports and intelligence
documents which prove beyond doubt that agencies of the
US government have ties to international terrorism. They
cannot say "we did not know". In fact, most of this
evidence is in the public domain.

Under the historical resolution of the US Congress
adopted by both the House and the Senate on the 14th of

The president is authorized to use all necessary and
appropriate force against those nations, organizations,
or persons he determines planned, authorized, committed,
or aided the terrorist attacks that occurred on Sept. 11,
2001, or harbored such organizations or persons, in order
to prevent any future acts of international terrorism
against the United States by such nations, organizations
or persons.

Whereas there is no evidence that agencies of the US
government "aided the terrorist attacks" on the World
Trade Centre and the Pentagon, there is ample and
detailed evidence that agencies of the US government as
well as NATO, have since the end of the Cold War
continued to "harbor such organizations".

Patriotism cannot be based on a falsehood, particularly
when it constitutes a pretext for waging war and killing
innocent civilians.

Ironically, the text of the Congressional resolution also
constitutes a "blowback" against the US sponsors of
international terrorism. The resolution does not exclude
the conduct of an "Osamagate" inquiry, as well as
appropriate actions against agencies and/or individuals
of the US government, who may have collaborated with
Osama bin Laden's Al Qaeda. And the evidence indelibly
points directly to the Bush Administration.



United Press International (UPI), 15 September 2001.
The Guardian, London, 15 September 2001.
UPI, op cit,
For further details see Michel Chossudovsky, Who is
Osama bin Laden, Centre for Research on Globalisation, 12
September 2001,
International Media Corporation Defense and Strategy
Policy, US Commits Forces, Weapons to Bosnia, London, 31
October 1994.
Congressional Press Release, Republican Party Committee
(RPC), US Congress, Clinton-Approved Iranian Arms Transfers
Help Turn Bosnia into Militant Islamic Base, 16 January
1997, available on the website of the Centre of Research
on Globalisation (CRG) at The
original document is on the website of the US Senate
Republican Party Committee (Senator Larry Craig), at
The Scotsman, Glasgow, 29 August 1999.
Truth in Media, Kosovo in Crisis, Phoenix, Arizona, 2
April 1999
Sunday Times, London, 29 November 1998.
US Congress, Testimony of Frank J. Cilluffo , Deputy
Director, Global Organized Crime, Program director to the
House Judiciary Committee, 13 December 2000.
US Congress, Testimony of Ralf Mutschke of Interpol's
Criminal Intelligence Division, to the House Judicial
Committee, 13 December 2000.
US Congress, Transcripts of the House Armed Services
Committee, 5 October 1999,
Quoted in the Boston Herald, 19 March 2001.
Quoted in Knight Ridder News, 8 October 2001.
Macedonian Information Centre Newsletter, Skopje, 21
March 2000, published by BBC Summary of World Broadcast,
24 March 2000.
BBC, 29 January 2001, at
Scotland on Sunday, Glasgow, 15 June 2001 at,
see also UPI, 9 July 2001. For further details see Michel
Chossudovsky, Washington behind Terrorist Assaults in
Macedonia, Centre for Research on Globalisation,
August 2001, at
Macedonian Information Agency (MIA), 26 September 2001,
available at the Centre for Research on Globalisation at
Quoted in The Daily Telegraph, London, 1 October 2001.
Statement by official following the speech by President
George Bush on 14 September 2001 quoted in the
International Herald Tribune, Paris, 14 September 2001.


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Globalisation (CRG), October 2001. All rights reserved.
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note is displayed.
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Centro di Documentazione Storica "Pietro Secchia"
Foglio politico telematico "L'ORA dei Comunisti" - Per la ricostruzione
del P.C.I. -




by Jared Israel [8 October 2001]
Includes report from the 'Wall Street Journal'



Ex- National Security Chief Brzezinski Admits:
Afghan Islamism Was Made in Washington

Interview with Zbigniew Brzezinski, President Jimmy Carter's
National Security Adviser in 'Le Nouvel Observateur' (France),
Jan 15-21, 1998, p. 76 (Translated by Bill Blum)



The creation called Osama
By Shamsul Islam

Reprinted from 'The Hindu' (India) September 27, 2001
[Posted 27 September 2001]



Judicial Watch Condemns Bush-Binladin Group Connection
Comment by Jared Israel [posted 6 October 2001]



The Guardian (UK)

Frankenstein the CIA created

Mujahideen trained and funded by the US are among its
deadliest foes, reports Jason Burke in Peshawar
Sunday January 17, 1999

When Clement Rodney Hampton-el, a hospital technician
from Brooklyn, New Jersey, returned home from the war
in Afghanistan in 1989, he told friends his only
desire was to return. Though he had been wounded in
the arm and leg by a Russian shell, he said he had
failed. He had not achieved martyrdom in the name of
So he found a different theatre for his holy war and
achieved a different sort of martyrdom. Three years
ago, he was convicted of planning a series of massive
explosions in Manhattan and sentenced to 35 years in

Hampton-el was described by prosecutors as a skilled
bomb-maker. It was hardly surprising. In Afghanistan
he fought with the Hezb-i-Islami group of mujahideen,
whose training and weaponry were mainly supplied by
the CIA.

He was not alone. American officials estimate that,
from 1985 to 1992, 12,500 foreigners were trained in
bomb-making, sabotage and urban guerrilla warfare in
Afghan camps the CIA helped to set up.

Since the fall of the Soviet puppet government in
1992, another 2,500 are believed to have passed
through the camps. They are now run by an assortment
of Islamic extremists, including Osama bin Laden, the
world's most wanted terrorist.

Bin Laden arrived in Afghanistan from Saudi Arabia in
1979, aged 22. Though he saw a considerable amount of
combat - around the eastern city of Jalalabad in March
1989 and, earlier, around the border town of Khost -
his speciality was logistics.

>From his base in the Pakistani city of Peshawar, he
used his experience of the construction trade, and his
money, to build a series of bases where the mujahideen
could be trained by their Pakistani, American and, if
some recent press reports are to be believed, British

One of the camps bin Laden built, known as Al-Badr,
was the target of the American missile strikes against
him last summer. Now it is used by
Harkat-ul-Mujahideen, a Pakistan-based organisation
that trains volunteers to fight in Kashmir.

Some of their recruits kidnapped and almost certainly
killed a group of Western hostages a few years ago.
The bases are still full of new volunteers, many
Pakistanis. Most of those who were killed in last
August's strikes were Pakistani.

A Harkut-ul-Mujahideen official said last week that it
had Germans and Britons fighting for the cause, as
well as Egyptians, Palestinians and Saudis. Muslims
from the West as well as from the Middle East and
North Africa are regularly stopped by Pakistani police
on the road up the Khyber Pass heading for the camps.
Hundreds get through. Afghan veterans have now joined
bin Laden's al-Qaeda group.

Some have returned to former battlegrounds, like the
university-educated Dr Ayman al-Zawahiri, a key figure
in the Egyptian al-Jihad terrorist group. Al-Zawahiri
ran his own operation during the Afghan war, bringing
in and training volunteers from the Middle East. Some
of the $500 million the CIA poured into Afghanistan
reached his group. Al-Zawahiri has become a close aide
of bin Laden and has now returned to Afghanistan to
work with him. His al-Jihad group has been linked to
the Yemeni kidnappers.

One Saudi journalist who interviewed bin Laden in 1989
remembers three of his close associates going under
the names of Abu Mohammed, Abu Hafz and Abu Ahmed. All
three fought with bin Laden in the early Eighties,
travelled with him to the Sudan and have come back to
Afghanistan. Afghan veterans, believed to include men
who fought the Americans in Somalia, have also

Other members of al-Quaeda remain overseas. Afghan
veterans now linked to bin Laden have been traced by
investigators to Pakistan, East Africa, Albania,
Chechnya, Algeria, France, the US and Britain.

At least one of the kidnappers in Yemen was reported
to have fought in Afghanistan and to be linked to
al-Quaeda. Despite reports that bin Laden was
effectively funded by the Americans, it is impossible
to gauge how much American aid he received. He was not
a major figure in the Afghan war. Most American
weapons, including Stinger anti-aircraft missiles,
were channelled by the Pakistanis to the Hezb-i-Islami
faction of the mujahideen led by Gulbuddin Hekmatyar.

Bin Laden was only loosely connected with the group,
serving under another Hezb-i-Islami commander known as
Engineer Machmud. However, bin Laden's Office of
Services, set up to recruit overseas for the war,
received some US cash.

But according to one American official, concentrating
on bin Laden is a mistake. 'The point is not the
individuals,' he said last week. 'The point is that we
created a whole cadre of trained and motivated people
who turned against us. It's a classic Frankenstein's
monster situation.'

Others point out that the military contribution of the
'Arabs', as the overseas volunteers were known, was
relatively small. 'The fighting was done by the
Afghans and most of them went back to their fields
when Kabul fell to the mujahideen,' said Kamaal Khan,
a Pakistani defence analyst. 'Ironically, the bulk of
American aid went to the least effective fighters, who
turned most strongly to bite the hand that fed them.'


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Coordinamento Nazionale per la Jugoslavia (CNJ).
I documenti distribuiti non rispecchiano necessariamente
le posizioni ufficiali o condivise da tutto il CNJ, ma
vengono fatti circolare per il loro contenuto informativo al
solo scopo di segnalazione e commento ("for fair use only").
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E.Vlajki - Otava: "Demonizacija Srba"

for the english text see:

> (kako od ' Banana- Republike' do�i do suverene drzave)
> pise Emil VLAJKI*
> Godinu dana nakon "oktobarske revolucije", situacija u Jugoslaviji /
> Srbiji je krajnje teska i deprimiraju�a, a na vidiku, sa sadasnjom
> haoti�nom drustvenom svijes�u, nema mnogo toga ohrabruju�eg. Da bi se
> otvorila neka perspektiva, potreban je niz fleksibilnih
> 'naprijed-nazad' koraka unutar zacrtane strategije oslobo�enja od
> sadasnje politi�ke i ekonomske prostituiranosti, ropstva i
> obezglavljenosti.
> Rogovi u vre�i.
> Prije nego sto kazemo nesto o minimalnom programu koji bi mogao
> dovesti do poboljsanja situacije, mora se razjasniti sustina sadasnje
> vladaju�e koalicije u Jugoslaviji/Srbiji. Ona je potpuno neprirodna i
> stvorena je isklju�ivo zato, da bi se oborio Milosevi�. Nakon sto je
> to ura�eno, ona se je nastavila umjetno odrzavati i svakog se �asa
> moze rasprsnuti kao zrela lubenica kada udari o zemlju. Usmjerenja
> ovih rogova u vre�i su slijede�a:
> -Sa politi�ko-ekonomskog stanovista postoje slijede�e tendencije:
> *pro-ameri�ka (neo-liberalisti�ka, socijal-darvinisti�ka)
> *pro-evropska (humano-kapitalisti�ka)
> *pro-vlasiti dzep
> *pro-nikakva (muhe bez glave, bez ikakve koncepcije)
> -Sa etno-politi�kog stanovista, tendencije su:
> *isklju�ivo pro-srpska (za Srbiju kao drzavu, a protiv Jugoslavije)
> *pro-jugoslavenska
> *pro-separatisti�ka
> *pro-bilo kakva (zemlju, kakvu kvislinzima SAD-gospodari nametnu)
> -Sa stanovista upravljanja, tendencije su:
> *pro-staljinisti�ko-dogmatska
> *pro-mafijaska
> *pro-neoliberalisti�ka (ameri�ki standardi)
> *pro-socijaldemokratska (evropski standardi)
> *pro-monarhisti�ka
> -Sa stanovista kulture,glavne tendencije su:
> *klero-nacionalisti�ka (koja afirmira vjersku i nacionalnu
> isklju�ivost, a na stetu drugih etno-kulturnih zajednica)
> *lazno-univerzalisti�ka (od pseudomarksisti�kih do globalizacijskih)
> *egoisti�no-fleksibilna (kako vjetar puse)
> *multi-kulturna (opravdano njegovanje kulture ve�inskog naroda uz
> postivanje kultura drugih naroda koji zive u istoj drzavi).
> Sve su ove tendencije prisutne u vladaju�im garniturama
> Jugoslavije/Srbije. One egzistiraju u razli�itim varijantama i
> kombinacijama i naj�es�e su me�usobno ostro suprotstavljene i
> neprijateljske. Iz ovoga je vidljivo, da se sadasnja patoloski
> neprirodna vladaju�a koalicija Jugoslavije/Srbije ne moze jos dugo
> odrzati. Bit �e istinski dobro za zemlju i narod ukoliko taj �ir sto
> prije pukne jer �e stete biti manje i bezbolnije. Za nadati se, da �e
> se ubrzo izdiferencirati one vladaju�e tendencije koje �e se
> bezkompromisno zalagati za socijal-demokratske evropske standarde i
> za
> evropsku budu�nost.
> Sto da se radi
> 1.Treba do�i do svijesti o onome sto se ne�e i zbog �ega se ne�e. To
> je isto kao kad neka osoba vise ne zeli da ostane u braku. Ona ne zna
> sto �e biti nakon rastave, ali zna da situaciju u kojoj se nalazi
> vise
> ne zeli i zna razloge zbog �ega je ne zeli.
> -Ono sto ova zemlja vise ne bi trebalo da zeli je diktat SAD-a �ija
> politika ne ide samo na razbijanje Jugoslavije/Srbije ve� i na
> odvajanje ovog podru�ja od evropske integracije. Konsekventno tome i
> generalno govore�i, treba se po�eti osloba�ati utjecaja SAD-a,
> pogotovo ekonomskog i vojnog. Na bazi takve platforme, nuzno je
> pokrenuti diplomatsku ofenzivu i sklapati sve vrste mogu�ih sporazuma
> sa ve� formiranim evropskim institucijama i onim evropskim zemljama i
> korporacijama koje nisu pod odlu�uju�im utjecajem Sjedinjenih Drzava.
> Prihva�anje ove politi�ke linije ponasanja je neophodno za otvaranje
> realne perspektive za izlazak iz krize i zahtijeva evropski
> orijentirane stru�njake iz medjunarodnih politi�kih, ekonomskih i
> kulturnih odnosa. Naravno, osloba�anje od SAD-a ne moze biti ni brzo,
> ni spektakularno.
> -Posebno se ne smije pristati na politiku ameri�kog neoliberalizma,
> to
> jest na:
> *nestanak drzave u ekonomskom odlu�ivanju i socijalnoj sigurnosti
> *jeftinu, "budzasto" rasprodaju drustvenog vlasnistva
> Ameri�ki neo-liberalizam moze biti efikasan za ekonomski jake drzave,
> ali ne i za zemlje u razvoju. Njegova primjena u bivsem
> socijalisti�kom bloku je bukvalno dovela do stanja gladi milijune
> stanovnika u drzavama kao sto su, na primjer, Litvanija, Bugarska,
> Rumunija i Rusija, upropastivsi ih ekonomski na dugi rok i napravivsi
> ih podloznim razli�itim ucjenama.
> 2.Treba se odlu�no suprotstaviti demonizaciji, ma sa �ije strane
> dolazila. Deset godina razaranja Jugoslavije i Srbije, bilo je
> popra�eno demonizacijom srpskog naroda u svjetskim razmjerima koja se
> u ovom �asu nastavlja od dijela doma�ih politi�kih struktura na
> vlasti
> i njihovih medija. Demonizacija je imala i ima za cilj opravdanje
> zlo�ina�ke aktivnosti "me�unarodne zajednice" prema srpskom narodu
> kao
> i unistenje nacionalnog i religioznog bi�a tog naroda. Demonizacija
> Srba je neosnovana iz slijede�ih razloga:
> -Dokazano je, da je najve�i broj stvari na kojima se demonizacija
> Srba
> zasnivala, bio lazan, isfabriciran i/ili zbiljno doveden u sumnju.
> -Srbi u toku posljednjih deset godina nametnutih prljavih balkanskih
> ratova nisu, sustinski, po�inili ni vise ni manje zlo�ina nego ostali
> u�esnici ratova. Niti ima ijednog naroda u svijetu iz �ijih redova u
> ratu ne proisti�u zlo�ini i zlo�inci. Rat je nasilje koje neumitno
> proizvodi sve ve�e nasilje, mrznju, osvetu, bol, zasljepljenost,
> dakle
> i zlo�ine. Posebno rat koji se vodi za teritorije, a to je i bila
> sustina poslijednjih balkanskih ratova nakon raspada Jugoslavije,
> mora
> rezultirati zlo�inom.
> -Nitko na Balkanu ne smije zaboraviti da je pravi inicijator zlo�ina
> SAD-om predvo�ena "me�unarodna zajednica". Ona je sve zakuvala,
> direktno vojno intervenirala protiv Srba, vodila medijsku kampanju
> demonizacije protiv istih, a sada se "pravi tosa": od zrtava pravi
> zlo�ince, a svoje zlo�ine proglasava humanisti�kim.
> -Srpski narod treba da shvati da je njegova demonizacija tek jedan od
> slu�ajeva demonizacije koja se na svjetskom planu i sa sli�nim semama
> provodi protiv svih "neposlusnih" naroda koji se suprotstavljaju
> imperijalizmu bogatih te, posebno, imperijalizmu Sjedinjenih Drzava.
> 2a.Srbija treba organizirano, nau�no i edukativno pristupiti
> de-demonizaciji. To je neobi�no vazno zbog toga, sto je srpski narod,
> zbog muka koje su ga snalazile i snalaze, kao i zbog neprekidnih lazi
> o njemu, duboko demoraliziran. On se iz tog stanja mora dovesti na
> nivo ponosa i dostojanstva. U tu svrhu je potrebno:
> -Popularizirati rezultate nau�nih istrazivanja koji se ti�u
> materijalnih dokaza o navodnim "glavnim srpskim zlo�inima" ("logori
> smrti i za silovanje", Srebrenica, Ra�ak, Markale, Izbica,), gdje je
> utvr�eno da su ti "zlo�ini" bili isfabricirani i/ili da postoji visok
> stepen sumnje u njihovo postojanje.
> -Popularizirati me�unarodni politi�ki kontekst tih doga�anja, gdje se
> jasno vidi da su ti navodni a, ustvari, isfabricirani "zlo�ini", bili
> pretekst za klju�ne odluke koje su se na vojnom i ekonomskom planu,
> donosile protiv Jugoslavije i Srbije.
> -Popularizirati materijalne �injenice o direktnoj odgovornosti i
> umijesanosti "me�unarodne zajednice" za rusenje Jugoslavije i Srbije.
> -Popularizirati materijalne �injenice o sadasnjoj odgovornosti SAD-a
> koje nastoje svim silama da stvore od juznog dijela Srbije, Kosova,
> dijela Makedonije te sa Albanijom, "Veliku Albaniju". Uzgred re�eno,
> ni federalna vlada SRJ, ni crnogorska vlada nemaju vise kontrolu nad
> dijelom Crne Gore nastanjenog Albancima.
> 3.U Jugoslaviji/Srbiji se mora formirati patriotski front. Za sve one
> kojima je stalo da se iza�e iz sadasnje smrtonosne kaljuze, proslost
> i
> ideoloske razmirice vezane za nju, moraju postati irelevantne. Svi
> kojima je stalo do vlastitog naroda i zemlje, bili oni komunisti,
> socijalisti, �etnici, dosovci, demokrate, liberali, radikali,
> narodnjaci i ini, moraju se usredo�iti na jedan jedini cilj:
> spasavanje teritorija i naroda.
> Minimalan i urgentan politi�ki program patriotskog fronta mora imati
> slijede�e pretpostavke:
> -Usvajanje svih najnaprednijih rijesenja Evrope o pravima gra�ana i
> polozaju manjina kao i o borbi protiv terorizma.
> -Nikakvih pregovora sa teroristima na jugu Srbije. Ono sto se, na
> zalost, sada radi, samo stvara pravne osnove za otcjepljenje tog
> dijela jugoslavenskog/srpskog teritorija.
> -Nikakvo davanje baza NATO-u.
> Ako u glavama dijela sadasnjeg politi�kog vrha i postoji nekakva
> racionalna ra�unica u smislu: "Dat �emo te baze i/ili slobodan
> prolaz,
> pa �e se napokon pustiti na miru SRJ/Srbiju", tu se oni ljuto varaju.
> Sa bazama i prolazom ili bez toga, rusenje ove zemlje �e se
> nastaviti.
> Ako se daju baze i/ili stalni prolaz za NATO trupe, onda to rusenje
> vise nitko na svijetu ne �e mo�i sprije�iti, jer �e se iz baza, i/ili
> kontroliranog koridora, direktno pomagati separatiste svih vrsta:
> albanske, crnogorske, san�a�ke, vojvo�anske (sjetimo se nedavnog
> ameri�kog vojnog spasavanja opkoljenih albanskih terorista u
> Makedoniji).
> Nova oktobarska revolucija
> U Jugoslaviji/Srbiji su u vlasti prisutne i snage koje bi se mogle
> okarakterizirati kao anti-patriotske, ali su u ovom trenutku skupa sa
> njihovim vjerovatnim ameri�kim gospodarima, u nok-daunu. Nakon
> "oktobarske revolucije" 2000. godine, nastavlja se korupcija i
> kriminal, poduzimaju se mjere koje indiciraju na surovanja sa
> teroristima na jugu Srbije, na krajnje sumnjive sporazume sa NATO
> okupacionim snagama Kosova, Bosne i sada Makedonije. �itava svjetska
> javnost ruga se prodaji Milosevi�a Hagu i isti�e kako su se prilikom
> toga koristile gangsterske metode ponasanja. Posto nema definirane
> vlasti, ekonomske mjere su nepotpune i stvaraju institucionalne
> uvjete
> za rasprodaju drustvenih bogatstava me�unarodnom krupnom kapitalu.
> Pored toga, odvija se kampanja najodvratnije demonizacije vlastitog
> naroda ikad vi�ene u povijesti. Tu su ni�im dokazane hladnja�e i
> masovni grobovi koji "zasigurno" sadrze tijela Albanaca, Muslimana,
> Hrvata, u�benici za djecu u kojima se opravdava NATO agresija,
> proganjani patrioti koji su branili ovu zemlju dok se istovremeno
> �elnici NATO-agresije slobodno se�u nasim prostorima, itd.
> Taj drustveni �ir na�et prvom "oktobarskom revolucijom" prijeti da se
> ponovo prosiri na �itavo tijelo Jugoslavije/Srbije i da potpuno
> unisti
> organizam. Infekcija je takve vrste da je treba hitno zaustaviti.
> Zato
> je nova "oktobarska revolucija", kao prirodni nastavak prethodne,
> historijska nuznost za Jugoslaviju/Srbiju. Ona se, preko
> parlamentarne
> izmjene gdje �e na vlast kona�no do�i istinske patriotske snage koje
> ne �e biti sluzin�ad bilo koje strane (prvenstveno ameri�ke)
> administracije, mora uraditi u najkra�em mogu�em roku. Ako se
> doma�im,
> petokolonaskim silama zla koje je sada mogu�e odstraniti, dade
> mogu�nost da se oporave, onda ni Bog ne �e vise mo�i pomo�i ovoj
> zemlji i njenim narodima, a pogotovo ne Srbima.
> *Emil Vlajki je autor knjige "Demonization of Serbs", Revolt, Ottawa,
> 2001
> (knjiga je objavljena i na srpsko-hrvatskom: "Demonizacija Srba",
> Nikola Pasi�, Beograd, 2001)


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One of the Bosniam Army's Muslim brigades marches through Zenica in a
demonstration of strength by 10000 soldiers.
("The Times", 11/12/1995, pag. A10)


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Data: 07/10/2001 15:54
Da: "Vladimir Krsljanin"

"DAN", Podgorica, 7. oktobar 2001.


Krizni �tabovi otpustili 40.000 stru�njaka

Zatvoreno 13 ambasada . Za godinu dana proizvodnja pala za deset
odsto . Svaka �esta ma�ina radi . Potro�a�ka korpa tri puta skuplja .
Iz zatvora pu�teno 1.600 albanskih terorista . Napravljen glomazniji i
skuplji, a nesposobniji dr�avni aparat .Umjesto ministarstava razni
biroi i agencije

Diplomata po profesiji, biv�i ministar spoljnih poslova, danas
potpredsjednik SPS, borac za socijalnu pravdu, besplatno �kolovanje i
lije�enje, �ivadin Jovanovi�, koji je, kako ka�e, svo svoje bi�e
usmjerio na o�uvanju Jugoslavije i Srbije u intervjuu za �Dan� o�tro je
osudio svaki separatizam i terorizam. Jovanovi� se zala�e za tehnolo�ki
i ekonomski razvoj, zasnovan na unutra�njim resursima i ravnopravnoj
saradnji sa drugim zemljama, prije svega iz neposrednog okru�enja, a
zatim i iz Evrope i cijelog svijeta. Za Demokratsku opoziciju Srbije
Jovanovi� tvrdi da je velika prevara.

~Za�to prevara?

- Rekli su da �e da u�ine �ivot boljim, a u�inili su da ve�ina gra�ana
u Srbiji �ivi u bijedi i nema�tini, siroma�tvu i neizvjesnosti za
budu�nost Srbije i Jugoslavije. DOS je nanio i ogromnu istorijsku
uvredu srpskom narodu �to je kidnapovao predsjednika Slobodana
Milo�evi�a i �to ga je na Vidovdan, uop�te predao Ha�kom tribunalu.
Prevara je i zato �to su u avgustu pro�le godine iza�li sa silnim
obe�anjima, a ni jedno nisu ispunili. Obe�ali su nove rezolucije,
obe�ali su da �e prvog dana zasijedanja Savezne skup�tine donijeti
deklaraciju o ukidanju ekonomske i politi�ke blokade Crne Gore. Ali se
tog obe�anja nikada vi�e nijesu sjetili.

~Koji su uspjesi DOS-a u minuloj godini?

- Smanjenje i degradiranje proyzvodnje (industrijske, poljoprivredne,
rudarske) opadanje �ivotnog standarda... Oko �etiri miliona gra�ana
Srbije nalazi se na ivici egzistencije godinu dana poslije dolaska na
vlast DOS-a. Oko dva miliona ih je bez posla, industrijska proizvodnja
je sada manja za deset odsto u odnosu na onu koja je bila u vrijeme
sankcija u oktobru pro�le godine, odnosno zatvorenosti finansijskih,
komercijalnih i drugih tr�i�ta za Jugoslaviju. Dru�tveni proizvod je
opao. U fabrikama radi svaka �esta ma�ina. Mladi obrazovani ljudi danas
odlaze u inostranstvo trbuhom za kruhom �e��e nego ikada ranije. Cijene
proizvoda osnovnih za �ivot i usluga su vi�estruko pove�ane. Porezi i
nameti i poljoprivrednicima i gra�anima su tako�e vi�estruko pove�ani.
Uklonjene su sve carinske i druge za�tite za doma�u proizvodnju.
Recimo, poljoprivreda je ostala bez ikakvih dotacija, iako
poljoprivredu dotiraju i najrazvijenije zemlje Evrope i svijeta. U
na�oj zemlji DOS je ukinuo dotacije poljoprivrednicima iako je
poljoprivreda strate�ka grana Srbije i Jugoslavije, tako da je srpsko i
jugoslovensko tr�i�te preplavljeno, na primjer, sirevima iz Holandije i
suhomesnatim proizvodima iz Evrope, a ja se, iskreno, nadam da nijesu
proizvedeni od mesa od ludih krava. Potro�a�ka korpa je danas tri puta
skuplja nego pro�le godine, a kupovna mo� gra�ana tri puta manja.

~Valjda su demokrate ipak, ne�to postigle?

- Svakako. DOS je ostvario rekordne rezultate pu�tanjem albanskih
terorista iz zatvora. Dosad je, hvali se, tako, �in�i�, pu�teno 1.600
kriminalaca Albanaca. Razmatra se da ih puste da idu na Kosovo. Istakli
su se i nebrigom za Srbe na Kosovu i Metohiji, naro�ito za one koji su
u zatvorima bez presude, bez ikakvog dokumenta. Iznenadili su i
totalnom nebrigom za 1.300 otetih i ubijenih Srba i Crnogoraca i drugog
nealbanskog �ivlja na Kosovu i Metohiji. Prebacili su sve mogu�e
rekorde u progonu politi�kih neistomi�ljenika. Oko 40.000 vrhunskih
stru�nih kadrova u privredi, zdravstvu, obrazovanju, kulturi...
uklonjeno je, sistemom kriznih �tabova, sa mjesta na kojima su �asno
radili i na kojima su bili ne zato �to su socijalisti ve� stru�njaci.
Oni su pomjereni. Na njihovo mjesto su do�li neki novi ljudi, jer je u
vlasti 18 partija nezaja�ljivih ambicija da se dograbe bogatstva, mo�i
i uticaja. Oni nemaju mjere u otimanju svega �to je iole atraktivno,
bez milosti da to sprovode. I onda se pitaju za�to je industrijska
proizvodnja opala, za�to elektroprivreda slabo radi i otuda prijetnje
novim redukcijama struje, otud neredi, �trajkovi, protesti.

~A, na me�unarodnom planu?

- Ne. Jer, svaka od 18 partija ho�e jednak broj ambasadora i opet se
postavlja pitanje kakvi su kriterijumi potrebni da bi neko bio
ambasador. Postoje klju�evi daleko izra�eniji nego u komunisti�ko
vrijeme kad su postojali nacionalni, regionalni i neki drugi. Sada
postoje dosovski klju�evi prema kojima svaka pa i najmanja partijica
pretenduje da dobije ambasadorsko mjesto. Niko ne pola�e strane jezike,
niko ne provjerava da li su to doma�i dr�avljani ili me�u njima ima i
stranaca. Ima dosovskih ambasadora sa stranim paso�ima. Zatvaraju se uz
to ambasade u 13 zemalja� u Vijetnamu, Burmi, Gani, Gvineji,
Tanzaniji... A zaboravlja da je, na primjer, samo u
Gvineji �Energoprojekt� napravio pet hidrocentrala a sada gradi �estu i
jedan konferencijski centar i to sve na komercijalnoj osnovi. Ko �e
radnike �Energoprojekta� podr�ati ako recimo nai�u na te�ko�e sa
vlastima. Ili kakav je to signal gvinejskoj vladi koja je dala toliko
poslova, toliko va�nih projekata.

~�ime se onda jugoslovenska diplomatija bavi danas?

-Umjesto odgovora valja postaviti pitanje ako se povla�e jugoslovenske
gra�evinske firme, one koji proizvode i prodaju opremu iz tih zemalja u
kojim je to djelovima svijeta dosovska vlada obezbijedila alternativna
tr�i�ta. Ovo je samo jo� jedna ilustracija kako DOS vr�i globalnu
preraspodjelu spoljnopoliti�kih interesa Jugoslavije u korist NATO
zemalja i u korist zemalja razvijene Evrope.

Ima li kriminala u Srbiji?

- Da. Prema priznanjima dosovskih lidera kriminal je u porastu a javna
je tajna da je zahvatio i vlast.

~Mislite li na veliku duvansku aferu?

- Da. Duvanska afera je samo vrh ledenog brijega. Ispod njega je mnogo
vi�e raznog kriminala mada se istina vjerovatno prigu�uje, jer bi mnogi
morali do�i na tapet odgovornosti. Oni su govorili o pravnoj dr�avi, o
sigurnosti, o borbi protiv kriminala a sve �to se de�ava je suprotno
tome. Kad im odgovara oni po�tuju Ustav, kad im ne odgovara onda je
Ustav prepreka i tada donose politi�ke odluke. Apsolutna pravna
nesigurnost u Srbiji i Jugoslaviji nakon dolaska DOS-a. Ni institucija
Ustavnog suda se ne po�tuje.

~�ime se vlada?

- Dekretima, aktima od danas do sjutra. Pri�alo se da �e da se izvr�i
racionalizacija op�te potro�nje, da �e imati manje ministara, manje
�inovnika a �ta su uradili. Danas na saveznom nivou i republi�kom
srpskom ima deset potpredsjednika vlada, �to nikad u istoriji nije
bilo. Sedam potpredsjednika je samo u republi�koj vladi Srbije, a ka�u
smanjili su broj ministarstava.

Ali, mnogo raznih agencija i biroa. Narod je sve to prozreo i dosta mu
je te mimikrije i obmane.

-Ima li SPS budu�nost?

- Ako je SPS bio potreban Srbiji i Jugoslaviji prije deset godina,
razvoj doga�aja na unutra�njoj sceni i u me�unarodnim odnosima pokazuje
da je SPS potrebniji nego ikada ranije.

~Ni SPS nije bio imun od isku�enja?

- Ta�no. No, sve zavisi od moralne i politi�ke gra�e od koje je �ovjek
sazdan i da li �e odoljeti isku�enjima ili ne. Mi smo imali u na�im
redovima i onih koji nisu odoljeli isku�enjima. Niko, me�utim, nema
pravo da pojedina�ne nepravilnosti i isku�enja vezuje za partiju. To
treba vezivati samo za pojedince. Ipak, ostaje da se analizira gdje je
vi�e gramzivosti bilo u SPS ili u DOS danas.

Danica GARI�

Podijeljene uloge �in�i�a i Ko�tunice

~Da li se Ko�tunica mo�e amnestirati od hap�enja Slobodana
Milo�evi�a ?

-Ne. Ovome se mora pri�i politi�ki zrelo. Nama ne trebaju predsjednici
koji ne znaju ni�ta o tome, �to je sudbinski va�no za dr�avu i narod.
Potrebni su nam predsjednici koji znaju ono �to moraju da znaju, a
narod ih bira ne da ne znaju ve� da znaju. Sve izgleda kao da postoje
podijeljene uloge da �in�i� po savjetima da ne ka�em nalozima iz
inostranstva radi sve to �to radi nezavisno od socijalne, ekonomske i
politi�ke cijene, da izvr�ava to �to nije na� interes, a da Ko�tunica,
na povr�ini, slu�i kao neki pravdoljubiv, �estit �ovjek za ispumpavanje
narodnog nezadovoljstva i da tako ra��i��ava teren da stvari idu kako
idu, a one idu vrlo lo�e. Da li su oni me�usobno podijelili uloge ili
im je neko dodijelio uloge to je neka druga stvar, ja samo sudim prema
posledicama koje su ogromn.

Javno se sva�aju, tajno se pla�e izbora

~Politi�ko raspolo�enje gra�ana danas?

- Sasvim druga�ije od onog 24. septembra i 23. decembra 2000. godine i
u tom kontekstu trebra razumjeti rastu�e zahtjeve za vanrednim izborima
na svim nivoima kako bi se vlast upodobila sada�njem raspolo�enju i
volji gra�ana. DOS je na vlasti i njima se sigurno ne odlazi. Oni se
sva�aju me�usobno ali ima ona narodna �Vrana vrani o�i ne vadi�. �in�i�
i Ko�tunica se javno sva�aju ali se i jedan i drugi boje izbora jer
znaju da nose jednaku odgovornost za ovu katastrofalnu ukupnu situaciju
u Srbiji i Jugoslaviji. Sjetite se, pri�ali su da Kosovo i Metohija
nije pitanje separatizma i terorizma ve� demokratsko �to je trebalo da
zna�i da �e se odmah po dolasku demokratske vlasti to rije�iti samo od

To join or help this struggle, visit: (official SPS website) (forum for the world of equals) (the international committee to defend Slobodan
Milosevic) ('morning news' the only Serbian newspaper
advocating liberation)


Questa lista e' curata da componenti del
Coordinamento Nazionale per la Jugoslavia (CNJ).
I documenti distribuiti non rispecchiano necessariamente
le posizioni ufficiali o condivise da tutto il CNJ, ma
vengono fatti circolare per il loro contenuto informativo al
solo scopo di segnalazione e commento ("for fair use only").
> oppure:
Per iscriversi al bollettino: <jugoinfo-subscribe@...>
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Per inviare materiali e commenti: <jugocoord@...>

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Dopo la strumentalizzazione fatta nel settembre-ottobre 2000 dai leader
della coalizione DOS e sui media occidentali, le proteste dei minatori
di Kolubara sono diventate invisibili. Infatti, esse sono ormai inutili
per la campagna mediatica che ha a suo tempo accompagnato il colpo di
Stato in Serbia e Jugoslavia; viceversa, possono essere piuttosto
pericolose - come tutte le proteste e gli scioperi dei lavoratori di
tanti settori dell'economia jugoslava, del tutto ignorate dalla nostra
stampa - perche' ostacolano il progetto ultraliberista del governo



Jutarnjie Novine

��estitka� radnika �Kolubare� i kamiond�ija iz �a�ka povodom godi�njice
Dolaska DOS-a na vlast
Rudari ogor�eni izjavom �in�i�a, te�ke ma�ine blokirale Beograd

Ve� tre�i dan je kako rudari �Kolubare� �trajkuju i ne proizvode ugalj
a da niko iz poslovodstva EPS-a i Vlade Srbije nije do�ao u ovaj
kolektiv sa 17.000 radnika.

Rudari strpljivo �ekaju dolazak ministra rudarstva i energetike Gorana
Novakovi�a i republi�kog premijera Zorana �in�i�a na pregovore.

Rudari su ogor�eni izjavama predstavnika aktuelne vlasti posebno
izjavom Zorana �in�i�a da je �trajk motivisan ne socijalnim ve�
isklju�ivo politi�kim razlozima, javlja na� dopisnik M. Simi�.

Izjava dr Vojislava Ko�tunice da iza �trajka ne stoji DSS nai�la je na
razli�ita reagovanja me�u radnicima koji isti�u da su pro�le godine
lideri DOS-a danono�no bili u �Kolubari� a danas, 5. oktobra, nikoga
nema i da su zaboravljeni.

Kolona vi�e stotina automobila, autobusa, kamiona i teretnih vozila
krenula je ju�e iz Preljine kod �a�ka prema Beogradu.

Cilj njihovog dolaska bio je obilazak Savezne skup�tine kojim su oni na
simboli�an na�in obele�ili godi�njicu doga�aja od petog oktobra. Mnogi
gra�ani koji su ju�e do�li na plato ispred Saveznog parlamenta nosili
su zastave i transparente. Iako nije bilo planirano, kolona se uputila
prema Novom Beogradu pa je �iri centar grada bio blokiran �to je
izazvalo saobra�ajni kolaps u kome gradski prevoz kao i taksisti nisu
radili, uverile su se �Jutarnje novine�.

Predsednik Nove Srbije Velimir Ili� rekao je na platou ispred Savezne
skup�tine u Beogradu da nije zadovoljan dosada�njim promenama i izrazio
nadu da �e i premijer Srbije shvatiti da vlada mora da se rekonstrui�e
i da u reforme krene mnogo br�e.

�a�ane, koji su do�li u pratnji truba�a, do�ekao je predsednik jednog
krila Socijaldemokratije Vuk Obradovi� sa svojim pristalicama i
stotinak gra�ana. Na svim vozilima koja su stigla iz �a�ka nalazile su
se parole �Poslednja opomena vlastima�.


Questa lista e' curata da componenti del
Coordinamento Nazionale per la Jugoslavia (CNJ).
I documenti distribuiti non rispecchiano necessariamente
le posizioni ufficiali o condivise da tutto il CNJ, ma
vengono fatti circolare per il loro contenuto informativo al
solo scopo di segnalazione e commento ("for fair use only").
> oppure:
Per iscriversi al bollettino: <jugoinfo-subscribe@...>
Per cancellarsi: <jugoinfo-unsubscribe@...>
Per inviare materiali e commenti: <jugocoord@...>

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Data: 06/10/2001 16:05
Da: "Vladimir Krsljanin"

To join or help this struggle, visit: (official SPS website) (forum for the world of equals) (the international committee to defend Slobodan
Milosevic) ('morning news' the only Serbian newspaper
advocating liberation)

----- Original Message -----
From: "Jovan Grbic" <ssicc@...>
To: <artel@...>; "Nada Canak" <nadacanak@...>;
<yuambanl@...>; <vlada@...>; <dceca@...>;
Sent: Saturday, October 06, 2001 3:54 PM
Subject: E.Vlajki - Otava: "Demonizacija Srba"

> (kako od ' Banana- Republike' do�i do suverene drzave)
> pise Emil VLAJKI*
> Godinu dana nakon "oktobarske revolucije", situacija u Jugoslaviji /
> Srbiji je krajnje teska i deprimiraju�a, a na vidiku, sa sadasnjom
> haoti�nom drustvenom svijes�u, nema mnogo toga ohrabruju�eg. Da bi se
> otvorila neka perspektiva, potreban je niz fleksibilnih
> 'naprijed-nazad' koraka unutar zacrtane strategije oslobo�enja od
> sadasnje politi�ke i ekonomske prostituiranosti, ropstva i
> obezglavljenosti.
> Rogovi u vre�i.
> Prije nego sto kazemo nesto o minimalnom programu koji bi mogao
> dovesti do poboljsanja situacije, mora se razjasniti sustina sadasnje
> vladaju�e koalicije u Jugoslaviji/Srbiji. Ona je potpuno neprirodna i
> stvorena je isklju�ivo zato, da bi se oborio Milosevi�. Nakon sto je
> to ura�eno, ona se je nastavila umjetno odrzavati i svakog se �asa
> moze rasprsnuti kao zrela lubenica kada udari o zemlju. Usmjerenja
> ovih rogova u vre�i su slijede�a:
> -Sa politi�ko-ekonomskog stanovista postoje slijede�e tendencije:
> *pro-ameri�ka (neo-liberalisti�ka, socijal-darvinisti�ka)
> *pro-evropska (humano-kapitalisti�ka)
> *pro-vlasiti dzep
> *pro-nikakva (muhe bez glave, bez ikakve koncepcije)
> -Sa etno-politi�kog stanovista, tendencije su:
> *isklju�ivo pro-srpska (za Srbiju kao drzavu, a protiv Jugoslavije)
> *pro-jugoslavenska
> *pro-separatisti�ka
> *pro-bilo kakva (zemlju, kakvu kvislinzima SAD-gospodari nametnu)
> -Sa stanovista upravljanja, tendencije su:
> *pro-staljinisti�ko-dogmatska
> *pro-mafijaska
> *pro-neoliberalisti�ka (ameri�ki standardi)
> *pro-socijaldemokratska (evropski standardi)
> *pro-monarhisti�ka
> -Sa stanovista kulture,glavne tendencije su:
> *klero-nacionalisti�ka (koja afirmira vjersku i nacionalnu
> isklju�ivost, a na stetu drugih etno-kulturnih zajednica)
> *lazno-univerzalisti�ka (od pseudomarksisti�kih do globalizacijskih)
> *egoisti�no-fleksibilna (kako vjetar puse)
> *multi-kulturna (opravdano njegovanje kulture ve�inskog naroda uz
> postivanje kultura drugih naroda koji zive u istoj drzavi).
> Sve su ove tendencije prisutne u vladaju�im garniturama
> Jugoslavije/Srbije. One egzistiraju u razli�itim varijantama i
> kombinacijama i naj�es�e su me�usobno ostro suprotstavljene i
> neprijateljske. Iz ovoga je vidljivo, da se sadasnja patoloski
> neprirodna vladaju�a koalicija Jugoslavije/Srbije ne moze jos dugo
> odrzati. Bit �e istinski dobro za zemlju i narod ukoliko taj �ir sto
> prije pukne jer �e stete biti manje i bezbolnije. Za nadati se, da �e
> se ubrzo izdiferencirati one vladaju�e tendencije koje �e se
> bezkompromisno zalagati za socijal-demokratske evropske standarde i
> za
> evropsku budu�nost.
> Sto da se radi
> 1.Treba do�i do svijesti o onome sto se ne�e i zbog �ega se ne�e. To
> je isto kao kad neka osoba vise ne zeli da ostane u braku. Ona ne zna
> sto �e biti nakon rastave, ali zna da situaciju u kojoj se nalazi
> vise
> ne zeli i zna razloge zbog �ega je ne zeli.
> -Ono sto ova zemlja vise ne bi trebalo da zeli je diktat SAD-a �ija
> politika ne ide samo na razbijanje Jugoslavije/Srbije ve� i na
> odvajanje ovog podru�ja od evropske integracije. Konsekventno tome i
> generalno govore�i, treba se po�eti osloba�ati utjecaja SAD-a,
> pogotovo ekonomskog i vojnog. Na bazi takve platforme, nuzno je
> pokrenuti diplomatsku ofenzivu i sklapati sve vrste mogu�ih sporazuma
> sa ve� formiranim evropskim institucijama i onim evropskim zemljama i
> korporacijama koje nisu pod odlu�uju�im utjecajem Sjedinjenih Drzava.
> Prihva�anje ove politi�ke linije ponasanja je neophodno za otvaranje
> realne perspektive za izlazak iz krize i zahtijeva evropski
> orijentirane stru�njake iz medjunarodnih politi�kih, ekonomskih i
> kulturnih odnosa. Naravno, osloba�anje od SAD-a ne moze biti ni brzo,
> ni spektakularno.
> -Posebno se ne smije pristati na politiku ameri�kog neoliberalizma,
> to
> jest na:
> *nestanak drzave u ekonomskom odlu�ivanju i socijalnoj sigurnosti
> *jeftinu, "budzasto" rasprodaju drustvenog vlasnistva
> Ameri�ki neo-liberalizam moze biti efikasan za ekonomski jake drzave,
> ali ne i za zemlje u razvoju. Njegova primjena u bivsem
> socijalisti�kom bloku je bukvalno dovela do stanja gladi milijune
> stanovnika u drzavama kao sto su, na primjer, Litvanija, Bugarska,
> Rumunija i Rusija, upropastivsi ih ekonomski na dugi rok i napravivsi
> ih podloznim razli�itim ucjenama.
> 2.Treba se odlu�no suprotstaviti demonizaciji, ma sa �ije strane
> dolazila. Deset godina razaranja Jugoslavije i Srbije, bilo je
> popra�eno demonizacijom srpskog naroda u svjetskim razmjerima koja se
> u ovom �asu nastavlja od dijela doma�ih politi�kih struktura na
> vlasti
> i njihovih medija. Demonizacija je imala i ima za cilj opravdanje
> zlo�ina�ke aktivnosti "me�unarodne zajednice" prema srpskom narodu
> kao
> i unistenje nacionalnog i religioznog bi�a tog naroda. Demonizacija
> Srba je neosnovana iz slijede�ih razloga:
> -Dokazano je, da je najve�i broj stvari na kojima se demonizacija
> Srba
> zasnivala, bio lazan, isfabriciran i/ili zbiljno doveden u sumnju.
> -Srbi u toku posljednjih deset godina nametnutih prljavih balkanskih
> ratova nisu, sustinski, po�inili ni vise ni manje zlo�ina nego ostali
> u�esnici ratova. Niti ima ijednog naroda u svijetu iz �ijih redova u
> ratu ne proisti�u zlo�ini i zlo�inci. Rat je nasilje koje neumitno
> proizvodi sve ve�e nasilje, mrznju, osvetu, bol, zasljepljenost,
> dakle
> i zlo�ine. Posebno rat koji se vodi za teritorije, a to je i bila
> sustina poslijednjih balkanskih ratova nakon raspada Jugoslavije,
> mora
> rezultirati zlo�inom.
> -Nitko na Balkanu ne smije zaboraviti da je pravi inicijator zlo�ina
> SAD-om predvo�ena "me�unarodna zajednica". Ona je sve zakuvala,
> direktno vojno intervenirala protiv Srba, vodila medijsku kampanju
> demonizacije protiv istih, a sada se "pravi tosa": od zrtava pravi
> zlo�ince, a svoje zlo�ine proglasava humanisti�kim.
> -Srpski narod treba da shvati da je njegova demonizacija tek jedan od
> slu�ajeva demonizacije koja se na svjetskom planu i sa sli�nim semama
> provodi protiv svih "neposlusnih" naroda koji se suprotstavljaju
> imperijalizmu bogatih te, posebno, imperijalizmu Sjedinjenih Drzava.
> 2a.Srbija treba organizirano, nau�no i edukativno pristupiti
> de-demonizaciji. To je neobi�no vazno zbog toga, sto je srpski narod,
> zbog muka koje su ga snalazile i snalaze, kao i zbog neprekidnih lazi
> o njemu, duboko demoraliziran. On se iz tog stanja mora dovesti na
> nivo ponosa i dostojanstva. U tu svrhu je potrebno:
> -Popularizirati rezultate nau�nih istrazivanja koji se ti�u
> materijalnih dokaza o navodnim "glavnim srpskim zlo�inima" ("logori
> smrti i za silovanje", Srebrenica, Ra�ak, Markale, Izbica,), gdje je
> utvr�eno da su ti "zlo�ini" bili isfabricirani i/ili da postoji visok
> stepen sumnje u njihovo postojanje.
> -Popularizirati me�unarodni politi�ki kontekst tih doga�anja, gdje se
> jasno vidi da su ti navodni a, ustvari, isfabricirani "zlo�ini", bili
> pretekst za klju�ne odluke koje su se na vojnom i ekonomskom planu,
> donosile protiv Jugoslavije i Srbije.
> -Popularizirati materijalne �injenice o direktnoj odgovornosti i
> umijesanosti "me�unarodne zajednice" za rusenje Jugoslavije i Srbije.
> -Popularizirati materijalne �injenice o sadasnjoj odgovornosti SAD-a
> koje nastoje svim silama da stvore od juznog dijela Srbije, Kosova,
> dijela Makedonije te sa Albanijom, "Veliku Albaniju". Uzgred re�eno,
> ni federalna vlada SRJ, ni crnogorska vlada nemaju vise kontrolu nad
> dijelom Crne Gore nastanjenog Albancima.
> 3.U Jugoslaviji/Srbiji se mora formirati patriotski front. Za sve one
> kojima je stalo da se iza�e iz sadasnje smrtonosne kaljuze, proslost
> i
> ideoloske razmirice vezane za nju, moraju postati irelevantne. Svi
> kojima je stalo do vlastitog naroda i zemlje, bili oni komunisti,
> socijalisti, �etnici, dosovci, demokrate, liberali, radikali,
> narodnjaci i ini, moraju se usredo�iti na jedan jedini cilj:
> spasavanje teritorija i naroda.
> Minimalan i urgentan politi�ki program patriotskog fronta mora imati
> slijede�e pretpostavke:
> -Usvajanje svih najnaprednijih rijesenja Evrope o pravima gra�ana i
> polozaju manjina kao i o borbi protiv terorizma.
> -Nikakvih pregovora sa teroristima na jugu Srbije. Ono sto se, na
> zalost, sada radi, samo stvara pravne osnove za otcjepljenje tog
> dijela jugoslavenskog/srpskog teritorija.
> -Nikakvo davanje baza NATO-u.
> Ako u glavama dijela sadasnjeg politi�kog vrha i postoji nekakva
> racionalna ra�unica u smislu: "Dat �emo te baze i/ili slobodan
> prolaz,
> pa �e se napokon pustiti na miru SRJ/Srbiju", tu se oni ljuto varaju.
> Sa bazama i prolazom ili bez toga, rusenje ove zemlje �e se
> nastaviti.
> Ako se daju baze i/ili stalni prolaz za NATO trupe, onda to rusenje
> vise nitko na svijetu ne �e mo�i sprije�iti, jer �e se iz baza, i/ili
> kontroliranog koridora, direktno pomagati separatiste svih vrsta:
> albanske, crnogorske, san�a�ke, vojvo�anske (sjetimo se nedavnog
> ameri�kog vojnog spasavanja opkoljenih albanskih terorista u
> Makedoniji).
> Nova oktobarska revolucija
> U Jugoslaviji/Srbiji su u vlasti prisutne i snage koje bi se mogle
> okarakterizirati kao anti-patriotske, ali su u ovom trenutku skupa sa
> njihovim vjerovatnim ameri�kim gospodarima, u nok-daunu. Nakon
> "oktobarske revolucije" 2000. godine, nastavlja se korupcija i
> kriminal, poduzimaju se mjere koje indiciraju na surovanja sa
> teroristima na jugu Srbije, na krajnje sumnjive sporazume sa NATO
> okupacionim snagama Kosova, Bosne i sada Makedonije. �itava svjetska
> javnost ruga se prodaji Milosevi�a Hagu i isti�e kako su se prilikom
> toga koristile gangsterske metode ponasanja. Posto nema definirane
> vlasti, ekonomske mjere su nepotpune i stvaraju institucionalne
> uvjete
> za rasprodaju drustvenih bogatstava me�unarodnom krupnom kapitalu.
> Pored toga, odvija se kampanja najodvratnije demonizacije vlastitog
> naroda ikad vi�ene u povijesti. Tu su ni�im dokazane hladnja�e i
> masovni grobovi koji "zasigurno" sadrze tijela Albanaca, Muslimana,
> Hrvata, u�benici za djecu u kojima se opravdava NATO agresija,
> proganjani patrioti koji su branili ovu zemlju dok se istovremeno
> �elnici NATO-agresije slobodno se�u nasim prostorima, itd.
> Taj drustveni �ir na�et prvom "oktobarskom revolucijom" prijeti da se
> ponovo prosiri na �itavo tijelo Jugoslavije/Srbije i da potpuno
> unisti
> organizam. Infekcija je takve vrste da je treba hitno zaustaviti.
> Zato
> je nova "oktobarska revolucija", kao prirodni nastavak prethodne,
> historijska nuznost za Jugoslaviju/Srbiju. Ona se, preko
> parlamentarne
> izmjene gdje �e na vlast kona�no do�i istinske patriotske snage koje
> ne �e biti sluzin�ad bilo koje strane (prvenstveno ameri�ke)
> administracije, mora uraditi u najkra�em mogu�em roku. Ako se
> doma�im,
> petokolonaskim silama zla koje je sada mogu�e odstraniti, dade
> mogu�nost da se oporave, onda ni Bog ne �e vise mo�i pomo�i ovoj
> zemlji i njenim narodima, a pogotovo ne Srbima.
> *Emil Vlajki je autor knjige "Demonization of Serbs", Revolt, Ottawa,
> 2001
> (knjiga je objavljena i na srpsko-hrvatskom: "Demonizacija Srba",
> Nikola Pasi�,
> Beograd, 2001)


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Coordinamento Nazionale per la Jugoslavia (CNJ).
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Questo il titolo del libro di Hannes Hofbauer, appena ripubblicato in
Austria in una nuova edizione aggiornata.


Subject: Neuerscheinung des Buches "Balkankrieg - Zehn Jahre
Zerst�rung Jugoslawiens"
Date: Tue, 02 Oct 2001 18:11:49 +0200
From: joesb@...
Organization: JOeSB Aktuell

Das neue Buch von Dr. Hannes Hofbauer ist eine g�nzlich umgearbeitet und
erweiterte Auflage seines Buches "Balkankrieg - Die Zerst�rung

�ber die Jugoslawisch-�sterreichische Solidarit�tsbewegung kannst Du die
serbische Fassung dieses Buches bestellen.
�ber e-mail: joesb@... oder �ber den postalischen Weg:
J�SB, Postfach 217, A-1040 Wien,
Kennwort "Balkankrieg".

Hannes Hofbauer
Zehn Jahre Zerst�rung Jugoslawiens

ISBN 3-85371-179-0, 296 Seiten, br., 17,90 d; 35.- DM; 256.- �S; 32,50
sFr.; Edition Brennpunkt Osteuropa.

Der 24. M�rz 1999 markierte das Ende der europ�ischen Nachkriegszeit.
Mit dem Einsetzen der Bombardements gegen serbische und montenegrinische
St�dte durch die NATO eskalierte die Zerst�rung des ehedem
multinationalen und blockfreien Jugoslawien zur kriegerischen
Intervention. Hannes Hofbauer zeichnet die Trag�die am Balkan nach. Ein
Blick von au�en, weltsystemisch und historisch fundiert, soll dabei
helfen, die Nebel von Propaganda, die eine totale Verunsicherung in der
kritischen �ffentlichkeit im Westen bewirkt haben, zu l�ften. Nur so
k�nnen die Konturen der Interessenslagen deutscher und US-amerikanischer
Kriegstreiber nachgezeichnet und die ideologische Substanz der
scheinbaren Rechtfertigung, Bomben im Dienste von Menschenrechten und
Solidarit�t zu werfen, blo�gelegt werden.
Am Ende steht ein sozial und national aus dem Gleichgewicht geratener,
ein total zerst�rter Balkan.
Slowenien und Kroatien sind, letzteres nach der Vertreibung von 300.000
Serben aus der Krajina und aus Slawonien, ethnisch weitgehend
homogenisiert. Bosnien-Herzegowina nimmt die Position einer Kolonie der
Europ�ischen Union ein. Serbien und Montenegro sind durch die
NATO-Schl�ge ihrer �konomischen Struktur beraubt, verw�stet. Der Kosovo
erinnert eher an ein Bild nach dem 30j�hrigen Krieg denn an eine
europ�ische Region zu Beginn des 21. Jahrhunderts. Makedoniens
staatliche Lebensf�higkeit ist durch die Kampfbereitschaft albanischer
Separatisten in Zweifel gezogen. F�r die Ethnisierung sozialer und
�konomischer Probleme traten seit 1989 in allen Teilrepubliken und
Regionen verst�rkt nationalistisch argumentierende Protagonisten auf.
Zur Katastrophe dynamisiert hat sich dieses Ph�nomen allerdings erst
durch die Einmischung des Westens.
Nach dem Sturz von Slobodan Milosevic sind nun alle Republiken des
ehemaligen Jugoslawien zum Tummelplatz ausl�ndischer Milit�rs, Politiker
und NGO-Vertreter geworden. Den geopolitischen Interessen der USA
stehen die wirtschaftlichen Begierden des deutsch gef�hrten EU-Europa
gegen�ber. Die brennende Lunte f�r kriegerische Auseinandersetzungen am
Balkan d�rfte vor diesem Hintergrund auch in den kommenden Jahren
nicht zum Erl�schen kommen.
Ein eigenes Kapitel widmet Hannes Hofbauer den Konsequenzen des
Balkankrieges f�r die westeurop�ischen Gesellschaften. In Deutschland
und �sterreich ist �ber falsch verstandene Aufrufe zur "nationalen
Selbstbestimmung" sowie �ber blanke Desinformation und L�gen eine neue
Generation auf die politische B�hne getreten, die den Krieg als Mittel
der Konfliktaustragung akzeptiert hat. Die Rechtfertigung der
NATO-Aggression gegen Jugoslawien hat ehemalige Pazifisten der 1968er
Bewegung zu Kriegshetzern mutieren lassen. Wie ihre Gro�v�ter und ihre
V�ter stehen sie nun - in milit�rischer Montur - am Balkan, um
angebliche "europ�ische Werte" zu verteidigen.

Der Autor: Hannes Hofbauer, geboren 1955 in Wien, Historiker,
Journalist, Verleger. Seit mehr als zehn Jahren arbeitet er zur sozialen
und �konomischen Lage in Osteuropa. Von ihm ist zuletzt im
Promedia-Verlag erschienen: "Schlesien. Europ�isches Kernland im
Schatten von Wien, Berlin und Warschau"
(2000; gemeinsam mit Julian Bartosz).

�ber die erste Auflage dieses Buches schrieben und sendeten u.a.:

Die Zeitschrift "Konkret" im Dezember 1999: "Da� es auch anders geht,
zeigt wiederum ein ausl�ndischer Autor, n�mlich Hannes Hofbauer in dem
von ihm herausgegebenen Buch Balkankrieg. Der Wiener Journalist
zeichnet dort die Eskalation der letzten zehn Jahre nach und verbindet
enorme Sachkenntnis mit anschaulichen und konkreten Anektoten. Ein
bi�chen rasender Reporter � la Kisch, ein bi�chen historischer
Materialist � la Engels - mit anderen Worten: spannende Zeitgeschichte.

Der WDR/K�ln am 19.1.2000: "Ausf�hrlich besch�ftigt sich das Buch mit
der westlichen Wirtschaftsstrategie auf dem Balkan. Eine zentrale
Ursache f�r das Auseinanderbrechen Jugoslawiens sieht Hofbauer im
Sanierungsprogramm des IWF. Der staatliche Sparkurs bei gleichzeitiger
radikaler Importliberalisierung hat innerhalb weniger Monate die
Wirtschaft des Landes nahezu v�llig ruiniert und die vorhandenen
Sezessionstendenzen der Republiken dramatisch verst�rkt."

Die Zeitschrift "Illoyal" im Winter 1999/2000: "Ein Vorzug des von
Hofbauer herausgegebenen Bandes ist auf jeden Fall, dass der
Kosovo-Konflikt hier in den Kontext der vorangegangenen Kriege gestellt

"Buchkultur" im Februar 2000: "Wie Propaganda und ideologische
Rechtfertigung bis zum heutigen Tag funktionieren, zeigt dieser Band
eindrucksvoll und bestens recherchiert."

Die Zeitschrift "Ossietzky" in der Nr. 24/99: "Hannes Hofbauer liefert
nicht nur eine ausf�hrliche Schilderung der Geschichte Jugoslawiens von
der Staatsgr�ndung bis zum Einmarsch der NATO in den Kosovo,
sondern auch eine kritische Untersuchung diverser Gruselberichte, die,
zum Teil nie hinterfragt, durch die Medien geisterten und zur
Kriegsbegr�ndung herhielten."

Druck- & Verlagsges.m.b.H.
Wickenburggasse 5/12
A-1080 Wien
Tel.: (0043/1) 405 27 02
Fax: (0043/1) 405 71 59 22
E-Mail: promedia@...

Jugoslawisch �sterreichische Solidarit�tsbewegung J�SB
PF 217 A-1040 Wien
Tel&Fax: (+43 1) 924 31 61


Questa lista e' curata da componenti del
Coordinamento Nazionale per la Jugoslavia (CNJ).
I documenti distribuiti non rispecchiano necessariamente
le posizioni ufficiali o condivise da tutto il CNJ, ma
vengono fatti circolare per il loro contenuto informativo al
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