
On TFF from May 21, 2001

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T F F P r e s s I n f o 1 2 1

May 21, 2001


By Jan Oberg, TFF director

PressInfo 118 offers an independent analysis of 11 reasons why
Macedonia is at the brink of war. Number 119 deals with the way the
United Nations was forced out of Macedonia and not employed in Kosovo
at the time when it could have made a difference. In short, there was
a hidden agenda. PressInfo 120 deals with how Macedonia is also
responsible, and not only a victim, in the process towards its fatal
crisis now.
This one deals with insufficient, or deceptive, media coverage, and
with Western democracies.

Where is the free press?

We have explained that the 43,000 NATO/KFOR "peace"-keepers can not
control or seal off the border around the territory it has occupied
and is tasked with stabilising and controlling. Has it turned the
blind eye to Albanian military activity all the time? This mission is
much larger than the UN ever was in former Yugoslav territories and
much more heavily armed.

If a UN mission had failed to the same extent, hundreds of
journalists, experts and commentators would have renewed the anti-UN
chorus of the 1990s: the UN is incompetent, bureaucratic, too
expensive and inefficient, it's too weak. There is no peace to keep!
We need more muscle!

Now it is NATO, private American mercenaries, CIA in bed with more or
less criminal, hardline elements in the Balkans and no chorus is
heard. One may wonder: who controls the free press?

Will future historians reveal to us that journalists, NGOs, clergy
and Peace Corps volunteers have functioned as cover for CIA and
possibly other intelligence agencies and their cloak-and-dagger
covert operations, that citizens around the world are targets of
psychological warfare?

If you think this is to carry it too far, this is what a former CIA
analyst, Melvin Goodman, says in a recent study from the Center for
International Policy in Washington:

"The report of the (US) Council of Foreign Relations in 1996 took a
step backward with its implicit endorsement of expanded use of CIA
cover to include journalists, clergy, and Peace Corps volunteers.
This suggested misuse of the Peace Corps would destroy its integrity
as a "non political" humanitarian organization, and would greatly
increase the danger to its volunteers. The House Intelligence
Committee, in its 1996 report, also recommended that the clandestine
services apply journalistic cover to their operators abroad.
There is no justification for the use of spies posing as reporters or
the employment of bona fide reporters for intelligence missions,
practices that developed during the Cold War. Both practices should
be banned. The press has constitutional protection because it is the
chronicler of and check on the government, not its instrument.
Unfortunately, recent CIA directors have insisted that the Agency
have the option of using journalists in sensitive clandestine
Ed. Craig Eisendrath, National Insecurity. U.S. Intelligence After
the Cold War, Temple University Press, Philadelphia 2000, p36.

Given their history and purposes, there is no reason to be surprised
at the presence of CIA and similar agencies in a place like the
Balkans. You may have wondered why your media does not cover their
role or other darker aspects such as those you find in some TFF
PressInfos (and the critical, dissident press). One reason may be
that there is a politico-military-media-intelligence complex that
does not see it fit to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing
but the truth.

Media manipulation and psychological warfare is nothing new as we
know from the writings of intellectuals such as Noam Chomsky,
Chalmers Johnson, William Blum, and John Pilger to mention a few. It
does not prevent the United States and other Western nations from
teaching the virtues of the free press wherever they can.

Peace-prevention is linked to debate-prevention

The same governments and leaders who now condemn the Albanian
extremist activities have armed these forces and supported them, and
do so today. One of the closest allies of UNMIK and KFOR in Kosovo is
(former KLA) commander Agim Ceku. He had a leading position at the
time in the Croatian Army when it drove out some 200.000 legitimate
citizens from Croatia of Serb origin, in Operation Storm and Flash in
1995. Allegedly, he is under investigation by the War Crimes Tribunal
in the Hague; but it would be an utter embarrassment to NATO/KFOR and
the UN - - whose partner he is - - should he (and some of his
colleagues) be brought to the Tribunal. That would shed light on
Western-supported ethnic cleansing in Croatia and on the question as
to why at least 200.000 non-Albanians have left Kosovo since NATO and
the UN arrived.

If a major war breaks out in Macedonia, some of the weapons the
parties will use to fight each other come from the same supplier; and
the parties will be assisted by the same "advisers" and mercenaries
(see PressInfo 118).

The same politicians who now rush to Skopje are those who were
absolutely central in creating the havoc in the first place: then
NATO Secretary-General Javier Solana who is now the "Foreign
Minister" of the EU, Lord Robertson who was then British Secretary of
Defence, now NATO Secretary-General. The new Head of Mission of UNMIK
is former Danish defence minister Hans Haekkerup who was responsible
for Danish F16 participation in the actual bombing of Yugoslavia.
Their moral capital and legitimacy in this situation and their
competence in conflict-management in general should not be beyond
scrutiny, debate and critical evaluation in a free press.

One highly relevant word for Western policies outlined here is
peace-prevention. (See TFF report by that title). Either there is a
hidden agenda for the destruction of Macedonia too or the official
plan to provide stability and peace in Yugoslavia and Macedonia is
yet another conflict-management failure of Himalayan proportions.

Those who want to look into the matter might find that the policies
of EU and NATO countries, particularly as they relate to Kosovo and
the policies of the missions there, make up the most important factor
of instability in today's Balkans.

Macedonia's ability to survive the consequences of ten years of
conflict-mismanagement in the Balkans has been impressive, but it is
coming to an end. There has been no lack of early warnings from
experts such as Misha Glenny, international government mission heads
in the region and independent expert teams such as that of TFF.

Unfortunately, top politicians in the US and Europe lack every
willingness to listen. They do not learn lessons, they teach them.
They have too little humility and too much missionary zeal. They see
others as standing on the lower rungs of the civilisational ladder,
themselves (on its top) as chosen to civilise the savages. Or to make
others their disciples. It's the classical colonial mind-set: the
noble white man's shouldering his burden while regretting that now
and then he needs to use the sword to make them understand his
altruism and fundamental goodness.

The importance of independent research and media work grows by the day.

This is what TFF wrote about preventing war in Macedonia about two years

Your ideas for peace in Macedonia wanted (1999)

A Bouquet of peace ideas to Macedonia...and Kosovo (1999)

� TFF 2001

Please reprint, copy, archive, quote or re-post this item, but please
retain the source.


A legacy of the Clinton Era

R. K Kent
Emeritus Professor of History
University of California at
(17 May 2001)

When ballots cast in secret eliminated the United States from
U.N.�s Commission
on Human Rights reactions ranged from disbelief to outrage. It was
pointed out that �rogue� states and gross violators of Human Rights
had, as such,
no moral right to block the United States, sustained champion of
Human Rights
everywhere �Cut-off all U.S. funds to the U.N.,� said some. Others
suggested that the
time has come to �pull out of the U.N. altogether,� as the U.S. did with
the League of
Nations. For the more cynical observers, this act of �expulsion� was
the price of
being the sole remaining super-Power, a target for the small fry to
�bite� the Tall
Uncle Sam. Yet, hardly anyone argued seriously that this was a
symbolic and
actually well-intended message to the American People that something
had gone wrong
with those who govern them, that something had, in fact, tarnished the
United States,
and that the gap between self-perception in Washington and the way the
U.S. is widely
perceived today has grown too wide. It did not just happen to �come
with the

It is actually an attempt to ring alarm bells and virtually impose
understanding of an acute and very real gap between the outer-world
realities and the
self-perception in Washington, New York and Los Angeles. This is a
problem that the
ruling American elite refuses to acknowledge. It is consumed by
America�s own
unquestioned primacy and might. It has discovered the heady brew of
matters in the �old countries� without being really accountable to
anyone. It is
becoming addicted to foreign petitioners, fund-raising ethnic lobbies
at home, and
�ethnic� nationalists seeking U.S. help to hurt their own local
adversaries. All of
this has served to enhance both venality and �American
Exceptionalism,� the id�e
maitresse of the home-grown Nationalist ethos. The basic rule is
that �we� cannot,
by definition, be wrong. When �we� do happen to be proven wrong by
events these are
disregarded or passed over in silence as the basic rule reminds everyone
that Might
alone makes Right. To this must be added the irritating tendency from
the Clinton Era to
�iron-out� all foreign-policy contradictions with arrogance and the
�Humanitarian� rhetoric which hardly jibes with actual applications of
the U.S. military
and economic might abroad.

During the intense Human Rights drive of the Nineties, its leaders
in the U.S.
Government and the American corporate media endowed themselves
with moral purity
and made it a practice to depict various interventions abroad as a
duty. A widely noted example of this self-inflicted malady was
Albright�s TV retort to Leslie Stohl that the U.S. sanctions on Iraq
were �worth� the
deaths of 500,000 local children, with a subsequent explanation that
�we care more
about the Iraqi people than Saddam.� But. such arrogance and
contradiction in logic
were hardly confined to Madeleine Albright. She simply displayed
and articulated
them in a way calculated to get a craved public attention. There
is a far more
consequential legacy of the Clinton-era foreign policy, inherited by
the Bush
Administration. Its most revealing segment is the unprecedented U.S.
entry into the
Balkans and, more specifically, into ex-Yugoslavia. It began in
1992-1993 to be
capped some seven years later with the so-called �Victory at Kosovo.�

One key contradiction is to be found in the simultaneous support for
national arrangements and the right of self-determination. As a true
reflection of a
pluralist America, Washington�s foreign policy should have preserved
the Yugoslav
federal arrangement, by refusing a priori to recognize any seceding
Instead, the Clinton foreign policy team actively supported the
break-up of
Yugoslavia, a major European achievement as a multi-ethnic and
multi-religious nation.
It accorded, at the same time, the right of self-determination to all
of the
ethnicities within the Federal structure except the Serbs. Equally, as
the official
propaganda castigated the � Great Sin � of Nationalism, especially its
manifestations, U.S. support went to the extreme nationalists in
Croatia, Muslim Bosnia
and Kosovo. It was a performance abroad all tied-up in knots. It did
not even deserve
to be called a �policy.� A brief look at the results should be enough
to convince.

In Bosnia, which was a mini-Yugoslavia in composition, reflected in
large numbers of
inter-marriages, the U.S. diplomatic intervention served to force
all the diverse
elements to submit to an illegal Muslim government required to step
down from
Bosnia�s presidency. . This was done despite the European Union�s
success in
arranging, at Lisbon in February 1992, for an acceptable peace treaty
in Bosnia. Two
months later and two days apart, both Germany and the U.S. recognized
Bosnia as an
independent state under a Muslim government .The civil war became
inevitable at this
point. The reality today is that Bosnia is effectively sub-divided into
three parts,
despite the official fiction of progress and �emerging� �federative
unity.� Bosnuan
Muslims continue to be favored despite widespread corruption and theft
of funds for
reconstruction. . The why of this favoritism of the Muslim �side� in
Bosnia is not
difficult to decipher. Two factors went into play. A number of
foreign-policy persons, including Anthony Lake, Sanford Berger and
Madeleine Albright,
convinced themselves that this would somehow aid U.S. efforts at
attaining peace in
the Middle East. It did not matter again that the logic here was
again faulty and
working in total disregard of Israeli-Arab relations during more than
half of the
Twentieth Century. The second factor reflected what the astute
French journalist
Louis Dalmas has called the �Cult of Minorities.� (1)

While Washington supported Croatia�s right to self-determination
as a � budding
Democracy� with a free market economy, in opposition to the �
Communist Serbia,� the
attempt of the Yugoslav Federal Army to prevent the unilateral and
violent exit of
Croatia served conveniently to transform Serbia into an �enemy� of the
West. In the
process, as the Serbs came do be deformed by propaganda beyond
recognition, the
�International Community� overlooked the first massive �ethnic
cleansing� in the
Yugoslav space. It was carried out by the New Croatia�s Army and
para-military in
Western Slavonia between August 1991 and February 1992. About 40,000
ethnic Serbs fled
in panic. Their properties were looted and taken away, their
Orthodox churches were
systematically destroyed and their elderly, who could not or would not
run, were simply
executed. Nor did the �International Community� manage to lift a finger
to counter the
mistreatment and myriad human-rights abuses against the Serb minority
in Croatia. It
used to be at 14 percent of the total population. In August 1995, an
even larger
�ethnic cleansing� of Krajina�s 250,000 Serb civilians established
Croatia as an
ethno-religiously �pure� mini-state .In this action it had full U.S.
support. U.S. jets
within NATO even strafed the Serb radar positions around Knin, the
Capital of Krajina as
the Croat Army carried out its blitzkrieg.

Finally, the U.S./NATO intervention at Kosovo has produced yet another
case of �ethnic
cleansing,� right under the eyes of 40,000 NATO troops. Altogether some
300,000 Serbs,
Romas, Turks, Greeks, pro-Yugoslav Albanians, and a number of
numerically smaller
minorities have fled from Kosovo since June 1999. Except for a handful
of Serb ghettos
guarded by NATO troops in central and southern Kosovo, the last
concentration of some
120,000 Serbs is holding out at Kosovska Mitrovica. There is an almost
ethnically pure
Kosovo now, courtesy of the U.S. clandestine (CIA) and open(Pentagon
and State
Department) support of the so-called �Kosovo Liberation Army� (KLA).
What is happening
inside Kosovo may no longer be mentioned in polite company and,
whatever happens, it
is clear that Kosovo has been taken de facto away from Serbia by
Washington�s diktat.

It is no longer possible to hope for any real reconciliation at
Kosovo. The U.S./NATO
�humanitarian intervention� has poisoned for a long time to come the
soil and the
water. It has virtually made sure that an already moribund human soul at
Kosovo cannot
recover any deeper sense of humanity. A sub-rosa control of Kosovo by
the �ex-KLA�
translates also into illegal commercial enterprise as 80 percent of the
heroin for
Western Europe goes through the hands and minions of Kosovo�s Caids
and Albanian
Mafiosi. Looking the other way at �justifiable retribution?� But, what
the Serbs were
being accused of doing at Kosovo, before NATO�s � Humanitarian�
intervention as well
as during the eleven weeks of the so-called �air war,� has proven to
have been at
considerable odds with local realities. The claims of endless mass
graves and 100,000
executions were dead on arrival of NATO�s occupying force. The
accusation that the
Serb Army and Police targeted the Kosovo Albanians as a �Race�
subjected to �Genocide�
became subsequently exposed as untenable. Between 1998 and the
beginning of 1999 some
300 Serb policemen were killed, almost exclusively from ambush. In
acting against
the KLA ambushers and assassins.( transformed by propaganda into
�freedom fighters�)
the Serb authorities did nothing more sinister than to exercise another
basic right,
the right of self-defense and its legitimate internal application
against a guerrilla
mounted and financed from outside. All of this is dismissed with such a
quip as �the
first victim of war is Truth.� Since lies dominate in all wars
�deforming� truth at
Kosovo is nothing to get excited about. Or, as a U.S. Army Generl
countered the
emerging contradictions within Kosovo, �the claims made represent the
best information
available at the time.� How could anyone be unfair and disagree with
�our men in
uniform,� �risking their lives to defend freedom.� Few could recall that
not a single
American life was lost in the eleven weeks of bombing Serbia and
Kosovo. But, when
disinformation is enveloped in rather transparent �Patriotism� and the
�explanations� to questioin it is always an uphill struggle.

The U.S. entry into the Balkans began first in secret and amid denials
from the
Pentagon. Only the European and primarily British press exposed the
engagement. At the time. American Public opinion did not favor a U.S.
entry into
another conflict that was not generally understood and for which no
time-frame was
in sight. .Therein lies the source of a most ruthless campaign by
official propaganda
and its sometimes sycophantic and at other times even more aggressive
corporate-media. Only, almost all of it was not directed at a
foreign �enemy� but
at an American People that partly did not care and partly distrusted
the government
anyway. It probably was not a coincidence that the bombings by �NATO�
(mainly USAF) in
Yugoslavia ended one day before mass demonstrations against the �air
war� were scheduled
to take place in most major American cities.

So far, the U.S. Treasury is short by over 25 billion dollars,
squandered in the
would-be mirific enterprises in the Balkans. Lasting �Victories� have
been proclaimed
in Bosnia and in Kosovo and William Jefferson . Clinton left the White
House. On his
last visit to Europe before stepping down he promised to �de-Balkanize
the Balkans.�
He forgot or never really knew that what he had done was to Balkanize
Yugoslavia a
classic world-power �engagement� in the region. Italian Fascists and
German Nazis
�worked hard� (a Clinton phrase) to Balkanize Yugoslavia too and the
legacies of both
have not entirely played themselves out Neither has the Clintonian
variant. Strap on
the seat belts. The game is hardly over. Amid the seeming �victories�
and successes The
Clinton Legacy , with its economic and military arrogance, is an
increasing disgust
with U.S. leadership in the world. The new Administration is preparing
all kinds of
defenses against unseen but �developed� foreign enemies. Despite all
the talk about the
need for �humility� and �respect� in foreign- affairs dealings, the
same Nationalist
Hawks are sucking the American People into their web of �
geo-political strategies�
discredited long ago as appendages of Nazi Germany�s intended Global
Hegemony. Only the
overt arrogance is missing.


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From: "francesco iannuzzelli" <francesco@...>
Organization: peacelink
Date sent: Mon, 21 May 2001 01:14:46 +0100
Subject: Aggiornamento uranio impoverito

Come gia' segnalato in lista, (riporto il messaggio in coda)
il documento della Commissione Mandelli sull'uranio impoverito
contiene un grave errore nell'analisi statistica; il documento del
prof. Barsotti che evidenzia l'errore e' disponibile nella pagina
documenti scientifici sull'uranio impoverito
sia in formato html che pdf

Ne approfitto per segnalare anche:

1. Il punto sulla situazione del "Dopo Mandelli",
a cura di Falco Accame, dell'ANAVAFAF,
che pubblichiamo a questo indirizzo

2. "Quelle bombe hanno ucciso mio marito...", la lettera aperta
a Veronesi da Anna Bidan, vedova del maresciallo Pizzamiglio,
morto dopo aver partecipato alla missione "di pace"
in Somalia nel 1993.

3. Un documento del prof. Durakovic
"On Depleted Uranium: Gulf War and Balkan Syndrome"
pubblicato sul Croatian Medical Journal (62k)

4. Il documento aggiornato del Ministero della Difesa britannico
sullo screening dei soldati inglesi impiegati nei Balcani,
reperibile sul sito della Society for Radiological Protection

5. Sono stati diffusi i primi dati riguardanti i soldati spagnoli
che sono stati colpiti da varie patologie dopo essere stati
in servizio nei Balcani.
Si tratta di 53 soldati, dei quali 8 sono morti e 36 sono gravemente
malati per vari tipi di cancro. Altri 9 sono sotto osservazione,
mentre sono stati rilevati anche 4 casi di cancro tra volontari
della cooperazione internazionale.

francesco iannuzzelli francesco@...
associazione peacelink - sez. disarmo


Date sent: Mon, 21 May 2001 00:04:42 +0200
From: Francesco
Subject: Errori metodo statistico commissione Mandelli
sottostimano linfomi

da Il Manifesto del 20 maggio 2001

** Uranio, che errore **

Vi ricordate la relazione della commissione Mandelli, nominata dal
Governo italiano, che aveva stabilito che non vi era alcun nesso
evidente tra l'esposizione all'uranio impoverito e le malattie che
hanno colpito i militari in Bosnia e Kosovo? Ebbene, a svelare gli
<<errori>> del metodo statistico utilizzato dalla commissione, e'
un professore del Dipartimento di Statistica di Torino, Lucio
Bertoli-Barsotti. Errori parzialmente ammessi da un epidemiologo
che fa parte della commissione, che ora sta preparando un nuovo
rapporto che sara' pronto entro giugno. Il nuovo calcolo
stabilirebbe percentuali ben oltre la media di linfomi Hodgkin.


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La tesi di Laurea "Pericolosit� dell'utilizzo dell'uranio impoverito a
scopi militari", discussa da Luca Boschetti alla Facolt� di Ingegneria
del Politecnico di Torino, relatore Massimo Zucchetti, si puo' scaricare
dalla rete. E' stata suddivisa in due file Microsoft Word zippati, che
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QUALCUNO SI RICORDA DI "OSLOBODJENJE"? come non vi ricordate? Quel quotidiano che era diventato famoso
durante la guerra fratricida in Bosnia, del quale si diceva che "veniva
stampato in condizioni proibitive negli scantinati di Sarajevo" (ma si
poteva acquistare anche nelle edicole delle stazioni di tutte le grandi
citta' europee), che "era la voce di Sarajevo multietnica" (ma sul quale
veniva elaborato il nuovo vocabolario della lingua "bosgnacca",
distinguando artificiosamente tra gli idiomi delle varie comunita'
bosniache), che anzi "rappresentava tutte le etnie della Bosnia unitaria
di Izetbegovic" (benche' la sua redazione si fosse scissa ed i serbi,
chissa' perche' contrari alla "Bosnia di Izetbegovic", avessero creato
un loro "Oslobodjenje" in cirillico, che esce tuttora)?

Ebbene: ha chiuso. Finita la guerra fratricida, la sua funzione di
specchietto per le allodole si era esaurita. La propaganda occidentale
ed antijugoslava non ne aveva piu' bisogno.

"L'Oslobodjenje, il quotidiano simbolo della resistenza della Bosnia, ha
dovuto ieri chiudere. Il giornale Oslobodjenje ha dovuto soccombere ad
una disputa sindacale. Fondato da partigiani comunisti durante l'ultimo
conflitto mondiale, l'Oslobodjenje aveva visto la sede ridotta ad un
cumulo di macerie durante la guerra civile, dal 1992 al 1995; i
redattori lavoravano nello scantinato al lume delle candele, per
produrre un giornale da un foglio, sotto il fuoco dei serbi che
assediavano Sarajevo. Due redattori furono uccisi dai cecchini.
All'Oslobodjenje furono assegnati 16 premi giornalistici internazionali,
ma le difficolta' economiche hanno avuto il sopravvento: le vendite
erano calate di un quarto, e l'indebitamento si era fatto pesante" (AGI;
tratto da "Metro", Roma, 21/5/2001)


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Ex Jugoslavia: Il gioco si chiama PETROLIO!
di Karen Talbot (11/5/2001; fonte: Stop Nato)

dal sito della Lega Antimperialista del Belgio:

Former Yugoslavia:
The name of the
game is OIL!

Karen Talbot

The Bush administration, with its spectacular connections to oil and
energy corporations, is telling the U.S. people they need more oil, gas
nuclear power to meet the so-called "energy crisis." It is becoming
unmistakable that events in the Balkans, including the recent terrorist
attacks in Macedonia, have been directly related to this drive for
ever-greater sources of oil and profits.
Not only do the people of the former
Yugoslavia continue to pay an enormous human price, but U.S.
consumers and taxpayers also are
shelling out huge sums which ultimately enrich these corporations.
The intensifying "civil war" in Macedonia is a case in point.

Terrorist assaults in the Former Yugoslav Republic of
Macedonia (FYROM) by the so-called
"National Liberation Army"(NLA) have resumed and greatly
escalated in recent days with major
ambushes including against security forces near
Kumanova. The FYROM government troops have
responded with a major offensive to counter the
terrorists. (1) The ethnic Albanian terrorists have
been engaging in fierce attacks in the rugged
mountains of Macedonia, not only targeting Serbs and
Macedonians, but also Albanians who oppose them.
Their actions have been criticized by Western
powers as threatening to ignite a wider Balkan
conflict. (2) But is there a hidden agenda?

Though the U.S. administration says it opposes the
recent terrorism in this region, they have not
stopped these attacks which are initiated from the
Serbian province of Kosovo. This is despite the
overwhelming KFOR presence, including U.S. forces
based at the huge military base, Camp Bondsteel
in Kosovo, conveniently located in this vital area.

These NLA forces are openly acknowledged to be
connected with the Kovoso Liberation Army (KLA)
which has consistently been backed by the U.S.
and NATO troops occupying Kosovo. This alliance has
persisted despite the KLA's continuing widespread
attacks on Serbs and other non-Albanians in
Kosovo and its widely known criminal and drug
trafficking activities. The KLA was nominally
transformed into the Kosovo Protection Corps (KPC)
which is trained by Military Professional
Resources Inc (MPRI), made up by former U.S.
military officers, based in Alexandria, Virginia. The
MPRI also had been involved in the training and
command of the Croatian military that forced over
200,000 ethnic Serbs from the Krajina region of
Croatia in 1995. (3)

It is curious, therefore, that NATO
Secretary-General George Robertson described the ethnic
Albanian NLA fighters as "a bunch of murderous
thugs whose objective is to destroy a democratic
Macedonia and who are using civilians as human
shields." Are they not thugs when engaging in similar
behavior in Kosovo? (4)

Contingents connected with the KLA also have
been stirring up intense fighting in the Presevo Valley
in southeast Serbia. This valley is a narrow
strip of land between lofty mountains bordering Kosovo
on the west and a high range bordering Bulgaria
on the east. It is a strategic route used for centuries for
commerce and to provide passage for armies
between Europe to the Middle East. Hitler's fascist
armies relied heavily on this passageway. The
current attacks in Macedonia have centered very near the
boundaries between Macedonia, Kosovo and the Presevo Valley.

Trans-Balkan oil pipeline

It is now becoming clearer than ever that one
primary reason the U.S. has been so involved in Kosovo,
Bosnia, and throughout Yugoslavia, has much to
do with the immense wealth to be gleaned from oil.

Construction of a major "trans-Balkan" pipeline is
underway from Burgas in Bulgaria on the Black
Sea, through Macedonia, to the Albanian Adriatic
port of Vlore. It is being built by U.S.- owned
Albanian-Macedonia-Bulgarian company (AMBO) and
is scheduled to be operational by 2005. (5)

The trans-Balkan pipeline passes through what
is known as corridor 8-traversing very near the
borders between Macedonia, Kosovo and the Presevo
Valley. (see map
Furthermore, it is to be
connected with another series of pipelines,
some of them Soviet-era pipelines. A major one of these
will pass down the Presevo Valley-known as corridor
10- connecting with the AMBO pipeline
precisely at these same critical borders.
This system of pipelines not only is designed to transport
petroleum to sea ports for shipping abroad,
but extends into the heart of Europe. Two branches of the
AMBO line jut into Greece-one to Thessalonika,
the other to a terminal on the west coast.

All of this has to do with the enormously rich
petroleum fields of the Caspian Sea basin. In order to
get that oil to market, one of the best routes
is to pipe it to the Black Sea, ship it in tankers across the
sea, and then pipe it again across the Balkans
to the Adriatic Sea. This by-passes the treacherous
narrow Bosporous Straits near Istanbul, which Turkey
claims could not safely accommodate the heavy
tanker traffic from the Black Sea to the Mediterranean.
By restricting this route, Turkey is also
limiting Russian oil transport through the straits
and boosting its own interest in the construction of
a pipeline from Baku on the Caspian Sea to the
Turkish terminal at Ceyhan, which would also by-pass
Russia. This route also has fluctuating support by the U.S.

The AMBO Trans-Balkan pipeline "will make all
countries from the Caspian Sea to the Balkans
politically and economically dependent on the U.S." (6)
The transport of oil through the Balkans is
not the only consideration for the giant oil cartels.
They are also pursuing the development of rich
petroleum fields in various parts of the Balkan region itself,
especially in Albania.

The feasibility study giving the green light to
the AMBO project was largely paid for by U.S
taxpayers. Was it mere coincidence that the terrorist
attacks in Macedonia began just after the
successful completion of the study and the
go-ahead was given for the pipeline?

Journalist Richard Norton-Taylor, writing in the
[London] Guardian, put it this way: "While the
U.S. and NATO-and now the EU-hold out the prospect
of untold wealth for the Caucasian states of
the former Soviet Union, the West will also have
an important economic stake in Albania and
Macedonia...The implications for Kosovo, a Serbian
province with an overwhelming ethnic Albanian
population, and for Macedonia, with armed groups
from Kosovo stirring up trouble among the ethnic
Albanian population, are potentially immense." (7)

General Michael Jackson, who eventually took over
command of KFOR in Kosovo, when speaking of
Macedonia, said: "[W]e will certainly remain here a
long time so that we can also guarantee the
security of the energy corridors which traverse this
country." (8)

Bush administration ties

Somehow it comes as no surprise that the pipeline
being built by AMBO is headed by CEO, E.L. "Ted"
Ferguson, former Director of Oil & Gas Development
for Europe for Brown and Root, part of
Halliburton, - Vice President Dick Cheney's
old company! The oil giants already moving into place to
operate under the umbrella of AMBO are Texaco,
Chevron, Exxon, Mobil, BP, Amoco, Agip and
TotalElFina. (9) Interestingly, the gargantuan
Camp Bondsteel was also built by Halliburton. It is
the largest U.S. military base constructed
since Vietnam. Furthermore, the troops stationed in the
Balkans are being serviced by Halliburton and the
feasibility study for the AMBO pipeline was
conducted by Brown and Root Ltd. of London.(10)

There is tremendous pot of "Black Gold" at the
end of this pipeline rainbow. Such a massive project as
the trans-Balkan pipeline requires enormous
amounts of U.S. government money in the form of
investment guarantees from the Export-Import Bank,
loans from the World Bank, and other backing.
It needs the sword to march along with the
dollar, even if that sword is wielded by surrogate forces.
It needs NATO troops and the massive U.S. "Fort"
Bondsteel in the "frontier" outpost of Kosovo, to
protect the investments. Who better to guarantee
all of these things than the Bush Administration
team with its connections to corporations like
Halliburton, and big oil? They are dripping in oil and
energy profits."

Europe-U.S. rivalry

The European Union, with Germany leading the way,
since the early 1990s has been projecting several
corridors not only as energy corridors, but to
provide a vast complex of communications- highways,
railroads, airports, maritime ports and
rivers-critical to the economy and corporate profits in Europe.
These plans have created one of a number of
substantial rivalries between the U.S. and the E.U. with
the U.S. balking at several of the pipeline and
corridor plans that would carry oil from the Caspian and
Russia, (including through Ukraine) into Europe.
Another pipeline competing with the AMBO
corridor is projected to carry crude from Russia
to Greece via Bulgaria. (11) Hundreds of billions of
Euro dollars are at stake. (12)This competition
has been reflected in recent years in differences over
Kosovo, Bosnia, and Macedonia, among other disputes.
However, it appears that the AMBO pipeline,
with its connection to the corridor 10 pipeline,
will give the U.S. control over a considerable amount
of the oil coming into Europe from the Caspian basin.

Greater Albania

The goal of the ongoing terrorism led by the
KLA has been, and now is openly proclaimed to be, the
establishment a "Greater Albania." The only
time such an entity ever existed was under the fascist rule
during World War II. This objective again is
being espoused by the neo-fascists of today. Is the
success of the AMBO pipeline project dependent
on going along with this aim? The map of "Greater
Albania," includes parts of Greece. Is it mere
happenstance that the AMBO line includes branches into
Greece and that the Presevo Valley is the only
possible route for a pipeline between Europe and the
Greek port of Thessalonika? (see map)

The agony of the people of Yugoslavia who were
steadily bombed by the U.S. and NATO for 78 days,
and hard hit by the severest economic sanctions
for years, coupled with the fragmenting of the former
Yugoslavia, requires viewing against the backdrop
of corporate profits, particular oil profits. Upon
close examination, one discovers that the giant
oil companies continue to be deeply involved in most of
the conflicts in the world including in efforts
to destroy national sovereignty, breakup nations,
Balkanize, and create tiny "emirates" and "banana
republics." More often than not, U.S. government
and military policies back them up. In the case
of the southern Balkans, the intent may well be to
establish a "Greater Albania" to advance the
interests of the oil conglomerates.

This article is an update to several articles
by Karen Talbot including "Backing up Globalization with
Military Might," CovertAction Quarterly, fall/winter, 1999;
"Chechnya: More Blood for Oil,"
CovertAction Quarterly, Spring/Summer,2000.

The map is from

Notes (1) "Macedonians Fear Impending Civil War," Danica
Kirka, Associated Press, May 3, 2001
(2) "Macedonian Conflict Reignites World Worries,"
Reuters, May 4, 2001.
(3) "The U.N. Appoints an Alleged War Criminal," Michel
Chossudovsky, Mar. 17, 2000, [emperors-clothes]
(4) "Rebels push Macedonia to 'the brink,'" Juliette
Terzieff, San Francisco Chronicle, May 8, 2001.
(5) "AMBO Pipeline to Start Raising Funds in July,"
Reuters, June 15, 2000.
(6) "Trans-Balkan Pipeline Complicates U.S.-Turkey
Relations," Global Intelligence Update, Jan.
14, 2000.
(7) "The New Great Game," Richard Norton-Taylor, Guardian
(London), Mar. 5, 2001.
(8) Sole 24 Ore, Apr.13, 1999.
(9) Op. cit. no. 4.
(10) see MILSNEWS, Skopje, Jan. 23, 1997.
(11) Op. cit. no. 4.
(12)"Caspian Sea's Oil Reserves," Michel Collon,


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Il Tribunale ONU sulla Jugoslavia: la vergogna internazionale di un
organismo che dovrebbe essere imparziale e che invece � un docile
strumento in mano alla NATO per colpire i nemici dell'alleanza

Louise Arbor, una criminale di guerra che nessuno ha ancora portato sul
banco degli imputati

L'articolo che riproduciamo, pubblicato in italiano anche dal Manifesto
del 27 e 28 maggio 2000, � stato scritto nei primi giorni di febbraio
da Christopher Black, uno degli avvocati canadesi che hanno chiesto al
Tribunale ONU per la Jugoslavia di accusare i dirigenti della NATO di
crimini di guerra, e da Edward Herman, canadese, autore di saggi sui
mezzi di comunicazione di massa.

Tra i molti paradossi della guerra della Nato contro la Jugoslavia c'�
il ruolo del Tribunale Penale Internazionale e della sua ex
procuratrice generale, Louise Arbour, elevata dal primo ministro
canadese Jean Chretien all'Alta Corte del Canada nel 1999. Come avremo
modo di dimostrare, quel premio si giustifica interamente per i servizi
politici resi alle potenze della Nato, ma � una monumentale presa in
giro se si considera la questione della corretta amministrazione della
giustizia. In realt�, poich� la Arbour e il suo Tribunale hanno giocato
un ruolo chiave nel favorire crimini di guerra, ci sono eccellenti
motivi per sostenere che in un mondo giusto la Arbour si dovrebbe
trovare sul banco degli imputati piuttosto che nella veste di giudice.

La Arbour corre in aiuto della NATO

Il momento della verit� per la Arbour e il Tribunale � venuto nel bel
mezzo della campagna di bombardamenti della Nato contro la Jugoslavia
durata 78 giorni, quando la Arbour � apparsa una prima volta in una
conferenza stampa del 20 aprile 1999 insieme al ministro degli esteri
britannico Robin Cook per ricevere da lui la documentazione sui crimini
di guerra serbi. Successivamente, il 27 maggio, la Arbour annunciava
l'incriminazione del presidente serbo Slobodan Milosevic e di quattro
suoi collaboratori per crimini di guerra. L'inappropriatezza di questo
comportamento da parte di un organo presumibilmente giudicante nel bel
mezzo della guerra in Kosovo, e mentre la Germania, la Russia ed altre
potenze stavano cercando di trovare una soluzione diplomatica al
conflitto, � sconcertante.
Presentandosi pubblicamente il 20 aprile 1999 con Cook, la Arbour
dichiar� che "sarebbe inconcepibile... che noi di fatto accettassimo di
essere guidati dalla volont� politica di gente che pu� avere propri
scopi da perseguire". Ma la sua apparizione con Cook e le
incriminazioni che l'hanno seguita corrispondevano perfettamente ai
bisogni politici dei dirigenti della Nato. Le critiche ai bombardamenti
Nato, sempre pi� intensi e mirati a colpire le infrastrutture civili,
stavano crescendo, e nei media britannici Blair e Cook fustigavano i
loro critici per il loro insufficiente entusiasmo per la guerra.
L'intervento della Arbour e del Tribunale, che dichiarava la dirigenza
serba colpevole di crimini di guerra, era una mossa di relazioni
pubbliche per giustificare la politica della Nato e facilitare la
continuazione e l'escalation dei bombardamenti. I dirigenti e i
propagandisti della Nato l'hanno sottolineato spesso: Madeleine
Albright rilevava subito che l'incriminazione "chiarisce al mondo
intero e all'opinione pubblica dei nostri paesi che questa [politica
della Nato] � giustificata dai crimini commessi, e penso anche che ci
consentir� di continuare a portare avanti tutti questi processi [cio� i
bombardamenti]" (Cnn, 27 maggio). Il portavoce del Dipartimento di
Stato James Rubin dichiarava da parte sua che "questo passo senza
precedenti... giustifica nel modo pi� chiaro possibile quanto abbiamo
fatto negli ultimi mesi" (Cnn Morning News, 27 maggio).

Bench� il Tribunale fosse insediato sin dal maggio 1993, e le atrocit�
pi� gravi nelle guerre jugoslave fossero state commesse nel quadro
della disgregazione della vecchia Federazione, tra il giugno 1991 e i
colloqui di pace di Dayton alla fine del 1995, non c'era stata nessuna
accusa contro Milosevic per nessuna di quelle atrocit�.
L'incriminazione del 27 maggio si riferisce esclusivamente a 241 morti
di cui si avrebbe avuta notizia nei primi mesi del 1999.
L'incriminazione appare preparata frettolosamente in risposta a qualche
bisogno urgente. Il 20 aprile la Arbour aveva persino dichiarato di
avere "fatto visita alla Nato" per "dialogare con potenziali fornitori
di informazioni per creare un sostegno senza precedenti, di cui il
Tribunale ha bisogno se vuole ottemperare al suo mandato in una cornice
temporale che lo renda rilevante per la risoluzione di un conflitto...
delle dimensioni di quello attualmente in attoa nel Kosovo". Ma la sua
azione ha impedito una soluzione negoziata, anche se ha contribuito ad
accelerare una soluzione attraverso l'intensificazione dei

La Arbour stessa si diceva "preoccupata dell'impatto che questa
incriminazione pu� avere sul processo di pace", e dichiarava che,
bench� le persone incriminate abbiano "diritto alla presunzione di
innocenza fino alla condanna, le prove su cui l'incriminazione si fonda
sollevano seri dubbi sulla loro adeguatezza ad essere garanti di
qualunque intesa, per non parlare di un accordo di pace". (Cnn Live
Event, Special, 27 maggio). In questo modo la Arbour non solo ammetteva
di essere assolutamente consapevole del significato politico della
incriminazione, ma insinuava anche che l'interferenza con eventuali
sforzi diplomatici era giustificata perch� le persone incriminate,
sebbene non ancora dichiarate colpevoli, non sarebbero state adeguate a
negoziare. Questo giudizio politico largamente extragiudiziale, insieme
al momento scelto per le incriminazioni, indica il ruolo altamente
politico della Arbour e del Tribunale.

Cosa c'� dietro la politicizzazione del Tribunale

Il servizio reso dalla Arbour alla Nato con l'incriminazione di
Milosevic � stato il risultato logico del controllo di fatto sul
Tribunale e sulle sue finalit�. Il Tribunale fu istituito dal Consiglio
di Sicurezza all'inizio degli anni '90 per servire agli scopi della
politica balcanica dei suoi membri dominanti, specialmente degli Usa
(Cina e Russia li hanno seguiti come partner silenziosi e impotenti,
forse in cambio di concessioni economiche). Il finanziamento e la
relazione di interdipendenza funzionale con le principali potenze Nato
ne hanno fatto uno strumento della Nato.
Sebbene, secondo l'art. 32 dello Statuto, le spese del Tribunale
debbano essere previste nel bilancio generale dell'Onu, questa clausola
viene regolarmente violata. Negli anni 1994-1995 il governo Usa ha
elargito al Tribunale 700.000 dollari in contanti e 2,3 milioni di
dollari in attrezzature (e ci� mentre si rifiutava di far fronte al suo
debito con l'ONU che avrebbe cos� potuto assicurarne il finanziamento).
Il 12 maggio 1999 la giudice Gabrielle Kirk McDonald, presidente del
Tribunale, dichiarava che "il governo degli Stati Uniti ha accettato
molto generosamente di dare 500.000 dollari [per un
progetto "Outreach"] e di incoraggiare altri stati a contribuire".
Molti altri enti governativi e non governativi con sede negli Usa hanno
fornito risorse al Tribunale.

L'articolo 16 dello Statuto del Tribunale stabilisce che il procuratore
deve agire in modo indipendente e non deve chiedere o ricevere
istruzioni da alcun governo. Anche questa disposizione � stata
sistematicamente violata. Le fonti Nato hanno regolarmente avanzato la
pretesa di avere autorit� sul Tribunale: "Decideremo se le azioni della
Jugoslavia contro le persone di etnia albanese costituiscano un
genocidio" dichiara un foglio informativo dell'Usia (United States
Information Agency), e nella conferenza stampa tenuta insieme alla
Arbour il 20 aprile Cook dichiara: "Concentreremo la nostra attenzione
sui crimini di guerra che vengono commessi in Kosovo e siamo
determinati a consegnare i responsabili alla giustizia", come se lui e
la Arbour fossero un organismo che decide collettivamente, e in
collaborazione, chi debba essere accusato dei crimini di guerra, ed
ovviamente escludendo se stesso dai potenziali accusati. In precedenza,
il 31 marzo, due giorni dopo che Cook le aveva promesso informazioni
utili a sostenere le accuse, la Arbour aveva annunciato
l'incriminazione di Arkan.

I funzionari del Tribunale si sono persino vantati del "forte sostegno
da parte dei governi interessati e di singoli individui come la
segretaria di stato Albright", citata poi come "madre del Tribunale"
(da Gabrielle Kirk McDonald). In una conferenza stampa del settembre
1999 la procuratrice generale succeduta alla Arbour, Carla Del Ponte,
ringraziava l'americana Fbi per aver aiutato il Tribunale, ed esprimeva
riconoscenza per "l'importante sostegno fornito al Tribunale dal
governo degli Stati Uniti". La stessa Arbour aveva informato
personalmente Clinton dell'imminente incriminazione di Milosevic due
giorni prima del resto del mondo, e nel 1996 la procuratrice si era
incontrata con il segretario generale della Nato e il suo comandante
supremo per "stabilire contatti e cominciare a discutere le modalit� di
collaborazione e assistenza". Gli incontri tra il procuratore del
tribunale e la Nato, a cui � stata affidata la funzione di polizia,
sono stati numerosi. Anche nella raccolta dei dati, il procuratore �
stato fortemente dipendente dalla Nato e dai governi Nato, il che
ancora una volta rimanda alla relazione simbiotica fra il Tribunale e
la Nato.

Nel mirino ci sono praticamente solo i serbi

Le potenze della Nato hanno concentrato la loro attenzione quasi
esclusivamente sulla condotta dei serbi nel quadro della
disintegrazione della Jugoslavia, e il Tribunale ha proseguito sulla
scia della Nato. La gran parte delle incriminazioni del Tribunale si
riferisce a serbi, e quelle, pochissime, dirette contro croati e
musulmani hanno dato l'impressione di arrivare al momento giusto per
controbattere le accuse di pregiudizio anti-serbo (ad esempio, la prima
incriminazione non serba [Ivica Rajic], annunciata durante i colloqui
di pace a Ginevra e il bombardamento della Nato nel settembre 1995).
La stessa Arbour affermava (20 aprile) che "il vero pericolo � quello
di cadervi [di perseguire gli scopi politici di qualcuno]
inconsapevolmente, dipendendo interamente da fornitori di informazioni
che potrebbero avere loro scopi che noi potremmo non essere in grado di
riconoscere". Ma anche un imbecille si sarebbe potuto accorgere che la
Nato aveva i propri scopi e che il solo fatto di accettare la marea di
documenti offerti da Cook e Albright significava proprio subordinarsi a
quegli scopi. Arbour ha persino riconosciuto la sua volontaria e quasi
esclusiva "dipendenza... dalla buona volont� degli stati" per fornire
informazioni che "guideranno la nostra analisi del contesto criminale".
E il suo riferimento del 20 aprile alla "moralit� dell'impresa [della
Nato]" e le sue osservazioni sulla possibile mancanza di carattere di
Milosevic, che lo renderebbe inidoneo a un negoziato, cos� come la sua
prontezza ad aiutare la Nato con un'incriminazione, rimandano a un
servigio politico del tutto consapevole.

Un drammatico esempio della non imparzialit� della Arbour e del
Tribunale, viene da un rapporto del Tribunale stesso intitolato "The
Indictment Operation Storm: A Prima Facie Case", che descrive i crimini
di guerra commessi dalle forze armate croate con l'espulsione di pi� di
200.000 serbi dalla Krajina nell'agosto 1995, durante la quale "almeno
150 serbi hanno sub�to esecuzioni sommarie, e molte centinaia di loro
sono scomparsi". Il rapporto, fatto trapelare al New York Times (con
costernazione dei funzionari del Tribunale), affermava che gli omicidi
e gli altri atti disumani commessi dai croati erano "diffusi e
sistematici", e che era disponibile "materiale sufficiente" per
chiamare a risponderne in base al diritto internazionale tre generali
croati di cui veniva fatto il nome. (Raymond Bonner, "War Crimes Panel
Finds Croat Troops 'Cleansed' the Serbs", New York Times, 21 marzo
1999). Ma l'articolo del Times riferisce anche che gli Stati Uniti, che
sostenevano la pulizia etnica condotta dai croati contro i serbi in
Krajina, non solo hanno difeso i croati presso il Tribunale, ma si sono
rifiutati di fornire le foto satellitari delle aree della Krajina
attaccate dai croati e altre informazioni che erano state loro
richieste. Il risultato � stato che generali croati nominati nel
rapporto su "Operation Storm" non sono mai stati incriminati dal
Tribunale dell'Aja nel momento in cui le rivelazioni avvenivano, e
sebbene il numero dei serbi uccisi e scomparsi in soli quattro giorni
in quella pulizia etnica sia stato almeno pari alle 241 vittime dei
serbi menzionate nell'incriminazione di Milosevic, nessuna
incriminazione parallela del leader croato Tudjman � stata mai emessa
dal Tribunale. Ma non si � trattato di una mancata raccolta di elementi
di accusa: il fatto � che gli Stati Uniti si sono opposti
all'incriminazione dei loro alleati, per questo il Tribunale non li ha

I processi farsa del Tribunale

La Arbour ha dichiarato che il Tribunale � "soggetto a regole
estremamente severe per le prove rispetto all'ammissibilit� e alla
credibilit� del lavoro che presenteremo alla corte" per cui sarebbe
stata cauta rispetto a "accuse non confermate, non verificabili, non
provate" (20 aprile). Parole che non rendono affatto la realt� di
quella che John Laughland su The Times (Londra) ha descritto come
una "corte disonesta con regole truccate" (17 giugno 1999). Il
Tribunale v�ola virtualmente ogni standard di giusto processo: esso non
mantiene separata l'accusa dal giudizio; non accorda il diritto alla
libert� provvisoria o a un processo celere; non ha una definizione
chiara dell'onere della prova richiesto per una condanna; non ha un
organismo indipendente presso cui ricorrere in appello; v�ola il
principio secondo cui un imputato non pu� essere processato due volte
per lo stesso reato (l'art. 25 d� diritto al procuratore di presentare
appello contro l'assoluzione); le persone sospette possono essere
trattenute 90 giorni senza processo; secondo la norma 92 le confessioni
sono considerate libere e volontarie a meno che il prigioniero non
dimostri il contrario; i testimoni possono testimoniare anonimamente e,
come ha osservato John Laughland, "le norme contro il 'sentito dire',
profondamente radicate nella giurisprudenza, non vengono osservate e
l'ufficio del procuratore ha persino proposto di non chiamare i
testimoni per produrre le prove, ma soltanto gli investigatori del
Tribunale stesso".
Come abbiamo gi� osservato, la Arbour presuppone la colpevolezza prima
del processo; il concetto di "innocenza fino alla condanna" viene
respinto, e la Arbour pu� dichiarare che le persone collegate ad
Arkan "saranno macchiate dalla loro associazione con un personaggio
imputato di crimini di guerra" (31 marzo). Chiaramente la Arbour non
crede nelle regole fondamentali della giurisprudenza occidentale, e
Laughland cita le sue parole: "La legge, per me, dovrebbe essere
creativa e usata per far funzionare le cose". E nel giro di un mese
dalla sua elezione alla Suprema Corte canadese, la Arbour faceva parte
della maggioranza di giudici che introduceva nella legge canadese la
pratica iniqua e pericolosa di consentire nei processi un uso pi�
liberale delle prove per sentito dire. La corruzione del sistema della
giustizia canadese, sia per la sua nomina che per il suo operato,
rispecchia quella del sistema politico, i cui rappresentanti hanno
appoggiato senza problemi la guerra della Nato.

I crimini della NATO

Bombardando la Jugoslavia dal 24 marzo al giugno 1999, la Nato si �
resa colpevole del grave crimine di violazione della disposizione della
Carta delle Nazioni Unite che vieta l'uso della forza senza
l'approvazione del Consiglio di Sicurezza. La Nato si � anche resa
colpevole di un'aggressione criminale attaccando uno stato sovrano che
non stava travalicando i propri confini. A propria difesa, la Nato ha
sostenuto che preoccupazioni "umanitarie" richiedevano tali azioni e
giustificavano violazioni cos� gravi del diritto. A prescindere dal
fatto che questo argomento sancisce la possibilit� di violare la legge
sulla base di un proprio giudizio, contraddicendo la preminenza del
diritto, essa � contraddetta anche dai fatti sul suo stesso terreno. In
primo luogo, i bombardamenti Nato hanno "trasformato un problema
umanitario interno in un disastro", secondo le parole del canadese
Rollie Keith, di ritorno dalla missione Osce per la tutela dei diritti
umani in Kosovo. In secondo luogo, � ormai provato, che la Nato si �
rifiutata di negoziare un accordo sul Kosovo ed ha insistito per la
soluzione violenta e che, per usare le parole di un funzionario del
Dipartimento di Stato, la Nato ha deliberatamente "fatto muro" e
impedito una soluzione di compromesso perch� la Serbia "aveva bisogno
di una buona dose di bombardamenti". Questi fatti suggeriscono che la
supposta base umanitaria delle violazioni di legge ha fatto da
copertura a obiettivi meramente politici e geopolitici.
La Nato si � anche resa colpevole di crimini di guerra pi�
tradizionali, inclusi alcuni che il Tribunale aveva ritenuto tali
quando commessi dai serbi. Cos� l'8 marzo 1996, il leader serbo Milan
Martic � stato incriminato per aver lanciato nel maggio 1995 un razzo
con bombe a grappolo su obiettivi militari a Zagabria, con la
motivazione che il missile "non era finalizzato a colpire obiettivi
militari ma a terrorizzare i civili di Zagabria". Il rapporto del
Tribunale sulla "Operation Storm" croata in Krajina ha fornito anche
prove concrete che nell'attacco croato di 48 ore contro la citt� di
Knin "furono lanciate granate soprattutto contro obiettivi civili"
(meno di 250 granate su 3.000 hanno colpito obiettivi militari), ma a
questa risultanza - come del resto per tutti gli altri arttacchi - non
ha fatto seguito nessuna incriminazione.

Lo stesso caso si � verificato in molti bombardamenti della Nato, in
cui sono stati colpiti obiettivi civili, come nel bombardamento di Nis
il 7 maggio 1999 in cui un mercato e un ospedale distanti da qualunque
obiettivo militare sono stati colpiti separatamente - ma la Nato non ha
sub�to alcuna incriminazione.

Ma la Nato si � resa colpevole del bombardamento di obiettivi non
militari anche come politica sistematica. Il 26 marzo 1999, il generale
Wesley Clark dichiarava: "Lavoreremo con molta sistematicit� e in modo
progressivo sulle sue [di Milosevic] forze militari... [per vedere]
quanti danni � disposto a subire". Ma questa focalizzazione
sulle "forze militari" non ha avuto effetto e cos� la Nato si �
rapidamente dedicata a "demolire... l'apparato economico che sostiene"
le forze militari serbe (parole di Clinton), e gli obiettivi della Nato
si sono gradualmente estesi a fabbriche di tutti i tipi, centrali
elettriche, infrastrutture idriche e fognarie, tutti i trasporti,
edifici pubblici, e molte scuole e ospedali. Di fatto, la strategia
della Nato � stata di mettere in ginocchio la Serbia con una escalation
graduale di attacchi contro la societ� civile.

Questa politica ha palesemente violato il diritto internazionale, di
cui un elemento fondamentale � che gli obiettivi civili siano "off
limits". Il diritto internazionale proibisce la "distruzione arbitraria
di citt� o villaggi o la devastazione non giustificate da necessit�
militari" (Sesto principio di Norimberga, formulato nel 1950 da una
commissione sul diritto internazionale sotto l'egida delle Nazioni
Unite). La "necessit� militare" non consente, evidentemente, la
distruzione di una societ� civile al fine di rendere pi� difficile, per
un paese, appoggiare le sue forze armate, non pi� di quanto non
consenta l'uccisione diretta dei civili perch� essi pagano le tasse con
cui si sostiene la macchina bellica, o perch� un giorno potrebbero
diventare soldati. Tenere in ostaggio un'intera popolazione � una
flagrante violazione del diritto internazionale, e le azioni che mirano
a questo obiettivo sono crimini di guerra.

Il 29 settembre 1999, in risposta alla domanda se il Tribunale avrebbe
investigato sui crimini commessi in Kosovo dopo il 10 giugno, o su
quelli commessi dalla Nato in Jugoslavia, la procuratrice Carla Del
Ponte dichiarava che "l'ufficio del procuratore deve dedicarsi
prioritariamente a indagare e perseguire i cinque leader della
Repubblica Federale di Jugoslavia e della Serbia che sono gi� stati
incriminati". Per quale motivo questa "debba" essere la priorit�, tanto
pi� considerando la mole delle prove gi� raccolte nella fase di
preparazione delle incriminazioni, non � stato spiegato. Alla fine di
dicembre, � stato infine riferito che la Del Ponte, su pressione della
Russia e di molte altre "parti interessate", stava prendendo in esame
la condotta della Nato ("U.N. Court Examines Nato's Yugoslavia War",
New York Times, 29 dicembre 1999). Ma l'articolo stesso indica che
l'attenzione � concentrata sulla condotta dei piloti Nato e dei loro
comandanti, non sui capi della Nato che hanno operato la scelta
decisiva di colpire le infrastrutture civili. L'articolo lascia capire
inoltre la natura pubblicitaria delle dichiarazioni destinate
a "smentire la convinzione... che il tribunale sia uno strumento usato
dai leader occidentali per sfuggire alle proprie responsabilit�".
L'articolo infine sottolinea la delicata questione che il
tribunale "dipende dall'alleanza militare per arrestare e consegnare i
sospetti". In esso si citano anche le seguenti parole della Del
Ponte: "Non � la mia priorit�, perch� devo occuparmi di indagini
riguardanti un genocidio, e corpi in fosse comuni". Possiamo essere
sicuri che da questa indagine non scaturir� nessuna incriminazione.

Un tribunale imparziale si sarebbe sforzato di bilanciare la marea di
documenti della Nato con ricerche sul posto e accogliendo la
documentazione rivale. Ma pur avendo ricevuto denunce sui crimini della
Nato, sia dalla Jugoslavia sia da una quantit� di gruppi di giuristi
occidentali, il Tribunale non se ne � mai occupato fino a questa presa
in considerazione tardiva e sicuramente nominale che "non � la mia
priorit�", poich� il Tribunale "deve" perseguire i cattivi serbi, per
ragioni che sono fin troppo chiare.

Al di l� di Orwell

I leader della Nato, frustrati nell'attaccare la macchina militare
serba, si sono applicati piuttosto scopertamente a distruggere la
societ� civile della Serbia, un mezzo per ottenere la rapida vittoria
auspicata prima dei festeggiamenti per il cinquantesimo anniversario
della Nato. Sebbene questo abbia comportato che gli abitanti della
Serbia fossero trasformati in ostaggi e attaccati insieme ai loro mezzi
di sussistenza - in palese violazione del diritto di guerra - la Arbour
e il suo Tribunale non solo non hanno protestato con i leader della
Nato e non li hanno perseguiti per crimini di guerra ma, incriminando
Milosevic il 27 maggio, hanno fornito alla Nato una copertura morale
permettendo crescenti attacchi alla popolazione ostaggio.
La Arbour e il Tribunale ci presentano cos� lo sbalorditivo spettacolo
di una istituzione presumibilmente organizzata per limitare, prevenire
e perseguire i crimini di guerra, che di fatto li facilita
consapevolmente. Come se non bastasse, precise denunce sottoposte al
Tribunale durante la permanenza della Arbour avevano chiesto che il
Tribunale perseguisse i leader della Nato, compreso il primo ministro
canadese Jean Chretien, per crimini di guerra. Se fosse stata
procuratrice in Canada, Gran Bretagna o Stati Uniti, la Arbour sarebbe
stata soggetta alla radiazione dall'albo professionale per aver preso
in considerazione e poi accettato un lavoro da una persona che le era
stato chiesto di perseguire. Ma la Arbour � stata eletta alla Suprema
Corte del Canada da Chretien senza che questo conflitto di interessi e
questa immoralit� venissero neanche menzionati. In questo Nuovo Ordine
Mondiale post-orwelliano ci viene detto che viviamo in un contesto di
diritto ma, come ebbemodo di dire Sant'Agostino, "ci sono leggi giuste
e leggi ingiuste, e una legge ingiusta non � affatto una legge".


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Un tribunale che viola il diritto internazionale

Una giustizia tribale

di Raniero la Valle
da �Liberazione� del 4 aprile 2001

Se l'arresto di Milosevic fosse un affare interno della Repubblica
Jugoslava, non ci sarebbe niente da eccepire. Nessuno ha mai pensato
che nel conflitto jugoslavo, dove tutti hanno compiuto crimini, dai
capi delle fazioni armate ai negoziatori di Rambouillet, il presidente
jugoslavo fosse l'unico immune da colpe. L'obbligatoriet� dell'azione
penale e l'indipendenza della magistratura dal potere politico, che
rivendichiamo quando � sotto attacco in Italia, devono valere per
tutti, anche nei Balcani.

Ma l'arresto di Milosevic � intervenuto per una volont� esterna, e come
un'azione sostitutiva, escogitata dal nuovo potere di Belgrado, invece
della consegna di Milosevic al tribunale dell'Aja, che sarebbe stata
patita come un'umiliazione della sovranit� jugoslava. In questi
termini, questa giustizia � una vergogna. Lo � in quanto esercitata su
impulso del Tribunale dell'Aja, che dovendo giudicare i crimini
commessi nei conflitti jugoslavi, non ha giudicato la distruzione del
diritto compiuta dalla Nato, che ha violato tutte le norme del diritto
internazionale e del diritto umanitario di guerra, perfino ammazzando i
giornalisti, bombardando la sede della Televisione jugoslava. Il
Tribunale dell'Aja ha aperto e subito chiuso l'inchiesta sulla Nato,
non trovando nulla riguardo a cui procedere. Dunque � la giustizia dei

Ma prima ancora che dalla responsabile della Procura internazionale
dell'Aja, l'arresto � stato reclamato dall'America di Bush, e con un
ultimatum che scadeva il 31 marzo, giorno in cui � stato eseguito, in
cambio di una elargizione di 50 milioni di dollari, pari a 100 miliardi
di lire. Cento miliardi sono una cifra irrisoria, pari alla somma che,
secondo la prima delle notizie che ha voluto pubblicare L'Unit�
tornando in edicola, viene spesa da Berlusconi per la sua campagna
elettorale per acquistare il potere in Italia. Cento miliardi per
comprarsi la Jugoslavia e per venderla, � una cifra irrisoria; al
cambio sono meno di 30 danari.

Ma non � una taglia su un colpevole. E' una vendetta, per l'unico vero
delitto che l'America non pu� perdonare, che � il delitto di aver
resistito all'America, e che Milosevic non ha compiuto da solo. Si pu�
dire che anche noi, che ci siamo opposti alla guerra, ne siamo stati
complici. Un delitto che fin troppo a lungo non � stato perdonato al
Vietnam, che non � stato perdonato in Salvador a mons. Romero e a
quanti si sono opposti al regime voluto dagli Stati Uniti, che non �
stato perdonato a Saddam Hussein e all'intero popolo iracheno, che
continua a pagarne il prezzo in una guerra che per i vincitori non �
mai finita, e in uno strangolamento che ammazza i bambini e si perpetua
da una generazione all'altra di iracheni, anche nati dopo i fatti
imputati come reato. Dunque si tratta di una giustizia tribale, che
pretende la vendetta del sangue senza discernimento dei colpevoli e
senza distinzione tra i padri ed i figli.

Quando dopo una lunga storia di diritti negati e di popoli calpestati
la comunit� internazionale ha riconosciuto e affermato i diritti umani,
quando col patto di Roma si � tentato di istituire un Tribunale penale
internazionale permanente che gli Stati Uniti si rifiutano di accettare
e impediscono che nasca perch� non vogliono sottoporsi ad alcuna
giurisdizione, rivendicando l'impunit� dei loro poteri imperiali, si
pensava a una ben diversa istituzione e sovranit� del diritto, si
sperava in una ben diversa giustizia, si intendeva un'oggettivit� e
un'imparzialit� dei giudizi, senza vendette, senza imputati
precostituiti e senza sentenze manipolate dal potere. Nulla di tutto
ci� si riscontra nel modo in cui Milosevic, come si dice, viene
ora "assicurato" alla giustizia, grazie a un salario di cento miliardi
e con il mondo intorno a fare il tifo come in uno stadio. E' una brutta
pagina per la civilt� del diritto, � un'ulteriore umiliazione per


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Prosegue a ritmo serrato l'inglobamento della Jugoslavia nei "salotti buoni"
del dominio finanziario globale: dal Fondo Monetario Internazionale (IMF), che
ha ricominciato a concederle i suoi prestiti usurari, alla Banca Mondiale,
dove la RFJ e' stata appena riammessa dopo otto anni, alla Banca Europea per la
Ricostruzione e lo Sviluppo (BERS), alla cui ultima sessione londinese di
fine Aprile il nuovo governo jugoslavo ha presentato lo stato della ristrutturazione
dell'economia in senso liberista ed antipopolare, invitando gli investitori
stranieri a farsi sotto. Ed ancora lla Organizzazione Mondiale del Commercio
(WTO), che ha gia' ammesso la RFJ come osservatore, al Consiglio d'Europa, che
impone le sue condizioni, che sono insieme economiche e politiche, fino alla
stessa NATO ed alla sua "anticamera" denominata "Partnership for Peace".

Nel frattempo, si prepara la legge sulle privatizzazioni che consentira' la
svendita delle ricchezze nazionali agli acquirenti stranieri.

Riportiamo di seguito i dispacci della Tanjug e di altra fonte su questo
fiorire di rapporti e di scambi di visite, con gli esponenti della nuova leadership
(anti)jugoslava impegnati a fare passerella nei centri piu' esclusivi
dell'Occidente "umanitario", da Londra a Davos, da Berlino a New York.

(a cura del CRJ)



BELGRADE, February 1 (Tanjug) Assistant Yugoslav Foreign Trade
Minister Boran Karadjole and Israeli Ministry of Industry and Trade
Director General Ruven Horesh told Tanjug on Thursday after talks in the
Federation Palace that they were extremely satisfied with the results so
far of the visit by the Israeli stateeconomic delegation to Yugoslavia.
Karadjole said a large number of businessmen of the two countries
had established contacts immediately through the chamber of commerce. He
pointed out that this was the first visit of an Israeli stateeconomic
delegation to Yugoslavia in almost 30 years.
"We have presented to the Israeli side copies of draft agreements
on avoiding double taxation and on protecting investments from
noncommercial risks, so that we can soon begin talks on the concluding of
these documents," Karadjole said.
Horesh said it had become evident after the second day of the
delegation's visit that the two countries have a common economic interest.
It has been decided that the two states set up new foundations for
future economic relations, primarily in the areas of trade and investments,
so as to enable Yugoslav and Israeli businessmen to take advantage of the
existing economic reforms and economic opening of Yugoslavia, Horesh said.
BELGRADE, February 12 (Tanjug) Yugoslav President Vojislav
Kostunica talked Monday in Belgrade with a delegation of the World Jewish
Congress about internal development in FR Yugoslavia and prospects of
further democratization of the country.
According to the statement from the presidential cabinet, in the
lengthy cordial conversation with members of the delegation headed by the
secretary general of the World Jewish Congress, Israel Singer, guests
stated their support for the Serbian people in removing the consequences of
a decade of authoritarian rule, years of isolation and a negative media
Also present at the meeting was the president of the association
of Jewish municipalities of Yugoslavia, Aca Singer, the statement said.
BELGRADE, February 12 (Tanjug) Yugoslav Minister of Health and
Social Policy Miodrag Kovac and President of the World Jewish Congress
Israel Singer discussed Monday the prospects for providing health aid to
the holocaust victims in Yugoslavia and for a program of aid to the reform
of the Yugoslav health and social security sectors.
Kovac pointed to Yugoslavia's readiness for full cooperation with
the WJC and the Jewish community in Belgrade on these projects.
Providing health care to holocaust victims would be financed from
funds the WJC has received from Germany as compensation.
The program of aid to the Yugoslav health sector should be
realized jointly as the Jewish and Yugoslav peoples have shared a similar
fate throughout history. Keeping in mind this historical experience and
friendship, the WJC has always been backing Yugoslavia's integrity, Singer
TEL AVIV, April 19 (Tanjug) Israeli Telecommunications Minister
Reuven Rivlin has promised his Yugoslav counterpart Boris Tadic that his
country will help privatise Yugoslav telecommunications by providing expert
services and information, the Jerusalem Post newspaper said on Thursday.
In a report about the Yugoslav minister's visit to Israel, which
was issued only after the holidays during which no newspapers were printed,
the Jerusalem Post said that Tadic had tried to make use of the Israeli
knowhow and experience in the privatisation of the important infrastructure
Tadic was quoted as saying that he had useful talks with numerous
Israeli companies and that Yugoslavia seriously planned to develop
bilateral cooperation in the field of telecommunications.


BELGRADE, January 21 (Tanjug) Yugoslav National Bank (central
bank) Governor Mladjan Dinkic has appointed Srboljub Antic, a financial
expert, to be Yugoslavia's representative in the International Monetary
Fund (IMF), the Governor's Cabinet said on Sunday.
Antic will be adviser to the Executive Director of the Swiss
Constituency which will represent Yugoslav interests within IMF and will
begin his duties immediately, the statement said.
NEW YORK, January 25 (Tanjug) Yugoslav National (central) Bank
Governor Mladjan Dinkic has ended a twoday working visit to Washington, in
the course of which he met with International Monetary Fund (IMF) and World
Bank officials.
The talks were also attended by Srboljub Antic, Yugoslavia'a
future representative with the IMF. The two sides mostly focused on
creditrelated cooperation between Yugoslavia and the IMF, and Yugoslavia's
admission to the World Bank.
After eight years of absence, Yugoslavia rejoined the IMF on Dec.
20 last year. In order to renew membership in the World Bank, the country
must first regulate its overdue debts, estimated at 1.7 billion dollars.
BELGRADE, February 2 (Tanjug) Representatives of the Yugoslav and
Serbian governments opened talks in Belgrade on Friday with members of a
mission of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) about Yugoslavia's
capabilities to service its foreign debt and on the elements of the
macroeconomic policy for the year 2001.
The first in a series of twoweek meetings was attended by federal
VicePrime Minister Miroljub Labus, Yugoslav National Bank Governor Mladjan
Dinkic and the finance ministers of Serbia and Montenegro, Bozidar Djelic
and Miroslav Ivanisevic respectively, while the IMF delegation was headed
by mission chief Emmanuel Zervoudakis, the federal Information Secretariat
The meeting focused on the amount of the foreign debt and the
preparation of a joint strategy for its servicing, as well as the
forthcoming reform of Yugoslavia's banking system, privatization, and the
fiscal and monetary policy of this country.
It was announced that the IMF mission will hold a series of
meetings with Yugoslav and Serbian government experts. At the end of the
visit, on February 13 or 14 a new round of plenary sessions will be held
followed by an announcement about the results of the joint activities.
BELGRADE, February 11 (Tanjug) Serbian Deputy Premier Nebojsa
Covic received on Sunday a delegation of the International Monetary Fund
headed by European sector chief Emanuel Zervudakis, said a statement issued
by the deputy premier's cabinet.
The statement said that the talks were devoted to a "standby"
arrangement, coordinating measures in economic fields and in micoreconomic
frameworks which are a basis for a realistic projection of the budget of
Serbia for this year.
Also analyzed were pay raises, increased production and inflation
factors, and the way to narrow the budget deficit by reforming the tax
system and expenditure, so as to obtain a budget of Serbia for this year
that would be as balanced as possible.
Along with the Minister of Energy and Mining Goran Novakovic,
Covic also talked with officials from the World Bank energy sector about
the plan for the longterm solution of the energy crisis in Serbia.
The topic of the talks, in which took part Felix Martin, Hank Bush
and Dejan Ostojic, was aid for resolving problems of the electric power
system and preparations for overhauling Serbian power stations, to be ready
for next winter season.
"It was mutually concluded that a program should be worked out in
the shortest possible period for the shortterm, mediumterm and longterm
overhauling of the electric power system in Serbia," said the statement
issued by the cabinet of the deputy premier.
NEW YORK, April 11 (Tanjug) Yugoslav Deputy Premier Miroljub
Labus told the Voice of America Wednesday that he expects the International
Monetary Fund to earmark an extensive credit to Yugoslavia next month, with
a first instalment being available already on June 1.
Yugoslavia hopes that the promised IMF and World Bank aid of 300
million dollars will enable Belgrade to collect the one billion dollars it
needs for development, the radio said.
Six months after the democratic change in Belgrade, the rate of
implementation of economic reforms is still very slow. Most of the
industrial facilities damaged in the NATO bombing in 1999 have not been
repaired yet and plants are hardly working, the radio noted. Meanwhile, the
Yugoslav National (central) bank is trying to recover several hundred
million dollars believed to have been taken out of the country by former
president Slobodan Milosevic and his associates. The architects of Yugoslav
policies are seeking considerable foreign aid and hoping at the same time
to attract foreign investments to prevent dependence from aid, as has been
the case of some other countries in the region, the radio said.
BELGRADE, April 24 (Tanjug) World Bank and European Commission
representatives presented to Yugoslav officials Tuesday in Belgrade draft
documents on preparations for the forthcoming conference of donors for
About 50 experts of the World Bank, the International Monetary
Fund and other organizations have for several months been working on
detailed analyses and reports on the current situation and on programs for
Yugoslavia's economic recovery and transition process, the federal
information secretariat said.
The Yugoslav delegation was headed by Assistant Minister of
Foreign Trade Milica Uvalic, the WB delegation by its Washington
representative Mary Sheehan and the EC delegation by Therese Sobieski.
The programs to be presented at the conference concern reform
policies, especially as regards macroeconomic reforms, the private sector,
the improvement of the social situation and the strengthening of state
institutions, Sheehan said.
The conference of donors is to be convened by the WB and the EC,
and its date will hopefully be set within a few days, she said.
The meeting also focused on social policy, health care, education
and the underprivileged. The talks on other issues will continue
WASHINGTON, April 30 (Tanjug) Having settled all issues that
have been in dispute with the International Monetary Fund (IMF),
Yugoslavia will already by early June get a 260milliondollar IMF loan as
part of a standby arrangement, Yugoslav National (central) Bank Governor
Mladjan Dinkic has said.
Dinkic is attending the annual IMF and World Bank meeting in
Washington, where he has had a number of meetings with top IMF and WB
officials over the past few days. He is also to confer with State
Department representatives.
The Yugoslav Central Bank governor told reporters that an
agreement has been struck with the IMF management, and that it should be
approved at Monday's session of IMF's task force for Yugoslavia, to be
attended also by G7 countries.
WASHINGTON, April 30 (Tanjug) Yugoslavia can count by the end of
the year on three of the total of four instalments from the standby
arrangement worth 260 million dollars of the International Monetary Fund
(IMF), National Bank of Yugoslavia Governor Mladjan Dinkic confirmed at
the end of the visit to Washington.
"We hope that the first 65million dollar instalment of the
standby arrangement will arrive in Yugoslavia as early as June," the
Dinkic said, pointing out that by the end of the year will arrive two more
out of the total of four instalments."
The governor explained that the working group, comprising
representatives of the IMF, the World Bank and Group 7, held a meeting in
Washington on Monday from which was issued a joint statement on the
economic policy of Yugoslavia, or, on the standby arrangement, which means
that, as he stressed, all problems relating to the agreement have been
One more formality remains that the IMF board confirms the
agreement by the end of May this year.According to the Yugoslav governor,
the standby arrangement has multiple importance for Yugoslavia. It opens
the way, as he said, for successful talks with the Paris and London Clubs
for the writeoff of a part of the Yugoslav foreign debt which is around 12
billion dollars, Dinkic said, adding that Yugoslavia is requiring the
writeoff of two thirds of the debt.
Dinkic reminded that the ratio between the Yugoslav GDP and the
foreign debt was 145 percent, and that with the eventual writeoff of two
thirds of the debt to the Paris Club the ratio would be 70 percent.
Referring to the results of his visit to Washington, where the
spring session of the IMF and the World Bank is underway and where he held
a large number of meetings, Dinkic said he was satisfied with what was
achieved in the past two days. This concerns particulary the proposal of
the World Bank and the European Commission for the donors conference for
Yugoslavia to be held on June 1 this year in Brussels.
"We expect from the donors conference over a billion dollars,"
Dinkic said.
As for the World Bank, the Yugoslav governor said, it is quite
certain that the board of that institution will on May 8 take the decision
to renew the membership of Yugoslavia in the World Bank.
PARIS, April 30 (Tanjug) Serbian Premier Zoran Djindjic in talks
Monday with French Premier Lionel Jospin was assured that in a very short
period, maybe in a few days, will be resolves the issue of membership of
Yugoslavia in the World Bank, and that Paris will support the
reprogramming of the Yugoslav debt to the Paris Club.
"We received very clear support of France for our membership in
the World Bank. We have a promise that in the next few days the issue will
be resolved," Djindjic said after talks in Paris with Jospin and his aides
in charge of the economy and international relations.
The Serbian premier underlined that he also received the support
of France for the rescheduling of the Yugoslav debt to the Paris Club.
"For us it is very important that we first reduce our outstanding
debts that are very high, and then to reprogram them with an interest rate
that will be seven or eight times lower than the current ones, so as to
free our economy of the pressure of interest rates and outstanding debts,"
Djindjic explained. "If we achieve that in May, the following period would
practically be the time of large investments into our country," the
Serbian premier said in conclusion.
Premier Djindjic, accompanied by Finance and Economy Minister
Bozidar Djelic, Minister for Economic Relations with Foreign Countries
Goran Pitic, Minister for Privatization and Restructuring Aleksandar
Vlahovic and Yugoslav Ambassador to France Radomir Diklic, discussed with
Lionel Jospin and his aides the bilateral engagement of France and
economic aid.
"I am very satisfied and expect that relations between France and
Serbia will be intensified after our visit," the Serbian prime minister


BELGRADE, February 1 (Tanjug) At the request of international
donors and the European Commission, the World Bank has sent to Yugoslavia a
team charged with drafting a programme of urgent aid for surmounting
interethnic hostilities and accelerating democratisation.
Steven Holteman, who heads the team, was meeting with Yugoslav
Minister for minority affairs Rasim Ljajic. Holteman said he had come to
Ljajic for information about vital questions concerning certain regions and
the country as a whole, which he would forward to the donors to help them
draw up specific assistance programmes.


World Bank Re-admits Yugoslavia After Eight Years
WASHINGTON, May 9, 2001

-- (Reuters) Yugoslavia rejoined the World Bank on Tuesday, eight years
after being expelled for its involvement in Balkan wars, paving the way
for future loans to help the impoverished country's economic recovery.
"The government of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia has fully satisfied
the requirements for Bank membership," said World Bank Director Christiaan
Poortman. "We look forward to working together on reviving the country's
economy and improving living conditions for all the people of Yugoslavia."
Yugoslavia was cut off by the International Monetary Fund in 1992 and the
World Bank in 1993. It rejoined the IMF in December 2000, two months after
former leader Slobodan Milosevic was ousted. As part of the membership
package, the World Bank's executive board approved temporary eligibility
to the International Development Association (IDA).The bank said that up
to $540 million in IDA lending could now be made available over a
three-year period. IDA is a World Bank's arm that lends to poor states
whose lack of credit-worthiness precludes borrowing on market terms. In
return, the borrower must implement policies that promote economic growth
and reduce poverty. The board-approved package also included a plan for
clearing the country's arrears to the Washington lender. But it would take
"several additional months" to actually resolve the $1.7 billion arrears,
the bank said. Yugoslavia's Deputy Prime Minister Miroljub Labus, speaking
at the end of April ahead of the expected announcement, said these two
components of the package should give Yugoslavia a net capital inflow of
between $30 and $50 million a year. The bank confirmed that in March 2001,
it set up a $30 million trust fund for Yugoslavia for near-term
assistance. This is designed to help the country improve economic
conditions in the short run and to help the government to shape its
longer-term policy agenda. The bank said it will now be able to support
Yugoslavia's economic development through a Transitional Support Strategy
which will set out a program for the fiscal year 2002. With a planned
donor conference in sight, the lending institution said it is putting
together a comprehensive Emergency Recovery and Transition Program. This
is still being worked on with the government but should be ready for the
tentatively planned June 1 conference in Brussels. The first step toward
this conference came at the end of April, when the IMF agreed a memorandum
on economic and financial policies. Officials are hoping to raise $1.2
billion at the event which will be sponsored by the World Bank and the
European Commission. But the United States, which has significant
influence over the purse strings of institutions such as the IMF and the
World Bank, has threatened to withdraw backing of the conference if
Belgrade does not cooperate with an international court in The Hague that
wants to try Milosevic for alleged war crimes. Two U.S. senators from the
Foreign Operations Subcommittee, Patrick Leahy (D-VT) and Mitch McConnell
(R-KY), have written to World Bank President James Wolfensohn, urging him
to ensure that cooperation with the international court be a condition of
lending. U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell met on Tuesday with the
chief prosecutor of the court. They were expected to discuss putting more
pressure on Belgrade to transfer Milosevic to court. The country's
improved relations with the outside world have already led to promises of
new financing. Subject to the resolution of some problems with the
Yugoslav budget, the IMF has pledged a $260 million stand-by loan. An IMF
agreement also opens the doors for negotiations with the Paris Club of
creditors on debt restructuring. Yugoslavia has requested a write-down of
around two-thirds of a total $5.0 billion debt owed
to Paris Club members.


BELGRADE, February 13 (Tanjug) The Serbian parliament adopted on
Monday changes to the Law on Property Transformation freezing the
privatization of companies in Serbia for at least ten months when a new law
is expected.
During the almost sixhour debate, Serbian Privatization Minister
Aleksandar Vlahovic said that privatization is a means for realizing market
reforms and achieving the strategic aim of a more efficient economy.
Vlahovic stated that the process of privatization has recently
been intensified with 400 companies entering the process until November
2000. In the past two months another 500 firms opted to go private thus
boosting this figure to 900.
According to Vlahovic, the ruling Democratic Opposition of Serbia
(DOS) believes that a privatization based on the model of distributing free
shares to the majority owners should be halted. He proposed the stopping of
privatization based on the autonomous transformation model.
Vlahovic said that a new privatization law would be submitted to
the parliament in three months.
Serbia's new privatization minister said he was preparing new
legislation allowing the use of different models in the planned sell-
off of some 7,000 state or socially-owned firms in Serbia.
Speaking a few days after Serbia's new reformist government took
office, the minister Aleksandar Vlahovic said he expected the law to
be ready by April.
He said it would largely abandon the privatization model used by
Slobodan Milosevic's ousted authorities.
The new privatization law will partly mean abandoning the insider
privatization concept. It will be a combination of different
approaches and models.
Under the existing ownership transformation law, passed by
Milosevic's government in 1997, up to 60 percent of a company's
capital is given to its workers and pensioners in the form of shares
and the rest sold to investors in exchange for cash.
Vlahovic said this way of selling state firms did not allow for
growth and development because it was unclear who the majority owner
was and who ran the company, saying workers would be better off with
a successful firm than with worthless shares.
Out of some 7,000 Serb companies to be privatized, 631 had started
the process with an estimated book value of $1 billion. There would
be no revisions of privatizations conducted so far, only if there had
been flagrant violations of the law.
He said priorities were to bring in new strategic partners and create
an environment for the development of small businesses, seen as
crucial to help the Serbian economy recover after a decade of
conflict and economic sanctions.
There would be no deadline for privatization as some companies could
start the process immediately and others, such as large energy
companies, needed more time.
"I expect that four years from now socially-owned capital will be
completely eliminated, we will have private and state ownership and
we will start privatization of big systems but it will still be under
way in some cases," Vlahovic said.
Vlahovic was speaking at the end of a two-day seminar to discuss
privatization experience in other ex-communist European countries,
attended by representatives of the World Bank and experts from
Poland, Hungary, Estonia and Slovenia.
Their experiences will be valuable when Yugoslavia draws up its own
privatization concept...
(The Balkan Economic Bulletin -


BELGRADE, February 1 (Tanjug) Yugoslav Deputy Premier and Foreign
Trade Minister Miroljub Labus conferred in Belgrade on Thursday with Deputy
Italian Foreign Minister Umberto Ranieri and Balkan Stability Pact senior
official Fabrizzio Saccomani on possibilities for promoting bilateral and
regional cooperation, a federal government statement said.
Labus pointed out that Yugoslavia expects an international donor
conference on the renewal of infrastructure to be held soon, as a
confirmation of political and economic support. Yugoslavia is making
significant efforts to join international financial institutions and thus
create conditions to realize the expected aid, he said.
The visiting officials said Italy would support Yugoslavia's
transition bilaterally, but also through the Balkan Stability Pact.
They emphasized the keen interest of Italian businessmen in the
Yugoslav market and strengthening ties with Yugoslav companies. Talks also
covered the realization of the aid granted to Yugoslavia earlier for
securing fuels, said the statement by the Secretariat of Information.
BELGRADE, February 1 (Tanjug) Assistant to the Yugoslav Foreign
Minister Aleksandra Joksimovic will participate, at the invitation of the
Italian Foreign Ministry, in an international conference opening on Friday
on postcommunist transition in European countries.
The conference "Postcommunist transition ten years
later challenges and results for Europe and the role of the
CentralEuropean Initiative (CEI)" will be held in the Italian town of Forli.
At the conference will be presented the results of the twoyear
work of scientists and experts from Italy, CEI states, and the European
Union and the United States in a project that analyzed ten years of
postcommunist transition in CEI countries.
BELGRADE, February 1 (Tanjug) Serbian VicePremier Zarko Korac
received on Wednesday an Italian parliamentary delegation, headed by
Francesco Carelli, Chairman of the Senate Committee on Health.
The Italian parliamentarians members of the Green Party offered
help in environmental protection, where the situation in Serbia
(Yugoslavia) has deteriorated in the wake of NATO's 1999 air campaign.
Korac showed an interest in Italian regulations and the training
of Serbian experts in the area.
BELGRADE, February 1 (Tanjug) Yugoslav Lower House Parliament
officials Aleksandar Pravdic and Miroslav Filipovic met in Belgrade on
Thursday with a delegation of the Italian Parliament, headed by Francesco
Carella of the Senate's Health Committee.
The Italian delegation said Italy was urging for expanding the
European Union and that Yugoslavia could soon become a member after
consolidating democracy, which would be conducive to economic prosperity
and social security, and offered help to this end.
Pravdic, in turn, agreed that Italy could continue its efforts for
promoting Yugoslavia's return to the European and global family of nations,
with a simultaneous expansion of bilateral economic cooperation.
BELGRADE, February 2 (Tanjug) Italy will support the efforts of
the new Yugoslav and Serbian governments for economic and institutional
renewal, according to Italy's deputy foreign minister in Belgrade on Thursday.
Meeting with Serbian VicePremier Nebojsa Covic, Umberto Ranieri
said Italy appreciated the new political course set by Belgrade, which he
described as an affirmation of democracy and the democratic forces voted
into power at Serbia's Dec. 23 parliamentary elections.
According to Ranieri, the Yugoslav federation and its federal unit
Serbia are facing a major challenge of an economic and institutional
renewal of the country.
He added that Italy and the rest of the international community
would support the efforts in this direction of both the new Yugoslav
authorities, headed by President Vojislav Kostunica, and the new government
of Serbia.
He went on to say that Italy had been making efforts for including
Yugoslavia and Serbia in the reconstruction drives mounted by the Balkan
Stability Pact.
He said that the Belgrade talks had confirmed Italy in its belief
that the problem of KosovoMetohija's future should be dealt with within the
framework set by U.N. Resolution 1244.

Il Manifesto, 17 Marzo 2001
Tra i Balcani e il mare
Ad Ancona conferenza dei paesi balcanici e adriatici

Per la prima volta, a dieci anni dalla prima guerra nei
Balcani, tutti i protagonisti di quei conflitti si sono
confrontati e incontrati: chi le guerre le ha volute, chi
le ha subite e chi comunque vi ha preso parte. Appuntamento
ieri ad Ancona nel summit dei ministri dell'ambiente di
Adriatico e Jonio, a pochi giorni dal deludente vertice del
G8 a Trieste e a 10 mesi dalla prima conferenza
dell'Adriatico e dello Jonio, sempre ad Ancona nel maggio
2000. Partecipanti Italia, Slovenia, Croazia, Bosnia,
Albania, Grecia e Jugoslavia.
Tre i tavoli: le conseguenze ambientali (uranio impoverito
in particolare) derivanti dalle guerre e dalle bombe Nato,
le azioni e i programmi nazionali per combattere la siccità
e la desertificazione nel bacino Mediterraneo, gli accordi
di cooperazione necessari all'attuazione delle convenzioni
Onu sull'ambiente. E subito un primo problema ha riguardato
il monitoraggio e la bonifica dell'Adriatico dalle cluster
bomb e dai missili vari. Non c'è maggiore radioattività -
ha rilevato un rapporto dell'Icram - o contaminazione da
uranio impoverito. Ma l'istituto di ricerca ha monitorato
solo, come suo compito, le acque territoriali. Quelle dove,
secondo quanto reso noto due giorni fa dal Dipartimento
militare marittimo, sono stati sganciati dagli aerei Nato
128 ordigni (tra mine, bombe, siluri e proiettili di grosso
calibro), 113 dei quali ritrovati dai cacciamine in aree di
sgancio con fondali inferiori ai 200 metri.
Comunque, se quelle italiane non sono acque contaminate,
cosa sappiamo dell'altra sponda dell'Adriatico o, più in
giù, dello Jonio? Così, il primo dei tre documenti finali
afferma che il monitoraggio deve proseguire perché non è
certo solo un sospetto la contaminazione di terreno, aria e
falde acquifere derivata dalla distruzione di tanti
impianti industriali.
Come sempre le dichiarazioni finali sono costruite con
formule generiche come "impegno" e "desiderio" per la
collaborazione della tutela ambientale dell'Adriatico. Come
ha ricordato il sottosegretario italiano all'ambiente,
Valerio Calzolaio, una settimana fa il parlamento ha
approvato una legge per la stabilità, la ricostruzione e lo
sviluppo dei Balcani. Atto di buona volontà, che stanzia le
prime concrete risorse. Ma che come gli impegni presi ieri
ad Ancona - collaborazioni per il monitoraggio, la bonifica
e soprattutto per la ricostruzione - è stato demandato per
la ratifica dei governi all'appuntamento di Spalato, la
conferenza dei governi dell'area, il prossimo 24 e 25
maggio. E allora forse l'Italia avrà un governo diverso, e
altre idee sulla ricostruzione in quelle aree.
Il summit di Ancona ha segnato però intanto un importante
riavvicinamento. Contrariamente a quanto successe un anno
fa ad Ancona con la prima Conferenza dell'Adriatico, questa
volta alla conferenza ufficiale hanno preso parte anche le
Ong. Dall'Arcs alla Comunità di Capodarco, dall'Ics a
Legambiente, dall'Osservatorio permanente sui Balcani al
Cvm: una lunga tavola rotonda con Calzolaio, per il governo
italiano, per concordare richieste e denunce comuni. Come
l'accusa che gli stanziamenti previsti dall'Unione europea
per la bonifica dei territori balcanici contaminati sono
assolutamente insufficienti, mentre gli interventi
procedono con grave lentezza, senza che sia ancora
cominciata l'opera di informazione e monitoraggio sanitario
delle popolazioni interessate.


BELGRADE, January 30 (Tanjug) A highranking Yugoslav delegation
that attended the World Economic Forum had very productive and successful
discussions, Yugoslav VicePremier Miroljub Labus said late Monday on
returning to Belgrade from Davos.
The Yugoslav delegation was headed by President Vojislav
Kostunica, who cut short his visit to the Swiss resort centre due to an
escalation of ethnic Albanian terrorism in southern Serbia.
VicePremier Labus, who is also the Federal Minister of Foreign
Trade, told reporters at Belgrade airport that he had met with top
officials of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD),
the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank.
He went on to say that the restructuring of Yugoslav debts, and
the three financial organizations' aid to Yugoslavia, were among the topics
touched upon.
In particular, possibilities of standby arrangements, and the
reprogramming of Yugoslavia's foreign debts were discussed with IMF
officials, Labus explained.


BELGRADE, January 30 (Tanjug) Yugoslav National (central) Bank
(NBJ) Governor Mladjan Dinkic said he would during the week submit to the
Serbian Government a plan for liberalizing the prices of electric power,
public and railway transport, oil, and telecommunications services.
In a statement to Tuesday's issue of the Politika daily, Dinkic
explained that an NBJ research team was reviewing all prices that have been
curbed, but are still high due to the population's low buying power, since
their liberalization in the past three months was random. This is a great
blow to the standard of living, he added.
He went on to say that the Government would first have to place
under control some of the prices, such as those of public services, and
that the NBJ would propose administrative control over the price of natural
gas, currently sold at a price higher than that on the world market.
Dinkic also announced that millions of dollars of foreign
financial support was expected to arrive soon and aid Yugoslavia's recovery
after many years of economic crisis.
The greatest problem is to get past the period before autumn, when
the first credits are due, Dinkic said, and noted that he had during his
recent talks at the US State Department called for a corresponding donation
programme in the first six months of the year.


BELGRADE, Jan 27 (Tanjug) The decision of former US president
Bill Clinton to lift the antiYugoslav sanctions remains in force and is not
being reconsidered, the US embassy in Belgrade said Friday evening.
The decree on lifting antiYugoslav sanctions, except those
concerning some individuals, was signed by Clinton on Jan 17 and came into
force on Jan 19, 2001. It was published in the Federal Gazette on Jan 23
and remains in force. It is not being reconsidered, the embassy said.
The only decisions under reconsideration are US federal
regulations, not presidential decrees, the embassy said in a statement
presented to Tanjug.
Another statement issued earlier Friday by the embassy said that
the new US president had decided, in line with the usual practice, to
reconsider all presidential decrees issued by the Clinton administration
last week, including the lifting of the antiYugoslav sanctions.
WASHINGTON, February 1 (Tanjug) Serbian Premier Zoran Djindjic,
who is due in Washington later on Thursday, will meet US Secretary of State
Colin Powell on Friday, according to the State Department.
Djindjic and Powell are expected to review the security situation
in southern Serbia, the future of the Serbian (Yugoslav) UNrun
KosovoMetohija province, bilateral economic cooperation, and Yugoslavia's
cooperation with the Haguebased war crimes court.
State Department Spokesman Richard Boucher said Powell would also
on Friday meet three Kosovo Albanian leaders, but did not elaborate.
NEW YORK, March 5 (Tanjug) Yugoslav Premier Zoran Zizic arrived
late on Sunday in New York at the invitation of the influential US Council
for international relations.
At the Council's round table on Wednesday Zizic will speak about
the situation in KosovoMetohija, relations within the Yugoslav federation,
and relations between the Belgrade authorities and international
The Yugoslav Premier is also due to meet with UN SecretaryGeneral
Kofi Annan, and members of the UN Security Council.
After discussions at the United Nations headquarters, Zizic will
hold a press conference and meet with the Yugoslav diaspora in the United
NEW YORK, April 19 (Tanjug) The prestigious USEuropean EASTWEST
Institute has selected Yugoslav President Vojislav Kostunica as the winner
of its Statesman of the Year award.
The award will be presented to Kostunica on May 8, at a
celebration dinner in New York.
The Statesman of the Year award is given each year to a person
whose qualities as a leader and statesman have made a significant
contribution to peace and democracy in Europe.
Kostunica beat the last European dictator in free and fair
elections and his endeavors have contributed to a successful transformation
of warravaged and economically devastated Yugoslavia into a democratic
state which is returning to the European family of nations, the Institute
NEW YORK, May 8 (Tanjug) Yugoslav President Vojislav Kostunica,
accompanied by VicePremier Miroljub Labus, Foreign Minister Goran
Svilanovic and other federal officials, on Tuesday arrived in the United
States on his first visit to this country.
In New York, Kostunica will confer with UN SecretaryGeneral Kofi
Annan and then have a luncheon at the very influential International
Relations Council.
At a closeddoor meeting, the Yugoslav president will address
Council members on the situation in Yugoslavia, and Yugoslav government
efforts aimed at resolving the problems in KosovoMetohija. Later in the
day, Kostunica will attend a galadinner given in his honour by the
EastWest Institute.
According to UN sources, Kostunica may also meet UN civilian
mission in KosovoMetohija (UNMIK) chief Hans Haekkerup, who is to deliver
a report to the UN Security Council on the situation in KosovoMetohija on
After the visit to New York, Kostunica will leave for Washington
where, according to Tanjug's sources, he is to meet with US President
George W. Bush, VicePresident Richard Cheney, State Secretary Colin Powell
and National Security Adviser Condoleza Rice.
PRAGUE, May 7 (Tanjug) Yugoslav Foreign Minister Goran
Svilanovic said that Yugoslav President Vojislav Kostunica, with aides,
will use his stay in New York Tuesday also to meet with UN Secretary
General Koffi Anan.
Svilanovic, in an interview to Radio Free Europe, said he will
discuss with Annan "problems on the table," first and foremost the legal
framework for Kosovo.
One day later, Svilanovic said, the Yugoslav president will hold
talks in Washington also with top representatives of the US Administration
and on the table will be all topics, from cooperation with The Hague
tribunal, the donors conference for Yugoslavia, to bilateral relations.
"I think this is one of the key efforts made by the Yugoslav
government and the Yugoslav president, since taking office to date, with a
view to the country that is facing huge difficulties on the economic,
social and political level. In that way, the absolute readiness of all of
us is demonstrated to help the people in this country," Svilanovic said.
Asked whether Kostunica would also meet with US President George
Bush, Svilanovic said he believes the meeting will take place, although,
he said, it was not an official visit.
NEW YORK, May 10 (Tanjug) Yugoslavia's president described on
Thursday his visit to the United States, which has just ended, as
extremely important and as signalling a new age in bilateral relations.
Vojislav Kostunica was in the United States on Tuesday and
Wednesday to receive the Statesman of the Year award.
Kostunica told the Voice of America that the results were
especially satisfactory in view of what BelgradeWashington relations had
been until recently, and that bilateral diplomatic relations were resumed
barely months ago.
"A certain constraint remains, some memories of a lost decade
that is behind us", he said, adding that some of his partners in talks had
"referred to this with regret". He went on to say that there was clearly
an awareness in the U.S. administration "of the importance of Yugoslavia,
the fact that our state after the changes of October last really is a
factor of stability, that it is very important geopolitically and that the
government has so far demonstrated its democratic orientation".
Asked about the shadow cast on his visit by the United States'
demand for Belgrade's cooperation with the Haguebased war crimes court as
prerequisite for U.S. support for a donor conference for Yugoslavia, he
replied this was "an important and sensitive issue".
He added, however, he was sure it would be "settled
"What I know is that the (Yugoslav) federal government will draft
a bill by the end of the month and forward it to parliament, and that,
once there is proper legislation, cooperation with the Hague court will be
possible", he said.
BELGRADE, May 10 (Tanjug) Yugoslav President Vojislav Kostunica
said on Thursday that his visit to the United States had been of historic
Addressing reporters at Belgrade airport after his return from
the United States where the EastWest Institute had presented him with the
Statesman of the Year award, Kostunica said "the United States cares for a
normalization of relations with Yugoslavia just as much as we need that
Kostunica said he had spoken in Washington with U.S. President
George Bush and Secretary of State Colin Powell and that he had invited
them both to visit Yugoslavia, and with other high officials of the new
U.S. administration.
Kostunica said Bush had opened the issue of the NATO air strikes
on Yugoslavia, speaking about the material damage and casualties and
wanting to know the extent of the antiAmerican sentiments caused by the
air strikes.
"I answered him that we cannot forget them, but that we cannot
live in the past, either, and must turn to the future," Kostunica said,
adding that his visit to the United States had also had that dimension of
the future.
"Cooperation with The Hague tribunal presents a problem not only
for our side, but for the American as well. The Hague tribunal, for our
side, presents almost the only serious obstacle to our cooperation with
the international community," he said.
In talks with U.S. officials, Kostunica said he had stressed the
necessity to determine legal frameworks for cooperation with The Hague
tribunal. He said he had expressed readiness that the federal government
establish a draft law on cooperation with this tribunal by the end of the
"This was not sufficient for our collocutors, so that the
question of the U.S. participation in the donor conference remains open,
for the present," he said.
The issue of relations within the Yugoslav federation was raised
in the talks, and clear, unequivocal and absolute U.S. support was again
given to redefining relations within the federal state, with full urging
of democratic dialogue, with the participation of all constitutional
factors, Kostunica said.
Full support was also given to "our approach to resolving
problems in southern Serbia, which means also to the entry (of joint
security forces) into Sector B" of the Ground Safety Zone, he said.
Kostunica said his talks with U.N. SecretaryGeneral Kofi Annan,
Balkans special envoy Carl Bildt, and UNMIK chief Hans Haekkerup had
focused on the situation in Kosovo and Metohija.
They had also discussed the amendments to the draft legal
frameworks for Kosovo proposed by Yugoslav representatives, he said.
"Certain concessions were made for our side in New York to Serbs and other
nonAlbanians, actually the minority in Kosovo and Metohija" and they
accepted the suggestion that it was necessary to find adequate
institutional mechanisms so that the majority in the province could not
outvote the minority, Kostunica said.
Annan said he was confident the minority would be guaranteed
protection and that displaced persons would be able to return to Kosovo
and Metohija, he said.
The question of missing persons had also been raised in the
talks, Kostunica said, and announced that progress could be expected in
that area.
Kostunica said Yugoslav Foreign Minister Goran Svilanovic had
held separate talks with Haekkerup on the legal frameworks, and that it
was underscored on that occasion that Yugoslavia wants Serbs
and other nonAlbanians to take part in the elections in Kosovo and
Metohija planned for the end of this year.
Participation in these elections can hardly be imagined without
solid guarantees for protection of minority rights, Kostunica said.


GENEVA, January 23 (Tanjug) Yugoslavia presented an official
request for admission to the World Trade Organization (WTO) Tuesday in Geneva.
The Yugoslav delegation headed by Assistant Foreign Trade Minister
Boran Karadzole was received by WTO DirectorGeneral Mike Moor, Yugoslavia's
permanent mission at the UN in Geneva said.
Moor welcomed the Yugoslav Government's decision to present this
request and confirmed WTO's readiness to initiate negotiations on
admission. Yugoslavia's admission to the WTO would be an element of
stabilization and improvement of relations within Yugoslavia and in the
region and the world, he said.
The Yugoslav delegation held a separate meeting with WTO General
Council Chairman, Norwegian Ambassador Kare Brin.
GENEVA, February 8 (Tanjug) The general council of the World
Trade Organization (WTO) decided at a session in Geneva on Thursday to set
up a working group for Yugoslavia, thus formally opening the process of
negotiations with Yugoslavia for WHO membership.
At the session, the Yugoslav delegation was headed by federal
Transport Minister Zoran Sami.
Sami said that Yugoslavia's clearly expressed intention to begin
the process of joining WTO marks the start of the realization of one of
the priority aims of its foreign economic policy inclusion in the
multilateral trade system.
All participants of today's session hailed Yugoslavia's decision
to start the process of joining WTO, expressing hopes that this process
will soon be underway.
Specially underscored was that the opening the process of
Yugoslav membership in WTO is important for the promotion of economic
cooperation in the region of southeast Europe, which will also contribute
to strengthening security in the region.
BELGRADE, February 8 (Tanjug) Yugoslavia was granted observer
status in the World Trade Organization at the session of its general
council Thursday, which officially initiates the process of its admission
as full WTO member, Yugoslav Minister of Transports Zoran Sami said.
On his return from the council session in Geneva, Sami said this
was an important step for Yugoslavia, as the observer status gives it all
rights in the WTO except the right to vote.
The presentation of the Yugoslav delegation at the session was
very successful, Sami said, adding that the proposal to grant it observer
status was welcomed by many speakers.
Yugoslav Deputy Minister of Foreign Trade Boran Karadjole, member
of the Yugoslav delegation, said that the process of gaining full
admission to the WTO membership takes several years. Yugoslavia's goal
is to be admitted to the WTO by the end of 2002 or the beginning of 2003
at the latest, he said.
The World Trade Organization agreed last week to set up a working
party to negotiate terms of entry for Yugoslavia.
The old Yugoslavia was a member of the WTO's predecessor body, the
General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT), until it was suspended
in 1992 as a country disintegrated in war.
The former Yugoslav republics of Slovenia and Croatia are already WTO
members. Bosnia and Macedonia have applied but still not started
detailed negotiations. (


SKOPJE, January 23 (Tanjug) NATO Military Committee chief,
Admiral Guido Venturoni has said in Skopje that a satisfactory stability
and security in the region have not been achieved yet, and that this is why
NATO should remain in Bosnia and KosovoMetohija for a long time.
After the meeting with Macedonian Defence Minister Ljuben
Paunovski, Venturoni stressed that controversies on depleted uranium
ammunition used during the NATO campaign against Yugoslavia are exaggerated
and deliberately launched in order to increase tensions.
BELGRADE, March 22 (Tanjug) Accession to the Partnership for
Peace would ensure a speedy and successful return of Yugoslavia to
international political, economic, and other associations, and alleviate
the danger of new flashpoints in the region, also giving the country a
more important role in new regional security concepts, the Collegium of
the Yugoslav Defence Ministry has declared.
According to a statement released on Thursday from the defence
minister's cabinet, the Collegium passed the declaration unanimously after
reviewing a comprehensive study devised by the military and political
experts of the Defence Ministry and the Yugoslav Army Chief of Staff.
The Collegium will soon submit a report for approval to the
Yugoslav government, which will shape Yugoslavia's new defence policy
accordingly, the statement said.
On the basis of a government initiative for rationalizing and
enhancing Yugoslavia's overall defence system, efforts have been steppedup
to formulate new bills and amendments regulating this sphere, according to
the statement.
The draft law on the Yugoslav Army incorporates the most recent
initiative of the Chief of Staff to reduce the term of compulsory military
service from 12 to 10 months. New bills on defence, military courts, and
the military prosecutor's office, were also proposed.
The defence minister decided that the changes and amendments to
the regulations must be worked out by late April, so that they could be
submitted for approval to the Yugoslav parliament in June 2001.
The Collegium decided to intensify the work on Yugoslavia's
defense doctrine, which must reflect the state's future orientation in
defense policy, the statement said.
BELGRADE, April 29 (Tanjug) Assistant Yugoslav Defense
Minister, Lt.Gen. Jovan Milanovic said on Sunday that Yugoslavia's
joining the Partnership for Peace program was one of the country's
strategic goals.
"Yugoslavia's joining NATO's Partnership for Peace program
should be viewed within the context of our strategic state interests,"
Lt.Gen. Milanovic said in an interview to the Belgrade daily Vecernje
The 1999 NATO aggression on Yugoslavia would have been avoided
if Yugoslavia had been involved in this program earlier, he said.
Asked if it was Yugoslavia's objective to become a full member
NATO, he said: "Not only is it an objective, but it is the solution."


STRASBOURG, January 22 (Tanjug) The Bureau of the Council of
Europe Parliamentary Assembly decided unanimously at a session in
Strasbourg on Monday morning to grant Yugoslavia special guest status in
the Council of Europe.
The decision has to be verified formally by the Parliamentary
Assembly at a session on Tuesday.
Yugoslavia will appoint seven MPs and seven assistant MPs to take
part in the work of the Parliamentary Assembly. They will have all the
rights and obligations of other MPs, with the exception of voting rights.
Today's decision of the Bureau opened doors to Yugoslavia's full
membership in the Council of Europe, which could take place already by the
end of the year.
STRASBOURG, France, January 22 (Tanjug) Opening Monday's meeting
of the Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly, its president Lord
RussellJohnston especially welcomed the Yugoslav delegation, which was
earlier on Monday given special guest status in the body.
Welcoming the Yugoslav delegation and its leader Dragoljub
Micunovic, Lord RussellJohnston stressed the importance of the victory of
the Democratic Opposition of Serbia (DOS) bloc and Yugoslav President
Vojislav Kostunica in Serbia and Yugoslavia.
He added, however, that his welcome did not extend to the
delegation member from the Socialist Party of Serbia (SPS), in this case Mr
Dmitar Segrt.
Segrt said later he was very unpleasantly surprised by this
attitude taken by RussellJohnston, adding he would not have been on the
delegation if he had known a thing like this could happen.
BELGRADE, April 28 (Tanjug) Yugoslavia was received at the
Council of Europe in the best possible way and it successfully joined in
the work of its Parliamentary Assembly, the Yugoslav parliament's Chamber
of Citizens Speaker Dragoljub Micunovic said late Friday.
Speaking to reporters at Belgrade airport on his return from
Strasbourg, Micunovic pointed out that Yugoslav MPs had for the first
time taken part in all Parliamentary Assembly committees since Belgrade's
return to international institutions from which it had been exiled over
the past 10 years.
According to Micunovic, the first steps have been taken for
Yugoslavia becoming a permanent member of the Council of Europe. Two
prominent lawyers have been appointed to work with Yugoslav experts next
month on coordinating European and domestic laws.


LONDON, April 25 (Tanjug) The Yugoslav delegation to the
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) annual meeting has
made a very successful presentation of Yugoslavia's economic potential and
reforms, Yugoslav VicePremier Miroljub Labus, who headed the delegation,
said in London on Tuesday. Government plans and reform projects met with
great understanding and full support at the presentation and in meetings
with international experts, Labus said in a statement to Tanjug.
In addition to the regular program of the EBRD meeting, the
Yugoslav delegation had a number of very useful discussions with
investment funds and banks, as well as with officials of the world's
leading countries, Labus said. He specially stressed the discussions with
US and German officials.
After the EBRD annual meeting, the Yugoslav delegation had
fruitful and important discussions Tuesday afternoon with experts of J. P.
Morgan, one of the world's major investment banks.
BELGRADE, April 25 (Tanjug) Political risk must be eliminated if
foreign investors are to be attracted, according to Yugoslavia's
vicepremier in Belgrade on Wednesday.
Miroljub Labus was speaking to reporters on returning from
London, where he had attended an annual assembly of the European Bank for
Reconstruction and Development (EBRD).
Labus said Belgrade and Podgorica should open serious talks at
once on reorganising the federal state, which should involve Serbian,
Montenegrin and Yugoslav institutions, including Yugoslav President
Vojislav Kostunica.
The best solution, from the point of view of investment risk,
would be to maintain the common state, with changes in the powers of the
federal government, which position was supported also at the EBRD meeting,
he stressed.
He went on to say that international financial officials and
investors were expecting that the issue of relations in the federation
"should be cleared out of the way" in the near future, "within two or
three months".
LONDON, April 24 (Tanjug) Yugoslavia's economic potential and
initiated reforms were presented in a special programme at an annual
assembly of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) in
London on Tuesday.
Yugoslav VicePremier and Minister of Foreign Trade Miroljub
Labus, who heads the government delegation, spoke of the national
economy's prospects of reintegration in global economic processes,
stressing that all initiated reforms were geared to this end.
This is the first EBRD assembly to be attended by Yugoslavia, and
interest has been great in its economic potential and reforms.
Also in the delegation are executives of leading banks, as well
as National (central) Bank Governor Mladjan Dinkic and ViceGovernor
Radovan Jelasic, who are there to attend a regular forum of EBRD central
bank governors.
The Yugoslav delegation has had numerous separate meetings with
leading investment bankers in London.
A special presentation has been scheduled at London's Millennium
Hotel for later on Tuesday, organised by one of the world's biggest
investment funds, J.P. Morgan.
The twoday EBRD assembly ends later on Tuesday.


PARIS, April 30 (Tanjug) Serbian Premier Zoran Djindjic said in
Paris Monday after a meeting in the largest association of French
employers MEDEF, he was certain that the businessmen now perceive that
Yugoslavia is a country where investments should be made.
"It was an opportunity to present to the representatives of the
largest French companies, which are also among the largest world
companies, our concept of economic development, to explain to them where
we stand now, what conditions we are preparing so that they can invest and
to encourage them to venture to be among the first ones to invest, even in
our current situation, when all the conditions have not been created yet,"
the Serbian premier said.
He also said that the MEDEF delegation was seized of
macroeconomic priorities of Yugoslavia, the laws that are in preparation
or are adopted. Asked whether there were any concrete business proposals,
the Serbian premier said that during the day were planned bilateral
meetings with the representatives of several companies.Djindjic underlined
that talks were underway about the car industry, fruit processing, and
large investment works for repairing water supply, the privatization of a
cement factory and several other fields.
BELGRADE, May 10 (Tanjug) Yugoslav Chamber of Commerce and
Industry President Slobodan Korac on Thursday opened a twoday business and
investment summit, attended by more than 150 representatives of banks,
investors and companies from the country and 17 European states, US and
Welcoming the participants on behalf of Yugoslav President
Vojislav Kostunica, Korac said that in the region of southeastern Europe,
which had been unjustly neglected in the past 10 years, the GNP had
dropped and that it now accounted to just 50 percent of its 1989 value.
In order to restore our links with the rest of Europe, we will
have to construct transport infrastructure, remove customs and all other
barriers, Korac said and added that according to World Bank estimates, the
idea of a free trade zone among Balkan countries could come to life in
southeastern Europe in the next three or four years.


BERLIN, May 15 (Tanjug) Yugoslav President Vojislav Kostunica
ended Tuesday afternoon his oneday official visit to Germany, during which
he conferred in Berlin with German President Johannes Rau, Chancellor
Gerhard Schroeder and Foreign Minister Joschka Fischer.
Kostunica also conferred in the afternoon with the leader of the
largest opposition party, the Christian Democratic Union (CDU) Angela
Merkel, and visited the foreign policy committee of the German parliament
lower house.
The president was accompanied by Foreign Minister Goran
Svilanovic and his Assistant Radojko Bogojevic.
At the end of his visit, Kostunica also visited the Serb Orthodox
church in Berlin and conferred with Yugoslav nationals living in Berlin.
The top German officials expressed their full understanding and
support for Yugoslavia's endeavors to stabilize the political and economic
situation. These endeavors should enable Yugoslavia to become what Europe
expects a powerful factor of political and economic stabilization of the
entire southeastern Europe, Kostunica told the press.
He pointed to the importance of the traditionally good and
intensive economic cooperation with Germany and urged German businessmen
to invest in Yugoslavia.
Rau, Schroeder and Fischer expressed their full and unconditional
support to Yugoslavia's aspirations to join the European Union, in which
the first step should be the signing of an agreement on association and
stabilization. Kostunica and Schroeder expressed hope that the conference
of donors for Yugoslavi<br/><br/>(Message over 64 KB, truncated)


Prosegue a ritmo serrato l'inglobamento della Jugoslavia nei "salotti
buoni" del dominio finanziario globale: dal Fondo Monetario
Internazionale (IMF), che ha ricominciato a concederle i suoi prestiti
usurari, alla Banca Mondiale, dove la RFJ e' stata appena riammessa dopo
otto anni, alla Banca Europea per la Ricostruzione e lo Sviluppo (BERS),
alla cui ultima sessione londinese di fine Aprile il nuovo governo
jugoslavo ha presentato lo stato della ristrutturazione dell'economia in
senso liberista ed antipopolare, invitando gli investitori stranieri a
farsi sotto. Ed ancora lla Organizzazione Mondiale del Commercio (WTO),
che ha gia' ammesso la RFJ come osservatore, al Consiglio d'Europa, che
impone le sue condizioni, che sono insieme economiche e politiche, fino
alla stessa NATO ed alla sua "anticamera" denominata "Partnership for

Nel frattempo, si prepara la legge sulle privatizzazioni che consentira'
la svendita delle ricchezze nazionali agli acquirenti stranieri.

Alla URL
riportiamo i dispacci della Tanjug e di altra fonte su questo
fiorire di rapporti e di scambi di visite, con gli esponenti della nuova
leadership (anti)jugoslava impegnati a fare passerella nei centri piu'
esclusivi dell'Occidente "umanitario", da Londra a Davos, da Berlino a
New York.

Ricordiamo anche l'articolo di Michel Chossudowski "Economic Terrorism",
sulle pressioni dell'IMF (in due parti):

(a cura del CRJ)


Questa lista e' provvisoriamente curata da componenti della
ASSEMBLEA ANTIMPERIALISTA (ex Coord. Naz. "La Jugoslavia Vivra'"):
I documenti distribuiti non rispecchiano necessariamente le
opinioni delle realta' che compongono questa struttura, ma
vengono fatti circolare per il loro contenuto informativo al
solo scopo di segnalazione e commento ("for fair use only").
> oppure:
Per iscriversi al bollettino: <jugoinfo-subscribe@...>
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Per inviare materiali e commenti: <jugocoord@...>
Sito WEB (non aggiornato):

Aiutaci a a conservare le risorse naturali del nostro pianeta.
Partecipa all'asta del magnifico quadro "Masai Mara" donato
al Fondo per la Terra.
Viani a trovarci su

Se vuoi cancellarti da questo gruppo, clicca qui:

* 19 maggio: concerto Bregovic a Bellinzona
* 28 luglio-5 agosto: Campo antimperialista ad Assisi
* Radio Jugoslavia trasmette di nuovo


A tutti gli interessati:

Vi informiamo che

sabato 19 maggio 2001

ore 20.30

Piazza del Sole - Bellinzona - Ticino -

ci sar� il concerto di

e la sua orchestra

La prevendita � aperta al 0041 79 299 00 01 oppure al 0041 79 641 16 50
(� consigliabile riservare i biglietti)

Prezzo Fr. 25.- / lit. 30'000


Programma Campo 2001 (Assisi, 28 luglio-5 agosto)

Rivolgiamo un appello a quanti fossero interessati a partecipare
ai forum e alle tavole rotonde a segnalarcelo quanto prima al nostro

Entro il 15 giugno diffonderemo il palinsesto con i relatori e la
lista delle organizzazioni internazionali partecipanti. Hanno gia�
aderito piu� di 35 tra
organizzazioni politiche e movimenti sociali di America Latina,
Medio Oriente, Asia del Sud ed Estremo Oriente.

Tutti gli aggiornamenti sul nostro sito

Per prenotazioni e informazioni sui costi del soggiorno, i vari
servizi, ecc:
Tel: 0333.5940421 (ore 15-22)
Fax: 075.42686
E-mail: prenotazioni@...

Sabato 28 luglio
arrivi e sistemazione
Ore 21,00: Concerto e apertura ufficiale del Campo 2001

Per tutta la durata del campo saranno attivi due laboratori: uno
informatico, per l�uso piu� appropriato di Internet, e l�altro sull�arte
e la
comunicazione visiva nella lotta antimperialista

Domenica 29 luglio

Ore 9,30

Incontri con le delegazioni internazionali

ore 15,30: Prima sessione plenaria
Il linguaggio proibito
Lotta antimperialista, scienza, tecnologia e comunicazione di

ore 21,00 Forum tematici

Forum 1: Prigionia politica
a- Metodologia dell'oppressione e del catsigo
c- Il bottino della guerra fredda
d- Statistica dei prigionieri politici

Forum 2: L'esodo e i migranti
a- Liberta' di circolazione per i capitali ma non per gli esseri
b- Razzismo e classe operaia
c- Immigrati, neoliberismo e lotta di classe

Forum 3: Guerra nucleare a bassa intensita�
a- Che cos�e� l�uranio impoverito.
b- La nuova cultura della distruzione
c- Conseguenze sociali del crimine atomico

Lunedi' 30 Luglio

Ore 9,30
Incontri con le delegazioni internazionali

ore 15,30: Seconda sessione plenaria
Senza tregua
La questione palestinese e il conflitto in Medio Oriente

ore 21,00 Forum tematici

Forum 1. Afghanistan
a- 25 anni di guerra civile.
b- I Talibani e la CIA
c- Quale via d'uscita?

Forum 2: Kurdistan
a- La repressione continua
b- La svolta del PKK
c- Indipendenza o autonomia?

Forum 3. L�acqua della discordia
a- La strategia delle risorse vitali
b- Uccidere per sete il nemico
c- Il caso palestino-israeliano

Martedi' 31 Luglio

Ore 9,30
Incontri con le delegazioni internazionali

Tavola rotonda: Per una storia critica del comunismo italiano
a- Le origini del PC.I. e il ruolo di Antonio Gramsci
b- Il XX. Congresso e la rotura Cina-Urss
c- Verso un nuovo partito comunista?

ore 15,30
Terza sessione plenaria
Raccolto amaro
La distruzione dell'ambiente e il futuro dell'umanita'.

ore 21,00 Forum tematici

Forum 1. Dall�Atlantico a dove?
a- L�Unione Europea dopo il Vertice di Nizza
b- Sotto l�ombrello della NATO
c- Federazione di Stati-nazione?

Forum 2. Subcontinente indiano
a- Stati-nazione o Stati-religione?
b. Feudalesimo o capitalismo dipendente?
c- La contesa cino-indiana

Forum 3. La lotta sindacale
a- Il neoliberismo e il declino dei sindacati tradizionali
b- il nuovo sindacalismo di base: il caso italiano
c- Verso nuove forme di lotta e organizzazione

Mercoledi' 1 agosto

Ore 9,30
Incontri con le delegazioni internazionali

ore 15,30 Quarta Sessione plenaria:
La sfida globale
Le forze antagoniste e le prospettive del movimento contro la

ore 21,00 Forum tematici

Forum 1. Neoliberismo e teologia della liberazione
a- Religione e lotta sociale
b- Il Pentagono e il Vangelo
c- Un ateismo cristiano?

Forum 2. Tecnica dello sterminio
a- Le strategie NATO per il dominio mondiale
b- Gli eserciti delle multinazionali
c- Embarghi

Forum 3. La parola agli operai
a- Indagine sulle lotte di fabbrica in Italia
b- Un proletariato flessibile e precario
c- Verso una nuova cultura operaia?

Giovedi' 2 agosto:

Ore 9,30
Incontri con le delegazioni internazionali

ore 15,30 Quinta Sessione plenaria
il genocidio occulto
I crimini in Africa e la complicita' europea

ore 21,00 Forum tematici

Forum 1. Paesi baschi, Corsica e Sardegna
a- Due casi di colonialismo interno
b- Questione nazionale e liberazione sociale
c- L�indipendentismo e le sinistre

Forum 2. Filosofia e rivoluzione
a- Sul rapporto Hegel-Marx
b- Scienza e conoscenza.
c- Materialismo dialettico e filosofia

Forum 3. Il vespaio balcanico
a- La NATO e l�espansione verso Est
b- Classi sociali, nazioni ed etnie: il caso jugoslavo
c- Nazionalismo e comunismo

Venerdi' 3 agosto

Ore 9,30
Incontri con le delegazioni internazionali

Tavola rotonda: Il pensiero e l�azione di Ernesto Che Guevara

ore 15,30 Sesta sessione plenaria
Il sogno che vive
La sconfitta e la ricostruzione della sinistra in America Latina

Ore 21,00

Forum n.1: Accordo di Libero Commercio delle Americhe
a- Un Mercato neoliberista comune dal Polo Nord al Polo Sud
b- La dollarizzazione dell�Eacuador
c- Societa� civile e prospettiva marxista
d- I difensori del civilismo

Forum n.2 La situazione indigena in America latina
a- L'apartheid in America Latina
b- La sinistra e il silenzio della segregazione razziale
c- La lotta armata
d- Il premio nobel della pace come punizione

Forum n.3 Colombia
a- Le guerriglie: separatamente uniti
b- La guerra batteriologica USA
c- Come vincere la guerra
d- Teorie della liberazione a confronto

Sabato 4 agosto

Ore 9,30
Incontri con le delegazioni internazionali

Ore 15,30 Settima Sessione plenaria:
Ribellarsi e' necessario!
Parlano i protagonisti del nuovo fronte antimperialista

Ore 21,30

Festa e concerto di chiusura del Campo

Domenica 5 agosto



Subject: La Radio Jugoslavia trasmette di nuovo
Resent-Date: Tue, 15 May 2001 15:07:43 +0200
Resent-From: pck-yugoslavia@...
Date: Tue, 15 May 2001 15:09:35 +0200 (CEST)
From: Olgica Andric
To: pck-yugoslavia@...

Una notizia che interesser� tutti voi che siete giornalisti e
che lottate per la liberta dei media- dopo 9 mesi il programma
della Radio Jugoslavia inizia a trasmettere il suo programa in
13 lingue.
La pausa di 9 mesi � stata provocata dalle autorit� militari
della NATo che operano in Republika Srpska, quando a Bjeljina
hanno destrurtto il trasmettitore.
In questi nove mesi i giornalisti e gli impiegati alla Radio
Jugoslavia hanno visuto un periodo orribile, senza avere lo
stipendio e con la possibilit� di essere licenziati.

E se volete sapere di pi� e magari ascoltare la Radio Jugoslavia
vi mando il collegamento ed alcuni dati importanti:

Address: Radio Jugoslavija
Hilandarska 2 /IV
11000 Beograd

Tel: 381 11 32 44 455

Fax: 381 11 32 32 014

Email: radioyu@...


A presto, Olgica


Questa lista e' provvisoriamente curata da componenti della
ASSEMBLEA ANTIMPERIALISTA (ex Coord. Naz. "La Jugoslavia Vivra'"):
I documenti distribuiti non rispecchiano necessariamente le
opinioni delle realta' che compongono questa struttura, ma
vengono fatti circolare per il loro contenuto informativo al
solo scopo di segnalazione e commento ("for fair use only").
> oppure:
Per iscriversi al bollettino: <jugoinfo-subscribe@...>
Per cancellarsi: <jugoinfo-unsubscribe@...>
Per inviare materiali e commenti: <jugocoord@...>
Sito WEB (non aggiornato):

Aiutaci a a conservare le risorse naturali del nostro pianeta.
Partecipa all'asta del magnifico quadro "Masai Mara" donato
al Fondo per la Terra.
Viani a trovarci su

Se vuoi cancellarti da questo gruppo, clicca qui: