
Mumia Abu-Jamal News 43 26.06.2000
Info * Comunicati * Articoli * Iniziative * Dibattito

Tributo a Shaka Sankofa (a.k.a. Gary Graham)

[ 1 ] La Giustizia e l'Ordine Made in Usa e' guerra!
[ 2 ] Le ultime parole di Shaka Sankofa
[ 3 ] Giornate di tributo per Shaka Sankofa


[ 1 ] La "Giustizia e l'Ordine Made in Usa" e' guerra!

Edizione Speciale dedicata a Shaka Sankofa (a.k.a. Gary Graham),
dallo Stato del Texas il 22 Giugno 2000 con una iniezione letale. Per
ci riguarda, non abbiamo nessuna intenzione di rispondere alle parole
ipocrite dei mass-media e dei politici cosiddetti "liberal all'italiana"
in questi giorni hanno seguito con la solita ipocrisia di sempre la
di Shaka. Gli stessi che il 14 Marzo scorso denigrarono e infamarono
Kamau Wilkerson, il quale - come Shaka - lotto' fino alla fine contro le
guardie del carcere prima di essere ucciso con una iniezione letale.
francamente stanchi di contribuire a scavare la fossa ai prigionieri. I
prigionieri li vogliamo liberi, ora! Non due ore prima della esecuzione.
non sulla base di una presunta colpevolezza o di una presunta innocenza.
noi non interessa sapere se Shaka Sankofa fosse innocente o colpevole.
ci interessa sapere se Mumia Abu-Jamal sia innocente o colpevole.
Kamau Wilkerson aveva affermato la sua colpevolezza, eppure abbiamo
combattuto al suo fianco fino all'ultimo respiro, per la sua
Non ci interessa sapere se i prigionieri nel Braccio della Morte siano
innocenti o colpevoli. Non ci interessa sapere se gli oltre due milioni
dell'America Incatenata siano innocenti o colpevoli. Non ci interssa
perche' non e' sulla base di una giustizia che soppesi l'innocenza o la
colpevolezza di una persona che si basa la giustizia criminale del
degli Stati Uniti.
Basta con le statistiche. Basta con i dati. Basta con i resoconti
Il Governo degli Stati Uniti ha dichiarato ormai da molti decenni una
non formale contro afroamericani, latini e nativi indiani. Una guerra
non risulta sui bollettini stilati a fine anno dalle organizzazioni
umanitarie, eppure una guerra che ha prodotto negli anni migliaia di
centinaia di migliaia di prigionieri dietro le sbarre, milioni di
disoccupati, di poveri, di senza-tetto, di tossicodipendenti. Questa e'
giustizia "Made in Usa". Questo e' il prodotto del sistema di controllo
necessario al capitalismo per garantire la propria sopravvivenza. Una
sopravvivenza che oggi come nel passato continua a portare il nome di
COINTELPRO. E l'assassinio di Shaka Sankofa e' stato un vero e proprio
di guerra. Un omicidio politico, che ha indubbiamente prodotto un salto
qualita' alla Pena di Morte, ma ha anche aperto la strada per il
legalizzato nei confronti di Mumia Abu-Jamal.

Prima di passare alle parole di Shaka, le ultime, vogliamo riportare
detto una volta da George Jackson:

"...quel che sta avvenendo nelle prigioni e' la guerra. Una guerra che
altri fronti: nei ghetti neri, in seno all'esercito, davanti ai
Un tempo un militante in prigione era un soldato fuori combattimento.
Per il
potere la prigione era, dopo l'omicidio, l'arma piu' efficace contro i
avversari. Oggi, grazie ai militanti rivoluzionari imprigionati e ai
detenuti 'comuni', traformatisi in rivoluzionari nel corso stesso della
detenzione, il fronte della guerra e' arrivato all'interno delle
E' una lotta terribilmente impari perche' le armi (lo si e' visto molto
recentemente ad Attica) sono tutte da una parte sola; cio' nonostante
lotta preoccupa i dirigenti americani perche', ormai, le sentenze dei
tribunali non riescono a farla cessare. Verdetti scandalosi hanno
trasformato i detenuti in militanti; e, a sua volta, la lotta nelle
rende derisoria la sentenza dei tribunali, qualunque essa sia. A questo
punto al potere rimane una sola risorsa: l'omicidio..."

La lotta continua!


[ 2 ] Le ultime parole di Shaka Sankofa

Quelle che seguono sono le ultime parole, accuratamente registrate da
guardia carceraria (cosi' come da regolamento), pronunciate da Shaka
prima di morire.

Vorrei dire che non ho ucciso Bobby Lambert. Che sono un uomo Nero
che sta per essere assassinato. E' un linciaggio quello che si sta
stanotte in America. Ci sono prove schiaccianti in mia difesa che non
mai state ascoltate in nessun tribunale dell'America. Cio' che sta
qui e' un'oltraggio per qualunque paese civile, per chiunque da
parte si trovi guardare cio' che sta accadendo di sbagliato qui.

Ringrazio tutti coloro che hanno manifestato per la mia causa. Mi hanno
appoggiato. Dico alla famiglia del Sig. Lambert che non ho ucciso Bobby
Lambert. State perseguendo l'esecuzione di un innocente.

Voglio esprimere il mio sincero ringraziamento a tutti voi. Dobbiamo
continuare ad andare avanti e fare tutto il possibile per mettere al
il linciaggio legale in America. Dobbiamo continuare ad essere risoluti
tutto il mondo, e le persone devono unirsi per fermare l'uccisione
sistematica della gente nera povera e innocente. Dobbiamo continuare a
lottare uniti e a chiedere una moratoria di tutte le esecuzioni. Non
dobbiamo consentire che l'assassinio/linciaggio di questa notte venga
dimenticato, miei fratelli. Dobbiamo diffonderlo a tutta la nazione.
Dobbiamo continuare ad avere fede. Dobbiamo andare avanti.

Riconosciamo che molti leader sono morti. Malcolm X, Martin Luther King
altri che si sono battuti per cio' che era giusto. Noi dobbiamo, voi
fratelli, ecco perche' vi ho chiamati oggi. Dovete portare avanti quel
compito. Cio' che sta avvenendo qui e' solo un linciaggio. Ma
a linciarci per i prossimi 100 anni se voi non porterete avanti quella
tradizione e quel periodo di resistenza.

Prevarremo. Possiamo perdere questa battaglia ma vinceremo la guerra.
morte, questo linciaggio sara' vendicato. Sara' vendicato, deve essere
vendicato. La gente deve vendicare questo omicidio. Cosi' miei fratelli
restate forti, continuate ad andare avanti.

Sappiate che vi amo. Io amo la gente, amo tutti voi per la vostra forza,
il vostro coraggio, per la vostra dignita', per il fatto di essere
qui stanotte, per come vi battete e tenete unita questa nazione.
ad andare avanti, miei fratelli. la schiavitu' non ha potuto fermarci.
linciaggio non ci ha fermati nel sud. Questo linciaggio non ci fermera'
stanotte. Noi andremo avanti. Il nostro destino in questo paese e' la
liberta' e la liberazione. Otterremo la nostra liberta' e la nostra
liberazione con ogni mezzo necessario. Con ogni mezzo necessario
continueremo ad andare avanti.

Ti amo, Sig. Jackson. Bianca accertati che lo stato non si prenda il mio
corpo. Fai in modo che il mio nome sia Shaka Sankofa. Il mio nome non e'
Gary Graham. Fai in modo che compaia sulla mia tomba. Shaka Sankofa.

Sono morto combattendo per cio' in cui credo. Sono morto lottando per
che era giusto. Non ho ucciso Bobby Lambert e la verita' verra' fuori.
Verra' fatta emergere.

Sig. Robert Mohammed e tutti voi, voglio che questa cosa sia portata in
tribunale internazionale e che ci sia un procedimento legale.
tutti i video di tutti i pestaggi. Mi hanno colpito alla schiena. Mi
picchiato in quella unita'. Procuratevi tutti i video che possano
quel procedimento legale. E denunciate al pubblico il genocidio e questa
brutalita', e fate in modo che il mondo veda cio' che sta davvero
qui dietro le porte chiuse. Fate in modo che il mondo veda la barbarita'
l'ingiustizia di cio' che sta davvero accadendo qui. Dovete ottenere
video. Dovete denunciare quest'ingiustizia al mondo. Dovete continuare a
chiedere una moratoria di tutte le esecuzioni. Dobbiamo andare avanti.

Ministro Robert Mohammed, Ashanti Chimurenga, vi sono grato per essere
accanto a me e a mia sorella. Lei e' una Regina guerriera forte.
ad essere una persona su cui fare affidamento. Creda in se stessa, deve
camminare a testa alta, nello spirito di Winnie Mandela, nello spirito
Nelson Mandela. Dobbiamo andare avanti. Fermeremo questo linciaggio.
Reverendo Al Sharpton ti sono grato, fratello mio. Bianca Jagger, amo
di te. Continuate a lottare insieme. Reverendo Jesse Jackson sappia che
questo omicidio, questo linciaggio non sara' dimenticato. Sono grato
anche a
lei, mio fratello.

Questo e' genocidio in America. Questo e' cio' che accade agli uomini
quando lottano e protestano per cio' che e' giusto. Ci rifiutiamo di
scendere a compromessi, ci rifiutiamo di rinunciare alla dignita' per
che sappiamo e' giusto. Ma andremo avanti, siamo stati forti in passato.
Continueremo ad essere forti come popolo. Potete uccidere un
ma non potete fermare la rivoluzione. La rivoluzione continuera'. La
portera' avanti la rivoluzione. Voi siete coloro che devono portare
quella rivoluzione per liberare i nostri bambini da questo genocidio e
cio' che sta accadendo qui questa notte. Cio' che e' accaduto negli
100 anni in America. Questa e' la parte del genocidio, questa e' la
dell'africano (incomprensibile), che noi in quanto neri abbiamo subito
America. Ma ce la faremo, continueremo a lottare. Continueremo,
otterremo la
nostra liberta' e la liberazione, con ogni mezzo necessario. Siate
Non possono ucciderci. Andremo avanti.

Ai miei figli, alle mie figlie, a tutti voi. Vi amo. Siete stati
meravigliosi. Tenete alta la testa. Continuate ad andare avanti. Restate
uniti. Mantenete l'amore e l'unita' nella comunita'. E la vittoria sara'
garantita. La vittoria per la gente sara' garantita. Otterremo la nostra
liberta' e la liberazione in questo paese. La otterremo e ci riusciremo
ogni mezzo necessario. Continueremo a lottare. Tenete alta la testa.
Continuate a lottare. Tutti voi leader. Continuate a lottare. Portate il
vostro messaggio alla gente. Predicate la moratoria di tutte le
Porremo fine alla pena di morte in questo paese. Porremo fine ad essa in
tutto il mondo. Spingete la gente. E sappiate che cio' che state facendo

Questo non e' nient'altro che un puro e semplice assassinio. Questo e'
che sta accadendo stanotte in America. Nulla di piu' che un omicidio di
stato, un linciaggio di stato, proprio qui in America e proprio qui
stanotte. Questo e' cio' che sta accadendo miei fratelli. Nulla di meno.
Sanno che sono innocente. Hanno i fatti per dimostrarlo. Sanno che sono
innocente. Ma non possono riconoscere la mia innocenza perche' farlo
come ammettere pubblicamente la loro colpa.

Questo e' qualcosa che questa gente razzista non fara' mai. Dobbiamo
ricordare fratelli che questo e' cio' che ci ritroviamo ad affrontare.
Dovete portare avanti questo tentativo. Dovete essere forti. Dovete
continuare a tenere alta la testa ed esserci. Ed io amo anche te
mio. Tutti voi che vi siete schierati al mio fianco. Prevarremo
...continueremo a lottare ... continuate a lottare Neri

... potere Nero
... continuate a lottare Neri
... potere Nero
... continuate a lottare Neri
... continuate a lottare Neri

... mi uccideranno stanotte
... mi uccideranno stanotte


[ 3 ] Giornate di Tributo a Shaka Sankofa

Stiamo raccogliendo, come richiesto dal Texas Death Penalty Abolition
Movement, messaggi per le giornate di Tributo dedicate a Shaka Sankofa,
quali non saranno iniziative in cui si piangera' un compagno
assassinato, ma
momenti in cui verra' rilanciata la lotta a sostegno delle battaglie dei
prigionieri segregati nei campi di concentramento statunitensi, a
della Campagna Internazionale contro l'esecuzione di Mumia Abu-Jamal,
l'abolizione della Pena di Morte, del Complesso Industriale Carcerario e
della Brutalita' della Polizia.

Invitiamo chiunque fosse interssato/a a far pervenire una propria
comunicazione, a scrivere a lista@...

e-mail: crj@... - URL:

* La dottrina nucleare della NATO (Group Neutro, Slovenia)
* La guerra biologica degli USA (COUNTERPUNCH, USA)
* La NATO ha intenzionalmente causato una catastrofe ecologica
in Jugoslavia (Michael Chossudovsky)



Sull'argomento segnaliamo anche un "paginone" di Liberazione dell'11
maggio 2000, con intervista a Isidoro Mortellaro, che spiegava che il
"primo colpo dissuasivo" nucleare potra' essere inferto anche a stati
non nucleari ma provvisti di armi chimiche o biologiche. Tutto questo e'
stato deciso al vertice Nato di Firenze del 24 maggio.

Auguri ...

(luca nencini, enea - casaccia)


Subject: FYI: New NATO nuclear arms policy
Date: 15 Jun 2000 11:27:37 PDT
From: Tina.Purnat@... (Tina Purnat)

Public protest regarding the new military doctrine of the NATO alliance

A new military doctrine pf the NATO alliance took effect on May 19,
2000. The document NC-400/2 presents a new military strategy which
authorizes NATO members to use nuclear weapons ofensively. Nucelar
weapons are thus not used as a retaliation to an immediate danger or
attack, but can be used as a "preventive" measure (so-called "first
strike"). The document refers specifically to use of nuclear weapons
against countries that do not posess nuclear wepons technology. Until
now, the use of nuclear weapons was mandated by the principle of
retaliation ( so-called "strike first - die second"), which prevented a
nuclear attack toward a country that does not posess nuclear wepons.
This has now been replaced by the aforementioned "first strike"
the new doctrine was passed through a special "silent procedure"
protocol of the NATO alliance. The alliance formed a top secret
document which took effect after a specified period of time provided no
member appeals to the content of the document. Since no NATO members
filed appeals or for changes, the doctrine is now binding for all NATO
countries, as well as any future members.

The first information about hte secret document NC-400/2 was aired by
the German TV station ARD. Video clips with commentary can be found at:

Existence of the document was also confirmed by the German foreign
minister Joschka Fischer, but refrained form commenting it. At the
recent meeting of the Atlantic summit of the NATO alliance in Florence,
NATO also passed a resolution to protect confidential information. This
resolution prevents "associated members" (form the "Partnership for
Peace", of which Slovenia is also a member) from accesing confidential
information of the NATO alliance. The resolution would prevent the
public from obtaining similar confidential information -- such as the
passing of the new military "first strike" doctrine.

We, the signatories of the public protest, express our disagreement with
the apparent escalation of NATO's agressive tactics. Moreover, we
disagree with the secretive nature of information pertaining to security
and external policies of individual countries. We believe the new NATO
military doctrine is unacceptable for Slovenia, since it contradicts the
124. Article of the Slovenian constitution ("National security shall be
predicated primarily on policies designed to promote peace and an ethic
of peace and nonaggression."). we thus propose that Slovenia
reconsiders its application for membership in NATO.
We propose that the Republic of Slovenia engages more actively in peace
and non-violent policies. We appeal to the Cabinet and the Parliement
of R Slovenia to agian reconsider joining the International initiative
on the use of nuclear weapons. Slovenia has refrained from signing the
initiative under pressure of NATO members.

Signatures (with full names and location) in support of this initiative
can be sent to Neutro@....

We ask for help with dissemination of the petition (it can be found at
the address
The petition and the signatures will be presented to the leading media,
Parliamentary commission for foreign affairs, the President of R
Slovenia, Ministry of foreign affairs, Ministry of defence, Supreme
court of Slovenia, political parties, and interested non-profit

Group Neutro
Krizevniska 16, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia



Subject: COLOMBIA: La Guerra Biologica degli Stati Uniti
Date: Wed, 28 Jun 2000 11:46:34 +0200
From: "Comit. Int.sta Arco Iris" <ale.ramon@...>

A seguire riproduciamo un articolo che racchiude il senso del Campo
Antimperialista che si svolgerà ad Assisi dal 30 Luglio al 6 Agosto. E'
evidente come gli Stati Uniti d'America, nel nome della scienza e del
progresso, stiano preparando lo sterminio dei popoli e della
A seguire la prova.

Guerra Biologica sulle Ande: La prossima arma segreta della CIA
Ingenieria Genetica e Guerra Chimico-Biologica

Da CounterPunch (numero 11, giugno 2000)

L'"agente azzurro" avanza

All'istituto di genetica del Kazakistan, esperti sovietici della guerra
biologica stanno venendo finanziati dagli Stati Uniti e dalla Gran
per testare micoerbicidi, la famiglia dei "Fusarium oxysporum" che
ad infettare le piante di coca e che sono estremamente simili ad altri
miceti che attaccano le patate, prodotto principale della dieta andina.

La calamità McCaffery

Accanto alle altre scelleratezze perpetrate in nome della Guerra alla
Droga, gli Stati Uniti si stanno ora attivamente preparando per
armi biologiche. Le armi consistono in flora patogena progettata per
attaccare la coca, la cannabis ed i papaveri da oppio.

La ricerca nel progetto ha comportato la risurrezione degli agenti
biologici sviluppati tempo fa a Fort Detrick (Maryland), il centro per
programma della guerra biologica chiuso dal Presidente Nixon nel 1969.

Profondamente congelati al momento della chiusura del programma, questi
stanno venendo scongelati e preparati per dare l'assalto ai paesi
produttori, nel terzo mondo. Coinvolti sono anche i veterani della
creazione della guerra biologica sovietica, ora finanziati dagli Stati
Uniti con la connivenza di un oscuro agente dell'agenzia delle Nazioni
Unite, assunto con il proposito di proteggere gli Stati Uniti dalla ben
meritata imputazione di violare la convenzione internazionale sulle armi

Il lavoro procede nonostante la ben certificata evidenza che le armi, se
impiegate, avranno un impatto profondo e disastroso sugli ecosistemi dei
paesi in cui verranno impiegate. Oltretutto, il Dipartimento degli Stati
Uniti per l'Agricoltura (United States Department of Agriculture, USDA)
ora compiendo ricerche sull'utilizzo delle modificazioni genetiche per
accrescere la potenza di queste armi biologiche. I principali agenti che
vengono sviluppati sono i patogeni microbici.

Presso l'Istituto di Genetica del Kazakistan, gli ex esperti di guerra
biologica vengono finanziati dagli Stati Uniti per testare
funghi-micoerbicidi, in particolare la Pleospora, per uccidere i
da oppio e le piante di marijuana.

Nelle Ande e nell'Amazzonia occidentale, gli Stati Uniti stanno
programmando di testare e diffondere l'applicazione del "fusarium
oxysporum", un fungo anti-coca. Il budget per quest'anno (Fiscal Year
contiene almeno 23 milioni di dollari (46 miliardi di lire) per questi
programmi, sebbene altri contributi verranno certamente bruciati nella
copertura dei preventivi per spese militari e di controspionaggio.

La prospettiva di ricevere un attacco biologico non sembra però
entusiasmare paesi come il Peru', la Bolivia e la Colombia. Il governo
peruviano ha già bandito la possibilità di testare o utilizzare
micoerbicidi. Il governo colombiano sembra altrettanto contrario, ma è
stato abilmente ammonito dai sostenitori del progetto del Conresso
Statunitense che se la Colombia vuole il suo pacchetto di aiuti da 1,8
miliardi di dollari (36.000 miliardi di lire), farebbe bene ad accettare
anche i funghi.

Lo scorso marzo, Il presidente del Comitato per gli Affari Esteri della
Casa Bianca, Benjamin Gilman, ha aggiunto un emendamento al disegno di
legge per l'aiuto colombiano, richiedendo al Presidente Clinton di
certificare che il governo colombiano "abbia accettato e stia
una strategia per eliminare tutta la produzione colombiana di coca e di
papaveri oppiacei" utilizzando, tra gli altri mezzi, "micoerbicidi
ed ecologicamente sicuri". L'emendamento è ancora presente nel disegno
legge (che stà venendo discusso al senato) nonostante una subcommissione
scienziati colombiani del Tribunale Civile per l'Ambiente abbia
che l'uso di agenti micoerbicidi rappresenta "un grande pericolo sia per
gli umani che per l'ambiente e la biodiversità della Colombia".

E' facile capire perché i colombiani sono spaventati. La condizione
necessaria per questo tipo di armi sarebbe che queste dovrebbero essere
"host specific", cioè che dovrebbero attaccare solo l'obiettivo
designato e
nulla di più.

Secondo Ed Hammond del Progetto "Sunshine", che ricercava e
questa scelleratezza, i tests condotti dai ricercatori della USDA nel
e 1995, utilizzando il fungo "fusarium oxysporum" (EN4), hanno dato come
risultato l'infezione di due specie di piante, diverse da quella della

Inoltre, la famiglia dei "Fusarium oxysporum", che tende ad infettare le
piante di coca, è estremamente simile ad altri miceti che attaccano le
patate, prodotto principale nella dieta andina.

Questo non è molto sorprendente perchè, come sottolinea Hammond, l'EN4 è
stato ideato per attaccare diverse specie di piante di coca ed inoltre
può essere interamente "host specific".

Così le rare e belle farfalle agrias potranno presto sparire
casualità della Guerra alla Droga, dal momento che le loro larve
nascono e
maturano nelle imparentate piante selvagge della coca. Una delle poche
dove le agria possono essere trovate è la zona a nord della regione del
fiume Putumayo, un centro sia della attività della guerriglia che della
coltivazione della coca in Colombia ed inoltre, uno dei primi obiettivi
della campagna di fumigazione al fungo, da parte degli Stati Uniti.

Nel frattempo, tornando nei laboratori, i ricercatori dell'USDA stanno
lavorando per creare specie di funghi geneticamente modificati, compresa
clonazione di famiglie del fusarium che attaccano le patate, per
così qualcosa di ancora più perverso.

Tuttavia, nella loro ricerca per strumenti di ciò che ufficialmente si
conosce come "bio-controllo", i ricercatori del governo sono tornati,
sembra, indietro al passato.

Infatti, prima del 1949, secondo i documenti dati ad Hammond in base
all'Atto di Libertà dell'Informazione (Freedom of Information Act,
una squadra del Servizio di Ispezione sulle Piante e sugli Animali
dell'USDA (Animal and Plant Inspection Service, APHIS) ha trovato un
in un albero Datura, importato dal Cauca (Colombia). Qualcuno, non è
chiaro chi, ha determinato che il virus potrebbe essere utile come
anti-oppiacee, ed è stato quindi inviato al centro per la guerra
di Fort Detrick (Maryland), con l'etichetta D-437.

Sulla base dell'ordine di Nixon di chiudere il centro, il D-437 non è
distrutto ma messo in un luogo ad alto congelamento, dimenticato da
ma non dai ricercatori che avevano lavorato così felicemente a Detrick.

Il 12 Aprile di quest'anno, Hammond ha raccolto una breve citazione del
D-437 in una pagina web dell'Esercito degli Stati Uniti, per il fatto
questo era stato studiato da tale Dottor Vernon Damsteegt, lui stesso
dei veterani di Detrick.

Alle successive inchieste di Hammond, ogni menzione del virus e della
custodia venivano rimosse dal sito, che riportava la fraudolenta
notificazione che l'ultimo aggiornamento fosse avvenuto il giorno 6

Il 1969 è stato l'anno in cui Richard Nixon lanciò la sua guerra alla
droga, utilizzando per questo la sua forza di polizia segreta, la DEA
Enforcement Agency), una storia raccontata nel grande libro di Edward J.
Epstein, "l'Agenzia della Paura" (Agency of Fear).

La guerra biologica era integrale per gli Stati Uniti contro il Vietnam.
CounterPunchers ricorda l'"agente arancione", il disgustoso infuso
impiegato per defoliare la giungla.

L'"agente azzurro", lanciato sulla produzione di riso, è un po' meno
conosciuto. Lo scopo era privare il Fronte di Liberazione Nazionale
dall'approvigionamento di cibo. Le piantagioni di riso che si riteneva
servissero al nemico, venivano pesantemente irrorate e distrutte.

Il professor Matthew Meselsen ricorda come, nell'anno 1970, venne
da un colonnello del Reparto Chimico dell'Esercito degli Stati Uniti per
sorvolare una vallata di un altopiano che era stato irrorato con
azzurro", alcune settimane prima. Come volarono sopra la valle
il colonnello coraggiosamente spiegò a Meselsen che questa era stata
ovviamente una fonte di approvigionamento di cibo per l'FLN, dal momento
che non si erano viste abitazioni nella zona.

Successivamente, essi atterrarono in un vicino villaggio che scoprirono
essere popolato da rifugiati della vicina valle. I rifugiati spiegarono
essere scappati perché gli americani avevano appena distrutto la loro
piantagione di riso. Analizzando fotografie che aveva preso dal cielo,
Meselsen successivamente scoprì numerose case che erano rimaste
mentre si volava sopra le stesse velocemente.

Un semplice calcolo rivelava che la quantità di riso era sufficiente
per alimentare la popolazione locale, senza nessun avanzo per l'affamata
guerriglia vietnamita.

Meselsen scrisse un rapporto che forniva qualche dubbio politico sul
comando statunitense in Vietnam, nel quale si raccomandava a Washington
porre fine all'"agente azzurro". La raccomandazione venne fatta filtrare
dal Washington Post e fu allora che Nixon cancellò immediatamente il

Questa è una misura della barbarie della presente generazione di
della droga che fanno sì che Richard Nixon sembri assennato. Nonostante
l'evidenza dei pericoli dello sviluppo delle armi biologiche come il
gli Stati Uniti sembrano determinati ad andare avanti.

| Fonte: CounterPunch |
| 3220 N. St., NW, PMB 346 Washington, DC, 20007-2829 |
| 1-800-840-3683 (phone) 1-800-967-3620 (fax) |
| |
| |
*) Per chi non volesse continuare a ricevere nostre notizie, è
semplicemente necessario scrivere allo stesso indirizzo, specificando
"unsubscribe" nel titolo (subject) del messaggio e l'indirizzo che deve
essere eliminato dalla lista di distribuzione.
Comitato Internazionalista Arco Iris
Via Don Minzoni 33
25082 Botticino Sera (BS)
E-mail: ale.ramon@...
Tel/Fax 030-2190006




Emperor's New Clothes

NATO Willfully Triggered An Environmental Catastrophe In Yugoslavia
by Michel Chossudovsky (6-18-00)

Professor of Economics, University of Ottawa, author of "The
Globalization of Poverty, Third World Network, Penang, Zed Books,
London, 1997.

By using thermal images, NATO was able to identify which of the tanks
were still filled with toxic chemicals. If NATO's objective were to
solely disable the plant without the risk of "collateral" environmental
damage, they could have done it by smart bombing the equipment and
machinery. Why did they also need to hit with utmost accuracy the tanks
containing noxious liquids? The "smart bombs" were not dumb; they knew
where to go. NATO had singled out the containers, tanks and reservoirs,
which still contained toxic materials. According to the Pancevo plant
director, NATO did not hit a single empty container. "This was not
accidental; they chose to hit those that were full and these chemicals
spilled into the canal leading to the Danube."
The air raids on the Pancevo industrial complex located in the outskirts
of Belgrade started on April 4th 1999 and continued relentlessly until
the 7th of June. The Pancevo complex included an oil refinery facility
(built with technical support from Texaco) and a Nitrogen Processing
Plant producing fertilizer for Yugoslav agriculture. The petrochemical
plant was bombed extensively (41 bombs and 7 missile attacks). The
bombed areas of the complex were less than two hundred meters from
residential buildings.
At the outset of the "humanitarian air raids -- in a well-led public
relations stunt -- NATO had reassured World opinion " that "precise
targeting" using sophisticated weaponry was intended to avoid
"collateral damage" including environmental hazards:
"We do everything we possibly can to avoid unnecessary collateral
damage. We take it very seriously, work very hard at doing that, spend a
lot of time planning for the missions."1
At Pancevo, however, exactly the opposite occurred. "State of the art"
aerial surveillance and thermal detection systems were not only used to
disable and destroy Yugoslavia's petrochemical industry; they were
willfully applied to trigger an environmental disaster.
At the beginning of the war, workers at the plant had been actively
involved in removing toxic materials from the site, emptying several
large tanks and containers of toxic chemicals precisely to avert the
risks of "collateral damage." They did not realize NATO was watching
them through air-to-ground surveillance systems as well as satellite
images. Using thermal detection, NATO military planners knew which of
the containers had been emptied and which remained full. How does that
work? All objects including the containers of toxic chemicals in the
Pancevo plant emit infrared radiation. A thermal imager from a spy
satellite or an aircraft can detect infrared radiation and convert its
readings into a high-resolution video or snap picture.
The thermal imager can detect temperature differentials as small as 0.1
degrees centigrade which enables it to distinguish without difficulty
between full and empty containers. The thermal images can be generated
from a device installed on the fuselage of an aircraft. NATO warplanes
were equipped with various advanced imaging systems including just such
infrared/electro-optical sensors.
Moreover, multispectral thermal imaging satellite systems routinely used
during the Gulf war were also used by NATO in Yugoslavia. Thermal
satellite images were relayed to the Combined Air Operations Centre
(CAOC) in Vicenza, Italy where the bombing raids weere carefully
planned. U2 spy planes were also used: In the words of a Pentagon
spokesman, the U2 "snaps a picture from very high altitude, beams it
back in what we call a reach-back, to the States where it is very
quickly analyzed." And from there, "the right targeting data" is relayed
to the CAOC base in Vincenza which then "passes [it] on to people in the
cockpit". 2
NATO planners also had detailed information on the layout of the plant,
which had been built on contract with a US multinational engineering
company Foster Wheeler (a firm specializing in the construction of
petrochemical and polymer plants). NATO knew exactly where things were.
In a cruel irony, US investment in Yugoslavia (financed with loans from
the World Bank) was being demolished by Uncle Sam. Did the pilots
sitting in the cockpit know that they were bombing a plant which was
"Made in America?"
A large number of the containers had been emptied. By using thermal
images, NATO was able to identify which of the tanks were still filled
with toxic chemicals. Among these noxious liquids were containers of
ethylene-dichloride (EDC), ethylene, chlorine, chlorine-hydrogen,
propylene and vinyl chloride monomers (VCM). Well documented by
environmentalists, the VCM monomer used to produce plastics (eg. PVC
resin) is a dangerous cancerogenic groundwater contaminant (see photo
2). Vinyl chloride also has the potential to cause neurological and
liver damage, as well as damage to the fetus causing birth defects.
If NATO's objective were to solely disable the plant without the risk of
"collateral" environmental damage, they could have done it by smart
bombing the equipment and machinery. Why did they also need to hit with
utmost accuracy the tanks containing noxious liquids? The "smart bombs"
were not dumb; they knew where to go. NATO had singled out the
containers, tanks and reservoirs, which still contained toxic materials.
According to the Pancevo plant director, NATO did not hit a single empty
container. "This was not accidental; they chose to hit those that were
full and these chemicals spilled into the canal leading to the Danube".
The containers that contained deadly chemicals were deliberately blown
When the smart bombs hit their targets at Pancevo with impressive
accuracy (see photos below), noxious fluids and fumes were released into
the atmosphere, water and soil.
According to the petrochemical plant director, the ethylene-dichloride
(EDC) spillovers had contaminated 10 hectares of land on and in the
vicinity of the plant. 3
The soil is still soaked with toxic ethylene-dichloride. According to a
report of the Regional Environment Center for Central and Eastern Europe
(REC) "more than one thousand tons of ethylene dichloride spilled from
the Pancevo petrochemical complex into the Danube [through the canal
which links the plant to the river]. Over a thousand tonnes of natrium
hydroxide were spilled from the Pancevo petrochemical complex. Nearly
1,000 tons of hydrogen chloride spilled from Pancevo into the Danube
Eight tons of mercury escaped from the petrochemical complex spilling
into the soil. The wastewater treatment plant was also bombed thereby
exacerbating the ecological impact.
NATO military strategists knew precisely what they were doing and what
would be the likely consequences. On April 4, at the neighboring oil
refinery, two NATO missiles had hit the refinery's control rooms killing
three staff members. The strikes set the plant on fire, reducing it to a
toxic wreck. The objective was not to avoid an environmental disaster
but to create one (see photos). NATO expected that by ruthlessly bombing
Pancevo among other civilian sites, they would intimidate Belgrade into
accepting the Rambouillet Agreement including the infamous Military
Appendix under which NATO would occupy all of Yugoslavia.
The Greens from Germany and experts from the United Nations
Environmental Programme (UNEP) as well as other groups visited the plant
after the War. The UNEP report minimizes the environmental impacts while
casually underscoring in its main conclusions that Pancevo was an
environmental hazard before the bombings. 5 The UNEP report is a
carefully worded cover-up. It downplays the seriousness of the
environmental catastrophe, while placing the blame (without supporting
evidence) on the Yugoslav authorities. Tacitly upholding the legitimacy
of the Western military alliance, UNEP's findings are in overt
contradiction with those of other scientific studies including that of
the Regional Environment Center for Central And Eastern Europe (REC)
prepared for the European Commission (see footnote 4). The complicity of
UNEP, a specialized agency of the UN with a track record of integrity is
yet another symptom of the ambivalent role of the United Nations system
in upholding the Western Military Alliance.
Smart bomb hit container with meticulous accuracy (Pancevo petrochemical
complex, March 2000, ©Michel Chossudovsky)
VCM tank containing toxic cancerogenic chemicals hit by NATO
(© Michel Chossudovsky, March 2000)
Statement of General Charles Wold of the Pentagon, Department of Defense
Press Briefing, Washington, 12 April 1999.
Department of Defense Press Briefing, Washington, May 14th, 1999.

Interview conducted by the author in Pancevo, March 2000.
4. See the report of the REC entitled Assessment of the Environmental
Impact of Military Activities During the Yugoslavia Conflict at
5. The UNEP report entitled The Kosovo Conflict: Consequences for the
Environment & Human Settlements prepared for the European Commission can
be consulted at
© by Michel Chossudovsky, Ottawa, June 2000. All rights reserved.
Permission is granted to post this text on "community Internet sites"
provided the essay and the pictures remain intact and the copyright note
is displayed. For community postings, kindly send a short message to
emperors1000@.... To publish this text on commercial Internet sites,
in printed and/or in other forms (including excerpts), contact the
author by fax at:1-514-4256224.

e-mail: crj@... - URL:

ROMA 27/6
BARI 27/6
CAMPI DI LAVORO S.C.I. IN JUGOSLAVIA - scadenza 30/6/2000
OLANDA - iniziative a luglio
SEGNALAZIONE: un libro di Franz Neumann da riproporre


ROMA 27/6

il Convoglio di solidarieta' Internazionalista Giorgiana Masi e Radio
Citta' Aperta organizzano una cena

MARTEDI 27 GIUGNO 2000 alle 20:30

presso il Ristorante della CACCIARELLA, a Roma, via di Casalbruciato 11
(Tiburtino). La cena ha un costo di lire.25.000 che saranno destinate
alla costruzione di alcune case per i rifugiati invisibili della
Slavonia, delle Krajine e del Kosovo/Metohia che vivono in condizioni
drammatiche nella citta' di Backa Topola in Jugoslavia.

Info: 06/40801623 - 06/4393512


BARI 27/6

Most za Beograd - un ponte per Belgrado in terra di Bari
Associazione culturale di solidarietà con la popolazione jugoslava
c/o RdB, via M. Cristina di Savoia 40, 70126 BARI
tel/fax 0805562663 - e-mail: ponte@...

martedì 27 giugno ore 18.30

Giardini di Atrebil
via Brigata Bari (accanto al Conservatorio)
assemblea annuale di Most za Beograd
bilancio dell'attività culturale e di solidarietà dell'associazione
e programma di iniziative future


Stiamo organizzando per l'ultima decade di luglio un "viaggio della
solidarietà e dell'amicizia"a Kragujevac e nelle principali città
(da Belgrado a Novi Sad).

Sarà un modo per conoscere di persona i bambini e le famiglie cui
il sostegno, e anche per visitare un paese così vicino geograficamente e
così poco conosciuto. Molti aspetti organizzativi dipendono dal numero

Per la Jugoslavia sono necessari il passaporto e il visto.





Aderire al progetto è molto semplice. Basta mettersi in contatto con la
nostra associazione (conto corrente postale n. 12350724 intestato ad
Andrea Catone via F. Campione 68, 70124 Bari, indicando sul retro la


Attraverso la distribuzione militante sono state sinora diffuse a Bari e
diverse città d'Italia quasi 1150 copie del libro di "poeti dilettanti
contro la guerra"Gli assassini della tenerezza,illustrato con disegni
bambini di Kragujevac e con prefazione di Fulvio Grimaldi (edizioni La
città del Sole, Napoli, 1999, L. 15.000). Tutti i costi (editoriali, di
grafica, di stampa) per la produzione del libro - promosso dalla nostra
associazione Most za Beograddi Bari e dal comitato di solidarietà con la
popolazione jugoslava di Napoli - sono stati sostenuti dall'editore
Manes, che ha voluto così dare un consistentissimo contributo di
solidarietà agli operai della Zastava, ai quali va integralmente il
ricavato delle vendite.Una parte dell'incasso (9.030.000) è stata già
consegnata. Il rimanente verrà dato a luglio, in occasione del nostro
viaggio a Kragujevac. Ci auguriamo per quella data di raggiungere le
copie vendute.



Ultimo annuncio: il 30 giugno scade la possibilita' di partecipare.
leggere ATTENTAMENTE e mandare mail a ponac@...


Il Servizio Civile Internazionale, in collaborazione con Un Ponte per
Belgrado organizza due campi di lavoro in Jugoslavia per il mese di


Il primo campo si svolgerebbe a Kraljevo. Il campo si inserisce in un
progetto che Un Ponte per Belgrado sta svolgendo da tempo. A ottobre '99

e' stato consegnato un furgone per la distribuzione del cibo e adesso
abbiamo consegnato oltre 40.000 marchi in aiuti umanitari acquistati sul

luogo (compresi piu' di 4.000 marchi raccolti dal SCI).

Riferimento locale e' la Croce rossa di Kraljevo che gestisce i vari
centri di raccolta collettivi e non dove sono ospitati oltre 20.000
profughi provenienti dal Kosovo.
Il lavoro da fare e' quello di aiutare la croce rossa nella
distribuzione di cibo e di aiuti umanitari ai profughi e di fare
animazione con i profughi stessi. Oltre a fare animazione con i bambini
si vogliono raccogliere testimonianze e parlare con i profughi per
conoscere le loro storie e le loro vicissitudini pre-durante-post
bombardamenti. L'atteggiamento dei profughi e' molto variegato e va
dalla diffidenza completa alla incazzatura per quello che hanno subito
da tutte le parti in gioco (e lo spettro e' molto ampio: sicuramente
hanno da dire molto sul governo jugoslavo, sull'UCK, sulla KFOR e molti,

specialmente quelli privenienti da Pec, delle forze italiane "di pace").

Il materiale raccolto andra' a finire in una raccolta tipo libretto o
pubblicazione o CD audio/video. In aggiunta si raccogliera' anche il
materiale da far elaborare dai bambini (7-12 anni) nelle modalita' con
cui viene raccolto il materiale per i gemellaggi scolastici gia' avviati

(disegni, lettere, oggetti vari ecc) e che andra' a finire anche questo
nella pubblicazione insieme alle testimonianze.

Date: 1° turno: 1-15 Agosto 2000; 2° turno: 16-31 Agosto 2000
N. Volontari: 4/5 + coordinatore
Requisiti per i vols: almeno due per ogni turno che conoscano il serbo,
questo per rendere piu' efficace il lavoro di raccolta del materiale.

IMPORTANTE: il campo puo' subire delle riduzioni se non siamo in grado
di garantire la presenza di un coordinatore per tutto il tempo.
Le date possono subire delle variazioni per situazioni contingenti
attualmente imprevedibili.

Riguardo il num. dei vols, questo non e' invalicabile. Se il numero
delle persone che parlano serbo dovesse essere grande (si spera tanto)
allora anche il numero dei vols potrebbe aumentare di conseguenza. La
scelta di 4/5 + 1 e' stata fatto immaginando una certa difficolta' a
trovare persone che conoscano la lingua.

Costi previsti: A carico del partecipante
iscrizione: lire 60.000 piu' tessera SCI per il 2000 (L.30.000)
viaggio fino a Kraljevo (A/R): in treno circa 350.000; in aereo
(alitalia) circa 700.000 (partenze lu, ve, sab)
vitto: un po' ci si arrangia con il cibo distribuito, un po' con
ristorantini, un po' cucinando, se l'appartamento lo consentira'.
Il costo di un pasto in Jugoslavia non supera i 5-6 marchi a pasto
(quando ci si abbuffa!); organizzando una cucina nella casa si potrebbe
ancora essere piu' economi.
alloggio: si spera di contenere il tutto nei 100 marchi a settimana a
Naturalmente il preventivo di spesa puo' subire modifiche in funzione di

vari fattori, non ultimo il tiupo di appartamento che si trova.


Il secondo campo e' un "ritorno": ho parlato con Nikola Popovic
dell'orfanotrofio Jovan Jovanovic Zmai di Belgrado e anche li' c'e' la
disponibilita' di massima per fare animazione per un paio di settimane.
anche qui l'alloggio sara' a cura dei partecipanti in un appartamento da

affittare (si spera entro i 100 marchi a settimana; vitto come per il
campo a Kraljievo). Il numero di volontari dovra' essere contenuto a 4
piu' il coordinatore. Anche in questo caso bisognerebbe reperire il
coordinatore rapidamente e selezionare i volontari accuratamente.

Date: 10-24 Agosto 2000
N. Volontari: 4/5 + coordinatore
Requisiti per i vols: conoscenza almeno dell'inglese e preferenza per
chi conosce il serbo.

IMPORTANTE: il campo puo' subire delle riduzioni se non siamo in grado
di garantire la presenza di un coordinatore per tutto il tempo. Le date
possono subire delle variazioni per situazioni contingenti attualmente
Costi previsti: A carico del partecipante
iscrizione: lire 60.000 piu' tessera SCI per il 2000 (L.30.000)
viaggio fino a Belgrado (A/R): in treno circa 350.000; in aereo
(alitalia) circa 700.000 (partenze lu, ve, sab)- a carico del
vitto: un po' con ristorantini, un po' cucinando, se l'appartamento lo
consentira', un po' con il vitto dell'orfanotrofio.
Il costo di un pasto in Jugoslavia non supera i 5-6 marchi a pasto
(quando ci si abbuffa!); organizzando una cucina nella casa si potrebbe
ancora essere piu' economi.
alloggio: si spera di contenere il tutto nei 100 marchi a settimana a
Naturalmente il preventivo di spesa puo' subire modifiche in funzione di

vari fattori, non ultimo il tiupo di appartamento che si trova.


Scadenza per adesioni:
Kraljevo 1° turno: 30 Giugno 2000
Kraljevo 2° turno: 15 luglio 2000
Belgrado: 15 luglio

l'anticipo e' dovuto al fatto che per avere il visto bisogna avere una
lettera d'invito NOMINATIVA e per il fatto che le persone interessate
saranno chiamate a un incontro di (in)formazione obbligatorio prima
della partenza e prima della selezione dei volontari che partiranno.
L'incontro potrebbe essere programmato all'inizio di luglio e a meta'
luglio per i due scaglioni principali. QUINDI: NON ATTARDATEVI.

Tutte le richieste vanno inviate a ponac@...
indicando, oltre ai vostri dati personali, il numero di passaporto
valido, una lettera di motivazione e un breve curriculum.

ciao a tutti



Assisi 30 Luglio - 6 Agosto
Da Seattle a San Vicente,
la ribellione contro l'impero dell'ingiustizia avanza!


Nicky Hager, il ricercatore neozelandese autore di "Secret Power"
dopo aver letto l'appello del Campo Antiimperialista ed il relativo
programma, ci ha manifestato la sua disponibilità a partecipare a questa
nostra iniziativa.

Nicky Hager, vale la pena sottolinearlo, è l'autore dell'unico libro
pubblicato in tutto il pianeta, che tratti la questione del sistema di
controllo globale, noto col nome di "Echelon", attraverso testimonianze

Hager è stato, infatti, fino ad ora l'unico ricercatore ad essere
ad intervistare personale che abbia lavorato all'interno del progetto
Echelon. Nel suo libro "Potere Segreto, il ruolo della Nuova Zelanda
Rete Internazionale di Spionaggio", Hager intervista una cinquantina di
agenti segreti neozelandesi (ma non solo) che hanno abbandonato il
"Security Bureau" per motivi che restano tutt'ora oscuri e che forse
rintracciati in complessi giochi di spionaggio e diplomazia tra Stati
e Nuova Zelanda.

ECHELON, semplificando molto, è un sistema di intercettazione orientato
quella ventina di satelliti Intelsat (International Telecommunications
Satellite Organisation), disposti lungo l'asse dell'equatore e che
funzionano da ponte per quasi tutte le telefonate e messaggi via fax,
e-mail, telex ecc..

Le basi principali del sistema Echelon si trovano a Sugar Grove e Yakima
(Stati Uniti), a Waihopai (Nuova Zelanda), a Geraldton (Australia), ad
Kong e a Morwenstow (Inghilterra). La potenza di elaborazione (o
and screening”) di Echelon dichiarata dalla NSA era, nel 1992, di
di comunicazioni all’ora.

I primi due capitoli del libro di Hager sono riprodotti in questa pagina


<< Estratto dal rapporto della Fondazione Omega
di Manchester, presentato al Parlamento Europeo
[atto PE 166.499 in data Settembre 1998] >>

All'interno dell'Europa tutte le e-mail, le chiamate telefoniche e le
comunicazioni via fax sono intercettate quotidianamente dalla National
Security Agency (NSA), quindi tutta l'informazione utile è trasferita
dall'Europa, attraverso il nodo di Londra, via satellite, a Fort Meade
(Maryland) ed attraverso il nodo cruciale di Menwith Hill (North York
Moors, Inghilterra).

Il sistema di Echelon forma parte del sistema di spionaggio degli Stati
Uniti/Gran Bretagna ma, a differenza di altri sistemi di spionaggio
sviluppati durante la guerra fredda, ECHELON è stato ideato
per obiettivi non militari: governi, organizzazioni e questioni
di ogni paese.

Il sistema di ECHELON lavora indicriminatamente intercettando una grande
quantità di comunicazioni ed estraendo, attraverso l'aiuto
dell'intelligenza artificiale come quella di Memex (nome di uno dei
computers utilizzati per questa funzione), informazioni sulla base di
parole chiavi.

Cinque nazioni condividono i risultati ottenuti dagli Stati Uniti, sulla
base di un accordo del 1948: Gran Bretagna, Canada, Nuova Zelanda ed

Sempre Hager intervistò i responsabili del GCHQ [Government
Headquarters] di Londra. Il GCHQ ammise l'intercettazione di tre entità
morali, comprese Amnesty International ed Christian Aid. "In qualsiasi
momento si possono verificare le loro comunicazioni, sulla base di una
semplice richiesta di informazioni".

Il Sunday Times (11 Maggio del 1998) dettaglia che presso la stazione di
Menwith Hill (stazione della NSA numero F83) nel North Yorkshire, si
compito di intercettare tutte le comunicazioni ordinarie commerciali.
impiegati passarono quindi da 400 (negli anni ottanta) a più di 1400 (ai
quali vanno aggiunti 370 di altra impresa che lì lavora).

Lo stesso Sunday racconta del fatto che la Thompson-CSF, compagnia
elettronica francese, ha perso 1,4 miliardi di dollari per fornire
radar al Brasile, dal momento che i nordamericani intercettarono i
delle negoziazioni e passarono l'informazione alla compagnia
Raytheon, che vinse quindi il contratto di fornitura.

O ancora, quando nel 1990 il colosso nordamericano della telefonia, la
AT&T, concorreva ad una gara d’appalto contro la giapponese NEC, per la
fornitura di strutture di telecomunicazioni all’Indonesia. Gli USA
le trattative e l’appalto fu vinto dalla AT&T ed oggi, così, le
telefoniche nazionali ed internazionali a Jakarta sono nordamericane.

Nicky Hager si è offerto di venire a parlare di Echelon, ma anche dei
legami tra sicurezza e potere. Nel suo più recente libro, pubblicato
scorso (solamente a maggio di quest'anno negli USA) espone poi le
utilizzate dalle compagnie di pubbliche relazioni (per conto delle
multinazionali) per danneggiare le campagne di pubblico interesse (e
possono fare i movimenti per contrarrestare queste tattiche).


ANTIMPERIALISTA (indicativamente dal 23 luglio fino al 14 agosto).

ale.ramon@..., campo2000@..., allo 0349-3650834 o ancora
allo 030-2190006


Comitato Internazionalista Arco Iris
(parte integrante del Comitato Promotore del Campo Antimperialista)

| Assisi 30 Luglio - 6 Agosto |
| Da Seattle a San Vicente, |
| la ribellione contro l'impero dell'ingiustizia avanza! |
| info: ale.ramon@... |



From: Herman de Tollenaere <hermantl@...>
To: office@...
Subject: Balkan peace actions The Netherlands
Date: Mon, 19 Jun 2000 18:48:03 +0200

Balkan peace actions The Netherlands, July 2000:

Saturday 1 July, The Hague, buurthuis [community center] Boerenplein,
Mandelaplein, 19 u.30: public meeting of committee NATO No. Author
Collon speaks and shows his video on the bombing of Yugoslavia. One can
to the venue with tramway 11 or 12 from the railway station.

Thursday 6 July, 12 u.30, Amsterdam, Courthouse [Paleis van Justitie],
Prinsengracht 434: verdict in the public court case of Yugoslav war
against Dutch government ministers Kok, Van Aartsen en De Grave [time
provisional; court may need more time]. The courthouse is not far from
stop Leidseplein.

Thursday 6 July, 20 u., Utrecht, Oudegracht 36: meeting. Discussion and
information for public and press on why people oppose the
This is a trade fair/exhibition aimed at young people. Main exhibitors
the Dutch military, aiming to get teenagers into the Dutch army,
police, and Marines. The propaganda slogan of the armed forces is:
a nanny; but differently." People killed or wounded by NATO armed forces
the Balkans and elsewhere might differ. So, during the whole
visitors will get counter information to the official propaganda.

Saturday 8 - Sunday 16 July Utrecht, Jaarbeurs: actions against the
Megafestatie. Starting every day at 12 o'clock.
Saturday 8 July: demonstrators will gather at Smakkelaarsveld [Central
Station side, opposite to Jaarbeurs]
Sunday 9 July: demonstrators will gather at entrance of Jaarbeurs
Monday 10 July: demonstrators will gather at Central Station exit,
escalators, Jaarbeursplein

More info on the actions at e-mail address: onkruit@...

On Tuesday 11 July in Den Bosch ['s Hertogenbosch; The Netherlands],
peace activists will be on trial for opposing NATO bombs during the 1999
war against Yugoslavia. They cut perimeter barbed wire of Volkel
air base, where F16 aircraft then took off for Kosovo. In all
[the public may not know], there are also still US nuclear bombs at
air base.

The case starts Tuesday 11 July , 13.30 o'clock at the "Gerechtshof
house]", Leeghwaterlaan 8 in Den Bosch, near the back entrance of Den
central railway station. The court case is public. So, other peace
activists are welcome.

Before the case starts, at 13 o'clock, here peace activists will gather.

More info on the case at e-mail address: onkruit@...

Please pass this info on to others.

Best wishes,

Herman de Tollenaere



Subject: Urgent
Date: Sat, 24 Jun 2000 13:42:41 PDT
From: "Dragan Pavlovic"

Dear friends,

Would you please find, retype, scan, put on the Web chapter 5 of the

Franz Neumann: Behemouth, Structure and Praxis of National - Socialism
- 1944, Oxford University Press, 1942; 1944.

We live in an interesting but unsecure time. The times were of course
secure enough, but twice in Europe insecurity reached the point of no
return. Neither social scientist and even less politicians were able to
recognize when the critical point was too close. We are not in better
position today either.

You are the people who are probably as anxious as I am that the point of
return may be very close and are trying, as much as you can, prevent the
worst happen.

In the forties the book was published describing international politics
Germany. Many of you must have read it. Those who have not, if by any
read it today would think it to be of much recant date, a parody written
some "crazy" opponent of Western (NATO) ideology. That excellent book
unfortunately, no parody, as the time we live is not. It was real and is

Franz Neumann: Behemouth, Structure and Praxis of National - Socialism
- 1944, Oxford University Press, 1942; 1944. It was translated later in
German, may be in French, I do not know.

If you would get it, reed it, republish it, and put it on the Web.
Particularly Chapter 5. Write an essay on it, or make your students do
(if you are social scientist, what I am not, and my students neither).
them understand what is happening today. It may help. Please.

Dragan Pavlovic

e-mail: crj@... - URL:


"La capacita' critica e' la maggiore delle necessita' umane. Sapere,
conoscere, e' il primo dei diritti e il primo dovere dell'essere umano,
verso se stesso e verso gli altri. Vivere senza sapere e' condannarsi a
essere vittima, a vivere come una paglia al vento o a commettere atroci
errori di giudizio. Dal sapere o non sapere dipende se la vita fa di noi
un eroe, un criminale o una vittima."

Filippo Gaia,
dall'introduzione a "Il Secolo Corto", Maquis editore, Milano 1994

e-mail: crj@... - URL:

* Verso un "nuovo Kosovo"... (Sabac Online)
* Armi USA per l'UCK (Tanjug / Emperors Clothes)
* 1995-1997: "preistoria" delle forniture di armi all'UCK... (BTA,
Albanian Daily News)
* Il terrorismo ceceno ha radici in Kosovo? (Albanian Daily News)
* BALKAN - ALBANIA - KOSOVO - HEROIN - JIHAD (Center for Peace in the
* Sui piani di stanziamento permanente USA in Kosovo (LA Times, Le
Figaro, SerbiaInfo)
* Un articolo sull'UCK da Foreign Affairs (link)



Text: Nick Arvanites , expert for geopolitics
© Sabac OnLine, June 2000.

It started with the "ethnic cleansing" of the Kosovo Albanians[1], but
one year after the entry of peacekeeping forces into
Kosovo, the tables have turned.

The KFOR peace force entered Kosovo on the 13th of June 1999 with the
aim of guaranteeing peace and security to all the
citizens of the Serbian southern province with the support of the UN
civil authority as well as a number of humanitarian
and non-government organizations[2]. Since then over 180,000 Serbs and
other non-Albanians have fled or have been
driven out of the province, 3,688 terrorist attacks have been
perpetrated, 739 people have been killed, 611 injured, 688
kidnapped and over 70 Serbian Orthodox churches and monasteries
destroyed or damaged. According to journalistic data
the majority of Kosovo's towns have been all but cleansed of Serbs.

About 2,500 Serbs have remained in Orahovac and Velika Hoca, while from
the village of Brecja near Kosovo Polje, across
Drenica and Metohija to the Albanian border not more than a few tens of
Serbs remain. Around a hundred Serbian families
have remained in Prizren, six old women have found shelter in the
Djakovica church, and two women in the Pec
Patriarchy. A larger number of Serbs, about 100,000 have remained in the
Kosovo basin, the Morava valley of Kosovo and
in Sririnik region of the Sar mountains.[3]

Obviously, the state of affairs in Kosovo after the arrival of
peacekeeping forces has been deteriorating constantly. Some
of the UN representatives also think that there are no positive trends
in this region. For example, the German paper,
BERLINER ZEITUNG, quotes an active UN representative in Kosmet, Tom
Kenings, who says that "the murders of
Serbs and Romas have not stopped there" and concludes that "the idea of
the creation of multiethnic Kosovo has dismally

Some[5] believe that Kenings' statements contradict statements issuing
from NATO's military and political leadership,
that the Alliance is presently the only credible and effective force for
the containment of conflict anywhere in the world
especially when having in mind that, as a the result of the same NATO
policy, the Albanian authorities in the region are
caving in under the pressure from the criminal clans of Hasim Taci and
other KLA leaders who receive extra profit from
narcobusiness and the arms trade.

Four months after the bombardment of Yugoslavia, secret documents,
signed by the general secretary of NATO, Javier
Solana, were leaked. These documents analyze the manner in which the KLA
is financed and comment on its Mafia
connections and the routes by which arms reach Kosovo. All NATO members
were familiar with the contents of the
documents dated 10.02.1999[6]. However, this did not stop them from
launching the air-campaign against Yugoslavia
only 45 days later.

According to the precise, secret data in the document, the KLA received
arms and financial support from the Albanian
Diaspora and different criminal groups. Traffic in narcotics provides
the basic part of income. A significant role is played
by the Mafia from Croatia, consisting of Croats who left Kosovo from
1989 to 1990. It controls the drugs traffic in
Zagreb and gives economic support to the KLA. The routes along which
arms travel to Kosovo are the same ones used by
humanitarian organizations, and arms are hidden in the same trucks
carrying food and medicine. Besides some
internationally known humanitarian organizations, this is true of
Albanian humanitarian organizations such as "Help for
Kosovo" with central offices in Tirana. According to a further NATO
report the largest help to the KLA comes from
Europe, but also from North America and the Middle East. The arms routes
go through Bosnia, Italy, Croatia, Macedonia
and Montenegro. The countries from which the KLA has bought arms are:
Rumania, Ukraine, Bulgaria, Turkey, Cyprus,
China, Israel, Bosnia, Croatia, South Africa and Switzerland. The
center of economic operations is in Switzerland and the
money is transferred further via banks. Bosnia has become the center of
arms trade due to its special position . After the
war in Croatia and Bosnia a large quantity of arms has remained there,
while SFOR "... allows smugglers freedom of
movement...". In one part, the report suggests measures to be used to
prevent the arms trade, arms delivery and financial
support to the KLA, but in the same breath it continues: "these measures
should be taken if this is the result we require".

The Kosmet "gray zone" which is more and more in the state of collapse,
due to the lack of infrastructure, political
corruption, the international community's lack of success and the loss
of legitimacy and control over certain factions, has
become the resort of criminal syndicates and terrorist groups which are
the centers of local power and money acquired
through smuggling, the development of low and middle level narcobusiness
and other illegal activities[7]. At the same
time a part of the KLA incorporates in the Albanian narcomafia[8] from
the harbor of Valona to Drac, the old training
centers of the KLA in northern Albania in Kukes, in Tropoja to the
Adriatic with transit zones through Prokletije or via
the Skadar lake channel. At the local level, former KLA structures aim
to create an ethnically cleansed Kosmet with the
forms of government of the Sicilian, Albanian or Colombian type, where
the Mafia controls local and other policies
primarily through influencing local administration and the management
of large firms, and by infiltrating the local
police and the UN and KFOR structures, primarily by means of supplying
luxury goods, drugs and prostitution[9].

More than 10,000 prostitutes are thought to be working in Kosmet,
recruited from Kosmet, Albania, Macedonia,
Bulgaria and the interior of Serbia and Montenegro with a calculated
profit of 600 to 700 million marks a year[10].
Counterfeit money and documents originating from Kosmet are also
expected to appear. It is clear that this is a highly
criminalized corner of southeast Europe, the potential victims of which
could also be the KFOR mission and the total
UN presence in Kosmet. The power of money can be used to bribe
influential individuals from the UN, OSCE, EU and
NATO administration.

According to the statements of OSCE mission co-workers in Kosovo, the
takeover of one of the largest energy
complexes, OBILIC, by the Kosmet Albanians the Thaci clan has secured
another source of riches. At this moment the
power station produces at least 700mWATTs of electrical energy, but only
150mWATTs reach the consumers. This
means that the rest of the energy is illegally exported to Macedonia,
Albania and possibly to Serbia, and the income thus
gained ends up in the pockets of the Thaci family. According to the UN
experts, this source of income is second in
importance after drugs trafficking but the present administration cannot
halt it due to an apparent lack of evidence. In the
UN and OSCE mission some believe that the UN mission chief Bernard
Koucner takes his cut of this profit, via Thaci.
Such rumors were be heard in Kosmet particularly after the release of
Thaci's brother who had been arrested at the
beginning of January this year because of illegal possession of arms and
released only a couple of hours later, following
the personal intervention of Kouchner[11].

Thus the Thaci clan and their associates can expand their influence on
political developments, the organization of local
government and the police, the distribution of humanitarian aid and the
expansion of crime while, at the same time,
carrying out terrorist acts against the non-Albanian population, thus
forcing them to flee the province. There are
additional indications that the KLA is preparing for the physical
liquidation of persons on the KLA lists[12]. Those
targeted would be politicians, journalists, members of the Yugoslav Army
and Police force, undesirable for the KLA but
also for the "underground diplomacy" of Albania and some countries of
the KFOR mission. Taci's intention seems to be to
launch terrorism within Serbia proper, everywhere where Albanians live,
primarily in Bujanovac, Presevo and Medvedja
where Albanians constitute a significant presence[13]. The resistance of
the Albanian village militias is also to be
expected, since they are against KLA plundering and enforcement of their
will in ethnically pure Albanian environments.
In this context the possibility of activating a part of the KLA in
Macedonia should not be excluded, and this would be
within "Brigade KLA 121"[14].

However, the Albanian "civil option" in Kosmet and other ordinary
citizens have reacted against the Thaci clan on a
number of occasions, some of them even say that "it was better at the
time of Serbs"[15], but those political players have
no room for maneuver at present. They are awaiting another phase with a
clearer form of KLA transformation and
probably a more stable picture of political actors in Belgrade who have
to understand that the solution exists only from
inside, and not outside, and that it is high time speeches about
Kosmet's and country's fate were delivered inside the
Serbian territory rather than in neighboring countries or luxurious
offices and hotels in abroad.

Nick Arvanites,
May, 2000.
© Saba c OnLine

[1] Raport mbi shkeljen e të drejtave e të lirive të njeriut në Kosovë
gjatë vitit 1999: DHUNA E TERRORI I

[2] Joska Fiser, Kosovo: Izazovi i Sanse, autorski tekst za BLIC,
24/3/2000- Ambassador Alexander Vershbow , European Security Post-Kosovo
Oxford's Konigswinter Conference 23/3/2000.

[3] Crucified Kosovo, Destroyed and Desecrated Serbian Orthodox Churches
in Kosovo and Metohia (June-October 1999), Media and Publishing
Center of Raska and Prizren Orthodox Eparchy- Zoran Andjelkovic, Days of
Terror,Center for Peace and Tolerance, Belgrade 2000-Teroristicki
Akti Albanskih Teroristickih Grupa na Kosovu i Metohiji, Dokumenta i
Dokazi 1/1/1998-10/6/1999, III&IV, SMIP, Beograd, Mart 2000- Sefko
Alomerovic, Postoje li Logori na Kosovu?, AIM, 31/3/2000- Gordana
Janicijevic, Otimaju Bebe, Zene, Starce, DUGA, No 1736Natasa Kandic, The
Lesson of Orahovac: The International Administration in KosovoEncourages
Violence Against Serbs, HLC Belgrade- Human Rights Watch, FRY:
Abuses Against Serbs and Roma in the New Kosovo, August 1999, Vol. 11,
No 10 (D)

[4] 18/1/2000

[5] N.D.A. Arvanites, Geopolitika i Balkan: Organizovani Kriminal i Novi
Svetski Poredak na Kosovu, BACL, Beograd 2000, p. 41-44

[6] IMS Assesment of UCK Arms Trafficking from Secretary General to
Permanent Representatives (Council) & Head of Mission of the Three
Invited Countries, SG (99) 0170, 10 February 1999- RIZOSPASTIS, 22
August 1999- STRATFOR Special Report, Kosovo: One Year Later,
3/3/2000- DUGA, Tajno Pismo Clanicama o Ilegalnom Naoruzavanju OVK,
No1721- N.D.A. Arvanites, Geopolitika i Balkan: Organizovani Kriminal
i Novi Svetski Poredak na Kosovu, BACL, Beograd 2000,p. 19-22, 29-32,

[7]Budimir Babovic, Iz Dosijea Interpola, Beograd 1991- Kosovo: Zona
bez Zakona, DANAS, 23/2/2000- Barry James, War Zone Turns to
Crime:Kosovo and Albania Are Cited for Lawlessness, International
Herald Tribune, 15/3/2000-Nikolaj Chavdarov, Kosovo Narco-Mafia Invading
Bulgaria, Sega, Sofia- Maggie O'Kane, Kosovo Drug Mafia Supply Heroin to
Europe, The Guardian, 13/3/2000- Imer Mushkolaj, KOSOVO DRUG
THREAT:Albanian drug dealers and traffickers are flourishing in post-war
Kosovo, IWPR'S BALKAN CRISIS REPORT, NO. 142, 23/5/2000

[8] Goran Draskovic, Osnovni Pravci Medjnarodnog Tranzita Opojnih Droga-
Ozivljavanje Balkanskog Puta in SPRECAVANJE ZLOUPOTREBE
DROGA, Srpsko Udruzenje Za Krivicno Pravo, 1999, p.123-131

[9] What Happened to the KLA?, International Crisis Group Reports,

[10] Transfer Devojaka sa Istoka na Zapad, DANAS 18/2/2000- Mlade
Albanke Belo Roblje, GLAS, 18/3/2000- NATO Forces spur Kosovo
Prostitution Boom, AFP, 5/1/2000- Frances Kennedy, Albanians Redraw
Italy's Crime Map, The Independent, 20/2/2000-James Pringle, Sex Slave
Trade Thrives Among Kosovo Troops, The Times, 5/2/2000-Nightclub
shame,24/2/2000, TIMES- FEATURES- Imer Mushkolaj and Mentor
Shala, A Prostitutes Call: We Will Take Over Kosovo, IWPR, No 101,

[11] Kosovo rebuilds among ruins of thewar that never ends, THE SUNDAY
TIMES, 19/5/2000- Kouchner and Reinhardt pronounce Thaci
untouchable, AFP, 22/1/2000- Vladimir Milovanovic, Kosovska Privreda:
Vlasnistvo Kusnera, VREME, 13/5/2000- on the field reports and
interviews in Kosovo

[12] Radivoje Petrovic, Likcidacije Medju Albanskim Teroristima,
POLITIKA, 11/5/2000- Granit Guri, Elimination of Former KLA Commanders:
File", AIM , 18/5/ 2000

[13] Baton Haxhiu, Pse nuk mund te perseritet UCK-ja?: Pse dallojne
Kosova Lindore dhe Kosova. Ideja per t'i pershtaturPresheves, Bujanocit
Medvegjes variantin e Kosoves eshte aq errezikshme sa mund te kete
pasoja te renda per Kosoven dhe per politiken nderkombetare karshi ketij
problemi, Revista Klan, Nr 150- Fehim Rexhepi, Presevo, Boujanovac,
Medvedja:Moguca Tacka Sukoba?, AIM,5/2/2000- Vukasin Obradovic, Sta
se Zbiva na Jugu Srbije?, AIM, 4/3/2000- Milorad Pavlovic, Presevo i
Bujanovac ili Prica o Najavi Vrelog Proleca, DUGA, No 1737

[14]Slucaj Aracinovo: Stranskite paruznavaci predupreduvat na "proletno
scenario", START, No 53, 28/1/2000.D.A. Arvanites, Geopolitika i Balkan:
Organizovani Kriminal i Novi Svetski Poredak na Kosovu, BACL, Beograd
2000,p. 23-27, 33-36, 37-39, 45-46, 49-51

[15]Zijadin Gashi, Rugova Pridobija Birace Cuteci, Thaci obustavlja
Kritike, AIM, 30/1/2000- Lj. Staletovic, Zajednicki Zivot Uslov
GLAS, 18/3/2000-Srpsko-Albanski Dijalog, Helsniski Odbor za Ljudska
Prava u Srbiji, I, Beograd 1997/ II, Beograd 1999




U.S Arms 3,500 Albanian Terrorists

By the Yugoslav press agency, Tanjug
With extensive comments by Jared Israel (05/0500)

The following is based on an article from Tanjug (pronounced tanyug),
press service of the Yugoslav government. Given the admittedly partisan
source some might be inclined to poo-poo the charges made here, so I
some quotes from pro-NATO media. These and my own analysis suggest that,
anything, Tanjug understates its case, sparing us some of the more
unbelievable details.

TANJUG: The US administration recently secretly armed more than 3.500
Albanian extremists who are acting under the wing of the Kosovo
Corps (KPC). The US government has continually supplied Albanian
in Kosovo-Metohija with arms since the arrival of the UN Peace Mission
the southern Serbian province, in spite of verbal public condemnations
terrorism, and unknown to its allies in KFOR.
Jared comments: In Why is the KLA shooting at KFOR? we noted that recent
fighting between the Kosovo Liberation Army and French troops in
Kosovo (Mitrovica) was really a proxy war between the US and France.
during that fighting, French troops seized a KLA ambulance stuffed with,
kid you not, "14 anti-tank rocket launchers, more than 180
grenades, and more than 3,000 cartridges for guns, (Bergen County
2-16-00) and "including a US-made 'street sweeper' grenade launcher..."
(AFP, 2-15-00)

Got that? Pretty amazing?

Here's more amazing. Gen. Shelton, boss of the Joint Chiefs of Staff,
immediately held a press conference commenting on the ambulance. Why
would a
big-shot like him comment on an incident like that? But OK, did he at
denounce the KLA for violating the UN agreement under which NATO tries
justify its occupation of Kosovo? Did he chastise the KLA for planning
slaughter even more local people and now French troops as well? No sir,
talked about the difficulties of preventing arms smuggling from Serbia.

>From Serbia?

The ambulance was seized as it was being driven north towards not away
inner Serbia. And these were US-made weapons stashed inside, and this
was a
KLA ambulance.

So what was the point of Shelton's statement? I think the intention was
clear. By first taking the unheard of step of commenting on a minor
incident, and then pointing the finger at Yugoslavia instead of the KLA,
Shelton was affirming, at the highest level, that the US government
supported the KLA arms buildup. What reason do we have to doubt that the
also covertly supplies the KLA with weapons? The only question is: why
the US equip only 3500 terrorists? has the CIA gotten cheap?

Back to TANJUG: The Kosovo Protection Corps, officially formed Sept 20,
as a civilian actually the so-called Kosovo Liberation
(KLA) extreme grouping of Albanian separatists but repackaged in a
manner that NATO experts hope will be acceptable to the international
public, that is, in a manner that creates the illusion of respecting
Resolution 1244 of the UN Security Council.

Jared comments: The Kosovo Protection Corps is openly run by the same
who led the KLA. It's a name change. The KPC remains a racist, crazy,
terrorist-gangster organization. Just read the following mind boggling
account from the Albanian Daily News of 4-19-00. If I were editing the
Albanian Daily News, I would have called the story:


Forgive me but I peppered the Daily News text with comments, in
Here's the story:

"United Nations police have detained a suspect in the murder of a
high-ranking officer of the Kosovo Protection Force (KPC), spokesman
Johnson said Tuesday... They are also searching for another man
suspected of
involvement in the slaying in central Pristina Monday of Besim Mala, a
former commander of the separatist Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA)...gunned
down in broad daylight in a restaurant in what was thought to be a
dispute, Johnson said.

The suspect was detained several hours later. The killing was condemned
the commander of the KPC, General Agim Ceku who described it as an
attack on
the "freedom and future of Kosovo."

[Jared's note: Ceku is a former (?) KLA top leader, that is, war
He has also been charged with war crimes for his role five years ago
lead the slaughter and expulsion of over 200,000 Serbian residents of
Krajina section of what is now Croatias. It is clear from Ceku's remark
about the murder being "an attack on the 'freedom and future of
that this killing resulted from a leadership fight within the KPC. These
guys conduct elections in the style of Al Capone: "Bang! Youse guys is
My guys is elected!"]

The KPC is a civil emergency organization formed out of the
KLA. [Jared's note: Demilitarized? This is nightmare-comedy. Read on...]

Johnson said UN police had also released a man held late Monday in
connection with another attack in central Prishtina just a few hundred
meters from the restaurant where Mala was shot. The man had been
detained by
KFOR peacekeeping troops at a vehicle checkpoint for having two rocket
warheads in his car shortly after unidentified attackers fired a
rocket-propelled grenade into a building in the city center. The blast
injured two ethnic Albanians but was thought to have been targeted at a
neighboring apartment occupied by Serbian journalists, Johnson said. He
[Johnson] said the explosive had apparently been fired from a rocket
launcher from a nearby rooftop. The firing tube was found some 200
from the rooftop, Johnson said.

The detainee was released after explosives experts established the
he was carrying were of a different type to the one used in the attack.
[Jared's note: Is any comment necessary?]

Back to TANJUG: Since the arrival of KFOR in Kosovo-Metohija, members of
"Kosovo Protection Corps" have brutally liquidated more than 1.000
Jared comments: KFOR, Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International,
Kosovapress, and the Internatioanl Crisis Group, who are to different
degrees either NATO or pro-NATO, have each admitted the KLA/KPC killed
hundreds of people in Kosovo. There is no question that, in NATO's
these groups have understated the numbers murdered.

The Orthodox Church, the Pristina Center for Tolerance and the Yugoslav
government have documented hundreds more deaths. Aside from that, many
been kidnapped and may be dead. In any case, the most important point is
the exact number of murders - which probably exceed 1000 - but the
Over 300,000 people have been driven from Kosovo. This includes most
Slavic Muslims, about 150,000 non-KLA Albanians and tens of thousands of
Roma ("Gypsies"). They did not leave out of fear of NATO bombs and they
not leave in order to make a political statement, to make the KLA look
They left because of the following:

"Murder, torture and extortion: these are the extraordinary charges made
against the UN's own Kosovo Protection Corps in a confidential United
Nations report written for Secretary-General Kofi Annan.

The KPC stands accused in the document, drawn up on 29 February, of
'criminal activities - killings, ill-treatment/torture, illegal
abuse of authority, intimidation, breaches of political neutrality and

The 5,000-strong corps, funded by UN members including Britain, has a
million aid budget for Kosovo. It was set up to provide 'disaster
services'; instead, says the UN, it has been murdering and torturing
people." (From London Observer, 3/12/00 quoted in How will you plead at
trial, Mr.Annan?)
In other words, the cause of the huge exodus is gangsterism and racist
terror. As you may recall, NATO said it was taking over Kosovo in order
produce racial harmony. So what is NATo's reaction to the destruction of
multietnic life in Kosovo, to the transformation of Kosovo into a
of fascist gangsterism? Here is the answer from the outgoing NATO
in Kosovo, Gen. Wesley Clark:

"On Monday, he visited Kosovo and said there was an 'increasing sense of
security, the indicators of recovery from strong-arm ethnic cleansing
even some first budding signs of willingness to tolerate ethnic
and cooperate among ethnic groups.'"
TANJUG: The Corps comprises 5.000 men and is under the direct command of
the keeping with the policy of the UN Secretary-General's special
envoy... Bernard Kouchner of France.

The fact that US Secretary of State Madeleine Albright recently ordered
Hague Tribunal Chief Prosecutor, Carla Del Ponte, to strike leader
Thaci (of the officially disbanded terrorist KLA) from the list of
indicted for war crimes, is perhaps the best confirmation that Albanian
extremists are in fact favorites and protégés of the US administration.

Jared comments: Maybe the Thaci cover-up is the best evidence that the
murderous KLA racists are US administration proteges. But it's as we
seen, it is not the only evidence.

Let me close with a quote from an op ed article in the NY Times by
Clinton. It is inconceivable that when Clinton wrote this op ed piece
May he was unaware of the nature of the KLA, which US covert agencies
helped to create and for whom the US had been the key sponsor at least
the Verification Teams went to Kosovo in the Fall of 1998. He understood
nature of the monster the US had chosen as its proxy force; he knew the
KLA's dreams:

"He, like many KLA officers, says openly that he dreams of a Kosovo
Serbs." (Description of KLA death squad commander "The Teacher", Agence
France Presse, August 19, 1999, quoted in The roots of Kosovo fascism by
George Thompson.)
Knowing what the KLA was, knowing what NATO and therefore KLA domination
Kosovo would mean, Clinton wrote:

"Freedom, respect for minority rights, and prosperity are powerful
for progress. They give people goals to work for; they elevate hope over
fear and tomorrow over yesterday." (Clinton, op-ed editorial, NY Times,
23, 1999)
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JUNE 16, 1995
The case of the so-called "Albanian deal" will be
tried within a month, "Standart News" writes citing Military
Prosecutor Colonel Mityu Markov. The question is about a
consignment of the Bulgarian Defence Ministry that
consisted of 100 mine-throwers, 10, 000 mines and 250
sniper rifles totalling 670, 000 US dollars which disappeared
in Macedonia on its way to Albania. It is not clear how the
carrier Mario Stoichkov, who in on the Interpol wanted list,
can be made to appear in court, the paper writes. The same
paper writes that eleven days ago Ivan M., a military
intelligence officer who was in charge of was reported
missing foreign currency remittances at the department, was
reported missing.
Albanian Daily News
June 9, 2000

Over 500,000 Albanian Guns Unaccounted For

TIRANA - More than half a million guns looted during
Albania’s civil uprising in 1997 are still at large
despite the government’s efforts to retrieve them, the
Interior Ministry said on Thursday.

Minister Spartak Poci said one fifth - or 117,488 guns
- of the 650,000 plundered from army depots have been
collected over the past three years, as well as 84
million bullets from an arsenal of over 1.5 billion.

“A part of the stolen guns has left the country, but
we don’t know how much,” Poci told reporters. The bulk
is thought to have been trafficked to neighbouring
Kosovo to help ethnic Albanian Kosovo Liberation Army
guerrillas fight for independence from Belgrade in a
conflict that ended last year.

The 1997 Albanian uprising was sparked by the collapse
of corrupt pyramid investment schemes and lasted
several months. Angry mobs looted army barracks in an
effort to destroy everything related with the state.

Last month the police found in a village in the Lezha
district 19 air-to-air missiles, type P2. The missiles
were in working order and were returned to the nearby
Gjader military air base. Police said 20 missiles had
been stolen from the base in 1997. Only one has not
been found yet.

The government has recently been consistent in its
firm commitment to the disarmament process, but
despite two years of work, the number of weapons and
ammunition collected accounts for no more than 20
percent of those looted. The police has also seized 52
tonnes of TNT, only a small fraction of the explosives

The government decided earlier this year to create a
500 strong police force to deal specifically with the
disarmament process.

Disarmament campaign “Development instead of Weapons”
is being extended to several districts of Albania
following the success of the Gramsh pilot project. The
United Nations Development Programme, and other
international organisations sponsoring disarming
projects, have pledged to provide investments for the
restructuring of infrastructure and creation of jobs
in return of arms surrender.


Albanian Daily News
June 6, 2000

Russian General Says Terrorism in Chechnya Has Roots
in Kosovo

MOSCOW - The terrorism which Russia is fighting in
Chechnya has some roots in Kosovo, the commander of
Russia’s airborne troops General Georgy Shpak claimed
in a newspaper report published Monday.
In an interview with the daily Vremya Novostei, the
officer discussed Russia’s role in the KFOR
international peacekeeping effort in Kosovo.
“The presence of the Russians is indispensable in this
hot spot of Europe, where we have political and
economic interests and our ancient traditions,” he
“Apart from that, the terrorism against which we are
fighting in Chechnya has certain roots in Kosovo,”
Shpak added, without elaborating.
Terrorism is the official Moscow terminology for the
activities of Chechen separatist fighters.
General Valery Manilov, number two in the military
hierarchy, threatened last month to withdraw Russian
forces from KFOR if Yugoslavia’s integrity was
threatened. Some 3,600 Russian troops serve with KFOR,
which has a multinational total of 40,000 under NATO
Russian and German soldiers with KFOR came under
anti-tank, machine gun and automatic fire last week in
the latest in a series of incidents. Russian soldiers
are frequent targets of Kosovar Albanians who believe
the Russians support the Serbian ruling power in


The Centre for Peace in the Balkans
Research Analysis
May 2000
The biggest paradox in the international war on drugs is connected to
the Balkans and the explosion of terrorist activities in that troubled
area. However, it relates less to drugs and arms and more to the major
participants in this deadly game.
Terrorist organizations at the top of America's most wanted list are
receiving tacit support in the Balkans from the Clinton administration.
The "most wanted" terrorist in the world today, Osama bin Laden, who
declared a "fatwa" against the US, is being abetted by the Clinton
doctrine. In the Balkans, we are witnessing a true paradox where several
mortal enemies - Iranian revolutionary guards, Osama bin Laden and the
CIA - are standing shoulder to shoulder while pursuing diametrically
opposite goals.
Drugs Finance Terrorism
Earlier reporting has confirmed that terrorism in the Balkans has been
primarily financed through narcotics trafficking. Heroin - worth 12
times its weight in gold - is by far the most profitable commodity on
the markets. A kilogram of heroin, worth $1,000 in Thailand, wholesales
for $110,000 in Canada with a street value of $800,000.
In fact, heroin trafficking has become so beneficial to the cause of
Albanian separatism that the predominantly Albanian-inhabited towns of
Veliki Trnovac and Blastica in Serbia, Vratnica and Gostivar in FYR
Macedonia, and Shkoder and Durres in Albania have become known as the
"new Medellins" of the Balkans. Via the Balkan Route, heroin travels
through Turkey, FYR Macedonia, Kosovo and Albania en route to western
European markets. The value of the heroin shipped is $400-billion (US) a
year. As early as 1996, the US Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) detailed
the Balkan Route in its annual report. In 1998, the DEA stated that
Kosovo Albanians had become the second most important traffickers on the
Balkan Route.
These predominantly Albanian drug barons from Kosovo ship heroin
exclusively from Asia's Golden Crescent, an apparently inexhaustible
source. At one end of the crescent lies Afghanistan, which in 1999
surpassed Burma as the world's largest producer of opium poppies. From
there, the heroin base passes through Iran to Turkey, where it is
refined, and then placed into the hands of the Albanians who operate out
of the lawless towns bordering FYR Macedonia, Albania, and Serbia.
According to the US State Department, four to six tons of heroin move
through Turkey every month.
"Not very much is stopped", says one official. "We get just a fraction
of the total". Not surprisingly, the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) has
flourished along the route. Its dependence on the drug lords is
difficult to prove, but the evidence is impossible to overlook.
In 1998, German Federal Police froze two bank accounts belonging to the
"United Kosova" organization at a Dusseldorf bank after it was
discovered that several hundred thousand dollars had been deposited into
those accounts by a convicted Kosovo Albanian drug trafficker. According
to at least one published report, Bujar Bukoshi, Prime Minister of the
"Kosova" Government in Exile, also allegedly controlled the accounts.
In early 1999 an Italian court in Brindisi convicted an Albanian heroin
trafficker named Amarildo Vrioni, who admitted obtaining weapons for the
KLA from the Mafia in exchange for drugs.
Last February 23, Czech police arrested Princ Dobroshi, the head of an
Albanian Kosovo drug gang. While searching his apartment, they
discovered evidence that he had placed orders for light infantry weapons
and rocket systems. No one had questioned what a small-time dealer would
be doing with rockets. Only later did Czech police reveal he was
shipping them to the KLA. The Czechs extradited Dobroshi to Norway where
he had escaped from prison in 1997 while serving a 14-year sentence for
heroin trafficking.
It's therefore not surprising, say European law enforcement officials,
that the faction that ultimately seized power in Kosovo -- the KLA under
Hashim Thaci -- was the group that maintained the closest links to
In its report about the KLA and heroin smuggling, the Montreal Gazette
wrote: "...Michael Levine, a 25-year veteran of the DEA (US Drug
Enforcement Agency) who left in 1990, said he believes there is no
question that US intelligence knew about the KLA's drug ties. "They (the
CIA) protected them (the KLA) in every way they could. As long as the
CIA is protecting the KLA, you've got major drug pipelines protected
from any police investigation", said Levine, who teaches undercover
tactics and informer handling to US and Canadian police forces,
including the RCMP. "The evidence is irrefutable," he said, explaining
that his information comes from "sources inside the DEA".
The Albanian Medellin connection is particularly strong in Italy where
it is operating in conjunction with the "Sacra Corona Unita," or the
fourth mafia. The group controls the drug trade in the regions of
Brindisi, Lecce and Taranto.
The tentacles of the Albanian mafia stretch across Europe. According to
Interpol, Albanian-speaking drug dealers accounted for 14% of those
arrested for heroin smuggling in 1997. While the average trafficker was
apprehended with two grams of heroin, the Albanians had an average of
120 grams in their possession. Scandinavian countries claim that
Albanians control 80% of the heroin market there. Switzerland says 90%
of the drug trafficking in that country is connected to Albanians.
German law enforcement agencies claim that Albanians form the largest
group involved in heroin trafficking.
German Federal Police now say that Kosovo Albanians import 80 percent of
Europe's heroin. So dominant is the Kosovo Albanian presence in
trafficking that many European users refer to illicit drugs in general
as "Albanka", or Albanian lady.
Terrorism, Spies and Albanians
Osama bin Laden's activities in Albania are well known and documented.
The presence of his network in that country is so powerful that US
Defence Secretary William Cohen cancelled a scheduled visit last July
out of fear of being assassinated.
The Albanian national security organization SHIK confirmed that plans
exist to target US objects in Albania. SHIK is the offspring of the
notorious communist security apparatus the "Sigurimi." The former head
of the Sigurimi, Irakli Kocollari, is advisor to the current head of
SHIK, Fatos Klosi. In 1997 the CIA sent a team of experts to modernize
and reorganize SHIK. The other major patron of SHIK is the German
intelligence agency Bundensnachrichtendienst (BND) which opened one of
its largest stations in Tirana. A review of BND personnel is revealing.
While the terrorist Albanian organization Ushtria Clirimtare e Kosove -
UCK (KLA) was being formed, the BND was headed by Hansjorg Geiger whose
deputy was Rainer Kesselring, the son of the Luftwaffe general who
bombed Belgrade during the Second World War.
Mr. Kesselring was given the job of training KLA terrorists at a Turkish
base near Izmir where he was head of the BND station in 1978. French
sources confirmed that members of the German commando unit, Kommando
Spezialkrafte (KSK), participated in the KLA training program. Gen.
Klaus Neumann, the outgoing head of NATO's occupational forces in Kosovo
and Metohija, formed the German commando unit.
The relationship between the CIA and SHIK is one of master and servant.
At the CIA's "request" last year, Albania expelled three "humanitarian"
workers, two Syrians and an Iranian. Acting on another request, SHIK
arrested an Albanian national, Maksim Ciciku, for spying on the US
embassy. Ciciku was educated in Saudi Arabia. In Albania he worked for a
private security company which provided bodyguards for visiting Arabs.
He was accused of following embassy employees on behalf of Osama bin
Laden. Albania also expelled four Egyptians who were suspected of ties
to bin Laden. Two others were arrested and handed over to US agents,
along with a van full of documents and computer equipment, all of which
belonged to Osama bin Laden's organization.
At about the same time, Iran, through its embassy in Rome and it's
operative Mahmut Nuranija, began to organize an intelligence-gathering
sector in Albania. Their involvement in Albania was based on two levels:
economic-financial through the Albanian Arab Islamic Bank, and
humanitarian through organizations which have become standard covers for
subversive activities. At the beginning of 1998 Iran began the serious
consolidation of its most important European strongholds, Sarajevo and
Tirana. According to Yossef Bodansky, terrorism and unconventional
warfare analyst, Iran aided the KLA by providing military plans drawn up
by Zaim Bersa, a former colonel in the Yugoslav National Army (JNA), and
another Kosovo Albanian, Ejup Dragaj.
One of the leaders of an elite KLA unit was Muhammed al-Zawahiri, the
brother of Dr. Ayman al-Zawahiri, a leader in an Egyptian Jihad
organization and a military commander of Osama bin Laden. Once again
Kosovo becomes a paradox where several mortal enemies - Iranian
revolutionary guards, Osama bin Laden and the CIA - are standing
shoulder to shoulder training the KLA.
It is believed that bin Laden solidified his organization in Albania in
1994 with the help of then premier Sali Berisha. Albania's ties to
Islamic terrorist blossomed during Berisha's rule when the main KLA
training base was on Berisha's property in northern Albania. During the
"honeymoon" period between the CIA and Jihad holy warriors, Fatos Klosi,
the head of SHIK, said he had reliable information that four groups of
Jihad warriors from Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Algiers, Tunisia and Sudan were
in northern Albania and fighting with the KLA. Klosi recently stated
that there is an attempt to destabilize the country, alluding primarily
to former premier Sali Berisha.
Jihad and Serbia
In 1994 in Lebanon, a radical Sunni Muslim group, Takfir wal Hijra,
attempted to blow up a convoy of Serbian priests who were on their way
Koura. The priests avoided death when the suicide bomber detonated the
explosive device prematurely.
This attempt on the lives of Serbian priests preceded a more ambitious
plan. At the 18th Islamic conference, Al-Jama'ah al-Islaiyyah, held in
Pakistan (October 23-25, 1998), Albanian separatism in Kosovo and
Metohija was characterized as a Jihad. The same definition was given to
Muslim battles in India (Kashmir), Israel (Palestine) and Eritrea. By
defining armed battles as a "holy war" or Jihad, an obligation is placed
on the Muslim world to do everything in its power - economically,
politically and diplomatically - to aid the fight for freedom in
occupied Muslim territories". This gave legitimacy to terrorist acts
carried out by Allah's holy warriors. Referring to a Jihad, the
terrorist organization of Osama bin Laden announced terrorist attacks
against "infidel nations", namely Great Britain, United States, France,
Israel, Russia, India and Serbia.
The Bosnian Jihad Connection
In Bosnia-Herzegovina, the influence of the ruling Islamic party, Party
of Democratic Action (SDA), has brought out the recently born again
"true believers". Recognized by their long beards and short-legged
pants, large numbers of them participated in KLA terrorist activities in
Kosovo and Metohija. The transport of these Jihad warriors was conducted
under the patronage of the SDA which provided them with passports. Visas
were issued for a "haj," or pilgrimage, to Mecca. Dr. Nauman Balic, head
of the Kosovo SDA and now a minister in Hashim Thaci's government", was
responsible for their transit to Albania. The Bosnian Muslims were
provided with journalists' credentials and 2,000 DM for travel costs. It
is not known how many returned from Kosovo, but a number of these Jihad
warriors lost their lives in Chechnya.
The Sarajevo authorities were active in the training of terrorists. In
1993 Saudi Arabia provided $1 million to build a refugee camp for
Bosnian Muslims in Albania. One of the main political leaders of the
Muslim authorities in Sarajevo admitted to Misha Glenny that the base
was used to train saboteurs sent to Kosovo because their Serbian was
Kosovo under NATO - A Virtual Narco-State (1)
The benefits of the drug trade are evident around Pristina -- more so
than the benefits of Western aid. "The new buildings, the better roads,
and the sophisticated weapons -- many of these have been bought with
drugs," says Michel Koutouzis, the Balkans region expert for the Global
Drugs Monitor (OGD), a Paris-based think tank. The repercussions of this
drug connection are only now emerging, and many Kosovo observers fear
that the province could be evolving into a virtual narco-state under the
noses of 49,000 peacekeeping troops.
It was the disparate structure of the KLA, Koutouzis says, that
Facilitated the drug-smuggling explosion. "It permitted a
democratization of drug trafficking where ordinary people get involved,
and everyone contributes a part of his profit to his clan leader in the
KLA," he explains. "The more illegal the activity, the more money the
clan gets from the traffickers. So it's in the interest of the clan to
promote drug trafficking".
According to Marko Nicovic, the former chief of police in Belgrade, now
an investigator who works closely with Interpol, the international
police agency, 400 to 500 Kosovo Albanians move shipments in the 20-kilo
range, while about 5,000 Kosovo Albanians are small-timers, handling
shipments of less than two kilos. At one point in 1996, he says, more
than 800 ethnic Albanians were in jail in Germany on narcotics charges.
In many places, Kosovo Albanians traffickers gained a foothold in the
Illicit drug trade through raw violence. According to a 1999 German
Federal Police report, "The ethnic Albanian gangs have been involved in
drugs, weapons trafficking blackmail, and murder. They are increasingly
prone to violence".
Tony White of the United Nations Drug Control Program agrees with this
assessment. "They are more willing to use violence than any other
group," he says. "They have confronted the established order throughout
Europe and pushed out the Lebanese, Pakistani, and Italian cartels".
Few gangs are willing to tangle with the Kosovo Albanians. Those that do
often pay the ultimate price. In January 1999, Kosovo Albanians killed
Nine people in Milan, Italy during a two-week bloodbath between rival
heroin groups.
Now free of the war and the Yugoslav police, drug traffickers have
Reopened the old Balkan Road. With the KLA in power -- and in the
spotlight - the top trafficking families have begun to seek relative
respectability without decreasing their heroin shipments. "The Kosovo
Albanians are trying to position themselves in the higher levels of
trafficking", says the U.N.'s Tony White. "They want to get away from
the violence of the streets and attract less attention. Criminals like
to move up like any other business, and the Kosovo Albanians are
becoming business leaders. They have become equal partners with the
Italian national police discovered this new Kosovo Albanian outreach
last year when they undertook "Operation Pristina". The carabinieri
(Italian Police) uncovered a chain of connections that originated in
Kosovo and stretched through nine European countries, extending into
Central Asia, South America and the United States.
White House officials deny a whitewashing of KLA activities. "We do care
about (KLA drug trafficking)", says Agresti. "It's just that we've got
our hands full trying to bring peace there".
The DEA is equally reticent to address the issue. According to Michel
Koutouzis, the DEA's website once contained a section detailing Kosovo
Albanians trafficking, but a week before the US-led bombings began, the
section disappeared. "The DEA doesn't want to talk publicly (about the
KLA)", says OGD director Alain Labrousse. "It's embarrassing to them".
High-ranking US officials are dismayed that the KLA was installed in
power without public discussion or a thorough check of its background.
"I don't think we're doing anything there to stem the drugs", says a
senior State Department official. "It's out of control. It should be a
high priority. We've warned about it".
Even if it tried to stop the Kosovo Albanian heroin trade, the US would
be hard-pressed to do so. "Nobody's in control in Kosovo", adds the
State Department official. "They don't even have a police force".
Regardless of what it says, there's little indication that the
administration wants to do anything with the intelligence available
about its newest ally. "There is no doubt that the KLA is a major
trafficking organization", said a congressional expert who monitors the
drug trade and requested anonymity. "But we have a relationship with the
KLA, and the administration doesn't want to damage (its) reputation. We
are partners.
The attitude is: The drugs are not coming here, so let others deal with
Indeed the biggest paradox in the world war on drugs is connected to the
Balkans and the outburst of terrorist activities in that troubled area.
What is the reason for this unusual co-relation between US policy in
Balkans, the most wanted terrorist in the world today, Osama bin y en,
and this enormous KLA drug trafficking.
As Michael Levine, a 25-year veteran of the DEA (US Drug Enforcement
Agency) stated: "They (the CIA) protected them the KLA) in every way
they could". McCoy, author of The Politics of Heroin, said the Afghan
Mujahideen rebels were one of the first US-backed rebel groups to get
into the heroin trade in a big way. The anti-Communist Mujahideen were
backed by the US in their opposition to the Soviet invasion of
Afghanistan in 1979. They started exporting massive amounts of opium to
raise money, with the knowledge and protection of the CIA and Pakistani
intelligence, according to McCoy. "That produced a massive traffic in
the '80s to Europe and the U.S.," he said.
Other recipients of US support were Nicaraguan Contras, Panama's General
Noriega, Afghan Taliban, Indonesia (remember massacres by their special
units in Timor), and Burma's Khun Sa. Another US-backed rebel army, the
Nicaraguan contras, raised money for their war against the leftist
Sandinista government in the 1980s by flooding U.S. cities with crack -
all with the knowledge and assistance of the CIA and the DEA, according
to the book Dark Alliance: The CIA, the Contras and the Crack Cocaine
Explosion, by Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Gary Webb.
Webb's allegations were initially denied by the CIA, but a CIA
inspector-general's report in October 1998 revealed that 58 contras were
linked to drug allegations.
Early in 1999, as the war against Serbia raged, Congress voted to fund
the KLA's drive for independence. One tear later the US embrace of the
KLA may come as an embarrassment, but not a precedent.
Quo Vadis America?
1 - Material from "Mother Jones" Heroin Heroes, January/February 2000
used without permission, for academic and research purposes only.
The Centre for Peace in the Balkans



U.S. in Kosovo for the Long Haul

Saturday, June 10, 2000
U.S. in Kosovo for the Long Haul


"Le Figaro": American base was the aim of bombing of Yugoslavia
June 13, 2000

Paris, June 12th (Tanjug) - The official French government sticks to the
explanation they offered concerning their involvement in NATO aggression
on Yugoslavia, but they can no longer deceive neither their public nor
the media about the real cause of the criminal bombing of Yugoslavia. It
turned out that Paris and other Europeans "worked" for the benefit of
Washington interests, which is stressed in the latest edition of the
Paris weekly "Le Figaro".
"Allies of the United States start to wonder whether the formation of
American base in Kosmet was real purpose of the war" led, allegedly, on
behalf of the human rights of Kosmet Albanians, and which ended a year
ago. This is the statement by which the Paris weekly announced detailed
story about the American base "Bondsteel" in southern Kosovo.
"Le Figaro" published the information already known by Yugoslav public
and described "Bondsteel" as "large base" or even "military-industrial
complex" which resembled more "a town of 10 000 inhabitants than a
temporary camp provided by the UN Security Council Resolution 1244 a
year ago by which the bombing of Yugoslavia was ended".
The base, for which the weekly said "it was no secret, but was rather
discrete", spreads over the area of 300 hectares, where everything shows
that it was created "to stay for long".
In the base, the weekly said, there were 1600 lodgings, provided with
heating and air conditioners, 24 administration buildings "which were
already constructed and other which are under construction", "two
pharaoh dining rooms" open 24 hours, as well as the infrastructure
objects, including the projection room with 800 seats, football and
other sports fields.
"Everything proves that Americans came there to stay longer. They do not
even hide it, since the officers admit in cold blood that this base is
the most important one outside the US", "Le Figaro" says.
The Paris weekly stressed that the American base position in Kosmet was
"ideally chosen", since it is a "Muslim area where European sentiments
do not exist" and it is also the region where the conflict zones cross:
the Balkans, Mediterranean and the Middle East together with its oil.
"The Crusade for human rights of ethnic Albanians could, as its first
result i.e. its purpose, have (new) arrangement of Americans in the Old
continent", which is actually the creation of mighty "Bondsteel" base,
"Le Figaro" weekly concludes in this week's edition.


Foreign Affairs May/Junel 1999 (volume 78, number 3)
Kosovo's Next Masters
By Chris Hedges


e-mail: crj@... - URL:


Subject: [STOPNATO] Danish Soccer Star Wants Yugoslav Passport
Date: Sun, 18 Jun 2000 08:59:10 -0500 (CDT)
From: (Rick Rozoff)
To: stopnato@...


Rotterdam 16.6.2000
Danish football superstar Peter Boleslaw Schmeichel shocked the world at
today's press-conference after the match with Holland. Disturbed and
disappointed after another humiliating defeat of his team at EURO 2000,
he made a short statement for the press: "I am too ambitious and too
good goalkeeper to play in such a bad team as Denmark. I'm feed up
,therefore, tonight I officially applied at the embassy of The Federal
Republic of Yugoslavia, for Yugoslavian passport. Yugoslav football
team is excellent, and it is the only team I would like to play for. I
personally asked president Slobodan Milosevic it grant me Yugoslavian
National Passport, because I highly respect him and his achievements in
the last year War against Nato-agressors."
Schmeichel still didn't get any answer from Yugoslav officials, but
Yugoslav coach Boskov said that Schmeichel is not good enough to play in
the Yugoslav team.


Albanian Daily News
June 16, 2000

Balkan AMBO Pipeline to Start Raising Funds in July

SKOPJE - The Albanian, Macedonian and Bulgarian Oil
Corporation LLC (AMBO) of Pound Ridge, New York, said
on Thursday it would start raising funds in early July
for a $1.13bn pipeline to ship crude oil from the
Black and Caspian seas to the West.
“The feasibility study gives oil companies operating
in the Caspian region a commercially compelling
proposition to invest in the project. Almost all major
companies in the world can use the pipeline,” AMBO
Executive Vice-President Gligor Taskovic told Reuters
in the Macedonian capital Skopje.
The company’s president, Ted Fergusson, had said
earlier in Sofia AMBO aimed to start work in 2001.
“Project’s sanctions and funding should be established
by the end of this year,” said Fergusson, announcing
conclusions of the project’s updated feasibility
study. An earlier estimate had put the project at
about $850m.
The underground pipeline, 913 kilometres long, is
designed to carry 750,000 barrels a day, or 35m metric
tons per year, which will represent 40 percent of the
crude oil from newly-developed oilfields to enter the
Black Sea in the next five years or 30 percent of the
new oil over the next 10 years, Fergusson said.
It will pass from Burgas, on the Black Sea coast, to
Vlora, to ship Russian, Azerbaijani, Kazakh and
Turkmenian oil from around the Black Sea to the
markets of Western Europe and North America. It will
also bypass Turkey’s heavily travelled Bosphorus
Big tankers with 300,000 tonnes of crude can anchor at
the port of Vlora, which makes the transit journey to
the United States economic, while the biggest tankers
passing the Bosphorus could carry 150,000 tonnes, AMBO
officials said. A holding structure with three
separate companies in Bulgaria, Macedonia and Albania
will build the pipeline. Each country can be an equity
holder in the investment.
AMBO has letters of acceptance from the governments of
Albania, Macedonia and Bulgaria for the underground
Taskovic said companies including Texaco, Chevron,
Exxon Mobil, BP Amoco, Agip, Total, Elf, Fina, were
interested in the pipeline that will become
operational in 2005.
The project has also interested the US government and
European Commission, but the construction funding will
depend on whether foreign companies will find it
feasible to invest in such countries, where the
political risk is high.
The trans-Balkan pipeline is also part of the
Transport Corridor 8 plan. Corridor 8 will include a
highway, railway, oil pipeline and fibre-optic
telecommunications line as well as AMBO’s oil
“We will begin formal discussions with these companies
in two weeks,” Taskovic said, adding that it would
take time to raise the money needed for the project.
“This will take one or two years. We need to raise
$450m in equity funding. The rest of the money will be
loans from banks. We have talked to the EBRD, MIGA,
IFC, OPIC and EXIM. They are excited. Once we raise
the money, we will need three years for the
construction,” Taskovic said.
He was referring to the European Bank for
Reconstruction and Development, the World Bank’s
insurance agency MIGA, its International Finance
Corporation, the US Overseas Prime Investment Corp,
and an export-import bank.
AMBO was confident that another planned pipeline
sending crude from Russia to Greece via Bulgaria would
not threaten its own project as the Caspian region was
expected to yield as much as 110 million tonnes of oil
a year from 2005, he said.
“So much oil will be flowing from the Caspian region
that there will be sufficient crude for all,” Taskovic
said. (Compiled from Reuters dispatch, archives)



----- Original Message -----
From: wolfgang mueller <karovier@...>
To: Wolfgang Mueller <Ova adresa el. pošte je zaštićena od spambotova. Omogućite JavaScript da biste je videli.>
Sent: Tuesday, June 13, 2000 2:19 PM
Subject: MLL: Li Peng Delivers Speech in Belgrade

Li Peng, chairman of the Standing Committee of the
National People's Congress, said in Belgrade Monday
that peace cannot be forged out of bombings.
Referring to air strikes against Yugoslavia by a
NATO force last year, Li said the assault was a
violation of the intent of the United Nations Charter
and universally recognized norms governing
international relations. The air strikes seriously
threatened stability in Europe.
To read more, please look at:


People's Daily
Saturday, June 10, 2000, updated at 09:37(GMT+8)

China: It's Time for In-depth Reflection on Kosovo

China said Friday that it is time for in-depth
reflection on Kosovo, a Yugoslav province, where the
current situation is very critical as Serbs are
suffering from deportation and persecution.
The statement came as Shen Guofang, the deputy Chinese
permanent representative to the United Nations, took
the floor at an open U.N. Security Council meeting, at
which Bernard Kouchner, head of the U.N. Interim
Administration Mission in Kosovo (UNMIK), briefed the
15-nation body on the latest developments in the
Serbian province.
"We are of the view that it is time for in-depth
reflection," he said. "The Security Council has the
political responsibility and moral obligation to face
this reality, and it should seriously seek the
resolution to the serious problems faced by Kosovo,
otherwise the credibility of the United Nations will
continue to be impaired."
"First, the international presence should respect the
sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Federal
Republic of Yugoslavia (FRY)," he said."UNMIK should
respect the laws of FRY and seek cooperation with
However, "some of the current administrative measures
adopted in Kosovo impair the sovereignty of FRY and it
has created a false impression that Kosovo is going to
Shen said that "any attempt to lead Kosovo to
independence is dangerous and illegal, it will deprive
the Balkan region of peace and the ultimate victim
will be the people of the Balkan region." "UNMIK can
not afford to make a slightest mistake on this very
important policy of issue," he said.
Secondly, "we are very concerned with the security of
Serbs and other minorities in Kosovo," he said.
"We firmly oppose any forms of ethnic cleansing," he
said. " The flagrant violations of basic human rights
in Kosovo, no matter when it take place and which
ethnic group it target, can not be accepted by the
international community."
"All human rights violations are crimes," he said.
"The crimes, be they big or small, can not be
"In the same way, it is irresponsible to use past
events as excuses to explain the way to the critical
situation," he said. " We are concerned at the ways
UNMIK and the international peacekeepers turn about
the situation."
Apart from that, he said, "What arises our particular
concern is that a large number of non-Kosovo Albanians
have entered Kosovo, and this will change the
demographic composition of Kosovo," which has a
multi-ethnic society since ancient times.
"There should a Kosovo where different ethnic groups
can have peaceful coexistence, and this should be the
target of UNMIK," he said.
"We are opposed to any attempt to create national
division and sabotage national unity," he said.
"Fundamentally, the solution to the Kosovo issue can
only be achieved within the framework of FRY through
substantial autonomy and good ethnic policy."



BELGRADE, June 11 (Tanjug) - President of the Permanent Committee of the
Pan-Chinese People's Congress Li Peng arrived on Sunday on a three-day
official and friendly visit to Yugoslavia, accompanied by his wife and
aides. "I am very pleased for the opportunity to visit Yugoslavia, given
the traditional friendship between our two countries," said Li Peng upon
arrival at Belgrade airport, adding that he was confident that his trip
will help further develop the friendship between China and Yugoslavia.
President of Chinese Parliament was welcomed by the Presidents of both
houses of Yugoslav Parliament - Milomir Minic and Srdja Bozovic. Li Peng
was greeted by Yugoslav Deputy Premier Nikola Sainovic, Yugoslav Foreign
Minister Zivadin Jovanovic, Serbian Parliament President Dragan Tomic,
Yugoslav Parliament Upper House Vice-President Gorica Gajevic, Yugoslav
Army General Staff Chief Gen. Nebojsa Pavkovic, Yugoslav Parliament
Policy Committee chairman Ljubisa Ristic, Yugoslav Ambassador to China
Slobodan Unkovic, and the Ambassador of PR China in Belgrade Pan Zhanlin
with Chinese Embassy personnel. Li Peng, who will stay in Yugoslavia
June 13, will address Yugoslav Parliament deputies on Monday, and during
his visit will be received by top Yugoslav officials.

----- Original Message -----
From: Ning Mao <mao.ning@...>
To: MLL <marxist-leninist-list@...>
Sent: Friday, June 09, 2000 2:35 PM
Subject: MLL: [People's Daily] " Largest Sino-Yugoslav Joint Venture

Largest Sino-Yugoslav Joint Venture Operational

The Hemofarm Pharmaceutical Co., the largest Sino-Yugoslav
joint venture in China, went into production Thursday in
this capital of east China's Shandong Province.
The 23-million U.S. dollars company with an annual
production capacity 30 million bottles will produce a dozen
varieties of transfusion medicine in plastic and glass
bottles at the initial stage.
The Yugoslav side covers 70 percent of the investment in
the joint venture equipped with state-of-the-art production
lines imported from Germany, Italy, Sweden and Finland.
It will turn out more varieties of medicine, such as
tablets, and Vitamin pills in the second-phase with an
investment of US$5.2 million.
More than 400 people attended the inauguration ceremony,
including Yugoslav ambassador to China Slobodan Unkovic and
Yugoslavian foreign trade minister Borislav Vukovic.




BELGRADE, June 7 (Tanjug) - Yugoslav Defence Minister Dragoljub Ojdanic
on Wednesday
visited the national news agency TANJUG and gave an interview to
and Editor-in-Chief Dusan Djurdjevic. General Ojdanic stressed that
and true information was more powerful than any weapon, because media
was no less important than armed conflict. "During last year's NATO
aggression on Yugoslavia, TANJUG played a very important part in
disseminating the truth and combatting the lies that the aggressors were
spreading about our people and state. "TANJUG has shown the
public the true causes and effects of developments in connection with
Yugoslav republic of Serbia's province of) Kosovo-Metohija", Ojdanic
"The military-political situation in the region has drastically
deteriorated since NATO's armed aggression on the Federal Republic of
Yugoslavia in 1999. "The aggression is not stopping, but is continuing
other methods and weapons, with a view to attaining the interests of the
United States both in the Balkans and wider in the world. "Most states
a way out as lying in creating a multipolar world, with all its
to replace the unipolar one," Ojdanic said, adding however that "nearly
Balkan countries have embraced the concept and strategy of the so-called
new world order." Stressing that Yugoslavia's security is still in great
jeopardy, he noted that NATO is waging three parallel wars on
one, trying to detach Kosovo-Metohija from Serbia and to create a
Albania; next, trying to fragment the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia,
organisation and size are an obstacle in the way of implementing a plan
a total subjugation of the Balkans and getting closer to the East; and,
third, waging war on "recalcitrant" Serbia which resists globalism and
global U.S. domination. He went on to speak about the non-implementation
U.N. Resolution 1244 on Kosovo-Metohija and the Kumanovo
accord. He said the international force (KFor) and the U.N. civilian
mission (UNMIK) in Kosovo-Metohija had neither disarmed the ethnic
Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) nor protected the local Serbian and other
non-Albanian populations. "As I see it, a way out of the crisis lies in
West reviving cooperation with Yugoslavia, in an appropriate number of
Yugoslav armed and security force troops returning to Kosovo-Metohija,
which necessitates a new accord that would deviate somewhat from the
Kumanovo Military-Technical accord", Ojdanic said. Speaking about
Yugoslavia's military-political experience gleaned during the NATO
aggression, he said that "we already know in a great measure how we
defend ourselves in the future. "We shall formulate final answers and
solutions as we define a new defence doctrine and work out a civil
doctrine", he said. He added that the conceptual phase of the army's
reorganisation had been completed and now a schedule was to be worked
and the programme implemented. "A new civil defence doctrine will
specifically define the place, role and job of each defence factor. Such
consistent defence system will open scope for reducing the size of the
army", he explained. He went on to say that more than 215 civil defence
centres had operated during the 11-week NATO aggression, and about
civil defence activists in Serbia alone, whose efforts saved 702 lives
who were instrumental in getting 408 people to hospital. The civil
service carried out 626 interventions of clearing away debris and 539
fire-fighting operations, dislocated 1,713 tonnes of dangerous materials
and 56,768 tonnes of oil derivatives. In cooperation with the Yugoslav
army, the civil defence service organised 16 river ferries and
2,145,000 people, and prepared and organised 1,171 bomb shelters for
than 200,000 people. Asked about the phenomenon of global terrorism,
Ojdanic said that the greatest terrorist activity was in Europe, 90
of which had lately been in Yugoslavia. "America is spared terrorist
activity and has had no more than a dozen terrorist outrages since 1991,
while Europe has had thousands", Ojdanic said, noting that terrorism had
been imported into Yugoslavia. "The ethnic Albanian terrorist
had been active before, but never as active as in 1998 and 1999, or
when in plain view of KFor, ethnic Albanian terrorists carry out
operations against non-Albanians and often even against other ethnic
Albanians who hold different political opinions." He noted that murders
assassinations perpetrated over the past months throughout Yugoslavia
text-book terrorist acts instigated and organised by the U.S.
service. "We shall have trouble eradicating terrorism, because its roots
are in other countries. But just as any other state, we also shall
terrorism with all weapons at our disposal, on which a special law will
passed", he stressed. He went on to speak about the sub-regional arms
control treaty signed at Florence, Italy, by Yugoslavia, Croatia,
Serb) Republika Srpska and the Bosnian Muslim-Croat Federation. He said
Yugoslavia had honoured the treaty and had submitted its arms for
inspection and destroyed what it had been instructed to destroy.
"Regrettably, inspection teams that visited our country were collecting
data about military and other targets to be used in NATO's aggression",
said. He added that Yugoslavia had responded to its suspension from
international activities by freezing all activities in arms control.
they recognise our state and army the way accords explicitly define
then only shall we unfreeze our activities", he said. Commenting on the
attention excited at the Hague-based war crimes tribunal for former
Yugoslavia by his recent visit to Russia, the defence minister said it
a crime not to defend one's nation, not the other way around. "As a
soldier, I am bound by all conventions stemming from international
humanitarian and war laws. During the aggression, as chief of staff, I
fought that these conventions be consistently implemented and honoured
all levels of command", he said. He noted that the Yugoslav army command
and the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) had some months
before the aggression organised a seminar in this field at all levels of
command. At the outbreak of the NATO aggression, all army units had
received manuals with excerpts from the regulations, he explained. "In
light of this, I fear no charges and shall go freely wherever I am
invited", Ojdanic stressed, adding that he had already received
from other friendly countries.



Cyprus revokes Yugoslavian bank's licence-bankers

NICOSIA, June 7 (Reuters) - Cyprus's Central Bank has revoked the
licence of
Beogradska Banka, the largest Serbian commercial bank and one with close
to the Yugoslavian government, senior bankers said on Wednesday.
``The licence was revoked and they (Beogradska) challenged the decision
revoke the licence...there will be a court hearing in 10 to 15 days,'' a
senior central bank source told Reuters.
The central bank source, who requested anonymity, declined to say why
licence had been revoked. Beogradska Banka officials were not
available for comment.
Greek Cypriot newspaper Alithia also reported Beogradska's licence had
revoked but gave no reason.
Beogradska has had a presence in Cyprus since 1988, operating as an
Earlier this year U.S. and European Union officials visited Cyprus for
consultations on sanctions against Yugoslavia.
Greek Cypriots traditionally have close ties with Serbs but Cyprus
authorities have followed the international community in imposing
on Belgrade.

12:40 06-07-00


Albanian Daily News
June 7, 2000

Two Macedonian Guards Wounded on Border with Kosovo

SKOPJE - Macedonia said two border guards were wounded
on Monday by a sniper firing from inside the
neighbouring Kosovo.
The incident happened at the Dolmo Blace border post
after a patrol spotted two people who had illegally
crossed some 50 metres (yards) into Macedonian
territory from Kosovo, a defence ministry statement
It said the two had escaped back to Kosovo after being
warned and the Macedonian army sent another patrol of
four soldiers to set up an observation post.
“At 3:15 p.m. (1315 GMT) a sniper shot at the patrol
from the Kosovo side and two guards suffered arm and
leg injuries,” the statement said, adding their
condition was stable and that an investigation was
under way.
Monday’s incident was the second in two months on
Macedonia’s border with Kosovo.
In the previous incident, a group of Kosovo Albanians
kidnapped four Macedonian border guards. The
Macedonian authorities have demanded stricter KFOR
border controls.
The Macedonian Defence Ministry announced earlier this
year that the country’s borders are controlled by a
new border brigade and at the same time the military
readiness of the border brigade has been stepped up.
The number of border guards has been reduced in posts
on the border with Greece and Bulgaria, while their
numbers have been increased on Madedonia’s western
border with Albania and northern borders with Kosovo
and Yugoslavia, the ministry said.



Communist Internet
Wednesday 7th May 2000 9.30pm gmt

Vietnam, Yugoslavia Develop Co-operation

Vietnamese Foreign Minister Nguyen Dy Nien said that Vietnam has
consolidated and developed comprehensive co-operation with Yugoslavia
and other
traditional friends.
This was affirmed during the talks between the Vietnamese foreign
minister and his
Yugoslavian counterpart, Zivadin Jovanovic, on June 5 at the Government
Guest House.
Mr Nien expressed his pleasure at new developments in the friendly and
relations between the two countries. He also expressed strong support
for the
people's cause of protecting national independence, sovereignty and
integrity as
well as the restoration of Yugoslavia's legal position at the United
Nations and other
international organisations.
Mr Z Jovanovic said he highly appreciated the achievements recorded by
the Vietnamese
people in the implementation of the open-door policy and integration
into the regional
world communities. He thanked the Vietnamese government and people for
their support
to Yugoslavia's struggle against the North Atlantic Treaty
Organisation's (NATO)
aggression. The foreign minister affirmed that Yugoslavia treasures its
ties with
Vietnam and wished that the comprehensive co-operation between the two
would be further boosted, particularly in trade and economy.
The two foreign ministers discussed regional and international issues of
the situation in both countries and agreed to strengthen co-operation in
all fields.
After the talks, the two ministers signed a visa-exemption agreement for
holders of
diplomatic and official passports and...


HANOI, June 6 (Tanjug) - Vietnam has high respect for the
Yugoslav people's unflinching struggle against NATO's aggression and for
Yugoslavia's determination to accomplish economic reconstruction and
development, Vietnam's top official said on Tuesday. President Tran Duc
Luong was meeting in Hanoi with visiting Yugoslav Foreign Minister
Jovanovic. In reply to greetings from Yugoslav President Slobodan
conveyed by Jovanovic, Tran said he was sure Milosevic would stand firm
with his people and surmount all difficulties, defend the country and
rebuild NATO-wreaked devastation. The meeting rounded off Jovanovic's
successful contacts with ranking government and communist party
in this influential Asian country, with a population of 82 million and
impressive annual economic growth rate of 7-8 percent over the past
Vietnam firmly supports Yugoslavia and its people, and demands a strict
full implementation of U.N. Resolution 1244, Tran said, adding that
insists that all bans and sanctions against Yugoslavia be lifted
immediately. He went on to say he was sure Jovanovic's visit would be
successful and would boost friendly bilateral relations and cooperation,
and accepted with pleasure Milosevic's invitation to visit Yugoslavia.
Jovanovic, in turn, stressed that President Milosevic, the Yugoslav
Government and people highly appreciate the solidarity and support of
Vietnam, especially at the time of last year's NATO aggression. He said
that Vietnam's support for and solidarity with Yugoslavia were all the
important for coming from a state and nation symbolic of the struggle
freedom and independence in the world. Yugoslavia highly appreciates
Vietnam's support for its reintegration in the United Nations, the
non-aligned movement and other international organisations. During the
meeting, strong support was given to a further strengthening of
relations and expansion and diversification of cooperation, especially
the economy.



Piu' di 10mila persone a Kumrovec




The West's colonial governor of Bosnia Wolfgang Petrisch (an Austrian,
head of the OHR) has decided to criticise the recent appointment made by
Bosnia's multi-ethnic presidency because this man happens to be
that Bosnia can't rush headlong into privatization. It seems that the
thing that the Serbs, Croats and Muslims are united on is to protect the
countries industry from the voracious apetites of the neoliberal
elite! [note that the previous man who held the post was from the
Party (SPRS)!]

Top envoy blasts Bosnia authorities over new PM
By Nedim Dervisbegovic

SARAJEVO, June 7 (Reuters) - The West's top envoy in Bosnia on Wednesday
blasted the appointment of a little known Serb professor as the
next prime minister.
Parliament approved Spasoje Tusevljak, reported to have been an
adviser to indicted war criminal Radovan Karadzic, as rotating chairman
the Council of Ministers on Tuesday.
Western envoy Wolfgang Petritsch, who has sweeping powers to implement
Bosnia's peace process, slammed the move.
``I want to express my deep dissatisfaction about the process of
the most important executive in this country,'' he said after a meeting
the three-man presidency that proposed Tusevljak, 48, last month.
``A candidate was selected (who) is virtually unknown in this country,''
told reporters, adding that the whole process of selection was
Tusevljak, without party membership, must return to parliament for a
vote on
the full cabinet of six ministries, one of which will be held by him. No
has been set.
The chair rotates among ministers every eight months.
Bosnia, made up of the Moslem-Croat federation and the Serb republic,
been without central government since February, when a Constitutional
ruling forced it to dissolve.
The central institutions have only a limited role. The new Council of
Ministers will oversee policy areas including foreign affairs, trade,
rights and the state treasury.
The international community, which is sponsoring Bosnia's recovery from
1992-95 war with billions of dollars, sees stronger central government
as the
key to economic revival.
Tusevljak was a pre-war resident of Sarajevo but fled to the Serb
and later to Belgrade after war broke out. He now lectures in economics
the university in the Serb part of Sarajevo.
Sarajevo media reported last month that he was an economic adviser early
the conflict to Bosnian Serb wartime leader Karadzic, who is now in
Petritsch said he would keep the presidency and the parliament
for their decisions. He criticised Tusevljak for saying on Tuesday that
Bosnia should progress slowly, calling his remarks ``simply unacceptable
``We need to speed up the process of the implementation, not to slow it
down,'' he said.
A previous candidate to chair the central government, former Bosnian
Deputy Prime Minister Tihomir Gligoric, lost the support of the
after Western officials complained that his Socialist party was too
close to

14:03 06-07-00


Bosnian parliament approves Serb PM, envoy unhappy

SARAJEVO, June 6 (Reuters) - Bosnia's parliament on Tuesday approved
Spasoje Tusevljak as the next rotating chairman of the restructured
government but the West's top envoy in the country said he was not the
man for the job.
Tusevljak, a relatively unknown economics professor without party
affiliation, passed the confidence motion in the 42-seat lower house
after 19
deputies voted for him, 11 voted against and two abstained. Ten were
He will return to the lower chamber for the vote on the full cabinet
has six ministries, one of which will be held by Tusevljak, but no date
been set yet. The chair rotates among ministers every eight months.
A spokeswoman for international High Representative Wolfgang Petritsch
after the vote that the envoy did not know ``what qualifies Mr Tusevljak
this position.''
``Neither the presidency nor the parliament have lived up to their
responsibility of providing Bosnia with a chair who meets criteria of
able to turn the Council of Ministers into an efficient common
she said.
The international community sponsoring the Balkan country's peace
with billions of dollars sees the strengthening of the joint
institutions as
a cornerstone of future development.
Under the 1995 Dayton peace treaty, Bosnia is divided into a
highly-autonomous Moslem-Croat Federation and Serb Republic, each of
has its own military and police.
The all-Bosnian central institutions -- the parliament, the presidency
the government -- have a limited role.
The old Council of Ministers ceased to exist in February after the
Constitutional Court ruled that it could not have two co-chairs and a
It had three ministers.
The three-man inter-ethnic presidency nominated Tusevljak last month as
compromise solution, put forward by Serb member Zivko Radisic.
Previous Bosnian Serb candidate Tihomir Gligoric lost presidency support
after peace officials objected to his nomination, saying his Bosnian
Socialist Party was too close to the Yugoslav ruling party of President
Slobodan Milosevic.

13:35 06-06-00



Tuesday, June 6 11:30 AM SGT
Montenegro president's brother accused of wounding militant

PODGORICA, Yugoslavia, June 6 (AFP) -

The brother of Montenegro's President Milo Djukanovic took part in an
on a militant of the Montenegro Liberal Alliance (LSCG) who was
injured, an LSCG official told AFP.
The opposition party's number two, Miroslav Vickovic, said Aleksandar
Djukanovic and a friend Pajo Jabucanin attacked Zoran Kljajic late
outside a hotel in the centre of Montenegro's capital Podgorica.
Kljajic was pistol-whipped, receiving a double skull fracture and
concussion, Vickovic said. He was hospitalized and operated on early
the LSCG official said.
Friends of Kljajic tried to halt the aggression but the president's
and his friend threatened them with pistols, Vickovic said, adding that
Montenegro's deputy interior minister, Vuk Boskovic, was present.
Vickovic called on Interior Minister Vukasin Maras to act according to
President Djukanovic's brother is a businessman who is not involved in
The LSCG, which promotes independence for Montenegro, broke off a local
alliance with the president's "Live Better" coalition in Podgorica and
Herceg Novi, a town on the Adriatic coast.
The split and the LSCG's entry into opposition caused early municipal
elections to be called in the two towns. They are to be held Sunday.


Montenegro police prepare for conflict-Yugo army

BELGRADE, June 8 (Reuters) - The Yugoslav army on Thursday accused
Montenegro's police of setting the scene for conflict and said the
authorities had joined a Western campaign against Yugoslavia and its
The accusations, in an army statement carried by the state news agency
Tanjug, coincided with tensions between the pro-Western coastal republic
Serb-dominated federation ahead of local elections in two Montenegro's
``The Montenegrin leadership, the authorities and police whole-heartedly
joined a Western psychological propaganda and media campaign aimed at
country and the Yugoslav army,'' the statement said on Thursday.
But, it added, the Montenegrins, ``aware of the historic moment and
responsibility for the future, will pull their strength together in
order to
recognise who is who in the Yugoslav reality.''
Montenegro's President Milo Djukanovic has been at odds with Yugoslav
President Slobodan Milosevic since 1997, pushing for democratic and
reforms in Yugoslavia and threatening a referendum on independence if
Belgrade does not comply.
Djukanovic is facing early local polls in the capital Podgorica and in
costal town of Herceg-Novi after the Liberal Alliance party pulled out
of his
local coalitions in order to campaign on a pro-independence ticket.
Pro-Milosevic parties in Montenegro formed a coalition for the polls and
been campaigning vigorously, accusing Djukanovic of treason and of
trying to
secede from Serbia.
Last Friday, the Montenegrin Finance Minister said he saw no risk the
would try to overthrow his government that has edged away from the
dominated by Milosevic, himself of Montenegrin origin.
``We are fully aware that top officers of the Yugoslav army are
loyal to Mr Milosevic,'' Miroslav Ivanisevic told reporters in Brussels,
added he ``would say the Yugoslav army would not be used in Montenegro
for a
coup d'etat.''
The army has also denied it was doing anything else in Montenegro but
regular duties stipulated by the federal constitution and said it posed
threat to the republic.
But on Thursday, it listed a number of examples of what it called
acts and preparations set to provoke incidents, conflicts and clashes
members of the army in order to cause the international community
condemnation and reactions.''
The statement said that Montenegrin police were arming and exercising a
reserve in the towns of Cetinje and Herceg-Novi, while in the towns of
Bar and Ulcinj the reserve was made up mostly of ethnic Croats and
``In addition, Montenegro's police have enormous forces in other
centres formed on the basis of political and national criteria,'' the
statement said.

15:56 06-08-00

June 15, 2000

Bribing Montenegro –- It Didn't Work



Updated: March 20 2000
United States Institute of Peace Library
Montenegro Web Links

e-mail: crj@... - URL:

* Iniziative a TRIESTE


Associazione "Internazionalismo e SolidarietÈ"


Anche l'embargo uccide, come le bombe, come l'uranio
Come l'indifferenza

Un anno fa cessavano i bombardamenti degli aerei della NATO sulla
Repubblica Federale di Jugoslavia lasciando un Paese devastato: case,
scuole, ospedali, fabbriche, ponti, strade distrutti in nome di una
"ingerenza umanitaria" che in realtÈ era la volontÈ dell'imperialismo
americano di sottomettere un Paese e un popolo che, nel cuore
dell'Europa non vuole sottostare ai diktat dei paesi occidentali. I
effettuati sulla fabbrica di automobili Zastava di Kragujevac e sul polo
industriale di Panc evo, con la contemporanea distruzione del
petrolchimico, della fabbrica di fertilizzanti e della raffineria, sono
forse i fatti piË emblematici perchÉ dimostrano senza ombra di dubbio
si voleva distruggere le fonti del lavoro e determinare le condizio ni
piË pesante carico di distruzioni ambientali che si potesse realizzare:
acqua, aria, terra avvelenati (e non solo su quel martoriato Paese!) da
una guerra che ha avuto tutti i connotati di un attacco
Ed É risibile e scandaloso come il Tribunale speciale dell'Aja abbia
deciso di archiviare il caso dei crimi-ni commessi dalla NATO. Ad
per quanto riguarda Pancevo si sostiene che "non risulta che la Nato
a conoscenza dei possibili danni ambi entali conseguenti ad un attacco
aereo." £ ovvio: cosa volete che ci fosse in una raffineria? Nulla di
tossico! Certamente profumi! Tutto questo a riprova della sudditanza di
istituzioni pseudo-neutrali a chi vuole essere il padrone e il gendarme
del mon do. E come se non fossero bastate le bombe la "civile" comunitÈ
dei Paesi aggressori ha deciso di mantenere e rafforzare l'embargo
la Repubblica Federale di Jugoslavia, in atto giÈ da molti anni, e
ri-guarda tutta una serie di servizi, beni e tecno logie, a cominciare
presidi sanitari piË semplici, siringhe ed aspirine, per finire con gli
strumenti necessari per le indagini sui livelli di inquinamento. Il che
vuol dire condannare il "popolo invisibile" a soffrire fame e malattie,
negargli il l avoro, a morire per mancanza di cure mediche; e questo
colpisce inevitabilmente i piË poveri e indifesi: i profughi, i bambini,

Chiamiamo tutte le persone, le associazioni, le forze sociali che non
accettano l'arroganza dell'imperialismo e della NATO ad esprimere tutta
loro solidarietÈ ai lavoratori e alle popolazioni della Repubblica
Federale di Jugoslavia.

Al fine di raccogliere aiuti la
Associazione "Internazionalismo e SolidarietÈ"

organizza per

martedÙ 27 giugno 2000

alle ore 19 e 30
presso la Casa del Popolo di Sottolongera, Via Masaccio 24

un incontro sul tema della campagna di
solidarietÈ materiale con il popolo jugoslavo
(adozioni a distanza, medicinali, denaro, cibo non deperibile,

SeguirÈ una serata conviviale animata dalla musica balcanica dei gruppi

Kraski Ovcarji e Balkan Babau Circus Orkestar

Per chi lo volesse sarÈ in funzione un buffet.

Medicinali per la Zastava

Abbiamo ricevuto dal Sindacato dei lavoratori della fabbrica Zastava di
Kragujevac un lungo elenco di farmaci assolutamente necessari e
introvabili a causa dell'embargo, tra i quali:


a partecipare alla serata portando con voi confezioni di questi


Rossi Alma wrote:
> Vi segnaliamo che nel sito del coordinamento RSU coord.naz.rsu@... è
> disponibile, e scaricabile, il primo materiale relativo all'iniziativa che
> si sta organizzando per il prossimo 15 luglio a Trieste in solidarietà ai
> lavoratori della jugoslavia e contro l'embargo.
> L'iniziativa prevede la convocazione di una assemblea nazionale che punta a
> mettere assieme quanti, dopo essersi già mobilitati contro la guerra, sono
> oggi impegnati o sensibili alle iniziative di solidarietà verso i lavoratori
> della Yugoslavia ed ai contenuti della lotta per il ritiro immediato ed
> unilaterale dell'embargo.
> Dalla home page potete risalire alla pagina con queste informazioni
> (assemblea e concerto).
> E' necessario però che attorno a questa iniziativa si costruisca il massimo
> di mobilitazione, in questa fase sopratutto per la raccolta delle adesioni.
> Chiediamo alle Rsu di discutere di questo al loro interno e di costruire
> quindi la loro adesione, ma chiediamo a tutti anche di coinvolgere le loro
> strutture sindacali categoriali e territoriali, le Ammininistrazioniu
> Pubbliche (comuni e provincie) per costruire anche la loro adesione.
> Nel caso segnalateci gli indirizzi di queste Amministrazioni in modo che gli
> si possa inviare una lettera ufficiale di richiesta di adesione.
> Nel primo gruppo dei promotori segnaliamo alcune strutture sindacali (Cgil
> Lombardia, Cgil di Massa - Carrara - Cgil Brescia - Fiom di Lecco, anche la
> Cgil di Trieste ha dichiarato di condividere gli obiettivi dell'iniziativa)
> e associazioni come la sezione Italiana del tribunale Clark sui crimini di
> guerra (che interverranno anche all'assemblea per illustrare i risultati
> dell'inchiesta che come sapete si è conclusa lo scorso 10 giugno a New
> York).
> Scaricate e diffondete il materiale (materiale che sarà via via aggiornato)
> e cercate di spingere per altre adesioni sopratutto verso le vostre
> strutture sindacali locali e verso le vostre RSU.
> La riuscita dell'iniziativa di Trieste è il modo migliore di dimostrare come
> il mondo del lavoro Italiano sia schierato contro la guerra (sia come
> bombardamenti sia come embargo).
> Ciao ALMA
> Alma Rossi - email - alma@...
> indirizzo email del coordinamento RSU - coord.naz.rsu@...
> indirizzo internet del Coordinamento RSU -



Invitation and Registration Form for the
4-5 November, 2000 Manchester, UK
Register soon! Limited places available!
Sponsors: The Wainwright Trust, The Rowntree Reform Trust, Manchester
Council, Greater Manchester and District CND

Send your form (below) and payment by post to: CADU, One World Centre, 6
Mount St., Manchester, M2 5NS England
Invoiceable organisations only may:
email to: gmdcnd@...
OR fax to: 44-(0)161-834-8187
Thank You!
For more information please telephone the CADU office on:
44-(0)161-834-8301; or 834-8176 or send us an email!

Bringing Together Speakers and Campaigners from All Over the World
We hope this international conference will be an opportunity not only to
provide accessible information to those not familiar with the issue, but
also provide a working platform for activists, politicians and national
representatives to collaborate on key global strategies for removing the
threat of depleted uranium from all peoples, and for putting pressure on
governments to respond appropriately to this threat. The conference will
also provide a place for scientists from around the world to compare
on their research thus far. The conference will begin at 9am on Saturday
November and conclude at 5 pm on Sunday, 5 November. The plenary
will include speakers from Iraq, Serbia, and veterans groups.
will present the latest information on the testing programmes and
effects. Workshops on the huge range of issues related to DU include:
health effects, the nuclear industry, international law and UN work,
government responses, Gulf War and Balkans veterans, clean up
practical support for those affected, the role of the World Health
Organisation and the International Atomic Energy Authority,
effects, non-violent protest actions, etc. Full conference programmes
be sent out with your registration pack.

Speakers Include:
High-level UN speakers have been invited, but we are still awaiting
confirmation (June 2000). Confirmed speakers thus far include
representatives from campaign groups in Puerto Rico, the Netherlands,
Italy, Serbia, and the U.S.; the International Association of Lawyers
Against Nuclear Arms; the Military Toxics Project; radiation scientists
from Iraq and Serbia; Alice Mahon, MP; Dr. Doug Rokke, US Army Radiation
Health Specialist during the Gulf War; Dr. Rosalie Bertell, who has
in the field of environmental epidemiology of cancer and birth defects
thirty years; Karen Parker, JD, international lawyer at the UN; Dr.
Hooper, Chief Scientific Advisor to UK Gulf War Veterans; Damacio Lopez,
director of the International Depleted Uranium Study Team; Dr. Chris
physical chemist and consultant to the Low Level Radiation Campaign;
Felicity Arbuthnot, investigative journalist.

What is Depleted Uranium?
Depleted Uranium is a waste product of the nuclear industry. It is
radioactive and chemically toxic, extremely dense, and is now used to
armour-piercing weapons. When it burns or explodes, a fine, breathable,
insoluble radioactive dust is released that can travel for many miles.
has a half-life of 4.5 billion years. This means that, unless isolated,
can remain accessible to the human environment forever. About 320 tons
DU were fired on Iraq during the Gulf War, and about 10 tons on Kosovo
Serbia; a smaller, unknown amount, was used in Bosnia in 1994-95.
and civilians in the Gulf War and the Balkans have reported ill-health,
cancers, and nerve damage, as well as cancers and genetic abnormalities
their children.

What is CADU?
The Campaign Against Depleted Uranium was launched in Manchester,
in January 1999. Issues covered by its work include ill effects of DU on
soldiers and civilians in Iraq and the Balkans, medical effects of DU
soldiers and civilians, DU storage in the UK and the US, DU in scrap
in the UK, use of DU in airplanes, and DU testing in New Mexico,
Japan and Puerto Rico. CADU, together with other groups, initiated
meetings at the Hague Appeal for Peace, May 1999. These meetings formed
strong international links in the campaign against DU that are enjoyed
today. CADU is a small, largely voluntary group, funded by small
affiliation fees and donations.

CADU's Aims:
-a global ban on the manufacture, export, and use of depleted uranium
-recognition by European defence ministries that DU weapons are
with illnesses among veterans and civilians from the Gulf War, the
and among those near DU testing, manufacturing and air crash sites;
- governments that use DU must take responsibility for environmental
decontamination of areas where it has been used;
-recognition that DU weapons are already banned under international
humanitarian law.

Manchester - A Nuclear Free City for Twenty Years
5 November 2000 marks the twentieth anniversary of Manchester's 'nuclear
free' policy. Manchester became the UK's first Nuclear Free Local
in the world in 1980. Manchester City Council is generously supporting

e-mail: crj@... - URL:


Il capo della missione civile dell'ONU (UNMIK) in Kosmet Bernard
Kouchner e' molto tollerante verso chi commette "errori" nel processo
inarrestabile (?) di democratizzazione del suo protettorato (leggi: le
bande di assassini finanziati, addestrati ed appoggiati dalla NATO), ma
non altrettanto verso chi la pensa diversamente da lui.
Quando alla conferenza stampa tenutasi nel primo anniversario della
occupazione coloniale del Kosmet gli e' stato chiesto cosa ne pensasse
delle opinioni di Jiri Dinstbier, il suo collega dell'ONU inviato
speciale per i diritti umani nella ex-RFSJ che sostiene che
l'amministrazione Kouchner ha chiuso un occhio verso i criminali
dell'UCK compromettendo la convivenza sul territorio kosovaro, Kouchner
e' diventato furioso ed ha detto che Dinstbier non sa niente della
realta' di quel territorio, e che lui che ha speso 30 anni della sua
vita a proteggere i diritti umani non puo' essere criticato in tal senso
da nessuno.
Kouchner si rifiuta di incontrare Dinstbier, e la rabbia e' tale che non
vuole ricevere nemmeno il connazionale di Dinstbier, il presidente ceco
Havel, che pure invece non ha mai mostrato perplessita' nei confronti
delle politiche razziste dell'UNMIK in Kosmet. Per chiudere la
discussione sull'argomento, Kouchner ha urlato "Mr. Dinstbier, shut up!"
("Chiudi il becco Dinstbier!") dinanzi ai giornalisti convenuti.

>UN's Kouchner tells critic Shut up!
>PRISTINA, Yugoslavia, June 12 (Reuters)

Per le puntate precedenti si veda:

e-mail: crj@... - URL:

* Uno scambio di vedute su diritto internazionale e legalita' borghese

* Amnesty International sul Tribunale "ad hoc" dell'Aia
* Carla del Ponte, criminale di guerra impunita
* Richiesta di dimissioni per Carla del Ponte
* Il governo olandese sotto processo



In seguito al nostro ultimo messaggio sui crimini della NATO
abbiamo ricevuto da Luca il seguente commento:

> Ho letto l' articolo sulle leggi di guerra.
> A me pare pericoloso appoggiare le critiche alla guerra ed alla nato in
> particolare seguendo un approccio "legalitario".
> Le forze borghesi amano le cosiddette convenzioni di guerra perche' esse
> fanno parte della copertura ideologica della guerra ....Forse si
> dovrebbero mostrare le inconsistenze logiche insite negli argomenti
> legalisti. Soprattutto per quanto concerne
> i "coccodrilli " del manifesto
> o no?

Sicuramente! Tuttavia sottolineare queste come altre violazioni della
legalita' borghese commesse da parte della stessa borghesia ha un suo
significato. In pratica si tratta del "sovversivismo
delle classi dirigenti", lo stesso fenomeno che ci ha portato al
fascismo ed al nazismo, quando la classe dirigente rompe le leggi che
essa stessa ha formulato. Questo puo' avere due ricadute:
- o si prefigura come scontro inter-borghese (inter-imperialista);
- oppure semplicemente significa una deriva autoritaria, quando anche le
garanzie, gli spazi della democrazia borghese ci vengono sottratte;
oppure tutte e due le cose insieme. Percio' ci sembra importante
evidenziare quando questo succede. CRJ


Subject: YUGOSLAVIA: Amnesty International's initial comments
on the review by the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former
Yugoslavia of NATO's Operation Allied Force
Date: Wed, 14 Jun 2000 09:06:13 -0400
From: amnesty@...
Reply-To: owner-amnesty-l@...
To: amnesty-L@...

* News Release Issued by the International Secretariat of Amnesty
International *
Amnesty International Public document
AI Index EUR 70/029/2000
News Service Nr. 116
13 June 2000

Amnesty International's initial comments on the review by the
International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia of NATO's
Operation Allied Force

The International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY) has
published today the Final Report to the Prosecutor by the Committee
Established to Review the NATO Bombing Campaign Against the Federal
Republic of Yugoslavia. The report examines general issues and five
specific incidents and recommends to the ICTY Prosecutor not to commence
a criminal investigation "in relation to the NATO bombing campaign or
incidents occurring during the campaign" (para 91).

Ms Carla Del Ponte, ICTY's Prosecutor, informed the United Nations'
Security Council on 2 June 2000 that she had decided to accept this
recommendation. She specifies that although some mistakes were made by
NATO, "the Prosecutor is satisfied that there was no deliberate
targeting of civilians or unlawful military targets by NATO during the

Amnesty International has received a copy of the 45-page ICTY report and
is examining it carefully. All five incidents examined in the report by
ICTY's review committee were included in the Amnesty International
report, Collateral Damage or Unlawful Killings?, Violations of the Laws
of War by NATO during Operation Allied Force, published last week (AI
Index: EUR 70/18/00).

Amnesty International welcomes the unusual publication by the ICTY of
the reasoning behind the decision not to open an investigation related
to NATO's bombing campaign. The organization believes that this step
contributes greatly to the Tribunal's transparency, offering important
perspectives on the interpretation of the laws of war.

Amnesty International also respects the discretion enjoyed by the ICTY's
Prosecutor in deciding whether or not to open criminal investigations.
The organization understands that, as with other cases, the Prosecutor
may still decide to open an investigation into the NATO bombing should
additional relevant information become available.

Amnesty International notes that the report of the ICTY assessment
indicates that when NATO was requested "to answer specific questions
about specific incidents, the NATO reply was couched in general terms
and failed to address the specific incidents." The report also points
out that the "committee has not spoken to those involved in directing or
carrying out the bombing campaign". These facts must have contributed to
the information gaps that the committee itself acknowledges in its
report. Amnesty International also notes the following overall
conclusion of the review committee (para 90):

"NATO has admitted that mistakes did occur during the bombing campaign;
errors of judgment may also have occurred. Selection of certain
objectives for attack may be subject to legal debate. On the basis of
the information reviewed, however, the committee is of the opinion that
neither an in-depth investigation related to the bombing campaign as a
whole nor investigations related to specific incidents are justified. In
all cases, either the law is not sufficiently clear or investigations
are unlikely to result in the acquisition of sufficient evidence to
substantiate charges against high level accused or against lower accused
for particularly heinous offences."

The report does not explain what difficulties are envisaged by the
Office of the Prosecutor in gathering sufficient evidence against any
NATO or NATO member state official.

With regard to the bombing of the headquarters and studios of Serbian
state television and radio (Radio Televisija Srbije, RTS) in Belgrade on
23 April 1999, the report states (para 76):

"The committee finds that if the attack on the RTS was justified by
reference to its propaganda purpose alone, its legality might well be
questioned by some experts in the field of international humanitarian
law. It appears, however, that NATO's targeting of the RTS building for
propaganda purposes was an incidental (albeit complementary) aim of its
primary goal of disabling the Serbian military command and control
system and to destroy the nerve system and apparatus that keeps
Milosevic in power."

Earlier (para 55) the report made the following observation regarding
the role of the media in general:

"The media as such is not a traditional target category. To the extent
particular media components are part of the C3 (command, control and
communications) network they are military objectives. If media
components are not part of the C3 network then they may become military
objectives depending upon their use. As a bottom line, civilians,
civilian objects and civilian morale as such are not legitimate military
objectives. The media does have an effect on civilian morale. If that
effect is merely to foster support for the war effort, the media is not
a legitimate military objective. If the media is used to incite crimes,
as in Rwanda, it can become a legitimate military objective. If the
media is the nerve system that keeps a war-monger in power and thus
perpetuates the war effort, it may fall within the definition of a
legitimate military objective."

Amnesty International reiterates that the explanation it sought and
received by NATO regarding the attack on the RTS headquarters was that
the attack was carried out because the RTS was a propaganda organ. In a
letter to Amnesty International dated 17 May 1999 and quoted in ICTY's
report (para 73), NATO's then Secretary General Javier Solana said that
NATO made "every possible effort to avoid civilian casualties and
collateral damage by exclusively and carefully targeting the military
infrastructure of President Milocevic", adding that the RTS facilities
"are being used as radio relay stations and transmitters to support the
activities of the FRY military and special police forces, and therefore
they represented legitimate military targets". However, as also
indicated in the Amnesty International report published last week, at a
meeting with Amnesty International in Brussels on 14 February 2000 NATO
officials clarified that this reference to relay stations and
transmitters was to other attacks on RTS infrastructure and not this
particular attack on the RTS headquarters. They insisted that the attack
on the RTS headquarters was carried out because RTS was a propaganda
organ and argued that propaganda is direct support for military action.

The point relating to propaganda has been made repeatedly, most recently
by General Wesley Clark, Supreme Allied Commander in Europe at the time
of Operation Allied Force. In an address at the Brookings Institution on
8 June 2000 he is quoted as saying:

"I noticed on the news today there is criticism of the attack on the
Serb media. Well, of course, that was a controversial target. But the
Serb media engine was feeding the war. It was a crucial instrument of
Milosevic's control over the Serb population. And it exported fear,
hatred and instability into neighbouring regions. And so it was a
legitimate target of war, validated by lawyers in many countries and
validated by the International Criminal Tribunal. But it sure eased our
minds a lot to know that our elected political leaders took the
responsibility for that strike."

As explained in its report last week, Amnesty International recognizes
that disrupting government propaganda may help to undermine the morale
of the population and the armed forces. However, the organization
believes that justifying an attack on such grounds stretches the meaning
of "effective contribution to military action" and "definite military
advantage" -- essential requirements of the definition of a military
objective -- beyond the acceptable bounds of interpretation. As such,
Amnesty International takes the view that the attack on the RTS
headquarters was directed at a civilian object and points out that
"[I]ntentionally directing attacks against civilian objects" is a war
crime under the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court.

Amnesty International regrets the lack of full cooperation by NATO in
resposnding to ICTY's inquiries. The organization stresses that the fact
that the ICTY Prosecutor has decided not to open a criminal
investigation against NATO should not lead NATO to ignore the detailed
and nuanced contents of the ICTY report, or dismiss recommendations made
by Amnesty International and other organizations.

Amnesty International calls again on NATO and NATO member states to heed
the recommendations it made in its report published last week, including
the need for all NATO member states to ratify without reservations
Protocol I Additional to the Geneva Conventions of 1949; ensure a common
interpretation of international humanitarian law in line with the
highest international standards; reflect these standards in NATO's rules
of engagement; and clarify NATO's chain of command, so as to ensure
clear lines of responsibility.

NATO and NATO member states should also conduct their own investigation
into reported breaches of the rules of war during Operation Allied
Force, whether or not they may amount to war crimes, so as to take
appropriate measures against anyone found responsible, provide redress,
including compensation, to victims of such violations, and learn lessons
for the future. ...

Amnesty International, International Secretariat, 1 Easton Street,
WC1X 8DJ, London, United Kingdom
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The Emperor's New Clothes

Louise Arbour: Unindicted War Criminal
by Christopher Black and Edward S. Herman (6-14-00)
Among the many ironies of the NATO war against Yugoslavia was the role
of the International Criminal Tribunal and its chief prosecutor, Louise
Arbour, elevated by Canadian Prime Minister Jean Chretien to Canada's
highest court in 1999. It will be argued here that as Arbour and her
Tribunal played a key role in EXPEDITING war crimes, an excellent case
can be made that in a just world she would be in the dock rather than in
judicial robes.
Arbour To NATO's Rescue
In the midst of NATO's 78-day bombing campaign against Yugoslavia,
Arbour participated in an April 20 press conference with British Foreign
Secretary Robin Cook to receive from him documentation on Serb war
crimes. Then on May 27, Arbour announced the indictment of Serb
President Slobodan Milosevic and four of his associates for war crimes.
The inappropriateness of a supposedly judicial body doing this when
Germany, Russia and other powers were trying to find a diplomatic
resolution to the conflict, was staggering.
At the April 20 appearance with Cook, Arbour stated that
"It is inconceivable...that we would agree to be guided by the political
will of those who may want to advance an agenda."
But her appearance with Cook and the followup indictments fitted
perfectly the needs of the NATO leadership. There had been growing
criticism of NATO's increasingly civilian infrastructure-oriented
bombing of Serbia. Arbour's and the Tribunal's intervention declaring
the Serb leadership to be guilty of war crimes was a public relations
coup that justified the NATO policies and helped permit the bombing to
continue and escalate. This was pointed out repeatedly by NATO leaders
and propagandists: for example, Madeleine Albright noted that the
"make very clear to the world and the publics in our countries that this
[NATO policy] is justified because of the crimes committed, and I think
also will enable us to keep moving all these processes [i.e., bombing]
forward" (CNN, May 27).
Arbour herself noted that "I am mindful of the impact that this
indictment may have on the peace process," and although indicted
individuals are "entitled to the presumption of innocence until they are
convicted, the evidence upon which this indictment was confirmed raises
serious questions about their suitability to be guarantors of any deal,
let alone a peace agreement." (CNN, May 27). So Arbour not only
understood the political significance of her indictment, she suggested
that interference with diplomatic efforts was justified because the
indicted individuals, though not yet found guilty, were not suitable to
negotiate. This hugely unjudicial political judgment, along with the
convenient timing of the indictments, points up Arbour's and the
Tribunal's highly political role.
The Tribunal's Politicization
Arbour's service to NATO in indicting Milosevic was the logical outcome
of the Tribunal's de facto control and purpose. Established by the
Security Council in the early 1990s to serve the Balkan policy ends of
its dominant members, the Tribunal's funding and interlocking functional
relationship with the leading NATO powers have made it NATO's
instrument. (1)
Although Article 32 of the Tribunal's Charter declares that its expenses
shall be provided in the general budget of the United Nations, this
proviso has been regularly violated. In 1994-1995 the U.S. government
provided it with $700,000 in cash and $2.3 million in equipment, and
numerous other U.S.-based governmental and non- governmental agencies
have provided the Tribunal with resources.
Article 16 of the Tribunal's charter states that the Prosecutor shall
act independently and shall not seek or receive instruction from any
government. This section also has been systematically violated. NATO
sources have regularly made claims suggesting their authority over the
Tribunal: "We will make a decision on whether Yugoslav actions against
ethnic Albanians constitute genocide," states a USIA Fact Sheet, and
Cook asserted at his April 20 press conference with Arbour that "we are
going to focus on the war crimes being committed in Kosovo and our
determination to bring those responsible to justice, " as if he and
Arbour were a team jointly deciding on who should be charged for war
Tribunal officials have even bragged about "the strong support of
concerned governments and dedicated individuals such as Secretary
Albright," further referred to as "mother of the Tribunal" (by Judge
Gabrielle Kirk McDonald, president of the Tribunal). In 1996 Arbour met
with the Secretary-General of NATO and its supreme commander to
"establish contacts and begin discussing modalities of cooperation and
assistance." Numerous other meetings have occurred between prosecutor
and NATO, which was given the function of Tribunal gendarme.
Arbour acknowleged (April 20) that "the real danger is whether we would
fall into [following somebody's political agenda] inadvertently by being
in the hands of information-providers who might have an agenda that we
would not be able to discern." But even an imbecile could discern that
NATO had an agenda and that simply accepting the flood of documents
offered by Cook and Albright entailed ADVERTENTLY following that agenda.
Arbour's April 20 reference to the "morality of the [NATO] enterprise"
and her remarks on Milosevic's possible lack of character disqualifying
him from negotiations, as well as her rush to help NATO with an
indictment, point to quite clearly understood political service.
The Arbour-Tribunal bias was dramatically illustrated by the disposition
of an internal Tribunal report on Operation Storm, which described war
crimes committed by the Croatian armed forces in their expulsion of more
than 200,000 Serbs from Krajina in August 1995. (6) In only four days
"at least 150 Serbs were summarily executed, and many hundreds
disappeared," totals that exceeded the 241 victims of the Serbs named in
the indictment of Milosevic. But as the United States supported the
Croat's ethnic cleansing of Serbs in Krajina, and refused to provide
requested information, no indictment of any Croat officer named in the
report, or head of state Tudjman, was ever brought by the Tribunal.
Tribunal's Kangaroo Court Processes
According to Arbour, the Tribunal was "subject to extremely stringent
rules of evidence with respect to the admissibility and the credibility
of the product that we will tender in court," thus precluding
"unsubstantiated, unverifiable, uncorroborated allegations" (April 20).
This is a gross misrepresentation of what John Laughland described in
the Times (London) as "a rogue court with rigged rules" (June 17, 1999).
The Tribunal violates virtually every standard of due process: among
others, it fails to separate prosecution and judge; witnesses can
testify anonymously; confessions are presumed free and voluntary unless
the contrary can be established by the prisoner; and "rules against
hearsay, deeply entrenched in Common Law, are not observed and the
Prosecutor's office has even suggested not calling witnesses to give
evidence but only the tribunal's own 'war crimes investigators'"
As noted, Arbour presumes guilt before trial; the concept of "innocent
till convicted" is rejected, and she can declare that people linked with
Arkan "will be tainted by their association with an indicted war
criminal" (March 31). Arbour clearly does not believe in the basic rules
of Western jurisprudence. And within a month of her elevation to the
Canadian Supreme Court she joined a court majority that grafted onto
Canadian law the dangerous Tribunal practice of permitting a more
liberal use of hearsay evidence in trials. (2) The consequent corruption
of the Canadian justice system, both by her appointment and her impact,
mirrors that in the Canadian political system, whose leading members
supported the NATO war without question.
NATO's Crimes
In bombing Yugoslavia from March 24 to June 8 1999, NATO violated the UN
Charter requirement that it not use force without UN Security Council
sanction. (3) It was also guilty of aggression in attacking a sovereign
state that was not going beyond its borders. In its defense, NATO
claimed that "humanitarian" concerns demanded these actions and
justified seemingly serious law violations. (4) This reply sanctions law
violations on the basis of self-serving judgments that contradict the
rule of law, but it is also dubious on its own grounds. The NATO bombing
made "an internal humanitarian problem into a disaster" in the words of
Rollie Keith, the returned Canadian OSCE human rights monitor in Kosovo.
Furthermore, NATO refused to negotiate a settlement in Kosovo and
insisted on a violent solution; in the words of one State Department
official, NATO deliberately "raised the bar" and precluded a compromise
resolution because Serbia "needed to be bombed." These counter- facts
suggest that the alleged humanitarian basis of the law violations was a
cover for starkly political and geopolitical objectives.
NATO was also guilty of more traditional war crimes, including some that
the Tribunal had found indictable when [allegeldy] carried out by Serbs.
Thus on March 8, 1996, the Serb leader Milan Martic was indicted for
[allegeldy] launching a rocket cluster-bomb attack on military targets
in Zagreb in May 1995, on the ground that the rocket was "not designed
to hit military targets but to terrorize the civilians of Zagreb." But
the same case could be made for numerous NATO bombing raids, as in the
cluster-bombing of Nis on May 7, 1999, in which a market and hospital
far from any military target were hit in separate strikes--but no
indictment has yet been handed down against NATO.
But NATO was also guilty of bombing non-military targets as systematic
policy. On March 26, 1999, General Wesley Clark said that "We are going
to very systematically and progressively work on his military
forces...[to see] how much pain he is willing to suffer." But this focus
on "military forces" wasn't effective, so NATO quickly turned to "taking
down...the economic apparatus supporting" Serb military forces
(Clinton's words); targets were gradually extended to factories of all
kinds, electric power stations, water and sewage processing facilities,
transport, public buildings, and even schools and hospitals. In effect,
it was NATO's strategy to bring Serbia to its knees by gradually
escalating its attacks on the civil society.
But international law makes civilian targets off limits; the "wanton
destruction of cities, towns or villages or devastation not justified by
military necessity" is prohibited (Sixth Principle of Nuremberg,
formulated in 1950 by a UN-sponsored international law commission).
"Military necessity" does not allow the destruction of a civil society
to make it more difficult for the country to support its armed forces,
any more than civilians can be killed directly because they pay taxes
supporting the war machine or might some day become soldiers. Making an
entire population a hostage is a blatant violation of international law
and its implementing acts are war crimes.
In December 1999, it was finally reported that post-Arbour prosecutor
Carla Del Ponte was reviewing the conduct of NATO, at the urging of
Russia and several other "interested parties" ("U.N. Court Examines
NATO's Yugoslavia War," NYT, Dec. 29, 1999). But the news report
indicates that the focus is on the conduct of NATO pilots and their
commanders, not the NATO decision-makers who decided to target the
civilian infrastructure. It also suggests the public relations nature of
the inquiry, which would "go far in dispelling the belief...that the
tribunal is a tool used by Western leaders to escape accountability."
The report also indicates the delicate matter that the tribunal "depends
on the military alliance to arrest and hand over suspects." It also
quotes Del Ponte saying that "It's not my priority, because I have
inquiries about genocide, about bodies in mass graves." We may rest
assured that no indictments will result from this inquiry.
Beyond Orwell
NATO's leaders, frustrated in attacking the Serb military machine, quite
openly turned to smashing the civil society of Serbia as their means of
attaining the desired quick victory. Arbour and the Tribunal helped NATO
by indicting Milosevic, thereby giving NATO the moral cover needed for
escalated attacks on the hostage population.
Arbour and the Tribunal thus present us with the amazing spectacle of an
institution supposedly organized to contain, prevent, and prosecute for
war crimes actually knowingly facilitating them. Furthermore, petitions
submitted to the Tribunal during Arbour's tenure had called for
prosecution of the leaders of NATO, including Canadian Prime Minister
Jean Chretien, for the commission of war crimes. If she had been a
prosecutor in Canada, Britain or the United States, she would have been
subject to disbarment for considering and then accepting a job from a
person she had been asked to charge. But Arbour was elevated to the
Supreme Court of Canada by Chretien with hardly a mention of this
conflict of interest and immorality. **
About the authors...
Christopher Black (5) is part of the team of Canadian lawyers who have
attempted to bring war crimes charges against NATO before the War Crimes
Tribunal. At present, Mr. Black is serving as the attorney for one of
the defendant at the Rwandan war crimes hearings. He believes that
Western meddling is in large measure responsible for the horrendous
killing in Rwanda. He plans to write an article for Emperors-Clothes on
the subject.
Edward S. Herman is the author of many books including 'Real Terror
Network: Terrorism in Fact and Propaganda' (June 1998) and 'Triumph of
the Market: Essays on Economics, Politics, and the Media' (October
Further reading...
(1) See Money Talks - US Funds ICTY Public Relations at
(2) Back to the dark ages by Jared Israel at
(3) See NATO's War & World Security by Prof. Raju G. C. Thomas at
(4) See HUMANITARIAN WAR: Making the Crime Fit the Punishment by Diana
Johnstone at
(5) See An Impartial Tribunal? Really? by Christopher Black at
(6)See Conditions of Serbs in Croatia, by Alice Mahon, MP at


>Tribunal Watch archives are on-line at:
>CANA (Christians Against NATO Aggression)
>Statement from William Spring, Director
>Carla del Ponte should resign as war crimes prosecutor for the Hague
>Tribunal responsible for War Crimes in the area of the Former Yugoslavia.
>She has brought international law into disrepute by her decision announced
>to the Security Council June 2nd not to prosecute NATO leaders for war
>crimes committed by NATO forces in relation to the illegal military attack
>on Yugoslavia last year.
>Thomas Fuller, as quoted by the late Lord Denning, Master of the Rolls,
>said: "whoever you are the law is above you." In effect Carla del Ponte has
>put NATO civilian & military leaders beyond the law - has given them
>immunity to engage in whatever criminal action they like. A disgrace to
>the legal profession she should be replaced forthwith by the UN Secretary
>Her investigation into allegations made, not only by the Russian, Yugoslav
>& Chinese Governments concerning NATO war crimes, but also by ordinary
>people across the world, (in which I include CANA, as we detailed specific
>NATO atrocities in a dossier sent to her January 28th this year) was at
>best cursory; at worst her inaction can be interpreted as the frantic
>manoeuvrings of a mafia judge eager to please her mafia paymasters.
>Someone should do an investigation into the War Crimes Tribunal & her
>role, & that of of her predecessor, Ms Arbour. How is this body financed?
>Is it a legal entity? Does the UN Charter allow for new Institutions to be
>created simply on the say so of the Security Council?
>What has happened is a juridical nightmare; a nominally independent
>prosecutor, who in fact is leaned on, & responds to pressure from
>representatives of whatever coalition of powers happens to hold most
>influence in the Security Council at any one time.
>Her willingness to receive Jamie Shea, & Robin Cook, in her office at the
>Hague, while still theoretically engaged in an investigation as to whether
>NATO had committed war crimes was reprehensible, indicating collusion &
>undue influence. She should have had the courage to stand up to gangsters
>who 'fix' international Courts in the same way as Clinton fixed Congress to
>avoid impeachment.
>Her Office wrote to me 15th March stating "aerial warfare is a complex
>area of military international law involving difficult issues of targeting
>& execution." That may be so, but is not an excuse to duck the moral
>questions involved. The Prosecutor gets NATO off the hook by saying she is
>not satisfied there was 'intent' on the part of the NATO authorities to
>cause civilian casualties, which misses the point entirely: all deaths
>caused by those responsible for a war of aggression, whether they be
>military or civilian, are unlawful homicides, & it's not necessary to prove
>intent for every act which flowed from the decision to engage in aggressive
>war. But in the 15th March letter Gavin Ruxton said "The Prosecutor has no
>locus to consider the lawfulness or otherwise of the NATO decision to
>launch its air campaign": which means the Tribunal is disqualified from
>making any finding acquitting NATO of war crimes. (There is of course
>unambiguous evidence of NATO's intent to cause civilian casualties.)
>For further info tel 02088022144 cana@... also diarise
>House of Lords Cttee Room 4 12 noon 28th June 2000 Press Conference by
>Justin/Cana/Planning for Peace
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From: Herman de Tollenaere <hermantl@...>
To: right-left@...,Ova adresa el. pošte je zaštićena od spambotova. Omogućite JavaScript da biste je videli.;,
Ova adresa el. pošte je zaštićena od spambotova. Omogućite JavaScript da biste je videli.
Subject: 9 June Amsterdam: report on Dutch ministers on trial for NATO
Date: Sat, 10 Jun 2000 00:24:20 +0200

[Unofficial report, hastily written by a non-lawyer]

On Friday 9 June, at the "Paleis van Justitie" [court house] in
Dutch Government Ministers were on trial for the NATO bombing of
in 1999.

As I walk to the court house, posters of a beer brand proclaim
like our drink". Maybe, like people in Colombia or in Sierra Leone. All
these people, however, might think one drinks more safely if there is
chance of dying by a bomb or other weapon made in a NATO country.
headline of the day of daily De Volkskrant: the Dutch UN representative
that the Netherlands armed forces should get over their Balkans trauma
sending a thousand soldiers to Sierra Leone. The British NATO allies
like that. Might the Dutch soldiers not find out too late they go there,
like to the Balkans, not really for peace; but maybe for British diamond
millionaires, fighting out their conflict with French diamond
at the cost of lives of European soldiers and [especially] African
including child soldiers, and civilians? Remember racism and escalating
violence, when troops from NATO countries were supposed to bring peace

Police had not allowed a demonstration, which would have started at 10
o'clock. The case starts 11 o'clock at the "Paleis van Justitie",
Prinsengracht 434 in Amsterdam. Long before the start, people gather
outside. Pro peace leaflets change hands. A big banner goes aloft: NATO
OF THE BALKANS. It is held by a local anti war committee member, and by
twentyish Amsterdam university student. She is here with others of De
Socialist magazine, also present at earlier peace demonstrations.

Celine is there as well. Though more than fifty-five years ago, the Nazi
occupiers of The Netherlands put her in a camp, today she still fights
against racism and war. She is of De Anti Fascist. This is the magazine
the Bond van Anti Fascisten [Anti Fascist League], founded by ex members
the 1940-1945 resistance against German Nazi occupation. Later, younger
fighters against present day racism and other forms of discrimination
joined. The Anti Fascist League is a main source making it financially
possible to have this case: as the Yugoslav plaintiffs are very poor,
often lost jobs and everything by the war.

Speaking of media: a TV crew of the local [multicultural] Amsterdam TV
records the scene outside and the court case inside. Radio The
World Broadcasting is there; as are correspondents of De Volkskrant and
Bosnian media. Yesterday, an article in Ganashakti daily, all the way in
India, told its readers of the case.

In 1999, 29 citizens of Yugoslavia, victims of the bombs, started this
court case against Ministers Kok [Prime Minister], Van Aartsen [Foreign
Affairs], and De Grave [Defense]. In May/June 1999, the judge did not
their request for summary proceedings. However, he also did not throw
the case, as pro-war politicians might have liked. Similar court cases
on their way in other NATO countries; though often, in these countries
legal system works a little slower, or is more expensive for plaintiffs,
than in The Netherlands. In The Netherlands, there are now also cases
against the State [so, not against ministers individually, like in this
case]; other Dutch civil cases against individuals; and World Court
for violation of UN Charter point 2 sub 4, against military aggression.
In a
few months' time, the case brought by surviving families of the bombed
Belgrade television studio crew members will start in The Netherlands.

Before a full big court room, Mr Van Schendel, court president, first
arranges for the media representatives' reporting. Then, he calls upon
bombs victims' lawyers to speak. He grants them one hour. As twenty
is usual for lawyers in civil cases, this indicates some sense of the
juridical importance of this case.

These lawyers are Mr Steijnen and Mr Olof, of Juristen voor de Vrede
[Lawyers for Peace] and the Permanente Commissie [Permanent Legal
against Dutch War Crimes]. Lawyers for Peace have a long history of
challenges to the Dutch government for allowing NATO nuclear weapons in
Netherlands [officially, the people are not allowed to know whether the
nuclear weapons are there or not].

Mr Olof pointed out NATO's war was against the United Nations charter
international law. Mr Steijnen pointed out that the Dutch government,
NATO, claims NATO's targets were all military. The civilian victims
supposedly were "collateral damage". Really? asked Mr Steijnen. NATO
destroyed fifty churches and monasteries, over three hundred schools;
bridges unsuited for military vehicles; buses; passenger trains; TV
cigarette factories; 100% of chemical industry and 100% of agricultural
fertilizer industry in Yugoslavia; even apart from depleted uranium
ammunition radiation, creating enormous environmental damage. NATO used
cluster bombs.

Conservative pro NATO estimates say 1000 civilians died, 6000 were
The MEAT report of the United States Air Force, quoted by Newsweek and
others, says all the weeks of air war destroyed 14 Yugoslav tanks, 18
vehicles, 20 pieces of artillery. If we base ourselves on the
estimate of civilian victims: then, 70 civilians died for every Yugoslav
tank. Would it not be more accurate to say civilians and civilian
were the real targets, and the damage against Yugoslav army vehicles and
artillery really was "collateral" damage? NATO leaders themselves
admitted this [eg, when asked: why did the Yugoslav government finally
admit NATO troops in Kosovo? Eg, General Short said on BBC television
first target [to his regret, only destroyed later] should have been the
"rock and roll bridge" in Belgrade, where young people had concerts
the bombing].

Concluding, Mr Steijnen named three random examples of the plaintiffs.
worked as a car mechanic in Montenegro. The war started; very worried
his family in Belgrade, he went there, and parked his car. NATO bombs
and destroyed the car. This loss meant also the loss of his mechanic's
Now, he has nothing.

Another plaintiff worked in a small businessman's garage. A bomb
the garage and the cars in it. Now, the employer is jobless and hungry.
is the employee.

A third example: this man used to work in a metal working factory. Bombs
totally destroyed the factory. Like its other 8000 workers, now he is

For the ministers, Mr Houtzagers spoke. He quoted from a political
government statement, claiming NATO became involved as it worried about
stability of Albania and Macedonia [both non NATO members; and how did
war 'help stability' of these countries, let alone of Kosovo? Mr
replied]. And 'Yugoslavia had refused to negotiate seriously in
[and how about NATO's proposed Appendix B, amounting to de facto
of all Yugoslavia?]'. Repeatedly interrupted by judges' critical
Mr Houtzagers talked about the legal base for the NATO attack. He
that UN Resolution 1199 was not such a legal base; nevertheless, the
government used it as justification. Mr Steijnen pointed out that only
member of the Dutch parliament, Mr Van Middelkoop, had known about
Resolution 1199. So, then, how about democratic control by parliament on
whether The Netherlands were at war or not [not even Prime Minister Kok
when the bombing started]?

Mr Houtzagers also said the ministers could not be sued, 'as they had
as organs of the State'. In reply, Mr Steijnen pointed out that at the
Nuremberg trials, the court had rejected such a defense. *Individuals*
commit war crimes. The Nuremburg decisions are important in
law; though in its defence the Dutch government now more or less tries
dismiss them. They were part of the precedents claimed, by, for
the 1993 establishment of the court on Yugoslavia in The Hague. Mr
said: "How would a court react to General Pinochet claiming he had not
an individual, only '"an organ of the state"?

To the argument: "the war is over now, so the plaintiffs have no case
anymore. [Two of the plaintiffs last year complained, as the war had
them join the Yugoslav army as conscripts, thus putting them in danger
involuntarily]", Mr Steijnen replied the plaintiffs still were in
also if they would all continue to be civilians as at the moment; as
was only a cease fire, not peace. If one listens today to Dutch and
NATO leaders they may not yet have learned not to start a similar war
against Yugoslavia [or against another country].

President Van Schendel concluded the session by saying that the court
decision will, in principle, become public at 6 July, at 11.30 in the
court house. However, Mr Van Schendel left open the possibility that the
court would need more time for the legal complexities of the case; then,
verdict would be later.

Even if Lawyers for Peace lose the case in Amsterdam, they will appeal,
the way up to the European Court.

After the court case, Mr Houtzagers, contrary to the bombs victims'
refused to answer media questions. Later that day, there was a meeting.
Other Dutch ministers may also face civil cases. So may F16 pilots. So
pro-war Members of Parliament like Mr Blaauw of the ["Rightist Liberal"]
government party: Blaauw, during the Balkan war, talked of glorious
opportunities for Dutch construction millionaires in Kosovo, after the
bombs would have done their job. Mr Blaauw is also a leader of the Press
organization; officially for 'independent' [in fact, NATOish] media in
Balkans. Maybe, also a civil case by people hurt by the bombs, against
Mr De
Hoop Scheffer of the ["Christian Democrat"] CDA [very pro bombing,
officially in opposition].

And, maybe also civil damages claims against Marcel Rüter, businessman,
leader of the extreme Rightist Voorpost ["Vanguard"] movement, not
represented in government or parliament, which made pro bombing
Mr Rüter is an ex leader of the Centrumpartij'86, members of which used
rally for Adolf Hitler and his deputy, Rudolf Hess. Used to, *as
Centrumpartij'86 people*; because a few years ago, the courts banned
party for racism; after members had gone to jail for violence. In 1999
Voorpost tried a political comeback on the wave of pro-war and
anti-Serb-anti-Roma-and-anti-other-foreigner propaganda in the 'popular'
media. Maybe an opportunity for the Anti Fascist League to figuratively
"kill the two birds, of war and racism, with one stone"?

Best wishes,

Herman de Tollenaere


CounterPunch [Originally published at Swans:]
June 4, 2000
An Impartial Tribunal, Really?
By Christopher Black


The Road To Hell Is Paved With Good Intentions
By William Dorich

e-mail: crj@... - URL:


Si è svolto oggi (13/6) alla Camera dei Deputati la discussione generale
sulle mozioni per la revoca dell'embargo all'Iraq.
La petizione "per la dissocizione italiana dll'embargo" è stata
annunciata in aula e l'On Cento ha letto un intervento a
nome dei firmatari della petizione.
Gli intervenuti (il dibattito integrale si può leggere sul sito della
camera si sono unanimemente espressi
per la revoca delle sanzioni all'Iraq.
Il sottosegretario Intini, invece, nella sostanza ha sostenuto che
l'Italia non può far nulla senza un preventivo consenso
europeo (cioè mai, vista la posizione inglese) e senza la integrale
applicazione delle risoluzioni Onu, rimettendosi quindi
nelle mani degli Stati Uniti. Negando così ancora una volta le
responsablità italiane.
Per ora i testi delle mozioni presentate si limitano a impegnare il
Governo ad operare per la revoca delle sanzioni e, vista
la posizione espressa da Intini, si rischia ancora di avere una
risoluzione senza conseguenze.
Invitiamo tutti a mantenere la pressione sul Parlamento inviando a
posta@... e-mail con oggetto "Cari
deputati" che saranno redirette verso tuttii deputati.

campagna Rompere l'embargo



Sabato 17 giugno 2000
alle ore 15
presso la libreria esoterica ecumenica Falcone
di piazza Missori, Milano

Il Prof. Marco Aurelio Rivelli

si incontrerà con il pubblico per parlare del suo libro “
sul “beato” Stepinac.

Il 28 giugno l’autore sarà in Grecia per presentare l’edizione greca di
questo libro.

Prossimamente entra in stampa il nuovo libro su Pio XII e le
responsabilità della Chiesa nei genocidi (nei vari paesi europei)
durante la Seconda guerra mondiale.



23 GIUGNO 2000 ORE 20

Il coordinamento Torinese per la Jugoslavia sta organizzando per la
del 23 giugno una cena jugoslava, destinando i proventi alla raccolta di
fondi necessari per l'acquisto di medicinali destinati all'ospedale
"KBG" di
Durante la serata saranno proiettati video documentari sulla situazione
Chi ha intenzione di partecipare alla serata benefit è pregato di
telefonando a Flavio 0338 1755563 o via e-mail a
entro il 19 giugno alle ore 12.
I disoccupati e gli studenti sottoscriveranno una quota di £ 15.000,
gli altri £ 25000.

L'ospedale di Kragujevac assiste malati di tutta la regione della
Sumadia e
delle regioni intorno; oggi dopo le devastazioni criminali della NATO,
l'ospedale cura circa 2.000.000 di malati, solo per pediatria e
A questa popolazione si sono aggiunti circa 20.000 profughi dal Kosovo
vanno a sommarsi alle decine di migliaia di profughi provenienti da
e Bosnia.
Gli effetti devastanti dei bombardamenti su obiettivi civili, sulle
industrie chimiche hanno incrementato esponenzialmente i tumori della
e i calcinomi uterini e mammellari, oltre ai disturbi psichici e
nervosi, ma
anche febbri e problemi gastro intestinali.
A questi problemi si aggiunge il criminale embargo e le sanzioni contro
Jugoslavia: negli ospedali mancano ormai tutti i tipi di medicinali e
soprattutto anestetici, citostatici, antibiotici e medicine per la
psichiatria e la pediatria.
Torino 12 giugno 2000




Piccola rettifica di ordine amministrativo

Molti compagni ci hanno inviato dei messaggi facendoci notare un errore
contenuto nel
nostro comunicato di ieri.

In effetti, indicando il conto corrente postale n.12134623 intestato al
centro Studi P. Tresso
su cui fare il versamento per la prenotazione abbiamo omesso di indicare
il recapito del C/C

Chi effettuasse il versamento deve compilare il modulo postale come

Conto Corrente Postale n.12134623 intestato al centro Studi P.
Casella Postale 43 - 06034 Foligno (PG)

Ce ne scusiamo coi lettori.

Il Comitato Organizzativo del Campo.



Most za Beograd - Un ponte per Belgrado in terra di Bari
Associazione culturale di solidarietà con la popolazione jugoslava
c/o RdB, via M. Cristina di Savoia 40, BARI. e-mail: ponte@...

mercoledì 21 giugno ore 17.00
Facoltà di Lingue
via Garruba 4 Bari

Jugoslavia 2000. Quale situazione? Quali prospettive?

Relazioni e interventi di:

Ugo Villani, ordinario di diritto internazionale - Università di Bari:
L'ONU e la crisi del Kosovo un anno dopo
Dragan Mraovic, console capo della Repubblica Federale di Jugoslavia a
Bari: La Serbia, tra ricostruzione ed embargo

Intermezzo recitato a cura dell'associazione teatrale Grammelot di
- Le 15 bugie di Jamie Shea
- Gott mit uns: il monologo di Wesley Clark
- Carla dei miracoli alla corte dell'Aja

Jasna Tkalec, redattrice della rivista Hrvatska Ljevica (sinistra
croata): Croazia: la pesante eredità dell'era Tudjman e le prospettive
Nico Perrone, docente di Storia contemporanea - Università di Bari
Giuseppe Belviso, giornalista e telecineoperatore di RAI 3

coordina Andrea Catone, dell'associazione Most za Beograd


"Senza Censura"
Per rilanciare il dibattito su repressione e carcere

Sommario n.2/2000:

- Mumia Abu-Jamal:
L'irragionevolezza del caso.
Dal Braccio della Morte!
Tributo ad Albert "Nuh" Washington
Dal carcere di Novara, per Mumia

- Strategia della Controrivoluzione
L'U.E. grande potenza
Adriatico: avamposto permanente per la guerra nei Balcani
Il Montenegro
Ad un anno dalla guerra
Il punto di vista della controrivoluzione

- Ristrutturazione e Controllo:
Repressione e mondo del lavoro
Ristrutturazione e processo penale
"Nuove" tecniche di controllo
Il grande fratello
Trasporti e diritto di sciopero
Legge e ordine "made in U.s.a."

- Repressione e Lotte:
Il caos come normalità (cronologia ragionata)


Questo secondo numero, uscito secondo la tabella di marcia che prevede
Censura in distribuzione ogni quattro mesi, lo presentiamo ai lettori
particolare soddisfazione.
Come tutte le scommesse (editoriali e non) la seconda uscita e' un po'
cartina di tornasole dell'intero progetto: dopo gli sforzi del primo
e' qui infatti che si comincia a verificare se effettivamente il lavoro
fatto ha dei riscontri, se riesce cioe' a 'girare' al di la' dello
volontaristico della redazione.
E a gudicare dai materiali raccolti (siamo stati costretti ad aumentare
numero di pagine previste) e dal lavoro di distribuzione fatto in questi
mesi, il bilancio puo' dirsi senz'altro positivo.
Molte sono state le serate di presentazione organizzate in varie citta'
italiane, ancora di piu' sono stati i momenti di confronto "informali"
compagni e compagne che hanno avuto come centro di discussione la
rivista e
piu' in generale la problematica della repressione con essa trattata.
Molte, naturalmente, le critiche, i suggerimenti, i contributi.
La difficolta' maggiore e' senz'altro quella di rendere organico il
di fare intravedere nella successione degli articoli e degli argomenti
quella traccia, quel filo rosso che vorremmo evidenziare tra aspetti
cosi' diversi della questione "repressione".
Soprattutto nel primo numero, il rischio "collage" era forte. Ancora
forte, forse, il rischio di non riuscire a collocare questo lavoro
all'interno di una chiara lettura di classe che vede la repressione non
un "fenomeno" oggetto di studi quasi sociologici a se' stanti, ma come
strumento strategico del capitale a livello internazionale per governare
propria crisi, per affiancare e sostenere i tentativi di
che a livello globale vengono messi in campo per mantenere intatto il
proprio dominio sulle classi sfruttate di tutto il mondo.
E infine, ma non meno importante, per mettere una costante ipoteca sulla
possibilita' di sviluppo di qualsiasi forma di organizzazione che
all'interno di questa crisi tenta di riaffermare prospettive di
trasformazione/liberazione al di fuori delle compatibilita' stabilite
vari potentati in ogni angolo del pianeta.
Del resto, in questo anno "post-bellico", proprio su questo terreno
ha visto una progressione repressiva degna degli anni '80, con decine di
arresti e centinaia di perquisizioni che hanno "scandagliato" le piu'
diverse esperienze dell'organizzazione di classe nel costante tentivo di
ostacolare o comunque condizionare pesantemente lo sviluppo di qualsiasi
anche minimo livello di critica politica dell'esistente.
Ci sembra comunque che un po' alla volta, anche dal lavoro della
comincino a delinearsi alcuni terreni di approfondimento che puntano con
decisione nella direzione prefissata, trovando numerosi riscontri e
raccogliendo diversi contributi non fini a se' stessi ma che pian piano
evidenziano filoni di dibattito ben precisi da sviluppare in avanti.
In questa direzione si conferma ancora efficace la divisione della
nelle quattro sezioni individuate nel numero scorso: Strategie della
Controrivoluzione, Ristrutturazione e Controllo, Repressione delle
oltre alla immancabile sezione di aggiornamente sulla campagna contro
l'assassinio di Mumia Abu-Jamal, che cerca ancora una volta di fare il
su una vicenda che ci vede impegnati da anni insieme a milioni di
persone in
tutto il mondo determinate a strappare questo rivoluzionario dalle mani
E cosi' l'analisi dei processi di ristrutturazione della Nato, con le
pesanti implicazioni su tutta l'area Sud-Orientale che fanno dell'Europa
scacchiere fondamentale per le strategie di controllo imperialiste a
globale, ci sembra consolidarsi come un terreno importante di confronto
e di
approfondimento politico della rivista.
Come pure, sulle questioni del lavoro, la circolazione di riflessioni e
contributi tesi non solo a smascherare una chiara tendenza
delle "nuove" legislazioni e delle "nuove" forme di organizzazione della
produzione ma che cominciano a riaffrontare un po' alla volta anche la
questione dell'organizzazione di classe in un settore dove da anni lo
scoramento e la mancanza di prospettive dominavano la scena, ci sembra
aspetto senza dubbio interessante.
Un'altra questione su cui si sta sviluppando un importante lavoro di
approfondimento che proseguira' nei prossimi numeri e' l'analisi del
complesso carcerario negli USA, un sentiero "dannato" che ci porta nei
meandri della "bestia" aiutandoci a comprendere meglio una realta'
solo intravista tra le veline dei giornali ma, nostro malgrado, specchio
premonitore di molte trasformazioni gia' riconoscibili nelle strategie
politiche dei padroni nostrani.
E in ultimo, un tentativo di rendere un po' piu' immediato e fruibile il
frammentato resoconto di notizie, buone e cattive, che per forza di cose
accavallano tra un numero e l'altro, proposto ora nella forma di un
"calendario" che alterna in ordine cronologico flash a piccoli articoli
Non ci stancheremo mai di ripetere, prima di lasciarvi alla lettura
rivista, come per noi sia assolutamente fondamentale che al lavoro della
redazione si affianchi la collaborazione e il contributo di quanti,
individui o esperienze collettive, pensano di avere qualcosa da dire
molte tematiche proposte, nella convinzione che questo possa fornire un
piccolo ma importante strumento nelle mani di chi ha scelto di opporsi
brutalita' e alle aberrazioni della societa' del capitale.

Per chi volesse inviarci del materiale per la
pubblicazione su "Senza Censura" deve indirizzare a:

Centro di Documentaqzione "Krupskaja"
(specificando: per Senza Censura)
Via del Verrocchio 12/N
40138 - Bologna
E-mail: senzacensura@...

e-mail: crj@... - URL:


I diplomatici jugoslavi a Berlino stanno ricevendo in questi giorni
numerose lettere di protesta da organizzazioni caritatevoli e per la
protezione degli animali, nelle quali si chiede la cessazione degli
"eccidi di massa di cani" in Serbia. Queste organizzazioni sostengono di
essere venute a conoscenza delle programmata liquidazione di 350 cani,
probabilmente randagi, in Serbia entro il 15 giugno 2000.
"Vi preghiamo di evitare questo nuovo genocidio", c'e' scritto su una di
queste lettere. "Non e' stato gettato abbastanza sangue nelle guerre di
questi anni?"
In tutti questi mesi la missione diplomatica jugoslava a Berlino non ha
ricevuto neanche una singola lettera di protesta, nemmeno per
conoscenza, relativamente alla uccisione di piu' di mille persone nella
provincia del Kosmet.

(Fonte:, 14/6/2000)

e-mail: crj@... - URL:


Mail version: the complete version, with links, is at


A Serbian child who is shot to enforce human rights, suffers just as
pain, as an American or British child. Yet the US and British
governments do
not kill or injure their own citizens, to protect their human rights.
fate is reserved for East Europeans, Africans, and Asians. The western
rights lobby claims, that it is wrong to deny people human rights. They
opposition to human rights is based on 'ethical relativism', and that
own 'moral universalism' is superior. Yet they would never subject their
fellow citizens to the same treatment as (for instance) the inhabitants
Belgrade. Clearly, the 'moral universalism' is itself relative. More
it is just a propaganda slogan anyway. Increasingly, the doctrine of
rights is the cause of suffering, oppression and injustice.
Increasingly, the
argument that superpowers have a 'moral duty' to enforce human rights,
is used
in the same way as the doctrine of the 'civilising mission' once was
used to
justify colonialism. This text presents a clear rejection of human
without any appeal to cultural relativism / ethical relativism.

The ethical system of rights

In the claims made by advocates of human rights, rights generally have
following characteristics...

-- a right is declared by one person or organisation, for another

-- usually, a right is declared by one person or organisation, for all
human beings

-- the consent of the other person or persons is not necessary, for the
to be declared

-- there are certain actions (or restraint from certain actions) which
constitute 'respect' of the right

-- these actions (or restraint from action) may legitimately be taken

-- there is usually a moral duty to take these actions (or this
from action)

-- the person with the right has no moral grounds to oppose this action
even if they have not consented to the right in the first place

-- therefore there are certain actions which may legitimately be taken
against another, since they fulfil a moral obligation to respect a
right, and
these actions do not constitute a harm

-- since there is a moral obligation to these actions, they are not
even if consent for them is explicitly refused, and even if the person
affected considers them a harm

These are the far-reaching claims made by all advocates of rights, and
especially by the human rights lobby. It is obvious, even from this
that the logic of rights interferes with the principle of moral

Some people in history have indeed claimed the rights that were conceded
them - but most have had their rights declared for them by others. They
not allowed to renounce these 'declared rights'. The idea that a person
accept all rights declared for them (by others), clearly contradicts the
of political freedom. The human-rights tradition includes no element of
consent. 'Declared rights' are by definition authoritarian. It is these
aspects, which make the doctrine of human rights a license for

The Prizren water supply

The logic of rights can be illustrated with a familiar example, addition
substances to drinking water. Consider these examples...

-- The United Nations declares a right to healthy drinking water.
the UN administration in Prizren decides to filter the drinking water to
remove bacteria. It does not inform the residents of the city, or ask
their consent.

That seems relatively harmless, and indeed desirable. But the moral
logic is
no different in the following examples....

-- The United Nations declares a right to healthy drinking water.
the UN administration in Prizren decides to add chlorine to the
water, to kill bacteria. It does not inform the residents of the city,
or ask
their consent.

-- The United Nations declares a right to healthy drinking water.
the UN administration in Prizren decides to add fluoride to the
water, to improve dental health. It does not inform the residents of the
or ask their consent.

-- The United Nations declares a right to healthy drinking water.
the UN administration in Prizren decides to add contraceptives to the
drinking water, since the high birth rate is overloading the health-care
system. It does not inform the residents of the city, or ask their

-- The United Nations declares a right to healthy drinking water.
the UN administration in Prizren decides to add Prozac to the drinking
to reduce the incidence of post-traumatic depression. It does not inform
residents of the city, or ask their consent.

-- The United Nations declares a right to healthy drinking water.
the UN administration in Prizren decides to add a genetically modified
virus to the drinking water, as a form of vaccination against an AIDS
epidemic. It does not inform the residents of the city, or ask their

The list shows how easy it is to extend the range of a right (and indeed
UN administration in Kosovo has taken extraordinary steps to control
and political life there). The United Nations decided, without
consulting me,
that I have a right not to be tortured - and that is considered morally
legitimate. But what is to stop them deciding tomorrow, that I have a
right to
be tortured? The United Nations decided that I have a right to life. But
is to stop them deciding tomorrow, that I have a right to death?

But this type of argument - the 'slippery slope ', or 'consequentialism'
- is
rejected anyway by many moral philosophers. They would claim that, just
because a principle has undesirable consequences in certain cases, that
not rule it out as a moral principle. But it is the principle itself
which is
wrong here - the principle that certain actions are in effect exempt
moral judgment, because they constitute 'respect' of a right.

Human rights: opposing principles

The best way to illustrate this is to look at how rights could be
acceptable. That could be through these alternative principles...


1 "Rights are voluntary. They can not be imposed on a person without

2 "Every person is free to chose their own rights, if any."

3 "It is not in itself good to respect a right. Every right is itself
to ethical assessment, to moral judgment. It can be wrong to respect a
even a right that has been consented to."

4 "An action done to a person, to respect the rights of that person, can
be a
harm to that person. Each person is morally autonomous in deciding what
constitutes a harm to themselves."

5 "Specifically, the state or international organisations may not
rights for persons, unless those persons participated in the formulation
those rights, and expressed their consent."

6 "Rights may be renounced at any time."

7 "There must be an impartial procedure of appeal against rights.
this function can not be exercised by pro-rights organisations, such as
United Nations."

8 "An agreement on rights can not bind persons, who have not entered
into the agreement."

9 "Objections of conscience to any right are valid."


This list only shows how different the present human rights idea is, in
comparison. No supporter of human rights would ever accept anything like
these principles.

The UN-declared human rights

The present debate on human rights and sovereignty is largely concerned
with a
specific set of rights, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. This
Declaration was approved by the United Nations in December 1948. In this
the failure of ethical legitimacy is clear. The human rights lobby
that this document is morally binding on the whole world, forever. But
basis does that have?

-- The document was approved by the diplomatic representatives of UN
states. No other persons or organisations participated in the
negotiations on
the text.

-- These states were the victorious allied powers of 1945, and their
with a few others. They did not even approximate the present membership
of the
United Nations.

-- In many cases, the government and political system in these states
been installed in 1944 and 1945 by Allied military action. (In Europe
especially, the Soviet Union and the US manipulated the political
process to
obtain the desired government, inside their new spheres of influence).
Even by
the limited standards of parliamentary elections, they governments did
'represent' their inhabitants. In some countries, such as Greece and
China, a
civil war was in progress.

-- Some of the signatory states were, at the time, de facto
protectorates of
Allied powers - such as Persia, Egypt and Iraq. Others were self-ruled
colonies, but with a whites-only government, such as Australia and South

-- Several of the states excluded large sections of the population from
political influence - such as the remains of the German minorities in
Europe at the time. Germany and Japan themselves were under military
occupation, and not represented.

-- Some of the States - Afghanistan, for instance - had no modern
system of any kind.

-- Most notably, Africa was 'represented' by colonial powers. At the
most held no elections of any kind, in most of their colonial territory.
Often, all political activity by 'natives' was forbidden.

-- Probably only five governments decided, without outside pressure,
position on the Declaration: the United States, Britain, the Soviet
Sweden, and Mexico. All others were, to a greater or lesser extent,
on their protecting power (or colonial power).

-- The text was ultimately a compromise, between the United States and
Soviet Union. The USA was the initiator in this process, and the Soviet
was on the defensive. The Declaration is, without doubt, a primary
text of the Cold War.

-- Most of the world population never even saw the text, before it was
approved. Probably the majority could not even understand the few
languages in which it was written. The text is still not available, in
majority of the languages spoken on earth.

-- No election was held in any country, with the text as an election

-- No referendum, or any other form of test, was held to approve the
text, in
any country. There was no ratification procedure of any kind, since it
was not
a Treaty.

-- No individual ever formally consented to the document as an
the United Nations never organised such a consent procedure.

-- I am obliged to accept the contents, even though it was approved
before I
was born, and any influence on its contents was therefore impossible.

-- There is no procedure for revision of the declaration.

-- There is no procedure for periodic review, let alone periodic
of the Declaration.

-- The Declaration is therefore considered to apply indefinitely,
beyond the
lifetime of those who drafted it, and without any possibility of
amending it
or annulling it. Their descendants will, apparently, forever be bound by
the Declaration.

-- There is no independent appeal against its contents, or against the
imposed, or against the application of the Declaration by the United

-- Specifically, there is no independent appeal procedure, against
action to enforce it. If the UN decides tomorrow, that it is necessary
destroy Beijing with a nuclear weapon, to enforce human rights, then
can take any legal steps against this decision. Neither the individual
residents, nor the Chinese government, nor any organisation, can appeal
certainly not to the International Court. The Universal Declaration of
Rights is considered beyond appeal, in fact beyond all legal procedure.

For a document conferring such powers, this is a very weak ethical
basis. Even
more so, because it is now treated as the basic document of the United
(in contrast to the UN Charter, which guarantees national sovereignty).
If the
United States recolonises Africa over the next 15 years, then it will
certainly refer to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights - as the
basis for its actions. And since the United States is now the only
capable of doing this, and no other power can successfully oppose it,
temptation will be great. Because of its claimed universal and absolute
the Universal Declaration of Human Rights is an emergent license for
conquest, in a uni-polar world.

Human rights are clearly political

There is no doubt, that the doctrine of human rights belongs within a
political tradition: the broad European liberal tradition. Human rights
also become a central element, in recent Anglo-American democratic
(the type of political philosophy represented by John Rawls). But the
tradition is only one section of European political thought. Not only
human rights not universal, they are not even 'western' or 'European'.
text completely rejects human rights, but from a background which is as
European as liberalism. It is certainly not an African (or Asian, or
cultural or philosophical viewpoint. Human rights are not culturally
they are politically specific. The human rights doctrine is a classic
political ideology.

The imposition of human rights on the world, is the imposition of that
political ideology. And with it comes the rest of the liberal package.
supporters of human rights are also the supporters of free trade,
an open society and the free market. The two recent explicit military
interventions to protect rights, in Timor and Kosovo, have also brought
free-market economies to these regions. In organisations like the NATO
or the
OSCE, the free market and human rights are always referred to together,
as if
they were the same thing. And because of that, in practice, they are.

Paul Treanor

e-mail: crj@... - URL: