Nuove informazioni trapelano sull'operato di Krunoslav Draganovic, il
prete croato che alla fine delle II Guerra Mondiale organizzo' la fuga
dei criminali nazisti, tra cui Ante Pavelic, attraverso il Vaticano (e
precisamente attraverso la Chiesa di San Girolamo dei Croati, in Via
Tomacelli a Roma), verso l'America Latina ed altre destinazioni. Su
quegli episodi invieremo a breve una sintesi del libro "Ratlines" di
Aaron e Loftus (Newton Compton Editori), del quale consigliamo vivamente
la lettura. (CRJ)


For Immediate Release: US Army Releases Cold War Documents on Vatican

Priest was Nazi War Criminal and US Secret Agent

Reply-To: "Jonathan Levy" <jlevy1@...>
From: "Jonathan Levy" <jlevy1@...>
To: <advocate@...>
Subject: For Immediate Release: US Army Releases Cold War Documents on
Vatican Spy: Priest was Nazi War Criminal and US Secret Agent
Date: Sun, 3 Jun 2001 16:57:49 -0700

Monday June 4, 2001

US Army Releases Cold War Documents on Vatican Spy:

Priest was Nazi War Criminal and US Secret Agent

Jonathan Levy - Tom Easton
TEL. 513-528-0586

Cincinnati, Ohio - A pending lawsuit filed in the United States District
Court for the Southwestern District of Ohio against the Army and CIA has
resulted in the release of over 300 pages of Cold War documents by the
Army. The documents are all from the file of a Nazi war criminal, Fr.
Krunoslav Draganovic, who was responsible for the slaughter of tens of
thousands of Serbs in wartime Yugoslavia. Draganovic founded the Vatican
"ratline" or escape route that was responsible for the escape of
of Nazis to South America postwar including Adolph Eichman and Klaus

The lawsuit filed by attorney Jonathan Levy sought declassification and
release of documents under the Nazi War Crimes Disclosure Act. Levy and
Tom Easton are lead counsel for plaintiffs in a class action lawsuit
brought against the Vatican Bank for return of Nazi gold to Holocaust
survivors and their families. According to Levy, "Draganovic was the key
Vatican operative who participated in the postwar laundering of Nazi
gold." Draganovic worked for a number of intelligence agencies including
the American Army and CIA, all were aware of his Nazi past and hatred of
Serbs, but chose to disregard this in favor his equally rabid

The newly released documents detail Army payments to Draganovic for data
on a variety of Cold War matters. Some of the operations detailed
recruitment of Croatian mercenaries to help the Dominican Republic fight
Castro, Army help in obtaining a US tourist visa for the war criminal to
visit Cleveland and New York in 1961, purchase of the Yugoslav Army
of battle, and details on numerous other operatives in the Vatican,
including a well known Irish Monsignor. Of significance to the Vatican
Bank lawsuit which also names the Franciscan Order as a codefendant, was
the Army assessment that Draganovic commanded the loyalty of all
Franciscan priests in Yugoslavia, even exceeding the Vatican s

Scans of select documents are available at

The lawsuit, Alperin v. Vatican Bank, was originally filed in November
1999 in the United States District Court for the Northern District of
California. Levy v. Army and CIA is pending in the Southwestern District
of Ohio and seeks release of additional documents.

For more information contact:

Jon Levy Tel. (513) 528-0586


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