Message from Michel Collon, May 30, 2001 (en fran�ais ci dessous)

Dear friends

I am committed to keeping you informed of the
developments with my cancer. I remind you that I was to be
operated on for a cancer of the kidney; the operation went
very well and I am convalescing normally.

Unfortunately, I learned that the tests carried out on the
kidney that was removed, as well as on the other kidney and
on the thyroid gland, revealed the presence of Cesium 134
and 137 as well as that of a third element.

All three are products of the decomposition of Uranium 235,
which, as is known, is derived directly from the waste
products of nuclear power plants.

Tests to verify these results will be carried out in the
coming days. The laboratory of the Institute of Nuclear
Medicine, directed by Professor Frohling, has therefore
found these radioactive substances in my body. This only
reinforces my anger against the heads of NATO, who have
transformed entire territories into radioactive garbage

I had the good fortune to have had the radioactive
substances discovered very early and to have been cared for
by people both competent and committed to their work.

But I think also of the local population, of the hundreds of
thousands of people who will have no access to this
sophisticated and costly health care. In the years to come
in these regions, NATO will therefore cause (and has already
caused) enormous suffering and anguish.

I would like to use my personal experience to break into the
media with the truth and reinforce the determination of all
those who want to make sure the heads of NATO pay for what
they did.

The NATO leaders are the monsters who lied about their war,
claiming that it was clean. Not only did they lie about
their so-called humanitarian goals that were in reality
economic and strategic goals, but also they treated all the
peoples of the region like garbage.

I have decided to open an emergency suit to gain justice.
NATO must pay for the costly medical examinations and tests.
NATO ignored the principle of prudence for all Belgians who
were sent in these countries--Iraq, Bosnia, Kosovo,
Yugoslavia--and they also should be able to benefit from the
examinations and explorations.

Medicine for the Third World is committed to coordinating
the necessary steps.
Medicine for the Third World: 02/5040147 Colette Moulaert
Email: colette.moulaert@...

Chers amis,
Je tenais absolument � vous faire part des suites de mon cancer.
Je vous rappelle que je viens de me faire op�rer pour un cancer du
rein ; l'
op�ration s'est tr�s bien d�roul�e et je me remets normalement.
Malheureusement, je viens d'apprendre que les tests pratiqu�s sur
le rein
pr� lev� ainsi que sur l'autre rein et la glande thyro�de ont
r�v�l� la
pr�sence de C�sium 134 et 137 ainsi que celle d'un troisi�me
�l�ment. Tous
sont d�riv�s de l'Uranium 235 qui comme on le sait, est d�riv�
des d�chets des centrales nucl�aires.
Des v�rifications seront encore effectu�es dans les jours qui
viennent. Le
laboratoire de l'Institut de M�decine Nucl�aire dirig� par le
Frohling a donc d�tect� des substances radioactives dans mon corps.
Ceci ne fait �videmment que renforcer ma col�re contre les chefs de
qui ont transform� des territoires entiers en poubelle radioactive.
J'ai eu une grande chance d'avoir �t� d�tect� tr�s t�t et soign�
par des
gens comp�tents et d�vou�s.
Mais je pense aux populations locales, aux centaines de milliers de
gens qui
n'auront pas acc�s � ces soins sophistiqu�s et co�teux.
Dans les ann�es � venir, l'OTAN va donc provoquer (et a d�j�
provoqu�) dans
ces r�gions d'�normes souffrances et angoisses.
Je souhaite que mon exp�rience soit utile pour faire �clater la
v�rit� et
renforcer la d�termination de tous ceux qui veulent faire rendre
des comptes
par les chefs de l'OTAN.
L'OTA N, ce sont des monstres qui ont menti sur leur guerre
propre, non seulement ils avaient menti sur leur but soi-disant
mais en r�alit� �conomique et strat�gique mais en plus, ils ont
trait� comme
de v�ritables d�chets toutes ces populations.
Je suis d�cid� � entamer une action en justice d'urgence, l'OTAN
doit payer
les examens et tests co�teux. Le principe de pr�caution n'a pas �t�
rencontr� pour tous les Belges qui se sont rendus dans ces pays
Bosnie, Kosovo, Yougoslavie.), ils doivent aussi pouvoir b�n�ficier
examens de d�pistage.
M�decine pour le Tiers Monde s'engage � coordonner les d�marches

M�decine pour le Tiers Monde : 02/5040147
Colette Moulaert Email: colette.moulaert@...


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