AN ANTI-WAR MOVEMENT" (english - francais - espanol)

Here are the Internet adresses of an interview in 'Real Audio' of
Michel Collon in English
> http://clients.loudeye.com/imc/belgium/michelcolon_02.ram
et en fran�ais:
> http://clients.loudeye.com/imc/belgium/m_colom_0101.ram
both on the IndyMedia-Belgium web site at the address
> http://www.indymedia.be/theme/index_uranium.php3
where you can also find some interventions at the 1st March event
"Uranium, the victims speak off"



Michel Collon:

NATO, Toward World Conquest

Coming Soon in English!
Michel Collon at michel.collon@...
Milo Yelesiyevich at serbianclassics@...

Table of Contents
1. Media-Test: How Good Is Our Information about Kosovo? 9
The Four Principles of War Propaganda 12
What They Did Not Say about the Ra*ak Massacre 13
Preliminary Media Lies 24
How Washington Made the War Inevitable 26
Who Read the Text of the Rambouillet Accords? 38
Genocide, Ethnic Cleansing and Mass Graves 42

2. Serbs and Albanians: Hidden Aspects of the �Ethnic� Problem 59
The Suppression of Autonomy (1989) 62
The Great Powers Behind the KLA 68
The Military Tactics of the Two Camps 77
Causes of the Exodus of Refugees 81
What Does the Future Hold in Store for Kosovo? 85

3. NATO�s Future Targets 89
An Army at the Service of Globalization 90
The Next Targets: Irak, Algeria, Congo� and Moscow! 102
Caucasus: The Next War for Oil 112
What They Are Concealing about Chechnya 112
Towards Planetary Expansion 131
China: The Bombardment Was a Warning 144
International Law Ridiculed 157
Why the U.S. Armaments Budget Grew by 70% 163
The Birth of the Euro-Army 172

4. Was the War that Nato Fought a Dirty War? 179
Images of Suffering 181
The Theory of �Collateral Damage� 189
The Resistance of a People 195
Nato and the KLA Have �Ethnically Cleansed� Kosovo 204
How the Multinationals have Cut Up Kosovo 210
To Re-establish the Dialogue 217

5. The Necessity of a Global Peace Movement 221

Are We Condemned to Always Learn
the Truth too Late?

Each war begins with media lies. Public opinion must support the
troops, isn�t that so?
We learn the truth years later. That, for example, the United States
had completely invented the attack by Vietnamese gunboats in the Tonkin
Gulf, which served as a pretext for starting the Vietnam War. That the
horrifying theft of incubators from Kuhwait City by the Iraqi Arm was
itself a complete fabrication invented by a U.S. public relations firm
in 1990. That the military interventions against the island of Granada
(1983), Panama (1989), Somalia (1993), Bosnia (1995) were equally
�justified� with the aid of media lies and clever deceptions.
Are we condemned to always learn the truth too late?
No. The primary objective of this book is to teach the reader to
recognize media-lies. Taking as an example the war against Yugoslavia,
we will study the procedures utilized to spread disinformation. These
are the great principles of �war propaganda.� Massacres, mass graves,
ethnic cleansing: how can one disentangle truth from falsehood as
concealed by these spectacular images?
But, if disassembling spectacular media lies is important, it is even
more important to understand the true objectives of the great powers in
these wars. To understand what is concealed from us.
Have we really said all we have to say about the �ethnic� conflict
between Serbs and Albanians? Why have they concealed from us the fact
that Western secret service agencies have been for a long time
delivering weapons to the KLA? Just as they had delivered arms to the
Croat and Muslim separatists well before the outbreak of the war in
Croatia and Bosnia, in 1991. Who was fanning the flames of the
conflict behind the scenes?
And for what interests did the United States systematically provoke the
war? Most notably with the presentation at Rambouillet of an �accord�
which it knew was unacceptable because it demanded the military
occupation of all of Yugoslavia. Was it really about the U.S. imposing
itself as the cop in Europe through NATO?
We were told that NATO intervened for humanitarian reasons. But NATO
itself has armed Turkish generals to bomb Kurdish refugees. And
Madeleine Albright has publicly acknowledged that �[it was worth it to
kill five hundred thousand Iraqi children by the embargo]� in order to
control Middle East oil. What interests are concealed behind this
strange humanitarianism?
Could there be a secret agenda? Since 1996, the chief of the Belgian
Air Force, General Van Hecke, warned: �If Russia goes to pieces,
Europe should intervene militarily, and then we�ll have a Yugoslavia
raised to the tenth power.� Since the famous Brzezinski strategy
declared that it would divide Russia into three parts, is the United
States going about this peacefully to achieve this plan?
What are NATO�s future targets? Who has armed the separatist militias
in Chechnya? and will it be the next Kosovo? Step by step, NATO is
pursuing eastward expansion. We will examine the secret aspects of the
wars which are emerging: Caucasus, Russia, perhaps China. And most of
all the economic stakes, because NATO doesn�t go just anywhere. It
wants to control oil and gas routes, sources of colossal profits, the
keys to the world of tomorrow.
The war against Yugoslavia is merely the other side of the battle that
took place in Seattle over the unjust economic rules imposed by
multinational corporations. An American strategy has declared that: �
[The principal role of NATO is to integrate numerous regions into the
western economic community].� Is NATO, therefore, the army that
belongs to multinational corporations?
And when this NATO goes to war, does the media tell us the truth about
its actions? What are they concealing behind the term �collateral
damage�? Did NATO really bomb two refugee columns, an international
train, the Chinese embassy, the market and the hospital in Nish, and
numerous civilian targets �by mistake�? Does it really wage war in a
�civilized� manner?
A lot of questions. To which we must respond. In order to avoid
having them entrap us in the next war.

Michel Collon

37 Rue Andr� Renard T�l + Fax: 32 / 4 / 246 28 81
4430 Ans � Belgique E-mail: michel.collon@...

_ Journalist, writer for the weekly Solidaire.
_ Author of Attention, m�dias! (EPO, Brussels, 1992).
Subtitle: Media Lies about the Gulf War
Anti-manipulatin manual.
Analysis of general media systems
Three editions, more than 6,000 copies (out-of-print)
Translations in Spanish and Arabic
_ Author of Liar�s Poker (EPO, Brussels, 1998)
Subtitle: The Great Powers, Yugoslavia and the Wars to Come
Two editions, more than 4,000 copies.
Translations in Spanish, Dutch, and soon in Italian, Serbo-Croat and
Analysis of hidden strategies (U.S., Germany, NATO) in the Balkans.
Foresaw the Kosovo War, NATO expansion into the Caucasus
_ Numerous trips to Yugoslavia and the ex-Yugoslavia
_ Moving force in the Belgian Peace Movement. Led a delegation of
fifteen Belgians to Yugoslavia in May 1999 during the bombardment.
_ Co-Producer of the film, �Sous les bombes de l�Otan� (Regards
Crois�s, Brusells, 1999, 45 minutes) during the above-mentioned trip to
_ More than two hundred conferences and debates, in numerous countries
(France, England, Netherlands, Italy)



(you could find hereafter this text: en fran�ais - en espa�ol)

Michel Collon makes an urgent appeal:
�The anti-globalization movement must also become an anti-war movement�

Michel Collon has held conference around the entire world. To stop wars
in the service of the New World Order of the multinational monopolies,
to counteract the threats weighing on all countries engaged in
independent development, he is calling for the urgent formation of an
international movement for peace.

(Herwig Lerouge doing the interview)

Michel Collon. I hope that what is happening to me now will help others
to become more conscious of the suffering caused by NATO�s so-called
clean and humanitarian wars in Iraq and in the former Yugoslavia.
Because of uranium�deceivingly called depleted�hundreds of thousands of
people, particularly children, are suffering or will suffer from
cancers, leukemias and other illnesses. The British minister of war in
1914-1918 already said at that time: "If the people truly knew, the war
would be stopped tomorrow." If only my experience could help to cut
through the curtain of smoke that the Western spin-doctors have put up
to disguise the true aims as well as the horrors of these wars.

Is it possible?

Michel Collon. Yes, people are not truly dupes. In the hospital, a
Congolese nurse told me, "The great powers are never �humanitarian."
When genocide was taking place in Rwanda, a poor country, they let it
go on. But they intervened in the rich Congo to control those riches."
Someone who is familiar with her region of origin can have a clear view
despite the disinformation. We must generalize these isolated instances
of clear thinking and make them common knowledge.

You insist that we consider all these wars as a collection...

Michel Collon. Absolutely. More and more countries are attacked or
threatened. Iraq: after the bombs, the sanctions, making already more
than a million victims. Yugoslavia since 1991, and it�s not finished
yet. The oil-producting countries of the Caucausus and in Algeria
through the use of right-wing religious fundamentalists. The Congo: 3.5
million victims following an aggression fomented and supported behind
the scenes by the United States. A veritable genocide with complete
silence about it. Colombia still under attack by the USA. Washington
also threatens Korea, perhaps Cuba and even one day China or Russia.

All these wars serve the same objective: to permit the multinational
corporations to monopolize strategic resources and markets. On March
28, 1999, just a few days after the bombing of Yugoslavia started
[bombing started March 24�jc], Thomas Friedman wrote in the New York
Times, "For globalization to succeed, America cannot fear to act like
the omnipotent superpower that it is. The hidden hand of the market
will never work without a hidden fist. McDonald's cannot flourish
without McDonald-Douglas, the designer of the F-15."

Is the progressive community conscious enough of what is needed?

Michel Collon. Not yet. The anti-globalization movement must absolutely
acquire an additional dimension: the struggle for peace. NATO is the
army of the multinational corporations. NATO bombed Yugoslavia not to
bring about a triumph for human rights, but to force that country to
apply the program of the International Monetary Fund and the World
Trade Organization. And Iraq should bow before the oil monopolies. NATO
is the fist charged with breaking all resistance to the absurd order of
the multinationals.

It is absurd to see these enterprises doubling their profits at the
same time they carry out massive layoffs, all to the applause of the
stock markets. To see that a pair of Nike sneakers sells for $75 while
the work who makes them only is paid 30 cents an hour is absurd. Who
can find such a system sensible�on that systematically impoverishes
those to whom it must sell? This impoverishment of the greatest number
makes the battle for markets so ferocious. The rivalries between the
great powers�especially between the United States and the European
Union�has become an important aspect of all recent wars.

Then there is the intensification of militarism. Increase of the
military budget of 70 percent in the U.S. Resumption of the arms race,
including that in space: the belt of anti-missile missiles has nothing
to do with defense, but would permit the USA to attack anywhere in the
world, even to use nuclear weapons, without allowing the attacked
country to respond. At the same time a Euroarmy is being put in place,
charged with carrying out the same dirty wars but for the European
multinational corporations. Without forgetting Japan, number two in the
world for percentage of GNP devoted to military spending.

What would the tasks of this peace movement be?

Michel Collon. First, to bring to as broad a public as possible a true
counter-information. Wars would be impossible without the organized and
systematic media lie campaigns. Countries that resist are put beyond
the pale by a disinformation campaign designed to disorient
international public opinion.

Second, contribute to the unification and mutual reinforcement of those
who resist.

Today, the opposition to war is carried out in a dispersed manner. We
are divided. The USA and NATO attack Yugoslavia while trying to make
the Arabs believe they are defending Muslims against Milosevic. But
they are attacking Yugoslavia for the same reasons they attack Iraq or

Finally, the movement against globalization and the profits of the
multinationals, the movement to defend the environment, and the
movement of solidarity with the countries under attack should also
unite to succeed in stopping the use of certain weapons, most notably
that of uranium.

You have held conferences all over the world. Are the people ready?

Michel Collon. More and more�even in the rich countries�people are
disturbed about the growing number of wars. The Greek peace movement
has had great victories against uranium, former U.S. and French
soldiers also, and I�ve just learned that the movement is growing
stronger also in Germany, in Spain, etc. ...

To support the resistance in the countries under attack, to stop
foreign intervention by one�s own country, that is crucial. Vietnam was
able to triumph over U.S. aggression thanks to its own heroic struggle,
but also thanks to a worldwide solidarity movement.

Toward whom should this movement orient?

Michel Collon. Toward the youth, who have always been at the front
lines of the battle against injustice. And toward the worker�s movement
that has to be aware that the money buried in the tanks and bombers is
no longer available for jobs, social services and education.

This movement should be extremely broad but also permit those
participating to call into question the system that causes these wars.
The current horrors should serve to make it understandable that the
absolute dictatorship of profit inevitably leads to war.

I add that we need right away a dimension European and international.
The opponent camp is organized globally. We have to be too.

(translation from French: John Catalinotto)


Michel Collon lance un appel urgent: �Le mouvement anti-globalisation
doit devenir aussi un mouvement pour la paix�
Michel Collon a donn� des conf�rences dans le monde entier. Pour
arr�ter les guerres au service du Nouvel Ordre mondial des
multinationales, pour contrer les menaces pesant sur tous les pays
engag�s dans un d�velopement ind�pendant, il appelle � construire
d'urgence un mouvement international pour la paix.

Herwig Lerouge

Michel Collon. J�esp�re que ce qui m�arrive aujourd�hui aidera �
prendre conscience de la souffrance caus�e par les guerres pr�tendument
propres et humanitaires de l�Otan en Irak et en ex-Yougoslavie. A cause
de l'uranium trompeusement appel� appauvri, des centaines de milliers
de personnes - particuli�rement des enfants - souffrent ou vont
souffrir de cancers, de leuc�mies et d�autres maladies. Le ministre
britannique de la Guerre disait en 14 - 18 d�j� : �Si les gens savaient
vraiment, la guerre serait arr�t�e demain.� . Puisse mon cas aider �
d�chirer le rideau de fum�e que les sp�cialistes en communication
occidentaux dressent pour dissimuler tant les v�ritables objectifs que
les horreurs de ces guerres.

Est-ce possible?

Michel Collon. Oui, les gens ne sont pas vraiment dupes. A l�h�pital,
une infirmi�re congolaise m'a dit: � Les grandes puissances ne sont
jamais "humanitaires". Quand les g�nocidaires se d�cha�naient dans le
Rwanda pauvre, elles ont laiss� faire. Mais elles interviennent au
Congo riche pour contr�ler ses richesses �. Quiconque conna�t bien sa
r�gion d�origine, peut avoir une vue claire malgr� la d�sinformation.
Il faut �largir et mettre en commun ces lucidit�s dispers�es�

Tu insistes pour qu'on consid�re toutes ces guerres comme un ensemble�

Michel Collon. Absolument. De plus en plus de pays sont agress�s ou
menac�s. L'Irak: apr�s les bombes, l'embargo, faisant d�j� plus d�un
million de victimes. La Yougoslavie depuis 1991, et ce n'est pas fini.
Les pays p�troliers du Caucase et en Alg�rie via les extr�mistes
islamistes. Le Congo: 3,5 millions de victimes suite � l�agression
foment�e en coulisses par les Etats-Unis. V�ritable g�nocide dans un
silence complet. La Colombie agress�e toujours par les USA. Lesquels
menacent aussi la Cor�e, peut-�tre Cuba et m�me un jour la Chine ou la

Toutes ces guerres servent le m�me objectif : permettre aux
multinationales de s�accaparer des richesses strat�giques et des
march�s. Le 28 mars 1999, peu avant les bombardements sur la
Yougoslavie, le New York Times �crivait : � Pour que la globalisation
marche, l�Am�rique ne doit pas craindre d�agir comme la superpuissance
omnipotente qu�elle est. La main invisible du march� ne finctionnera
jamais sans un poing cach�. Mc Donalds ne peut �tre prosp�re sans Mc
Donnel Douglas, le constructeur de l�avion F-15 �.

Le monde progressiste en est-il assez conscient?

Michel Collon. Pas encore. Le mouvement anti-globalisation doit
absolument acqu�rir une dimension suppl�mentaire : la lutte pour la
paix. L�Otan c�est l�arm�e des multinationales. L�Otan a bombard� la
Yougoslavie non pour y faire triompher les droits de l�homme, mais pour
l'obliger � appliquer le programme du FMI et de l�OMC. Et l�Irak doit
se soumettre aux multinationales du p�trole. L�OTA, c'est le poing
charg� de briser toute r�sistance � l�ordre absurde des

Il est absurde de voir des entreprises doubler leurs b�n�fices tout en
licenciant massivement sous les applaudissements de la bourse. De voir
qu�une paire de Nike se vend � 3.000 francs alors que l�ouvrier qui les
produit ne touche que 11 francs de l�heure. Qui peut trouver sens� un
syst�me appauvrissant syst�matiquement ceux � qui il devrait vendre?
Cet appauvrissement du plus grand nombre rend si f�roce la bataille
pour les march�s. La rivalit� entre grandes puissances - surtout USA et
U.E. - est devenue un aspect important de toutes les guerres r�centes.

D'o� l'intensification du militarisme. Augmentation du budget militaire
US de 70%. Relance de la course aux armements y compris dans l�espace:
le bouclier antimissiles n�a rien de d�fensif, mais doit permettre aux
USA d'attaquer partout dans le monde, y compris avec des armes
nucl�aires, sans que le pays agress� puisse riposter. En m�me temps se
met en place l'Euro-arm�e, charg�e de mener les m�mes sales guerres
mais pour les multinationales europ�ennes. Sans oublier le Japon, n� 2
mondial quant au pourcentage du PNB consacr� � l�armement.

Quelles seraient les t�ches de ce mouvement pour la paix?

Michel Collon. Primo, apporter � un public aussi large que possible une
v�ritable contre-information. Les guerres seraient impossibles sans les
m�diamensonges. Les pays qui r�sistent sont mis au ban par une
d�sinformation destin�e � d�sorienter l�opinion publique

Secundo, contribuer � ce que les r�sistances s�unissent et se
renforcent mutuellement.

Aujourd'hui, les r�sistances � la guerre se se m�nent en ordre
dispers�. On est divis�s. USA et Otan attaquent la Yougoslavie en
faisant croire aux Arabes qu'ils d�fendent les Musulmans contre
Milosevic. Or, ils attaquent la Yougoslavie pour les m�mes raisons que
l�Irak ou la Palestine.

Enfin, le mouvement contre la globalisation au profit des
multinationales, le mouvement �colgiste et le mouvement de solidarit�
avec les pays agress�s devraient s�unir aussi pour arriver � interdire
l�usage de certaines armes, et notamment celles � l�uranium.

Tu as donn� des conf�rences dans le monde entier. Les gens te semblent

Michel Collon. De plus en plus - m�me dans les pays riches -
s'inqui�tent du nombre croissant de guerres . Le mouvement grec pour la
paix a obtenu de grandes victoires contre l'uranium, les anciens
soldats US ou fran�ais aussi, je viens d'apprendre que la lutte se
renforce aussi en Allemagne, en Espagne, etc�

Soutenir la r�sistance des pays agress�s, arr�ter l'intervention �
l'�tranger de son propre pays, c'est crucial. Le Viet-nam a pu vaincre
l'agression US gr�ce � sa propre lutte h�roique , mais aussi gr�ce � un
mouvement mondial de solidarit�.

Vers qui doit s'orienter ce mouvement?

Michel Collon. Vers la jeunesse, qui a toujours �t� � la pointe du
combat contre l�injustice. Et vers le mouvement ouvrier qui doit se
rendre compte que l�argent englouti dans les chars et les bombardiers
n�est plus disponible pour l'emploi, le social et l��ducation.

Ce mouvement doit �tre extr�mement large mais permettre aussi de
remettre en question le syst�me qui cause ces guerres. Les horreurs
actuelles doivent servir � faire comprendre que la dictature du profit
absolu m�ne in�vitablement � la guerre.

J'ajoute qu'il nous faut d�embl�e une dimension europ�enne et
internationale. Le camp en face est mondialis�. Nous devons l��tre


Michel Collon hace un llamamiento urgente:

"El movimiento anti-globalizaci�n debe convertirse tambi�n en un
movimiento por la paz"
Michel Collon ha dado conferencias por todo el mundo. Para detener las
guerras al servicio del Nuevo Orden mundial de las multinacionales,
para oponerse a las amenazas que pesan sobre cualquier pa�s
comprometido en un desarrollo independiente, hace un llamamiento para
crear urgentemente un movimiento internacional por la paz.

Herwing Lerouge.

Michel Collon: Espero que lo que hoy me ocurre ayude concienciar acerca
del sufrimiento ocasionado por las guerras supuestamente limpias y
humanitarias de la OTAN en Irak y en la antigua Yugoslavia. A causa del
uranio enga�osamente denominado empobrecido, centenares de miles de
personas -en especial, ni�os- sufren o ven sufrir de c�nceres,
leucemias y otras enfermedades. El ministro brit�nico de la guerra
dec�a ya en la guerra de 1914-1918: " Si la gente conociera la verdad,
la guerra ser�a parada ma�ana". Que mi caso pueda ayudar a deshacer la
cortina de humo que los especialistas de comunicaci�n occidentales
levantan para ocultar tanto los verdaderos objetivos como los horrores
de estas guerras.

�Es eso posible?

M.C: S�, la gente no est� tan enga�ada. Una enfermera congole�a me dijo
en el hospital: "Las grandes potencias nunca son "humanitarias". Cuando
se desencadenaron los genocidios en la Ruanda pobre, ellas dejaron
hacer. Sin embargo, intervienen en el Congo rico para controlar sus
riquezas". Cualquiera que conozca bien su regi�n de origen puede
hacerse una idea clara, a pesar de la desinformaci�n. Hay que ampliar y
poner en com�n esas lucideces desperdigadas.

Insistes en que todas estas guerras se consideren como un conjunto...

M.C: Desde luego. Cada vez m�s pa�ses son agredidos o amenazados. Irak:
despu�s de los bombardeos, el embargo, y han causado ya m�s de un
mill�n de v�ctimas. Yugoslavia desde 1991, y a�n no ha terminado. Los
pa�ses petrol�feros del C�ucaso y en Argelia, v�a los extremistas
isl�micos. Congo: tres millones y medio de v�ctimas a consecuencia de
la agresi�n fomentada entre bastidores por EEUU. Un aut�ntico genocidio
en completo silencio. Colombia, a la que EEUU siempre agrede . EEUU
amenaza tambi�n a Corea, quiz� a Cuba, y puede que un d�a incluso a
China o Rusia.

Todas estas guerras est�n al servicio del mismo objetivo: permitir a
las multinacionales acaparar las riquezas estrat�gicas y los mercados.
El 28 de marzo de 1999, un poco antes de los bombardeos sobre
Yugoslavia, en el New York Times se dec�a: "Para que la globalizaci�n
funcione, Am�rica no debe tener miedo a actuar como la superpotencia
omnipotente que es. La mano invisible del mercado no funcionar� nunca
sin un pu�o oculto. McDonals no puede ser pr�spero sin Mc Donnel
Douglas, constructor del avi�n F-15".

�Es el mundo progresista lo bastante consciente?

M.C: Todav�a no. El movimiento anti-globalizaci�n debe adquirir una
dimensi�n suplementaria: la lucha por la paz. La OTAN bombarde�
Yugoslavia no para hacer triunfar ah� los derechos humanos, sino para
obligar a aplicar el programa del FMI y del OMC. E Irak debe someterse
a las multinacionales del petr�leo. La OTAN es el pu�o encargado de
acabar con cualquier resistencia al orden absurdo de las

Es absurdo ver como las empresas duplican sus beneficios con despidos
masivos con el aplauso de la Bolsa. Ver que un par de zapatillas NIKE
se vende a 3.000 francos mientras que el obrero que las fabrica no
recibe m�s que 11 francos a la hora. �A qui�n le puede parecer sensato
un sistema que empobrece sistem�ticamente a quienes deber�a vender
productos? Este empobrecimiento de un n�mero cada vez mayor de personas
hace m�s feroz la batalla por los mercados. La rivalidad entre las
grandes potencias -en especial, EEUU y la UE- se ha convertido en un
aspecto importante de todas las guerras recientes.

De ah� la intensificaci�n del militarismo. Aumento de un 70% del
presupuesto militar de EEUU. Reactivaci�n de la carrera de armamentos,
incluido el espacio: el escudo antimisiles no tiene nada de defensivo,
pero puede permitir a EEUU atacar a cualquier parte del mundo, incluso
con armas nucleares, sin que el pa�s agredido pueda responder. Al mismo
tiempo, se pone en marcha el Euroej�rcito, encargado de llevar a cabo
las misma guerras sucias, pero para las multinacionales europeas. Sin
olvidarnos de Jap�n, n�2 mundial en porcentaje del PNB dedicado al

�Cu�l ser�a la tarea de ese movimiento por la paz?

M.C: En primer lugar, proporcionar a un p�blico lo m�s numeroso posible
una verdadera contra-informaci�n. Las guerras no ser�an posibles sin
las mentiras medi�ticas. Los pa�ses que se resisten son marginados por
medio de una desinformaci�n destinada a desorientar a la opini�n
p�blica internacional.

En segundo lugar, contribuir a que las resistencias se unan y refuercen

Hoy en d�a, la resistencia a la guerra se lleva a cabo de una manera
dispersa. Hay divisiones. EEUU y la OTAN atacan Yugoslavia haciendo
creer a los �rabes que est�n defendiendo a los musulmanes frente a
Milosevic. Ahora bien, atacan Yugoslavia por las mismas razones que
atacan Irak o Palestina.

En una palabra, el movimiento contra la globalizaci�n en beneficio de
las multinacionales, el movimiento ecologista y el movimiento de
solidaridad con los pa�ses agredidos deber�an unirse para lograr que se
proh�ba el uso de algunas armas, en especial, las de uranio.

Has dado conferencias por todo el mundo, �te parece que la gente est�

M.C: Cada vez m�s -incluso en los pa�ses ricos- hay inquietud por el
creciente n�mero de guerras. El movimiento griego por la paz ha
obtenido grandes victorias contra el uranio, tambi�n los veteranos
franceses y estadounidenses; acabo de saber que la lucha se refuerza
tambi�n en Alemania, Espa�a, etc...

Es crucial apoyar la resistencia de los pa�ses agredidos, parar la
intervenci�n del propio pa�s en el extranjero. Vietnam pudo vencer la
agresi�n de EEUU gracias a su propia lucha heroica, pero tambi�n
gracias a un movimiento mundial de solidaridad.

�Hacia qui�n debe orientarse ese movimiento?

M.C: A la juventud, que siempre ha estado a la cabeza de la lucha
contra la injusticia. Y hacia el movimiento obrero, que debe darse
cuenta de que el dinero que devoran los carros de combate y los
bombarderos ya no est� disponible para el empleo, lo social y la

Este movimiento debe ser extremadamente amplio, pero tambi�n debe
permitir cuestionar el sistema que causa estas guerras. Los actuales
horrores deben servir para hacer comprender que la dictadura del
beneficio absoluto lleva inevitablemente a la guerra.

A�ado que de entrada nos hace falta una dimensi�n europea e
internacional. El campo que tenemos ante nosotros est� mundializado.
Nosotros debemos serlo tambi�n.

(Traducci�n del franc�s: Beatriz Morales Bastos)


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