In applicazione dei diktat del sistema finanziario globale, che impone
la ristrutturazione drastica delle imprese statali e parastatali e la
loro veloce privatizzazione ovvero svendita al capitale monopolistico
transnazionale, circa 5000 addetti delle banche jugoslave perderanno il
lavoro nelle prossime settimane.
A chi gli chiedeva se se ne fosse reso conto e come intendesse reagire
al malcontento, il Governatore della Banca Centrale di Jugoslavia
Mladjan Dinkic - membro del "Gruppo G17", appoggiato dal FMI e dalla
"sinistra" italiana antimilosevic - ha risposto laconico: "Saremo

BELGRADE, June 13 (Tanjug) National Bank of Yugoslavia governor
Mladjan Dinkic said Wednesday that on June 15 will start preparations
interventions in the domestic banking system within the reconstruction
process, so that on July 1 it will be know which banks are "good" and
which are "bad."
Dinkic said at a working meeting with journalists, on the topic
"Strategy of reconstruction of the banking system," highlighted the fact
that 28 banks whose recovery is uncertain employ over 20,000 people,
the entire Yugoslav banking sector has about 24,000 employees.
The governor assessed that in the process of consolidation of
banks about 5,000 employees will lose their jobs.
Asked whether he was aware of possible political pressure on the
National Bank of Yugoslavia and on him as governor, not only because of
liquidation of banks but also because of protests of people who will be
left without jobs, Dinkic underlined that the process of recovery and
return of confidence in the domestic banking system must be carried out
without compromise, and warned: "we will be inexorable."


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