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[Emperor's Clothes]

[Note - for pictures of the massive
demonstration the day after Slobodan
Milosevic was kidnapped, go to

The Theft of the Serbs' Only Treasure
by Petar Makara. [5 July 2001]

Makara was born in the Serbian town of
Pancevo. A leading activist in the
Serbian Diaspora, he co-founded the
Website, www.srpska-mreza.com . (1) Mr.
Makara has devoted most of his
energy these past 10 years to exposing
misinformation about what has been
done in and to Yugoslavia. He was a
supporter of Vojislav Kostunica. - END

Thank you for your recent article, "The
Treason of Vojislav Kostunica." (2)

More than seven years ago, on a late
April day in 1994, with a small group
of close friends, I entered the office of
Vojislav Kostunica in Belgrade.
We, Serbian-American activists deeply
concerned with events in Yugoslavia,
were eager to meet the man whose articles
we read and loved.

While Slobodan Milosevic, who promised
many times to protect the truly
vital interests of the Serbian people was
persistently trying to find a
political solution to the Western-induced
crisis and thus avoid a clash
with mighty NATO, Mr. Kostunica was
criticizing what he called indecision.
He was always eloquent in explaining the
rights of Serbs as the people who
founded Yugoslavia and who were still
loyal to this multiethnic state. He
explained that the Serbs have the right
and duty to help their own people
who were, in 1945, left outside the
Republic of Serbia by President Tito's
artificial, undemocratic borders. The
Serbs have the right, Mr. Kostunica
claimed, to defend the lands where they,
as the majority population, have
lived for centuries.

In his statements Mr. Kostunica seemed
always to be right. He seemed to be
not only a person who understood law, but
a man who understood the soul of his people.

Our surprise as we entered Mr.
Kostunica's office was to find a man who
appeared to be in quite a contrast to his
fiery statements, not only good
mannered and soft-spoken but with his
eyes always half closed, giving him
the look of someone completely drained of
life energy or, at least, who had
not slept for days.

What kind of a leader, I remember
thinking, would this guy be? But I told
myself, who cares about appearances? The
hope was Kostunica would be firm
and principled, an intellectual who knew
the enemy and the way out of its grip.

Such was the hope. After the ten long
years that the Serbs gave to Mankind
by single-handedly fighting NATO and its
combined onslaught on the economy,
property and lives of the Serbian people,
is it a surprise that many Serbs
hoped that Kostunica - Mr. Right - would
not sell out Serbian interests?

The hope dies last.

The colonial club (now known by its
nickname as NATO) and its thousands of
psychologists, employed in covert
agencies (this is not my personal
nightmare - it is fact!), empowered with
knowledge accumulated over the
centuries that their countries pillaged,
cleansed and annihilated uncounted
peoples across the globe - these
psychologists must have fully grasped this
truth: false hope will keep the victim
immobilized when action is the only
real hope left.

That is why virtually all Western press
articles talking about the recent
kidnap of the ex-president of a sovereign
country to the kangaroo court of
the colonialists never forgot to give
their local quisling Vojislav
Kostunica the well known tool of deceit,
a 'plausible denial.' That is why
they all say about the kidnapping of
Milosevic, "this was done without
Kostunica's knowledge" or "Kostunica
disapproved of this action," or words
to the effect.

Except that, as your clear analysis has
proven, the denial is NOT plausible.

After recent events, the last hope of us
who wanted to believe that Mr.
Kostunica is a decent man should cease.
Kostunica's name must be listed
alongside Djindjic's as history's worst
traitors of the Serbian people.
That is as clear as day.

We the Serbs are a small people who as a
Serbian poet has noted have the
bad luck that our forefathers "built a
home in the middle of the road."
Fourteen centuries ago, they settled in
the middle of Balkans, in the
middle of the main road that leads from
Central Europe to Central Asia, the
Middle East and North Africa. It is the
southern flank in a conqueror's
attack on Russia.

Since those ancient times all those who
aspired to rule the Earth tried
their ruthless methods of conquest, of
divide-and-rule, on the Balkan
peoples first. As stepping-stones to what
they dreamed to be their Eternal
Empires they wanted the Balkans as the
first jewel in the crown. Those
empires include the Ottoman Empire, the
Austro-Hungarian Empire, Hitler's
Third Reich and now U.S./NATO.

We the Serbs do not have vast lands or
far-away islands. We are rather
poor. We never collected riches by
oppressing or enslaving near or far-away
peoples as the NATO nations did. Our only
treasure is our pride that our
forefathers, through many centuries, and
the last two in particular, fought
countless battles against all those
foreign oppressors. Our forefathers
never fought to grab other people's
lands. Our forefathers never fought to
impose our culture, our way of life on
anyone. They fought for freedom, for
the simple right to exist. They fought so
we are in charge of our own
destinies. Throughout the countless
centuries of fighting gruesome
oppressors, there is no record that would
shame the Serbs. Pride is our
only treasure and now NATO, with
quislings like Kostunica, would take away
that, the only treasure we possess.

To understand the Serbs is to understand
their sense of pride; it is to
understand why the Serbs celebrate June
28, St. Vitus Day, the day of the
Kosovo Battle of 1389. Those who hate the
Serbs claim we are sick people
who celebrate a day of defeat. (The
actual battle, according to countless
history books, was a draw; both the
Serbian King and Turkish Sultan

The Serbs do not celebrate this as
victory or defeat. They celebrate the
bravery, the pride of their forefathers
who came to meet on the battlefield
the intruder to their homeland. It did
not matter that the advancing forces
were immense. To protect their way of
life, to protect their families, to
protect freedom, all Serbian nobility
came to fight. Most of them died on
that day, June 28, 1389. Since that day
the Serbs firmly knew that FREEDOM
HAS NO PRICE. Many Serbs, through
generations and time, easily sacrificed
their lives for freedom.

The Hague 'Tribunal' is not the first
time that a conqueror attacks the
Serbs as physical beings, but also
attacks their pride. To keep a people
subjugated, the oppressors knew you have
to destroy their pride. That is
why, exactly on June 28, 1914, Prince
Ferdinand, the Austrian heir to the
throne, decided to have military
maneuvers in Bosnia, then a majority
Serbian province which the
Austro-Hungarian Empire had illegally annexed
six years before. The Serbian answer was
to assassinate Ferdinand. That is
how World War I started, remember? Some
50% of the Serbian male population
perished in that war! Every second man.

The story of that Serbian sacrifice and
Golgotha should be in every
elementary history book. That was the
price the Serbs were ready to pay.

In 1941 Hitler could not wait for June 28
to issue his ultimatums. He was
in a hurry to attack Russia and had to
conquer Serbia first. The Serbian
answer to the weakness in the Yugoslav
government, weakened by a strong
Croatian fascist secessionist movement
was: "Better grave than slave." Well
over one million Serbs perished during
W.W.II fighting against the Nazi New
World Order.

That the oppressor would attack the
Serbian sense of pride is not
surprising, but that a handful of Serbs
would sink so low in their treason
and hand over their recent elected leader
to the attacking enemy - and
exactly on June 28 - is shocking! The
message is clear because the timing
is everything. The event was clearly
timed to destroy the Serbian sense of pride.

June 28, 2001 is probably the darkest day
in Serbian history. It is a dark
day in world history too as it clearly
sends a message about the
American-led NATO form of Nazism. It is
planetary in scope and no one can
hide from it, not even presidents of
states, people who have armies. It
shows that the American form of Nazism,
while showing all elements of the
German Nazi type of pure, raw brutality,
as evidenced from Hiroshima to
Vietnam, to Panama, to Iraq, to
Yugoslavia and on, also employs another
powerful weapon - money. Whatever NATO
Nazism cannot achieve with
uranium-rich bombs it attempts to achieve
by buying the services of
traitors. For that reason this type of
Nazism is doubly threatening to the
destinies of peoples across the globe.

That Kostunica would sink so low in his
treason as to betray the Serbs and
the whole of Mankind fills me with a
sickened feeling as I remember the
April day when I met him. I am disgusted
that I shook his hand.

As the old saying goes, the devil is at
his worst when pretending to be an
angel. At least and at last Kostunica has
shown his true face. No one
should be fooled any more.

One could have more respect even for a
Djindjic who was at least open in
his treason.

-- Petar Makara

Further reading:

1) 'NATO Deliberately Triggered an
Environmental Catastrophe in
Yugoslavia,' by Michel Chossudovsky at

2) 'The Treason of Vojislav Kostunica,'

3) 'We Accuse: Washington's Aid Promises
Are A Traitorous Lie!' at


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