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PART 2 - Washington Behind Terrorist
Attacks in Macedonia

by Michel Chossudovsky, Prof. of
Economics, University of Ottawa


The refugee crisis has been deliberately
triggered by the US sponsored terrorist
assaults. Both Macedonian and
Albanian civilians are among the
victims. More than 100,000 people are
affected. According to the United
Nations High Commission for Refugees
(UNHCR) some 73,800 people have crossed
the border into Kosovo, and another
34,500 people are "internally displaced"
within Macedonia.31 In Albanian
villages occupied by the rebels,
Albanian civilians rather than being
"protected" by NLA "freedom fighters"
are often the object of intimidation
and reprisals.

In villages inhabited by Macedonians in
the Tetovo region, ethnic cleansing
is being implemented in the presence of
US military personnel who are
advising rebel commanders. The KLA-NLA
is reported to "have committed
unprecedented acts of terror against the
inhabitants, forcing them to leave
the villages completely. The displaced
persons from [these] villages have
strongly criticized the OSCE and the
International Committee of the Red Cross
- whose representatives have
consistently avoided contact with the
residents of these Tetovo villages."32

Entire communities are uprooted.
According to the UNHCR, the majority of
the refugees crossing into Kosovo are women,
children and elderly men. Other
reports suggest that the terrorists are
enlisting ethnic Albanian men to join
the KLA-NLA often through force and
intimidation. The evidence suggests that
those who refuse face serious
reprisals.33 The pattern in this regard,
is very similar to what occurred in Kosovo
in 1999 where entire villages were


Washington is indelibly behind the process
of ethnic cleansing in Macedonia. It is worth
mentioning in this regard that MPRI (the
mercenary outfit working with the
KLA-NLA) was on contract with the Croatian
Armed Forces in 1995, in charge of the
ethnic cleansing and civilian
massacres directed against the Serb
population in the Krajina region of
Croatia. In this regard, MPRI was
working closely with Commander Agim Ceku,
who at the time was a Brigadier General
in the Croatian Armed Forces. Ceku
was not only one of the key planners of
"Operation Storm," he was also
commander of the artillery division
responsible for shelling Krajina Serb
civilians. It is no wonder that the
pattern in Macedonia is similar to that
of Krajina and Kosovo.35

The same commanding officers from the
KLA and the MPRI are now involved in
the terrorist assaults and ethnic
cleansing in Macedonia. "Protected" by
American and British troops stationed in
Kosovo and Macedonia, the KLA-NLA
rebels now control a significant portion
of Macedonian territory.


Washington's design is
to prevent the Macedonian Security
Forces from fighting the rebels and
protecting its borders. In other words,
the hidden agenda of the EU-US brokered
"peace plan" is to gain time, drag
out the conflict, keep the Macedonian
Security Forces in the barracks while
continuing to arm and equip the rebels.
And this gruesome
military-intelligence ploy is possible
because the Macedonian President and
part of his entourage are puppets of the
US. Moreover, the MPRI, which is
actively advising the NLA, is still on
contract with the Macedonian
government "helping the Macedonian Armed

Meanwhile General Andrejevski, who
recently resigned his position as ARM
Commander in Chief, is still in charge
as "military adviser" to the
President, acting on behalf of the MPRI
and the Pentagon.

In other words, key senior military
officers in the ARM are collaborating
with the enemy, against the lower
ranking officers and the ARM rank and
file who are fighting for their country.
Despite the divisions within the
government, Prime Minister Mr. Ljubco
Georgievski, has openly accused US
envoy James Pardew and EU's Francois
Leotard of "forcing Macedonia to cave in
to demands from Albanian guerrillas":36

"It becomes obvious that all of the
terrorist actions in Macedonia have been
supported by the western democracies.
Now, we practically have 95% of Ali
Ahmeti's [the NLA leader] document on
the table. It is clear that the
international community has decided on
its position beforehand, and now it is
trying to realize it in Macedonia."37

"'As much as their text is brutal, more
brutal and worrying is the fashion in
which they are trying to break up
Macedonian state institutions,' Mr.
Georgievski said ... The Prime Minister
further stated that the proposed
peace package constituted 'a serious
interference in the internal affairs of
the Republic of Macedonia'... Asked
about the extent of pressure Macedonia
could sustain, Georgievski said all
threats and blackmails had been
presented so far, 'except that NATO will
conduct an air-strike on us.' "38


In the negotiation of the "peace plan,"
the Anglo-US position has prevailed over
that of France and Germany. In this regard,
Prime Minister Georgievski "underlined that
the French expert in law [former
Minister of Justice] Robert Badinter was
brutally eliminated from the
political process," meaning that his
recommendations on constitutional reform
were turned down by James Pardew in
consultation with NLA leader Ali

Although NATO is not formally part of
the EU-US "mediation," EU High
Representative Javier Solana (who
occupied the position of Secretary
General of NATO during the 1999 bombings of
Yugoslavia) has been working hand in
glove with his successor at NATO Lord
George Robertson. In turn, British
Ambassador Mark Dickinson was appointed
in May by Solana to act on his behalf
in Skopje. British paratroopers and
Special Forces - -which trained the KLA
in 1999 - are slated to lead the bogus
"Essential Harvest" operation to
"disarm the rebels."

Increasingly, the corridors of
international diplomacy has been taken
over by military-intelligence officials
with previous experience in Bosnia and
Kosovo. James Pardew started his Balkans
career in 1993 as a senior
intelligence officer for the Joint
Chiefs of Staff responsible for channeling
US aid to the Bosnian Muslim Army.
Coronel Pardew had been put in charge of
arranging the "air-drops" of supplies to
Bosnian forces, working closely with
the Chairman of the National Security
Council Anthony Lake.40 NATO's Peter
Feith who has been "put in charge of
contacts with the [KLA-NLA] guerillas"
is a longstanding "colleague" of James
Pardew. He was political advisor to
the IFOR High Command in Bosnia in the


America's "mediator" James Pardew has been
given the mandate to replicate the
Bosnia-Kosovo pattern. In this regard,
Washington's military-intelligence ploy
is to fracture Macedonian territory,
foster internal social divisions and
fuel ethnic strife. The design is to
destroy all social and political ties
between Albanians and Macedonians, who
have coexisted for more than a half a
century within a multiethnic society.
These socio-ethnic divisions are
deliberately created so as to curb all
forms of social resistance. More importantly,
they want to prevent the development
of a broader "common front" against the

The US sponsored terrorist assaults as
well as the bogus "peace plan" are
intent upon eventually splitting up the
country and transforming Macedonia
into a NATO protectorate. Operation
"Essential Harvest" to be led by British
parachutists would constitute a first
step towards a military occupation of
Macedonian territory. NATO forces are
not only protecting the rebels in the
territories under their control, MPRI
advisers on contract to the Pentagon
are assisting in the implementation of
"ethnic cleansing" in these
territories. In the latter, Macedonian
State institutions are no longer

In other words, the territories under
KLA-NLA control - which border Kosovo -
are de facto under the jurisdiction of
NATO. Moreover, there are indications
that the KLA - with NATO support - may
attempt to trigger a unilateral
secession of Kosovo from Yugoslavia.
This would not only heighten the
political crisis in Belgrade, it would
also raise the issue of the political
status of the territories occupied by
the KLA-NLA from which the Macedonian
population has been expulsed (much in
the same way as the Serbs were expulsed
from Kosovo). In this design, NATO's
intent is clear, it consists in
fracturing and destroying Macedonia as a


1. Hamburger Abendblatt, Hamburg, 27
June 2001, English translation by
OK-Macedonia, Skopje, 28 June 2001, at
and at

2. Christian Science Monitor, 27 June

3. Report from informed source in
Skopje, 3 July 2001.

4. Christian Science Monitor, op. cit.

5. Ibid.

6. Ibid.

7. AFP. Paris, 4 July 2001.

8. Statement of Ljubica Acevska,
Macedonia's first ambassador to the
States, UPI, 5 July 2001.

9. See Col. David Hackworth, Wanted Guns
for Hire, Toogood Reports, July 10,
2001, at

10. See The Record, Bergen County New
Jersey, 25 March 2001, and the New York
Times, 17 July 2001.

11. Washington Times, 14 December 1997
and US Congress, Press Release,
"Militant Islamic Base", Congressional
Press Releases, 16 January 1997.

12. Scotland on Sunday, Glasgow, 15 June
, see also UPI, 9
July 2001.

13. New York Times, 19 March 2001. In
March 2001, the New York-based
Albanian-language newspaper Bota Sot
printed an advertisement by the National
Liberation Army (NLA) "calling Albanians
[in the US] to register as
volunteers and to donate money." See The
Guardian, London, 20 March 2001.

14. The Guardian, 20 March 2001,
available at
. See also ITAR Tass,
Moscow, 20 March 2001.

15. According to the editor of Bota Sot,
Dervish Jahjaga interviewed by The
Guardian, London, 20 March 2001.

16. For further details see Sunday
Times, London, 10 June 2001 at
also Jared Israel, 'Sorry Virginia, but
they are NATO troops, not Rebels,'
Emperors Clothes, June 2001 at

17. Irish Times, Dublin, 5 July 2001.

18. Ibid.

19. Ibid.

20. See Michel Chossudovsky, The United
Nations Appoints an Alleged War
Criminal in Kosovo, March 2000, at

21. Quoted in John Sweeney and Jen
Holsoe, "Kosovo Disaster Response
Stands Accused of Murder and Torture,"
The Observer, London, 12 March 2000.

22. Ibid

23. Macedonian Information Centre
Newsletter, Skopje, 21 March 2000,
published by BBC Summary of World
Broadcast, 24 March 2000.

24. BBC, 29 January 2001, at

25. UPI, 8 July 2001.

26. See Michel Chossudovsky, Macedonia:
Washington Military Intelligence Ploy,
June 2001, at
. See also
MPRI Republic of Macedonia, Stability
and Deterrence Program (1998-Present)

27. See Michel Chossudovsky, Washington
Finances Ethnic Warfare in the
April 2001,
and Michel Chossudovsky, Macedonia:
Washington's Military-Intelligence Ploy,
June 2001 at

28. See ICG's report on Macedonia at
. Both
and ICG are funded by Wall Street
financier George Soros.

29. See the OSI Macedonia webpage at
http://www.soros.org.mk /.

30. World Bank, Kosova Foundation for an
Open Society (KFOS) World Bank,
World Bank Launches First Kosovo
Project, Washington, November 16, 1999
No. 2000/097/ECA,
. See
also Michel Chossudovsky, Opening Kosovo
to Foreign Capital, March 2000, at

31. UNHCR Press Briefing, Geneva, 3 July

32. Macedonian Radio, Skopje, in
Macedonian, 200 GMT 8 July 2001, BBC
Monitoring Service, 8 July 2001.

33. The Red Cross has registered some
34,000 "internally displaced persons",
expulsed by the terrorists, See Red
Cross, Report Macedonia, 26 June 2001,

34. In this regard, recent evidence
suggests that the KLA was instrumental
uprooting the civilian population in
Kosovo during the 1999 bombing of
Yugoslavia. See Jared Israel, What's
Behind KLA Strategy in the Balkans?
Emperors Clothes, and the interview with
Kosovo historian Chedomir
Pralinchevich, May 2001,

35 See Michel Chossudovsky, NATO
Installs a Reign of Terror in the
1999 at

36. Quoted in The Independent, London,
19 July 2001.

37. Press Release, Macedonian
Information Agency, Skopje, 19 July 2001

38. Ibid.

39. Ibid.

40. Washington Times, 14 December 1997
and US Congress, Press Release,
"Militant Islamic Base", Congressional
Press Releases, 16 January 1997.

41. Deutsche Press Agentur, 12 July

Articles by the author on Macedonia:

Washington Finances Ethnic Warfare in
the Balkans, Ottawa, April 2001,

America at War in Macedonia, June 2001,

Macedonia: Washington's Military
Intelligence Ploy, June 2001,

C Copyright by Michel Chossudovsky,
Ottawa, July 2001. All rights reserved
Permission is granted to post this text
on non-commercial community internet
sites, provided the essay remains
intact, the copyright note is displayed
no lengthy headers or footers are added
without consulting the author. To
publish this text in printed and/or
other forms, including commercial
sites and excerpts, contact the author
at chossudovsky@..., fax:

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