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Washington Behind Terrorist Attacks in
Macedonia - Part 1 of 2

by Michel Chossudovsky [23 July 2001]

It is now documented beyond doubt that
Washington is behind the terrorist
assaults in Macedonia. While Secretary
of State Colin Powell reaffirms
America's resolve to "combat terrorism,"
US military advisers from Military
Professional Resources Inc. (MPRI), a
private mercenary outfit on contract to
the Pentagon are fighting alongside the
NLA terrorists:

"Among the rebels that were withdrawing
were 17 "instructors" - former US
officers that provided military training
for the rebels. Not only that: the
Macedonian security forces claim that
70% of the equipment that the guerilla
fighters took with them are of US
production and the latter includes highly
sophisticated third generation night
vision devices."1


In late June, the Macedonian ARM undertook
a major assault against KLA-NLA positions
in Aracinovo, a village close to
Skopje. In a NATO sponsored operation
which "was supposed to allow the
Macedonian Army to gain significant
rebel territory," US troops were sent in
to "evacuate" and "disarm" the terrorists:2

"When the terrorists were defeated and
showed a white flag, the OSCE and NATO
were in panic and ordered us [the
Macedonian authorities] to stop immediately
the [military] action. Swedish Foreign
Minister Ana Lindth and the European
leaders were hysterical, threatening us
with economic sanctions, etc.
Furthermore, the OSCE and KFOR entered
Aracinovo and 'saved' 500 terrorists
together with their weaponry and took
them to another village from where they
are now attacking again, killing
civilians and undertaking ethnic cleansing
in several Macedonian villages... NATO
forbids us to defend ourselves when we
are attacked; our territory is brutally
abused by the terrorists. We have
tried to defend ourselves, and they have
saved the terrorists in
air-conditioned buses. That has provoked
harsh reaction of the Macedonian people."3

The official "story" out of the US
military base near Skopje was:
"[Sorry]...but something went wrong":4

"A confidential source at Camp Able
Sentry [US base near Skopje] says the bus
convoy [evacuating the terrorists] was
stopped by tanks manned by NLA rebels
... and the rebels left the buses and
disappeared. 'Now we have some
extremely angry Macedonians on our
hands,' the American official said."5

The same source stated that the rebels
"were escorted by lightly armed
American troops," conveying the
impression that the highly trained American
GIs of the 502nd Infantry division could
not do anything against "the tanks
manned by NLA rebels" which had
entrapped the bus convoy.6 The ambush story
is a fabrication, for one KLA-NLA rebels
do not have tanks in their arsenal.


The US sponsored
"evacuation" from Aracinavo had enabled
the NLA terrorists - together with their
American military advisers and
foreign mercenaries - "to open up a new
front" around the village of Radusa,
40 kilometers northwest of Skopje.7"They
[NATO] are transporting the rebels,
the terrorists, from one area to another
and rearming them, instead of
confiscating their weapons."8 In turn,
KFOR is "protecting" the NLA
terrorists' supply routes including the
flow of military personnel and
weapons from KLA-NLA bases in Kosovo and
from training camps in Albania.

Sources in the U.S. Army in Kosovo
suggest that the "evacuation" mission
was also intent upon saving "the 17
'instructors' among the withdrawing
rebels," presumably to avoid the diplomatic
humiliation and media embarrassment of
senior US military personnel captured
together with the terrorists by the
Macedonian Security Forces.9

Meanwhile, there are indications that US
Apache helicopters and unmanned
"predator" drone spy planes (UAV)
(dispatched by a contingent of the US
15th Military Intelligence Battalion,
stationed at Camp Able Sentry) are
supporting this "new front" by
transmitting military-intelligence to
the rebel army's US military advisers:

"The Pentagon... approved [mid March
2001] sending several unmanned spy
planes to monitor the Kosovo-Macedonia
border. The Air Force Predator
unmanned drones can feed images
immediately not only to troops in the
region, but also to Washington."10

And in the wake of the US sponsored
"evacuation," the KLA-NLA terrorists -
together with their US military
instructors - have renewed their attacks
in the Tetovo region.


Since the Soviet-Afghan war, recruiting
Mujahedin ("holy warriors") to fight
covert wars on Washington's behest has
become an integral part of US foreign
policy. A report of the US Congress has
revealed how the US administration -
under advice from the National Security
Council headed by Anthony Lake - had
"helped turn Bosnia into a militant
Islamic base" leading to the recruitment
through the so-called "Militant
Islamic Network," of thousands of
Mujahedin from the Muslim world.11

The "Bosnian pattern" has since been
replicated in Kosovo, Southern Serbia
and Macedonia. Among the foreign
mercenaries now fighting with the KLA-NLA
are Mujahedin from the Middle East and
the Central Asian republics of the
former Soviet Union as well as "soldiers
of fortune" from several NATO
countries including Britain, Holland and
Germany. Some of these Western
mercenaries had previously fought with
the KLA and the Bosnian Muslim Army.12

Also among NLA recruits are
Albanian-American "volunteers" enlisted
in New York with the tacit approval of the US
government.13 In March 2001, the New
York-based Albanian-language newspaper
Bota Sot printed an advertisement of
the National Liberation Army (NLA)
"calling Albanians [in the US] to register
as volunteers and to donate money."14
Several hundred Albanian-Americans had
formed an "Atlantic Brigade" which
fought alongside the KLA in 1998 and
In recent months, members of the
"Atlantic Brigade" have reportedly
joined the NLA.15


Amply documented, the United Nations
so-called "civilian" Kosovo Protection
Corps (KPC) is the KLA in disguise,
and the NLA is a proxy of the KLA.
According to the Sunday Times: "Hundreds
of KPC reservists were called up by
their Albanian commander, Agim Ceku, in
March [2001]. They subsequently
disappeared to former KLA training camps
in Albania and are now re-emerging in

NLA rebel Commander Ostremi was until
recently Chief of Staff of the Kosovo
Protection Corps (KPC). To maintain
appearances, Washington has "blacklisted"
the KPC commanders who joined the NLA.
Washington's so-called "blacklist" -
which bars the former KPC commanders
from entering the US - includes the
names of "Commander Ostremi, his
replacement as chief-of-staff at the KPC
Commander Daut Haradinaj, the commander
and deputy commander of the KPC's
elite force, the Rapid Reaction Corps,
plus the leaders of two of its six
regional divisions, Commander Sami
Lushtaku and Commander Mustafa

>From the horse's mouth: Washington's
"blacklist" visibly refutes the claims
of both the "international community"
and the Western media mantra that "the
NLA has no links to KLA." In fact, the
"blacklist" confirms that they are one
and the same thing, with the same
commanding officers in both the KPC and
the NLA. Moreover, it also confirms that the
terrorist assaults are led by
military personnel paid by the United

When Commander Ostremi took leave from
his UN job to lead the NLA, the UN
"assumed he had gone on holiday."18
According to the Irish Times, UN
Secretary General Kofi Annan failed to
remove the NLA commanders from the
United Nations payroll. The
"international community" was still
(early July) footing the bill under the
disguise of UN "peacekeeping":

."..the United Nations says it will take
no action against these five men
[NLA commanders], all still serving
officers [in the UN sponsored KPC]
because Washington has yet to pass on
details of what the men are supposed to
have done."19

This pattern of "financing terrorism"
from the UN purse is nothing new. The
former head of the UN Interim Mission in
Kosovo (UNMIK) Bernard Kouchner had
established close personal ties with KLA
Commander in Chief Agim Ceku, who in
a bitter irony was on the list of
"alleged war criminals" of the Hague
Tribunal. But because he was wanted in
relation to "crimes committed in
Croatia" rather than Kosovo, this was
not an issue in his appointment by the
UN to the position of Commander in Chief
of the KPC.20

An independent report submitted to UN
Secretary General Kofi Annan in 2000
confirmed that the KPC had been involved
in "criminal activities - killings,
ill-treatment/torture, illegal policing,
abuse of authority, intimidation,
breaches of political neutrality and
hate speech."21 In a cruel irony, "the
United Nations is paying the salaries of
many of the gangsters."22

But what the report fails to mention,
however, is that barely two months
after the official inauguration of the
KPC under UN auspices (September
1999), KPC-KLA commanders - using UN
resources and equipment - were already
preparing the assaults into Macedonia,
as a logical follow-up to their
terrorist activities in Kosovo.
According to the Skopje daily Dnevnik,
the KPC had established a "sixth operation
zone" which:

"included Presevo, Bujanovac, Medvedja
[in Southern Serbia] and Macedonian
villages in the area of Skopska Crna
Gora, Lojane, Vaksince, Straza and
Lipkovo... Sources, who insist on
anonymity, claim that headquarters of
Kosovo protection brigades [directly
linked to the UN sponsored KPC] have
[March 2000] already been formed in
Tetovo, Gostivar and Skopje. They are
being prepared in Debar and Struga [on
the border with Albania] as well, and
their members have defined codes."23

According to the BBC, "Western special
forces were still training the
guerrillas" meaning that they were
assisting the KLA in opening up "a new
front" in Southern Serbia and


Also acknowledged by official US sources
as well as by numerous press reports are
the links of the KLA-NLA to powerful criminal
syndicates involved in the Balkans'
multi-billion dollar drug trade. Albanian
and Kosovar criminal organizations are
providing "a very significant support
to them [the NLA terrorists in
Macedonia]."25 These criminal groups are
also involved in the traffic of Albanian
women into prostitution in several
European countries including Britain,
Italy and Germany. And part of the
proceeds of these illicit activities is
used to arm and equip the KLA-NLA

In other words, in providing support to
the KLA-NLA, Washington (not to
mention the United Nations) is
indirectly upholding the organised
criminal-business syndicates which are
behind the terrorists.


In April, the Commander in
Chief of the Macedonian Armed Forces
(ARM) General Andrejevski was accused by
A1 TV Skopje of having transmitted
military intelligence to the NLA through
MPRI General Richard Griffiths, who is
director of the US "equip and train"
program with the Macedonian ARM under a
US military aid programme.26 Sixteen
senior (retired) US military officers
are advising the ARM.

But it so happens that the same US
mercenary outfit on contract to the
Macedonian ARM is also assisting the NLA
rebels in their terrorist assaults.
In other words, Washington is arming and
advising both the KLA attackers and
the Macedonian defenders under military
and intelligence authorization acts
approved by the US Congress. MPRI is
helping Macedonia - as part of a US
military aid package - "to deter armed
aggression and defend Macedonian
territory." But MPRI is also advising
and equipping the KLA, which is
responsible for the terrorist assaults.
In this war, the American
military-intelligence apparatus is
pulling strings "on both sides of the

Faced with mounting pressure, General
Andrejevski has since given up his
position as Commander in Chief of the
ARM. But immediately following his
resignation, Andrejevski was appointed
"Military Adviser" to President
Trajkovski, while maintaining his
personal links with MPRI`s Richard Griffith
who is still in Skopje, responsible for
channeling US "military aid" on
behalf of the Pentagon. In other words,
the US military establishment is
still involved on both sides, advising
the NLA as well as "assisting" the
Macedonian ARM. The ultimate objective
of this military-intelligence ploy is
to prevent the Macedonian ARM from
defeating the terrorists.


Despite the barrage
of media falsehoods, Macedonian
citizens are fully aware that Washington
is supporting the terrorists. To
diffuse public resentment, several
Western "foundations" and "human rights
organisations" - including the
International Crisis Group (ICG) and
Human Rights Watch (HRW) are working
closely with local citizens groups in
Macedonia. While their formal mandate is
in the areas of "confidence
building," "governance," "peace-making"
and "inter-ethnic reconciliation," in
practice, they work hand in glove with
NATO. They are an integral part of the
military-intelligence ploy. The role of
these front organisations is to
ensure that public resentment is
directed against the Macedonian government
and Military rather than against
Washington, NATO or the IMF.28

The Open Society Institute (OSI) in
Skopje, controlled by Wall Street
financier George Soros is also playing a
central role in manipulating and
ultimately weakening the civilian
protest movement.29 OSI in Macedonia has
launched an "Appeal for Peace" endorsed
by a large number of Macedonian
organisations. (More than 300 organisations
and individuals have signed the
OSI "Appeal for Peace"). In other words,
Soros' OSI in Skopje hosts and
finances the citizens' movement against
terrorism while carefully omitting to
mention the causes of terrorism.

Moreover, George Soros is also part of
the Wall Street financial
establishment which is colonising the
Balkans. And this "economic conquest"
by American financial interests is
supported by the US military-intelligence
apparatus, which is funneling covert
support to the terrorists.

While George Soros finances "peace" and
"reconciliation" initatives in
Macedonia, he also supports the KLA.
Across the border in Kosovo, the Soros
sponsored Kosova Foundation for an Open
Society (KFOS) is funding the
activities of "local governments"
controlled by KLA appointees. This
assistance was initially channeled
through a World Bank "Post Conflict
Trust Fund," of which 90 percent of the
financing is controlled by George

Needless to say, Soros is close to the
seat of political power in the US, he
works hand in glove with the World Bank
and has significant economic
interests in the Balkans. His Open
Society Institute is also supporting the
"alternative media" in Macedonia with
all the appearances of purporting to
advance "democracy" and "freedom of the



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