Discorso di Z. Jovanovic ai delegati
dell'SPS in occasione dell'XI anniversario
della fondazione del partito (versione
inglese; la versione serbocroata si puo' reperire
sul sito dell'SPS: http://www.sps.org.yu)

Date: Thu, 19 Jul 2001 16:03:22 +0200
From: "Vladimir Krsljanin"

On its Eleventh Anniversary...


Address of Mr. Zivadin Jovanovic,
Vice-president of the Head Committee, Acting
President of the Socialist Party of Serbia
at the solemn session of the Head Committee,
on July 16, 2001


Ladies and Gentlemen,

Esteemed members of the Diplomatic Corps,

The Socialist Party of Serbia was formed
eleven years ago.

It has existed during a period of dramatic
historic events that have wiped out many
positive results of the First and Second
World Wars, with tragic consequences.

The opening and deepening of the Yugoslav
crisis and the violent secession of former
Yugoslav republics were directed primarily
against the Serbian people. Europe has
trampled the very basis of its stability,
the principle of non-violability of
internationally recognized borders. Europe
has legitimized separatism. Russia has
allowed it to happen.

Today this is coming back to haunt the world
in the form of spreading separatism,
terrorism and the rapid growth of
international crime. We can see this growth
of crime from Chechnya to the Caspian, the
Bosphorus, in Kosovo and Metohia, from
Macedonia to Gibraltar and Afghanistan, and
via Suez and Magreb to the North Atlantic.

For years our people were exposed to the
most massive violations of basic human
rights and to genocide. On one side there
was the violent fragmentation of the Serbian
national body. Vast numbers of Serbs were
expelled from centuries-old homesteads.
Millions became refugees. On the other side,
there were sanctions that denied a normal
existence to millions of citizens and

For many wise men in Europe and the world
this was seen as revenge for the role played
and the contribution made by Serbia and the
Serbian people at fateful moments in
European history.

The SPS played the key role in 1992 in
constituting the Federal republic of
Yugoslavia as the state of continuity and as
a community-union of equal citizens of the
republics of Serbia and Montenegro. That was
a natural role and obligation for a
popularly based, progressive party with a
national vision and responsibilities,
reacting to separatism, to the crushing of
the Serbian people and to the re-tailoring
of this exceptionally important geopolitical
area. At the same time it was an expression
of a policy of regional peace and stability
that could hardly be possible without a
state uniting Serbia and Montenegro.

The constructive and responsible policy of
the SPS was confirmed by the role played by
the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia in
finding a peaceful political solution for
the civil war in Bosnia & Herzegovina. It is
today an irrefutable historical fact that
the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia made the
most important contribution to achieving the
Dayton-Paris Agreement.

The alternative would have been a drastic
escalation of war.

The crucial leadership in halting this
conflict was provided by the founder and
president of the SPS, Slobodan Milosevic. It
is because of his contribution as president
of the Republic of Serbia and head of the
Yugoslav negotiating delegation in 1995 that
today there is peace and relative stability
in Bosnia & Herzegovina. These achievements
are today jeopardized by these who in the
name of some 'international community'
hinder and distort the implementation of the
Dayton-Paris Agreement and attempt to revise
that Agreement to the detriment of the
Republic of Srpska and the Serbian people.

In the Program adopted by the SPS in 1992,
and in its practice, our Party has fashioned
itself as a modern party of the Left. The
SPS is committed to the strengthening and
overall progress of Serbia and Yugoslavia,
for Kosovo and Metohia to be integral parts
of Serbia, for peace in the Balkans and for
Yugoslavia's integration and overall
cooperation with its neighbors, and with
Europe, Russia, the USA, China, India and
all other countries.

Our platform of cooperation is simple:
equality and non-interference.

The accusation that the SPS is a party
suited only to isolation and confrontation
is not only baseless, but made with
malicious intent by those whose own
"Europeanism" is expressed through their
daily sell-off of vital national and state

The best evidence that the SPS is open
towards its neighbors and the entire world
is the fact that the SPS maintains regular
contacts and cooperation with over 130
parties and movements in the Balkans, Europe
and worldwide. As the party in power, the
SPS, through the Federal government, made
possible the maintenance of diplomatic
relations and cooperation with over 170
countries. A system of close to 3000
international agreements functioned in
continuity, including those that the Kingdom
of Serbia had concluded with Western
countries at the end of 19th century.

The Government concluded or maintained
agreements abolishing visas with many
countries, normalizing relations with the
former Yugoslav republics, maintaining a
free trade zone with Macedonia and the
Russian federation involving favorable
credits and favorable terms amounting to
over 2 billion German marks, and many other
agreements affecting economics, investment,
traffic and culture.

The vast majority of UN member countries
gave their support to the Federal Republic
of Yugoslavia, including its right to
continuity of membership in the World
Organization. That's why the attempts of the
former US administration and the so-called
'Croatian initiative' to expel Yugoslavia
from the UN could not succeed.

But what our adversaries could not do was
done for them by the new 'democratic'
authorities in Belgrade. As soon as they
took over, by a stroke of the pen they
eliminated our country as a founding member
of the World Organization, submitting a
request to be admitted as a new member - the

Very quickly these new authorities violated
the Constitution, humiliated the National
Assembly and by the zeal of their
subservience surprised even the order-givers
from the outgoing Clinton administration.
History and the people shall assess and
suffer the consequences of that drastic
decline in the dignity of our state.

NATO's armed aggression in 1999 was
recognized by the world as a dangerous
violation of the basic principles of
international relations and the UN Charter
and a blow to the foundations of the
international legal order. It was a crime
against peace and humanity executed by an
unprecedented alliance of the mightiest
military machinery in human history working
with an openly terrorist organization, the
so-called KLA.

It shall remain as a record of the utmost
cynicism that this aggression, in the course
of which about 3000 of our citizens were
killed, in which radiation and other
forbidden weapons were used, and which
inflicted war damages exceeding 100 billion
dollars, was given the name: "Operation
Merciful Angel."

The NATO criminals created the show in
Rambouillet and stage-managed the "Racak
Massacre," but their masks of 'mercy' fell
away during the aggression. They destroyed
our bridges, our children's schools, our TV
broadcast facilities; they bombed columns of
refugees and the homes of ordinary people.
They sent cluster bombs and cruise missiles
encased in depleted uranium to blow up our

And all the while they spoke of the
protection of human rights and democracy.

After the aggression, Albanian terrorists
were sent from Kosovo and Metohia into other
areas of Serbia and then into Macedonia.
This has shown even many people who were
poorly informed that NATO is using the
Balkans as a testing ground for new
doctrines and new weapons, for the
intimidation of all peoples who will not
accept neo-imperialism and who dare to
confront hegemonies.

Yugoslavia defended its freedom. It did so
decisively. It will be written in history
that Yugoslavia stunned the world with its
courage, its unity and its patriotism.

This resistance enabled the world to
understand the real nature of NATO.

NATO's aggression was ended by UN Security
Council resolution 1244/99. This Resolution
explicitly guaranteed the territorial
integrity of the FRY. It guaranteed that
Kosovo and Metohia would be an autonomous
part of Serbia providing security and the
equal enjoyment of human rights to all
citizens and all communities, regardless of
ethnicity, culture or religion.

These conditions under which the war ended
constitute guarantees by the World
organization. No one has the right to
diminish the importance of these facts, and
especially not to allow developments and
situations contrary to this UN document.

The Serbian and Yugoslav powers-that-be have
no authority to make a single concession to
the detriment of the Serbian people, or to
the integrity and sovereignty of Serbia and
Yugoslavia. They bear the responsibility for
accepting the so-called Haekkerup's
"Constitutional Framework" that both
formally and in essence violates Security
Council Resolution 1244. The Belgrade
authorities are responsible for accepting
the setting-up of customs stations in
Kosovo, for doing nothing to facilitate the
safe and free return of several hundred
thousand expelled Serbs, Roma, Gorani,
Muslims and other non-Albanian peoples, for
doing nothing regarding the more than 1300
citizens who are missing, most likely
kidnapped, and about 1300 who have been
killed since the deployment of UNMIK and
KFOR (the UN and NATO).

These authorities are also responsible for
cooperating in preparing the public to
accept so-called provincial elections. The
aim of these elections is to sanction ethnic
cleansing and all the crimes carried out in
Kosovo during the last two years.

It must be clear that the Serbian people
would never accept this policy that injures
its legitimate national and state interests,
this policy executed through the cooperation
between KFOR and UNMIK (read: NATO) and the
Belgrade authorities, this policy that
violates UN documents through fait
accomplis. On this occasion we decisively
condemn Haekkerup's "Constitutional
Framework" as an attempt to legalese
secession and the plan for creating a
"Greater Albania." We condemn the so-called
provincial elections, since the conditions
that would make elections possible do not
exist. The SPS calls upon Serbs, Roma,
Gorani, Muslims as well as all other
communities in Kosovo and Metohia not to
accept the census and to boycott such
elections, until everyone is guaranteed
security, freedom of movement and the free
and safe return of 360,000 expelled
citizens. A political solution regarding
autonomy may be reached only through
political dialogue between the legitimate
representatives of all ethnic communities.


What have we done during the past eleven

Faced with a blockade, with sanctions, with
civil wars raging around us, with a million
refugees on our territory, our Government of
national unity above all protected the state
and the freedom and dignity of the people.
It protected all the most important natural,
economic and human resources. It has not
allowed the sell-off of our national wealth.
It has managed to satisfy the basic needs of
the population, the functioning of the
economy and basic social services. Under
these difficult conditions, our farmers have
made an extraordinary contribution to
fulfilling the basic needs of the
population, even making it possible to
export farm products.

>From 1995 on, the Government intensified
reforms, mobilized domestic resources, and
strengthened cooperation with countries that
refused to apply sanctions and started new
industrial production. In the very midst of
NATO's aggression, the process of
reconstruction and renewal began. Our
government, our people reconstructed or
newly built more than 50 bridges. Free
housing was provided for families whose
homes were destroyed by NATO. A program to
build 100,000 apartments for young couples
and members of the army and police was
begun. A program for the intensive
employment of young, skilled workers was

By means of special measures and programs,
the development of agriculture and the
construction industry and exports were
stimulated. Prices of foodstuffs,
electricity, communal services and other
basic needs were kept in harmony with the
buying power of the population.

Such efforts were supported by the people in
our Diaspora, for which we owe them
recognition and thanks.

All this clearly shows that the policy
conducted by the SPS was in harmony with its
Program. This policy preserved the state and
defended the freedom, sovereignty and
territorial integrity of the country and
social justice. We did not wait for foreign
"donations." It was clear to the Party that
these rich "donors" are not rich because
they give away; they are rich because they
take. That's why the Party always tended
towards co-operation and exchange only on
the basis of mutual benefit. Nothing else is
real. Thanks to that policy we have had the
highest economic growth rate and highest
living standards in our neighborhood. While
during the period from 1995 to 2000, Eastern
Europe had an average annual growth of 1,5 %
of gross national product, our country
achieved 5 to 7 %.

All these efforts and results drew on the
energy and political and diplomatic
understanding of Slobodan Milosevic, founder
and president of the SPS.

After the coup d'etat on the 5th of October,
in which the national Assembly and Serbian
Broadcasting Corporation were set ablaze,
our party and membership were exposed to
pressures and persecution never before seen
in the political history of Serbia. Several
hundred members of the SPS have been
imprisoned and a large number have been
brought before politically motivated trials.
By means of surprise attacks, crisis
committees and the abuse of workers, 20,000
managers of enterprises, banks, power
production and distribution companies,
education, cultural, health care,
transportation and state administration
facilities were removed overnight. The
so-called DOS usurped local authorities in
20 municipalities where SPS had in fact won
the elections.


Dear guests,

The abduction and arrest of SPS president
Slobodan Milosevic on March 31st and then
his abduction on June 28th, St. Vitus Day,
and his extradition to the Hague 'Tribunal,'
represent the height of violent lawlessness.

Many facts regarding the extradition of
Slobodan Milosevic are widely known. The
immediate and especially the near future
will complete that knowledge and also allow
a complete assessment of the goals and
consequences of this criminal act.

Already three things can be stated.

First, the acts of seizing Milosevic and
turning him over to The Hague do not have
local or regional motives and goals.

Second, these motives and goals are not
related to law and justice; rather, they are

And third, this kidnapping will neither in
the short nor long term end the crisis in
Yugoslavia and the Balkans.

Rather, this dangerous criminal act will
lead to the deepening of mistrust and the
continuation of the mistakes of the
so-called international community, with
unforeseen consequences.

Slobodan Milosevic is not only the founder
and president of the Socialist Party of
Serbia, one of the strongest political
parties in the Balkans, but also has been
the president of the Republic of Serbia and
the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia for many
years. For Serbian people and for the
greater part of contemporary mankind,
Slobodan Milosevic is a leader in the
struggle for a just cause, both on the
national and international levels. He is a
symbol of resistance to hegemonism and
domination, a leader that unified the whole
nation against NATO aggression and
contributed towards exposing NATO's second,
hidden face, completely different from the
aims proclaimed in its founding act. Crimes
committed by NATO in the course of the 78
days it bombed all of Yugoslavia are known.
Concerning those crimes, large,
indestructible documentation exists.

Because of the clear facts about NATO's
crimes, the so-called trial they are
preparing, whose farcical beginning
indicates how it will proceed, cannot fool
most people. Virtually all Serbian people
and a vast part of the real international
community knows that this stage-managed
affair aims to justify the crimes of NATO's
leaders, especially the leaders of the
former American administration, crimes
against peace and humanity.

By putting Milosevic and other former
leaders of Serbia and Yugoslavia on trial,
the victim is being presented as the
culprit. An attempt is being made to impose
on all Serbian people the responsibility and
lasting obligations for all that transpired
in Kosovo and Metohia before, during and
after the aggression, as well as for the
violent secession of former Yugoslav
republics and the consequences of the civil
wars in Bosnia & Herzegovina and Croatia.

Such an approach represents the continuation
of the aggression against Yugoslavia and the
Serbian people by other but no less
dangerous means. This is apparent due to the
orchestrated demonization of the Serbian
people. The demonization is now being
conducted not only in the same international
media that wholeheartedly justified the
armed NATO aggression. It is also being
broadcast in the so-called independent media
in Belgrade.

All that is being done now was in essence
seen beforehand and predicted and the real
aims are known. The Serbian people will not
be turned against itself. It will not take
the side of those who treat it in a racist
manner, who are breaking it up and
transforming it into refugees, who killed
Serbs, who destroyed their homes and sacred
places, who poisoned their soil, their water
and their air!

Not only did these new Belgrade authorities
execute the criminal seizure and extradition
of Slobodan Milosevic, delivering him into
the hands of the NATO executioners. Not only
did they trample the Constitution and laws
of Serbia and Yugoslavia. But they chose to
commit this crime on June 28th, thus
desecrating Vidovdan, St. Vid's Day, the
Serbs' most sacred symbol. This confirmed
the belief that the kidnapping was carried
out to humiliate the Serbian people, whose
self-respect has been toughened through
centuries of struggle. The fact that for
this treason the authorities say they were
promised some kind of money only strengthens
the disgust, condemnation and loathing among
ordinary people, whose exceptional sense of
morality and dignity have not died away
despite exceptional misery. Indeed, the
morality and dignity of the people has grown

All that the Belgrade authorities have done
to the people has strengthened the belief
that with DOS there can be no future. These
authorities have crossed the Rubicon of what
can be endured. It is hard to imagine
anything that can save them now, certainly
not some so-called donations.

Whether West and East understand this
reality we shall soon find out.

What else is to be said about the fruits of
the rule of the DOS authorities?

People have realized that DOS is a notorious
NATO swindle. DOS abused the citizens'
desire for change. People voted to live
better, but today they live far worse than a
year ago.

The new authorities are not interested in
production but only in covering their budget
through higher taxes.

Industrial production is 10% lower than
before. In the factories, four out of five
machines stand silent.

Everything is enormously expensive. The only
thing we've gotten from Europe is its
prices. By removing customs protections for
domestic industries and food production our
manufacture has been suffocated, and the
market has been given to foreign
manufacturers. Unemployment and social
misery are spreading. One million people are
unemployed. Two million of our people live
just this side of survival. The sell-off of
our factories, mines and infrastructure to
foreign speculators has been prepared. The
economic sovereignty of our country is being

Those are the results of the much-heralded
'reforms' of DOS.

DOS halted the reconstruction of the
country, because such reconstruction
offended their masters by recalling NATO's
crimes of destruction.

(1/2 - segue)


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