> http://emperors-clothes.com/articles/goff/goff.htm

July 30, 2001

[Stan Goff is a Retired U.S. Special Forces Master
Sargent, an author, Organizer for the North Carolina
Alliance for Democracy and a member of the
International Committeee to Defend Slobodan Milosevic.

What do you call someone who pays officials to break
the law, threatens people with violence if they don't
do what he demands, spreads outrageous lies to impugn
people's reputations, and participates in a plot to
illegally take an unwilling person out of the country
in captivity?

Guilty of bribery, extortion, slander and kidnapping.

What do you call a government which does precisely
those things?

The United States in Yugoslavia.

Let's get something straight here. The International
Tribunal at the Hague is no more an impartial
judiciary (1) than Geraldo Rivera is a neurosurgeon,
and Slobodan Milosevic is no war criminal. These are
just simply facts, and the thing that--even at
50--still amazes my ass is the sheep-like, gullible,
we-just-fell-off-the-turnip-truck acceptance of the
capitalist media's horse-manure by comfortable fellow

United States military troops are occupying the
Balkans, many of them with relatives who might read
this, and very few people seem the least bit inclined
to find out what's really going on there. So they
listen to CNN, read the 'New York Times' or the 'News
and Observer,' watch PBS, or listen to NPR, brought to
you by... name your favorite agribusiness or weapons
contractor... and believe them.

I've got a news flash for you, folks. The media lie.
They lie early and often, and they keep on telling the
same lies over and over, apparently in the
well-founded hope that we will simply and finally
equate repetition with accuracy. (2)

Slobodan Milosevic is no war criminal. Nor was he a
dictator. (3)

Until the US started a massive campaign of extortion,
bribery and election-rigging in Serbia, he won his
elections fair and square--unlike the current de facto
President of the United States. Nor did Milsoevic ever
lead the non-existent movement for Greater Serbia. Nor
do Serbs collectively "share" any blame for whatever
flavor-of-the-day atrocity is being invented by the
IMF, the State Department, NATO Headquarters in
Brussels, or that fake Tribunal.

Serbs are as fractious and pluralistic as any group,
especially about politics, deeply split even today
between nationalists and socialists. What they are
not, contrary to the recent resurgence of
Serb-bashing, is self-pitying and paranoid. They are
one of the most stoic, and tolerant, people in Europe.

The distortions that underwrite this latest violation
of Yugoslav and International law--the veritable
kidnapping of a former head of state--would make
Joseph Goebbels blush. Crimes were invented to fit the
punishment of the Serbs. Allegations were reported as
facts, then referenced later as if they really were
facts. The mounting evidence of a giant hoax in almost
every case has been completely ignored by capitalist
media. The effect--intended I think--is to create an
impression so overwhelming of Serbian guilt that to
question it is to be regarded as a miscreant holocaust
denier. Guilt by analogy. Milosevic equals Hitler,
therefore defending Serbians equals defending Nazis (a
huge irony here, since Serbs were tenacious and
fearless fighters against the Third Reich). There's
only one little rub. The Holocaust has been well
documented by the physical evidence. The Serbians'
guilt, and that of Milosevic, has not.

But skepticism, fact-checking, and logic have become
forbidden foreign languages in the United States,
especially our (laugh track here) "free" press.

The overwhelming evidence is that there was never any
coordinated campaign of genocide or ethnic cleansing
by Serbs, no massacres at either Racek or Srebrenica,
and never any such thing as Serbian "rape camps." The
Kosovo violence was initiated by Albanian
heroin-gangsters, who named themselves the Kosovo
Liberation Army once they started to get weapons and
training from German and US Intelligence. The mass
exodus out of Kosovo was not triggered by Serb
violence, but by NATO bombing. The reports of 100,000
Kosovar Albanians killed has yet to be corroborated
with bodies, and is being quietly scaled ever downward
as the bodies fail to appear. Racek was shown to be
staged. The bodies from the Srebrenica "massacre" were
never located either, and in fact many of the
"missing" later turned up alive and accounted for in
Bosnian Muslim combat units outside Srebrenica. The US
and the psuedo-Tribunal have an answer for the missing
evidence, those tens of thousands of corpses, that is.
Right under the noses of US surveillance
satellites--and I have seen imagery from them that can
spot a motorcycle and rider--the crafty Serbs,
undetected, moved thousands of decomposing bodies to
other locations... still to be discovered. (4)


The break-up of Yugoslavia has been largely due to the
efforts of US and German gambits, with substantial
help from the International Monetary Fund, since the
late 1980's. To justify this economic warfare, this
trampling of sovereignty, this military aggression,
these massive violations by NATO and the US of the Law
of Land Warfare and the Geneva and Hague Conventions,
and the military occupation of the Balkans, our
government and its international financier pals have
had to concoct an elaborate Manichean fantasy with
Serbs as the heavy.

Don't take my word for it, but don't look for a
one-paragraph rebuttal either. Understanding requires
study and work. If you're inclined to swim upstream in
this perennial flood of stubborn American ignorance,
read the research and reports from Michel
Chussodovsky, Diane Johnstone, and Jared Israel - none
of them Serbian or Yugoslav, and all of them proud
progressives. They are archived at
www.emperors-clothes.com . An apt name for that web
site, if ever there was one. (5) (6) & (7)

The Hague Tribunal is about war crimes, all right.
It's about covering up the war crimes of the North
American Treaty Organization and the US Government.

- SG


Stan Goff is author of "Hideous Dream: A Soldier's
Memoir of the U.S. Invasion of Haiti," Soft Skull
Press, 2000. The book is available online at
www.softskull.com . For a review of 'Hideous Dream'
that appeared in the 'Chicago Tribune,' go to

Mr. Goff's article, 'In Your Name: A Soldier's Story,'
can be read at

Further reading:

1) 'An Impartial Tribunal? Really?' by Christopher
Black. Can be read at

2) 'Media in Serbia' by Diana Johnstone Can be read at

3) 'Official German Documents Contradict Humanitarian
Claims in Kosovo'. In these documents, the German
Courts and Foreign Ministry ruled on requests made by
ethnic Albanians from Kosovo that they be granted
status as refugees from persecution. The rulings were
prior to the onset of NATO bombing in March, 1999. The
findings: the claims of perseuction were false. Can be
read at

4) 'Were NATO's Aerial Photo's of Mass Graves Faked?'
by Jared Israel at

5) 'The UN appoints an alleged war criminal in Kosovo'
by Michel Chossudovsky. Can be read at

Diane Johnstone at

7) 'Barbarians At The Gate,' by Jared Israel. Can be
read at


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