1) The date of the attack. 9/11. 9+1+1
2)September the 11th is the 254th day of the year 2+5+4.
3) After September 11th there are 111 days left to
the end of the year.
4) The twin towers, side by side, looked like the
number 11
5) The first plane to hit the towers was flight
number 11.
6) New York City = 11 letters.
7) Afghanistan = 11 letters.
8) The Pentagon = 11 letters.
9) Ramzi Yousef = 11 letters. (Convicted of the 1993
attack on the > towers.)
10) Flight 11 had 92 people on board. 9+2.
11) Flight 77 had 65 people on board. 6+5.

(Questa sconcertante serie di speculazioni sul numero "11",
assolutamente inutile ma certo non piu' inutile di tante idiozie
che si sentono in tv, essendoci pervenuta da un nostro affezionato
lettore ci e' sembrata azzeccata per confezionare la nostra
Ciliegina numero... 111)


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