> http://www.sps.org.yu/aktuelno/2001/avgust/31-01.html
STENOGRAM sa pojavljivanja predsednika Slobodana Milo�evica
pred "Haskim tribunalom", 30. avgusta 2001. godine u Hagu

> http://www.sps.org.yu/aktuelno/2001/avgust/31-03.html

> http://www.sps.org.yu/eng/news/kasnije/2001-08-31-2.html
Transcript of the second appearance of president Slobodan Milosevic
before the so-called ICTY on 30 August 2001.

> http://www.sps.org.yu/eng/news/kasnije/2001-08-31-1.html
Statement that president Milosevic was not allowed to read when he
appeared, August 30, before the "tribunal" in the Hague.


> http://www.sps.org.yu/eng/news/2001.10/24.html

of the International Conference
"Freedom for Slobodan Milosevic - Moral, Political and Legal Imperative"
held in Belgrade, October, 21-22, 2001

We, representatives of the International Committee to Defend Slobodan
Milosevic and nine National Committees have gathered in Belgrade 21 and
22 October 2001 under the auspices of the Yugoslav Committee (Freedom
Association). We express our deepest bitterness over the arrest of
Slobodan Milosevic, the current President of the largest opposition
party in Serbia and Yugoslavia.
President Milosevic is globally renowned for fighting for more than a
decade for the Serbs and all Yugoslav peoples, a struggle that has made
him the adversary of all who wanted to jeopardize that freedom. By the
conjunction of historical circumstances, those powers which wanted to
jeopardize the freedom of the Yugoslav peoples, as well as the freedom
of other nations, were big, powerful and ruthless. The number of their
victims, both peoples and individuals, is continuously growing.
Slobodan Milosevic has been the main target. For a long time he fought
the mightiest powers that joined together, deserting all semblance of
nobility, and even reason.
Leaders of the struggle for national independence in other countries
and for other peoples have replaced one another, thus sharing the wrath
of the violent. But Slobodan Milosevic took upon himself the full
burden of that wrath.
For a whole decade he was subjected to the most brutal attacks in the
U.S.-dominated mass media in an effort to reverse the roles of victim
and culprit and thus to hide NATO�s vicious policy of releasing the
worst terrorist forces to tear apart Yugoslavia. Then President
Milosevic was subjected to legal and political violence by authorities
in his own country, who were acting for foreign powers. He was
illegally jailed in Belgrade. When the new regime could no longer hold
him, they kidnapped him from jail and turned him over to NATO, which
transported him to the Hague so-called Tribunal. Thus he is the first
democratically elected head of state to be jailed in the dungeon of the
New World Order.
What was his crime against this New World Order? Only that he loved his
people and freedom, and fought for both.
What do the new Masters hope to gain by kidnapping him? To use the
false spectacle of a trial to justify the breakup of Yugoslavia,
achieved through lies, threats, bribery and the cruelest violence.
In the attack on Yugoslavia, the United Nations has been degraded into
a tool of U.S./EU neocolonial violence. Now President Milosevic has
been imprisoned in a �UN� court. The function of that court is to give
the appearance of legality to the grossest violations of international
The idea of creating a court that puts on trial the leaders of
resistance to aggression, while whitewashing those who instigated and
waged terrorist-secessionist wars and naked aggression, dismembering
and punishing Yugoslavia, could only be born in the most distorted
minds. The Hague �Tribunal� is a political instrument of genocide and
the satanization of the Serbian people, and not a court of law.
We call upon the peoples of the world and those leaders who care about
truth and justice: let us a take joint stand against the violence that
is threatening us all. Let us resist with the energy and dignity
demonstrated by Slobodan Milosevic during the past decade, and now
before the Hague kangaroo court. With the demand for the release of
Slobodan Milosevic we defend international law, equality among nations,
ethnic fraternity and the right of ordinary people to live in peace
without the fear that their nations will be attacked and decimated by
We call upon the United Nations, an organization established to connect
peoples and individuals, to protect the poor and small against the
wrath of the powerful and rich. Abolish this Hague false Tribunal. Free
the Serbian patriots imprisoned in the name of the United Nations. Free
Slobodan Milosevic, symbol of the World�s resistance of this unjust,
New Order.
There is now much consciousness and discussion of the impact of
terrorism. The truth is the attack on Yugoslavia has been and continues
to be waged through the use of terrorist forces and similar fascist
groupings, directed in the most cynical fashion by NATO, under U.S.
government leadership. President Milosevic led the fight against these
forces while maintaining a policy of compassion and fraternity towards
all ethnic groups and social justice for ordinary people. The idea of a
worldwide struggle against terrorism while this hero of resistance
languishes in the Hague dungeon is an outrage.
Free Slobodan Milosevic Now.

Adopted by the International Conference
"Freedom for Slobodan Milosevic - Moral, Political and Legal Imperative.
Belgrade, October 21-22, 2001.

Considering the illegal arrest, abduction and attempted trial of
President Slobodan Milosevic before the US-Nato "Tribunal" in The Hague
a further attack on the sovereignty of Yugoslavia, on the freedom of
all countries and peoples and on justice and law in international
relations, and in order to obtain the immediate release of President
Milosevic, we shall concentrate on the following actions and coordinate
our efforts on the implementation of the same:

Organise demonstrations, petitions, lectures and other forms of public
pressure on political decision-makers in order to spread the truth
about the threat to the sovereignty of all Nations if the show-trial
against PresidentMilosevic continues, and in order to encourage
concrete actions in the UN to stop the US-Nato-The Hague inquisition as
well as all Ad-Hoc Tribunal inquisitions.
Encourage prominent public figures to support or join Committees to
free Slobodan Milosevic.
Organise locally conferences, seminars, round tables and public
tribunals on the illegality of the The Hague Tribunal and its
proceedings in order to affirm the truth.
Sending mass-petitions and protests to the Yugoslavian and Serbian Nato-
obedient governments and institutions
Pressuring the governments and institutions in our respective countries
by promoting parliamentary actions on the above subjects, demanding of
governments to take political, legal and diplomatic action.
Working with peace and antiglobalisation movements, with alla fora and
organisations that share our objectives and our concept of human
rights, in order to make the fate of President Milosevic and of
Yugoslavia a permanent and centrale issue of these movements.

Expose the double standards in assessing terrorism, as well as the
tragic and injust consequences of such double standards.
Underscore in public and political work the proven links between the
KLA and Al Qaeda, against the background of other US-sponsored
terrorist organisation such as Contras, terrorists in Chechnia,
Kashmir, Algeria, Philippines, etc.
Expose western main-stream media demonisation of President Milosevic
and of the Serbian people, along the lines of what has been done in the
past with regards to other political leaders and peoples fighting for
Providing law professors, lawyers and their associations across the
worldwith precise information on the illegality of The Hague "Tribunal"
and itsdetention of President Milosevic, as well as on the that
institution's violation of all principles of Law and international
conventions on human rights.
Assisting President Milosevic in expressing his views on world and
national developments so as to keep and stress his status as a
political leader and a victim of persecution.
Providing, mainly through the work of the Yugoslavian Committee,
factual documentation and historical background on 10 years of assaults
on Yugoslavia and its people, iu order to enable committees across the
worldto rectify misconceptions and false information on these events.

Sending a ICDSM & Conference delegation to meet President of Russian
Federation , Vladimir Putin, and President of People's China, Jiang
Sending the final Conference Declaration to the UN General Assembly
Chairman, to governments of all UN member countries, to political
parties across the world.
Spreading and strengthening the network of Committees to disband the
illegal The Hague Tribunal and to free Slobodan Milosevic.
Securing support by leaders of Developing Countries for action to
releasePresident Milosevic and disband the illegal Tribunal and forming
an AdvisoryBoard that would include some of these leaders, together
with prominent intellectuals, scientists, politicians, journalists, etc.
Establishing a permanent lawyers-media presence in The Hague.
Denouncing the violations of human rights inflicted by the The Hague
Tribunalon its political prisoner Slobodan Milosevic, as well as on all
other political detainees, with particular regard to the constant
harassing of Milosevic through inhuman detention conditions and by
creating obstacles to his contacts with his legal advisers, his family,
his friends At the same time organising visits by political
personalities and pressing the Tribunal to allow as many as possible of
such visits.
Promoting campaigns of letters, faxes, e-mail messages to pressurise
media to pay attention and report on the above actions.
Establishing constant fund-raising initiatives.

SPS 2001.


> http://www.jutarnje.co.yu/svet/2.htm


Potpredsednik SPS-a primio inostrane goste ucesnike konferencije

�Sloboda za Slobodana Milo�evica�

Svet da preispita stav prema albanskom terorizmu

Potpredsednik SPS Zivadin Jovanovic, primio je inostrane goste ucesnike
u radu dvodnevne medunarodne konferencije �Sloboda za Slobodana
Milo�evica � moralni, politicki i pravni imeprativ�, saop�teno je juce
iz Glavnog odbora SPS-a.
Pozdravljajuci ugledne licnosti iz Evrope i drugih delova sveta
profesore, pravnike, publiciste, politicare - Jovanovic je istakao da
se Slobodan Milo�evic borio za ravnopravnost svih naroda na Balkanu i u
medunarodnim odnosima uop�te, da je njegov cilj ocuvanje Jugoslavije
kao zemlje ravnopravnih naroda i njeno ukljucivanje regionalne i
evropske integracije. On se borio protiv albanskog terorizma i
separatizma koji i danas predstavlja osnovnu pretnju miru i stabilnosti
na Balkanu i koji je nosilac organizovanog medunarodnog kriminala.
Borba protiv terorizma iskljucuje dvostruke standarde. Terorizam kao
univerzalno svetsko zlo jednako ugrozava interese malih i velikih
zemalja. Zato svaka zemlja ima legitimno pravo da se bori protiv tog
zla. U svetlosti najnovijih tragicnih iskustava nakon teroristickih
napada u Americi, potrebno je preispitati dosada�nju politiku kljucnih
medunarodnih faktora prema albanskom terorizmu na Balkanu, kao i prema
nosiocima borbe protiv tog terorizma � istakao je, pored ostalog,
Zivadin Jovanovic.
On je upoznao goste iz SAD, Rusije, Holandije, Bugarske, Grcke,
Italije, Jordana, Kanade, Nemacke, Rumunije i drugih zemalja da ce u
Beogradu uskoro biti organizovana medunarodna konferencija o borbi
protiv terorizma kao svetske opasnosti, kaze se u saop�tenju.


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