Alcune personalita' di vari paesi hanno inviato una lettera aperta a
G.W.Bush, nella quale si ricorda l'appoggio che gli USA hanno prestato
nel corso degli anni Novanta al fanatismo islamista nei Balcani, e si
chiede che vengano riconosciuti e riparati certi errori della
amministrazione Clinton, e che venga subito rilasciato l'ex presidente
Alleghiamo il testo della lettera in serbocroato ed in inglese, ed il
dispaccio della France Presse in francese ed in inglese.



Postovani gospodine Bus,

Zlocin koji je nedavno izvrsen nad Amerikom i smrt
nekoliko hiljada neduznih Amerikanaca postavio je pred
Vas kao americkog Predsednika, potrebu da se suocite sa

U trenutku kad se citava Amerika i citav svet pitaju -
ko stoji iza tog zlocina - Vi morate biti svesni cinjenice da
prvo, iako ne i jedino, ali svakako, prvo mesto u strukturi
odgovornosti za taj zlocin nad americkim narodom, pripada
Klintonovoj administraciji, koja je pomagala terorizam u
mnogim zemljama.

U Saveznoj Republici Jugoslaviji ta administracija je
podrzavala albanske teroriste i separatiste koji su odgovorni
za mnoge ljudske zrtve, koji su unistili ogromna materijalna
dobra i koji su pokusavali decenijama, a narocito poslednje
decenije, da nasilno izdvoje Kosovo deo teritorije
Jugoslavije, iz njenog sastava. U tom cilju ta administracija
je stupila u savez sa teroristima, proglasila njihov terorizam
za borbu albanskih seperatista za njihova nacionalna i
ljudska prava i stiteci ta prava "izvrsila je zlocin nad jednom
malom, ponosnom i nezavisnom" zemljom i njenim
narodom, koji je u oba svetska rata bio Vas saveznik i u tim
ratovima podneo ogromne zrtve.

Klintonova administracija je bez i malo viteske casti,
koju bi svako ko sebe ceni pokazao prema svom malom ali
dostojanstvenom protivniku koga nije uspeo da pobedi,
posle bombardovanja Jugoslavije kontinuirano nastojala da
se osveti Predsedniku Milosevicu. Predsednik Milosevic je
gradjane i drzavu branio od albanskog terorizma i
separatizma punu deceniju, onakvog istog terorizma kakav
je 11. septembra pogodio Ameriku, ali ga je Klintonova
administarcija optuzila za ratne zlocine. Pritom je ta
administracija sakrila od svoje i svetske javnosti da je
Milosevic od terorizma branio sve gradjane Jugoslavije - i
Srbe i Albance i Muslimane i Turke i sve koji zive na
Kosovu, kao i da su albanski teroristi u 1998. godini pobili
najvise Albanaca, svojih sugradjana, mnogo uglednih ljudi,
policajaca i svih koji ih u separatizmu nisu podrzavali.

Kada je krajem 1998. godine na Kosovu savladan
albanski terorizam i uspostavljen mir, Klintonova
administracija je stupila u savez sa narko-mafijom i
kriminalcima, a zatim, povela rat protiv Jugoslavije krseci
Povelju UN, Statut NATO i Ustav SAD. Za to vreme
Osama bin Laden je bio u Albaniji i odatle organizovao
teroristicke baze na Kosovu. To dobro znaju sve sluzbe
koje su za to nadlezne i u Americi i u Evropi.

A borca protiv terorizma, Slobodana Milosevica ste
poslali u Hag, umesto da mu dodelite sva priznanja.

Medjutim, istina se ne moze sakriti. Vreme ce je
izneti na svetlost dana, uprkos sve propagande i monopola
nad sredstvima informisanja.

Decenija koja je protekla svedoci o tome da je jedina
drzava koja je nastala iz predhodne Jugoslavije a koja je
sacuvala multietnicki karakter Savezna Republika
Jugoslavija. To je jedina drzava u kojoj nije bilo
diskriminacije ni Hrvata, ni Muslimana, ni Madjara, ni bilo
koje od 27 nacionalnosti koje u Saveznoj Republici
Jugoslaviji danas zive.

Da li znate da je Miloseviceva vlada za Pokrajinu
Kosovo u 1998. i 1999. godini, do dolaska snaga UN, bila
sastavljena od svih nacionalnosti koje su na Kosovu ziveli -
Albanaca, Srba, Turaka, Roma, Muslimana, Goranaca i
Egipcana. I da je Miloseviceva vlada u tom periodu
formirala u albanskim selima lokalnu policiju sastavljenu
iskljucivo od Albanaca?

Da li znate ta su u vladi za Pokrajinu Kosovo u
periodu koji pominjemo Srbi bili u manjini?

Da li znate da je u prolece 1992. godine, na dan svog
formiranja od Srbije i Crne Gore, Savezna Republika
Jugoslavija donela Dekleraciju da nema teritorijalnih
pretenzija ni prema jednoj od bivsih jugoslovenskih

Da li znate da je za vreme rata u Bosni preko 70.000
(po podacima UNHCR mnogo vise) muslimanskih izbeglica
iz Bosne prebeglo u Saveznu Republiku Jugoslaviji da tu
nadje zastitu i da im je ta zastita pruzena i da nikada niko
nije ugrozio njihovu bezbednost, niti da ih je na bilo koji
nacin diskriminisao?

Da li znate da je Klintonova administracija u savezu
sa albanskom narko-mafijom vodila privatni rat protiv
Jugoslavije zato sto je bila duboko korumpirana?

Da li znate da je nad srpskim narodom izvrsen

Da li znate da se istina ne moze sakriti?

Istinski patriotizam i Vas polozaj Predsednika
obavezuju Vas da odmah delujete kako bi Slobodan
Milosevic bio oslobodjen. Istorija nece prihvatiti
obrazlozenje da niste znali ili da ste bili prevareni.

Dimitri Analis, pesnik, bivsi savetnik Andreasa Papandreua,
Pariz - Atina
Dr Sergej Baburin, bivsi potpredsednik Drzavne Dume
Ruske Federacije
Prof. dr Aldo Bernardini, Univerzitet Teramo, Rim
Sergej Kijasko, odgovorni sekretar Evroazijskog
socijalistickog kongresa, poslanik u Parlamentu Ukrajine
Vjaceslav Klikov, skulptor, predsednik Medjunarodnog
fonda slovenske pismenosti i kulture, Moskva
Prof. dr Dzon Piter Maer, Univerzitet Severoistocnog Ilinoisa
Prof. dr Vilijam Micam, Univerzitet Kalifornije u Los
Andjelesu (UCLA)
Prof. dr Andre Tremble, Univerzitet u Montrealu
Prof. dr Velko Vlkanov, bivsi predsednicki kandidat,
predsednik Bugarskog antifasistickog saveza,osnivac i
kopredsednik Medjunarodnog komiteta za odbranu Slobodana
Milosevica, Sofija



Dear Mr. Bush,

The crime perpetrated recently against America and the death of several
thousand innocent American citizens has confronted you, Mr. President,
with the necessity of facing the truth. At the time when the whole of
America and the world are wondering who is behind this crime, you must
be aware that the Clinton Administration instigated and supported
terrorist movements in many countries. Thus the previous Administration
bears primary responsibility for the consequences of that policy.

The Clinton Administration supported Albanian terrorists and separatists
in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. These terrorists are responsible
for numerous human victims. They destroyed enormous amounts of property.
They have been attempting, for decades now, and particularly during the
last two, to forcefully break off Kosovo, a part of Serbia, and
therefore of Yugoslavia, from the rest of the country. To that end the
Clinton Administration entered into an alliance with the terrorists and
proclaimed that their terrorism was a struggle of ethnic Albanians for
national and human rights.

Based on this dishonest justification, the Clinton Administration
perpetrated a crime against a small, proud and independent state and its
people, America's ally in both world wars. It inflicted on this innocent
people great human suffering with many victims and enormous destruction.

After the bombardment of Yugoslavia, the Clinton Administration
continued to seek vengeance against Yugoslav President Slobodan
Milosevic, without that minimum of chivalrous dignity which anyone
with self esteem would manifest towards a small but dignified opponent
whom he had never conquered.

For an entire decade President Milosevic defended Yugoslav citizens and
the state from Albanian terrorism and separatism, that is, from one and
the same terrorism which hit America on 11 September.
And what was the Clinton Administration's response? They accused
Milosevic of war crimes. In doing so the Administration kept secret from
the American and world public that Milosevic had defended all citizens
regardless of ethnicity - Serbs, Albanians, Slavic Muslims, Turks and
Jews and all others living in Kosovo.
The Administration also hid the fact that in 1998 the Albanian
terrorists were mainly killing ethnic Albanians, including many
distinguished individuals, policemen and whoever else did not support
their separatism.

When Albanian terrorism was suppressed in Kosovo in 1998, and peace
reestablished, the Clinton Administration entered into an alliance with
the drug Mafia and other criminals creating the terrorist so-called
Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) and then started a war against Yugoslavia
in violation of the UN Charter, the NATO Charter and the US
Constitution. At the same time, Osama bin Laden was in Albania, engaged
in organizing the camps to train terrorists who were then sent into
Kosovo. This is well known to all competent intelligence services both
in America and Europe.

But, instead of honoring Slobodan Milosevic as a fighter against
terrorism, you had him sent to The Hague.

But truth can't be hidden. Time will bring it to the light of day
despite all the propaganda in the controlled media.

The past decade testifies to the fact that the only state created on the
ruins of former Yugoslavia, and which preserved its multi-ethnic
character, is the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. It is the only state
with no discrimination against Croats, Muslims, Hungarians or any of the
other 27 nationalities living today within its borders.

Do you know that in 1998 and 1999, prior to deployment of UN forces to
the Province of Kosovo, the "Milosevic government" in that Province was
in fact composed of representatives of the nationalities living in
Kosovo - Albanians, Serbs, Turks, Roma, Muslims, Gorani and Egyptians.
And that this "Milosevic government" formed ethnic Albanian
police units in ethnic Albanian villages. Do you know that Serbs were
a minority in the Provincial government at that time?

Do you know that in the spring of 1992, on the very date of the
promulgation of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, composed of Serbia
and Montenegro, its Parliament passed a Declaration stating
that it had no territorial aspirations regarding any of ex-Yugoslav

Do you know that during the war in Bosnia more than 70,000 (according to
UNHCR many more) Muslim refugees from Bosnia fled to the Federal
Republic of Yugoslavia, looking for safety and that they were given
shelter and that no one has ever threatened their security, or
discriminated against them?

Do you know that the Clinton administration, in alliance with the
Albanian drug Mafia, waged a private war against Yugoslavia because that
administration had been deeply corrupted?

Do you know of the genocide against the Serbian people?

Do you know that truth can't be hidden?

True patriotism and your position as President make it incumbent on you
to act for release of Slobodan Milosevic immediately. History would not
accept the excuse that you did not know or that you
were deceived.

October 27, 2001

Dimitri Analis, poet, former adviser of prime minister Andreas
Papandreou, Athens-Paris
Dr Sergey Baburin, former vice-speaker of the State Duma of Russian
Professor Aldo Bernardini, Teramo University, Rome, Italy
Sergey Kiyashko, responsible secretary of Eurasian Socialist Congress,
Member of Parliament, Ukraine
Vyacheslav Klykov, President of the International Fund of Slavonic
Literacy and Culture, Moscow, Russian Federation
Professor John Peter Maher, University of North Eastern Illinois, USA
Professor William C. Meecham, University of California in Los Angeles
Professor Andr� Tremblay, University of Montr�al, Canada
Professor Velko Vlkanov, former presidential candidate, President of
Bulgarian Anti-Fascist Union, founder and co-chairman of the
International Committee to Defend Slobodan Milosevic, Sofia, Bulgaria


Subject: AFP: International group appeals to Bush to free
Milosevic; Neuf intellectuels appellent George W. Bush � lib�rer
Slobodan Milosevic
Date: Sun, 28 Oct 2001 17:11:40 +0100
From: "Vladimir Krsljanin"

> Milosevic-TPI-USA
> Neuf intellectuels appellent George W. Bush � lib�rer Slobodan
> BELGRADE, 28 oct (AFP) - Neuf intellectuels occidentaux et russes ont
> appel� George W. Bush � lib�rer l'ex-pr�sident yougoslave Slobodan
> Milosevic, inculp� par le Tribunal p�nal international (TPI) de crimes
> guerre et crimes contre l'humanit�, dans une lettre adress�e au
> am�ricain et fax�e dimanche � l'AFP.
> "Votre patriotisme et votre position de pr�sident vous mettent dans
> l'obligation d'agir imm�diatement afin de lib�rer Slobodan Milosevic",
> �crivent-ils.
> "L'Histoire n'acceptera pas l'argument que vous ne saviez pas ou �tiez
> mal inform�s", affirment les intellectuels, dont le Grec Dimitri
Analis, le
> Russe Serguei Babourine, l'Italien Aldo Bernardini, l'Am�ricain
> Meecham et le Canadien Andr� Tremblay.
> M. Milosevic a �t� inculp� par le TPI de crimes de guerre et crimes
> contre l'humanit� pour son r�le lors des conflits au Kosovo et en
> et est d�tenu dans la prison du Tribunal � La Haye.
> Il devrait compara�tre lundi devant le TPI pour une troisi�me audience
> publique depuis son transf�rement � La Haye le 28 juin.
> Dans la lettre envoy�e � M. Bush, les neuf intellectuels, dont
> sont membres du Comit� international pour la lib�ration de Slobodan
> Milosevic, mettent en cause l'ancienne administration am�ricain de
> Clinton et ses liens avec les extr�mistes albanais au Kosovo.
> "Pendant toute une d�cennie, le pr�sident Milosevic a d�fendu les
> citoyens et le pays du terrorisme et du s�paratisme albanais, ce m�me
> terrorisme qui a touch� les Etats-Unis le 11 septembre, mais
> l'administration Clinton l'avait accus� de crimes de guerre",
> poursuivent-ils.
> "L'administration (Clinton) avait cach� de l'opinion publique
> et mondiale le fait que Milosevic d�fendait contre le terrorisme tous
> citoyens yougoslaves -- Serbes, Albanais, Musulmans et Turcs -- et que
> plupart des victimes des terroristes albanais en 1998 sont des
> (...) qui s'�taient oppos�s au s�paratisme", ajoutent-ils.
> am/mr t
> Warcrimes-Milosevic-US
> International group appeals to Bush to free Milosevic
> BELGRADE, Oct 28 (AFP) - An international group of intellectuals has
> appealed to US President George W. Bush to obtain the release of
> Milosevic, arguing the indicted ex-leader had defended Yugoslavia from
> same terrorism that hit America on September 11."
> "True patriotism and your position as president make it incumbent on
> to act for the release of Slobodan Milosevic immediately," the group,
> includes members from the United States, Canada, Russia, Italy and
> said in a letter to Bush.
> "History would not accept the excuse that you did not know or that you
> were deceived."
> Milosevic is currently detained in The Hague, where he has been
> by the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia
(ICTY) for
> war crimes and crimes against humanity in connection with the wars in
> and Croatia.
> He is to appear before the UN court on Monday for the third time since
> his dramatic transfer to The Hague from Belgrade in June. The
> Serb nationalist, who ruled with an iron fist for more than 10 years,
> denounced the tribunal as political.
> In its letter to Bush, the group of nine intellectuals charged that
> US administration of former US president Bill Clinton had "supported
> Albanian terrorists and separatists" in Yugoslavia, a reference to the
> 11-week NATO bombing campaign that ended a crackdown by Milosevic on
> Albanians in the province of Kosovo.
> "After the bombardment of Yugoslavia, the Clinton administration
> continued to seek vengeance against" Milosevic, said the letter, a
copy of
> which was received by AFP Sunday.
> "For an entire decade President Milosevic defended Yugoslav citizens
> the state from Albanian terrorism and separatism, that is, from one
and the
> same terrorism which hit America on September 11," it said.
> "And what was the Clinton administration's response? They accused
> Milosevic of war crimes."
> The group includes several members of an international committee that
> campaigning for the release of Milosevic. The committee last week
adopted a
> plan of action that would include meetings with Russian President
> Putin and Chinese leader Jiang Zemin to seek their support.
> wdb/jah
To join or help this struggle, visit: (official SPS website) (forum for the world of equals) (the international committee to defend Slobodan
Milosevic) ('morning news' the only Serbian newspaper
advocating liberation)


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