Non e' il celebre componimento di Mussorgskij, bensi' la documentazione
sullo scempio compiuto in Kosovo e Metohija dai locali collaborazionisti
della NATO, scempio del quale non si deve parlare sui giornali italiani,
ne' in televisione.

> http://emperors-clothes.com/churchpics/list.htm

'Pictures from an Exhibition: The Destruction of the Churches of Kosovo'

As you probably know, NATO leaders such as The Hague Tribunal's Carla
del Ponte expressed shock at the 'discovery' that there are thousands
of terrorists operating in the Balkans. But del Ponte and the others
know full well that NATO-sponsored terrorists have turned Kosovo into a
living hell.
Among other atrocities, they have destroyed 100 priceless Serbian
Orthodox churches in two years. NATO occupation forces don't deny these
crimes. They also don't do anything to stop them. And though documented
with pictures, the desecration has gone entirely unreported in the mass
media. Why?

Go to http://emperors-clothes.com/churchpics/list.htm


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