Dana Rohrabacher e' membro di quell'ala del Congresso statunitense
fortemente legata alla lobby pan-albanese. "The New American" e' un
quotidiano. Il documento che segue e' tratto dalla rubrica delle
lettere di questo quotidiano.


In Defense of the KLA

Your article suggesting that I am shilling for the KLA, which you
describe as a bunch of drug dealing gangsters, is - let us say - very
imaginative (see our "Inside Report" item entitled "Rohrabacher Shills
for the KLA," September 24th issue, page 6). Have there been criminal
elements in the KLA [Kosovo Liberation Army]? Yes. Do they dominate
that resistance organization? No. With the logic of The New American,
back in the 1980s we should never have supported the freedom fighters
in various parts of the world who were fighting the Soviet Union.

The central fact is that the overwhelming majority of people living in
Kosovo want to be free of Serb domination. The KLA, made up of good
guys and bad guys, fought Milosevic, Serb strongman and Europe's last
blood-sucking Stalinist. To quote a seven-year-old report on the nature
of the KLA, as your article did, is ridiculous, especially when your
article didn't mention the genocidal war of suppression recently
committed by Milosevic's Stalinist Serb regime.

Finally, yes, even Albanian Muslims, when they are the vast majority,
have the right through the democratic ballot to elect their leaders and
control their own destinies, even if some of them are bad guys. And
when people fight for their right, even if they are a mix of good and
bad guys, we should sympathize with, if not support, those seeking a
representative government.

DANA ROHRABACHER, Member of Congress.

* * * * * * * * * *


THE NEW AMERICA agrees with John Quincy Adams that America "is the
well-wisher to the freedom and independence of all. She is the champion
and vindicator only of her own." In his justly famous Independence Day
1821 speech to Congress, Adams warned that America must not "go abroad
in search of monsters to destroy"; by ignoring this wise advise, we
have given some of those monsters the ability to attack our own

Rep. Rohrabacher's letter was dated September 19th, meaning that it was
written after the devastating Black Tuesday attack. The chief suspect in
that crime, former Afghan Muhahideen leader Osama bin Laden, is one of
the "freedom fighters" extolled by the congressman in his letter. We
sincerely hope that this fact would prompt the congressman to reassess
his support for bin Laden's KLA comrades.

New York Times Balkans correspondent Chris Hedges describes the KLA's
leaders as a mix of "die-hard Marxist-Leninists" and "descendants of the
fascist militias" of World War II. We would be indebted to Congressman
Rohrabacher if he would clarify the distribution of "good guys" and "bad
guys" within that unsavory assortment. Nor has the KLA abandoned its
criminal nature: In congressional testimony offered last December, Ralf
Metschke of Interpol described in-depth the continuing role played by
the KLA in heroine trafficking, forced prostitution, and other forms of
organized crime. Both Mutschke and terrorism analyst Yossef Bodansky,
author of the definitive biography of Osama bin Laden, have described
extensive link between bin laden and the KLA.

Rohrabacher's references to the Albanian "majority" in Kosovo are
offered without acknowledging that the majority in question was
created, in large measure, through illegal immigration from the south.
This is a curious omission, given that the congressman represents a
district in California, a state under siege by illegal immigration from

While The New American holds both Milosevic and the KLA in contempt, we
must point out a critical difference between them: Milosevic was a
corrupt, bloodstained, Marxist thug who posed no conceivable threat to
our nation: the KLA are corrupt, bloodstained Marxist thugs with ties
to a terrorist network that just killed some five thousand Americans.
Congressman Rohrabacher's constituents should demand that he explain
his support for the narco-terrorist KLA. - Ed.

(To contact Rohrabacher (R-CA) - tel: 202-225-2415, fax: 202-225-0145,
e-mail: dana@...)