* Press conference concerning Pres. Milosevic in Amsterdam

* Committee to Defend Slobodan Milosevic - Britain

* Internationales Komitee für die Verteidigung von Slobodan Milosevic:

* »Tribunal« auf Schlingerkurs
Haager Anklage gegen Slobodan Milosevic steht auf tönernen Füßen
Klaus Hartmann/Rainer Raussendorff ("Junge Welt" 1/2/2002)


Subject: Press conference concerning Pres. Milosevic
Date: Thu, 07 Feb 2002 15:10:38 +0100
From: TARGETS <redactie@...>
To: office@...

International Committee to Defend
Slobodan Milosevic (ICDSM)


Regarding the upcoming so-called trial
of former Yugoslav President
Slobodan Milosevic, the ICDSM will
hold a press conference Friday
February 8th about the following matters:

1. President Slobodan Milosevic's case
against the Dutch State and the ICTY
which is coming up before the District
Court of The Hague. We are charging
that the ICTY and the Dutch State have
conspired to obstruct Slobodan
Milosevic's lawyers from preparing his
case before the European Court of
Human Rights. On this see Appendix I;

2. The Dutch government's attempt to
prevent the ICDSM from holding
meetings to inform public opinion and
the press; the refusal of the
so-called Hague Tribunal to allow
former President Slobodan Milosevic to
meet with delegations from the
Socialist Party of Serbia (SPS) and
the Yugoslav NGO, Freedom Association;

3. The ICDSM press conference Tuesday,
February 12th in The Hague;

4. A letter from the ICDSM which has
been sent to all Heads of State in the

5. Open Letter to the people of The

6. A public meeting of the ICDSM
Monday, February 11 in Amsterdam,
Krasnapolski, St Johnsrooml II, Dam 9,

The February 8th press conference will
be held at:
LINX International
Sloterkade 20 Amsterdam.
Time: 14.00 hour

Present at the press conference will be:
· Mr. Christopher Black, head of the
team of legal advisers of President
· Mr. Nico Steijnen, lawyer of
President Milosevic in his cases
against the
Dutch state and the European Court
· Nico Varkevisser, spokesperson of


By order of President Slobodan Milosevic,
on December 20, 2001, a 140-page
provisional application was filed at
the European Court of Human Rights by
a team of lawyers: Mr. N.M.P.
Steijnen, the Netherlands, Mr. Chr.
Black, Canada, Prof. Mr. A. Bernardini,
Italy, Mr. Z. Tomanovic, Yugoslavia, Prof.
Mr. M.N. Kouzenetzov, Russia, Mr. Jaq.
Verges, France, Mr. D.M. Ognjanovic,

This provisional application, which we
have had to formulate under
conditions that violated all human
rights guarantees with respect to
normal communication between lawyers and
client, must be further implemented.

In this delicate phase of the European
Court procedure the puppet-tribunal
has further intensified its interference.
It has banned Mr. Christopher
Black from any communication with
President Slobodan Milosevic and has,
without explanation, refused Mr. N.
Steijnen further access to President
Milosevic. Other members of President
Milosevic's team of legal advisers
are limited to very rare contacts,
depending on the humour of the
'tribunal,' which never permits free
and unmonitored communication and free
exchange of documents with President
Milosevic. Mail between members of the
legal team and President Milosevic is
intercepted and opened, whether it is
confidential not, and often simply

Under these conditions how can
attorneys conduct legal work?

President Milosevic's team of lawyers
has officially informed the European
Court that since our work has been
blocked by the puppet tribunal's
interference, therefore we are forced
to suspend work until the puppet
tribunal ends its violations of our
client's human right to an unfettered

The puppet tribunal's human rights
abuses, in defiance of the European
Court of Human Rights, has caused this
deadlock. To break this deadlock,
President Milosevic has ordered legal
action. To that end, a summary
injunction procedure has already been
filed at the District Court of The
Hague against the relevant parties:
the ICTY itself and the State of the

The demand to all parties is: uphold
your responsibility to safeguard human
rights. Present a solution that will
end these severe human rights
violations in the field of defence
rights. The State of the Netherlands
is specifically summoned to take the

Place: District Court of The Hague
Date: 12 February 2002
Time: 13.30 h.

Amsterdam, February 7th 2002

International Committee to Defend
Slobodan Milosevic

Contact in The Netherlands:

Sloterkade 20 - 1058 HE Amsterdam -
The Netherlands
Ph. ++ 31 20 615 1122 - Fax: ++ 31 20
615 1120


You may support the work of the ICDSM
with a contribution by credit card by
calling in Amsterdam 31 20 6151122 or
in the U.S. 1 617 916-1705

Or mail a check to:
831 Beacon St., #295
Newton Centre, MA 02459 (USA)


----- Original Message -----
From: CDSM
Sent: Wednesday, February 06, 2002 3:43 AM
Subject: CDSM - ISSUES

6th February 2002

Dear friends,

1) Email address
2) Feb 1 Meeting
3) Feb 12 in La Hague
4) Finance

1) Email address: Please note that our new email address is
Also, our address is CDSM P.O.Box 18598, London E11 2XB.
The leaflet had the p.o.box in error as 19598
Telephone number is 07786 853565 (mobile)

2) Feb 1 Meeting: The meeting on Friday 1st February was a resounding
success and also an eye-opener to what we can achieve. Our function as
a committee is to educate the public and refocus its energy towrds the
political process Are aims are to defend Slobo, abolish the tribunal and
educate the public on the whole background.

The meeting attracted an audience about twice as big as we anticipated.
Almost 100 people attended. This was not a passive audience. There were
many points during the two speeches and during the discussion when
people burst into applause or called out their opinions. Another true
sign of the involvement was the fact that £800 was collected for the
campaign. We now have an additional 40 names on our mailing list,
including 20 email addresses. All this bodes very well for future

3) Feb 12 in La Hague: President Milosevic goes back to the court next
Tuesday, on February 12th to face the charges on Kosovo, now part of the
'unified' list (if this date is held to by the court). He has determined
that it will be the court, not him, that will be on trial and that the
judges will be humanity and history, not the fake panel sitting in The
Hague. The International Committee (ICDSM) are organising events on
February 12th and have asked for our participation. I refer here to an
email we have received from Jared Israel of the ICDSM

"URGENT - please if you can, raise money at this meeting. We
desperately need it for activities around Feb. 12th. All who would like
to come to The Netherlands on Feb. 12th are invited - we will have
activities if possible at The Hague and certainly in Amsterdam. At the
press conference in The Hague a line of people will stand in silence
with pictures of the devastation of Yugoslavia while Vergess and Black
et al speak to the press."

So, at the minimum there will be a public street protest and a press
conference. If you are interested to attend please contact me.

4) Finance: We did very well at the meeting but there are many finance
needs. We NEED to begin an international legal defence fund for
Milosevic. We NEED to get people to La Hague and other future actions.
We NEED to plan further events in this country and to support the
national committee's work here. If you or your friends have access to
any MONEY, we would like it. This is a cause worth supporting. And we
know that many people have financial obligations of a personal nature
and that many families in the region are depending on those of us in the
diaspora. Nevertheless, this is one of the best investments we can make
for the future of the region.

We will be holding a committee meeting very soon and will be planning an
enlarged 'advisery' meeting following that. We will also plan our second
public meeting to be held during the initial stages of the trial. You
will be kept informed of every move.

Best wishes and . . . congratulations. We are born!

Paul Davidson (CDSM -B)


-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: Klaus von Raussendorff
Gesendet am: Mittwoch, 30. Januar 2002 16:07
An: Klaus von Raussendorff
Betreff: Haager "Tribunal" auf Schlingerkurs -
Unterstützerfront für Milosevic wird breiter

PRESSE-MITTEILUNG 02/2002(siehe Anhang)
Internationales Komitee für die Verteidigung von Slobodan Milosevic
- Deutsche Sektion -


Den Haag: Anklage in Nöten - Paris: Staranwalt Vergès unterstützt
Milosevic - London: In-ternationale Konferenz zur Milosevic-
Verteidigung am
Freitag - Berlin: Kolloquium über Sinn und Missbrauch internationaler
Strafgerichtsbarkeit angekündigt

c/o Klaus Hartmann
Sprecher der Deutschen Sektion (ICDSM)
Schillstraße 7
D-63067 Offenbach am Main
T/F: -69 - 83 58 50
e-mail: vorstand@...
Internet: www.free-slobo.de


»Tribunal« auf Schlingerkurs

Haager Anklage gegen Slobodan Milosevic steht auf tönernen Füßen
Klaus Hartmann/Rainer Raussendorff

Am Mittwoch führte das Haager »Tribunal« eine »Berufungsverhandlung«
durch - die »Chefanklägerin« Carla Del Ponte war unzufrieden mit der
Entscheidung, am 12. Februar 2002 mit einem gesonderten »Kosovo-
Prozeß« starten zu müssen. Bereits im November letzten Jahres hatte
sie beantragt, ihre Anklagen gegen den früheren jugoslawischen
Präsidenten Slobodan Milosevic wegen »Kriegsverbrechen«
und »Verbrechen gegen die Menschheit« in Kosovo, in Kroatien und in
Bosnien in einem Prozeß zusammenzuführen und gemeinsam zu verhandeln.
In der Anhörung vom vergangenen Dezember, der vierten Vorverhandlung,
akzeptierten die »Richter« die Zusammenfassung der Kroatien- und
Bosnien-Anklage, bestanden aber auf einem gesonderten Prozeß zum

Was sich wie ein belangloses Gezerre um trockene Verfahrensfragen
anhört, birgt bei genauerer Betrachtung erheblichen Sprengstoff.
Slobodan Milosevic analysierte am 10.12.01 messerscharf: »Die Gründe
für den Versuch der ?Klagenhäufung? sind ganz und gar pragmatisch und
darauf abgestellt, jene zu decken, die Verbrechen gegen mein Land
begangen haben, und keineswegs, wie man behauptet, im Interesse eines
zügigen Verfahrens.« Denn: »Diese beiden ?Anklagen? wegen Kroatien
und Bosnien wurden ausdrücklich nur aus einem einzigen Grund erhoben,
nämlich, um die ?Anklage? wegen Kosovo in der Versenkung verschwinden
zu lassen, weil über Kosovo zu reden die ganze Frage des Terrorismus
aufwerfen würde, konkret die Zusammenarbeit der Clinton-
Administration mit den Terroristen im Kosovo, einschließlich der
Organisation bin Ladens.«

Aus diesem Grund konnte Del Ponte es bei der Ablehnung der
Prozeßbündelung auch nicht bewenden lassen und hatte dagegen Berufung
eingelegt. Begründung: Nur in einem umfassenden Verfahren gegen
Milosevic könne »die Gesamtheit seines kriminellen Verhaltens«
ausreichend dargestellt werden. Konkret heißt dies wohl, die Kosovo-
»Anklage« ist nicht ausreichend.

Frau Del Ponte versucht mit ihrer Berufung nicht weniger, als ihre
eigene Anklage zu retten und dem Tribunal seine größte Blamage zu
ersparen. In der ihm eigenen Art kommentierte Slobodan Milosevic
diesen Versuch am Mittwoch mit den Worten: »Wenn man drei Lügen
zusammenzählt, wird noch keine Wahrheit daraus.« Ob Haag seine
Anklägerin in letzter Minute vor dem Gesichtsverlust in Sachen Kosovo-
»Anklage« bewahren will, ist jedoch noch offen.

Daß die Anklage auf tönernen Füßen steht, belegen sich in den letzten
Tagen häufende Indizien. Der in London erscheinenden Independent
meldete am kürzlich, der »Milosevic-Prozeß steht vor dem
Zusammenbruch«. Aufgrund des Durcheinanders seien Ermittler
der »Anklage« nach Belgrad gereist, aber mit leeren Händen
zurückgekommen. Der »fundamentale Schwachpunkt« der Anklage sei, daß
sie sich ausschließlich auf Zeugenaussagen westlicher Offizieller und
ethnischer Albaner stütze. »Die Glaubwürdigkeit einiger Zeugen ist
zweifelhaft, da sie von (westlichen) Geheimdienst-Mitarbeitern
gesammelt wurden und nicht durch tribunaleigenes

Auch der Spiegel beklagt »wacklige Zeugen«. Danach will das Gericht
etwa 20 Personen vorführen, ehemals enge Milosevic-Mitarbeiter, die
ihren Chef belasten sollten. Doch »für sie hat in ihrer Heimat ein
Spießrutenlaufen begonnen, weil viele Unbelehrbare ihnen Verrat
vorwerfen. Grund genug für viele Aussagewillige, ihre Reise nach Den
Haag zu überdenken.«

Den Artikel finden Sie unter:

(c) Junge Welt 2002