> http://www.sps.org.yu/index-ne.htm




09.02. su u Beogradu u organizaciji SPS,odrzane
demonstracije protiv Haskog tribunala.Na protestu
odrzanom na Trgu Republike bilo je prisutno vise
desetina hiljada ljudi.
Pored clanova SPS,na demonstracijama su ucestvovali i
aktivisti NKPJ,koji su nosili proleterske i
jugoslovenske zastave sa petokrakom kao i mnostvo
transparenata sa antiimperijalistckom i antidosovskom
sadrzinom,kao i vise transparenata protiv
imperijalistickog suda u Hagu.
Usledila je i protestna setnja ulicama Beograda do
Savezne skupstine,gde su predati zahtevi za
raspisivanjem novih izbora na svim nivoima zbog
katastrofalne politicke i ekonomske situacije u
Na demonstracijama je kategoricki zatrazeno ukidanje
Haskog tribunala.

drugarski pozdrav


AFP (with additional material by AP and SPS). 9 February 2002.
BELGRADE -- More than 20,000 supporters of Slobodan Milosevic staged a
rally Saturday to demand the release of the former strongman who is due
to go on trial for war crimes next week.
The rally, held under the motto "Freedom for Slobodan," organized by
Milosevic's Socialist Party of Serbia (SPS), also urged Belgrade to
provide guarantees to enable the former president to be released on
bail during the trial. A SPS delegation handed over the demands to the
Yugoslav parliament as A waiting crowd chanted Milosevic's nickname
"Slobo, Slobo."
The protesters were also signing petitions calling for Milosevic's
release and the abolition of the UN war crimes tribunal in The Hague
where he will go on trial on Tuesday.
The peaceful protest denounced the U.N tribunal and the post-Milosevic
leadership that extradited him to the Netherlands-based court.
Calling the court a "puppet of the Western powers that have been trying
to destroy our people," former Prime Minister Mirko Marjanovic praised
the former leader for being "a true hero" and refusing to "bow to the
criminals who want to portray him as guilty for everything."
"Long Live Slobodan Milosevic," read some of the banners in the crowd
gathered on the main square of the capital.
The protesters booed the current government, which remains under
international pressure to extradite several Milosevic associates who
are also indicted on war crimes charges.


BELGRADE (AP et SPS) -- Aux cris de ''Liberté pour
Slobodan'', plus de 20.000 partisans de l'ancien
président yougoslave ont manifesté samedi dans le
centre de Belgrade, à trois jours de l'ouverture de
son procès devant le Tribunal pénal international de
La Haye pour l'ex-Yougoslavie.
La manifestation, qui s'est déroulée sans incident,
regroupait des partisans de Milosevic, à l'appel du
Parti socialiste de l'ex-président et d'anciens
collaborateurs, qui ont dénoncé le TPI de La Haye et
les autorités actuelles pour l'avoir extradé vers les
Estimant que le tribunal pénal était ''une poupée des
puissances occidentales qui ont tenté de détruire'' le
peuple yougoslave, l'ancien Premier ministre Mirko
Marjanovic a qualifié l'ex-président de ''véritable
héros'' et a refusé de ''s'incliner devant les
criminels qui veulent le dépeindre comme coupable de
Slobodan Milosevic, dont le procès s'ouvre mardi, est
sous le coup de 66 chefs d'accusation, dont crimes
contre l'humanité, pour son rôle dans les conflit du
Kosovo, de Croatie et de Bosnie. Comme il a refusé de
s'exprimer sur sa ligne de défense, le tribunal a
estimé qu'il plaidait innocent.
Les manifestants réunis à Belgrade ont bruyamment
exprimé leur soutien à Milosevic dont le refus de
mettre fin à la répression des albanophones au Kosovo
a entraîné l'intervention militaire de l'OTAN,
laquelle l'a ensuite contraint à céder le contrôle de
la province serbe en 1999 à l'Alliance atlantique et
aux Nations unies.
Slobodan Milosevic, a été arrêté près de cinq mois
après sa chute du pouvoir le 5 octobre 2000, et
extradé vers La Haye le 28 juin dernier.
''Longue vie à Slobodan Milosevic'', pouvait-on lire
sur certaines des banderoles brandies par la foule de
ses partisans rassemblés sur la principale place de
Belgrade. Les manifestants s'en sont pris au
gouvernement actuel, toujours soumis aux pressions
internationales pour extrader plusieurs associés de
Milosevic, également suspectés de crimes de guerre.


Beograd -- Oko 20.000 gradjana okupilo se u subotu na
Trgu Republike na mitingu podrske Slobodanu
Milosevicu. Skupu, koji je organizovala Socijalisticka
partija Srbije, prisustvovali su clanovi te stranke iz
nekoliko gradova iz Srbije, kao i pristalice Srpske
radikalne stranke i Jugoslovenske levice. Na mitingu,
pod sloganom ?Sloboda za Slobodana, sloboda za
Srbiju?, Miloseviceve pristalice nosile su
transparente podrske bivsem predsedniku i upucivali
pogrdne parole na racun vlasti i glavnog tuzioca
Haskog tribunala.
Funkcioneri SPS-a na ovom skupu izneli su niz optuzbi
na racun Haskog tribunala i aktuelne vlasti. Zamenik
predsednika SPS-a, Mirko Marjanovic, obecao je da ce
ta stranka ponovo doci na vlast poverenjem gradjana.
Na pitanje da li ce najavljena izrucenja pripadnika
SPS-a Haskom tribunalu uticati na dalji rad stranke,
visoki funkcioner Branislav Ivkovic ocenio je da to
?da li ce se neko naci ponovo u poziciji da bude
izrucen od strane DOS-ovskog rezima Haskom tribunalu,
ne moze i ne sme da utice na pogorsanje, naprotiv, to
ce sigurno uticati na poboljsanje pozicije SPS-a kod
gradjana Srbije?. Na isto pitanje Ivica Dacic odgovara
da ?SPS ne zavisi od bilo kog pojedinca, jer je to
ozbiljna politicka partija koja nastavlja svoj rad i
delovanje, bez obzira na to ko je na slobodi a ko ne?,
a Zivorad Jovanovic da ?nema govora o slabljenju
SPS-a, bez obzira na sve teske uslove, pritiske i
planove da se ona pocepa?.
Ucesnici mitinga su, po njegovom okoncanju,
organizovali protestnu setnju do republickog i
saveznog parlamenta kako bi predali svoje zahteve. SPS
od republicke i savezne vlade zahteva da Milosevicu
pruze svu neohodnu pomoc tokom predstojeceg sudjenja,
zatim pokretanje sudskog postupka protiv osoba koje su
odgovorne za izrucenje Milosevica. Ukoliko se zahtevi
ne ispostuju, socijalisti su rekli da ce pozvati narod
na gradjansku neposlusnost.


U beogradu je u 14:30 zavrsen miting "SLOBODA ZA
Sa zakasnjenjem od pola casa, u 12:30 poceo je miting
Necu da dajem nikakve procene, ali Trg Republike je bio pun "ko oko"
(treba imati u vidu da baste INEX-a i "Konja" ne rade, nema stolova, pa
je cela povrsina trga, od "Mazestika" do Doma Armije, odnosno od
Narodnog Muzeja do Kolarceve ulice bila potpuno popunjena. Najveci
Broj govornika su bili "neki novi klinci" SPS-a, a od poznatijih
licnosti tu su bili Mirko Marjanovic, Zoran Andzelkovic i naravno
predstavnik krema beogradske inteligencije Dragos Kalajic. U veoma
nadahnutom govoru, u preopoznatljivom stilu, Kalajic je izneo svoje
poznato vidjenje NSP-a beogradske vladajuce koalicije i prezentovao
svoje vidjenje resenja problema. Na kraju je postavio zahtev da SPS SRS
i sve ostale patriotske snage stupe u koaliciju za spas srbije i
obecaju javno da ce svi protivustavni i protivnarodni zakoni koje je
usvojio DOS biti ponisteni, kao i ugovori o prodaji srpske privrede. Na
kraju mitinga Mirko Marjanovic je svecano dao obecanje u tom smislu i
pozvao okupljene gradjane da aklamacijom usvoje peticiju koju ce potom
predati Skupstini.
U peticiji se trazi da drzava da garancije da se Milosevic brani sa
slobode i da istovremeno zahteva od Ujedinjenih Nacija da se ukine
haski tribunal kao politicki sud. Po usvajanju peticije, okupljeni
gradjani su krenuli u setnju prema Skupstini. Procitani su i
pozdravni telegrami Ruske Dume, Remzi Klarka, Dzareda izraela...
Svi mediji su javili da je mitningu prisustvovalo "par hiljada" do "pet
hiljada" gradjana - ovde neko misli da smo mi ludi, izgleda? U prilogu
nekoliko fotografija s mitinga. Javljeno je i da je zbog "lancanog
sudara na niskom putu" 15-tak autobusa zakasnilo na miting.
Djordje Blagojevic

>From : http://www.japantoday.com/


Sunday, February 10, 2002 at 18:00 JST
BELGRADE - Thousands of Serbs, many waving the red, blue and white
national flag and pictures of their former president, rallied on
Saturday in support of Slobodan Milosevic three days before the start
of his war crimes trial.
Carrying placards with slogans such as "Long Live Our Slobo" and "We
Love You Slobo," the protesters gathered in Belgrade's central
Republic Square, the scene of many anti-government demonstrations
during Milosevic's years in power.
The rally, organized by Milosevic's Socialist Party of Serbia, showed
the ex-president of both Serbia and Yugoslavia still has a hard core
of supporters (...)
The number of protesters peaked at around 20,000 on a march from the
square to the Yugoslav parliament, the focal point of the mass
uprising which ousted Milosevic in October 2000.
Milosevic goes on trial at the U.N. war crimes tribunal in The Hague
on Tuesday, accused of crimes against humanity for Serb atrocities
committed in the wars in Kosovo and Croatia and facing a charge of
genocide over the 1992-95 Bosnian war.
"It is clear that this so-called trial in the so-called court in The
Hague is a trial of the entire Serbian people and the entire state,"
Ivica Dacic, a Socialist party leader, said.
"This is not about an individual, or a party, but about the entire
Serbian people," he told the crowd.
U.N. war crimes prosecutor Carla del Ponte insists the opposite.
"This trial is not about revenge and is also not about collective
responsibility," she told a German newspaper in an interview released
ahead of publication on Sunday.
"It's about Milosevic's personal responsibility in crimes which he is
accused of carrying out or ordering in Croatia, Bosnia Herzegovina
and in Kosovo," she told Welt am Sonntag.
Speakers at the rally denounced the war crimes tribunal as a tool of
U.S. imperialism set up to punish Washington's enemies.
Through a booming sound system, organizers played a recording of a
speech Milosevic made to the tribunal two weeks ago in which he
called for his release.
The rally was entitled "Free Serbia, Free Slobodan," - a play on
words as Milosevic's first name means "free" in Serbian.
Protesters handed in a demand to parliament for Milosevic's release
and asked the Belgrade authorities for help with their campaign. That
is highly unlikely from the pro-Western reformers who ousted him and
handed him over to the tribunal last June.
Demonstrators insisted Serbs had acted in self-defense in the Balkan
wars of the past decade.
"Those who start wars should be tried in The Hague, not those who
defended themselves," Mica Miketic, 66, said.
"It's well-known who causes wars - the United States, and now they're
helped by the British and the French."
(Compiled from wire reports)


+++ Freilassung von Milosevic gefordert +++

BELGRAD, 9. Februar 2002. Mehr als 10.000 Menschen haben am Samstag in
der jugoslawischen Hauptstadt Belgrad für die Freilassung des ehemaligen
Präsidenten Slobodan Milosevic demonstriert. Ehemalige
Regierungsmitglieder hielten Reden, in denen sie das
UN-Kriegsverbrechertribunal in Den Haag als Handlanger
des Westens verurteilten. Die Hauptverhandlung des Tribunals gegen
ehemaligen jugoslawischen Präsidenten beginnt am Dienstag.
Der ehemalige serbische Ministerpräsident und Vizepräsident
von Milosevics Sozialistischer Partei, Mirko Marjanovic, lobte
den früheren Präsidenten als einen wahren Helden. Er versicherte,
die Sozialisten würden bei den nächsten Wahlen siegen und wieder
an die Macht kommen.




> http://www.ansa.it/balcani/jugoslavia/20020209140432131089.html


> http://www.ansa.it/balcani/jugoslavia/20020211174332132359.html

(ANSA) - BELGRADO, 11 FEB - 'Sloboda za Slobodana', ossia liberta'
per Slobo: con questo gioco di parole (Slobodan in serbo
significa appunto libero) i nostalgici di Milosevic hanno annunciato
l'apertura domani a Belgrado, in concomitanza con l'avvio all'Aja
del processo a carico dell'ex presidente jugoslavo, di un centro
stampa di informazioni sul 'processo parallelo' organizzato a Parigi
in difesa del loro eroe. Al comitato pro-Milosevic si e' unito fra
gli altri l'avvocato francese Jacques Verges gia' difensore del
criminale nazista Klaus Barbie e del terrorista internazionale Carlos.
Il Partito socialista serbo (Sps), che e' fra gli ispiratori del
movimento, ha detto all'agenzia Tanjug che una petizione contenente
le firme di 100.000 cittadini per la liberazione immediata di
Slobo sara' inviata presto all'Onu e ''al cosiddetto Tribunale penale
internazionale'' dell'Aja. La raccolta di firme era iniziata sabato
durante una manifestazione a Belgrado nella quale, al posto degli
attesi 100.000 sostenitori di Milosevic, si erano radunati poco piu'
di 5.000 cittadini, in maggioranza anziani. Le udienze dell'Aja
vengono seguite a rotazione da un membro del Sps, dopo che la corte
ha rifiutato di ammettere in blocco una delegazione del partito,
concedendo solo un posto in sala. (ANSA). OT
11/02/2002 17:43


AFP. 8 February 2002. Milosevic's lawyers to file complaint against UN

AMSTERDAM -- Slobodan Milosevic's legal advisors will file a complaint
in a Dutch court next week alleging that the UN war crimes tribunal has
hampered their efforts to defend the former Yugoslav president, a Dutch
lawyer said Friday.

Nico Steijnen said they would file a complaint for "arbitrary behaviour
against lawyers and legal advisors" to The Hague district court on
Tuesday just as Milosevic's war crimes trial is due to start.

"There is no free and unmonitored access to Milosevic, it depends on the
mood of the tribunal if you get any access at all," Steijnen told

Steijnen added that he and Christopher Black, a Canadian lawyer and
leading member of the International Committee to Defend Slobodan
Milosevic, were barred from visiting Milosevic in his cell in The Hague.

"The tribunal has outmanoeuvred all legal advisers, Milosevic is
stripped from all legal advise," said the Dutch lawyer.

Steijnen said that the complaint was to compel a Dutch judge to "bring
all the parties to the table to find a solution for the deadlock".

Black, also at the press conference, said he was banned from seeing the
former Serb leader after he talked to the press about his conversations
with Milosevic.

"The tribunal is clearly afraid of Milosevic, of what he could say," he

The tribunal wants to use Milosevic as a "whipping boy" and "leave him
dangling for propaganda purposes," said Black.

The lawyer added that the prosecution would have a tough time proving
the former president's command responsibility in the wars in Croatia,
Bosnia and Kosovo.

"No one ever thought of charging (former US president) Richard Nixon for
command responsibility for the actions of his men in Vietnam," said

AFP. 8 February 2002. French lawyer to set up truth commission for

THE HAGUE -- French lawyer Jacques Verges, who is helping mount a
defense for Slobodan Milosevic, said Friday that he plans to set up a
truth commission for Yugoslavia to help clear the former Yugoslav
president of war crimes charges.

The commission to be based in Paris would hear witnesses and collect
documents to show that the accusations against Milosevic "are simply
delusions, or made in bad faith," Verges told AFP.

Verges said he would announce the composition of the commission on
Tuesday when the Milosevic trial is due to start, adding that several
"eminent professors" have agreed to take part.

Verges is vice-president of the International Committee to Defend
Slobodan Milosevic, a group comprised of about two dozen lawyers.

He is representing Milosevic in a suit before the European Court of
Human Rights in which he challenges his transfer by Serbia from Belgrade
to The Hague in June.

Meanwhile, Dragoslav Ognjanovic said Milosevic "is doing very well
considering the context and all the dirt that is being published about
him and the psychological war being waged against him in Yugoslavia and
by the international community..

He said Milosevic was receiving between 1,000 and 2,000 letters per week
from around the world, and that "99.9 percent" of them were supportive.

"His trial will be that of the Serb people, and of a man who has been
legally elected on three occasions by his people," said Ognjanovic.

"He once said to me during a visit to him in prison, 'they can lock me
up, they can convict me, but they can never break my spirit and suppress
the truth'," said the lawyer.


BELGRADE (Reuters) - Alors que le procès de Slobodan
Milosevic devant le Tribunal pénal international pour
l'ex-Yougoslavie (TPIY) doit commencer le 12 février
prochain, les partisans de l'ancien président
yougoslave ont révélé comment ils comptaient assurer
sa défense, tout en contestant la légitimité du TPIY.
D'après l'un des avocats de Milosevic, des fonds sont
actuellement collectés pour permettre l'organisation,
à Paris, d'un procès "parallèle" qui se tiendrait
devant "un jury composé de figures publiques connues
et respectées" et concurrencerait le procès "officiel"
devant le TPIY à La Haye (Pays-Bas).
Par cette manoeuvre, les défenseurs de l'ancien
président yougoslave veulent prouver que le TPIY ne
respecte pas les règles du droit international et que
la juridiction de La Haye exerce une justice de
Les partisans de Slobodan Milosevic souhaitent mettre
sur pied dans la capitale française un tribunal fondé
sur les règles devant présider à la création de la
Cour pénale internationale permanente des
De son côté, Slobodan Milosevic veut appeler à
témoigner à La Haye plusieurs grands dirigeants
occidentaux qui exerçaient des responsabilités lors
des différentes guerres qui ont déchiré
l'ex-Yougoslavie dans les années 1990.
L'ancien président américain Bill Clinton, le premier
ministre britannique Tony Blair, mais aussi Jacques
Chirac et Hubert Védrine, le ministre français des
Affaires étrangères, ont été cités comme témoins
souhaitables par Zdenko Tomanovic, l'un des avocats
belgradois de Milosevic.
Cet avocat a ajouté que l'ancien président yougoslave
userait du droit qui lui est fait de s'exprimer après
le réquisitoire du procureur du TPIY.
Au cours de cette prise de parole -qui pourrait durer
une journée entière-, Slobodan Milosevic souhaite
exposer les causes des événements qu'ont subis les
Balkans pendant la dernière décennie, avec le concours
de quelques grands témoins et de tous les fichiers de
renseignement que l'armée et la police yougoslaves
pourront fournir.
Slobodan Milosevic, qui est accusé de génocide lors de
la guerre en Bosnie et de crimes contre l'humanité en
Croatie et au Kosovo, n'a jamais reconnu la légitimité
du TPIY et a jusqu'ici refusé d'organiser sa défense.


AFP. 11 February 2002. Milosevic backers to offer "exclusive" evidence
during trial.

BELGRADE -- A committee for the liberation of Slobodan Milosevic said
Monday it would offer "exclusive" information and evidence during the
trial of the former Yugoslav president due to start Monday before the UN
war crimes tribunal.

"For every evidence presented by the prosecutor Carla Del Ponte, we will
show counter-evidence," said the committee's Dragana Kuzmanovic.

Kuzmanovic told reporters the committee which groups a number of
Milosevic's political allies would open a press center where its
activists would offer "exclusive documents, like audio and video tapes
which will not be available to media following the trial."

The center would be set up so Milosevic's trial before the International
Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) in The Hague will not
become the "lie of the century" and NATO will not "be excused for its
crimes in Yugoslavia" during its 1999 bombing campaign.

The committee, founded last year by a group of left-leaning
international and Yugoslav intellectuals would also "reveal" the
identity of protected witnesses which the prosecution would call to
testify against Milosevic, she said.

"A day before they testify, we will reveal identities of protected
witnesses and offer data on these people," said Milan Vidojevic, who is
to head the press center.

He added that, among the witnesses, there would be "several people who
are on Interpol warrants -- drug dealers, those involved in human
trafficking, mercenaries from the wars in Bosnia and Croatia who have
now become credible witnesses for Carla Del Ponte."

Meanwhile, Tanjug news agency reported that an official of Milosevic's
Socialist party (SPS), due to attend the start of the trial on Tuesday,
did not get a visa for the Netherlands.

The SPS has asked for a five-member delegation to attend the trial, but
they were allowed to have only one representative, the party sources