International Committee to Defend Slobodan Milosevic

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Yugoslav Army On Defiant Arrest of US Diplomat and
Serb Official:
With Comments by Jared Israel & Relevant Documents
[Posted 19 march 2002]

Last Thursday night Yugoslav Army counter-intelligence
swooped down and arrested Assistant Serbian Prime
Minister Momcilo Perisic and US Diplomat John David
Neighbor. The Army charged that Perisic had been
caught in flagrante delicto handing over Yugoslav
state military secrets.

This stunning action was met with fury by the US State
Department and top Serbian officials. (Yugoslav
President Kostunica responded in his usual two-faced
fashion, first criticizing and then seemingly
defending the Army action, which enjoys overwhelming
public support in Yugoslavia.)

In another article, we shall examine the pious claims
made by US and Serbian officials, that the Army
violated Serbian or International law in the arrests.
We will show that these charges are false and

Below is the official Yugoslav Army statement,
reprinted from their Website.

There is now overwhelming evidence that the Serbian
government is being run out of the US Embassy in
Belgrade. This is documented in two brief news
articles, posted after the YA statement.

As United States officials increasingly assert their
right to dictate to other countries, many people
around the world feared that resistance had been
crushed in Yugoslavia. They were therefore thrilled to
see the Yugoslav Army acting like, well, the Yugoslav
Army, that is, standing up to bullies and thereby
showing us all how to deal with this new Empire that
threatens ordinary people everywhere, including in the
USA - this New World Order.

Below is the Yugoslav Army statement, followed by most
interesting supporting evidence.

-- Jared Israel

YA [Yugoslav Army] General Staff Information Service
Public Announcement

March 18th 2002

In compliance with the Law on criminal charges and the
YA security service regulations, the YA security
service and military police units arrested Momcilo
Perisic March 14th on grounded suspicion of committing
a criminal act of espionage, which provoked various
reactions in the local and international public.
Following the event, the YA General Staff Information
Service issued a statement March 16th pointing to the
following facts:

"By monitoring a person and his security-related
activity regarding the leaking of secret information,
the YA security service established that the person
was keeping contact with Momcilo Perisic. There are
irrefutable proof[s] that the person is Lieutenant
Colonel Miodrag Sekulic, who illegally gave away
highly confidential documents significant to the
defense of the country to Momcilo Perisic. According
to the procured evidence, Perisic handed over some of
the documents to a foreign citizen. During one of such
actions, March 14th at 7.35 p.m., the YA security
service thwarted the illegal activity.

The YA security service procured evidence which
confirmed grounded suspicion that the committed act
was the act of espionage described in the Yugoslav
Criminal Law Paragraph 1, Article 128. In compliance
with the Supreme Court decision, some of the evidence
could be presented in public.

It is a constitutional and legal duty of every
citizen, institution and department in charge to,
among other things, take measures against leaking of
state, military or other secret information.

The YA security service and military police units are
acting at all times, including this one, in compliance
with the Law on criminal charges and the YA security
service regulations.

All legally defined conditions for Momcilo Perisic,
temporary in custody, to be arrested and placed in a
military pretrial confinement have been provided for,
because he was caught perpetrating a criminal act,
which is punishable by more than five years in prison,
according to the Law, regardless of any existing

Further proceedings are under the exclusive
jurisdiction of military judicial organs under the
authority of the Yugoslav Defense Ministry, as a
competent Federal Government agency."

Reprinted from Yugoslav Army website at www.vj.yu



(1) Regarding the charge that the Serbian government
is being run out of the US Embassy in Belgrade,
consider the following two texts.

Text Number One - Supposed Transcript of Conversation
Between Serbian Prime Minister Zoran Djinjic and
Yugoslav President Vojislav Kostunica. Depicts US
Ambassador Montgomery as guiding their actions.

This conversation supposedly took place just before
former Yugoslav president Slobodan Milosevic was
abducted and taken to The Hague 'tribunal.'

It is important to note that this text was leaked to
the press by Djindjic to prove that, contrary to
statements by Mr. Kostunica, the two men had acted
together in planning the kidnapping of former
President Milosevic.

Whether the document is valid, by floating it Djindjic
has confirmed that the US is basically running "his"

Alleged Transcript of Conversation Between Djindjic
and Kostunica Just Prior to Milosevic's Kidnapping

The following, from a Belgrade newspaper, June 30,
2001, appears as a separate text at

18:16 NEDELJNI TELEGRAF - the Exclusive Discussion
between President Kostunica and PM Djindjic on
Extradition of Milosevic

The NEDELJNI TELEGRAF Belgrade weekly in its special
number dealing with extradition of Slobodan Milosevic
to The Hague Tribunal, publishes a number of exclusive
pictures and the transcript of the phone discussion
about extradition between Yugoslav President Vojislav
Kostunica and Serb PM Zoran Djindjic before the
departure of the latter to talks with William
Montgomery, the U.S. Ambassador to Yugoslavia.


PM Djindjic: "What shall I say to Montgomery?"

President Kostunica remains silent...

PM Djindjic: "Very well then, in this case I will
resign, and you rule alone!"

President Kostunica: "Come on, don't rush, we need no

PM Djindjic: "All right, but what shall I say? Yes or

President Kostunica (after a pause): "Yes."



Along similar lines, consider the BBC report of US
Ambassador to Yugoslavia Montgomery's reaction to the
arrests by the Yugoslav Army.

These arrests involve two most basic attributes of
national sovereignty. First any sovereign state has
the right to protect state secrets. Second, any
sovereign state must have the right to indict citizens
accused of treason without judicial instructions from
the foreign state allegedly involved in that treason.

As you may recall, Austria launched World War I after
Serbia refused to carry out Austrian demands regarding
the Serbian judiciary. The Serbian government
correctly viewed this as an illegal attempt to take
control of fundamental sovereign functions.

But Montgomery, who represents the country accused of
organizing this current espionage, not only dictates
how Yugoslavia should deal with Mr. Perisic, the
Serbian official charged, but also demands that Serbia
arrest those behind the Yugoslav Army action and
indeed that "all (!) those responsible for the Army]
arrest be punished as a matter of urgency."

Note the word, "punished."

Montgomery asserts his right to dictate not only
arrests, not only conviction, but also punishment!

This raises the question, should Montgomery be called
an "Ambassador?" Perhaps an ancient word better
describes his job in Yugoslavia. Definition:


pro·con·sul (pro-kòn¹sel) noun
1. A provincial governor of consular rank in the Roman
Republic and Roman Empire.

2. A high administrator in one of the modern colonial

-- American Heritage(r) Dictionary of the English
Language, Third Edition (c) 1996 by Houghton Mifflin

Here is the BBC dispatch.


BBC Monitoring Europe - Political
Supplied by BBC Worldwide Monitoring
March 16, 2002, Saturday

Questioning of Serbian deputy premier accused of
espionage completed

SOURCE: Radio B92, Belgrade, in Serbo-Croat 1000 gmt
16 Mar 02

Text of report by Belgrade-based Radio B92 on 16 March

B92 has learnt from unofficial sources that the
questioning of Serbian Deputy Prime Minister Momcilo
Perisic was completed this morning. It is expected
that he will be released by the military court
sometime in the early afternoon.

We have also learnt that US Ambassador to Yugoslavia
William Montgomery met Yugoslav Foreign Ministry
officials again today and reiterated his strong
protest against the arrest of a US diplomat and of
Momcilo Perisic, and requested that all those
responsible for the arrest be punished as a matter of

March 16, 2002

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