1. L'Europa si lamenta con gli USA per l'appoggio sfacciato al
terrorismo UCK
2. Dopo 50 anni di vita e progresso in comune, grazie alla politica
della NATO si fa strada l'apartheid "etnico" nelle scuole macedoni (in


European Intelligence: The US Betrayed Us In Macedonia

by Christopher Deliso in Skopje
June 22, 2002

SKOPJE - The US government was accused today of subsidizing and
training Albanian paramilitaries in Macedonia, in a secret European
report leaked to Dutch National Radio.

The furor over a clandestine connection - frequently alleged, but
never proven - further worsens transatlantic relations that have
already been strained by an ongoing trade war. The Dutch report
comes at a particularly sensitive time for President Bush, who is
currently seeking to solidify international support for a wider war
on terror. The US Embassy in Skopje was not aware of the charges by
late Friday evening, and could not yet make an official statement.

Because specific details were not permitted to be leaked, the report
was filtered through the Klingerdaar Institute (a respected Dutch
military analysis firm). Klingerdaar in turn gave the salient
information to Dutch Radio, which also interviewed several individuals
who had been involved in Macedonia. The investigation centered on
several controversial episodes, including the battle of Arachinovo
(26 June 2001), and the "Essential Harvest" weapons collection mission
in September.

Even before this new report, American involvement had long been
suspected at the three-day battle in Aracinovo, a heavily Albanian
town northeast of Skopje. As the battle progressed, the Macedonians
claimed to be on the verge of eliminating NLA forces. Yet suddenly
they were given the order to pull back, and NATO buses rolled in to
escort the heavily-armed Albanians out. At the time, NATO claimed
that this intervention was vital, because the Albanians were coming
dangerously close to victory, and mediation was needed.

The story from many witnesses, however, was very different. German
newspaper Hamburger Abendblatt reported that 17 American military
advisors from MPRI (the Virginia-based private military company)
were also evacuated with the Albanians. This, Macedonians declared,
was the real reason for NATO's intercession. But while MPRI had an
official contract as Macedonian Army advisors, suggestions of a
similar presence with the Albanians were vigorously denied.

The Dutch report confirms the link, however, and quotes the German
reporter who filed the original story. Apparently one of the MPRI
men had been captured by the Macedonians. He panicked, and, waving
his US passport, shouted "diplomatic immunity!" Through heavy US
intercession, the man was freed and evacuated together with his
comrades and the NLA fighters. European sources identified this
particular individual as having been active in training Bosnian
fighters in the 1990's.

According to the Dutch report, there are still many unanswered
questions about Operation "Essential Harvest." At the time, NATO
decided that collecting approximately 3,500 weapons would sufficiently
disarm the Albanians. Yet after the collections began, Macedonians
charged the NLA with giving up only their oldest and least useable
guns. Museum curators in Skopje sarcastically asked that the
Albanians' WWII-era pistols be donated to their collection.

The Europeans claim that NATO was well aware that antiquated
guns were being surrendered - and further, that not even four
percent of these weapons could be fired.

More damning still is testimony from Macedonian intelligence
services, who claim that NATO merely exchanged the Albanians'
old weapons for new ones. This story comes independently of
the Dutch report, from one individual who secretly watched
"Essential Harvest" through binoculars from a nearby

During the war, the Dutch report also states, constant telephone
connection was maintained between Albanian rebels and high-level
American officials. Some of these conversations were taped by
European intelligence. At some point the Americans became aware
that they were being tapped, and discontinued direct phone contact.
At this point, the Europeans claim, America purchased computers
with phone technology for the NLA. Thus communications were restored.

This stunning report comes at a time when Holland is taking over
NATO's Macedonia command from the Germans. Some analysts are viewing
the denunciation of the US involvement as a direct invitation to
the Hague for American leaders - just as the US has been reiterating
its opposition to a world court.

Last year's war in Macedonia was started by the self-declared National
Liberation Army (NLA), an Albanian militant group originally denounced
by NATO spokesman George Robertson as "murderous thugs." As the war
proceeded, however, the "terrorists" were legitimized into "freedom
fighters." Heavy Western pressure forced a restrained response from
the Macedonian army. As a result, the war was dragged out, and the
Macedonian government was forced to negotiate with the NLA and its
chief, Ali Ahmeti.

Despite winning new rights across the board, such as an amnesty for
NLA members, use of Albanian language and devolved local government,
Albanian kidnappings, shootings and bombings have continued after
the cease-fire. The heavy NATO and OSCE presence has been unable
or unwilling to solve many of these crimes. Although he remains on
George Bush's terrorist blacklist, Ali Ahmeti has started his own
political party, and is now becoming acknowledged as a political
player in Macedonia.


1.FONTE: Glas Javnosti
2.TITOLO: Non vogliono andare a scuola con i Macedoni
3.INDICE: Gli studenti albanesi delle Scuole superiori chiedono un
nuovo edificio.
6.DATA: 07/06/02.

Circa 1800 studenti di nazionalità albanese, della Scuola superiore di
Kumanovo, nel nord della Macedonia, hanno chiesto al Ministero della
Pubblica Istruzione di Skopje di procurare loro, dall'inizio del
prossimo anno scolastico, un nuovo edificio, in cui studiare lontano dai
Macedoni. Ieri, gli studenti albanesi hanno protestato a Kumanovo,
proponendo tre ubicazioni in città dove potrebbero studiare finchè non
avranno il loro edificio. I loro rappresentanti confermano che non
ritorneranno nel ginnasio "Goce Delcev", dove studiano anche gli
Un problema simile esiste anche a Skopje, nel ginnasio "Zef Ljus
Marku". A causa di scontri fisici fra gli studenti macedoni e quelli
albanesi, il Ministero della Pubblica Istruzione ha deciso di costruire
un nuovo edificio sulla riva sinistra del fiume Vardar, dove la maggior
parte della popolazione è albanese.
Secondo il censimento del 1994, a Kumanovo vivono circa 57.000
Macedoni, 23.500 Albanesi e 10.000 Serbi. A Skopje ci sono 325.000
Macedoni, 56.000 Albanesi e 16.300 Serbi.

(trad. a cura di Zivkica N.)