CAMPO ANTIMPERIALISTA - Assisi, 3-9 agosto 2002

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Telefono: 328.8188709
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ore 10,00 Forum Sessione plenaria

Processo al processo:
il tribunale dell'AIA e l'autodifesa di Milosevic

Tavola Rotonda con
Fulvio Grimaldi - Comitato Internaz. per la Difesa di S. Milosevic
Sergej Novikov - storico, membro del RKRP-RPK
Witold Fisher - ICDSM, ex ufficiale della Germania Est
Andrea Martochia - Coord. Nazionale per la Jugoslavia

ore 16,00 Gruppi di discussione

1. La nuova strategia NATO come alleanza offensiva e la politica russa
Introduce: Serguei Novikov
Partecipa: Rainer Rupp

2. I media e come strumento ausiliario della guerra permanente
Introduce: Fulvio Grimaldi
Partecipa: Withold Fisher

3. Afganistan: la vittoria di Pirro degli U.S.A.
Introduce: Moreno Pasquinelli
Partecipa: un compagno dall'Afghanistan

ore 21,30 Concerto musicale degli ALTROCANTO


The Anti-imperialist Camp 2002 - Assisi, Italy

Take the Hague Inquisition Tribunal to Court - F

For many years the forces constituting the Anti-imperialist
Camp have been on the first line in support of the Yugoslav
and Serb people in their resistance against the Western
aggression. By means of overwhelming military power the
imperialism eventually installed a puppet regime in Belgrade.
However, even the rulers of the empire are aware of Yugoslav?s a
and Serb?s historic record of anti-imperialist struggle.

By means of the inquisition tribunal in the Hague,
imperialism tries to justify its aggression against a
people which for ten long years challenged their hegemony.
In this purely political process the perpetrator, who by
the way is at the same time the judge, should be turned
into the victim while the victim is supposed to endorse
the dirty game. This victim is the resistance of the Yugoslav
and Serb people taken to court in person of Slobodan Milosevic
(despite his unpardonable political mistakes as their leader).
However, he has bravely proven to be able to be steadfast,
to uncover the Western amalgam and to defend the popular
resistance. All the democratic and anti-imperialist forces
have to strive to restore the historic legitimacy of the
resistance against NATO. It has been laying the ground for
the future liberation struggle which will emerge as soon as
the imperialist world order is in severe troubles.

Tuesday, August 6, 2002

10.00 Plenary Session:
Take the Tribunal to Court
The Hague Tribunal and Milosevic?s self defencce

- Fulvio Grimaldi, renown Italian journalist and member
of the International Committee for the Defense of Slobodan
Milosevic (ICDSM)
- Witold Fischer, historian, former officer of the GDR?s P
eople?s Army and member of the ICDSM
- Serguei Novikov, historian and member of the Central
Committee and the International Commission of the RKRP-RPK
(Communist Workers Party of Russia - Revolutionary Party
of Communists)
- Andrea Martochia, Italian Coordination for Yugoslavia

16.00 Workshops:

NATO?s new strategy to strike first and Russia?s answer

- Rainer Rupp, former high ranking NATO official, former
member of the intelligence service of the GDR, journalist
and member of the PDS (Party of Democratic Socialism), Germany
- Serguei Novikov, CC of RKRP-RKP, Russia

Media as the ?forth arm? (Jamie Shea) ) of permanent war

- Fulvio Grimaldi
- Witold Fischer


Actualised programme of the Anti-imperialist Camp:

Cultural programme of the Anti-imperialist Camp now available:

Call for the Anti-imperialist Camp 2002:

List of supporters:

To be added to the list of supporters and for further information please

Antiimperialist Camp
PF 23, A-1040 Vienna, Austria